Inspiring Story: Are You The One?


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Ah, one time I was out there, it gets so crazy, the demons get really worked up.
I'll never forget this. I was out there with a young lady by the name of Rachel.
I think she was 21 years old at the time, and she was standing next to me as I was preaching, and this girl came out the door who was a driver of someone else, and then like three or four other guys that were drivers also came out with her, and she's standing on the porch and she's yelling and cussing and screaming saying nobody's listening, we have all, everybody's got their headphones on, nobody's doing this, nobody's doing that.
I started actually feeling inside that really nobody's listening, but you know, you just keep preaching, and then it started getting her angry, very angry, she just got very angry, and then she took her clothes off on the porch.
You call her clothes? Yeah. Like she was naked? I believe so, yes, and Rachel turned around and looked across the street, but she kept whispering into my ear, stay focused
John, stay focused, so I looked at the 1103 sign that was above the porch, the address, and these guys that she had never met before in her life that had actually driven other girls there, they're like fooling around on the porch with each other, it was the most bizarre thing you could ever see.
Yeah, they weren't, the guys weren't, and then I just kept preaching, and then the weirdest thing ever happened, she just started screaming louder and she goes, nobody's blankety blank listening to you, and all of a sudden something came through the top of my head and out my mouth before I could even realize what was happening, and I said, one is listening, and as soon as I said it,
I said, what are you saying? You know, it's like, why did you do that? I mean, it was like the strangest thing that just came out of nowhere, and so that just gave them ammunition, so I was going over,
I'd go over and sit on the wall between preaching, and they'd come out every 15 minutes and say, where's your one, where's your one?
And then they kept mocking God and mocking everything, and then after about two hours of this, a pretty young black girl came running out the door, and she went running down the driveway, and I said, miss, are you the one?
And she said, yes, and I said, well, come here, and she goes, wait, I'm gonna go sit in my car, so she went and sat in her car, then they come back out and they're yelling, where's your one, where's your one?
I didn't say anything, and they kept mocking and mocking, and the girl went back inside, then she came running back out with her friend, and I said, come here,
I gotta talk to you. She goes, we will when we pull up, so the people come back out doing the same routine, and then they went back inside, and then the two girls pull up out in the street in the car, and I walked over, and I said,
I can't believe it. I said, you're really the one. God's been touching your heart ever since early this morning.
I said, yes, and I said, well, that's awesome, so we had a talk, and then we had a time of prayer, and then gave them all the information to go over to Choices, the place we sent them to, and then as they go to drive off,
I turn around and look, and there's the whole gang of them again on the grass there, and I said,
I told you there was one, even though I doubted it myself the whole time, but God just every once in a while does these just most astounding things.
I remember when that happened. I asked R .C. about it, and he said, because, you know,
I don't even believe in that kind of stuff, and to tell you the truth, and I remember I said, I told him what had happened, and he said, you know, when you're down and you're serving
God on the front lines, you're going to see the reality of things that charismatics try to manufacture.
You're going to see the real ones, and I've seen many, many real things that are like miraculous from being down there.
It's not every day, but boy, when God shows some of those things, you just stand back in awe and just can't even believe it.