I Will Not Rejoice With You, #BigEva

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Alright, well, I didn't lament with you back when all the police shootings and stuff like that were happening, and I'm definitely not going to rejoice with you now that, allegedly,
Camila Harris has been elected President of the United States. I gotta say, it's, you know, the amount of people that are encouraging me to, like, celebrate this historic kind of thing, it's just, it just doesn't make any sense to me.
It's upside down, just like everything in the mainstream media and Big Eva and all that kind of thing. It's just, it's just very, you know, it's confusing that someone could do this with a straight face.
You know, you see, you see people that are celebrating, sort of like, well, you know, Camila Harris, you know, she's sort of black, and she's a woman, sort of, so, like, you know, we need to, we need to celebrate, this is a historic occasion, can you believe, it's just amazing, like, somehow, a sort of black woman was elected
President, allegedly, of course, in a country that is misogynistic and racist, like, this is a historic occasion, let's celebrate.
I might have a few minor disagreements with her policy, but this is a time for rejoicing with those who rejoice, and I gotta be honest with you, it's upside down, man,
I'm not gonna do that. Why would I do that? That doesn't make any sense. The whole thing is just one big propaganda type thing, because this is the thing, like, if you're not willing to celebrate the historic nature of Camila Harris' rise to power, or whatever, then you're against women, and you're also against black people, sort of, and that's kind of how they're trying to frame this, so you could either be against women and black people, or you can celebrate the historic nature of this amazing alleged election, and you notice, when people want you to lament with those who lament, and rejoice with those who rejoice, it's always a certain category of people that want you to do this, and it's always the official story, so, like, you can only lament if the media tells you that it's something lament -worthy, and you can only rejoice if the media tells you it's something rejoice -worthy, and if it doesn't, maybe you can rejoice or lament privately, but definitely don't put that mess on social media, right?
Like, let's not rub people's nose in it, right? Like, you know, privately, but then publicly, you're like, well,
I'm so sorry, it reminded me of Matt Chandler, when he was apologizing, bending over backwards, for how backwards conservatives are, and how
Obama was a great person, publicly, you gotta say the right things according to the media, that's how you know our evangelical leaders are part of the propaganda arm, like, they will only allow you to do whatever is official to do, and if it's not official, then maybe, okay, you can keep your lament and rejoicing private, but don't put that mess publicly, because that's not
Christ -like, that's not loving, that's not very nice, and you gotta rejoice with those who rejoice, and lament with those who lament, that's a very manipulative thing, because it's a
Bible verse, right? But they're getting it all twisted up, because, obviously, you don't lament everything that people lament, because if people are lamenting good things, that's not appropriate, if people are rejoicing evil, that's not appropriate, that's upside down, you need to refuse consent for that kind of thing, and the reality is, that right now, the people that are rejoicing the historic nature of this amazing election, alleged election, of Camila Harris, or whatever, you know, she's sort of black, and she's a woman, it's not something to rejoice,
I mean, the Bible even tells us about this, this is not, like, just my opinion, like, Proverbs 29 tells you what right -side -up people do,
Proverbs 29, verse 2, this is what it says, this is the King James Version, because that's the version
I've been reading lately, these are the words of God, it says, when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
Now, there's nothing rejoice -worthy about Camila Harris and her little friend, Joey Biden, being, allegedly, president -elect, they got the official office, the office of the president -elect, and they've got their briefings, and they're reaching out to world leaders, and they're telling you who their coronavirus task force is gonna be, and the media's reporting on it like it's a real thing.
This is just pathetic, man, like, no, no, no, we're not rejoicing that just because she's kinda black and a woman, in fact, we should lament the fact that she's a woman, because she should be at home thinking about things at home.
Does she have kids? Maybe not, I don't know if she has kids or not, but if she doesn't, she should probably have some kids and focus on that.
And before you get all uppity, Amy Coney Barrett's the same way, I mean, I'm sure Amy Coney Barrett will be a great justice,
I'm not saying that she's gonna be terrible, in fact, she'll probably write the opinion that overturns the election, most likely, because that's the best script right there, either that or Clarence Thomas.
That actually might be better, if Clarence Thomas wrote the opinion. But anyway, the point is, though, that it's actually not that, you know, we shouldn't be rejoicing, like, she's got a lot of kids, she should probably be home with her kids, and teaching her kids, and raising her kids.
I don't know how demanding the schedule of a Supreme Court justice is, but I would imagine it's pretty demanding.
I feel bad for her kids, man. You should also feel bad for Camila Harris' husband, by the way.
Camila Harris' husband, he's the first gentleman. Can you imagine how emasculating that must feel?
I'm the first gentleman. Haha, does he have a beard? Does he have a beard? I don't even know what he looks like, but he probably doesn't have a beard, let's just be honest about that.
But no, there's nothing rejoice -worthy about this, like, she's wicked. Like, forget about the fact that she's a woman, you know, and all that, and kinda black, like, she's actually one of the worst of the worst.
Like, when everyone was, all the Democrat pagans were running for the nomination, she was, like, the most evil out of all of them.
Remember when Tulsi Gabbard smacked her down? And she was right, Tulsi Gabbard was right about her, like, she's wicked, man, she's evil.
And so, only if you're upside down would you want to rejoice in the wicked bearing rule.
That's what this proverb says, like, that's not how the natural order is, that's not how God created the universe, so why in the world would you follow people like Thabiti, people like Eric Mason, people like that pastor from the
PCA who's like, whoa, just rejoice, I can't wait for a woman president. Like, why would you do that? Like, Planned Parenthood's rejoicing, because they know what time it is, they know what time it is.
Planned Parenthood knows that the incoming, allegedly, the incoming president, Camila Harris, is gonna make it a lot easier for them to kill babies.
So they're like, they're thrilled about this, they're rejoicing. Why are evangelicals rejoicing along with Planned Parenthood?
Like, we understand that when the wicked beareth rule, the people that want to do more wickedness, well, they rejoice because they have a pagan friend in the
White House, in high places. But righteous people should be mourning, right? Like, this isn't a time for that kind of thing.
It's just so bizarre, like, what would be good about this? Why would I, I'm not gonna rejoice with you.
You see all those pagans in the streets that are like, you know, they're still acting violent and crazy, even though their wicked ruler won,
Camila Harris. I mean, allegedly, she's kind of black, and then she's a woman, so I guess
I'm supposed to, no, I'm not gonna rejoice for that. Those are stupid reasons to rejoice. Like, her kind of blackness and her female gender, like,
God gave her that. Like, there's nothing rejoice -worthy about that. In fact, it's unnatural that she's in the position that she's in.
There's no question about it. She looks unnatural, she acts unnatural because it's an unnatural position for her to be in.
There's no rejoicing. For a Christian, there's nothing to rejoice here. For a pagan, yeah, of course, you know, it would be easier for you to do wickedness now that you have a wicked ruler, right?
Obviously. But for a Christian, there's nothing to rejoice here. This is historic!
It's a historic nation! Yeah, the Planned Parenthood thinks so, too. You're on the same team with Planned Parenthood here.
I'm not rejoicing with Planned Parenthood. No, that's a sin to rejoice with Planned Parenthood. We'd much rather mourn against Planned Parenthood.
We'd much rather pray against Planned Parenthood. I mean, when wicked rulers die, that's a time to rejoice.
It's upside down what you guys are doing, man. What you guys are trying to get us to do is upside down. And I gotta say, it's obvious that you're thirsty for the approval of the pagans, right?
Like, that's obvious. You wanna make sure that whatever you say to the pagans, like, it's essentially in line, and maybe you don't rejoice as much as them, but you wanna at least pay them their respect.
Give them a little pinch of incense. It's just a little pinch, right? It's just a little pinch. That's why you do it. It's pretty gross.
But there's nothing to rejoice here. I mean, honestly, I'm starting to think that it's definite that Trump is gonna get four more years, right?
And when Trump gets four more years, I'm gonna breathe a sigh of relief. But I'm not, like, thrilled. I mean, yeah, he's hilarious.
I enjoy his tweets. His hijinks are hilarious. He's a way better president than I thought he would be, but he's got some serious problems, too.
Like, he's kind of socialist himself, right? Yeah, he's pretty good on war, but he should, you know, amp that up a little bit.
Get us out of more wars. Joe Biden's already promised more bloodshed. He's like, oh, America's back in the game, baby.
You know what that means. That means Syria's about to get bombed into kingdom come. That's what that means. And he told you he was gonna do this stuff.
Like, you guys are like, whoa, I couldn't believe it. He's gonna promote transgenderism. He's gonna promote more wars.
He's gonna do lockdowns. You guys are nuts, man. I know you guys knew that beforehand. Don't try to act like I need to rejoice about this.
No, this is the wicked bearing rule. And Proverbs 29 says in the right side up, you know, we're
Christians here. We should be right side up. We ought to mourn that, not rejoice. But I don't even think they're gonna be elected.
Camila's not gonna be the president. I think it's starting to look like Trump is actually gonna get four more years, so I'll breathe a sigh of relief.
I'm not gonna be rejoicing in the streets, because I understand what this means. Trump is not the greatest president ever. He's funny, and he's way better than I thought he would be, but he's got some serious problems.
I mean, he's kind of socialist. He gives way too much money to welfare programs. There is still too much war with him, even though he hasn't started new wars, and he's de -escalated many of them.
That's a good thing, but he needs to do more. Taxes are still way too high. There's still too many abortions.
He hasn't gone fast enough on that. But listen, it'll be way better than what Planned Parenthood knows is gonna happen.
They know what time it is. It's gonna be baby -killing paradise for Planned Parenthood, so they're rejoicing because they're wicked.
So the question to the Christians, though, is why are you rejoicing? This is the thing. There's nothing to rejoice, even if Trump gets elected.
We've got a situation here where millions and millions and millions of Americans realize that the elections are fake.
This election was obviously fake, and it's very likely a thinking person realizes that this is probably not the first election that's been fake.
Let's just be honest about that. They didn't just start doing this in 2020, obviously. So there's millions of Americans that don't believe the elections are real.
That's a problem. And then when it gets overturned by the courts, we're gonna have millions and millions and millions of Americans, especially the more violent among us, that don't believe the court system is real.
So no matter any way you slice it, America's got a problem here. And so that's why I say, like, no despair, baby, because you can't change all that stuff, but you can change your reaction to it.
You can focus on God's commands and obey God yourself. And so what I'm wondering is, why do we have legions of big evil leaders that are essentially propagandists for the machine?
Because you guys are the ones that started telling us that we need to trust our emotions instead of the facts.
And you're still doing it. Like, every time there was a police shooting, you know, no, no, no, no, no, don't worry about the facts.
Don't worry about what actually happened. Just lament, lament. You gotta get those emotions going, right?
And now they're telling you the same thing. No, no, no, no, no, don't worry about the court cases and the obvious voter fraud that's obvious to everyone that has a brain on their shoulders that sees the data.
Don't worry about that. Just rejoice. You just gotta rejoice. Like, don't listen to people. People that are doing that about, they're trying to get your emotions going first and actually telling you to set aside reason.
They got the, the emotions are just flowing. They want you to rejoice. The Bible says rejoice. That's an abuse of the text, man.
You know that's an abuse of the text. You're not supposed to rejoice wickedness. We're not supposed to rejoice wicked rulers. We're not supposed to just assume that the wicked rulers that have been wicked their whole career that tell you they're going to do wickedness are somehow going to do good.
Like, you guys are nuts, man. I'm not doing that. No. Do not trust evangelical leaders that are trying to emotionally manipulate you right now.
They don't want you to think about the reality. They don't want you to think about the court case. They just want those emotions. They want to grab you by your emotions and make you do the dance that they're doing.
Make you pretend like the emperor has clothes when he doesn't. Don't believe the Big Eva propaganda machine.
It's become so obvious, I think, to many people how much the Big Eva propaganda machine is in lockstep with CNN, with MSNBC, with Fox News.
Whatever the official story is, that's what you're hearing from Gospel Coalition. That's what you're hearing from ERLC.
Christians ought not to be that way. Do not rejoice wicked rulers that are about to accomplish wickedness
Rather, you should be fighting against it. You should be resisting. You should not consent to any of the nonsense.
Because what you're going to see from Big Eva when Trump gets re -elected for another four more years is whatever you're going to get on CNN.
Oh, it's a fascist coup, even if it's obviously just what actually happened in the election. No, no, no, no, no.
It's a fascist coup attempt. They're already switching the game here. If you notice, some of the language has been switching.
It's like, well, it went from no voter fraud to, well, voter fraud always happens, to, well, you know, it didn't really affect the election.
I mean, yeah, sure, there was millions of dead people voting, but it didn't really change the results. All the language is switching up, man.
All the language is switching up. I saw one news article that said that Biden had been characterized as the president -elect.
Characterized! Watch the language that's being put out by the mainstream media because that's what you're going to get from Big Eva tomorrow.
You're going to get the fascist dictatorship. This is horrible for a Christian. They're political idolaters.
Meanwhile, the only ones that are actually rioting are the pagans. They're the political idolaters, obviously, but they want to try to pretend like you're crazy.
You're the idolater. No, no. We don't listen to any of that stuff, man. You guys are propagandists.
You're experts at it, but your time has come. It's become patently obvious that guys like Ray Ortlund, the
Bidiyan Yabwile, Eric Mason, all of these guys, you know, the gospel coalition types, their mission is to just get you to believe the official story.
And anyone who questions the official story has become a satanic conspiracy theorist.
Now, reject that. No despair, baby, because they want you to believe the upside down where you rejoice when a wicked ruler comes to rule.
But the Bible says actually the opposite should be true for people of God. We should be actually mourning when a wicked ruler comes to power.
It's not like they're hiding their wickedness. Their wickedness has been open for everyone to see. And so, no, I'm not going to celebrate because she's kind of black,
Camila, whatever her name is, kind of black, and she's a woman. She's wicked. She's a
Jezebel. We don't celebrate Jezebels. We don't expect Jezebels to do the right thing, baby, no. We instead mourn that, resist it, and honor
God and our families in every area of life. I'm on to you, Big E, but we've been on to you for a long time.
And the reality is you know that more and more people are waking up to your game every single day.
I think it's fantastic. I hope that the fear of God is in you. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.