What's Wrong with the Jesus Storybook Bible?
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- The Jesus Storybook Bible is a very popular book for teaching kids about the Bible. It was written by Sally Lloyd -Jones, no relation to Martin Lloyd -Jones, but do not think this is a
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- Bible. Jones writes in her words, not God's word. And her words are dripping with sentimentalism, not scripture.
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- For example, when God created man and woman, the book says, Adam and Eve joined in the song of the stars and the streams and the wind and the trees, the wonderful song of love to the one who made them.
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- In her version of the Bible, Jones seems to think that sin is forgetting that God loves you.
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- She makes no mention of judgment and therefore no gospel. Without discernment, the Jesus Storybook Bible could lead to a wrong understanding of what the true
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- Bible says. Furthermore, Sally Lloyd -Jones has included homosexuality in her children's books.
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- She proudly admitted that in her book, Goldfish on Vacation, she depicted a family with two homosexual men.
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- This is not a woman who is contrite in spirit and trembles at God's word, Isaiah 66, 2.
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- So how should you teach your children the Bible? Well, open the Bible and read it to them. Then explain to them what you read.
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- You'll need to do your own study, maybe plan out lessons, pick verses for your kids to memorize. You don't need a published
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- Bible study. Just use your Bible. As it says in 2 Timothy 3 .16, all Scripture is
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- God -breathed and profitable for teaching, even kids, when we understand the text.