Adult Sunday School - Marriage And Threefold Office of Christ


Lesson: Marriage And Threefold Office of Christ Date: June 16, 2024 Teacher: Pastor Conley Owens


Heavenly Father, thank you for this morning. I pray that you would bless our study of your word and Christ threefold office And how it applies to marriage in Jesus name.
Amen All right, so as I mentioned last week today we will be looking at the
Not sure how you pronounce Latin that well, but I think it's pronounced munis triplex meaning is threefold office of prophet priest and King So we've been going through what's known as the historia salutis the history of salvation all the way from election moving forward to calling moving forward to The Incarnation and then
Jesus's earthly ministry and now we're looking at the threefold office. And so one question that might arise here is
Why would we look at the threefold office at this point doesn't isn't that something that's established at his resurrection
Isn't that something that's established once he becomes King, you know declared in the resurrection
His threefold offices his threefold office begins in his earthly ministry, and I'm gonna spend probably
Too much time, but I'm gonna spend some time Explaining that his office begins his threefold office begins even in his earthly ministry
Not just once he's declared the Son of God by the resurrection All right, so Jesus spoke of himself as a prophet from the earliest days of his ministry
Matthew 13 57 It says and they were offended by him But Jesus said to them a prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house
So Jesus identifies himself as a prophet his disciples identify him as a prophet
John 9 John 9 17 they say therefore to the blind man again.
Why do you say of him? That he opened your eyes and he said he is a prophet Oh, what do you say of him that he opened your eyes and he said he is a prophet
Luke 24 19 and he said to them what things and they said to him these the things concerning Jesus the
Nazarene It was a prophet mighty indeed and word before God and all the people And so many others identified him as a prophet as well in John for the woman at the well says sir
I perceive your prophet Josh were you gonna? Right.
Yeah to speak with that kind of authority Definitely and that kind of authority seemed to be even beyond the authority that John the
Baptist had as a prophet You know, that's something even more than a property speaking, you know, especially as the
Son of God Luke 7 16 fear took hold on all and they glorified
God and said a great prophet is arisen among us and God has visited his people Matthew 21 11 and the multitude said this is the prophet
Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee John 6 14 John 7 40 once again, you have multitudes calling him the prophet who has come into the world
Any questions about Jesus prophetic office beginning during his earthly ministry? That one's a little more obvious than some of the others
Any questions? Yes This is truly the prophet that's coming to the world.
Yes 1818 yes.
Yes, I believe I have that written down here somewhere. It is 1818. Yes. Yeah, Deuteronomy 1818 yeah, so there's a prophecy that is a prophecy that God would raise up a prophet like Moses and Jesus is that prophet?
All right. Now, what about Jesus priesthood Now, yeah, can you think of any verses that talk about you as being a priest during his earthly ministry?
this is Much less explicit and there's a there's a reason why it wouldn't be they they don't have a category back then for there being a prophet
Not from Levi right a prophet from Judah. This is This is not something that's so expected.
It's only something that's explained and understood Later on does someone want to volunteer to read
Hebrews 7 14 through 17? Okay. Thanks. We get a mic
Hebrews 7 14 through 17 and here's a mic for you 17
For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah which of which tribe Moses spake nothing
Concerning priesthood and it is yet far more evident for that after the similitude of Melchizedek There ariseth another priest who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment
But after the power of an endless life for he testifies thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek Okay.
Thanks. All right. I'm gonna do a microphone swap here myself See what
Gun drills you see people do you know where they like take the gun apart and then put it back together as fast as they can
Okay All right. So yeah, it's not without reason that John 17 is called the high priestly prayer Jesus priestly office
Well, it's not as explicit for those reasons stated does begin during his earthly ministry
Yes Right.
Yeah. Yeah, it is the priestly duty. They have to go to the priest to be declared clean and yeah And he was doing that, right?
I think there's at least one time where he gives instruction for them to go to the priest So they still have to they still have to do that Right, right.
Yeah Okay, and now the timing of his kingship All right
Matthew 2 2 all the way from beginning from his birth Where is he who is born
King of the Jews? And we saw his star in the east and have come to worship him And at the beginning of his ministry
Nathanael answered him rabbi. You are the Son of God. You are King of Israel You know these people identifying him as the
Son of God that that is what they are identifying him They're identifying him as the king you see in Psalm 2
The mention of the Son of God the anointed this is something that is This is the role of the king
So those aren't those aren't two different things son of God and King those really are the people understood
The Son of God is the king that is coming So in as much as people are recognizing him as the Son of God, they are recognizing him as king
And then you have his triumphal entry in Jerusalem Now this happened that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the
Prophet saying Tell you the daughter of Zion behold your king comes to you meek and riding on a donkey on a colt the foal of a donkey that was
Matthew 21 4 through 5 and Then Luke 19 37 through 38 says much of the same
Quoting the psalm saying blessed is the king that comes in the name of the Lord Peace in heaven and glory in the highest and then of course that is crucifixion
Now Jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him saying are you the king of the Jews and Jesus said to him you
Say it And this is in the other synoptics as well. And then
Matthew 27 37 Famous thing written above his his head on the cross.
This is Jesus the king of the Jews Right, so people are recognizing him as king even during his earthly ministry all these offices start in his earthly ministry.
They're not just Things that happen after the resurrection. He's prophet priest and king from the beginning and And when
I say from the beginning I don't necessarily mean from the beginning of his life even though he's identified as the king At his birth by the wise men
But specifically like if you think about the term Christ or Messiah, which means anointed, you know
He is anointed for these particular offices When does that anointing take place? It seems very apparent that that is take what's taking place at his at his baptism
Yes, oh,
I don't know all I know is the They objected that they wanted to say this is he who calls himself king of the
Jews or said he was king of the Jews And then they responded, you know, whatever it never written So it's already stated
All right. Okay, so so he is anointed at his baptism Jesus also having been baptized and praying the heavens were open and the
Holy Spirit descended in a bodily form as A dove on him and the voice came out of heaven. You are my beloved
Son in whom I am well Pleased so when it repeatedly speaks of him as being anointed by the
Spirit When did that happen happened at his baptism in particular Luke 4 18 the
Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recover bring a sight to the blind set free those who are bruised
Okay, so yeah, you have the Spirit of God on him at his baptism and it's after that that he begins his earthly ministry
You know, he doesn't begin his earthly ministry as a teenager. He begins it after his baptism after he's been anointed
To do that work to fulfill these offices of being a prophet priest and King Okay.
All right Any questions? All right. Now, let's look at each of these offices
And consider how if we are, you know, if we are supposed to read Ephesians 5 and that teaches us that Christ as Savior Christ as head of the church is supposed to inform us about marriage because there is an organic union they're not just an
Artificial observation of analogy, right? How do those offices then apply?
to the relationship between a husband and wife and They should apply I've I heard for a long time people make these statements about husband being, you know
Like a prophet priest and king of his home. I always thought that was just so weird I'm like, where does the Bible talk about that this but then when you realize
I know the Bible is saying that there is a There's an organic connection between the relationship between Christ in the church and between a husband and his wife and That this is the primary way in which
Christ relates to the church in these offices. Well, then really it must have some bearing on on marriage
Okay, see so prophet hood As Josh mentioned
Deuteronomy 18 18 says I will raise them up a prophet from among the brothers like you and I will put my words in his mouth and I will speak to them all that I will command him and Later on in Acts 3 22 and Acts 7 37
This is confirmed by the Apostles that this prophecy is filled particularly in Jesus All right so Yeah as prophet
Jesus speaks the message of God for the church the church the husband likewise should speak
God's Word for the good of his wife and That notion of prophet hood might seem foreign to marriage
But once again, we have this union here between the two given to us in Ephesians 5 Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for it that he might sanctify it
Having cleansed it by the washing of water with the word and this is even one of the examples given in that chapter is the
Cleansing by the washing of the water of the word If that is something that is to be emulated This prophetic ministry of Christ with the word then it should be emulated in marriage as well in this this passage
It's talking about marriage So, how does the husband do that?
Well his leadership should be informed by biblical direction He should be using the Word of God to lead the family and Also, he should be the role of a prophet is to to reveal
God through the Word of God and This is this is what he should be doing as well not only by emulating
Christ but by speaking his word Considered John 1 18. It says no man has seen
God at any time The only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father he has declared him okay, so no one has seen
God, but Jesus came as a prophet to reveal who he is and Husbands likewise should be doing that for their wives and emulating
Christ And we have obviously the way that that's being done is only analogous.
It's not You know, it's not exactly in the same category or anything But we see this confirmed in 1st
John also that I believe it's 1st John 2 Where it speaks of and I actually have this bookmark because I'm gonna quote it in my sermon later
The 1st John 2 9 2 10 says whoever loves his excuse me 314
That's not it either. Sorry. It is 412 No one has ever seen God if we love one another
God abides in us and his love is perfected in us So no one's seen God, but God abides in us
God abides in us if we love one another and so we are revealing God to one another By our love and this this is what makes the rest of this passage makes sense
Maybe you've struggled with this verse here. It says If anyone says
I love God and hates his brother He is a liar for he who does not love his brother whom he hasn't has seen cannot love
God whom he has not seen Now maybe you've struggled with that verse because it sounds like it's saying well
It's easier to love someone who you can see than to love someone who you can't see And I don't I don't know if that's true because when
I see you I see all your faults It's a lot easier to love somebody that you don't know and you've got this idea this idealized version of them
You know, it's a lot a lot easier to love someone. You don't see in some ways what this is saying connecting this to the to the verse just slightly before is
If no one can see God, but he dwells in us when we love one another Then the the most visible way that you can see
God the most visible representation of him you have is one another Right, and if you claim to love
God But then not love the other and that is God the visible representation of God to you in the church
Is one another as we love one another then how can you really love God because he's there abiding in and the brothers
So anyway, this is this is a duty of all Christians to all Christians to reveal God to one another This is not something exclusive to husbands, but there is a particular way that husbands are supposed to do it in emulating
Christ By pointing to the pointing to the father or pointing to Christ as as he points to the father
Right, so all the all the leadership should be should be led by biblical priorities Yeah using the word applying the word as appropriate
Well family worship would be part of it Right. Yeah, and as needed as needed.
It's not a yeah, there's nothing nothing wrong with that Our confession says and I'm gonna if you want to Turn in your him notes of that because I'm gonna quote this several times
This is on page 675 and by 675. I mean the page number not the hymn number
So I'm gonna quote this a few times throughout this lesson Yes 675
This is second London Baptist Confession 8 .10 this describes
Christ prophetic or Christ's offices Says the number and order of offices is necessary for in respect of our ignorance
We stand in need of his prophetical office in respect of our alienation from God and imperfection of the best of our services we need his priestly office to reconcile us and present us acceptable unto
God and In respect of our averseness and utter inability to return to God and for our rescue and security from our spiritual adversaries
We need his kingly office to convince Subdue draw uphold deliver and preserve us to his heavenly kingdom
So just considering the prophetic portion of that For in respect of our ignorance.
We stand in need of his prophetic office because we are ignorant. We need we need him to Reveal God to us.
We need him to declare what's true now Now How does that apply to marriage are we saying that a wife typically is relatively ignorant regarding God The Bible does not shy away from from saying this first Timothy 2 12 through 14 says
But I permit not a woman to teach nor to have dominion over a man but in but to be in quietness for Adam was formed first than Eve and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived has fallen into transgressions into transgressions, so there is between husband and wife a relative ignorance that Requires the husband to play this role.
I guess that scripture is not shying away from that now. Does that mean that? Between every woman it is like strength you ever hear these conversations, right?
We're Like men are generally stronger than women like that's just a it's just a known fact But not every single man is stronger than every single woman
That's not that's not the claim that's being made here but the claim is there is a particular role of the man to be because The way
God has created men that even if you have a disparity in their strength The man is still called to be the protector provider, etc.
And if he's not doing that He's not really doing his job. That is a husband even if there is Some reason that it would be more difficult to him, you know something to consider when
Entering a marriage is those disparities that? Would make it harder for the man to do his job as a man but this is true of Ignorance as well when it comes to when it comes to religion so Yeah, and so there's a lot of there are a lot of husbands who don't feel
Confident because because their wives might know more about Scripture than them and so they end up, you know
When it comes to something like family worship, they have their wife lead family worship. They have their wife read They have their wife, you know do the prayers, etc because maybe their wives are at that moment better equipped but the reality is that God has created men to do that role and they naturally have the
Capacity to grow in that to fill this role of a husband and so they they should wherever there's a lack
The husband ought to grow and any woman who's in a relationship where that disparity exists
Should be patient with her husband and and encourage him and have a willingness to be taught by him
Even if there is a like I said a disparity that's not conducive to this
To this role just like if you had you know Very very similar analogy just like if you have a woman who's much stronger than the husband.
He's still supposed to Play the role of a husband and be a provider and it's not this doesn't absolve him of the duty.
Yes Dignity.
Yeah Right, well, yeah, he should be going to you know other men in his church being led by them
Even his wife could you know tell him? What she knows in order to help him get started but he needs to be playing out that right that's
Right, right, and that's what happened for you, right?
Yeah, good Yeah, and once again something to consider when making that pairing, you know a
People are so concerned about the very visible things like like an age difference, right? You know men typically want to be older than the woman etc
And all that's important only because it's a proxy of these other kinds of real maturities, right?
If you if you have that age gap, but then actually, you know, the maturity disparity is in reverse
It's not conducive to the man being able to play this role that he is supposed to that he is supposed to enact
So not saying that you can't you know learn to thrive in that situation, but it does make it more difficult
And so it's something that's important to consider is that is the relative maturity is the man prepared to lead spiritually
Prophetically, you know using that word loosely obviously, it's not inspired prophecy or anything that a man would speak
Yeah, and then You know, I mentioned patience this and the willingness to be taught by him first Corinthians 1435 and if they would learn anything
Let them ask their own husbands at home. You know, you have you have this pictured in Scripture All right.
Secondly Priesthood or any any questions about prophet hood before we move on to priesthood?
Yes. Oh Corinthians 1435 a All right priesthood.
So Jesus is not merely a prophet but a priest Hebrews 3 1 says therefore holy brothers partakers of a heavenly calling consider the
Apostle and high priest of our confession That is Jesus now We have one mediator between God and man according to 1st
Timothy 2 5 but for there's one God one mediator also between God and men Himself man
Christ Jesus. So once again when we're talking about when we apply this to others and speak of Priestly role.
We're not talking about this. We're talking about this analogously. This is not the same category No one stands in as a gateway to God other than Jesus Christ.
So Yeah, it doesn't matter Yeah, it doesn't matter who you are. You don't you don't have to go to a priest
You don't have to go through your husband. You don't have to go through etc But all that being said Yeah, and most
Protestant churches apart from even apart from Anglicans, I'm not sure of any others don't call their pastors priests.
Why because we're not We're not mediators in that sense. Even if we play a priestly role, you know, we are not
And praying for the congregation and things like that. We are not We're not gateways to God so that you would have to go through us in order to have your sins forgiven and things like that But that's why
Roman Catholicism, you know, they call their priests priests Yeah, you've got to go to them in order to have your sins forgiven. They really are a gateway to God Right.
Yeah, they do they do call them father That one I it's certainly awkward in our context, but that one
I don't have as much problem with because When Jesus has called no -man father He's making a broader principle about the kind of respect that we're supposed to have that should not trump our respect to God and Obviously, we don't take that to refer to our human fathers
Even though Jesus is applying it so broadly like I call my human father father Paul called himself a father of the
Corinthians, right and actually actually scripture Refers to David as a father. It refers to any authority figure actually as a father.
So Jesus is making a Jesus is making a point that I don't think has to be applied to literally such that we can't even call our own father fathers or acknowledge some of the fatherly relationships that scripture has like like Paul or or David So I don't yes
Right because you have one father in heaven the idea being that that Similar to when
Jesus says you have to hate your own father and mother, you know, you have this trumps everything else
You know this relationship with God so Yeah, I find a lot of their
Those practices distasteful including calling the priest father because of what it entails but I but I can't in principle object to it on its own because you even see it practiced in scripture by the
Disciples, yeah Right Yeah, Jesus says as Priest right and so yeah analogously husbands play a priestly role for their families
They speak to God So a prophet's job is to speak to the people on behalf of God a priest's role is speak to God on behalf of the
People right. It's the other direction of that communication and the husband is tasked with speaking to God on behalf of their families
They're their wives and their children And there's a lot of examples in this is of this in scripture but I'll just give three of them
Genesis 25 21 and Isaac entreated Jehovah for his wife because she was barren and Jehovah was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived
Luke 1 13 But the angel said to him do not be afraid Zechariah because your supplication is heard and your wife
Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall call his name John. So him praying on behalf of his wife Job 1 5 and It was so when the days of their feasting this is speaking of Job's children when the days of their feasting were gone about that Job sent and sanctified them and Rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for Job said it
May be that my sons have sinned and renounced God in their hearts. Thus Job did continually
So there's a number of examples in scripture of Fathers in particular playing this priestly role for their family of Speaking with God on their behalf and then we even have
Paul Speaking this way in 1st Timothy 2 and 1st Timothy 2
I'm gonna turn there to make sure I get the context Because this is talking about the roles of men and women
All right, he says in 1st Timothy 2 Verse 8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray lifting up holy hands without anger or quarreling
Likewise also that women should adorn themselves with respectful apparel with modesty and self -control, etc.
And he explains Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness, etc.
Those passages we were just looking at right So what are the men supposed to do? And what are the women supposed to do?
It says specifically of the men that they are to be praying in every place lifting up holy hands without wrath and disputing
Why is it that the men are particularly tasked with praying aren't the women supposed to pray too? Yeah, women are supposed to pray
Of course, they're supposed to pray but there is a a special way that men are supposed to pray okay, and men are supposed to be praying on behalf of of Others and that's why they are saddled with this task
Specifically and in this passage the women are not it's because they are supposed to be praying on behalf of others
Hopefully that makes sense Yes, yeah, this is in every place so this includes the home
That's it's the same thing but there's a Yeah, there's a special blessing that's had people have particular obligations
To pray on behalf of others in certain circumstances You see this with rulers right rulers or pastors
Pastors are supposed to pray for the congregation congregations are supposed to pray for their pastors But there's an understanding in Scripture that there's a different sense in which one is praying for the other right as it says in Hebrews 7
The lesser is always blessed by the greater Right, meaning that and even though you see blessed use both directions in Scripture, right?
The lesser sometimes blesses greater and greater sometimes blesses the lesser but what that passage is getting at is the sort of blessing that comes from the greater to the lesser is
One where you are using your your special standing and the role that God has given you to especially
Call down favor on behalf of these others. So when I when I pray for the congregation
I'm doing so especially as a pastor, right and when you pray for me, it's a different it's a different kind of prayer
It's not it's not symmetric in that way And the same thing for a for a husband and his family when he prays he's praying
He has a special kind of obligation a special kind of Sense to pray on behalf of on behalf of them that the that's not the same for the wife as she prays for her husband
Right, I'm not sure I'm not totally sure I understand the question Yeah, I don't think it's
I don't think it's appropriate just like you see in 1st Corinthians 14 the other passage I alluded to when it's talking about the people who are speaking on in front of the whole congregation
It that's when after it describes, you know What the prophets do this let those who speak in tongues do this and then the women should remain silent and ask their husbands at home
So it I mean it's fine for women to pray in church But as a you know, we only have a few minutes left
To have men go to the pulpit and lead the congregation in prayer, right? Yes Nick did you have a question?
No, okay. All right So once again consider what our confession says here, you know, if you still got the hymnal open and section 8 it says
Somewhere near the middle or sorry eight point ten. So somewhere near the middle
We need his priestly office to reconcile us and present us acceptable unto
God and in respect of Yeah, it's right there. We need his priestly office to reconcile us and present us acceptable unto
God. Oh, excuse me Let me read the phrase before this is from eight point ten and After that first semicolon and In respect of our alienation from God and imperfection of the best of our services
We need his priestly office to reconcile us and present us acceptable unto
God Okay, so we need in addition to his prophetic offices priestly office
Why because of our alienation from God now that is not to suggest once again That this matter is so absolute that women would be alienated from God without a believing husband
First Corinthians 7 addresses that because but notice that that is a natural question that ends up arising
It's like would are we alienated from God through this? For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in the brother
Else were your children unclean, but now they are holy. That was a first Corinthians 714 and it continues on in verse 16 for how do you know a wife whether you shall save your husband for how do you know a wife whether Or how do you know a husband whether you shall save your wife?
All right, so There is a priesthood in Scripture of all believers and This does apply in reverse with wives to husband.
However, there's a special way that the husband prays for his wife Now another another verse that shows it's not so absolute talks about unbelieving husbands or disobedient husbands 1st
Peter 3 1 Likewise you wives be in submission to your own husbands that even if they do not obey the word
They may without the word without a word be gained by the behavior of their wives
Yet all the same Despite this passage the husband's prayers have particular power and you see even in that passage even in 1st
Peter 3 Where 1st Peter 3 1 had talked about women submitting to their husbands even disobedient ones
It talks about husbands and says you husbands in verse 7 likewise dwell with your wives according to knowledge giving honor to the woman as the weaker vessel as being also joint heirs of the grace of life to the end that your prayers are not hindered and there is a
It's kind of a difficult question to answer in this first one It says your prayers is talking about your prayers individually
It is plural is it talking about you men your prayers not be hindered or is it talking about the women?
Or talking sorry, is it talking about both husband and wife praying together that your prayers together are heard?
Most a lot of the Reformation commentators argued for the latter and that's what I would tend to that This is actually talking about their joint prayers together.
And so Who does the burden fall on to make sure that their prayers are heard by God? The burden is falling particularly on the husband that that their prayers be heard and not hindered
And this would be true Even if it is just talking about the the husband's prayers and not husbands and wives praying together the burden still in this passage about prayers not being hindered falling particularly on the husband and Then just from a
Observational standpoint, this is fairly clear to there are some statistics about this that get shared around that are
Have no source So you might see some things that sound more sharp than what
I'm about to tell you But I cannot find sources for any of those things okay, if a if a
Any evangelicalism so I have a book I've been reading on this topic about faith and families and how it gets passed on Just a secular book, but any evangelicalism if a mother has a warm relationship with her son
As opposed to all the other situations where she doesn't what is the increase in likelihood that the child will?
Remain evangelical as he grows into adulthood. What is the increase in likelihood? I'll let you all guess and I'll say lower or higher
Lower lower lower lower lower higher
Just one. It's 1 % 1 % more likely if a mother has a close relationship with her child that the child will continue in evangelicalism
Now for fathers if the father has a close relationship with the child as opposed to not what is the likelihood?
He will continue into evangelicalism. What is the increase in likelihood? Yeah. Yeah, it's 25 % 25 % so there are plenty of secular statistics backing this up and you
I Has been interest recently on single fathers versus single mothers and Incarceration stuff like that.
You see these things. There is a special role that the father has in the home. It's as important as the the mother's
Role is in nurturing children father has a very special role in his spiritually leading the family.
Yes Yeah, this is all things off all other things excluded so like, you know that that would include both
For the father that would include both the mother being cold or not cold. Yeah Yes Yeah What's that?
I Don't know it didn't address that. I was wondering that same question. Yes Do those stack like if they're both warm is that 26 % more likely?
Yeah, yeah Oh Yeah, I'm not saying it's only one percent influence.
We were we're starting off the basis that they are evangelicals This is an evangelical parent.
There's already a likelihood that they will continue in evangelicalism, right? And so the answer is just what's the increase that's added by the mother's warmth to the to the family, right?
so we're talking about you know a 60 % likelihood changing to 61 versus a 60 % likelihood changing to 85 that's that's what we're talking about.
Yeah all right the one the stat that gets shared around a lot that There are no sources for and a lot of people have investigated and determined There's no source for this and you might see it shared around on social media or something says 93 % come to the faith that their father converts for 70 17 percent if mother and Then if the mother converts first and then 3 .5
percent if the child converts first That the whole family will convert. I don't think there's
There's no there's no source for this as as like interesting as a statistic as that is
There's no there's no source for that one All right, any questions about priests before we move on to kingship?
All right. Let's move on to kingship So naturally the picture of a king is one of authority
This matches the picture of human marriage as described by Paul Which speaks of wives submitting to and fearing their husbands?
Ephesians 2 or excuse me, Ephesians 5 22 wives be in submission to your own husbands as to the
Lord For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church being himself the
Savior of the body But as the church is subject to Christ So let the wives also be to their husbands and everything and then skipping down to verse 33 nevertheless
Also individually each one must love his own wife even as himself and let the wife see that she fear her husband a
Lot of translations just say respect, but the the word there is fear So yeah wise must obey their husbands now once again
We've talked about this other times, but this is now this analogy is not absolute Because just like you see in the next passage
Children are supposed to obey their parents in the Lord, right? this is always qualified by the greater duty to God if there's any situation where one would not be serving
God by Obeying her husband. She should not and but this does not mean that that authority relationship is conditioned on whether or not what he's saying is is wise or Agreeable, etc.
Right that relationship still exists, even if Even if his his direction is not not agreeable Right.
It is it is an office that that exists regardless, you know, just like At the
Gosh the State of the Union address, you know Everybody everybody stands up and claps for the president at the beginning out of respect for him, right?
They may not clap at the things he says But both both sides of the aisle respect the office of president
Even if they don't really like the guy even if they think he's a fool they still respect it And so that's that's what we're talking about here.
He still holds the office regardless of whether or not he's off executing the office. Well Okay, yes, and so looking to the confession once again
After the second semicolon it says and In our respect of our averseness and utter inability to return to God And for our rescue and security from our spiritual adversaries
We need his kingly office to convince subdue draw uphold deliver and preserve us to his heavenly kingdom okay, so um
Yeah, so these are these are the uses of his authority. So the first one, uh there was about convincing right or persuading
Uh, that is part of the the use of authority is to persuade Same goes with other aspects of authority right like a pastor's authority
Exists to to persuade um So the husband has this particular role in in persuading a particular position to be able to persuade
Right and then uh next it mentions, um To subdue a husband's given a particular relationship
Uh a particular role to subdue the wife now once again That might seem like a lot of people hear that kind of stuff and they feel like oh, that's that sounds really oppressive but this is this is what scripture says the um the natural state of things will be is that That In genesis 3
It says Uh to the woman he said I will surely multiply your pain and childbearing and pain you shall bring forth children
Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you Uh, there will since the fall be a natural inclination, uh for their for there to be rebellion
You know, this is the reason that paul addresses inferiors before superiors, you know talking about authority relationships
He addresses wise before husbands. He addresses children before parents. He addresses slaves before masters why because there will always be like a more natural resistance from from uh
The uh from the one who is under authority versus the one who is in authority And so this this position is also given to uh to subdue now, uh
Yeah, that authority is not just for when the wife wishes to submit but at all times and uh, yeah and the husband
Ought to ought to subdue now. This is this is You're familiar with this with children, right unruly children
Uh, you you fix that problem the same thing same thing is true with unruly wives now, you don't have the same
Means to do that, right god has given parents the authority of the rod the use of the rod to correct children but uh, he has not given that for For wise instead what we have here is the word now when
I say word I'm not suggesting that the only the only tool the husband has in his toolkit is begging
Right. It's like oh, please don't be an unruly wife. Please don't nag me um If a husband has his word and his word is authority
It has authority over the whole home, uh, then there's there's more to what word means than just you know begging it is um uh, yeah, if the wife is if if the wife is being um, you know, i've known uh
Some women who are essentially shopaholics right just like really wasting money uh, it would be right for the husband and his authority to To uh
Take authority over the bank accounts, etc As needed in order to to correct the situation that would not be out of bounds for a husband to do
So when I say that the tool that god has given parents is the rod and husbands is word By word,
I don't mean just begging it could be a lot more than that Um But obviously it wouldn't be something physical um
All right yeah, and then drawing right so Uh speaking about christ drawing.
So the husband is supposed to not just uh, coerce submission from his wife But it's supposed to be uh, like you see christ with the church drawing out a willing submission
Psalm 1 10 3 says your people offer themselves willingly in the day of your power and holy array out of the womb of the
Morning, you have the due of your youth and this is the this is the mark of a good king. He uses his authority to um uh to inspire people toward willing willing submission not just uh
Yeah, not just coercing them into uh obedience All right, and then in considering the rest of that uh, holding delivering preserving uh
Yeah applying all that to the activity of the husband Uh, he should preserve her honor protect her from harm save her from any danger provide for her etc.
The things that um, Yeah, you're probably already familiar with thinking about any questions of about kingship before I make a couple of extra comments
And then yes Yeah, so When god puts someone in a position of authority
Because that authority is supposed to be respected their words are supposed to be especially respected And that means that your words have more power to persuade than someone else in a different position would have
Right even saying the same things right, and so Yeah, the husband has this particular task to persuade the or particular role to persuade the wife and what is good in the the right
Direction biblical direction of the home things like that All right.
Let me make a couple of extra comments in the last five minutes We have you notice at the beginning of this it says the number in order of the offices is necessary and it explains
Why we need each of the offices now, it does not uh in this explain why the order is necessary uh, if you look at both the order of salutis meaning the the order of salvation in your own personal life and the
Historia salutis, which is the the order of salvation in history Both of those you see prophet priest king come in order, right?
Jesus spoke the word Before he made the sacrifice before he acted as king and ruled over the people, right?
Same thing is true uh with The way you experience salvation, right? You heard the word proclaimed to you first and then that sacrifice was applied to you and then you know
Jesus rules over your life. So the order of those offices is important and and that also Uh should be applied to marriage a lot of uh, a lot of people might want to be king
Without being the prophet and priest it's not going to work. Well, um Uh, jesus did not do it that way, right?
He did not just uh invoke authority without performing the other two portions of his threefold office appropriately
Right now once again, you know, this never gives uh an excuse to lack respect, um the respect that scripture commands for husbands, but but husbands must uh
Must consider the order of those offices as well as just the number of the offices
The other thing I would say is that uh, you see that in christ Uh, we are a royal priesthood that even though he's the one mediator between god and man.
We are uh, we are uh In a sense also identified as prophets priests and kings in some secondary way
In scripture and I would say that you see the same thing in the home, uh the wife Over the children by virtue of her husband's authority in the home has this has this role over her children right as as a secondary sort of prophet priest and king, um
All right, any questions those were like some pretty deep things I threw out there last minute but uh
Any questions about any of that? Yes Yeah, so it's it just what it says here that you need all these things.
It's trying to give like a holistic view Right, right because those are the three offices you see in israel, right?
That's the idea if these are if these are establishing what the messiah will be And these are the three anointed positions now one thing people point out is what about the judges weren't that wasn't that another office?
A judge is essentially just a mini king. Uh, when you when you read older writings on on government, they will refer to um they will refer to Uh positions like mayors as lesser judges the idea being that the king is the highest judge um so And what do you see in in the book of judges is basically you have these many kings who don't
Typically have a legacy and are only ruling over part of israel instead of the whole thing The difference between them being a judge and being a king is they're not over all of israel
Right until samuel basically where it kind of is but it's still It's not yet recognized as that new office and then he's the one who establishes the first king and saw and then david
Yes You could yeah, you could use those words if you wanted to but yeah the idea being that there's a delegated authority, right?
Status that's that's similar to how we have a special status being in christ Now, I don't know if you would use the phrase in the husband because it doesn't quite have the exact same covenantal structure
But yeah, god has established something there so that the woman has this delegated authority over the home Any other questions?
All right, well, let me close this in prayer, uh dear heavenly father, thank you for jesus christ who is our prophet priest and king we confess our need for him and we confess also our