"Hosanna to the King!"


Matthew 21:1-17


Well, good morning. Isn't it great to know that we can take it to the Lord in prayer?
Appreciate Kelly bliss helping out this morning on the piano and Looking forward to good service together with you today.
I came in the church building this morning fully expecting to see nobody but my wife and Kelly and Turned on the lights in the back the auditorium and I just saw about 65 the backs of 65 heads.
Well, they're paper heads anyway So if you if you have Facebook you can go on the church
Facebook Site and you can see the congregation that I get to preach to this morning.
I wish I could take the camera and pan the Auditorium But I can't do that.
It's pretty much stationary halfway back. So anyway, thank you for joining us this morning and I trust that Today's service will be a blessing to you a couple of announcements to share
Before we get into the service itself again through this month of the stay -at -home order we'll be doing the
Facebook live session every day at noon and Thinking about Expanding that to be able to use it on the website
But if I do that, I have to do that right in here in the auditorium So I'm still thinking about that.
But anyway, if you can catch that on Facebook at noon Every day Monday through Friday now this week on Thursday night.
We'll be having a Maundy Thursday service So there won't be a Wednesday evening Service, but there will be a service at 7 o 'clock this
Thursday for a Maundy Thursday service And what I'd like to do in that service is include the
Lord's Supper for us as a congregation now that That may be seem really odd and strange and it definitely will be
You know, the Bible says when we come together, let's do this and fellowship around the
Lord's table Remember his death until he comes and so forth and we read those instructions in 1st
Corinthians and we cannot come together physically But we can come together in Virtually and we can do that and share the elements all together at the same time in a very unique way
So I've ordered and we've received a bunch of little cups look like this
I know you can't really see it see it. But this this little cup is fully sealed and sanitized and everything else but on the top
There's a seal you remove that seal and it has the bread and then there's a second seal and you remove that and the juice the the juices is available, so What we can do for that Thursday night
Communion the Lord's table service is Get those cups to you
We can distribute them to your homes and we can do this in a way that will honor the six -foot rule if you will
You let me know how many of those you would like for your family. And of course
This is for baptized believers only understand that but you let me know how many you need you can send by Facebook or text text message you can call that number in send me an email with your your family name and number and Then we'll distribute those to you sometime on Thursday And then
Thursday night at the appropriate time and the here's the caveat here's the condition Everybody is to do this at the same time.
We do it together as a congregation so I would lead in that at a particular time in that Maundy Thursday service and Then we can we can enjoy the
Lord's table together So that's that's Thursday evening
Also on Thursday when when we come and drop those Those supplies off or the
Lord's table. I also would plan to bring a Resurrection Sunday booklet given those out the last few years to just something to meditate on on Easter Sunday Resurrection Sunday And I think that would be a blessing to you as well
Begin our worship service this morning you You realize our focus our attention the last several weeks has been on the corona virus
Do you know what corona means? It struck me this morning. We've been talking about that and thinking about the corona virus for the last
Couple of months and really intensely for the last few weeks been on our mind It's been the focus of our attention the word corona means crown
It's like this kovat 19 is the crown virus Well, let's take the crown off the virus and put it where it belongs today.
This is Palm Sunday It's a day of recognizing that Jesus is the king and to him belongs that crown
So as we begin our service this morning psalm 47 verses 6 and 7
Encourage us sing praises to God sing praises sing praises to our king Sing praises for God is the king of all the earth
Sing praises with the psalm So I'd like to start this morning with the hymn all glory
Laud and honor all glory laud and honor to thee
Redeemer King To whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring
Thou art the king of Israel thou David's royal son Who in the
Lord's name comest the king and blessed one? The company of angels are praising thee on high and mortal men and all things created make reply the people of the
Hebrews with palms before thee went Our praise and prayer and anthems before thee we present
To thee before thy passion. They sang their hymns of praise to thee now high exalted our
Melody we raise Thou didst accept their praises Accept the prayers we bring who in all good delightest thou good and gracious King Our father and our
God we're so grateful today that you are The king the
Lord Jesus Christ the king of kings and Lord of lords You are the king of all the earth
You are the God of all creation And though while there are plenty of would -be kings and rulers of the world
We come before you today and bow before you The king of all the earth and we pray that on this
Lord's Day our attention would be focused on Our king our great king and high priest our
Lord Jesus Christ To him be all the glory praise and honor. We pray in Jesus name
Amen on that triumphal entry the crowd sang out loud
Hosannas and when they did they were quoting from Psalm 118. I'd like to read a portion of that Psalm this morning
It's Psalm 118 verses 14 through 29 the psalmist writes
The Lord is my strength and my song he has become my salvation
Glad songs of salvation are in the tents of the righteous The right hand of the
Lord does valiantly the right hand of the Lord exalts the right hand of the
Lord does valiantly I Shall not die, but I shall live and recount the deeds of the
Lord The Lord has disciplined me severely, but he has not given me over to death
Open to me the gates of righteousness that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord This is the gate of the
Lord. The righteous shall enter through it. I Thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation
The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone This is the
Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it
Save us we pray. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. We pray give us success Blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord The Lord is
God and he has made his light to shine upon us Bind the festal sacrifice with cords up to the horns of the altar
You are my God and I will give thanks to you. You are my God. I will extol you
Oh Give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his steadfast love endures
Next I'd like to share the hymn hark the glad sound the
Savior comes may not be that familiar to you But enjoy the text as Kelly plays in the background hark the glad sound the
Savior comes the Savior Hark the glad sound the
Savior comes the Savior promised long Let every heart prepare a throne and every voice a song
He comes the prisoners to release in Satan's bondage held The gates of brass before him burst the iron fetters yield
He comes the broken heart to bind the bleeding soul to cure and With the treasures of his grace to enrich the humble poor our glad Hosannas Prince of Peace thy welcome shall proclaim and Heaven's eternal arches ring with thy beloved name
Well as we pray together this morning some prayer requests to share with you our missionary this week are as the back
Rick's serving in the Philippines and as we've been mentioning for the last few weeks our missionaries all of our missionaries are under the same kind of Restrictions and limitations as we are.
It doesn't matter where they are in the world. It seems this is a Interestingly global Event that is being handled pretty consistently
Around the world so pray for the back Rick's while they're in a limited ministry
Pray that they would be able to accomplish much During this shelter -in -place order.
They have many projects that they want to be able to get done While they don't have all of the other
Responsibilities on their plate at this time. So I want to pray for them And then we also want to pray for the
Carl family. You remember that Remember that family as they gather together tomorrow for a private graveside service
Reflecting upon the the death of George this past week. I thank the Lord for giving safe travels to that family
To many of the family coming from a distance away so pray for them tomorrow as they gather the
Lord would give comfort encouragement to their hearts and then Some have to travel back a great distance as well and pray that they have a journeying mercies that they as they go
Then also send out to the church family this morning a prayer request for I'll just give the initials
J H who? Is suspect suspected has the kovat 19
Virus has some of the symptoms many of the symptoms Has ruled out the flu and is awaiting the results of the kovat 19 test
So pray for him pray for God to give grace to him and his in his living situation there are many people who live around him and in close proximity, so if he does have that Kovat 19 virus spray that it does not spread to others in the home
And then we want to pray for our community. You surely have seen the news or heard the news
This past week one local business in Dixon has closed For at least the duration of this virus time halo
Largest one of the largest employees employers in the community has had to cut back on their employees.
Let some go Some furloughed some reduced hours and some in our congregation work there and have had that kind of reduction
So we want to pray for pray for them and pray for the the survival of the businesses of our community especially small all the businesses, but think especially these small businesses who really need ongoing support
So let's look to the Lord in prayer. Shall we again our father
We are grateful that this is a day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it
There's all kinds of things that could occupy our minds and cause us to be discouraged and distressed to be perplexed confused fearful fraught with anxiety
But this is the day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it
We can again we can rejoice because The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone and our
Lord Jesus is The ruler even over all things in this day.
We thank you for that Confidence that we can have today Father we do praise you that you are our
God you are our father and you have called upon us you bid us to come to you as Father and So our father so we come and we pray today that your kingdom would come
That your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven and may your name be hallowed
May it be evident and clear that you are at work in this troubled troubled world
We come to you confessing our sins to you father. We confess to you that We are so prone to Wander in our thoughts away from you.
We are prone to be filled with anxiety and fear uncertainty the confusion that surrounds us these days the
The the conflict within our own government and between governments of this world
Is is distressing and all of these things can cause us to be anything but confident and trustful and Dependent upon you our
God we confess that tendency to turn from you and to turn ourselves our thoughts inward and To be filled with fear and anxiety
Forgive us of this forgive us our lack of faith father we have
Many have certainly expressed our distress in untoward ways we have
We have been unkind to others around us. We have been selfish in our thoughts and in our actions
Forgive us our selfishness So father we come praying that you would forgive us and cleanse us from our unrighteousness
And we pray that confidently that you will do so because so have you promised We pray today for people in need we think of our missionary families and the the struggles that they are facing through The limitations placed upon them and through the uncertainty of the future for them as well we pray that for the
Baccarat's today and through this week just give them grace and Wisdom in the use of their time and grant them good success in all that they plan and intend to do
Father we pray for the Carl family that you would give comfort to their hearts and the loss of George and thank you that he is with you and he is free from this troubled world right now and What rejoicing that is for him and even for those in his family who who can see exactly what he is spared from?
enduring and dealing with Nevertheless, they sorrow And I pray that you would give comfort to their sorrowing hearts we pray father for Jh, we pray that you would heal his body that if he does have this virus it would clear up quickly
Pray that you'd protect those around him we pray father for people in our congregation and in our community affected by The job losses and the cuts in pay and father we pray that you would provide and supply the needs
Thank you that you have promised to meet the needs of your children and none of those in need are
Unnoticed by you. I pray for these companies and businesses in our community that They would survive and ultimately thrive once again
We pray father that you would protect our bodies from illness and you would protect our hearts from restlessness and anxiety and You would protect our minds from being filled with fretful speculation and a wasteful obsession that just constantly is mulling over the the challenges and the uncertainties of this day we pray for those in authority over us lawmakers and political leaders father our hearts are grieved when we
See the conflict there and we pray that you would that you would so work powerfully
To defeat those who would try to defeat those who are doing good
Give wisdom to those in risk and responsibility over us Again, father, we pray the truth would triumph
We pray that righteousness would reign We pray that justice would prevail
We pray that your kingdom would come that your will would be done and this we ask in Jesus name
Amen Before we look at the scriptures together this morning.
One other Triumphal entry hymn is the song right on right on in majesty
Right on right on in majesty. Hark all the tribes
Hosanna cry Oh Savior meek pursue thy road with palms and scattered garments strode
Right on right on in majesty and lowly pomp right on to die.
Oh Christ thy triumphs now begin or captive death and conquered sin
Right on right on in majesty The angel squadrons of the sky look down with sad and wondering eyes to see the approaching
Sacrifice right on right on in majesty.
Thy last and fiercest strife is nigh the father on his sapphire throne expects his own anointed son
Right on right on in majesty in lowly pomp right on to die
Bow thy meek head to mortal pain Then take Oh God thy power and reign
The message this morning is on the
Palm Sunday text the triumphal entry, it's Matthew 21 I want to read verses 1 through 17
If you have a copy of Scripture before you Follow along as I read Matthew 21 verse 1 says now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage to the
Mount of Olives Then Jesus sent two disciples Saying to them go into the village in front of you and immediately you will find a donkey tied and a colt with her
Untie them and bring them to me If anyone says anything to you, you shall say the
Lord needs them and he will send them at once This took place to fulfill was spoken by the prophets saying
Say to the daughter of Zion Behold, your king is coming to you humble and mounted on a donkey on a colt the full of a beast of burden
The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks and he sat on them
Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road
And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting Hosanna to the
Son of David Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest
When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up saying who is this?
The crowd said this is the Prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money
Changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons He said to them it is written.
My house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of robbers and The blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them
But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did and the children crying out in the temple
Hosanna to the Son of David they were indignant and they said to him. Do you hear what these are saying?
Jesus said to them. Yes have you never read out of the mouth of infants and Bay and nursing babies you have prepared praise and Leaving them.
He went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there May the
Lord add his blessing to the reading of his word brief prayer And so our father
I pray that as Jesus is Recognized as King in this passage.
We would recognize him today this we pray in Jesus name Amen when
Queen Victoria was crowned as Queen in 1838 the coronation ceremony was quite quite a
Significant event it was marked by pomp and luxury the
The the the company of great number of dignitaries all to celebrate her coronation
We read that she wore a crown encrusted with giant rubies and sapphires surrounding a 309 carat diamond
She was carrying a scepter She's walking with a scepter and was capped with an even larger diamond cut from the
Star of Africa and weighed over 516 carats Well, that's usually what we think of when we think of a royal procession pomp dignity dignitaries a great deal of Displays of wealth and luxury and so forth
But in today's text this text that's the basis for calling today Palm Sunday It describes the procession of another king the king the king of kings.
In fact but there is none of that splendor and There aren't really any dignitaries there to welcome this king and to crown him
On the surface that may seem a strange way to welcome a king But it is exactly the way
Jesus would have it doesn't bother him in the least bit In fact, this is exactly what he's anticipated all along now years ago there was a
There was a radio or television Show broadcast called you were there and the whole premise of that broadcast was to take some some event in history and And do it in the sense that you were there and you put yourself in the middle of that place in history
I want you to put yourself in this place today put yourself on that road from Bethphage to Jerusalem as Jesus comes
Mounted on the back of that donkey. I want you to put yourself there and see that as you
Extol Jesus and you shout your hosannas that Jesus in the first place anticipates this all along Isn't that clear from these first seven verses how
Jesus fully expects? What is coming? We see this expectation or Anticipation of your hosannas in the way that Jesus orchestrates the events verses 1 through 3
Comes leaves this little village of Bethphage. It's a it's less than a mile east of Jerusalem and in verses 1 and 2
He purposely sends the disciples on this mission He tells them to go into that village and he tells them what they're going to see he sends them on this mission
And as he sends them, he he clearly knows the circumstances that they're going to come across when they arrive
He tells them go in this village in front of you and immediately you will find a donkey tied and a colt with her you're gonna see this and He says if somebody if somebody
Asks you about this and wonders what in the world you're doing Then here's what you're to say. So he gives them careful instructions
He tells them what to look for in terms of the donkey and the colt that's tied there he tells them what to do with the donkey and the colt to unloose them and bring them to him and he tells them how to respond if somebody were to Were to object to what they're doing and notice
Notice what he says and I think that in itself is significant, isn't it? He says if anybody objects
Then say to them look at what he says say to them the Lord Needs them the
Lord needs them now when Jesus was approached by people in the crowd and they wanted to ask him a question people would often refer to him as rabbi or master
But Jesus here refers to himself As He is referring to himself and acknowledging and communicating that he is the the sovereign one who is actually
Orchestrating these events the Lord has need of them And so on they go so Jesus anticipates
Your hosannas by actually orchestrating the events that are going to bring about those hosannas
But there's more behind this Anticipation there's actually something that fuels the anticipation and what fuels it is what we read about in verses four and five it's an ancient proclamation of God from God himself through the prophet
Zechariah in Zechariah 9 verse 9 the prophet said this
Rejoice greatly. Oh daughter of Zion shout Oh daughter of Jerusalem, and here's what
Zechariah said and Part of this is quoted here in Matthew Zechariah said
He said rejoice greatly behold Your king is coming unto you.
He is just and having salvation Lowly and riding upon a donkey upon the colt the fold of a donkey
Notice what Zechariah adds here The king is coming to you.
He is just and having salvation He's having salvation.
He's bringing salvation so the bringer of salvation is the king the king who is here coming is the bringer of salvation and so this this
Prophecy that was that was given over 500 years earlier This prophecy fueled the anticipation of the coming
King who would with him bring salvation Jesus the
King anticipates your Hosanna as he orchestrates the event and the events and as he fulfills this prophetic proclamation from Half a millennium earlier and in verses 6 and 7 as the disciples have come together and and brought the donkey and then respond to this situation their participation in the events actually heightens the the
Anticipation look what they do in the first place. They did exactly what they were told to do
The disciples went in verse 6 the disciples went and did as Jesus directed them
So they did what they were told when they were when they were confronted about The the taking of these animals they they didn't cower and say, oh, you know, maybe we shouldn't do this after I know he told us to do this, you know, shouldn't we really do this?
I mean, what are these guys, you know, duh -duh -duh. No They did exactly what Jesus told them to do and then having brought these animals to Jesus verse 7 says
They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks and he sat on them
Actually another one of the gospel writers tell us that the disciples made sure that he got on the animal itself in other words what these disciples did to heighten the
Anticipation of your hosanna was they elevated Jesus to this place of prominence.
Oh Yeah, you know you and I read this and was a place of prominence. I mean, how is this a place of prominence?
Actually, this is reflective of Israel's second King. Well, I should say third
King Israel's third King remember David succeeded
Saul as king and David was the king that God appointed and David was the king to whom
God promised that he would always have a Descendant an heir upon his throne that his kingdom his throne would rule forever and ever
Well when David was about to die and pass off the scene It was time to appoint a successor to the throne and David appointed
Solomon as his successor and you can read this if you Have your in your
Bible defer in first Kings chapter 1 verses 38 through 40. We read of how
Solomon was was Announced to be the king in verse 38.
It says and so Zadok is this is first Kings 1 verse 38 so Zadok the priest
Nathan the Prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and the Terethites and the Pellethites went down and they had
Solomon ride on King David's mule and They brought him to Gihon There Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tent and anointed
Solomon Then they blew the trumpet and all the people said long live King Solomon And all the people went up after him playing on pipes and rejoicing with great joy
So that the earth was split by their Noah by the noise. This is a very similar thing that's happening a
Thousand years later at the at the coming of Jesus on this road integer leading into Jerusalem He's riding on the back of a donkey and the people are going to proclaim these loud
Hosannas and the whole earth is going to shake with it all This is a very similar procession, but the disciples the disciples as they participate in The events that Jesus has orchestrated they heighten the anticipation of your
Hosanna well in verses 8 and 11 here comes Jesus on this donkey with his disciples and as One placed in the position of a king the the heir of the
Davidic throne Jesus accepts your Hosannas Verse 8 and verse 9 talk about the crowds as most of the crowds spread their garments and so forth
Who is this crowd who's making up this crowd? I think some of us preachers and I have made the mistake myself in the past have
Equated this crowd with a crowd several days later that is crying out crucify him But the more
I've thought about this and studied it over the years. I don't think it's the same crowd at all This crowd is made up first of all of those who had followed him from Jericho you look back a few verses in your
Bible at chapter 20 verse 29 and It says as they went out of Jericho That is
Jesus and his disciples as they went out of Jericho a great crowd Followed him now
Jericho isn't all that far from Jerusalem and this crowd is following Jesus to Jerusalem And this crowd was also made up of other people that they picked up along the way and the gospel of John tells us in John chapter 12 that others who were part of this crowd were those who had witnessed the
Resurrection of Lazarus from the tomb and they heard that Jesus was coming word preceded him
Jesus is coming down the road. They ran out to meet him and they make up this crowd and this crowd
This crowd as they gather together Offer their respect unto him as king and there you are.
Remember you are there Are you there is one of the crowd who? Respect him as king
Jesus accepts this in verse 8 the way they show their respect for him as the king is
Their spreading of their cloaks on the road and others who had cut branches from the trees and spread those on the road there are symbolic gestures on the part of the members of the crowd the casting of their garments before him on the ground and having him ride over those garments as he goes was a way of expressing their submission to him as their sovereign as their king and the the taking of the palm branches and And casting them down on the road.
This was This was an action that was conducted by those
Recognizing our conqueror is here. They're honoring him as the conquering
Savior I may not know all that's implied in that But this is what their symbolic gestures communicate they're
Respecting him as their king and he accepts that respect question for us today is
Do you do you do I express submission to him as my sovereign
Do I honor him as my conquering Savior Am I looking to someone else to save me?
Oh Think of us think of us our hearts and our minds in this day of crisis To whom are we looking to save us?
Well, Jesus accepts this respect these hosannas that come from people who respect him in verse 9
They're actually what they're communicating in verse 9 is actually a declaration of him as king
The crowds went before him and that followed him were shouting Hosanna to the son of David that title son of David was a title
Acknowledging one who was a rightful heir to the throne of David they were praising him as a king the king who rightfully has a rightful title to the throne of David this throne that was to know no end and they're shouting of Hosanna or Save now is a way that could be translated is the offering of praise to him as the
Savior Praising him as Savior praising him as king, but they're furthermore offering praise to him as the fulfillment of a promise made long ago
When they say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest
They are actually quoting from Psalm 118 verses 25 and 26 that Psalm that we read earlier
They're declaring that their king has come now that declaration is certainly an incomplete declaration nobody in that crowd who was extolling him as the
Savior understood From what they would be saved and how he would become their
Savior what he would do to be their Savior When they were extolling him as king they
Few if any really recognized the nature of his kingdom and the nature of his reign but at least they had the the insight to see that he was see who he was that he was much more than Just a man.
He was the fulfillment of this Old Testament promise Now there's a day coming that Will be the ultimate fulfillment of that which is seen in a kernel if you will on Palm Sunday We read of it in Revelation chapter 7 verses 9 and 10
Looking yet into the future John writes and after this I looked and behold a great multitude that no one could number from every nation
From all tribes and peoples and languages now remember on Palm Sunday those who were shouting
Hosanna blessed as he that comes in the name of the Lord and Hosannas to the Son of David they were all of one nation
These were all Jewish people who were looking at Jesus as their Messiah But the day is coming when you will be there if you are in Christ Jesus And it doesn't matter what your nationality
It doesn't matter what your ethnicity or the color of your skin or the language of your birth
There will be people there from every nation from all tribes and languages standing before the throne and before the
Lamb Clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice
Salvation belongs to our God Hosanna Salvation belongs to our
God who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb Jesus accepts this and He accepts your
Hosanna When you exalt him to the position of King Again in our text in Matthew the people do this though Incompletely though not fully understanding everything they were saying and all that was implied in it in verses 10 and 11
The city of Jerusalem is stirred up. They hear the ground shaking They hear the the cries out there on the road making its way
Toward them in coming in their direction and everybody is stirred up. The whole city is stirred up Word stirred up is an interesting word
It communicates the idea of extreme anxiety It's the Greek word from which we get our word
Seismology, you know like the seismologists who measure the shaking of the earth tell us what
How big of a an earthquake is on the Richter scale the whole city is
Extremely anxious. Who is this? What's going on? They want to know and The people respond in verse 10 by telling that this is the
Prophet Jesus from Nazareth so here these imperfect people
Subtly affirm him as The king they don't say this one is the king but look at what they do.
Look at what they do here In the first place, they overcome their prejudices Because you remember there's this long -standing prejudice against anything from Nazareth Jesus encountered that early on in the beginning of his
Beginning of his earthly ministry. Can anything good come out of Nazareth was the question
Implication is if Jesus is from Nazareth, there's no way in the world. He could be the Messiah But these people are fully ready to affirm that this is
Jesus the Prophet and in that statement They are communicating that Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise or the prophecy of Moses hundreds and hundreds of years ago when
Moses said there's going to come a prophet like unto me someday and They're saying that this one
Jesus is the Prophet He is from Nazareth They overcame these prejudices and acted upon what they understood
That this one whom they've just declared to be the son of David the King is also the
Prophet They are exalting him to the rightful place of our
Prophet our King and when they say save now even our priest
Jesus Accepts it all He accepts it all but then as this scene moves and transitions into the city of Jerusalem Jesus then acts upon your hosannas and He does so I think partially to test the sincerity of those hosannas
And explain what I mean What he's doing in verses 12 and 13 is He is displaying
Jesus is communicating the primary realm of his reign the primary realm of his reign
Let me explain When these people were crying out hosanna
Save now Son of David that recognizing him as the king.
But what was their what was their? Understanding of him as a king what kind of salvation were they expecting him to bring?
Most would have thought of him as a political ruler as a
Military conqueror as one who was going to save them from the Dominion of Rome that was the thought of their salvation for many and a
Military conqueror was their notion of him as a king But look at what
Jesus does Jesus entered the temple and he drove out all who sold and bought in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money
Changers and the seats of those who sold bidgets. He didn't go to the Roman To the Roman Praetorian.
He didn't go to the Roman guard. He didn't go to the Roman enclave and seek to overthrow that he didn't call for a
A mob with weapons to come and overthrow the Roman the
Roman soldiers that were in the city of Jerusalem he went to the temple and He overthrew the tables of the money changers and he drove out those who were buying and selling in the temple
And he said to them listen to what he says My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers
There's an interesting thing going on here Jesus public ministry is bookended by this same kind of activity
You all the way back to John chapter 2 In John chapter 2 verses 13 to 16
We read that the Passover of the Jews was nigh at hand and this was right after Jesus began his public ministry
This the Passover was nigh at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and when he got there in the temple it says he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons and the money changers sitting there and Jesus making a whip of cords he drove them all out of the temple with the sheep and the oxen and he poured out the coins of the money changers
And overturned their tables and he told those who sold the pigeons take these things away
Do not make listen listen to what he says Do not make my father's house a house of trade
At the beginning of his ministry Jesus referred to the temple and all this all this commerce going on in the temple as my father's house but now here he is just a few days before the
Crucifixion and just a few more before the resurrection and what does he call it? my house my house the point is that this difference
Between John 2 at the beginning of his ministry and Matthew 20 near the end of his public ministry
This difference reveals the realm of Jesus rule. It is a spiritual realm his rule
He's not interested in overthrowing Rome. He's interested in overthrowing sin He is the ruler of salvation
Your soul's salvation from the curse of sin he is his rule is over Sanctification his rule is over your relationship with God how many of the
Hosanna criers Were looking at him merely for political and military victory
When he is primarily interested in spiritual conquering of sin
Well, hey bring this into the 21st century. Are you looking to God?
through Jesus Merely to deliver you from a pandemic from a disease a physical disease of virus
That might make you very very sick and could potentially take life
Have you looked at him? Jesus as the one who is primarily
Concerned with the saving of you from the disease of sin Saving your soul from its destruction
Saving you for all eternity from its curse Well, I trust if you're looking to him to deliver you from the pandemic that you have first and foremost look to him as the your deliverer from the
The true pandemic of sin that is plunging this whole world into destruction
His rule and reign is a rule over of salvation and sanctification in your relationship with God He is a ruler
He is a ruler of spiritual life now as well as life eternal
Do you proclaim him as king? Do you shout Hosanna?
to Jesus as your king and As the exclusive way to the so as Jesus acts upon his
Hosannas that he hears his declaration of King of his kingship he discloses the primary realm of his reign and then in verse 14 notice how he also
Demonstrates the vast extent of his reign. So after he leaves the temple It says that the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them
What does that tell you? What does that tell you it tells you that not only is he the ruler over the spiritual realm?
But he is also the ruler over the physical realm over physical life these who were
Lame couldn't walk. He made them to walk again those who couldn't see Jesus spoke the word and they were able to their eyes were opened and they were able to see
He is the ruler over the physical realm. But listen, here's a question for you who shout Hosanna to Jesus and Are focusing wholly and solely on the physical
Do you still proclaim? Hosanna When there is no healing
Do you still declare him to be your king when life hurts you recognize him and acknowledge him as King the son of David shout
Hosanna to him in the midst of a global upheaval
Jesus is the king of all the earth as well as the king of spiritual life
And then finally in verses 15 and 16 Jesus declares the legitimacy of his reign.
Will you accept that you shouters and proclaimers of Hosanna? Will you accept the legitimacy of his reign?
verses 15 and 16 the Chief priests the scribes they saw the wonderful things that he did and they heard the children
Crying in the temple Hosanna to the son of David and they were ticked They were indignant and they said to him do you hear what these are saying?
Jesus say yes, I hear it and they're spot -on He says yes, have you never read out of the mouth of infants and nursing babes you have prepared praise
Jesus is saying is what they're saying is absolutely legitimate. It's absolutely correct
But here's our question to ponder when you hear the modern examples of the chief priests and the scribes
Criticizing those who proclaim Jesus as the king as the
Savior and It becomes a terribly unpopular thing to do
It's a politically incorrect thing to say When doing so when extolling and lifting up and exalting
Jesus as the king When that becomes something that is mocked and jeered
Will you still shout Hosanna I Think for example of the experience the recent experience of Mike Lindell Maybe you know that name and maybe you know exactly what
I'm talking about Mike Lindell is the owner of that my pillow company It was just recently recruited to and offered offered his company to make the face masks for for people in the midst of this virus and he was he was taken to the
Rose Garden and presented to the audience and and The president president
Trump explained what he was doing and he went on to himself explained what he was doing with his company but in the course of Lindell's Speaking in the
Rose Garden he said this He says God had been taken out of our schools and lives a nation had turned its back on God.
I Encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word
Read our Bibles and spend time with our families and quote and for those words
This man has been mocked He has been belittled He has been shouted down For simply saying the truth
This is a nation and those who have belittled him. So Have proved it that has turned its back on God Get back into the word he was saying.
Oh But listen to the hostility Will we cower we who claim
Hosanna Proclaim Hosanna to the Son of David the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords Oh, it's not so popular anymore. Well, we now cower back down from that proclamation
Jesus declares that this is a legitimate thing to do So even if even if the modern -day scribes and chief priests
Shout us down Shout you down Let us
Affirm nevertheless, this is a legitimate proclamation. Jesus is the king
Jesus is the king he is the Savior King who is worthy of all praise and all glory of every
Hosanna and Yet he serves as a point of division
Some will recognize Submit to honor respect
Trust him with their life with their eternal soul with their salvation and They and I trust you shout
Hosanna to the king Others will reject him
Wanting nothing to do with him Considering him utterly unworthy of any praise whatsoever
Which side do you fall father in heaven?
I? Pray that we would see Jesus for who he is the
Son of David the King the prophet of promised so and promised of old the
Savior of our soul We pray in Jesus name Amen I'm gonna close with him
Hosanna loud Hosanna Hosanna loud
Hosanna the little children sang Through pillared court and temple the lovely anthem rang
To Jesus who had blessed them close folded to his breast the children sang their praises the simplest and the best
From all of it they followed mid an exultant crowd The victor palm branch waving and chanting clear and loud
Bright angels joined the chorus beyond the cloudless sky Hosanna in the highest glory to God on high
Hosanna in the highest that ancient song we sing For Christ is our
Redeemer the Lord of heaven our King. Oh And in his blissful presence eternally
Rejoice now may the
Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way
The Lord be with you all in the name of Jesus the King we pray And the
Lord bless you give you a good week good day of rest and refreshment And I trust that the