Reformed Covenant Theology pt 9



Cling to the cross then put both arms around it Hold to the crucified and never let him go
Come afresh to the cross at this moment and rest there now and forever
Then with the power of God resting upon you go forth and preach the cross
Welcome to the truth of love podcast. I'm Robin. That's Dan We are going to be going back to Harrison Perkins reform covenant theology
Looking at chapter 9 today stick with us
About that was the best one yet, right? Little gold nuggets flying at us and everything that was the best one yet You can't you can't get me laughing
I will get Often and I can't get stopped. Thank you for watching the truth and love podcast or listening to us
Thank you for joining us. Let us know that you're here. Say hello. The comment live is open I have just switched over to there so I can see who makes a comment critique question or even a prayer request
Dan how are you doing? I'm tired man Good tired though.
I'm tired like I've been doing something I started back school today we had stacked up firewood
It's like 10 degrees outside windy Terrible but yeah started back up school today and worked all day and felt like I got some stuff accomplished and How are you doing
Well, I will be better once this lingering congestion and cough will go away
Speaking of which but other than that I'm good. I'm good. I Did give a testimony in our chat group today
We it was such a praise such a praise we prayed for a very
Little girl that's there's young couple in a couple in our congregation This little girl has has had a fever for quite a few days and it's been going on and it was extremely hot
I Where's the pictures, I'm not questioning that Becky not questioning that at all
Pictures will be nice. Um but yeah, so we prayed for her during the service and And God broke her fever and we just praise
God that he answered that prayer broke her fever and she's now Eating more regularly from the reports that I'm hearing it was a it was a great praise
To the Lord for answering prayer and it was such an encouragement To hear that to pray and then have an answer prayer.
It was just fantastic so yeah, yeah doing good and praise the
Lord and I'm I'm thankful to be back with you and jumping back into this reform covenant theology
Dan and I haven't really talked about if we want to completely finish the book. I know that Eventually, we've talked about looking at spiritual formation in the
Christian life or Spiritual formations in the Christian life, which is going to be a good a good series for us to do
Yeah, absolutely. I think so. Yeah So let's let's jump into this chapter chapter 9 is the unity of the covenant of grace
Can Kind of stop you Rob because I know we talked a little bit and I was I don't know how to bring it up and now
I Went to looking at something and now I know how to bring it up. I kind of like to address
Just just Christians in general the way that we Treat each other
Where we act now our network does a pretty good job of Talking together about stuff and and getting on with life
You know, we have disagreements amongst amongst ourselves we talk about things No, we don't always agree on everything, but we we try to model
What it means to speak the truth in love. So We try we don't we don't always know
But when we don't we we apologize to each other. We fix things and we move on That's what we're supposed to do as believers
But then I go and I start studying for school. I'm looking at biblical counseling
So we're looking at at you know, what should I do in order to to aid someone?
in their spiritual journey I'm also taking a class on evangelism
So what do I do in order to? See one brought into the fold of Christ and of the gospel being pressed into the life of a person who does not believe so what happens there and Then I look at the way that Christians treat each other online the way that they decide to fight with each other every other post is trying to badmouth somebody for something they did or trying to to set ourselves up as People who just go out of our way to discern everything and anything that could possibly be an issue for someone
Seemingly just to bring up Dirt on folks and it's just ridiculous that the book of First Corinthians right before the passage on the
Lord's Supper says this it says but in giving this instruction I do not praise you for you come together
Not for the better, but for the worse For in the first place when you come together as a church
I hear that divisions exist among you and in part I believe it for there must also be
Factions among you So that those who are approved may become evident among you
And what Paul's talking about there is those people in in Corinth who said, you know, I'm of Paul.
I'm of Apollos I'm only of Jesus. No, that was to try to act super spiritual. Yeah and What he's saying there is no you come together and there's divisions among you and you're acting a fool and It's good that y 'all are
Divided up a little bit because the ones who are acting a fool now are the ones who are causing the problem but it's almost like we see in the
Christian world, especially amongst reformed folks today that they almost take that as as a challenge
No, well, there must be divisions among us so we can know who's right So, let me see if I can divide here and there and pick apart this one and that one
Um, so I can show people how right and how good and how smart I am and I'll be honest with you.
I don't know how many of us are actually all that qualified to do that in the public sphere I mean when you think about it who's been ordained by God in order to speak out in public
No, at least to to discern things and call people out I mean really that's been given to the job of pastors and elders
To go out and to Identify problems and to warn their sheep now
Each one of us is called to be discerning and to say something to our families to say hey, this isn't right
You know ask our pastors. It's know what's going on here So that way we can inform our families on what to do, but really the ministry of calling folks out in public most of us aren't even qualified to do that because that's really been given to a
Specific purpose of the church And I Don't know if it's for you.
It's for you. But but we need we need to do better Well, you know what's interesting about that those that are the qualified to be doing that those are probably the ones that are sitting back and holding their tongue
It can be a lot of times I think they probably just throw their face in their palm and said well
How do I untangle this mess of ridiculousness? Yeah, there's so many Misconceptions and straw men and like what are y 'all even talking about me to get in there and fix it?
Well, we're supposed to be quicker to listen than to speak. Sure. And so your qualified elders are
Listening they're waiting. They're being patient. It's like Keith Bosky made the comment, you know when we have a controversy come out
And and I think he was being serious about it that he he said there was a time frame there was a window there
He's like I just let it let it be Well, whatever that time period is
Instead of jumping on the bandwagon Yeah, I mean you think about any any of the events that have happened where you don't know what happened
You know a tragedy or something like that and it'll come out that This is what happened
You know Not 9 -11 for instance You heard all sorts of stuff.
Oh, there's there's extra planes in the air There's bombs all over the place the Capitol building got destroyed, you know
And then as you as you wait longer and longer and longer You see what actually happened the truth actually comes out and you find out what's what's going on but But what you see a lot of times like you said is people will just hear the first thing
Make a snap decision and then start getting vocal about it. And it's it's kind of It's kind of ridiculous.
It just makes you wonder that a lot of these men that have They've been called to a church they're preaching that they call themselves pastors and and maybe you know
That's between them and the Lord. That's the Lord's calling but you know, we can look in and see
Hey, is there a question of qualification here
Based on what you're saying how you're saying it your approach to this
Should we question the qualification? Maybe but at the same time if you're gonna question a qualification of an elder
It needs to only be heard on the it needs to be heard by elders Needs to be heard on the the established witness of two or three
Otherwise, you're not even supposed to take it into account So I think I think what people have done is they've heard two or three people who they've heard her pastor
So, oh, well somebody's spoken on it. So now here let me give my two cents like it really doesn't matter what you think
Your opinion your opinions like like, uh, oh what that one dude say Your opinions move, it's like what do you mean move?
So yeah, it's like a cow its opinion doesn't matter Somehow it worked.
I don't know. Yeah Well, I don't think I made the go ahead get all toned down It's almost like like discernment ministry, which is
I think a good thing kind of got ramped up to where Um We're just eating ourselves.
Yeah, instead of encouraging one another Yeah, instead of saying well, hey, they got it right here me.
Maybe there's a little bit wrong there but I'm gonna keep this, you know going on my own and think through things, you know with my pastor because What what you see is is a lot of folks who just running out outside of their their eldership
Not talking over things with them and it's uh, it's getting out of hand sure is
And I like I like how your two classes of counseling and evangelism are running parallel And I'm not saying that I'm right.
It's just an observation that I made and I made this comment recently that to Assume I can't remember my exact words, but someone said something like this
When it comes to evangelism your your your greatest focus should be the
Saints within your church Not just that you're teaching them the crew the correct gospel and the correct response to the gospel
But that you're focused on their discipleship of the sanctification But you go out here and preach the gospel to somebody and say now it's time
What do I do you get baptized join a church? All right, let's get them baptized have them join our church
What are you having them join a Bunch of folks who have not been discipled who are not growing in their faith who are backbiting and gossiping
You know, so to me evangelism One of your main focuses has to be your own people
Mm -hmm because of what you're bringing them into Yeah, otherwise you just don't people through a turnstile to throw numbers on a board
Turn them into the office and have somebody say oh look what they're doing down there.
That's right airs. What's the Lord doing among us? nickels and noses nickels and noses
It's been that way for too long You know heard that saying
It was I mean money and people That's right. Well, that's right. I ties and Tenants.
Yep. That's that's what we revolve around Yeah, that's that's how we make our plans.
That's how we do things revolve it around nickels and noses Well with that aside,
I think this would be a great time to look at the Covenant of Grace I Think yeah.
Yeah. Well, I'm glad you shared that because that was fresh on your mind. It's something that God was teaching you today you as you're going through your classes.
So that was that was good stuff And and this is good stuff to the unity of the
Covenant of Grace in the benefits of Christ I was looking at this and I was reflecting on how
To a degree the simplicity of it to another degree the complexity of it But the in it in both ends the beauty of It's such a it's such a wonderful chapter
Yeah Yeah, it's it's pretty pretty cool
So what this is all about this this chapter chapter 9 is about how the
Covenant of Grace Throughout its its Whole outworking
It has a unity Due to the benefits we receive from Christ This gets into a bunch of different things.
It gets into headship Gets into union with Christ How we actually receive the benefits from him a unity amongst ourselves
Citizenship in the kingdom of heaven a whole a whole bunch of different stuff But I mean really what what this chapter gets at is is that the
Covenant of Grace is is just that Covenant of Redemption of the the Covenant of Redemption being the plan of God to save a people for himself how that's worked out in time
So obviously there's a little bit of difference between Well, I don't know if there's or not there might be there's a there's a difference between Baptists and Presbyterians on how they view the
Covenant of Grace and how it's been administered. However, that Doesn't necessarily affect what we're talking about in this chapter a little explain explain it
Your your regular old Presbyterian Reform Covenant theology It says that there is one
Covenant of Grace that's administered variously throughout time, so you've got your your
Covenant in Abraham Moses The Davidic Covenant the New Covenant all of them together one
Covenant of Grace various administrations of that same Covenant So all the benefits of Christ would have been the same throughout the whole
Covenant of Grace now when you get to 1689 Federalist Baptist Covenant theology, which
I don't know which brand of Baptist Covenant theology you got going on But when you get to the 1689
Federalist, they say that the Covenant of Grace is only In the
New Covenant, so the New Covenant the Covenant of Grace are the same thing However, they say that the benefits of the
Covenant of Grace Extend retroactively in reverse back through all of history.
So the people who were saved under the Old Covenant were still saved on the merits and the basis of The New Covenant.
It just wasn't there yet So the benefits of Christ were still extended to the folks in the
Old Covenant Same as they were in the New same That's the same as the benefits being of Christ to all
Believers in in Presbyterian Covenant theology as well. So while there's a distinction in the theology
The outworking of the benefits of Christ being given to those who are being saved is the same across across time
Does that make sense? At least to you because I can't ask anybody else unless they come in with a comment.
I mean, yeah, that's That can get a little complex It can when you're talking about had the different viewpoints from the
Presbyterian and Reformed Baptist and and I'm totally I mean that that rings so well that music plays so well that That Covenant of Grace that extends from beginning to end
I mean I could see that I read that I Understand that in Scripture.
And so when you when you say you didn't know, you know, which branch I am I mean, you know,
I'm totally not sure either. I lean heavily 1689 federal federalism. Um But you know,
I branch off from them where I branch off from you when it comes to the the
The baptism and the Lord's Supper and the means of grace in that and then I'm gonna
I'm gonna veer from them a little bit and lean more towards where you're coming from on this
Even though There is a difference. I mean there there is an absolute difference there's a line that has to be drawn between the old and the new even though the
Covenant of Grace was there Abraham was was Counted it counted as righteous because of his faith.
I mean we see that that's obvious and we're his children through faith where his offspring and so That's absolutely true.
However What where that line is is that one side has the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit in every believer and one side of that line does not so You have to wrestle with that idea as well
Yeah Yeah, but the the point made in in this chapter
Is kind of a unifying thing across all of them the benefits of Christ And his death burial and resurrection
His ascension into heaven his kingship and lordship overall having no once for all
Paid the sacrifice for sin and laid it upon the altar in heaven Those benefits extend to all folks who are being saved
Old Covenant New Covenant Throughout all time and That's the unity that's being talked about in this chapter.
And I think that that's a pretty pretty important significant point Just a
Theology well and he starts in the right place at the very beginning the chapter This is where he starts in order to receive all the blessings that Christ procured as our mediator we must be joined to him
Yes There's no way around it. He Jesus is the way the truth in life. Nobody comes to the father, but by him
So for anybody to receive the benefits of the covenant of grace, you must be joined to Christ Mm -hmm, and I thought that was fascinating How he begins this chapter and he talks about that that Union the covenant of grace from my understanding is that that covenant between the the
Trinity that that he will save for himself a people and in Through their different as we've talked about in these other previous chapters through their different roles
The out workings of that covenant It's procured by all their works all the
Trinity working together that that that Union is
Procured and so we can receive the benefits of the of the covenant of grace because of the work of the
Trinity the Father Son of the Holy Spirit and So but to receive them and to enjoy them you must have
Union with Messiah Yep now It's probably
Um fairly important to define what Union with Christ is Just moving forward in reform thought of Union with Christ is usually
Mainly understood as a Uniting of Christ with the believer by the
Holy Spirit You know in a way that that Christ is our federal head
In the same way that Adam was all mankind's federal head The Holy Spirit unites us to Christ that he is now our federal head that he is our or husband you could think of as No Christ being the husband and the bride being the church
That we are we are linked together in a Union that cannot Be broken
Just like the marriage Union the reason why God hates divorce so much is because divorce is a picture of Christ in his church
Christ is not going to divorce his church, and he doesn't want us to divorce our wives either It's permissible in a few things
But we're not gonna get into that the point here is that just like there is a real union between my wife
And I because we were wed together There is a real link in Union between the believer and Christ because We've been united together
Through the work of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit And that there's security
There's not any in this right because you can have security in your salvation in your
Union with Christ Because the covenant was made within the Trinity Mm -hmm
We we did not make We did not make a covenant with God He made a covenant within himself
So that's why we can have security within our salvation because it's all of him right right yeah
It's it's all of it's all of grace. Yeah grace People sometimes will think of grace as like a substance that gets thrown around, but it's not it's just great grace
It is that unmerited favor of God Meaning that it's something that comes from God to us because God wants to not because of anything that we've we've done
So it's because God is gracious and good that it extends to us, but but Union with Christ is not only that Union with Christ also has to do with us being
Transformed into the the image and likeness of Christ Not just that we are united with him that will finally receive all the benefits
But that since we are united with him his righteousness becomes ours not just in a
Legal sense, but it but in a real sense that the believer will
Will see To certain extents here or there will see the the righteousness of God become greater and greater in their life now
I Want to be careful with that because some people may say what I haven't seen myself grow in this area
I can't believe this person over here has been struggling with that sin for you know ten years How now are they even saved because our works don't determine our salvation right right so?
When I say all these things I don't want us to look at No, maybe our failure, or maybe things aren't progressing as quickly
Maybe our sanctification isn't progressing as quickly as we would like and so all of a sudden we say well maybe
I'm not even saved because our Justification doesn't rely on our actions our justification is reliant upon Christ and his work upon the cross in his grace
So when were we saved no 2 ,000 years ago upon the cross when Christ died for me No, it's it's not about my works.
It's about his works now once we've Come to Christ once we are united with him things change, but they change
According to to God's will the way that he wants things done think think to John 3
Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit. How does the Holy Spirit work? He does however. He wants to he
He's like a wind that blows you can see it over here. You can see her over there You don't really know what it's doing, but you can see that it works
Or he works, I should say yeah He touches he touches on it at the very end when he's drawing his conclusion what you were talking about in in his conclusion
Bill the paragraph He says although our struggle to overcome the flesh and live faithfully for God in this life can at times be frustrating
We should take heart that even the smallest evidence of growth in holiness is evidence of the
Spirit's work in us Right it is At the same time
I would kind of caution us There are there are unbelievers who make
Who do Virtuous habits They grow and improve and that doesn't mean that they're saved
We always look to Christ for our salvation. Our justification is found in him alone
It's not inside of ourselves. It's found outside of ourselves and in Christ So as long as we can keep those categories distinct and proper
Let's run with it. I like it But but it's it's really important. I think there's a lot of conflation between justification and sanctification people get things a little bit mixed up and You know, it's easy to do if you don't think carefully through those things and recognize what the scriptures say in different different instances but Let's see.
I Got off on a tangent and lost my place You know, I do that in my preaching sometimes
I'll go off on a tangent and forget where I was going next Oh, no, where am I? Yeah, let's see
Well as we as we keep looking at this, there's a lot of this stuff. I think we can we can find commonality with with our brothers and sisters who
I Don't want to label them all Armenia, but those who would not fall under The umbrella
Doctrines of grace Calvinism covenant theology we can find a lot of common ground Because It's biblical, you know, you can't deny that a lot of this stuff.
It just comes straight from Scripture It's it's obvious in Scripture. This is who God is.
This is how he works and a lot of these things we can have in common But here is a distinction
That does need to be made And it makes the distinction between a
Dispensationalist versus a covenant theologian or reform covenant theologian on page 221 at the
The bottom of the last paragraph is already forged between the mediator and those who were given to him
By the Father in eternity in election and more precisely in the pact of salvation
By the decree about this Union the Sun became the elect substitute Precisely because he already was in communion with them and was their guarantor and mediator
So there's a distinction amongst all that we have in common there is a distinction that we have with those who don't fall under the those don't believe in the doctors of grace
Calvinism is that we believe that Christ had
Union with the elect from the foundation of the world Not only was he slain before the foundation of the world, but you know that pact that covenant was set amongst the
Trinity and so therefore Since he was slain in the foundation of the world that union with Those who would be his children
Happened then as well It didn't happen in time as you've talked about before the reality of it took place in time
He procured it in time where he lived a sinless life Down on the cross rose from the dead ascended back into heaven
But it's always been seen as accomplished And I think even though you know
Big John doesn't believe in the doctrines of grace He really he really brought a lot of insight into this from his thoughts on time
In God's perspective on time and how he's always always seen things as if it's already been accomplished
And that's why he can speak as if things have already been accomplished because we've always Been in union with Christ, even though what happens to us happens in time.
I just want to make that distinction Yeah, no, that's good So one of the one of the ways that we are in union with Christ is that we're in union with with one another
And so the Ephesians 2 puts it like this in verse 11 says therefore remember that formerly
You the Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by the so -called circumcision
Which is performed in the flesh by human hands. He says all that say you were Gentiles as You were called by the
Jews Remember that you were at that time without Christ you're without Christ Gentiles alienated from the citizenship of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise
Having no hope without God in the world. So you were No citizenship in Israel.
So you weren't a part of Israel You were strangers in the covenants of promise you had no hope you without God in the world, but now in Christ Jesus once we are
Placed into union with Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit by the grace of God through faith But now in Christ Jesus you who were for who formerly were far off Have been brought near by the blood of Christ Which means that we are now
Citizens of Israel Partakers of the
Covenant We have hope and we are with God in this world
So those are some incredible benefits Also Really hard to be a dispensationalist after that But right,
I know right? Yeah, I don't know. I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure there's there's answers and Stuff and so we're not gonna try to I'm not gonna try to be hypocrites and call someone out and say look at all these dirty
I'm just saying it says right here. We were before not citizens of heaven not citizens of Israel we were didn't have the covenants.
We didn't have any of the benefits of Christ wouldn't have God himself But now that we have Christ we have all of this in him.
So we've been brought into the the The citizenry we've been brought into the the covenants all those things that were promised throughout all the
Old Testament and even through through all the prophets That were fulfilled in Christ are ours.
They are ours in Christ. Why because those are all Christ's and Christ's gods and It's amazing.
It's wonderful There was a guy ran again go ahead
Rob Well, there were there was a statement in here That I wanted to ask you what you a question about I wanted you to explain it if you could
You know, I didn't know I didn't know if this was you know, you're talking about this earlier This was a distinction between Presbyterian and Baptist or if I'm just not seeing the clarity here of this statement where and we we actually do have unity because I Want to understand what he's saying better.
So see if you can explain it for me. So I'm on page 223 Right in the middle second paragraph.
He says the profound point for the unity of the covenant of grace is that union with Christ includes participating in the
Commonwealth of Israel God's Old Testament people were the heirs of the covenants of promise
To break in the covenant identity also meant to have you with union with Christ Okay, it's so it's it's he speaking
Presbyterian ease or Is this a something I'm missing that Baptist and Presbyterian can have in common?
This is one of those things that a lot of people are a lot of people
Disagree with okay, not not reform folks reform folks should all all agree with this
Um Think of the olive tree in Romans 11 the unbelieving branches were broken off The believing branches were engrafted in what were they engrafted into they're engrafted engrafted into that Covenant people of God who were the covenant people of God.
It was the Commonwealth of Israel so we are citizens of The nation of Israel now as believers now, that's gonna take all some people a lot of people most of the folks
I would say in America or Have some dispensation of leanings.
They've been told their whole life. You have to keep Israel in the church separate Israel the church are not the same but what he said here is
That unity in the covenant of grace is union with Christ which includes participating in the covenant or the
Commonwealth of Israel Now here's what I just read in in Ephesians. He said that remember that You were at that time without Christ Alienated from the citizenship of Israel So you didn't have citizenship in Israel without Christ, but now in Christ in contrast to that now
You who are formerly afar off alienated from God Alienated from From Israel did not have the covenants and now the promise did not have
God at all But now in contrast to that you have been brought near by the blood of Christ all those things you didn't have before In verse 12 you now have in verse 13 so that means that we are citizens of Israel which is why
Galatians ends with Peace be upon Peace be upon the Israel of God That's how it says it
We go back Somewhere in there, maybe not ends, but it's in there somewhere
Yeah, and those who walk in step with this rule Peace and mercy be upon them and upon the
Israel of God Mmm, so basically the nation of Israel was a people that was called out
In the beginning in order to be God's chosen people Which means that their citizenship was never based upon Bloodline, but was always based upon God's choosing of them to be his nation
Which is why he's able to break off unbelieving branches and engraft in new
Believing branches because those are the ones who he's saying is a part of his nation See, you know, see if you can simplify this
And and maybe help me understand it maybe help others understand it because this is where I where I stumble
I trip up And so when I think about Abraham we talked about earlier.
We talk about Abraham Abraham's descendants heirs of Abraham, which is who we are
Because of faith right and and God promises him an offspring
Promises him a people. That's who we are So What does he mean here in the book by common when he uses the word
Commonwealth of Israel? So I see two different Israel I see spiritual
Israel, which is what I just talked about Abraham and us is offspring and then
National Israel who not not all Israel is Israel New Testament Right There's a
There's a physical lineage of Abraham and then there's the
Covenantal lineage of Abraham of Abraham. Well covenant get covenant. We'll go with covenant.
Oh, that sounds good so what that means is that there is there are physical descendants of Abraham who are never a part of the nation of Israel because Not all of Israel is
Israel Because Israel has always been a nation of people who believe in God Which is why they were punished so heavily in the
Old Testament when they would go and look after other other gods which is also why
God was so merciful to them to say no in the midst of their their exile to say I have
I know the The promises I had I know the plans that I have for you plans to prosper and not to harm you
It's not about giving them money in a 401k in a car it's about telling them that even in the midst of your destruction and in the the no exile that you're you're in or going into That what what you're going to experience from this is the very salvation of your soul through Jesus Christ Which you may not see but trust in me.
I know the plans I have for you and he tells them No in 70 years, you're gonna come back out of here.
We're gonna rebuild the temple We're gonna have you know, the Christ is gonna come a little bit later is gonna save his people from their sins
Yeah, so I'm not all Stating it that way that there's a national
Israel and a spiritual Israel Well, yes and no because The the way that Israel is defined in Scripture is
It's defined as the people that God has called to be Israel right so the nation that God called together may have been made up of people who were
Unbelieving Unbelieving. I'm trying to try to let you hear and study this coffee
So it may have been made up of people who are unbelieving at one time But those were still people who are called by God to being in covenant relationship with them and so Since God defined the terms of who is in the nation of Israel to begin with he gets to continue to make
He gets to continue to define The members or citizens of that nation.
So they were The nation was comprised of the physical descendants of Israel until the time of Christ when
Christ when it was revealed to us that those who are of Faith are the real heirs of Abraham.
They're the ones who are the heirs of the promises of the Old Covenant So, let's go down this rabbit hole just for a minute
So when I'm at the comment, he's speaking Presbyterian East This is kind of what
I was talking about. So you What you're describing there is is how you see covenant with Israel and so Just to tie in what's happening historically in the
Covenant All males were circumcised
But all males even though circumcised May not be
Israel even though they identify As being in the covenant they might may not be and show themselves to be
Israel But yet receive the benefits of being in the Covenant because they are nationally
They they were and they were in covenant with God Right, they could have been and some of a lot of them were punished as covenant breakers
Mm -hmm. Yep Yeah, so From your perspective, how would a how would a
Baptist would a Baptist see that differently? I don't think so Because because of While they don't believe that the covenant of grace
Was around until the New Covenant They believe that the benefits of Christ extended back to those who believed so they believe that there is a little bit sharper distinction between or a little bit sharper distinction between the the time of a physical nation of Israel and a or I'm sorry a genetically descended nation of Israel and a what they were what
They would describe as a spiritually descended nation of Israel from the time of Christ on Yeah, I think it makes sense
That makes sense ask questions because I lost my train of thought halfway through and finished it off I think so and and I know this is complex and We're trying to chase chase this rabbit down the hole of distinctions.
We Baptist and Christian Well, the the distinction that you're saying isn't necessarily It's it's not wrong at all between The the way that things worked in the
Old Covenant the way things work in the New Covenant now The the reason why a
Baptist and Presbyterians and Other paid about this have their issues is is exactly this issue
So how strong like is it just a like a little dotted line in between the covenants where It was administered this way
And now the same covenants being administered differently or is it this was a covenant with a physical people and And now it's it's immediately changed to a spiritual people
That will contain some of the physical remnants in which case Is it is it more sharply divided because if it's more sharply divided than the rules change
Then it would be those who who are spiritually born again who would be baptized only instead of like the
Presbyterians believe it being Multiple administrations of the same covenant. We baptize our infants because of the the command to circumcise and to have your children included in the covenant of grace in the
Old Testament administrations So if there is that sharp distinction, it does make some differences in how you play things out
But I don't necessarily think it it changes how you would view things as far as unity
Amongst believers in the benefits of Christ, does that make sense? Yeah, and but also that sharp distinction if if you draw a sharp distinction there between the two covenants then you kind of ignore that continuity between the covenant of grace and well,
I Wouldn't say ignore because I would say that the dispensationalists would ignore it because they believe it's a whole different dispensation start over but but it's it's more it's a little bit messier than that in the
Baptist theology because The benefits of Christ from the covenant of grace do extend retroactively back to the saints of the
Old Covenant Whereas in in dispensationalism
It's not really based upon covenant. It's just based upon Christ's work. So it's kind of it's a whole different framework
Yeah And and I know this is where I veer from Presbyterianism and I may veer from from some badness but but we're
I Guess where some Baptists Will see a discontinuity
Or where Presbyterians will claim that Baptists have a discontinuity or don't see continuity like they do
I do see continuity just not in the same place and this is where I Can I can see that continuity in the covenant of grace in this area and that is where?
the Presbyterian Would would say that in the New Covenant the the sign of the
Covenant which in the old was circumcision Switched over and it is and is now baptism.
And so that's why you you baptize your you're paid about just your You baptize your infant
The continuity that I see is is the that that Switch over did not happen.
The sign of the Covenant is still the same whereas Since the Covenant in the Old Testament was between God and man
The the sign of the Covenant was done by man, but in the Covenant in the
New Covenant the Covenant That was procured that cannot be thwarted and is and is applied is
The covenant that was made between the Trinity and So the circumcision is now a circumcision that is done by the
Spirit on the heart Well The the
Covenant of Redemption was not a covenant made with mankind It was a covenant made concerning mankind amongst the
Trinity so It would be
It's not the Covenant of Redemption that comes to people. It is The outworking of the
Covenant of Redemption amongst the persons of the Trinity is the Covenant of Grace that's extended to us So it depends on when you think the
Covenant of Grace began Did begin in in the beginning? No, when
God was gracious to folks or does it begin at Christ when he occurred? Well, well when he procured the substance of The substance of the grace that he would extend to all people who are being saved
I wasn't gonna be all I was gonna be fair. I saw you throw that in no and and I Lean your direction on that, you know, and that's why
I veer from the I guess 1689 is that I see its beginnings
You know Well, you and I and our group have been looking at Covenant of Grace grace and baptism grace in the
Lord. So we've been looking at all that stuff and And I can't help but see that the
Covenant works and Covenant of Grace Well as we've learned
Covenant works with was with Adam and then you have the Covenant of Grace, but the Covenant of Grace starting after that and continuing because of how the
New Testament describes How the Old Testament believers are saved
Excuse me, you got it But so yeah, I lean that direction with you on that and where I see the
Covenant of Grace beginning Well, a lot of a lot of Reformed Baptists will say that the the
Covenant of Grace was was I almost want to say present in seed form that they would call that the old covenant the covenants of promise so that the old covenants were were various promises of the coming
Covenant of Grace that is Found in the New Covenant So while the
Presbyterian would say that the Covenant of Grace was just administered throughout the Old Testament covenants The Baptist would say that that the new the
Covenant Grace was promised and finally given at the at the
New Covenant and then with the benefits of Christ were then retroactively given back to those
Who had only received the promise but hadn't seen the fullness of it in Christ.
So they did Yeah I don't know if that helps or not.
No. Yeah, and that's I can I see the picture of my head Yeah, the words are matching the picture
Yeah, and and I totally see that the truth and what you just said, too And that's coming from a
Baptistic perspective and and I see that as well That um
You know It hadn't been fulfilled yet. It was The the prophecy was the promise and it and it was fulfilled in time and Abraham and our forefathers
Hadn't seen it Right But but at the same time he was the lamb slain before the foundations of the world.
I was gonna say yeah, you have that It's there too Right, which which?
Brings into question, you know How much how much? Emphasis should we put on our relation to time?
Since God is not related to time as we are so I mean a lot of this is probably outside of our pay grade because time and Like a fish out of water.
We don't know that we're wet because we're in time It is it so so yeah, it's above our heads.
It's outside of our pay grade That's good. It's good because we understood everything about God Wouldn't be that impressive there should be there should be thing there should be things where we just come to a certain point we're just like Yeah, I don't know and that's why we can't fight with each other too hard Exactly.
It's because you have both going. I was gonna say the same thing you did that you have You have the scripture that says
Jesus was the Lamb of God that was slain before the foundation of the world that we we have had union
Seen as having union with Christ that was wasn't procure, but it was a
Reality to the Trinity from the foundation of the world right yeah, then it says that he was it was is
Once crucified and then placed the sacrifice upon the altar that happened in time.
Yeah, so That at the right time he came
Mm -hmm yep, so there's there's a balance there that Presbyterians and Baptists Need to continue to work out together,
I think Yeah, well we should take a pay and hope nobody's hope nobody's important with listening
But we need to take a page out of the Lutheran's books and learn to bring to throw our hands up and just say that It's okay to have a little mystery because when the
Bible says one thing and it says another thing It both can be true
We just don't have all the information because we're not God So what we need to do is just step back and say well the
Bible says this the Bible says this They're both true. I don't know exactly how it works together and Really me trying to think it out in my own flawed head is not the way to do it
I need to just back up a second Remember who God is trust and believe in what he said here and here and hold those two truths to be
Fully true and Ordained revealed by God and then just say how does that work?
I don't know and I don't know if I ever will and I'm cool with that because God is great and I am
NOT Yeah I Apologize do you want to go ahead and and share the gospel and I'll close us in prayer
Absolutely. What better place to do that and then from Acts 2 Discussion so acts 2 starting verse 37 says when they heard this they were pierced to the heart and Said to Peter and the rest of the
Apostles men brothers. What should we do? So he says hey, this is what happened.
Jesus came to the earth. He came in order to do good things. You go killed him And they said oh no
What have we done? So it says what should we do? We have sinned against God.
What should he says said to them repent and each of you Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and we'll receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit For the promises for you who is a promise for your children.
Yes. It says the promises for your children It's for all who have other people over there who aren't here. It's for them to as Many as the
Lord our God will call to himself The fact of the matter is that all of us who have sinned in This life which is all of us at one point or another would have stood with those
Jews who crucified the Lord and put our Hand to to the hammer and would have stood there cheering that the one who claimed to be the king of the
Jews Was being crucified at the same time He was taking upon himself the sins of the world and for those of us who hear that message
It should do like it did them cut us to the heart that we would do something like that That we do those things as we sin as we go out and do things that God has told us not to do
And yet he said, you know, what should I do with my sin? He says repent and be baptized believe in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will find him to be that perfect Savior That is the message of the gospel that is what the covenant of grace is all about that God in Eternity past has decided to save a people for himself and sent
Christ to do that for us That he would take our sins put it upon himself
Die with those sins and then raise again to prove that even if we die in this body
We will raise again like Christ did because we've been united with him So that death has no hold over us and we will raise again to live with Christ in Eternal bliss for all of eternity and that is an amazing and wonderful bit of good news
It hits it hits a little bit for me today We had a precious lady in our church pass away today
She's in her in her 90s on her husband's birthday. He passed away just a few months ago as well.
Mm -hmm. So today They are glorifying their Lord together with great hope
With joy in seeing Christ in front of them And that is the hope for everyone who turns from their sin and trusts in Christ to be their
Savior They will be standing there with joy for all of eternity
It's good stuff Father you are a good
Savior and we glorify you because you were the only one that is worthy in Your son who is the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world is the only one that was that is worthy
Worthy to open the seals a worthy to open the book Worthy to receive all honor glory and praise
We thank you for this couple who are united again in you and in location
Thank you for this testimony of the gospel that we may also enjoy
Salvation in you here and in the time to come Thank you for Make coveted to rescue us though and despite the fact that we rebel and sinned against you
Thank you for making your enemies your friend we pray this in Jesus name
Amen Thank you for watching the truth of podcast we really appreciate it and as always remember that Jesus is
King Go live in the victory of Christ Go speak with the authority of Christ and continue to go out there and share the gospel of Christ.