What Does God Think of Sin? | The Whole Counsel

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God alone feels and responds appropriately to sin because He alone sees it for what it is. It is infinite madness to defy the King of the Universe, and yet we fallen creatures listen to the lies of sin and choose it over obedience time and time again. How can we understand God's view of sin? Joseph Bellamy helps us answer that in this week's episode of Whole Counsel.


Then what follows is an application of all of this and he gives it in six pretty probing questions questions
I find hard to answer correctly Certainly questions that are very helpful to lovingly present to a lost person and questions
We're gonna see helpful for the Christian to continue to grow in clarity in this area But Chuck you and I want to talk about that more in depth, so I'm not gonna run through that list right now
Well the sermon is very detailed and there's just so much here that we feel that we really can't go through each part equally
So we wanted to just choose a few things that we thought were most significant for our day
So I'll just jump in there One that I'm really gripped with is the amazingly significant impact of what his basic Premises and that is no person can correctly
Feel About spiritual things until they correctly see those spiritual things
So we could apply that in more than one way one way of course is to the issue of sin
Which he basically applies it to No, man, really feels The ugliness and the shame and the weight of his sin until he sees sin as God sees sin
But also and Bellamy doesn't mention this as much in the sermon It's not his emphasis, but I was thinking it also applies to the beautiful things of Scripture No, man can really understand the infinite measureless beauty of the gospel and of the love of God which
Surpasses understanding if we don't we can't feel those things if we don't see them as God sees them
Bellamy emphasizes this point in a quote on the bottom of page 64 Where he says it is quite beyond our capacity to comprehend the vileness there is in treating
God as the sinner does Unless we could as he can Comprehend all his greatness and glory and fully see all the grounds and reasons there are for us to love
Reverence and obey him and feel all their binding force God is fully conscious to himself
That he is the maker and Lord of the universe the maintainer and upholder of the world the rightful
King and sovereign over all He is fully conscious that there is an infinite reason for us to rejoice in him
Exult in his government and be glad in his service and that the contrary temper and conduct of his creatures is infinitely unreasonable and wicked
So God looks at everything and he sees everything as it is and that informs
We can kind of say it informs the way he feels about those things. He the way he views him He sees it.