Allie Stuckey DESTROYS Brandan Robertson's Claims!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking need to give you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to watch a little clip of Brandon Robertson vs. Ali Beth Stuckey.
Brandon is an LGBT fake pastor, obviously masquerading as a servant of Jesus.
Ali Beth Stuckey, on the other hand, is a sister in Christ and a conservative commentator. The topic of discussion today is whether or not you can kill a baby in the womb.
Brandon thinks that baby killing is perfectly fine, and Ali believes that it is immoral. And in this video,
Brandon Robertson's pitiful arguments get demolished by common sense and by biblical truth.
These are the things we love to see. Watch this. I'm sorry that you're denying biology.
Yes, when growth, when anything grows biologically, it is a potential until it becomes the full thing.
We can use an argument that, as we did earlier, that is not quite as charged. Take any biological plant that is growing.
As it's growing, it is not the full thing. A tree is not a tree until it's fully grown into a tree. It is a potential for that.
There's a seed. There's a sapling. There are different stages of being a tree. It's never less of a tree.
There are different stages of human life. There are different stages of an organism's development.
In the same way that an infant is not an adult, it's still a human being.
But we call an infant a child in the same way that we call a fetus a baby. It's just a different stage of human development.
So the ambiguity that's being highlighted. Just because a person is less developed does not mean that they are not as much of a human as someone who is more developed.
That's basically your argument. So just to recap, Brandon says that potential life is not life.
The example he gives is a tree. A fully grown tree is not the same, in his view, as a seed that was planted and became that tree.
The acorn is not the oak, so they say. Therefore, according to Brandon's foolish worldview, there is some level of logical connection and relation between the case study of trees and the case study of people.
In response, Allie Stuckey wonderfully demolishes Brandon's poor excuse for an argument as she says that these are merely different stages of being a tree.
A germinated seed to a sapling to a fully grown tree are all different stages of being a tree.
In the same way, being an unborn child, then a newborn, then a toddler, then an adolescent, and then an adult, and so on, these are merely different stages of human life.
Therefore, to kill any of these human beings at any stage unethically would be murder.
It's a great argument. And Brandon's entire perspective falls flat in the face of it. And it gets exposed for the lie that it is.
Again, you love to see it, and you can consider this a big victory lap for Christians. But with that said,
I felt as though the argument could have gone even further than this. There's an ingredient that is missing which
I believe we need to bring back into the fold here. The Word of God. And keep in mind, this is just a short clip, so it's entirely possible that Allie Stuckey quotes scripture somewhere else in her debate.
This is nothing against her. I'm really happy that she exposed Brandon for the deceiver that he is.
Thank you, Allie. But moving right along, Christ says in John 17, 17, quote, sanctify them in the truth.
Your word is truth, end quote. You see, the Word of God is the ultimate standard to which we must compare any and all ethical truth claims.
Therefore, it is the ultimate answer to the ethical question of killing an unborn baby. This is absolutely essential to understand if our arguments are going to be ultimately complete.
Both sides agree that there is something in the womb. Both sides agree that it is made up of cells.
Both sides can even agree that it is growing. Both sides can agree that the mother is supporting the life of this thing in the womb.
You see, we do not disagree at all on what is necessarily the science. Rather, we disagree on the ethics and the values brought to bear on the science.
The truth is that the facts of the situation are important. They're always important. But they cannot, in and of themselves, prescribe ethical behavior.
As the old saying goes, you cannot get an ought from an is. This means you cannot simply look at the way something is physically, and from that alone figure out what you ought to do with it ethically.
That is a question that you need an ethical standard to answer. Again, this is of the utmost importance.
So let me give you some practical examples to illustrate. The thief. The one who steals.
He may agree that he is putting your television in his car. He may also agree that the television was paid for with someone else's money for the exact amount of $299 plus tax.
He may also agree with the fact that after the television was purchased by you, it was placed into your house.
All of these things may be facts. And he may very well agree with those facts. But where he disagrees with you is on whether or not he ought to take the
TV out of your house and sell it for himself. You see, this is not a matter of physics or of science or of logistics.
It's a matter of ethics and of values. The one who vandalizes may agree that you built your house and that you paid for that house.
He may even agree that you paid exactly $300 ,000 for that house. He may also agree that you have lived in that house for exactly two years, three months, and six days.
All of these may be facts, and he will not contest them. What the vandal does contest, though, is whether or not he should throw eggs at your garage, spray -paint your fence, and put bricks through your windows.
The question is not one of logic or science or logistics, but again, that of ethics and values.
So how does killing unborn children factor into all this? Well, Brandon Robertson may very well agree that the child in the womb has a heartbeat.
He may also agree that it has a unique genetic code at the time of conception. He may agree about the scientific facts related to every level of development of this child in the womb.
What he disagrees with you on is whether or not you can destroy it. And again, that is not an issue of science.
Science cannot answer this. It's an issue of ethics. So what does the Word of God, the standard of ethics, say about this?
It's very simple. Let me quote a passage that is often mentioned on this topic. In Psalm 139, verse 13,
David says this, So here
David makes an astonishing assertion. He says that God knitted him in his mother's womb.
Was the person inside the womb merely a substance, a clump of cells, a fetus alone?
Was it just a potential David? No, according to the passage, it was David. It was me being formed in my mother's womb, says
David. The analogy of a tree, then, has no bearing on this situation at all. Brandon wishes to draw a distinction between a full human and a potential human in the womb, but biblically there exists no such distinction whatsoever.
The Bible makes it clear that which was in the mother's womb was David. And this child in the womb, he did not look the same as David did later in his life when he was anointed.
The child in the womb, he did not have the same bodily functions and capabilities that David had when he had slayed the
Philistines. This child couldn't wear a crown. His head was too small. He couldn't play the harp.
His fingers weren't fully developed. He couldn't sling a rock at Goliath's head. He didn't even know how to say the word
Goliath. Yet, this child in the womb at every stage of development was the very same
David. The very same person who would later do all of those things. This, my brothers and sisters, is the testimony of the
Word of God. That is the moral standard. And this is fundamentally the error of Brandon Robertson.
The problem does not start, in other words, with what you believe about a science textbook, but rather what you believe about the
Word of the living God. Brandon is a pagan who denies God and denies his Word, and that is the reason he promotes murder and the death of the innocent.
But then again, remember, it is the very Word of God in Exodus 20, verse 13, which says, quote, you shall not murder.
So you see, Brandon has cast out the Word of God as the ethical standard, and therefore he rejects its ethical conclusions in practice whenever it suits him.
And as 2 Timothy 3, 16 says, quote, all scripture is breathed out by God, end quote.
We must believe this. So please, Christians, if you want to get down to the root of this debate, you need to know the root of the issue.
Believe the Word of God and promote it wholeheartedly, unapologetically. Do not be embarrassed of it, ever, for it is the standard of truth.
It is our spiritual bread. And please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position.
I am no better than anyone else. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So please, let's pray for Brandon Robertson, that he would repent of this foolishness, this falsehood, and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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