Roadtrip DL from Salt Lake City: Jackson-Brown and the Culture of Death


Never dreamed in the early 1980s I would someday be doing a live "webcast" (of all things!) from Salt Lake City, but here we are! Discussed the Jackson-Brown issue in light of the Christian worldview and many other related issues. Also listened to Brandan Robertson twist John 11 into a homosexual-affirming pretzel.

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And greetings and welcome to the Divine Line coming to you live from Salt Lake City, Utah.
I was thinking about the very first time I pulled into this area along the
Wasatch Front many many moons ago in a 1964
Dodge Dart. Those body panels were the same color and it was like going on a missions trip and then in a sense it was.
Very much Utah is a very much a missions area. Interesting missions in a different way now than then but a lot of things are the same a lot of things have changed.
There used to be a taco time near here. I am very very disappointed to report that it is no longer there.
I have to go down to the one that's on state and what is it 600 east I think is where it is.
If I want to get my taco time while I'm up here which I will do probably tomorrow at some point
I would guess. A lot of things are the same. A lot of things have changed. I used to was teaching church history in Germany love spending time with our fellowship there in Germany.
We've been doing church history for I don't know a year and a half two years now. Not obviously all the time but we haven't gotten to the council in Nicaea yet.
So we're gonna be doing this for years and years and years. I don't know if I'll even live long enough to get it all done but anyway.
You will notice that we are live. I don't have the shade down so you can see a unit behind me.
You'll see some driving by. You may have. We just had a helicopter go over. He was so low that he set off car alarms.
It's quite long. Sometimes wonder if they do that just for the fun of it. But it's a beautiful day.
It's gonna be like 74 degrees in Salt Lake City today but by next
Tuesday snow and gonna be totally different.
So thankfully I won't be driving in that but I could have some weather getting up to Idaho.
So prayers appreciated as we get up to Idaho next week for well not next week but weekend week after that for all the events and things we're gonna be doing up in Moscow with Canon Press and the debate on the 22nd with Doug Wilson and recording other stuff.
So busy busy time. Tonight I will be speaking at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Magna and again
Sunday morning twice and I believe Monday evening I think.
I should have had the schedule in front of me. Sorry about that. And then I will also be preaching at Apologia Church, Apologia Utah on Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening
I'll be down in Payson on Thursday. So we'll be doing a lot here in the
Salt Lake City area and if you're in the area certainly you'd be welcome. We were at Southern Utah University on Wednesday evening.
That turned out really really well. Very very enjoyable time there speaking on the Trinity and this is one of the reasons we do the traveling this way.
I mean we started doing this because of COVID and everybody's like well that's all over with. If you believe that I think you're naive.
We have a pause right now. Germany I was informed by my
German friends yesterday voted down a mandate for vaccines of people even people over 60.
So it's gonna be so the mandate is done in Germany. It doesn't mean people haven't already lost their jobs and everything else but it's done for the moment even though the numbers worldwide won't go into this right now but from what
I'm reading COVID is still a serious problem in the advanced nations that used mRNA vaccines.
In the nations that used the old style vaccines or really didn't have any vaccination at all it's not an issue but it is an issue for those who use the mRNA vaccines and that should tell you something in a in a sane world there would be investigations going on and there would be heads rolling but there will not be not gonna happen not not now anyway.
So I think everybody's taking a pause right now because of the upcoming elections in the United States.
They they know that if the U .S. takes a lurch to the left to the right well anything it would be a lurch to the right given the trajectory that we're on at the moment that that could cause problems elsewhere in the world.
So I think everyone's just putting the brakes on try to get us through this time period. I think they're really really worried about a seriously patriotic aka nationalistic president.
Don't want to have nationalistic presidents gotta have globalists now. I think they're worried about someone like DeSantis being elected and because that would be a minimum four years of a mess for them and not that they don't have ways of rigging and stealing elections but I think they still have to be close enough to pull it off the way they did it last time which is in key areas.
So I think they're concerned about that so we'll see. We will see but that's why we travel this way is because that's how it started but now
I really really enjoy doing it this way and one of the main reasons is I get to be with people and get to be with people and get to talk with people and after the talk in Cedar City I met a woman and her son her son was nine and she told me that eight years ago she and her family were in the
LDS church and then they stumbled across videos and debates and talks by myself and some guy
I've never heard of by the name of Jeff Durbin and the Lord used that that ministry to lead them out of Mormonism and thankfully not just out of Mormonism but into the truth that's that's the real beautiful thing is when the gospel is the power that does that there are a lot of people leaving
Mormonism today but the vast majority of them are not finding truth in the process they're just part of the millions of religiously abused out there and so that kind of thing
I was walking on air when I left from speaking there in in Cedar City and I had sort of forgotten that that was the first night of the
LDS Easter pageant in Mesa Arizona that hasn't been running for a few years and so much of our experience with Alpha Omega of witnessing the
Mormons was out in at the Easter pageant Mesa and then of course up here in Salt Lake City and so I started seeing on my phone that there was some chatter about some discussion about it apology
I had about 40 people out there the first night passing out tracks and witnessing to people which is a year ago
June I think it was some missionaries tried to put something on on the front lawn of the
LDS Chapel right across in the temple and Mesa and apology
I heard wind of it and we ended up having more people there than the Mormons had so that's just sort of how that works and we had done
Jeff had done two sermons in a row on witnessing Mormons so we were sort of sort of ready to go and anyway
I saw a lot of these things on Twitter I know a lot of you don't do
Twitter and that's ended up having my eyes of you there than the Mormon said but I shared a picture that night of my daughter
Clementine my granddaughter Clementine witnessing to an
LDS police officer right out there out out on Main Street there in in Mesa and I was you know
I have pictures of my daughter her mom out there summer will still talk about her conversations that she would have out the
LDS Easter pageant and so I know that those witnessing opportunities were very formative in her life to be out there and to be engaged in that kind of work and so it was pretty cool to see
Clementine out there but then it struck me that I've posted yesterday and again this morning together put the two pictures together
I have a picture of me organizing our volunteers in those first years that we went out to Mason and the the first year
I even went out there and saw it was 83 and that was when
Wally Tope was out there and then we started organizing printing tracks stuff like that so I'd say this picture was from 85 or 86
I think it was 85 and and I'm I've got hair but no beard
I'd had a beard before that but I shave it off and my ubiquitous glasses and I'm obviously very young and it struck me that I was only 13 to 14 years older when that picture was taken then my granddaughter is now out there witnessing the
Mormons in Mesa third generation and that just really struck me
I guess I can guarantee you as I stood out there thought never crossed my mind the thought didn't cross my mind of I didn't have children yet and so the thought didn't really cross my mind of my kids being out there someday and certainly not my grandchildren being out there someday as I've gotten older I've realized that that probably should be part of our thinking but I wasn't raised that way and so it really really wasn't but continue to pray for them because the
Easter pageant goes not through this weekend but the weekend after and I remember in the olden days you get to the end of pageant you'd be hoarse your your throat would hurt you that that was back in the days when you actually got to talk to people when when the
Mormons would actually stop and talk with you they it's tough to do now you almost have to trip them and then apologize for tripping them and then and by the way sorry about that but not sorry to tell you that kind of thing be about the only way you can get into conversations these days and that's so great for the outreach as it goes on there in in Mesa Arizona and for the various things
I'm gonna be doing up here as well and then heading up to to Idaho so my my my judge
Katenji Jackson Brown has now been placed upon the
United States Supreme Court and the responses have once again demonstrated the fact that I I think it is beyond question right now that we live in two nations at the same time we live in a nation where there are still many people who hold to values and views that come from our past from our
Constitution from faith very long question right now that we live in and those who rejected all of those things consider all those things we live and who are looking forward to the utter banishment of such backwards thinking from from this nation and a very wise man once said a house divided against itself cannot stand and I truly believe we are looking at a house very much divided against itself in our nation but there are also many of those quote -unquote within the church that are celebrating this action of placing this woman on the
Supreme Court and the whole reason is because we're skin color let's just be honest that's what it is there have been women on the
Supreme Court before every one of them I think could tell you what a woman was this one can't tell you or won't tell you what a woman is but it's all about skin color it's all about race that are celebrating racism it is black racism it is black supremacy racism but it's racism nonetheless because if if you celebrate someone doing something simply because their skin color you are celebrating a form of racism and the issues related to her judicial philosophy her support of abortion the reason she refused to answer a question about what is a woman because she is beholden to the radical forces and they are radical forces they're there they are only destructive forces they cannot you cannot build a society that does not know what a man or old in it's just not possible and so we the very fact that she was nominated on racist grounds racist and semi -sexist grounds the very the very fact that the
President United States had said I will only nominate a black woman is an affront to the
Constitution United States is a front to every thinking individual every adult in the
United States should have rejected such absurdities but a large portion did not reject those absurdities and so you get what you get you know said that's what he's gonna do that's what he did and the issue of character should be central in this process and character must be determined today by whether you are an individual who wishes to see the annihilation of the human race as understood as creatures of God with transcendent meaning or whether you're a person who will recognize your own creatureliness and will embrace those values that will then allow you to respect others there is no basis within a secular worldview for respect of others you can talk about it till the cows come home but the very fact that we see that people are willing to say you must absolutely respect
Bruce Jenner you have to respect Bruce Jenner when he pretends to be
Caitlyn Jenner will at the same utterly refused to respect someone who has consistently throughout their life said these this is what marks a man and this is what marks a woman and these are attributes that have been held by every generation before me and I will continue to hold those perspectives you can disrespect that person you can cancel them you can you can call them a hater you can call them a throwback you can do whatever you want so there's no consistency and there can be no consistency in a secular worldview because there are no transcendent values that remain true well used to are now attributed to week that's a day -to -day you you can there's that that that thing on the on Twitter where they catch people and they'll put one tweet up saying one thing and then no tweet it comes from sometimes a week later absolutely contradicting what was said in the previous one demonstrating that there's no consistency well
I believe recognizing you should be consistent is a part of the image of God but the left seeks to suppress that desire for consistency and remember the the quotation from Dalrymple that I've given you many many times before about how the communists specifically would seek to force people to lie because people who are forced to lie are people that are easy to control they've been neutered they've been emasculated and so inconsistency lies hypocrisy these are the very tools of the they want you to be angry at the fact that you're being treated in an unfair fashion because then they've got you they have no interest in being truthful and that's because they don't believe they'll ever be judged there is no day of judgment once you remove the day of judgment from any society's consciousness it's all over and so a seat on the
Supreme Court will now be held for 30 years 40 years by someone who is fundamentally opposed to the claims of Christ and yet what's amazing are the number of people
I was just looking at a video where did
I put it of quote unquote yeah interfaith service for judge
Katanji Brown Jackson on 330 22 and there are all these ultra leftist individuals of various shades of color and religion and they're all talking about you know the one was praying and saying that she had walked through the valley of the shadow of death and was talking about how horribly she was treated in the hearings
I'm just like she was treated with kit gloves have you already forgotten what they did to Kavanaugh have you already forgotten that circus she was thrown softballs she went through nothing how anybody can even pretend to think you have to have the
IQ and the memory of a wet shoelace to think that what she faced was anything in comparison to any conservative judge over the past 20 years ever since a guy named
Joe Biden went after a black nominee for the
Supreme Court remember that one yeah but again remembering history being consistent not something that the left is really concerned about but at the she will not be a constitutionalist she she will not interpret the
Constitution her worldview is clearly one of changing the Constitution in regards to the protection of human life she gets this position at the same time the
California Colorado and Maryland are all passing into law the most draconian
Mengele in infanticide laws that have ever appeared in the
United States and they are their infanticide laws they will allow for the destruction of newborn children not just children in the womb but children who are born alive will be destroyed and at the same time this is happening and it's very clear that this has happened as a knee -jerk reaction to Texas and Oklahoma and Louisiana and in places like this where there are laws either now on the books or soon to be on the books that restrict the central celebratory sacrament of the culture of death abortion obviously the evil one loves to take the lives of little ones mulloch did that thousands of years ago and the spirit of mulloch and the spirit that animated mulloch with worship still exists today and is seen in the legislators in the governor's like polis in Colorado who are so corrupt so evil so Mengelian in their worldview that they would spit in God's face because that's you have to do think about think about what it would be like to be a governor and the the evil people in the legislators sent you a bill that you know will result in the destruction of innocent lives by the thousands or more and you have so little concern so little thought about the fact that you will stand before God to be judged that you would put your name on that you have to have been given over your conscience has to be seared to do that kind of thing and I hope you all recognize when
I say Mengelian I know most of you know what that means I'm speaking of Joseph Mengele the
Nazi death camp doctor who never received in this life justice trust me he is receiving and will receive justice but he escaped man's justice and you just simply look at someone like that as just the perfect example of the depth of human depravity well there is there is far more today than there was then people we have people today who are smiling into our cameras in our who rival any of the depths of evil that Mengele ever thought of and they're getting away with it they're getting away with it they they do not believe there will ever be a judgment and if I was a secularist man talk about hopelessness talk about hopelessness it's it's astonishing anyway so we have all these people who are quote -unquote religious people who are celebrating the elevation of an individual to the
Supreme Court of the United States of America solely based upon skin color and completely without reference to the fundamental understanding of the most basics of a
Christian worldview and of simply a worldview of sanity
I don't even know what to say then
God deliver us from such people I was sent a clip from the let's see where to go where did
I put that all right well too many there it is there it is too
I only got one screen set up right now so it it gets a little confuselated
I've never listened to an entire one but there's something called the holy post podcast which includes the
VeggieTales creator and some other woke folks and these folks obviously present themselves as Christians as individuals who believe in the authority of the teachings of Christ but they start off their program with a discussion of the
Disney controversy now I don't know if you've been keeping up but somebody released videos of much of the leadership of Disney talking about their commitment their religious commitment to the perversion of your children to the grooming of your children into acceptance of sexual deviancy and perversity in opposition to everything taught the scriptures by the
Lord Jesus Christ his apostles and the prophets and that is more than enough for me to never have anything to do with Disney ever ever again and to encourage others likewise to recognize that even what looks like an innocent investment will be used by people like this with the specific purpose of promoting the most vile forms of sexual debauchery to the destruction of young lives of children our children are now the the target well they've always been a target but now in infancy
I mean the very government is talking about spending your tax to make puberty blockers available to children that they themselves have confused and purity blockers by the way just a reminder are not some benign little thing they are absolutely destructive to human life destructive to human life any doctor that prescribes something like that should be hung by the neck until dead yes you heard me say that those drugs destroy children and so if you're gonna destroy children a sane nation will defend their children and will execute those who seek to destroy their children oh that's too harsh what are your standards by what standard by what standard if you're a
Christian have you read your Bible recently why don't you go read
Deuteronomy 28 and 29 and come back and get with me about harshness okay hear that or you just don't really believe that children should be defended you don't really believe that they're talking about destroying children's bodies and lives and minds but they are they are people just don't take anything this yes don't and future generations once God by his grace demonstrates fully and crushes secularism under the feet of Jesus are going to look back at this generation as the worst we talk about the best of all generations the worst most self -absorbed emotion ridden all about me people ever
I include myself in the generation anyway I want to play you a section of this actually
I can't start off that way because I've got to find a way to share it with you here is okay brave browser and then
I'll go large on that and hopefully this is gonna work there we go and let's try to play this and see how it works
Oh probably well people right in fact
I would argue that in taking it from the best -case scenario both the right and the left all right here we go
I had it queued up and of course are merely meant to represent and validate there we go people who fit those minority identities and that's equating it with race and all
I'm saying is it's not the same as race because they are not inherently immutable for all people in all places the way races and that needs to be handled and respected so what you're saying is it's more complex and people want to oversimplify it yes when people on the right say if you want to talk about gender identity in second grade it's probably because you want to groom children to make them transgender and on the left we say if you don't want us to be able to talk about gender identity in the second grade it's because you're a bigot and you hate all you know non -binary non -conforming people and both left and right are oversimplifying a complex matter that no it does representing it yeah it doesn't mean you're you're a bigot if you're not comfortable with that and it doesn't mean you're a groomer if you think that would be valuable right in fact
I would argue that in taking it from the best -case scenario both the right and the left have very admirable reasons for their positions on the left it's we want to care for and represent and validate kids who are non -gender conforming and make them feel loved and welcomed amen on the right it's we understand that for some young kids gender confusion can lead to greater anxiety and distress in a way that doesn't exist if they're not introduced to that idea at a young age and we want to protect them from unnecessary anxiety and stress that a second grader isn't ready for and we want to introduce them to these ideas when we believe as the parents are right that's also a compassionate and so they're both coming at it from compassionate motives right but they're for political and cultural reasons being misrepresented in order to demonize the other side to score political points which is just sad okay what are you doing there
I'm not sure what that was all about okay so both sides are coming at this from a position of compassion of compassion really you wonder why we are getting absolutely nowhere in can communicating to the world that there is a day of judgment coming that there is an objective revelation of what is right and what is wrong these people have already accepted the idea of gender non conforming children instead of going our society is is engendering using it in different way this confusion that would not be there if it were not for our society's rebellion against God's law and against God's way they're accepting the idea that some massive percentage of children don't know what they are it's absurd absolute absurdity and yet they've accepted it and once you accept that once you see what what they don't believe is that God has created us in a particular fashion and for a particular purpose and that therefore
God's law actually exists for our betterment because he's our creator because he is our maker then he knows exactly how we should live he knows exactly how we should function and that's what his law reveals to us but once you reject that and let's be honest a very large portion of evangelical ism has rejected that once you don't have that anymore let me let me mention something over the past number of months
I have seen over and over and over again I have seen amongst good people brothers and sisters and the
Lord I have seen the same kind of how do
I describe this I'm trying to be very careful and accurate and ironic everything else you have to be today willingness to accept less than accurate understandings of certain positions because it's sort of traditional to do so I did that kind of thing
I I did that and accepted we all do you know you're raised a certain way you have certain prejudices as a result and it's very easy to not listen to someone else's perspectives so for example the majority of people with whom
I have conversation on social media these days in regards to eschatology and my acceptance of a post -millennial understanding of eschatology when
I seek to speak with them there's there's actually an unwillingness on their part to hear a meaningful definition of what post -millennial isms all about instead if their favorite preacher said that post -millennial ism means that every single day it's better than the day before you can go well that's not what it's saying at all it actually is saying this oh no that's what it's actually saying and so since today's not as good as yesterday therefore it must be false and it's like but but that's that's not what it's saying you you're you're misunderstanding there's there's a willing there's no willingness to go there in the same way
Doug Wilson put out a video I was watching recently as well those videos were you know someone does quotes from it and they have the little animated figures that really works well
I would if there's anybody in our audience because because we did remember we did that one video and really really really well done when people do this
I think it's a lot of work but there are a couple topics I'd like to tackle and do a similar type of thing to be perfectly honest with you because it does communicate it does communicate really really well but he put one out on general equity theonomy which is terminology used in Westminster confession faith general equity anyways and was addressing various of the objections to it and things like that and anyone who's listened to the series
I preached at PRBC years ago knows that that's where I've been for a long long time and yet there are so many people so many people who will say you can't hold the justification you can't hold the imputed
Christ if you believe in any form of theonomy at all and I'm like why because you believe you're justified by law no
I don't but that's the enemy is no it's not and it's just there's it's not even a willingness to allow for definitions to take place so I watched the
I'm making application now I watched the discussion that took place in 2015 at the
NRB I think I mentioned it your last program the program before us as a national religious broadcasters thing that Janet partial moderated
Michael Brown was on it I forget what the woman's name was and then the author of torn
Justin and then Brandon Richardson Robertson Brandon Robertson one two three four yeah five people okay
Janet kept moving around so I'm just trying to see if I've forgotten anybody um it was frustrating to me obviously you know
I agreed with what Michael had to say and he very strongly presented a biblical understanding and and that's great but what was missing from everybody from everybody was the normative function of the law of God in defining mankind his purpose his relationship to one another there is a lot about feelings and emotions and and wouldn't it be better for the church if this and la la la but nobody oh you could have and there are people's the scriptural teaching is this but there was a fundamental hesitation a fundamental hesitation to specifically make the statement
God's law defines what man is to be
God's law tells us how we are to do life how we are to do relationship how we're to do law how we're to do government
God's law reveals these things and there is there is such a fundamental antinomianism in evangelicalism that it's no wonder we only give half of the answer on issues of homosexuality transgenderism pedophilia and all of it because we're ashamed of God's law because we haven't we won't do what
I did in that sermon series there are a bunch of texts in there that we're afraid of because we never thought it through we've never made application we've never seen the consistency and it is if if my grandkids are going to be equipped to tell the post
Western collapse world the direction to go to find peace and prosperity in the future they can't be afraid of one of the most important things
God has given to us in his law this camp none of us can none of us can we have to we have to use everything
God's given to us and so as I as I listen to what's going on in the world today
I am I'm just reminded of not only the the blessing of what
God has given to us but the blessing of believing his promises that Christ will put all of his enemies under his feet and that may take a long time and anyways so with all of that said
I saw a video online and we had commented last week on Brandon Robertson again he was on the panel in 2015
I could tell Ben it was only a matter of time it was only a matter of time he was not going to in any way shape or form remain anywhere near connected to Orthodoxy and that has certainly been the reality is not even yet 30 years of age but he is the one last year put out the video about Jesus is racism and so I I don't even know what to say about this other than to say once you that there is a we must remember remember back when the president the
SPC was saying that the Bible whispers about sexual sin and that homosexuality is merely one sin amongst many listed in Romans 1 and we responded and demonstrated that he was an error that in fact
Romans 1 does not have homosexuality in the midst of what's called the vice list but it is found before then in the section demonstrating the depth the the depth of the impact of rebellion on the part of man in the suppression of the knowledge of God that this goes so far that even the defining desires of mankind knowledge of what a man is what a woman is what a man's supposed to do with a woman what the natural function of the woman is and vice versa will be sacrificed to that rebellion and that therefore the argument is that homosexuality means that the rebellion against God goes to the deepest part of man even to this level which if it became general would be the end of the species right a person who embraces that lifestyle and says that's who
I am that's how God has made me is a person who will go to any length to defend that perspective and if they remain religious that means they will go to any length in the perversion of the
Word of God to defend that perspective and that's what
Brandon Robertson is doing and I believe we've only seen the beginning it's gonna get worse it's gonna get worse unless God grants repentance so when
I saw this this video I was like you you've got to be you've got to be kidding but wasn't kidding so let's listen it's only a minute
Nate second a minute and two seconds long well about a minute long well you don't have to be exact it's about a minute long and all
I gotta do is play it and then we'll make some some comments from there let's dive in did you know that Jesus helped his friend come out in John chapter 11 verse 43 this is what it says
Jesus called out in a loud voice saying Lazarus come out you see
Lazarus was locked up in a cold dark tomb wrapped in burial cloths left for dead that's exactly what so many
Christians and so many churches do to LGBT people they wrap us up and bind us up and tell us that we need to keep our identity our true self locked away but Jesus upon seeing
Lazarus in this state he says step into the light take off the cloth be who you are come alive
I believe that this is what Jesus is speaking to every LGBT person come out of the tomb of shame take off the chains that have bound you up step into the glory of who
God made you to be fearfully and wonderfully made just as you are you are beloved of God let me just start by saying that how you handle the
Word of God is exceptionally important and if you as a false teacher twist the
Word of God in this fashion you will answer for your having done so this is not something to be taken lightly by any stretch of the imagination this is an astonishing thing to do it's astonishingly evil to twist the
Word of God in this way there is not any time in in all of church history where anyone up until the modern day would have looked at that text and made that application you must reject the consistency of Scripture which he obviously has already and then you must be willing to engage in an astonishing level of misrepresentation to come up with what we just heard in those in those words
John chapter 11 is a tremendous passage teaching that Jesus has complete sovereignty over human life it is a picture of the power of God to raise the spiritually dead to life it is a picture of his power as the
Son of God fulfilling what he had already been teaching in John chapter 5 John chapter 6 John chapter 8 John chapter 10 and as such it should render a sense of awe in the heart of anyways when you're speaking to unbelievers you can present to them a
Jesus who once raised Lazarus and I don't know what where the Lazarus thing comes from I maybe there it was edited so I don't maybe maybe he made some
I don't know but who raised Lazarus from the dead to demonstrate the unity that existed between he and the
Father that was part of the purpose of having done so this is the same
Jesus who any one like Brandon would have to admit if what
Brandon says is true then there were many homosexuals and even transgenders and within a few years that long acronym will include minor attracted individuals my minor attracted people maps they'll put an
M in there or whatever they call it and so in a very short period of time to be open -minded to be loving you need to include them in the list even though I can remember not very long ago when you would have been pilloried for saying that that would have you you're just that is absurd that would never happen we're not saying that well it's happening now we all see it we all see it happening all around us but they would have to admit that in Jesus ministry when he was speaking to the crowds if he knew what was in the hearts of men there were homosexuals and fun right there were made that way there were transgender people made that way and they could not live out they could not be their best selves their true selves notice how we use that language so he's saying it's something that God creates in people they couldn't be their true self because they'd be stoned they'd be executed and Jesus knew because he knows what's in the hearts of men right never said a word never said a word instead he said if you teach men to break even one of the least the
Commandments you'll be released in the kingdom of God huh in fact he said he was the fulfillment of the law that doesn't mean the doing away with but the fulfillment its goal its end its purpose it pointed to him it's a our tutor to lead us unto
Christ huh the law that kept them from being their true selves and yet Jesus never said a word but when he raised
Lazarus from the dead he was letting he was helping his friend to come out that kind of utter twisting of the scriptures the utter twisting of language only works on unregenerate individuals who want to be deceived because I mean even in the context even within the context of unbelieving people just simply a person who for example studies ancient literature would be able to go um no that's not no that's that's not what that's about that for fair we'll have to admit that's not what that was about at all but when you are a pastor of an affirming church which is nothing but a synagogue of Satan then you can say whatever you want and there's already a perversity in the mind that is then attracted to perversity of teaching because people wonder why do people go to churches like this everybody knows that you're just gonna hear what you want to be told well that's what happens your church too no it isn't no it isn't there are very often very convicting sermons that tell us what we don't want to hear based upon the
Word of God well happens there too we're told that we need to strive for justice the vision of God and justice and of the
Christian faith in those churches is always simply a reflection of its leadership it's all it ever is because the
Word of God doesn't believe there this man doesn't believe the Word of God he's not under the authority of the Word of God but he is a twister of the
Word of God he is a perverter of the Word of God and he's not the only one but he is representative of so much of what we see going on all around us in this day so we must ourselves be skilled in exegesis and understanding how to handle the scriptures not based on some tradition but to actually honor them as the
Word of God if this is the Word of God then we will honor it as the Word of God and you have to handle it in a certain way to honor it as the
Word of God and they will pass those skills on to our children and our grandchildren and our great -grandchildren as as a more important aspect of their inheritance than anything else you could ever give them from this world ever thought of it that way it's true it's true think of it in those those lines something just popped up on I guess we should stop eating eggs avian flu egg prices soaring
I don't know I don't know I got I've got a dozen in the refrigerator I guess that's all
I'm gonna get to have so there you go Lord bless your people and protect them so continue to pray for the ministry up here ministry out in Mesa Arizona apology of passing out tracks and stuff to the
Mormons out there ask them to draw ask the Lord to draw those people out so that we can have those conversations we love to have introduce them to the truth and we appreciate that I'm not sure when we'll be getting together next week
I need to look at the schedule it could be regular we'll see just get the app make sure you've got it and we'll still be up here in Salt Lake City next week supposed to have snow on Tuesday so hey 74 degrees outside right now might still have the window will be closed but there might be snow coming down who knows could be fun we'll see you next week thanks for watching