Tuesday Guy 2020


Tuesday Guy 2020; What is his take on Francis Chan, Pope Francis, Hall & Oates, the Gospel Coalition, T4G, Sam Allberry, PCA, 1917? Listen in to find out! In God's Name by David Yallop


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
It is 2020 in the year 3535, if man is still alive.
Which is dubious. Pastor Steve, have you turned 60 yet? No, sir, I have not, but I feel, you know,
I have the body of an 80 -year -old, so I'm pretty old. Okay. Nice. Remember the bionic man?
Yeah. I like some bionic knees. They did, they did everything in slow motion kind of thing, and then they had the bionic woman.
No, no, no, it wasn't. No, it was a $6 million, $6 million man, $6 ,000. They just put them together with, you know, rubber bands and bailing wire.
No, I don't think we really are attractional enough to some of our missional listeners because we're just stuck in the 70s and all that stuff.
I'm not really stuck in the 70s, but I know some of your, you know, when you, you kind of go back to the 60s for some.
You know what just popped in my mind? I think this was 70s, but it could have been late 60s. Cliff Richard, Devil Woman.
That was the 70s. Cliff Richard had a string of American hits in the 70s.
Yeah. In fact, I tried to find some of them here recently. There aren't too many because he, he got into some kind of criminal trouble.
Yeah. I think it was like a child molestation thing. So he's not too, uh, not too, of course, allegedly, we don't know for sure.
Yeah. It's kind of interesting to me because, you know, I see there's going to be a Michael Jackson play and stuff like that.
And I'm like, and you know, there are all these Michael Jackson, uh, biopics and everything.
And I'm like, I know, come on, well, they're doing it for money and people forget and it's crazy.
I, I've not, I've not watched the, uh, Aaron Hernandez, Netflix deal. I'm not going to watch that.
Yeah. I don't care. Yeah. Good. Have you been watching anything on Netflix? It's any good. I'm trying to think.
Last thing we watched on Netflix while lost in space season two, it's a good show.
Is it, is it, um, politically incorrect, politically correct kind of thing? Did I hear that? Is it politically correct?
I, I, I don't know. You know, I, I, I just don't, I tend to not think about it that way.
I mean, the guys, the guys tend to be a little macho, so I, you know, and they're not stupid, although the mom is kind of the brain, but that's okay cause she's a scientist and the thing.
All right. Well, let's just have kind of like a little speed round here. I say somebody's name and, or say some organization's name, and then you kind of just tell me what you think.
Cause it, it helped John MacArthur's ministry, I think, with the short little sentences, right?
With the, with the Beth Moore deal. Go home. Just one or two words, you just respond.
Yeah. Yeah. You can do like in a sentence or two or even more. All right. Francis Chan. Sad. Very sad.
You know, had a thriving church, Simi Valley. I heard a lot of good things about it.
School. Good school there. Yeah. Lots of good teachers. Doug Bookman and some other, other guys and yeah, it was really going on.
And then I don't know, man, some people just, it's like a, you know, it reminds me of the old
Bugs Bunny cartoon where they kind of just want to dive from 500 feet into a cup of water.
And that's sort of what he did or into a wet sponge. Well, if I had to analyze it just with, within my theological framework and rubric, he became a little charismatic.
God told him to do this, that or the other. His elders said at the time at Cornerstone Simi Valley, no, he didn't say that.
Then God told him to go someplace else and then off we go. And now I think he wants to be a missionary in Thailand or something.
Well, I mean, after his whole, he's promoted like every false teacher out there, the whole, who are the school prophets there in Kansas City and the whole shooting match.
All those guys. I mean, every, every whack job out there, he's, he's been out there, you know, sharing the stage with them and essentially promoting them and not, you know, his last thing almost as video sounded kind of Roman Catholic.
Oh, that was interesting about his, his, his malinformation, his misinformation about church history and, and the
Eucharist and all that stuff. Yeah. He's, he's terrible. All right. Next up Pope Francis.
Not Catholic. Speaking of Netflix, did you watch the two Popes? No. I watched the first two thirds of it.
And I was kind of just interested to see a battle of Ratzinger, Hardliner, although there's been some movement lately that maybe shows something different, but Hardliner, Ratzinger, and some dude that never really even went to theological school to get a terminal, you know, doctorate degree is now the
Pope and he's a social justice warrior kind of thing. I think I told you, I read an article, like I used to read the weekly standard when it was in print and they had a lot of Roman Catholics on staff.
Conservative magazine, political magazine, but they wrote this thing about the Roman Catholic church and essentially they said that Benedict was sort of eased out because he was too
Catholic. He was too conservative and you know, the powers behind the throne, so to speak, really wanted the church to move in the direction of approving of homosexuals, approving, and you know, it all begins with divorce and getting that approved.
And so, they're going to step by step by step liberalize the church and step number one was getting rid of one of my favorite
Popes because, not because he's a great teacher, but because he had the courage to be Catholic.
And I'm like, let's not blur the lines. Let's keep it, you know, clear here. One side is in favor of the gospel.
The other side is not. Thank you. Dare to be a Daniel? Peter DeYoung Dare to be a Catholic. Jared Ratzinger Courage to be a
Catholic. Yeah. Envy to be an Episcopalian. I'm going to have to reread this book, but it made me think of when they got rid of Ratzinger.
Is that what he goes by now? What's he go by? Pope Emeritus? Ratzy. Yeah, I think
Pope Emeritus. Does he have any power with Pope Emeriti status? I think he can bind and loosen what happens like within the, what do you call the little area of the papacy?
No, he can't. He has no power whatsoever. Okay. Could he order a pizza if he wanted and a gelato?
Maybe. I hope to be in Rome for our anniversary this fall. I'm going to speak in Germany and then
I'm going to have Kim fly out and we're going to go to Rome. So maybe I'll set up a little meeting, talk to the Swiss Guards and see.
See if you can talk to Ratzy? I think it was Mike Gendron who, when he went to Rome, he went to the
Swiss Guards and asked if he could have a meeting with Pope. Oh, sure.
And they said, tell you what, pal, slip me a 50 then. And this part is true because I heard
Mike give his own testimony. He said that after decades out of the
Roman Catholic Church, he went in for confession and, you know, son, you know, what do you want to confess? And, and he said, well, uh, oh, before that they ask, you know, how long has it been since your last confession?
And he said, Mike Gendron said, it's been 30 years, you know, uh, I don't know if he called him father or not, but it's been 30 years father.
Why has it been so long? Well, because I started reading the Bible for myself. And I realized that the Bible teaches that you can go straight to the father through the son by the power of the
Holy Spirit and confess sins. You don't need to confess them to a frail man in a box. And Gendron said that the priest said, uh, son, can you please call the office?
This is going to take longer than I thought. Oh, we're going to be slightly extended with this man.
So anyway, what I was going to say is one of the books that I read early on that I loved, it was called In God's Name by David Yallop, Y -A -L -L -O -P.
And the subtitle, An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I. And this is the interesting part.
When at 727 AM on that fateful September day, Vatican Radio announced to 800 million
Greece stricken Catholics that Pope John Paul I succumbed to a heart attack.
Sometime the previous evening, the coverup and the true circumstances surrounding his death had already been underway for crucial hours while a vow of silence was imposed on the members of the papal household.
And it's got all this stuff about he was healthy. He'd been the Pope for whatever, 33 days and delayed or no autopsy.
And he, here's the interesting part. He, if memory serves, Steve, was the social justice warrior, wanted to go away from a lot of the hardline
Catholic stuff. And the old school boys said, nope, this isn't going to work before you know it.
John Paul I is dead. They pulled the Hall and Oates on him. I can't go for that.
Hall and Oates are coming to Infinity Center. And they're going to have like a decent opening act too.
Who was it? I don't know. I don't know. But when I, they were playing here locally in the
Massachusetts area, but they were the, like the, not with the headliners. And I thought, I don't want to do that. Yeah.
But it'd be a good band to see sometime. Well, the theology is just tremendous. Yeah, that's true.
I can't go for that. Back to our name it, and you give me some kind of thoughts. The Gospel Coalition. Coalition, yes.
Gospel, sometimes. Did you know,
I think Julius Kim from Westminster Seminary is now the new president. Oh, congratulations to him.
I know. How's that all going to work out? Probably about as well as everything else does.
I think Burke Parsons was part of the president's council or whatever, the leadership thing, but that didn't last long before you know it.
You didn't see Burke's picture with the other five leaders. He was just a cropped out picture. Because he's too gospel and not enough coalition?
Maybe. Yeah. I think that thing has run its course. And I don't know if even Julius Kim, maybe it's a different Kim, not the president of Westminster Seminary, but the professor.
He's going to go be the president of the Gospel Coalition. Okay, while we're doing these things, let's just keep going.
T4G. That's this year. T4G. Before you say anything, how many years has it been since we have been?
Six, eight? Oh, longer, longer. What was the first year they had it? We went the second one.
So it was like maybe, I don't know, what was that? I mean,
I have to look at our, you know, my CD collection and I can figure it out that way. The speakers that year that you and I went were
John Piper, C .J. Mahaney, Doug Wilson, Francis Chan.
No, you're making it up now. Matt Chandler and Stevie Furtick. You know what I remember about Piper?
Because he didn't speak till Saturday. I think it was Saturday, the last day of it, or was it Friday, the last day?
Whichever day was the last day. I remember telling you when we were leaving our hotel room, I go, I'm not even going to take my
Bible today because I'm lugging this heavy thing around. I've got the study Bible and everything. And not one person has even made me open the
Bible. But I also knew that they were giving us a Bible that day. So I went in there and I'm going,
I dare somebody to make me take the shrink wrap off this Bible. And finally, Piper did.
So I was like, so I will say something nice about John Piper. At least he made me crack open my
Bible. It was utterly Bible -less for the first couple of days we were there. I was really just, you know, plus the cost of it.
And what was great about it was the music. I mean, that was— Did we go once or twice?
Just once because it was so, I mean— Hard to get to. Yeah. Newark. I mean, yeah. Newark to Louisville.
And we basically, I remember saying the only way to get to Louisville is to package yourself and send yourself
UPS because it's a UPS hub. So— I don't know. When did MacArthur speak?
I, you know, I don't remember, but it was before Piper. And I remember, you know, they had him talking on a topic and I just remember thinking, and listen closely to this, people.
I love John MacArthur, but, and I think John would probably even agree with this. When you tell him to talk about something other than the
Bible, he's kind of boring. And he was not talking about the Bible that day. I don't remember what it was.
He was talking about somebody or some topic where, you know, the Bible was kind of only—
Peripheral. Yeah, peripheral to his subject. And it was not that interesting. I mean, like,
I would say this. If he just taught church history like a lot of people teach church history, he'd be boring.
If he was teaching the New Testament or if he was talking about theological—now, this is where I think John would really shine.
Church history, highlighting the theological issues throughout the ages. Whoa. See, I told you, you should do that for your studies.
Well, that's what I'm going to be doing. Did, I just started reading the In the Year of Our Lord. Yeah. So, I'm going to—
Make sure you get that. I'm going to use that and I'm going to, I have one from Michael Reeves and, you know, then
I'll be picking up. So, some things from those guys and then, you know, kind of emphasizing the theological issues as we go through.
So. Okay, good. Yeah, the Gospel Coalition, sorry, the
T4G. Remember two years ago, they had the MLK 50 thing. Well, that was actually, though, wasn't that a—
That was a pre -conference. Right, or was it a separate, it was a Gospel Coalition event and then the next thing, like, two weeks later was the
T4G and it was kind of a part two of the same thing. Yeah, David Platt and Amos and all that stuff.
Yeah. Interesting. We've got, okay, I'll just use this for the next name. Next name,
Sam Albury. He's, I would just say misleading.
You know, I think he's misleading a lot of people with this kind of same -sex, same -sex, same -sex, same -sex attraction thing.
You know, this idea that you can, that you're somehow, it reminds me of alcoholism, right?
Like, you're a victim of some outside force. You're a victim of same -sex attraction and, you know, the best you can do is fight it off, but it's kind of an ongoing struggle for you and, you know, the
Lord can't really deliver you. All you can do is just kind of refrain from acting on your natural proclivity.
Well, I noticed that in spite of Tom Buck's excellent articles about Sam Albury living out and the associations with all that theologically and ministerially,
I think that's on aomin .org. I thought Tom did a great job. Sam's still around. I think he's now an associate pastor of some church in the
Midwest. And I noticed that he's going to be in the T4, excuse me, the TGC, Gospel Coalition, West Coast speaker.
And, you know, they have kind of a regional deal. He's one of the speakers and there's a pre -conference that he's speaking on, and he's the main speaker for that on sexuality.
And, you know, I guess, I don't know, it fits with San Fran, TGC, et cetera.
But my big thing with these guys who say, listen, we, the men that would say, or even women, we're homosexual, we struggle with it, we gave into it.
That was our life. That was our identity. The Lord Jesus saved us. We're regenerate.
We're born again. We still aren't attracted to the opposite sex. Yet we don't engage in sex because we know that's wrong.
So it's just abstinence. Of course, I'm happy for people to get saved out of all different kinds of lifestyles, right?
1 Corinthians 6, such were some of you, washed, justified, sanctified. I get it. I love it.
But here's my big problem, Steve. Chapter 6 of Roman, 1 Corinthians is followed by chapter 7.
What? Dude, I should be taking notes right now.
No, no, just think about it for a second. No co -listeners. Here's all this sexual sin that's going on in 6, 9 to 11.
And then he talks about the excuses that people have for sexual sin, food for the body, body for the food in 6, 12 and following.
Now 7 comes along. What do you tell a person who doesn't have the gift of celibacy, who doesn't have the gift of singleness, who wants to have sex?
What do you tell them? Hmm. Just don't act on it. No. Yeah.
And isn't that sad? We relegate people now to a life of loneliness, a life of abstinence, a life that's exactly opposite of what they were made for.
And that's now we have to have a community of people that have to do the same thing or can't do the same thing. I would say to them, you know what?
And I'm not saying the second you get saved and everything's going to change overnight, but I would say, you know what?
If you have a desire for sexual relations, A, that's not wrong. It's wrong if it's with someone else of the same sex, but the
Bible says, get married, enjoy your wife. And people are like, well, I'm not attracted to a woman. Well, 1
Corinthians 7 says, get married. I'll never forget Steve. I saw this guy. He said he was giving a testimony and he's a pastor now.
I was gay. I had no attraction for any women. And I just lived my lifestyle.
Somebody preached the gospel to me. I got saved. I quit all my homosexual, sexual activity and thought, you know,
I'll probably never get married because I'm not attracted to women. Well, there was this lady at work and we began to work together and she was a
Christian and so was I. And we just started having coffee, this, that, and the other. And then he said something so fascinating. He said,
I just really liked her and I had a longing to be close to her. Now she is his wife.
I'm like, wow, how does that work? It's amazing. It's like God knew something. I know.
So I think it's sad when you got this living out thing and then whatever else living out promotes, it's just crazy.
And this is the new Christianity. Pete It's not helpful. You know, and it basically tells people to stop your, you know, stop your sanctification.
Stop yielding to the Holy Spirit and just accept who you are. So let's think about our old school kind of counseling days and even thinking about sanctification and the paradigm of Ephesians chapter four.
Don't steal work. Don't lie. Tell the truth. Right? Don't be bitter.
Forgive. Don't have sex with somebody outside of marriage that's of the same sex. And then we stop.
Pete Right. Just, just stop there. Don't, don't put on, you know, it's just put off. Don't put on.
That's legalism. Jared Well, okay. Let's, let's just, let's just tease this out a little bit.
Somebody has an arranged marriage and they think, you know what? My parents love this other family.
I don't know really much about this girl. She's not even my kind of type in terms of, I like blonde hair, not brown hair.
I like blue eyes, not brown eyes. I like a little heavier, not skinny, whatever the things are, but she is out of this great family and my,
I trust my parents. And so I'm going to, I'm going to marry her and I'm not even attracted to her. Pete Can't work. Jared I know.
Pete Impossible. Okay. So they get married. They say, I do. Does the husband still have to love his wife?
Like Christ loved the church? Pete Yes. Jared Okay. Does the husband and wife both have to give themselves of their bodies freely to them in the marital bed?
Pete Yes. Jared You should see Steve's face. Pete I'm just going into jeopardy mode.
Jared How is Alec? Oh, let's do the next one. Alec Trebek. Is he really a Christian? Pete Is he? Jared I don't know.
Is he? Pete I don't know. I just, why would you even say that? Jared I don't know. I want him to be. Pete Well, I do too. Considering he's terminal.
I saw him, you know, do the greatest of all time Jeopardy here a couple weeks ago. We actually recorded that just to see these guys.
And, uh, cause I haven't watched that show in years. It was interesting, you know, and, uh,
I don't know if it's makeup or what, but, you know, considering he's allegedly terminal with cancer, he didn't look too bad.
Jared Good. What if I said a denomination PCA, what would you say? Pete On the slippery slope.
I mean, it's just, so I read something, uh, was it today or yesterday that said, you know, basically
Presbyterian denominations have to split, you know, every so often to just kind of, you know, for the faithful remnant to stay faithful.
And I'm like, PCA is heading for one, no doubt in my mind, because, because there's a bunch in there that want to go to liberalism and, you know, the believers in there don't.
Well, I appreciate the show Presby cast. And I learned about NAPARC and PCA and general assembly and all that other stuff.
But it seems to me that if you've got the Missouri Presbytery, I was going to say Senate, but I think that might be, that's a
Lutheran Presbytery. And they're all a bunch of, uh, are, are populated by many liberals.
And, and, you know, you've got the whole, uh, covenant seminary and revoice and everything else there.
They're going to have to do something. I've got my friends that'll say, well, we're PCA and our courts move slowly.
Well, I know I don't understand PCA courts, but if it takes you seven years to fire Norman Shepard from Philadelphia seminary, there's a problem.
Yeah. Well, so, you know, some of these issues are just so complicated. Like can, you know, homosexuals be pastors?
Dude, once you start a study committee, we'd like to have a study committee that can women do blah, blah, blah.
And what ministry rose? It's over. Once the study committees come, it's over.
We'd like to take a new look, Steve, at justification by faith alone. We know the church has taught it, you know, since Paul.
Petey But can't we be a little more nuanced? Jeff Uh -huh. Come on, that just so drives me crazy.
Study committee. Can you imagine if we got together as an elder board and said, we're going to have a study committee to see if the Bible is sufficient, because there's some few things that come up, you know,
Rob Bell and a few other things. And, and, uh, Bart Ehrman, uh, Bart Ehrman, Ehrman? Bart Ehrman, Ehrman, Ehrman.
Yeah. There's no T. And so we need to kind of, we need to look at this. He's full of errors.
Yeah. Did you see 1917? No, but I want to. Okay. I thought it was good. Did you?
I think I liked Midway better, but it was a, it was shot differently in 1917. So it made me like it kind of a new genre of filmmaking.
We haven't really been, you know, doing the whole movie thing for obvious reasons. Um, you know,
Janet was just not wanting, not really up to it. I, I went out a few weeks ago with Jonathan Newton.
Uh, we went to, we went to Blackstone Valley. Oh, we're still being recorded. Anyway, they had these like couch things, like recliner chairs and stuff.
And I was like, dude, this is awesome. So I didn't really want to go out last week.
I went to the ER one day. Um, I went to church and who knows where else I went. I think
I went three places, four places, but it was Haley's day off and she's going to work for the next nine days.
So let's all go see 1917. But we went to the movie theater just North of here that has the recliner seat.
So my leg could be up because I thought leg down, knee hurting, no way. So we watched 1917 kind of lounged out.
Yeah. So that was nice. Theologically sound? Um, yeah,
I think, I think so. Lots of depravity. Oh, I thought it was going to be tons of gore.
Like Saving Private Ryan, but there was gore, but not that much. I'm good. Yeah. All right. Mike Abendroth there, Steve Cooley.
We had a little, uh, what should we call today's show? Uh, Te De Te. Sounds good.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.