WWUTT 220 NASAs Missing Day?

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Have you heard the story about the missing day? This computer simulation that NASA did and they discovered this missing day in the past which the
Bible explains? Well the story is actually completely false. This never happened at NASA and you can know when we understand the text.
Many of the Bible stories and verses we think we know, we don't. When we understand the text is an online ministry committed to teaching sound doctrine and exposing the faulty.
Visit our website at www .utt .com. Now here's our host Pastor Gabe Hughes.
Thank you Becky and hello everyone. Welcome to the broadcast today. It is July the 1st, end of the week but beginning of a brand new month.
And every year about this time we've got a festival that comes into Junction City called Sundown Salute.
There's a carnival, there are various vendors in the park, there are bands that come and play.
I'm going to be going into the park tonight to share the gospel. I'm going to do some street evangelism, just walking up to some folks and sharing the gospel with them.
I'm going to have a recorder with me. I actually find that people are more open when I have a recorder than when
I just walk up to them like a stranger and try to start asking them questions. They seem more skeptical of me and don't want to talk to me when
I'm just doing it with nothing in my hands. But when I have a recorder they think I'm a journalist or something,
I don't know. But anyway, maybe I'll have the chance to release some audio from some of those interactions a little bit later on.
But be in prayer for me tonight as I do this, that I would speak the gospel boldly as I ought to speak, as we read in Ephesians 6, that my speech would be gracious and seasoned with salt and I would know how to answer each person, as it says in Colossians 4.
All right, being Friday, we're taking questions from listeners today. I think I've got three questions that I pulled out here.
Hang on, let me look. One, two, four. Four questions. So I've got four questions today. A couple of them are technical questions.
One I got off of Twitter, the other three off of email. So here we go. This first one comes by email. It's from Greg in Wisconsin.
He says, Dear What, thank you so much for your videos and your podcast. It has been a real blessing to me.
I have a question about something that surfaces every once in a while. It used to be popular back when internet folklore came in the form of forwarded emails.
I remember that era, but I still see it pop up from time to time on Facebook. I've copied and pasted one of the more recent versions of this story and was wondering if you could tell tell me whether this or some other version of this might be true.
OK, so here's the story as Greg shares it for all the scientists out there and for all the students who have a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the
Bible. Here's something that shows God's awesome creation and shows that he is still in control.
Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called myth in the
Bible is true? Mr. Harold Hill, president of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, Maryland, and a consultant in the space program, relates the following development.
I think one of the most amazing things that God has for us today happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Greenbelt, Maryland.
They were checking the position of the sun, moon and planets out in space where they would be 100 years and a thousand years from now.
We have to know this so that we won't set up a satellite and have it bump into something later on in its orbits.
We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the satellite and where the planets will be so the whole thing will not bog down.
Whatever that means. Anyway, on with the story. They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the centuries and it came to a halt.
The computer stopped and put up a red signal, which meant that there was something wrong either with the information fed into it or with the results as compared to the standards.
They called in the service department to check it out and they said, what's wrong? Well, they found there is a day missing in space and in elapsed time.
They scratched their heads and tore their hair. There was no answer. Finally, a Christian man on the team said, you know, one time
I was in Sunday school and they talked about the sun standing still. While they didn't believe him, they didn't have an answer either.
So they said, show us. He got a Bible and he went back to the book of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement for anyone with common sense.
There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, fear them not. I have delivered them into thy hand.
There shall not a man of them stand before thee. Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy and if darkness fell, they would overpower them.
So Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun stand still. That's right. The sun stood still and the moon stayed and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
Joshua 10, 12 through 13. The astronauts and scientists said there is the missing day.
They checked the computers going back into time and it was written and found that it was close, but not close enough.
The elapsed time that was missing in Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes, not a whole day.
They read the Bible and there it was about approximately a day. These little words in the
Bible are important, but they were still in trouble because if you cannot account for 40 minutes, you'll still be in trouble a thousand years from now.
40 minutes had to be found because it can be multiplied many times over in orbits. As the
Christian employee thought about it, he remembered somewhere in the Bible where it said the sun went backwards. The scientists told him that he was out of his mind, but they got out the book and read these words in second
Kings that told the following story. Hezekiah on his deathbed was visited by the prophet
Isaiah, who told him that he was not going to die. Hezekiah asked for a sign as proof.
And Isaiah said, do you want the sun to go ahead 10 degrees? And Hezekiah said, it is nothing for the sun to go ahead 10 degrees, but let the shadow return backward 10 degrees.
Isaiah spoke to the Lord and the Lord brought the shadow 10 degrees backward. 10 degrees is exactly 40 minutes, 23 hours and 20 minutes in Joshua, plus 40 minutes in second
Kings make the missing day in the universe. Isn't it amazing? In story.
OK, so Greg is asking me if this story is true. The answer is no, it is a complete myth.
It is not true. Now, the stories in Joshua and second Kings, those are absolutely true.
But this whole thing about NASA going through some sort of computer simulation and then finding out there was a missing day at some point in history and it could only be accounted for by these stories in the
Bible. That did not happen. It is a matter of fact, the story goes all the way back to the late 1800s.
So this was before there were even computers and the ability to do such simulations.
The story gained some popularity, greater popularity in 1936 in a book called
The Harmony of Science and Scripture. And and then, of course, with the advancement of technology, the story was kind of updated to include computer programs and computer simulations and this kind of a thing.
But it is over 100 years old, probably even 150 years old. It is an old story, been around for a long time.
This has no truth or validity to it whatsoever. And the fact that it still gets circulated and gets passed around.
And I've heard people talk about this, even I was in a Bible study class one time. We weren't even in the book of Joshua, but somehow this came up and someone said, you know, that NASA did this thing where they did this computer simulation and they found this missing day in the past.
And well, here it is in Joshua, chapter 10 and all this other kind of thing. No, never actually happened. It's it's just a it's just a myth.
It's folklore, urban legend, whatever. But it isn't true. And so we have to stop circulating these kinds of stories because they do no help for apologetics whatsoever.
You can even find an article on Answers in Genesis about this. I believe the Institute for Creation Research also did an article on this, both creation organizations saying, no, no, this this never actually happened.
You know, one of the the obvious problems with this story is that in order to go back in time and find a missing day, you would have to have a starting point.
So they would have to know that here's where things are supposed to begin and here's where things are supposed to end up.
And well, that's not where they end up. We're missing a day in there somewhere. But we don't know when the earth was actually created and when time actually began.
Whether you're talking about an old earth creationist model or a young earth creationist model, we don't know exactly what day the earth began on.
That ultimately brings us to today. So there's no way to enter that information into a computer that would allow the computer to come up with this missing day theory or hypothesis.
So it just simply isn't true. I would also go as far to say that the way this story relays the the
Hezekiah and Isaiah interaction in Second Kings 20 isn't accurate. So after Isaiah said to Hezekiah that he was not going to die, but God was going to heal him in Second Kings 20, verse eight,
Hezekiah said to Isaiah, what shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me and that I shall go up to the house of the
Lord on the third day? Apparently, the fact that Hezekiah was going to be healed wasn't enough, so he needed some kind of sign to know that God was going to heal him.
And Isaiah said, this shall be the sign to you from the Lord that the Lord will do the thing that he has promised.
Shall the shadow go forward ten steps or go back ten steps?
And Hezekiah answered, it is an easy thing for the shadow to lengthen ten steps. Rather, let the shadow go back ten steps.
And Isaiah, the prophet, called to the Lord and he brought the shadow back ten steps by which it had gone down on the steps of Ahaz.
So it's not ten degrees. It's ten steps there. The steps of Ahaz were kind of like a sundial.
So time was measured by the way the shadow would fall across the steps. So Hezekiah is asking for the shadow to go back ten steps.
We don't know how big those steps were, so there's no way to know whether or not that was ten degrees. OK, so based on the shadow falling back, those ten steps was the sign that Hezekiah had received from God that God was going to heal him.
So the way that this story is relaying the sun going back ten degrees isn't even accurate, according to the way that the story comes about in Second Kings Chapter 20.
That's another reason why I know this is a myth. So anyway, the you can even go to the context to test these things, which is why
I press context so much. Look at the context. Does it even have to do with the story as it's being told?
You got to go to the source. Don't just take the story at its word. Test all things with the scriptures.
All right. Thank you so much for your question, Greg. I kind of gathered from Greg's email that he was skeptical himself.
He didn't believe it, but wanted to wanted to hear some kind of biblical evidence to understand why this story wasn't true.
And there you have it. You can go straight to Second Kings 20 and see that the way that the story tells the account of what happened in Second Kings is not exactly as we see it in Second Kings.
All right. This next one comes from Richard. I don't know where Richard is from, but it says in his signature that he's a
Bears fan. So maybe Illinois. I don't know. But Richard says, Hi, Pastor Gabe.
First off, I would like to thank you for your ministry. I've been edified through the videos and podcast. So thanks again.
Now, the question to satisfy my curiosity, who are the people in your what videos?
Are they people you know that you have posed purposefully to fit your themes discussed or just random people who you providentially find and poses that fit the theme?
I know it's a random question, but I can't help but wonder every time I watch one. I'm sure if I were to pay enough attention to whether or not
I see the same people in each video, it might help, but maybe it might just add more curiosity.
I'll probably go back and look at that now that the thought popped in my head while I wait for your reply.
Thanks and God bless. Well, thank you so much for your email, Richard. They're just stock photos.
You can find them on the Internet and do them through searches like Google search. If I want a picture of a man scratching his head,
I'll I'll type man thinking or man scratching head or something like that. Now, you'll get all kinds of images of people scratching their heads, but I'm specifically looking for a picture of a man with a white background.
So the general stock photo things that you see out there. But they are general market photos.
I don't use watermarked photos or photos that you have to pay for and pay for the rights and royalties in order to be able to use because I just don't want to go through the ins and outs of that.
I just want to make a what video. So this is just stuff that I find in the common marketplace through Google searches.
If it says that the image might be subject to copyright and I shouldn't use it, then I don't. But if it's just something that I just kind of find that's out there,
I'll grab it and use it. I don't profit off of what videos nor there is there any intention to if I wanted to do that, then
I would probably have to look into how I would have to pay royalties on those particular images.
Now, I will also say, since Richard implied that, you know, maybe there are people that I pose for those particular videos,
I've wanted to do that. Just have members of my congregation stand in front of a white background and professionally take those photos.
And then there I own the photos and I can do whatever I want to with them and then put people from my own church in the what videos that would be great.
But it also requires a certain eye for that. A person who has an ability to do that kind of photography.
And I don't have that kind of time to learn that kind of trade or spend the money on that kind of equipment.
But I would like to do that in -house. I wish the entire video could be done in -house music, the images in the video, everything.
I wish I could I could produce all of that in my church and not have to worry about, you know, infringing on somebody else's creative work.
But there you go. That's where the images of those people come from. Sometimes they come from,
I mean, actual other people, like in some videos I'm referencing a particular teacher and I might do a screen grab from that teacher from one of their videos and put it in my video.
I might do it that way as well. All right. This next one comes from Josh. This is a question that he asked on Twitter. Josh is in San Diego.
He says, do you mind telling me what recording and editing software you use and where you get your microphone for your videos?
Well, this microphone that I'm using right here, this is the Audio Technica AT2020. It is the best condenser microphone
I have ever used. Most affordable for what money can buy. Fantastic microphone.
And I have used a lot of microphones. I've gone all the way up to Neumann's, which are the that's like the
Rolls -Royce of microphone. And I honestly cannot tell that much of a difference between the
AT2020 and a $2 ,000 microphone. So this is what I recommend.
It costs about a hundred bucks. I recommend getting the actual microphone, not the USB version.
Don't get the one that plugs into your computer because it's not as great sounding.
Instead, to sound as professional as possible, you should go through an external mixer that has a
USB connection and then you connect your mixer to your computer. Plus you get the preamp adjustments that you can make your highs, mids and lows.
And you can do all those kinds of adjustments, which you would not be able to do if you were just plugging the microphone straight into your computer.
So get the condenser mic with a mixer that's got phantom power. You got to make sure it has it because all condenser microphones require phantom power in order to work.
It's got the USB connection so it can go into your computer. And then all you have to do is make sure you're downloading the right updates and software for your computer that's compatible with that particular mixer.
Now, the mixer that I use, the one that I've got right now is a Behringer. I also recommend Alesis and Marantz are also a couple of other good brands.
I've had those mixers in the past as well. So there you go. There's the there's the that's the hardware that I use.
Now, you asked about software, the recording software that I use is Adobe Audition.
I think it's the best one out there. And obviously, with all that I'm describing here, I'm a PC guy.
I do all of this on PC. I don't use a Mac. And so anyway, Adobe Audition is the program.
There's a free one online called Audacity. That one's pretty good as well. But I am
I love Audition and I can't imagine myself using any other software. I use it so much and I'm so well versed in it that I'd hate to even have to learn another program at this point.
So Adobe, keep Audition coming because I'm going to keep using that one. All right. Last question here. This one comes from Mario in Texas.
First of all, love your name, Mario. He says, hi, I was wondering why the video about people calling themselves apostles was taken down from YouTube.
I thought it was a good video. Any chance of having it reposted? And I have responded to Mario. I did get the video back up again.
I'll tell you, it was taken down. It was about a week or so that it wasn't up, but I took it down because there was a spelling error in it.
So I corrected the spelling error and then reuploaded the video. The one that's uploaded to Facebook has always been correct.
It was corrected before it was uploaded to Facebook. But the one that was on YouTube had the spelling error, so I had to remove it and add it back again.
Here is that video on apostleship. What? In the
Roman Empire, a person who was given the power to speak on behalf of the emperor was called apostolos or apostle, meaning sent one.
Likewise, an apostle of Jesus Christ was given the authority to speak the very words of God. To disobey the word of an apostle was to disobey
God. And that's still true today. When we read the New Testament, we're reading the words of the apostles as given by God.
Ephesians 2, 19 through 20 says that the church has been built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.
An apostle had the power to speak in other languages, heal diseases, cast out evil spirits and were given prophetic visions.
The word of an apostle was the word of the Lord, equal in authority to the Old Testament scriptures. And an apostle established and governed the church under Christ.
To be called an apostle, one had to meet two qualifications. They had to have been a witness to the risen Lord and they had to have been personally appointed as an apostle by Christ himself.
Today, many false teachers will claim to be apostles or that God will appoint new apostles. They'll say they've seen the risen
Lord and were personally appointed by God. Some might not use the word apostle, but they will claim to have seen
Christ and been given new revelation you won't find in the scriptures. Avoid such liars and heretics.
The office of apostleship is closed. Thanks for applying. Paul said in First Corinthians 15, 8 that he was the last apostle to be appointed.
No others would come after him. When the apostle John died at the end of the first century, the apostolic age came to an end.
But their authority remains, having given us the word of God when we understand the text. The video is entitled
Modern Day Apostles. You can find it on our what channel on YouTube. Go to YouTube dot com slash
W .W .U .T .T. Please subscribe. We just passed 10 ,000 subscribers on our
YouTube channel, which is just awesome. Over a million views now. That doesn't count the number of views that we've received through Wretched.
We love that they play our videos, but we don't get any any viewer credit on our
YouTube account for that. Anyway, thank you so much for everybody listening to the broadcast today and also submitting your questions.
If you have one you would like to send in or a comment or just say something about how when we understand the text is blessed, you send it to when we understand the text at Gmail dot com.
God bless. We continue our study of Romans chapter 14 on Monday. And don't forget,
I'm going to be preaching on this subject this Sunday as well. And if you want to catch the sermon sometime
Sunday afternoon evening when I'll get it uploaded, it's at First Southern Baptist Church dot org.
I hope you've got a good, solid gospel centered church to attend this Sunday. Please go be with the saints in fellowship and worship to our great
God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Gabriel Hughes is the pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Junction City, Kansas.