Matt Slick Live: February 7, 2025


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Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 02-07-2025) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Email Question Answered/ Matt Discusses The Need to Let The Word of God Supersede our own Opinions/ Email Reading/ When Adam and Eve Sinned, did We Sin With Them?/ Matt Discusses the History of an American Political Party/ A Caller Talks about Changing Politics/ A Caller Talks about a Close Death/ A Caller Says there Was No Political Party Switching/Are we Living in The End Times?/ Concern of a Church Member About Things Not Directly Associated With The Gospel and Preaching/Extra-Curricular Events/ February 7, 2025


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers, taking your calls, and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hi everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live. Today's date is
February 7th, 2025. Hope you're all having a good day. It's a nice Friday. We've got nobody waiting right now.
We've had some good conversations in the past few days, so maybe, just maybe, if you want to have a conversation, you can give me a call and we can talk.
Be fun. Be good. The number is 877 -207 -2276.
Just give me a call. We've got four open lines. Also, if you want to email me, that's easy to do as well.
All you have to do there is just send your email to info at karm .org,
info at karm .org, and put the subject line, radio comments or radio question.
One of those will be fine, and then we can get to them, and in fact, I'm going to look at some of those right now.
We've got some, and we have nobody waiting, and maybe I'll get to them right away. So, I had an interesting conversation last night, so I'm going to go online again on Discord tonight, and I go in there and have these discussions on whatever, and I like to just open up a room, or go into a room that's already there, and people just have a habit of just saying, okay,
Matt, just sit there and answer questions, and I do. And last night, a guy came on, and he hates
Reformed theology. He hates the idea of God's absolute sovereignty, and he asked a question. He said, did
God choose Adam to sin? And what these guys do, they want to have a question that they can ask in such a way that they want to trap you.
If you answer either way, they want to trap you. You know, okay, I get it. That's what their position is, and that's what they want to do.
And so, I said, well, what do you mean by choosing? You're saying choose as in causing, or choosing as in permitting?
And then this big conversation got on, and this guy would not give an inch for anything. It's just most difficult, one of the most difficult people
I've had to work with. And they, you know, people just hate the sovereignty of God. But later on in the conversation,
I said, well, look, is it the case that God works all things after the counsel of His will?
I remember correctly, if I do, I hope I do, he said something to the effect of, no, what that means is that He gives us opportunity and conditions by which you can make these choices and things happen, something of this effect.
I remember he just twisted the word and wouldn't submit to what the Word of God actually says. Now, okay, having said all of that, so let me ask you a question.
When you are reading through God's Word, and you come across something that maybe perturbs you, you don't like, you don't agree to, so let me ask you, do you then reject what it says and just go on or dismiss what it says, or do you then just say, okay, this is what it says, so this is what
I'm going to stick with? Now, that's a question I'm just going to ask, because a lot of times I've encountered people who they will submit the
Word of God to their feelings and what they think something must be. They'll do that. And I'm really stymied by that kind of a thing.
It's really, to me, very interesting why anybody would do something like that. Whenever I come across the
Word and something occurs that I'm reading it that I don't understand, it doesn't agree with what
I think it should say, my conclusion is, okay, I don't understand it, and or my belief system is wrong.
That's me. That's how I go. And I look in it, I check things out to see if I can get it to make sense in a worldview.
And if the worldview doesn't comply or doesn't support that theological aspect that the
Scriptures are teaching, then I need to change my worldview. Now, this brings me to another sub -point.
So I was discussing something with one guy, and I asked him, I said, look, I said, what's your worldview?
He asked me a question, and I said, what's your worldview? And he didn't want to answer. He didn't want to say what his worldview was.
Someone else had to come in and tell me, he's Arminian, oh, okay, thanks. And the guy was so difficult in that he didn't want me to know what position he came from.
And I said, look, I'm just trying to know what your position is so that I can answer your questions better. That's all
I'm trying to do. And then they fight. What I find interesting is that so many people just don't want to divulge anything.
When they have a view, and you have a view that they don't like, man, they will turn against you.
What does that remind you of? To me, it reminds me of the Democrats and the left, you know, we'll fight in the streets.
We'll fight. Got in the streets and fight. We're going to fight you because your position disagrees with ours, and we're going to get you.
And that's what I see. And I don't see much grace from a lot of the people who hate the reformed doctrines of God's greatness, you know, the doctrines of His sovereignty, that He works all things out for the counsel of His will.
And then we have to work out what that means and how it means what it means. And a lot of people just don't want to do that. Anyway, this is just some of the issues that I've had to deal with recently online.
Now, one of the reasons I continue to do this and go into those rooms is because I believe that by going in there and, you know, just mixing it up with people, what they'll do is they will force me sometimes to articulate certain truths in a way that's different than what
I'm accustomed to. And so by doing that, I find that I learn a lot.
I learn a lot about what I already know, and it helps.
So I go in there to do that. And also I hear some positions I never heard before, and then that keeps me sharp to try to research everything.
So I'm glad that even at my late age, I'm still able to do that. I'm 68, and I can't believe
I'm that old. I mean, two years from 70, man, that is up there, and I'm still working 40, 50 hours a week and scrapping with the young 'uns and stuff like that intellectually for me.
It's a lot of interesting stuff. So yeah, that's right, Humble Clay, in the chat room there on Rumble.
Why would they be ashamed of their position? And they get very uppity. You know, it's really interesting, uppity, because I'm not going to tell you my position.
Why not? Because you're here to answer questions. I said to one guy,
I said, am I here only to answer questions, or can I ask you a clarifying question about anything or what?
And they just get so bent, you know, maybe because when
I come into a room, they know some of their idols are going to get tipped over, and they immediately wanted to attack the messenger.
I think that's what it is. And someone made a comment. They said, Matt, when you come into a room, it says, the flies follow, and they go, wait a minute, what are you saying?
You know, and so I was laughing. I said, I know what you mean, and he says, it draws all kinds of people, you know, because they don't like stuff.
And I go, so it's kind of funny, but at any rate, so there you go. Hey, look, if you want, give me a call.
The number is 877 -207 -2276, and also, you can email me at info at CARM .org,
info at CARM, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G, that's right, that's right, see, we have a nice chat room in Rumble, and if you want to join us who are in there, you just go to Rumble .com.
It's like YouTube, it's Rumble, Rumble .com, and then forward slash Matt Slick Live, all one word, and you can get in there, and you can see the people that are in there.
We have 27 in there right now, and it usually goes up to 50, 60 by the half hour, and people come in, and we just talk, we just chat during the break, we do that as well.
In fact, I'm rambling here a little bit, but we have stuff on YouTube as well, and you can go to YouTube, I don't know, what is, how do we find it on YouTube, it's the same, see, there we go, so I can see,
I can see who's in there, and I can put, you can see, like I just said, hi in the
YouTube stuff, so we have a lot of different people for chatting, stuff like that. All right, hey,
I think what I'm going to do is get to an email, let's see if we can just get to one here, let's see, my small group was discussing the word repentance or metanoia, yep, that's a
Greek word. The main question is, why have the majority of our English Bible translations of the
Greek used such a poor word to translate metanoia, or is this translation okay?
Now, okay, before I read any more, meta is change in Greek, and naos is mind, naos is mind.
And so metanoia, okay, metanoia, metanoia is how it's contracted to be change of mind or attitude.
So metanoia means to look forward to a change of mind, see, that's what he says about our trust in Christ.
Not just about our trust in Christ, it could be about all kinds of things, you can turn from doing something dishonest, and even unbelievers can repent of their bad doing, it doesn't mean that you're trusting
Christ. Anyway, where repentance is similar to the incorrect Latin translation penance,
I've never thought that, anyway, a translation was used, that was used to make people pay for their sins.
Repentance causes people to look back and feel sorry for their sins, this is the English dictionary meaning, as opposed to the biblical meaning, okay, so what
I would say is, go to the publishing houses and find the translators and see why, see what they're saying, why they translated it as repentance.
So that's what I would do, I don't think that the information that the person's got is entirely accurate.
So I am not sure, not sure, anyway, let's get to Jim from Virginia, Jim, welcome, you're on the air.
Hey, thank you, it's good to talk with you. Sure. I think a lot of, but listen, I have a question on, you know, when the
Bible says that when Adam and Eve sinned, that we sin with them, what was your thoughts on that, does it mean that, is it because we were in their larynx, that he created all our souls at the same time?
Okay, so this is a doctrine called original sin, and so we had a break coming up, so I'm going to go slowly, and I'll explain what original sin is, what is going on, because it's, there's a doctrine here that's necessary to understand called federal headship.
So basically, Adam represented us, that's federal headship. And so when he fell in the garden, we fell in him.
Some people don't like that, but Romans 5 .19 says, through one man's disobedience, the many were made sinners.
The many here is a reference to the many in him. And so, by his fall, we fell in him, and his sin is reckoned to our account.
We fell in him, and we have a sinful nature and sinfulness attached to us.
Now, people... I guess this relates to the point, like we said, that Christ was a lamb slain for us before the foundation of the world, because the
Lord sees everything that's going to be passed, everything that's going to be future. Well, I'm not sure the last words,
I don't understand you, but, because they're not very clear to me. He told me to distinguish between the point where we, because it says in there that we were in his loins, also, if you look that up.
That we were what? In his loins. You're muffled to me. That we were in his loins, that we sinned, that we were in his loins.
Loins. Loins. Loins. Okay. Okay. Yeah, that's, well, it's mentioned, the loins in that sense are mentioned in Matthew 7, 7 -10.
I mean, not Matthew, but Hebrews 7, 7 -10, about Levi being the loins of his father
Abraham. So that's a similar kind of thing. That's really what's going on.
We inherited the sinfulness of Adam. Now, some say his sin was actually imputed to us, and some say, no, we just inherited a sinful nature, and are automatically defective from the very beginning.
And either one of those is valid, and when we get back from the break, I'll explain why. Okay. Hold on, we've got a break.
Hold on. Hold on, we've got a break. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276, be right back.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, well, welcome back to the show. It's about 20 after the hour, and if you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
Jim, are you still there? Yes, I'm still here. All right. So, I was going to say,
I want to look at a verse, a very important verse, Romans 5 .19. And what it says is, for as through the one man's disobedience, that's
Adam, the many were made sinners. And so this means that the many, those who
Adam represented, were made sinners by what Adam did. And so, there's a clue to this in the second part of the verse.
It says, even so, through the obedience of the one, that's Jesus, the many will be made righteous.
That's the many that Christ represented. So it says, will be made righteous.
And what we're talking about here is the sense of being made righteous in the eyes of God through the work of Christ that we're justified by faith.
And so that the righteousness of Christ is given to us, Philippians 3 .9. So, the same kind of thing, the corollary is that Adam's sin is given to us.
So, this is a difficult doctrine, and this is basically what we're talking about here.
Okay? Well, I was thinking on the lines of that vow DNA that, you know, we were damaged with the fall,
Adam and Eve fell, so we all died. It says we all died spiritually when
Adam and Eve died. Yes. Spiritually. Yeah. Yeah. So, I was thinking on the line that, because at the moment when the sperm and the egg meet, that spark of life, that's the soul, you know, when that other part is joined, and it's a human being.
And I was thinking that maybe God created our souls back then, but that was just an out -of -the -box thinking.
But I want to say I'm very thankful for you and your stance. You know, when I talk with Democrats, you can't talk with them. The Bible says they come to those reasons together.
My family members, and I say, you're voting. I told them the Bible tell you how to vote, and they don't care.
I say, you vote against the law. They don't care. Yeah, if they're supposed to be
Christians. They are criminals, and they don't care about this country. They were trying to make us a one world order, just destroying everything in the country.
Yep. Oh, yeah. I've written a lot. I've written a lot on the Democratic Party and did research on them.
And they're the party of slavery. They're the party of Jim Crow laws. They're the party of abortion, of pro -homosexuality.
They're the party of socialism. Yeah, the party that was breaking the union way back then. Yeah. You know, they were breaking our nation at the beginning, and they're still the same.
And I think the Democratic Party itself is wicked. It is wicked. When you can say killing a child and leaving it on the table, and abortion, and everything.
Do you see everything that they established? Everything. And I'm trying to tell people that are supposed to be
Christians, and they're not listening. It's just like Romans. I was preaching on Romans Sunday.
It's that, you know, you have not changed. You conform to this world.
You don't show any change. You don't show any spirit or anything when you are going along with the system.
That's exactly right. Yeah, I'm shocked that any true
Christian could be a Democrat and know what the Democrat party is.
They could be ignorant. Yes, yes. Well, I'm thankful for you being there.
And I pretty much agree with you. I'm not a post -Trump. I'm just thinking about that.
It's all right. It's all right. I got out of the Air Force and came up here. I was a member of the
Independent Baptist Church in Germany. And I came here as a child. And I studied for liberty.
I did some church ministry and things. But it's not a hill to die on. But I like to listen to you.
And it's more to the Lord opening you up and letting you grow. So God bless you so much.
God bless you. Thank you. All right. All right. That was a good call.
And I like that he said he's not post -Trump like I am. And that's okay. It's all right. All right.
Since he brought up this issue of the Democrats and things like that, I'm going to talk about it because we've got nobody waiting right now.
It's the Democratic history of it. They are the ones who supported slavery and the removal of Native American Indians from their land.
In 1854, after the Democrats enforced Kansas -Nebraska Act, which allowed the importing of slaves into those territories, the modern
Republican Party was formed with the intention to prevent slavery and essentially curb the
Democrats. In the Civil War, the Democrats sided with the
Confederates in order to retain their right to own slaves. After the slaves were freed, the
Democrats blocked many bills aimed at giving the freed slaves more rights, including voting rights.
The Democrats passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which prevented Chinese immigrants from entering the
United States. The Republican Party was birthed during the contentious
American presidential election of 1864 in order to better resist the racist fanaticism of the slave -owning
Democrats of the American South. That's from subgorka .com. Look at the documentation. And so here is a timeline, okay?
And so some of it will be repeated, but here we go. In 1830, Democratic President Andrew Jackson creates the
Indian Removal Act that forced indigenous people to leave their homeland. It's called the Trail of Tears. In 1857, in a case of Scott versus Sanford, the court ruled that slaves aren't citizens.
They are property. The seven justices voting in favor were Democrats. The two who dissented were
Republicans. In 1860, 11 slave states secede from the
Union. Democrats start the Civil War. In 1863,
Republican President Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation into law. 1865,
Republicans pass the 13th Amendment that permanently outlaws slavery.
1865, Confederate veterans founded the KKK. They founded the
KKK to oppose the Republican Party's integration of blacks. Its first Grand Wizard was a
Democrat named Nathan Bedford Forrest. In 1868,
Republicans pass the 15th Amendment giving blacks the right to vote. No Democrat supported it.
In 1869, Reconstruction ended. Democrats reestablished white supremacy in the
South with Jim Crow laws that legalized segregation. 1872,
Republicans elected the first African -American senators and representatives. That's in 1872.
How about that? In 1880, excuse me, 1878, Republican Senator Aaron Sargent introduces the 19th
Amendment to give women the right to vote. The Democrat -controlled Congress voted it out.
Oh, man. In 1939, Democrat and KKK covergirl
Margaret Sanger created the Negro Project and planned parenthood to call the black population.
1964, the Republican Congress passes the 1964 Civil Rights Act as an extension of the
Republican 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts. Democratic senators filibustered the bill for a record 75 days.
That means they would get their talk and talk trying to get the bill to die. They didn't want it to go through.
1964, okay? So, as far as I'm concerned, the
Democratic Party is similar to a terrorist organization inside of our country.
Similar. I'm not saying they are. Because they promote and have promoted evil things.
And now they're promoting homosexuality, LGBTQ, transgenderism, woke ideology, abortion.
If you're a real Christian, you can't be a Democrat. You're not supposed to be. You can't support those kind of things.
And if you don't like what I'm saying, then you need to repent of your sin. We'll be right back.
It's Matt Slick Live! Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. If you'd like, give me a call.
And the number is 877 -207 -2276. Let's get to Dave from Kansas City.
Dave, welcome. You're on the air. Hi. Thanks, Matt, for taking my call. I think the problem is when we conflate the
Republican Party of 1860 and the Republican Party of 1960, we've got a whole different problem.
I grew up in Pennsylvania with the Scranton Republicans. And I moved to Texas in the 70s with the
John Connolly, Dick Armey, Bill Graham Democrats. And all of a sudden, the
Southern Democrats became Republicans. And the
Republican North became Democrats. So we've got to be careful on where this allegiance came.
And I think, again, the Republican Party of 1860 and the
Republican Party of 1960 were two different entities. Yeah, they've changed.
They've changed a lot. I'm not a Republican either. I don't think the Republican Party is much of anything.
I know, especially with Trump putting Paula White as the spiritual advisor.
Yeah, that's a mistake. He's not a theologian, which I had his ear. I'd say she's not qualified to be in that position.
She's not a pastor. You define somebody better, and there are better people. I know.
I think the thing about Trump is, if you understand, his first pastor that married his first wife and him were
Dale Carnegie. He grew up under that positive thinking, if you name it, claim it type early thing.
And if you see how he operates, it's Kim Jong -il is my new best friend. He always projects things onto things, so he has a lot of that in him.
And I guess that would favor his name it, claim it. Yeah, there's a lot of that back there, all intertwined.
Absolutely. There is some areas more than others. But again,
I'm reading a fantastic book now. It's taken me a long time to read, but it's called
Rebel Yell. It's about the autobiography of Stonewall Jackson. This man was a man of God.
Yeah, I heard that. So was George Washington. They called
George Washington the white ghost. The Indians did, because they would shoot arrows at him while he's on his knees in the forest praying and the arrows wouldn't hit him.
They called him the white ghost. Yeah, there's some interesting stuff in the early days. Stonewall was, of course, his pastor was
Darby Dabney. I get
Darby and Dabney confused. Because we don't want to get Darby and Dabney confused.
That would be a big mistake on my part. All right. I just want to say, again, when
I moved to Texas, all these Texas Democrats became
Republican. All the northeastern Republicans became liberal. And I saw that change.
And so we want to be careful about when we talk about the Republican, Democrat party. But, you know, again, there are rhinos on both sides.
And no party is going to be our absolute savior. We know that. But we do know that Christ is all of life for all of life for all of life.
That's right. I appreciate that, brother. That's good. Thank you. Bye. All right, man. God bless.
All right. All right. Now, let's get to Nate from California.
Nate, welcome here on the air. Hey, how are you, man?
Remember when we spoke yesterday about that lady who was dying?
Oh, yes. Yeah. Well, I have to say she died today at 6 a .m.
Well, I said hello. She's more friends with my mother than she is with me.
But the thing is that from what I spoke to you, told you yesterday,
I think that she was truly like out of it. That she what?
That she was like out of it. You know, she was just like a statue of wax, you know, even though she was breathing and died this morning.
But what she believed in and the
Catholic church and all that's what practically everything the Catholics believe, it hurts.
I can't say where she will be. I'm not God. But being a
Protestant Christian and not just that, a conservative.
And knowing theology and apologetics, I listen to you and stuff. I don't know.
I can't. It's hard for me to say where she will be.
But from what I see, I don't know.
It can't be heaven. It's like a Jehovah's Witness talking to me. Yeah. Yeah.
But there was something that I did like.
I saw her granddaughter there. She was already like almost adult.
Or practically adult. She was carrying a Bible and I asked her, may
I see your Bible? And I saw it and it was a good Bible.
One that I would read, one that you would read. And I go,
I'm going to tell you something. This is a great Bible. It has 66 books. Please keep on reading it.
Please keep on reading it. And I hope it truly touches you and opens your eyes.
Yeah. Well, that's all
I wanted to say. Thank you for listening to me yesterday and today.
I'm sorry that she passed away. And I do hope that by God's grace that she came to faith in the true gospel and not the
Roman Catholic gospel. Because you just never know. Well, you never know.
From what I saw yesterday, she was like truly out of it. Even though she was very paused and breathing.
And she died today in the morning. Because all I did was
I took my Bible. I read a verse from the
Bible. You know, when a person is in truly despair and pain, to pray to the
Lord. You know, oil and stuff that we do, that we follow.
That's right. What you're doing what you're supposed to do. That's good. You know.
Yeah. Well, thank you for listening to me and understanding me completely.
You know that I'm epileptic and I have a PNF. And my heart and my throat sounds terrible.
Yeah. Okay. Well, may the Lord bless you. May you have a great weekend with everyone in your family.
Okay. You too, brother. God bless. And thank you for listening. All right. Okay. God bless.
You too. God bless. All right. Yeah. Let's get to Mike from North Carolina.
All right, Mike, you're on the air. Hi, Matt. I wanted to ask you that the guy that was talking about the
Democratic Party and the Republicans, was he talking about what's called the big switch where Democrats, the old
Democrats became Republicans and the Republicans became Democrats? Was that what he was talking about?
Yeah, I haven't heard it called that. Well, that's a myth. That is an absolute myth.
Because if you look at the Democrats, what we'll call the Dixiecrats, like Abe Faubus, the guy that was the mentor to Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and Snathers, all those guys,
Lester Maddox in Georgia. I live in North Carolina and I taught history. All of those guys, every one of them, except for one, died a
Democrat. The only one that switched from Democrat to Republican was the old guy that died several years ago.
I can't remember his name. He was from South Carolina. But anyway, there's only one. The whole notion of the big switch is a big lie.
It never happened. Interesting. Hey, we've got a break. Hold on.
We've got a break, okay? You can either hold on or take off. But we've got a break, so we've got to go. Okay? Hold on, buddy. Hey, folks, be right back after these messages.
If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, buddy, welcome back to the show. Let's get back on with Mike from North Carolina.
Welcome you back on. Yeah, Matt, are you there? Yes. Oh, okay, okay.
You kind of faded out there for a second. By the way, I'm like you. I'm an independent. I am not a Republican.
But I just don't like it when people pass along mythology.
Just one more thing about the Democrat -Republican thing. The leader of the Senate in the Democratic Party through the early 2000s.
I can't remember his name. He was the senator from West Virginia. He was a grand plegal in the
Ku Klux Klan. He was interviewed in 2000. It's still on the Internet. You can find it.
And he used the N -word four times. It was an interview with 60 Minutes or one of those programs. He used the
N -word four times during that interview. And if you look at Democratic cities, they are the worst run.
The education system is in shambles. And what was it that was against the law in the slave states?
To teach the slaves. You do not want an educated population. Maxine Waters District in Los Angeles.
Not a single student is proficient at grade level in the whole school system.
Now, that's an eye -opener. Yeah, I think she's wicked. I've seen her.
I think she's wicked. Oh, yeah. She's right out of hell. But anyway, just to let people know, that whole thing is a total, total myth.
But anyway, I have another question. Sure. It came up in a comment section, and someone had posted that we were now living in the end times because it was a political thing, but this
Christian posted that we were living in the end times. You need to accept Christ because the end is near.
He was actually saying that Christ was already on the earth. And I commented back to him, but I never heard from him again, telling him to please stop with that kind of stuff because that's crazy talk.
And I'm wondering if you've heard any of that because I know you've talked to a lot of people.
Have you had anybody that has mentioned that we're living in the end times because Trump got elected?
Was that Strom Thurmond? Yeah, Strom Thurmond. Strom Thurmond, thank you.
Yeah, Strom Thurmond was the one that switched from Democrat to Republican, and he was a
Dixiecrat. He's the only one with Strom Thurmond. The other guy was, oh, I cannot remember his name.
We've got people in the chat who, well, that's okay. Yeah, I'm with you.
I think the Democratic Party is an evil party. It stands for everything against Scripture. It's horrible, and I would like to see it just go away.
I'm thinking that there might be a MAGA party that develops. That would be interesting.
In history, we've lost other political parties. I mean, we used to have the Federalists. We had the Whigs. We had the
Democrat -Republicans or Republican -Democrats. I can't remember which one it is, but anyway. So we've had parties come and go.
But have you heard anything about people talking about this is the end times because of the peace that looks like it's developing in the
Middle East, that they're associating that with the end times? In other words, we're now living in the end times because of the things that are happening politically.
Well, we are in the last days. Have you heard any of that? Yeah, I've heard it before. So we are in the last days.
Now are we in the end of the last days? That's the question. And then in that sense, end times, I don't know.
People have been saying this for a long time. I just say look at the, as Jesus says, watch the signs of the times.
Now they're getting more profound, and it certainly is the case that there's a lot of wickedness there.
We're having a reprieve in America right now with Trump here. So who knows what's going to happen.
But the Bible does talk about things getting really bad at the end. So we'll see what happens. I thought for sure that America was going to be judged in this next election.
You were delivered. If Kamala had become president, I would have given up on the
United States. My wife and I were already looking at other places to move to, other countries, just in case because we just don't trust the
Democrats because they're attacking conservatives. They're weaponizing the
IRS, the DOJ, the FBI. At that point, our country's lost.
And so we couldn't believe it that Trump won so by a landslide.
But then look who he's up against. I think Kamala and AOC ought to become roommates.
That's what I think. They can educate each other.
It's too idiotic. Yeah, it'd be great. I'd love to see them have a conversation. I just don't want to interrupt them.
Just let them talk. I think she,
AOC, I think she said that Elon was a stupid billionaire.
And I just love that. Stupid billionaire. He's founded 14 companies, right?
But he's a stupid billionaire. It's like, oh, well, that's good stuff. At any rate, I'd love to see
Kamala and her get together and talk. Just yap. I'd love to hear that. Just let them go. See what kind of idiocy comes out.
I do agree with you on one thing. We do need another party, a different party. I don't think there's any redemption for the
Democrat Party, because they've been evil for too long. Yeah. Republicans may better get their stuff together, because they are equivalent to what the
Democrats were back in the early 60s, late 50s, as far as their positions and stuff goes.
Well, I think that's coming. I have hope.
I didn't have hope before, but I have hope now. Well, listen, Matt, thanks a lot. All right, brother.
And I'll probably think of that guy's name. Like I said, the senator that died from West Virginia died in 2010,
I think. Yeah, it was when he died. And he was a real character.
But anyway, all right. Thanks, Matt. God bless. All right. Sounds good. God bless. All right. Now, let's get over here to, let's see,
Lindsey from Texas. Hey, Lindsey. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Lindsey. Can you hear me? I mean, hey,
Matt, can you hear me? Yeah. Yeah, I hear you, man. What's up? Sorry, I had to use speakerphone. My phone is awful.
But I love your show. I love your ministry. I just had a quick question before I went into my men's group.
We have a men's group here. I have a problem with certain things that go on that are accepted to go on in church during service.
I feel like it convicts me so bad, and I don't know how to tell it to my leaders. I don't know how to tell it without seeming out of order.
But I don't appreciate fraternities or anything like any groups like that, Valentine's Day, Black History Month.
A lot of things we do in the culture outside of church, which is fine. I'm not downing it in general. I just have a huge problem with these different activities,
Sunday morning worship, involving these different activities. I can't stand it, and it's really heavy on my heart.
I just feel like God's temple is his temple. He's a jealous God. That belongs to him. We all have to lift up Jesus, and that's it.
All that other stuff that we do outside of church with our families and colleges and friends, it's okay.
I wouldn't even like watching the Super Bowl on the big screen on the sanctuary. I mean, why? And I've seen some people do that.
I just don't like occupying his space that's for him. Let's talk about some of those, okay, because I think it's interesting.
So Valentine's Day, what if it falls on a Sunday? And I think it does. I don't know. And a church just has women or Father's Day.
Okay, I remember Father's Day and Mother's Day. They have the father stand up, and they're prayed for. And then on the
Mother's Day, they would stand up and they're prayed for. I think that's fine. That's not a big deal. Yeah, I definitely love that because God is definitely in the family.
He's loved. He's definitely in the family. He has nothing to do with Valentine's Day. I looked up the origin of it, and I was like, man, this is weird.
Yeah, it is. So Valentine's Day, I don't know. You know, I don't think it's really a thing to be celebrated.
I mean, if someone were to say from the pulpit, happy Valentine's Day, let's open your Bible too, and then they go, okay, whatever.
Not a big deal. Now, as far as having a Super Bowl thing at the church location after the service,
I don't think there's a problem with that because possibly unbelievers might come in to fellowship with people, and you never know.
And so that could be considered an outreach. So that's it. And I'm going to tell you, this is for real.
I didn't even know the Super Bowl was happening until a couple of days ago. And I have no idea who's playing.
I don't even know what day it is. That's for real. I'm not kidding. My wife knows more about it than me.
And I said last night, I said, you know, I don't even know who's playing. I look at her, and I go, and I don't want to know. I don't care to know. You know, I'm just not interested.
And she married this guy. All her brothers grew up with all the sports.
She's like, you're just so different. I think that's right. So Matt, how do you feel about the fraternities and stuff coming in with all their clothes and their symbols and stuff?
How do you feel about that? The what coming in? Like fraternities and different groups and colleges celebrating, like during service?
Well, it depends. I don't think it's a place for a fraternity to celebrate anything. They have secret oaths in there and things like that, which is not really biblical.
So, you know, the church is for the edification of the body of Christ, not for the reaching of the unbelievers.
During the service, the preaching of the teaching of the word of God is to equip them and send them out into the world.
If unbelievers want to come into the church during that time, that's fine. But it's not for them. It's not geared for them.
People don't know that it's good for the believer. So it should be a time that is geared for that, for the edification of the body of Christ.
But sometimes I think it's wise to, you know, let's say a Super Bowl Sunday. I think it's on Sunday, so I guess, you know, and then they say, hey, come back here in three hours.
We're going to have the chairs rearranged. We're going to have eight. So we're going to watch it on the big screen here. I don't have any problem with that.
You know, if people are going to do that, that's not a problem. But, you know, but I'm with you. Fraternities, but what kind of fraternity, too?
Is it a Christian college fraternity? And they want someone to come in during the service to talk about what they're doing as an outreach on the campus?
Well, okay, you know, give them five minutes to talk about what they're doing. So it just depends.
A lot of it just depends. Right. Thank you, man. I appreciate you. Okay, brother.
Well, God bless, man. God bless. Yeah. Have a good one. God bless you, too. Yeah. So a lot of people don't know.
They make a mistake thinking that church is for getting unbelievers into the pastor can get the gospel to them.
That's not what it's for. The church is for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.
Let me let me go to Ephesians chapter four. I'm going to read you something before you got less than a minute here.
And he says in Ephesians four. It says he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists and some as pastors and teachers.
Verse twelve for the equipping of the saints for the work of service to the building of the body of Christ. So we attend to unity of the faith.
So the purpose of the church is to be is to sit under and be guided by the pastors, the elders, the teachers, etc.
For the equipping of the saints for the work of service. So the church is to equip the Christians.
The Christians go spread the gospel. That's not supposed to be. Is that happening in churches?
See, if I was a pastor again, I would have the Sunday service. But I'd also have a midweek equipping class that you provide it for the body.
We're going to teach you doctrine. We're going to teach you stuff. We're going to go through stuff to take six months. We're going to teach you. And I provide that for them.
That's what I would do. But anyway, whatever. I know a lot of churches do that kind of stuff, too. That's good. Hey, there we go.
There's the music. We're out of time. The Lord bless you. It's a nice Friday. Monday by His grace. We're back on the air.
Hope you all have a great weekend. May the Lord bless you. And by His grace, we'll talk to you on Monday.
Have a good weekend. Another program powered by the