Road Trip DL from Santa Fe
Had to record the program today due to the location I am at in Santa Fe (possibly due to weather issues as well, not completely sure). Talked about the Australian legislation being proposed to give the state pretty much full control over speech and how we have taken our eyes off the ball as the totalitarians continue their global march. Then we switched over to a discussion that took place last year between William Lane Craig and unitarian Dale Tuggy ( We will be doing a deep dive on Tuggy’s claims and positions over the next number of weeks and months. You might want to familiarize yourself with his views! You might also want to see Michael Brown’s debate with Tuggy here (, and Chris Date’s interaction here (
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- 00:31
- Well greetings welcome to the dividing line we are recording this episode
- 00:36
- Unfortunately, oh don't do that to me now. Don't do that to me now We're recording this episode.
- 00:41
- Unfortunately rather than being live we were ready to go but I am in Santa Fe, New Mexico right now on my way to Colorado and This particular park it's causing me some problems this trip
- 01:00
- And One thing I do remember and I need to keep in mind there is zero cell service none at this location and so that's our primary way of doing things and Starlink's up and running, but it just doesn't want to do a stream at all
- 01:18
- So we're just gonna record and upload as quick as possible. It could be we've got storms all around.
- 01:23
- It's windy dusty sometimes rainy it's it's it's Interesting day here in in Santa Fe, but we have a lot to get to and I have another program to do with Eric Hovind Right after this one.
- 01:37
- So well, not right after it's an hour after so Upload blog do all the stuff that you're supposed to do
- 01:45
- To try to get it to work from there and we'll just see if we can get it done Best we can do
- 01:52
- In fact, I've lost track of how many other programs we're gonna be doing during this trip We have at least two or three that are already scheduled and a number of others.
- 02:02
- I need to be sending emails to them Some of them one of them's in India That they need pictures and stuff and I'm like, yeah,
- 02:09
- I'm not sure you need my pictures me But we'll do our best along those lines so with that Before we get into the really important stuff
- 02:21
- I just I Just had to share this with you. I'm sorry
- 02:28
- And it might work better on Camera, too. So let's see what we let's see what we got there.
- 02:36
- Um, oh by the way For those who are following along Yeah, you know this one there's one spot that just doesn't want to hold
- 02:46
- I've put I've put stuff on it But mostly it looks like everything's working this time around hours worth of work on my part and You'll notice
- 02:56
- Rich got the logo Painted and we've got that up and I even
- 03:01
- I even threw some of the the rocks the wall down Maybe I don't know anyways
- 03:14
- So been working hard and there's a lot of stuff that Richard's doing. You can't see there's a light over there now
- 03:21
- That you can't see and there's stuff that's been rerouted and Lots of lots of work goes into making something like this work and of course you have to make it so it doesn't fall apart when it gets bounced all over the road because I'm in New Mexico and There are some nice stretches of road like around around Santa Fe here.
- 03:38
- There's some nice stretches of road but then there are other stretches of road that just It doesn't matter how much
- 03:44
- I concentrate How I try to find my way between the potholes it's just it's just how it works so anyway
- 03:54
- But we're up and operational back here so I Think I sort of showed off my new
- 04:04
- Jeffrey Rice work here it's There we go
- 04:11
- Biblia Hebraica see it This is a Hebrew Bible, so it has the
- 04:16
- New Testament it is The largest print I've been able to find so You can sort of you know look at that and that you know, okay, it's better than Biblia Hebraica stuttgartensia pocket size, which
- 04:34
- I couldn't read anyway and I Bought it from the Bible Society in Israel came pretty quickly.
- 04:42
- It was not all that expensive. I even linked to it on Twitter I Showed the pictures, and I showed you let me see if I can okay see it came with gold page edging
- 04:56
- So it had a sort of leatherette type cover type thing you know
- 05:01
- I don't sure what that stuff is They make these days, but it sort of looks like leather, but sort of isn't and it's alright you know um, but it came with gold page edging and so Jeffrey goes so You know let's talk about what you want on it.
- 05:16
- You know where you want stuff And you know we had all the discussion that my names back here, and that looks like it's on the back
- 05:23
- But since this is a Hebrew Bible, that's actually the front Right to left all that all the rest that kind of stuff, and I just noticed my ribbons are now hanging down here
- 05:36
- And so there's three of them. Oh, I shouldn't put them all in the same spot. No don't do that um
- 05:43
- Then he asked me. Do you want me to die it and? He's not a big fat guy, so I'm like diet
- 05:52
- I don't I'm not needs diet um and I'm like what do you mean well an undercoat under color?
- 06:02
- To the page edging, and I was like I don't I'm not sure what
- 06:07
- I'm not sure what that is um and We went with purple. I've got purple purple stitching purple things and If you see here
- 06:20
- There it's gold and then when I open it up. It's purple
- 06:27
- I Don't know how he does that I? Have no earthly idea, but this is the text my
- 06:35
- I Think I mentioned this years and years and years ago When I was still at PRVC uh
- 06:45
- This was decades back Don Frye When he turned 60 so that's interesting because you know
- 06:55
- I did recently so this this was he's about 20 years older than I am So this is a while back he had always used a
- 07:03
- I Don't know. I guess I it wasn't yellow pad, but a white pad of paper for notes for his sermons
- 07:11
- No, no, I'll take that back. It was a it was a notebook It was a notebook a ruled paper notebook leafless leaf notebook, and then he turned 60 and I noticed the notes were gone, and so I asked him
- 07:31
- I said what's What's going on, and he said you know I felt like I needed a new challenge now that I've turned 60 and So I still write out my notes
- 07:44
- But now I have to memorize them Because I won't take the notes into the pulpit.
- 07:51
- Yeah, most most folks would do that reverse And and so There is a
- 08:01
- Everybody look everybody's different Everybody wants to talk about sermon preparation.
- 08:07
- How did you sir, but we're all very very different in fact. I did a program yesterday last evening with the brothers down in Emory, Texas and one of the questions that came up was
- 08:19
- You know given in in our day people don't read books anymore
- 08:26
- We don't write letters We might write emails, but we don't write letters out
- 08:35
- And send them off in the mail like we used to oh my mom was just so good at that. Oh her handwriting.
- 08:40
- Oh, I Don't know that that that Cursive handwriting may be something that it fades it just passes away from human experience
- 08:52
- Though I I hope homeschool kids keep it alive Though mine has always stunk.
- 08:57
- I'm a wonderful printer, but cursive was never my thing, but anyway We just don't do that kind of stuff anymore, and I was reading a book
- 09:05
- That I'll tell you more about coming out from Ezra press So I was sent a pre -publication thing to write a blurb for it and things like that which
- 09:13
- I'll be doing if I can remember to do it and Part of it's it's about doing deep discipleship in light of coming challenges in the world and A lot of good stuff in there a lot of stuff that I've been saying
- 09:30
- But a lot of stuff to add to what I've been saying and one of the things he was talking about was not only the ability of men and women in the past to memorize
- 09:45
- So that for hundreds For hundreds of years you you wouldn't even be considered a proper ministerial material if you didn't have like the psaltery memorized including
- 09:57
- Psalm 119 the whole thing and And The other thing was how we learned and this is true
- 10:07
- I've experienced this myself I've been memorizing some patristic citations
- 10:14
- And I I do it by having them on my phone and then as I'm going for walks can't run anymore so I go for walks
- 10:20
- I Work on memorizing it But you know what
- 10:26
- I know what I know what's missing and and I need to I need to fix it I need to write them out.
- 10:32
- That's what I used to do back when I was 17 18 years old when I started working on memorizing scripture
- 10:40
- That's what you do is you would write it out and there is something about the brain hand activity of writing something that Puts it into a different mechanism of storage in the mind and We were talking on the webcast about the fact that We're having to try to preach to people today who because of the degradation of Western culture and of course the educational system, which is no longer a education system at all and the intrusion of technology
- 11:21
- That they struggle to memorize and to have a long enough
- 11:29
- Attention span to really be able to follow in -depth theological argumentation and I'm not really sure how to get around that To be honest with you you know my main thing was well we have to give example and how we preach and how we teach to Lead them to but we're talking about changing how people learn and Read and interact with the world around them once they become
- 12:05
- Christians just simply so that you can Have a deep enough understanding of truth
- 12:12
- To to grasp everything and So back to back to what
- 12:21
- I'm what I'm talking about here Um Why why get a large print?
- 12:27
- Hebrew text my sermon at g3 in Atlanta Will be from Isaiah chapter 41
- 12:40
- Now two National conferences ago. I don't remember what year it was
- 12:47
- I Preach from Isaiah 6, but you may recall that I did preach from a
- 12:55
- Jeffrey Rice Rebind But it was a Jeffrey Rice Rebind of the two -volume readers
- 13:00
- Greek Septuagint. So I was reading from the Greek and The reason for that in Isaiah 6, of course was the text of variant there saw his glory all that stuff
- 13:10
- You can go watch it. I think it's a fantastic Passage on the deity of Christ and things like that's where we getting into that in this program
- 13:19
- So you might want to keep that in mind Anyway So the challenge for me personally for the sermon
- 13:30
- Was I only brought that text into the pulpit? I did not have any notes and I did not have an English text.
- 13:36
- So I'm reading from the Greek Septuagint so when I read the text I'm reading from the Septuagint and then when
- 13:42
- I'm exegeting the text and making application, that's that's what I'm using That requires you
- 13:51
- To have done your homework it requires you to have Somewhat internalized
- 13:59
- The text and I've often said that that's how I prefer to preach.
- 14:05
- I don't always have the opportunity of doing it that way But for me, that's the that's the best way of doing things
- 14:13
- So the challenge here is I'm much better with Greek than I am with Hebrew. I've taught Hebrew, but it was
- 14:19
- Well, no, I taught the Hebrew exegesis too, but that was a lot of those many years ago and You you keep what you use and the vast majority of apologetic material interaction study
- 14:34
- You're in the Greek New Testament. You're in the Greek Septuagint more than you're in the
- 14:39
- Hebrew text and So this will
- 14:46
- This will push me Big time to be able to read the passage
- 14:54
- And to then just utilize the Hebrew text in front of me So you can pray toward that I mean, that's just I don't have to do it that way but I think it makes for a lot of people really
- 15:11
- Found the Isaiah 6 sermon. In fact, I'll put it this way The Isaiah 6 sermon had
- 15:19
- I thought much more positive feedback than the next sermon I did which was topical It wasn't exegetical.
- 15:28
- I was going from text to text Now, of course, I am wondering how
- 15:34
- I will be interrupted This time around There is a running joke the last national conference my sermon
- 15:45
- I Got started and then I got stopped because there was a lost kid and So they bring the kid up and you know trying to find the parents
- 15:56
- Okay, start again. Oh, yeah, here we go. And and Years before that and those who are preachers think think with me for a moment what this was like I'm I'm into the sermon and all of a sudden
- 16:11
- I feel someone touching my back The sound guy has snuck up behind me he's lifted up my jacket everybody's watching this
- 16:21
- I Don't see it happening But he's doing something with my microphone from I don't know if he had to change a battery
- 16:29
- I mean you should have had the right batteries in the first place, I suppose but so anyways There's there's sort of a running
- 16:37
- Joke, what's gonna happen to to white? At the start of his sermon g3 because it's like that's just sort of how it happens it just works that way
- 16:47
- So we'll see. We'll see but this is the text that I will have and Thank You Jeffrey.
- 16:55
- I This gold to purple thing
- 17:01
- Wow is truly truly awesome, so Christmas is coming
- 17:09
- If you want to some of you know your pastors or some of you who are pastors you need to drop the right hints
- 17:18
- Would just love to have the two color you open it up.
- 17:23
- It's a different color than when you close it Oh, it's just yeah That's that's that's great.
- 17:29
- That's great. And I did link by the way because I had a few people ask I did link on Twitter It was very easy to find again to the large print
- 17:38
- Hebrew text at the Israeli Bible Society thing it was I Don't think
- 17:45
- I think it was in the mid 40s might have been as much as $60 But I think it was in mid 40s actually so for a
- 17:52
- Bible paper and all the rest that stuff not bad so Wanted to start off with that Okay Next and I'm gonna need to start setting up my second monitor
- 18:06
- I've just got so much stuff set up here already that it's bit of a challenge Something came across Twitter right before the program started and it's it's stuff that we were talking about a lot in 21
- 18:26
- Once Cove it started waning in 22, we've sort of moved on to other topics
- 18:35
- But I'm the Debbie Downer guy, which simply means I'm a Scottish realist.
- 18:41
- Okay, and I don't mean that philosophically I mean that in my outlook on life and We need to recognize that the people who locked us down impoverished us killed us
- 18:59
- With poisonous stuff and And Unnecessary medical procedures and in fact a hospital routine that killed a number of people that I know a number of people who are close to me
- 19:19
- The drugs they used the protocols they used led to the large majority of the deaths and There are continuing deaths cancers all sorts of neat fun stuff still going on and The people that did all that have not repented.
- 19:35
- They have not admitted That they were wrong and in fact, they're doubling down.
- 19:40
- There was an article that I saw I didn't get too deeply into it But one of the primary people in the
- 19:46
- United Kingdom That was behind the lockdowns is saying we need to be prepared for Harsher lockdowns the next time round.
- 19:54
- They're all talking about the next time around and if you think Covid -19 was the only thing in that Wuhan lab
- 20:03
- Or in the labs in Ukraine or whatever You're you're sorely in error and It's coming again, that's that's why
- 20:15
- I joke with my friends They're all mocking me because I don't I'm still not flying and I'm not gonna be flying
- 20:20
- We've invested in this mechanism of travel now and it's the way it is I got to travel globally for years and years and years got all the miles
- 20:28
- I needed and I miss everybody overseas, but this is what we've invested in and this is how we're gonna do things and I joke with some of these guys that are you know, they're all bopping around the world, you know, and that's great.
- 20:40
- That's fine it's wonderful and when they lock us down and when they say
- 20:46
- Shoot the goo into your arm or you don't get to get on any plane at all. I'll be the one doing online
- 20:54
- Instructions on how to do RV because I'll show y 'all how to do it.
- 21:00
- We'll have rich with the camera This is how you hook up your sewer hose without getting anything on your hands
- 21:09
- And you can do that just have to do it right and there's a certain order of things and I'll show y 'all how to do it
- 21:17
- I'll lead the way and that's just how things are. So When I see this thread
- 21:29
- The Australian Communications Legislation Amendment Parentheses combating misinformation and disinformation bill 2023
- 21:44
- Now you might be saying We're not in Australia. Well, that's true and It was so sad for me to watch
- 21:59
- Australia Demonstrate that it has no commitment to freedom of speech thought or any of worship religion that the
- 22:13
- Majority of the leadership are Very much in love with totalitarianism.
- 22:18
- They're tyrants they're tyrants and I said many times
- 22:25
- I was in Melbourne in December of 2019 I missed the lockdowns down there where there were people stranded in Australia.
- 22:33
- I Miss those by a matter of weeks was at March so it was close and They're wonderful people down there
- 22:43
- I've so enjoyed the trips that I've taken down and you know, I Had you know,
- 22:50
- I was mainly in Sydney and Brisbane but I got to go down to Melbourne that last time beautiful city had an enjoyable debate with a wonderful Muslim opponent we had talked about doing further debates in the future and Just all sorts of things like that.
- 23:08
- And now I wouldn't go to Australia for love nor money Because I mean you could be down there and Something could hit and they can they just don't care and We can sit here and say well that could happen there, but it can't happen here
- 23:29
- We have such a naive and childish trust in a piece of paper
- 23:36
- The Constitution is a piece of paper and Once you get one or two more justices
- 23:45
- Plugged in from the left side of things
- 23:54
- It will be meaningless because the ideologues on the court have already demonstrated they don't
- 24:00
- They may raise their hand and swear this that and the other thing but as long as you think it's a living document
- 24:07
- You can say it means whatever you want to say. It means it can't protect you from anything and So I I do appreciate our
- 24:19
- Greater Protections but I just recognize that if UK is talking about tougher lockdowns and Australia is
- 24:33
- Doing the misinformation disinformation stuff. Once again, all that is all that is is
- 24:45
- Newspeak it's it's 1984. That's all it is
- 24:52
- These people are saying there is a government narrative remember New Zealand it was even worse in New Zealand the
- 25:00
- Female Prime Minister, you need to believe us. We will be your source of truth.
- 25:06
- It's it's just like They could they could do a new edition of 1984
- 25:14
- Make it 2024 and You could change all the characters and you could use modern pictures of the
- 25:22
- PM of New Zealand and stuff like that Just put them in there. They'd fit perfectly Because they're doing the same thing.
- 25:28
- It's newspeak. It's the changing of language and They have to control it that's why
- 25:36
- I am so thankful my grandchildren are being homeschooled and I'm so proud of them and so proud of their it's proud of Eric and summer
- 25:50
- The job they're doing with them is just awesome But I don't know how long
- 25:55
- I don't I have zero confidence unless something radically changes that my oldest cadence that her children
- 26:05
- Will be able to be homeschooled You can't in many nations in Europe you can't in Germany, for example, you cannot homeschool and the government knows
- 26:19
- These these tyrants know they have to start early When you're trying to make people live in God's world without acknowledging
- 26:30
- God and rebelling against everything God says is good and proper and holy and just everything else You've got to start early
- 26:38
- You've got to get that crammed into people's minds early on and So here in the
- 26:46
- United States we have lots of people already who are very much into the idea of Misinformation and disinformation which is well who gets to define that Saw an article about Facebook fact -checkers
- 27:08
- Someone fact -checked the fact -checkers and not surprising
- 27:13
- It turned out that the fact -checkers are extremely biased and aren't really checking facts, and we all knew that We all knew that but we see how this is working.
- 27:25
- We see how this is functioning and so There's a whole I think it's
- 27:31
- Chris Baxter is the guy's name. There's a whole thread on Twitter The guy reading through this
- 27:39
- No religious exemptions The government is exempt but churches are not
- 27:47
- I mean it is Bald -faced We're taking over the internet that's
- 27:57
- That's the only way to put it and see the problem that you have is if Australia comes along and says to Twitter you can't allow this kind of speech in Australia What what what's
- 28:20
- Twitter supposed to do? How's that even supposed to go? I I Suppose there are ways of Filtering things or something.
- 28:38
- I Mean I've gotten a few of those Someone in Germany didn't like what you said on Twitter emails and I Ignore them
- 28:51
- You know, I I'm like, you know, so somebody in Germany doesn't like what
- 28:58
- I had to say All right That's fine. Well, we'll survive but What if it's what if you every country does the same thing this second
- 29:10
- Yes, I do have to take medication once in a while.
- 29:17
- Just one just one just one thankfully I Don't know how it works, but the financial pressure that government's in collusion with corporations can put on Someone like Twitter or any
- 29:39
- Other source that would dare to allow for freedom that would allow for any other viewpoint than that of the regime eventually the global regime is is massive and so We were all talking about this a year and a half ago
- 29:57
- About how are we going to communicate? How are we going to get the message out and then between The the slow diminishment of stuff in regards to kovat the numbers just couldn't stay high enough to keep the panic going though I Pulled into the
- 30:16
- New Mexico Information Center rise across the border from Arizona into New Mexico. It's been closed for a while, but it was open again
- 30:25
- Pulled into a used restroom everybody working there Masked up everyone working there.
- 30:34
- There is no That they're masked up So even though that stuff has been declining
- 30:46
- We need to realize these people who want to shut us down and Control our every thought and speech and action and and everything they have not gone away
- 31:01
- They do not feel defeated They're working on the next big thing
- 31:09
- They're using climate and it's been very effective because they have the elites
- 31:15
- They don't have a lot of the people out in real life We all know it's a bunch of hooey because it is it's a bunch of hooey and it you can you
- 31:24
- I? Would love to see well you saw Same thing would happen the thing with Rogan and the guy on vaccines and Kennedy and all the rest of stuff
- 31:37
- Kennedy's with Some interesting people running for office right now.
- 31:46
- Let's just put it that way You saw that and you saw how these people who
- 31:52
- The guy he was challenging to debate had been all over MSNBC and CNN and everywhere.
- 31:58
- I just just just He won't debate and you won't be able to get any of these
- 32:03
- You you won't be able to get the Al Gore's And the Greta Thunberg's and all the rest of stuff you will not get them on a stage with a moderated debate because the data and the the amount where they
- 32:22
- Have doctored the data the number of things you could demonstrate were our own
- 32:28
- NASA You know in the in the kovat area World Health stuff, you know, it's the
- 32:35
- CDC in Climate area. It's NASA and things like that. I Don't know if they just don't think that Archives exist or what?
- 32:47
- But you can show them changing the data Making things look different.
- 32:54
- Have you seen how many times for example? They'll they'll show these temperature maps and everything's yellow and orange and red and oh, it's just wow we're just boiling and then you look at the actual numbers and you look back at a temperature map from only 15 years ago, and It's warmer 15 years ago, but the colors aren't red yellow and orange
- 33:21
- So they're even using color To communicate we're boiling here.
- 33:26
- The oceans are evaporate It's a bunch of ooey. It's just not true.
- 33:32
- I mean carbon Carbon dioxide is plant food.
- 33:38
- The plants love it and it is not Water vapor is the largest
- 33:48
- Gas that control that is involved in in heat carbon dioxide is a tiny little bit of nothing and you could spend all
- 34:00
- Of the combined economies in a year of the United States Great Britain, China all the big ones and Have one
- 34:11
- One volcano go off somewhere all wiped out Everything you you did wiped out.
- 34:21
- It's uh It's it's a scam on an amazing level. Anyway point being back to here
- 34:29
- Be watching This kind of stuff in Australia and Here in the
- 34:37
- United States be watching because Nothing has changed just because we've sort of moved on in our attention
- 34:46
- Doesn't mean much nothing's changed They learned they said wow, we can get a lot of people to just go.
- 34:53
- I'm scared. Take care of me So we could get a whole lot more people to do that than we thought
- 35:03
- So next time around let's try to get this this and this and the next time around this this and this
- 35:08
- That's what they're that's what they're up to. That's right Okay Um Now as I mentioned
- 35:16
- I've mentioned you many times before as I am driving and my yesterday was the longest leg of this trip
- 35:23
- Seven and a half hours. It's way too much. That's that's way too much. I Have great respect for all of our truck drivers in the in the audience
- 35:33
- Way to go guys But as I've mentioned I've got various Physical issues,
- 35:42
- I'm dealing with torn up left shoulder and very very clearly Very very good. It's not just well, we only know about the left.
- 35:48
- We didn't scan the rights so Who knows what's over there? I don't know that I want to know what's over there, but Clearly driving is what is doing this stuff in there
- 36:00
- And so I you know, I've got a pillow over here and on it long story short I try to utilize that time as best
- 36:07
- I possibly can For this program and to do the things we do So like I said yesterday,
- 36:14
- I read a book that I'll be writing a endorsement for for Ezra Press Ezra Institute Joe boots group
- 36:22
- Joe's now in in England, but you know Canada here in United States stuff like that. I Was supposed to be speaking at a
- 36:29
- Ezra Institute a runner Academy thing in May but it didn't make so I I wasn't able to go but Still hoping to have that opportunity sometime here in the
- 36:40
- United States to do that kind of thing and So Trying to Multitask because it takes hours to prepare for a lot of these programs.
- 36:54
- So sometimes I sit down do something and great, but when you're Especially when you're trying to keep up with developments and other perspectives and things like that I do most that work on my own now those of you who said someone sent me
- 37:11
- I Think it was Ken sent me a
- 37:20
- Clip a video clip. I think in DM and Twitter as I recall and Those of you who do that kind of thing,
- 37:29
- I appreciate it. I really really do it does help me I I can't be ransacking the internet all the time.
- 37:37
- And so when people send me stuff That's very very helpful, so I thank all of you who do that if I don't use it, please don't be offended by that But it is helpful to have people doing that kind of assistance in that way
- 37:53
- Anyway sent me a clip of a conversation that I guess took place a little less than a year ago
- 38:00
- And it was an online conversation Between William Lane Craig and Dale Tuggy and they mentioned toward the end of the conversation that There was a book being done
- 38:19
- That both Tuggy and Craig were contributing to it was about an hour long
- 38:27
- It was supposed to be evenly divided half an hour Where Tuggy is
- 38:35
- Where William Lane Craig is defending his view of the Trinity and that really is a very unique Unorthodox view
- 38:45
- I mean he when you when you yourself Identify yourself as a neo
- 38:53
- Apollinarian Don't get angry for me at me for saying that's an unorthodox view.
- 38:59
- I mean, I don't know how else you define it but the first half hour William Lane Craig is
- 39:09
- Responding to Objections from Dale Tuggy and then the second half hour it was supposed to be the other way around Tuggy is supposed to be defending
- 39:19
- Unitarianism against William Lane Craig well they went a little long in the first half hour and so the
- 39:29
- It wasn't really quite a fair division of time It's on YouTube if you put in William Lane Craig Dale Tuggy, it'll come up oh
- 39:43
- I hear a thunder With all the other stuff had going on if all of a sudden everything goes poof
- 39:52
- Then let's just hope the we have a new Surge protector on the unit here.
- 39:58
- We will hope that it will work. I Don't want to see all this wonderful equipment smoking
- 40:05
- After a lightning strike. Anyway This is hey, we're on the road.
- 40:10
- That's this is it's a road trip DL. That's how this works and And I'm loving it.
- 40:15
- I I'm so thankful to rich for all he's done and I just I just think
- 40:21
- I Think that that angle there is so cool
- 40:27
- Rich put the thing up, but you see what I did with the mirror. There's a mirror over there and The problem was the mirror was reflecting right into the kitchen.
- 40:36
- I don't need you. I don't need to have the kitchen in the video and So I've put this stuff up on really pretty much all the mirrors except the one in the bathroom
- 40:46
- I'm not really I don't like seeing myself I'm not sure why anybody else does either but but I put this stuff up all over the place.
- 40:53
- It worked really really well Told you
- 40:59
- I Told you there there be there be thunderstorms about Let me let me look at my radar here real quick.
- 41:12
- Oh Come on Santa Fe, New Mexico. I know what how do you get rid of this thing?
- 41:21
- There we go Yeah, it's a little one it's like isn't it amazing
- 41:26
- I have to admit I am so thankful that I can pick up a computing device and Zoom in on my location and go.
- 41:35
- Ah, okay. There's there's the thunderstorm It's a little one that's fast moving and it's probably not gonna cause any problems.
- 41:41
- So Okay But I just think back at my dad, you know working his way through Moody Bible Institute changing out tubes in TV sets and that's how he started and Just how fascinated he was with the advancement of technology in his lifetime and then we can do stuff like this
- 42:04
- It's it's really cool back to what we were talking about before the thunderstorm messed everything up So It ended up being about 35 minutes 25 minutes,
- 42:16
- I guess and And Once I got done listening to it, you know,
- 42:23
- I've mentioned we've we've responded to some Dale Tuggy stuff before Michael Brown debated him
- 42:29
- I think last year Chris date Did a wonderful job
- 42:38
- Chris is a wonderful guy. He really is we've had our disagreements and I'm Yeah, yeah and there are
- 42:48
- From what rich tells me this we put he put new microphones in here And I was sort of like, you know, the old microphone we had it was really good at muting stuff out
- 42:57
- And he says he can even hear the air conditioning in the other room now So I'm sure it's picking up the Thunder real real.
- 43:02
- Well this one I'm not sure that something tells me a next trip. We're gonna be back to the old one. But anyway
- 43:10
- Chris date You know the rethinking health stuff and things like that, you know, but in these other areas
- 43:17
- Chris is a sharp guy he really really is and I was actually riding today
- 43:23
- At about 9 ,000 feet above sea level listening to Chris's opening statement in the debate he did with with Dale Tuggy and Let me just mention something
- 43:38
- I Learned something Here's here's an example of it does not matter how many times
- 43:50
- You work through a particular text of Scripture ten years later.
- 43:57
- You may find Yourself learning something that you never saw before no matter how many times you translate anything else
- 44:07
- You have One of the big three in the potter's freedom
- 44:16
- Jerusalem Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered your chicks together under my wings and but you would not and Address to the
- 44:23
- Jewish leaders and you know, we've gone through it 10 ,000 times before Corrected Norm Geisler's misunderstanding of it all that stuff but Chris presented
- 44:35
- Something that I had never even thought of before How often would I have gathered your children?
- 44:42
- This is Jesus speaking and he's using the the hen the the Wings and the you know, the mother bird
- 44:51
- Protecting the The young and he went in the Old Testament and you know, most of us we've read the
- 44:57
- Psalter many times Hopefully sung the Psalter many times there are examples in the prophets and the
- 45:04
- Psalter of This imagery and it's always God protecting his people and so He was exactly right that this is another good example of Language where the
- 45:21
- New Testament writers have no problem whatsoever in Quoting Jesus speaking in such a way or speaking of Jesus in such a way
- 45:31
- That the only only conclusion you can come to is but but that's what Yahweh does and yeah
- 45:37
- That's because the New Testament writers identified Jesus as Yahweh in human flesh. Not just a lesser representative of Yahweh But this is
- 45:46
- Jesus me. How often would I have done this? and so It's a good example.
- 45:54
- And again, thank you Chris It's a good example How for example we deal with James chapter 2
- 46:04
- You know, if you if you witness to Mormons a lot, you've got James 2 20 memorized you just you don't even have to kick your brain into gear to start talking about James 2 20 with the
- 46:14
- Mormon because But then you do some a deep dive into it and you discover there's a whole lot more there than than I ever thought there was and Here's here's an example and I was blessed with that and so look up Dale Tuggy Chris date
- 46:35
- You'll get to catch that now. I didn't finish. I haven't finished the debate yet because well, I've got
- 46:41
- Another four thousand miles worth of driving to do so I probably get to it Along along the way tomorrow getting up to a golden,
- 46:50
- Colorado but Check that out as well Check out the debate with Michael Brown and Dale Tuggy Chris Dayton Dale Tuggy and then
- 47:01
- William Lane Craig's discussion Why I came to the conclusion that I think it would be extremely useful for our audience
- 47:16
- To do an in -depth Analysis of The claims that dr.
- 47:27
- Tuggy makes now Dr. Tuggy is not the most exciting person to listen to He is a philosophical
- 47:37
- Unitarian his teaching is in philosophy, it's not an exegesis It's not in church history.
- 47:43
- He likes to talk a lot about church history, but I Lord willing we will have time to Demonstrate a number of problems with his church history constructs as well, but the
- 47:59
- The Unitarianism that he presents is really challenging for most people to respond to because It's one thing to deal with Jehovah's Witnesses There's a lot of baggage with the
- 48:14
- JWs. You've got the New World Translation. You got the false prophecies got 1914 and You know 1874 and 1925 you got all this this type of stuff and the blood issue and there's there's other stuff in there
- 48:28
- That you're that you're dealing with 144 ,000 like anointed class all of them
- 48:36
- You don't have all that with tugging and Tuggy's literally standing there saying we are the true
- 48:41
- Protestants we the the rest of you people myself
- 48:52
- All the dominations It's blowing We'd be rocking all over the place.
- 48:59
- I'll have to admit. There's one. There's one nice thing and I will remember where to pick up I'm in a bad spot.
- 49:08
- They put me in a bad spot In fact that the manager admitted that they don't they weren't supposed to put units as long as mine in this spot
- 49:15
- But I had made my reservations before they made that choice, it's very narrow and So I'm sort of parked at an angle so I get one door open getting slides that it's it's it's not level
- 49:28
- Anyway, but one advantage that it has is that right out here is A fence and in another unit right over there.
- 49:36
- And so the width that everything's coming this direction but and the rain starting and I'm seeing stuff blowing around all over here, but I'm a little protected and Starlink, well, we're not using we're gonna use it for uploading but the
- 49:54
- Starlink connection is behind the fence, too. And so We're not we're not getting blown blown around that just a little background stuff.
- 50:02
- Okay Dale Tuggy The Kind of Unitarianism he presents
- 50:10
- He claims hey you all just didn't continue the Reformation the
- 50:15
- Reformation Would require you to likewise abandon the
- 50:22
- Catholic Formulations that go beyond the Bible now. Do you see why now this isn't this is starting to plug into where we've been for a while now on other topics and How the conversation was
- 50:37
- William Lane Craig factors into this Because Basically Craig said
- 50:44
- I'm just gonna defend a very very very Well, he would say
- 50:50
- I'm gonna defend a biblical doctrine the Trinity. Well, hey Who am
- 50:56
- I to complaining about that right? But what he then does is he?
- 51:06
- Craig Craig's Modus operandi in debate for decades
- 51:13
- Has been to present The smallest target possible to the other side remember well remember
- 51:26
- Probably 20 years ago We we did a review of a debate that bill did with Shabbir Ali and In that debate
- 51:41
- He was unwilling to discuss or defend The concept of original sin
- 51:50
- So he was minimizing the target that Shabbir had to shoot at and In the conversation with William Lane Craig With Dale Tuggy, he's basically doing the same thing
- 52:07
- He's giving a very minimized doctrine the Trinity He's not going to defend
- 52:13
- Cal sun. He's Nicaea didn't really come up that much. Um, I would hope that he would defend homosexual
- 52:25
- Homosexuals, I would hope But There are many times when
- 52:34
- Tuggy would make an objection and William Lane Craig's like well I'm not really committed one way or the other on that and he was using all sorts of language that You know parts of God, I mean
- 52:49
- It's one thing, you know, I believe in divine simplicity biblical divine simplicity
- 52:57
- Not Aristotelian divine simplicity, but bill doesn't believe in any of that at all. He's more than happy to talk about parts of God And you know the divine person as parts and as God as a soul and And all sorts of stuff like this and you're you're just like and you know what
- 53:20
- I'm sitting here thinking I Don't I Don't ever remember
- 53:27
- Bill Craig ever interacting with Mormonism Has he debated a
- 53:32
- Mormon? I? Don't I don't know He might be a little less
- 53:41
- Willing to do the stuff he was doing in this conversation if he had engaged with with Mormons in the past The first 35 minutes were painful.
- 53:51
- They really were because I do believe in a biblical doctrine of the
- 53:56
- Trinity and As a result To hear a
- 54:06
- Christian going well, maybe this well, maybe that Then it switched and Tuggy gave his presentation and that this is the main thing.
- 54:14
- I'm gonna be focusing on is He gave his presentation on Basically why
- 54:24
- Jesus is Just a man. He's not truly divine He can be called a
- 54:30
- God but men can be called gods John chapter 10. One of the things you have to deal with and That in and of itself was fascinating Craig was much better in the second half
- 54:46
- He pressed him on a number of issues He did, you know,
- 54:52
- I I really don't like it when The Craig group will do
- 54:59
- All your haunting scholars agree with me that this that and the other thing, you know And then turn around and say but I'm not using an argument from authorities.
- 55:09
- Yes, you are You just said all yohannine scholars Agree on this particular subject and when you say that you're just begging for the other side to find
- 55:21
- I Don't know how you get your yohannine scholar card. It deserves someplace. You you fill some stuff out
- 55:30
- But you're just begging for the other side to refute you But it was the claims that Tuggy made and specifically and I'm just look to clock and go
- 55:40
- Because I got another program to do right after this Tuggy's argument is that the natural biblical reading of the
- 55:48
- Bible itself is unitarian and That you have to use Odd Got to turn the power on to that light the battery finally died
- 56:04
- You have to use odd strained readings textual variants
- 56:09
- You you've got to you got it You're using Difficult texts not the main plain texts but texts that are hard and difficult
- 56:22
- To come up with a Trinitarian view of Jesus and I that's where I just about drove off the road
- 56:29
- Because that's the exact opposite of reality think think of just Hebrews 1 and and John 1
- 56:36
- What are both those texts meant to function as the lens through which you read the rest of the book?
- 56:43
- You look at John John 1 John 20. Oh look at all the stuff to connect it in between it is the narrative
- 56:52
- It flippin is too. Hey, let me use it as a sermon illustration a song you all have been seeing and I'm just like How do you get away with this?
- 57:03
- It's astonishing and the the stuff that he does come up with on the key passages
- 57:08
- Stuff like John 2028 Wow We need to look at each one of those. Here's the point
- 57:14
- Here's why you you should be excited about this. You should be encouraging me to do this. You should be taking notes the whole nine yards
- 57:24
- We get this down and you're gonna be able to deal with all the
- 57:30
- Unitarian groups with Mormonism and And What is the what's what are we trying to say the world
- 57:39
- King Jesus enthroned in heaven This is his world. We need to live in light of what he says
- 57:45
- You've got to be prepared to defend Who that Jesus is
- 57:51
- You've got to be prepared you have to and that's what I hope to do as we work through all this
- 58:00
- I Think I'll be doing the I'll just do the audio. It's a whole lot easier simple on my end and But you're gonna want to make sure to catch all this not obviously not just when it's live, but When we when we get it posted because I think it will be extremely helpful to a lot of folks to get the firm foundation
- 58:28
- Because Christianity without a divine Jesus is a social club Unitarianism is death to the soul it's death to the soul and So for their for them and for keeping people out of that error
- 58:46
- We need to we need to roll up the sleeves so to speak and do some work.
- 58:51
- And so we are going to do exactly that So with that I Will say hasta la vista till next time next time
- 59:05
- I should be coming to you from Golden, Colorado and Hopefully well, I don't know there's there's weather up there too.
- 59:11
- But hopefully we'll have Won't have to record stuff and we'll be able to do it live
- 59:16
- But hey, it's it's all the same information and hopefully it'll be useful to you. Thanks for watching.