Convulsing on the Floor!

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope


The Holy Nope Breakdown: Holy Spirit “Zap!” Edition Instead of imposing our experiences onto the text of Scripture, we must submit to Scripture as the interpretive lens through which we view our experiences.


So I think this video was sent to me more than any other since the birth of the holy nope. Don't you start
Jennifer. The church or pastor who is posting these clips claims that this is what revival looks like.
In fact, on the video that I noped, he commented and said that he posted this to show that God is still moving today as he was in the
Bible. Of course, the young people in this video are convulsing on the ground like epileptic worms, so show me one instance where people are having seizures on the floor because of the manifest presence of the
Holy Spirit. The only instance that I can think of when someone was convulsing uncontrollably on the floor was when the young man was thrown down by an evil spirit in Luke 9, 37 through 42.
And you can't just slap the word revival onto these wild spiritual experiences as a way to justify them.
What happened in Lakeland was also called a revival. Now he also goes on to say in his comment that religion and tradition did not save me,
Jesus did. So in much of what calls itself Christianity, there is this manipulative tactic among false teachers that anyone who contradicts them or their practices are religious.
It's also, of course, the Evangelifish motto that Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship.
Right, so religion is a bad word and you can either be a religious person or a spiritual person.
This is a false dichotomy. While the Bible does recognize that there is worthless religion, James also uses the word in a positive light as pure and undefiled religion.
And so we have to deal with the fact that the Bible recognizes positive, godly, pure, undefiled religion.
The Bible uses the term. So we should ask, what is religion? Well, the word means to bind or to join together and it speaks to the covenant relationship between God and man that affects and works itself out in every area of life in belief and practice.
Religion is not a bad word and Christianity is a religion because Christians are bound in covenant relationship with their
Redeemer. But he also said that tradition didn't save him. A lot of people seem to think that the less traditional you are, the more spiritual you are.
But Paul commends the Corinthians for holding firm to the traditions just as he delivered them.
And he charges the Thessalonians to stand firm and hold to the traditions you were taught either by word of mouth or by letter from us.
So if you try to totally separate Jesus from religion and tradition, you will end up with a different Jesus than that which the apostles proclaimed and taught.
And neither Jesus nor his apostles ever proclaim that revival looks like convulsing on the floor, nor did they practice such things.
And again, tell me, where in the scriptures are Holy Spirit zaps? Now a question a lot of people wonder when they see clips like this is, is this the work of an unholy spirit?
Well, from my observation of this video, it's hard to tell. Other videos on this channel show people that are clearly overtaken by a demonic spirit or kundalini or whatever.
But I think oftentimes stuff like this is simply a work of the flesh with a dash of hysteria baked in unbiblical teaching.
It doesn't taste nice at all. Either way, what's going on here is spiritual molestation. And in predictable fashion, the text on another recent video from this account says that if you don't think this is the
Holy Spirit, it's because you don't know the Holy Spirit. Again, manipulative tactics to justify spiritual abuse.
If you question this, then you're not a Christian. Fundamental assumption of these videos is that this is a revival to getting the church back to the church of the book of Acts.
But you will not find this behavior in the book of Acts. Many people will point to the fact that the people thought the disciples were drunk, but that is because they were speaking different languages, not because they were rolling around on the floor.
Remember, friends, you don't need faith to flop around on the floor. I'd be very interested to hear this man's perspective on what is happening to the young people in this video.
Is this deliverance that's supposed to be happening? Is this healing? Is this simply what you believe to be the power of the
Holy Spirit intimately encountering these people that are shaking on the floor?
Is that the sign of the Spirit's presence? What do you believe is happening to these young people?
Because this is a big, fat, holy no. Please Lord, give me a sign, a sign.