

Pastor David Mitchell



And we're in Romans chapter 11. Welcome to all of you.
So glad to see you today. And, um, you know, this is interesting walk through this.
I've taught the book of revelation. I don't know how many times in my lifetime and different prophetic books like Daniel and Joel and Zechariah and Zephaniah and all those things for 40 years,
I guess, almost at this point in my life, and, uh, I've studied amillennialism,
I've studied post -millennialism, I've studied pre -rapture, uh, sorry, pre -tribulation rapture theory, which
I was actually a proponent of for two decades or more, which my mentors both believed will change his mind like I did.
The other one went to heaven first, or he would have to, I believe. But, um, all of these years of studying,
I've never seen it as clearly as I have since January 6th of this year. And, uh, told
Charlotte this morning for the first time, I really believe the Lord has helped me see where all the components fit.
I've had a couple that I never could see how they fit for 13 years.
There was one in particular that brother Otis and I discussed when we said we saw that it was something unique and amazing, but we couldn't figure it out exactly because it didn't fit everything exactly.
Right. And in these last few weeks, the Lord's helped me see where that one fits and the Lord's also done another thing for me, my family, and I've talked for many years about the fact that there's got to be a time in my life when
I step back and write some books, but I've got so many books in my head from the stock market to the
Bible, to all the different business in the Bible, or just theology. I don't know where to start.
I've even thought about writing a Bush, a book called Fisher isms about everything brother Otis taught me.
But I think in the last few weeks, the Lord's revealed to me that he wants me to write my first book's going to be on, um, the end times.
And, uh, I think it's going to be called something like look up a, you know, a biblical viewpoint of the end times chronology, something like that.
So I'm happy because now I know, uh, what a first book ought to be.
So now, since I announced it publicly, I guess I have to do it, Katie. So, all right.
So Romans chapter 11 is where we are. And let me see if I can get this to start working.
All right. So, uh, if God spared, not the natural branches take heed, lest he also spare thee not remember this little portion in Romans is talking about Paul's talking about the
Gentiles versus the Jews and how he partially blinded the Jews so that the Gentiles might come in. But then he comes back and warns the
Gentiles that if I plucked the natural bland branches off, you know, you could get plucked off.
Now, what you have to understand, and it's beyond the scope of this message is we're not talking about eternal security, the individual believer here.
It's talking about Israel from the point of view that had wheat and tears in it. And Paul said, not all
Israel is Israel. Didn't he only those of circumcised heart were the true Israelites, but there were many that were circumcised and ran with them, but they weren't true believers.
The same is true of the church. The Gentile church in particular today is full of wheat and tears.
And so you have true born again, people, and you have people that say they are, but they're not sitting right next to them in church.
And that's what this is talking about. The fact that just like Israel as the, the voice of God on the earth was taken away and it was replaced by the church.
Was it not? And then the church and of course, Israel failed at her, at her job somewhat.
And what about the church? If we're drawing near to the church age, have we succeeded? Have we been tremendously successful, especially in the last 40 years?
I think we're weaker than we've ever been as, as an institution that's supposed to bring the world.
And so I believe this is prophetic that Paul is saying there's going to come a day when the church, the
Gentile church for say on the earth will be removed as the salt predominant witness to the world.
Doesn't mean the rapture, but it removed as the predominant witness and replaced with something else. I'm going to show all that to you, the
Lord willing, we just need time. Don't we? Verse 22, behold, therefore the goodness and severity of God on them, which fell severity time out when he plucked the
Jews out so that the Gentiles could be saved, he says, but towards you Gentiles goodness, but look at this.
If it's conditional and it's not talking about an individual that's talking about as the church, as the, as the spokesperson or the spokesman to the world about God, if you continue in his goodness, otherwise you can be cut off, not for salvation, but as the spokesman or the, the word of God going out to the world, the, the, the, um, pipeline of that, if you want to put it that way, and they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, now look at what it says, the
Jews, if they abide not in unbelief, they can be grafted back in.
God's able to do that. So what this is a prophetic, because what God is saying through the apostle
Paul, there was a time when God sort of cut off the Jewish nation as being the folks, how can
I say this? The mouthpiece let's put it that way of the gospel to the world and replaced it with the church.
And now there's going to be a time when God removes the church and replaces it with Israel again.
And that's what Paul referred to when he said, all Israel shall be saved. It happens at the second coming.
Every Jew still alive will receive him as their personal Lord and savior on that day. What a day that will be for the
Lord and for the world, right? There are those who say that the entire tribulation is for the
Jew only, and that is a lie, and I shouldn't say it that harshly good people believe that I believed it most of my life, so I don't want to call it a lie.
I let's put it this way. It is a lie. Satan has brought into the world and some of us who didn't study enough, including myself for many years, bought into it.
And in that lie, part of it to make it work, you have to make the entire seven years be all about Israel only.
And it's not, it's so clear as you just take a walk through the book of revelation, how often you see
Gentiles saved. You see the church still there far beyond chapter three, where the proponents of this, of this theory that the rapture happened seven years before the second coming, the
Bible teaches they happen together, but there is this theory that I believe for most of my adult life that it happened seven years, the rapture before the second coming, uh, to make that fit, you've got to make the whole thing be about Israel and it's not, that's the problem.
One of the problems, and those people who believe that say that after chapter three revelation, you never see the church in the book of revelation again, which is not true.
It's there many, many times. We'll see several today. All right. So what we need to do is grow up.
We need to lay aside our denominational beliefs that are wrong. Keep the ones that are true. We need to lay aside what we've heard from cool old preachers that were not in the
Bible. They just sounded good and we need to be adults. And we need to look at our own Bible and make sure that we understand that when you read all these books about how the end times works, including one, if I write it, this is the only authority.
If this doesn't support it, throw the parts out that are incorrect. Throw them out.
Don't hang on to those as if they're yours. They're not yours. Anyway, you didn't make up the theory you, but we grabbed those and become emotional about it as if it's our own.
We need to let this book tell us what the truth is, not us. Tell it what the truth is. And we know that, right?
We know that. So we've got to do it that way. So we have to go to scripture. We have this idea of the near prophecy and the far prophecy, and that is not a theological concept.
That is just proven in every, almost every prophecy you read in the Bible. You'll see things that have already happened. You'll see stuff that hasn't happened yet.
There, there it is. There's the proof of it. You don't have to call it far and near. I don't care what you call it, but it is a fact.
It's the way prophets prophesy and the way God has them to do it. But way back in Zephaniah, God said, my determination is to gather the nations.
And I guarantee you stuff in Zephaniah that has not happened yet. One of the things that says all the fish in the sea would die. That never happened in 70
AD. That never happened anytime in the history of the world, but it's going to happen and you'll see it in the book of revelation.
So the far prophecy here in Zephaniah is talking about the day of the Lord. I mean, most people understand the day of the
Lord. That's the second coming. My determination is to gather the nations.
We know that happens at Armageddon. That I may assemble the kingdoms to pour upon them.
My indignation, Jesus will destroy him with the sword of his mouth. In a moment, the armies of the world will be destroyed and the blood will be as high as the bridles on the horses in a moment.
So what this is talking to some 2 ,800 years ago, this was written to pour upon them, my indignation, even all my fierce anger for all the earth shall be devoured.
That's never happened before where the whole earth was devoured. Has it, there've been sections of the world devoured in wars, but not the whole world, and it comes because of the fire of God's jealousy.
And then there'll be people of a pure language that'll call upon his name. That's when the Jews get plugged back into the tree.
You see it, brother bill. They're grafted back in and that language will be
Hebrew probably. And they'll worship the Lord and serve him with one consent.
All peoples of the world will do that for a thousand years, almost, almost a thousand years, right at the end,
Satan brings one more rebellion. So all this is a reference to that.
So then there's this, where it talks about these two olive trees that we talked about, these anointed ones of the
Lord, and they were two people. The near prophecy was of two actual people. Joshua, who is the religious leader,
Zerubbabel, who is the secular godly leader, and they rebuilt, uh, the, the wall and the temple, not the wall, but the temple specifically, and that temple is the same one that Jesus sat there and talked to with his apostles.
And they said, and he said, not a stone will be left on top of each other. And that happened in 70
AD. That's when that temple was torn down. And then there's going to be another temple built and Zechariah talks about that too, there may even be two more built because the next one is going to be built.
Maybe destroyed during Armageddon. I don't know, but I think there's another one after that, that Jesus himself built, so we'll see about that.
But, um, it talks about these two anointed ones. Now we talked about another time when two witnesses spoke in Jerusalem in Acts chapter four and 5 ,000 people were saved and they told him to stop preaching that message and look what they said, whether it be right in the sight of God, to hearken unto you more than God, you tell us, memorize that because you will need to know that someday, and you'll probably have to say it to someone in your lifetime.
There'll be a person who tells you to stop talking about Jesus, keep it in your mind, it's okay to believe it, but you can't talk about it.
They may even pass laws and you, you, there's an exception to the rule where it says Christians are supposed to obey the law and the government.
And the exception is when the government asks you to sin or do something, God, or to not do something God told you to do, you may disobey the government.
And there's the example of it right there. They did in 5 ,000 people were saved, which kind of shows
God's blessing on the fact that they disobeyed the government. You see that? Remember that we talked about it last time, and then there's going to be another time when two witnesses, and this is, uh, this is what we're going to talk about today and, um, so Ron's been wanting to see this for quite a few
Sundays and I'm just now getting to it and here we are, Ron, we made it revelation. Chapter 11, verse three is where it talks about it.
This is in our future, but it's also was the far fulfillment of the prophecy.
We just saw in the old Testament where it talked about the two witnesses here. They are, I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy 1 ,200, three score days.
How long is that? That's three and a half years, three and a half years.
It's the whole second half of the tribulation period. These men will stand in the street every day in street, preach in Jerusalem on the corner, and they will do some street preaching for three and a half years.
And when people try to attack them, those people will be killed by these prophets and they will call down fire from heaven, they can make it stop raining and bring a drought and a famine, and they're going to do these things.
And so the world system is going to hate these men of God with a vengeance. They will hate these men of God.
Only the elect who are the church who is still on the earth at that time will love these two men, but they'll have to do it secretly because the world system will be out to kill anyone who supports these two men and these two men and their message.
So, uh, these are the, um, as it goes on here, it says, these are the two olive trees, right?
So you go, you go right back here, Zechariah chapter four, two olive trees.
Here they are. These are two olive trees. How do I know it's them?
Because it mentions two candlesticks. Look back here, two olive trees on the right side of the candlesticks.
See it. It's the same two people. So that proves there's a near and a far prop fulfillment of prophecy and Zechariah had happened.
It's everywhere. So don't let anybody tell you, Oh, that's just some conception that. Theologians and David Mitchell, like, cause it makes their theory work.
No, it's just like, it's, it's everywhere in the Bible. Even Jesus did it read chapter 24,
Matthew. He's got near prophecy in there that happened in 70 AD. And he's got far fulfillment of the prophecy that has not happened yet.
So there's another example, but it's all through the Bible, both old and new Testament. So here are two olive trees.
So I'm going to take you on a little trip through the book of revelation. And it's not like verse by verse the revelation.
So don't get scared to death here right before lunch, but I put this up now. There are some inaccuracies in this chart, but it was, it was a good illustration.
I'm going to build my own chart. Maybe Dave Huber will help me. Uh, but Dave, we need to build our own like this, but the little things down here, where it says over here, deception, war, famine, those are not accurate.
So we're going to make them accurate. In fact, in my message, I'll make them accurate for you. So, uh, when we get ours built, we'll make a copy available to everybody.
But the cool thing about it does kind of line things up chronologically chronologically, the book of revelation is not all chronological.
There are what we call parentheticals in it, whole chapters that are like a Prince's, like it'll be going chronologically and then it'll have a print season and say, well, let's focus in on some detail that may be back over here, maybe even talk about something up here, it's no longer chronological, but it's detailed that when you get to that in the chronology, here's the detail stuff's going to happen.
Then it'll go back into chronology. And you can see some examples like you see here starts with chapter six, right across the bottom here.
Notice right here, it jumps to eight and then notice over here from nine after nine, it jumps to 16.
It's because a couple of chapters in there, I think it's 10 and 14. I'll have to look to be exact in my notes, but a couple of those are parentheticals that don't fit the chronology.
And so that makes it a little confusing. It can be a lifetime of study to find the proper chronology, but you do, you've got six seals that start with the four horsemen and then the fifth and sixth seal are not horsemen, but they're just seals.
And we're going to talk to you about what those are. And the seventh seal goes all the way across the top.
And that seal includes is broken down into some subsets of seven trumpets. And when the apostle
Paul said that the rapture happens at the last Trump, that would happen to be the seventh trumpet up there, right up here.
But notice that that's not just a one thing. There's there's some time there's time within that Trump.
Now there is a moment when the Trump begins to blow and that's a moment. And there's something very important that happens in that moment.
When it begins to blow, not the rapture though. I wish it were, but there's not quite not yet, but it is important.
But then this trumpet, it's almost like it plays a long song because that trumpet itself has seven last plagues in there.
And in the Bible, they're called vials. See, I would put the word vial up there because that's what the Bible calls them, like something that holds a liquid and you pour it out.
You got seven of those within that seventh trumpet. See that way, the seventh trumpet, all that's part of the seventh seal.
The seventh trumpet is just this part right here. And it has seven vials, which are the last most awful judgments on the face of the earth that God brings.
And guess what? You and I'll be protected during that time, and I'll show that to you, too.
All right. So, you know, that's pretty good. There's some stuff down in here that's not that accurate, but we'll make it accurate and provide something similar to this.
All right. So I want to show you something this morning. It's fascinating to me.
Turn in your Bibles or on your phone to Matthew 24, 37, or watch this up here if it's easier for you, if you can see it from back there.
Jesus Christ prophesied something about the days that we're living in the end times.
And here's what he said. As the days of Noah were, so shall also be the coming of the son of man.
So the end times, Jesus said, I'll give you a clue. It's going to be a lot like it was right before the flood.
Now, why did we have the flood? Because God destroyed the world system, it had become so evil, right?
For many different areas and reasons. For as in the days that were before the flood, there were eating and drinking and marrying and giving a marriage until the day
Noah entered the ark. So the economy is going to be good. People are going to be eating out in restaurants as soon as COVID is over.
And, uh, there'll be marrying and giving in marriage and everything like that.
And so there may be some implication of, of moral infidelity in that part.
I'm not sure. I've always kind of looked at it like it might include that because we certainly had that before the flood happened and we're having it now all over America and all over the world.
It's, it's, uh, it's a sickness and as good as the internet is,
Satan uses every good thing for evil and it's full of pornography and our young people are being decimated by it.
And, um, so, you know, that could be alluded to there in the marrying and giving the marriage.
And then all of a sudden the flood came and they knew not until the flood came and then it took them all away.
You hear the song this morning, sleeping is will America be sleeping when this happens?
That's what this is about. They were so shall also the coming of the son of man
B tells me, yes, America will be sleeping except for the elect and Jesus said, look,
I come as a thief in the night. But my people don't have to see it that way. My people can see the signs.
My people can see the trees budding and know that summer is near. My people are not in the dark concerning these things.
Jesus said, so it's only the non -elect Americans. And I know America, if you look at America as a Christian company, that's great country.
That's great, but it's full of wheat and tears, isn't it? And the tears will not see it coming.
And the huge majority of America are tears, right? The same of any church.
Well, the church, I won't say any local church, smaller churches probably have a less percentage of tears because they get preached out because they can't hide here.
How, how are you going to hide here? Like I can literally spit to the back row. So you, you like, you can't hide in this church very easily.
We've had them hide before, but we used to be a little bigger too. You know, before brother Otis came right,
Raymond and Sharon, he kind of thinned out some people right there anyway, uh, bless his heart.
Um, and then now look at this, what's Jesus talking about in this context?
Look at verse 37, somebody that can see that, read it to me. So what's the topic in this passage, the second coming, would you say, how many of you raise your hand, agree with that?
Okay. That's it. That's everybody. How about you guys raise your hand. The context is the second coming, but look at the three, three verses down.
From that, then shall to be in the field. The one shall be taken in the other left. What does that look like?
That looks like the rapture. It happens with the second coming, not seven years before it. Now, people that want to continue to believe that even in the light of scripture, hundreds of scriptures that knock that wall down because it's a false wall, it's hard to hold up a lie.
There's so many little ways you can attack it makes it easy for people like me who like to debate it. Once you figure it out, it's not right.
It's so much bad armor in there that have chinks in it. There's one right there, but what they'll do is they,
Oh, well, that's, that's not talking about the rapture. I'll tell you what, any child that would read that or a farmer that would read it or anyone without a
PhD who had never discussed these things and just read this, they say, wow, what the heck's going on there, you got two men in the field, one stays and the other one disappears, two women shall be grinding at the mill.
The one shall be taken the other left. Watch therefore for, you know, not what hour your
Lord does come now. So let me ask you this, this is verse 42. Does that look like it's talking about an army, uh, led by the antichrist who hates
Christians and he comes and he grabs one out of the field and arrest them, or does it sound like something
God did see the people that want to hang on to that. And I show them this, I say, wait a minute, you got the second coming.
Then you have the rapture. They said, well, that's not the rapture. And I said, well, what is that? Oh, well, that's just like, they're coming in and arresting
Jews and Christians and killing them. And I say, context, is it talking about armies, arresting
Jews and Christian killing them right here? Or is this talking about the Lord doing something? Watch therefore for, you know, not our, the
Lord comes, you see it. Once you buy into a lie and you start to love it, it is so hard just to let go of it.
I know. Cause I've been there. I used to get literally red faced, angry people that didn't believe the pre -tribulation rapture theory.
I'll get red faced, angry at them and have to hold back when I argued with them because I defended that as if it were mine and it took an act of God to pry my little hands off of that and just look at the scripture like that very plain, but you, you want to know the truth about it the whole time.
I believe that theory. I still talk through the Bible verse by verse. When I got to that passage, I had to skip it.
When I got to the part about the two in the field, I skipped from verse 39 to verse 43 every time.
You know why? Because my conscience wouldn't let me teach that because it didn't fit the theory I was teaching. And I knew it didn't.
So I skipped it. Now that was that tell you, you got to watch preachers and theologians.
Even, even when we mean, well, we will hang on to a seminarian position so long and boy, you can't pry it out of us and we'll turn red in the face to defend it.
And it's not even what scripture teaches, but we all have a little of that in us. So we just have to grow up.
We just have to not care about the argument and only care about the truth and the scripture in proper context will guide us every time.
Great lesson on that. Now, this is interesting. First Peter three 18.
Now, now, first thing I want to show you is the second coming is going to be as in the days of Noah.
So I know I got on a rabbit trail, but let's go back and remember that. Like in the days of Noah, what happened in the days of Noah?
Yeah. And then what happened? Flood. So let me ask you this.
Did the flood save people or destroy people? Yes. Is the right answer.
And you were coming to that, Ron? Yes. Yes. Is the right answer. It destroyed the world system, people who loved it, and it saved the remnant, the elect of God and the water did both.
People don't see it that way, but look, God, Jesus said, it's going to be the same way in the end time. So I want you to hang on to that for a minute, because these people that just want the rapture to happen before the tribulation, they're not up for it.
Understanding that, that Noah and his family didn't get plucked out of the world to avoid the flood.
They were saved through the flood. They were saved in the flood.
They were saved during the flood because they were in Christ, which the ark is a picture of Jesus Christ. They were protected.
They weren't removed. Right. Now keep that in mind as we study these things, because that doesn't fit the theory of the pre -tribulation rapture.
It doesn't fit this. It's not like it doesn't fit as in the days of Noah, because it didn't happen like that in the days of Noah, it happened a different way.
And Jesus says it's going to happen the same way as it did in the days of Noah. All right.
So look at this very interesting first skip. I should have had that pop in later. So don't read that now. What's everybody doing?
They're reading that. Okay. First Peter three, eight. This is a very interesting passage. I call this a church
Christ verse. If you're from the South, you know what I mean? Cause they don't believe in eternal security and all that stuff. And they believe you got to get in their water.
See, we have a bad history hidden back there and we pull that up and baptize people, but that's not good enough for the church of Christ in this part of the country, you have to get baptized in their water or you go to hell.
You think I'm kidding? No, I'm not kidding. That's one of their conditions of salvation. And they'll use this verse to prove it.
Problem is they take it out of context. So let's study the verse in context and they don't do any word studies either on it because if they did, it would blow away their theory.
So we just do a simple there. That's why the word study was not supposed to pop in. Yeah. It was going to be the big reveal.
So don't look at that yet. All right. So first it says for Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.
Now in this passage of first Peter, as in so many passages in the Bible, there is an us and there is a them. And every time you see it in the epistles of Paul, you see it in the writings of Peter, John, all of pretty much the gospels, us in them, us is the elect.
Them is the non -elect us is the wheat. Them is the tears. Us is the sheep. Them is the goats.
That sounds like a Texan. Them goats, right? Are you with me? It's the same here, us and them.
So Christ was being put to death in the flesh, but he's quickened to the spirit that he might bring us to God.
You see that right by the which will he went and preached to the spirits in prison while his body was in that tomb.
His spirit was down in Shoal preaching to the Abraham's bosom side of Shoal paradise, telling those saints who were
Jewish saints who had died that I'm about to take my blood and put it on the throne in heaven and turn it into mercy seat.
And you can come with me. That's the sermon. He preached pretty cool sermon. Don't you think you would want to hear the shouting and glory to God that you, that happened on that day during that sermon with or without music, didn't matter a lot of shouting going on, which sometime were disobedient when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah.
Now think about this. Now we're talking about the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing where in few, that is eight souls were saved by water.
Wow. Now see the church crosses. I see there. You got to get baptized. Can't be saved without water.
But that's not what it's saying in the original, because the word by is DIA. Now, now you can look at the word study.
DIA is the channel through which something happens. It can, it's been translated through more than by, so it means through.
So when you read it that way, eight souls were saved through the water. It doesn't mean from the water.
It means through the water and doesn't mean the water saved them. It means they were saved while they were going through the water.
It was the ark that saved them. Right. But the water in a sense saved them because it destroyed the world system that wanted to kill them.
So kind of all that's true, but to be specific, it means they were saved through water. You can also say that it's, um, because of, you can translate that because of, or you can translate it by occasion of, or by reason of any way you put it.
Um, they were saved while they were going through that water. Now I think that's a picture.
Jesus said, it's going to be just like that in the end times. So the church is not going to disappear from the tribulation, just like it didn't disappear from the flood.
It's going to be saved through it. Are you with me? It'll be saved through it, but in a sense, the tribulation will save us because in the end, there's going to be nothing, but say people left nothing, but say people and they'll usher into the millennial kingdom, a hundred percent elect people only now they'll start having babies.
And some of them won't be elect. We know that because we know how it ends, but the ones that walk into it alive, including all those
Jews that get saved and hundreds of thousands of Gentiles that get saved and walk into that alive. They, uh, will be elect chosen of God once saved, always saved the whole thing.
Right. I don't like that phrase, but they do have eternal security and all of that.
And you say, well, where'd they come from? If the church got raptured, how'd you have any saved people left? Well, because hundreds of thousands of people get saved at the second coming and the rapture happens.
And as they see Jesus come across, they bow their knee and get saved hundreds of thousands of Jew and Gentiles, but they missed the rapture by a few minutes.
But you know what? It's called the Holy it's because the Holy spirit didn't call him yet. Why? Because the
Holy spirit needed people to populate the millennial kingdom. So he waited and called them after the rapture at the second coming.
It's all one event. But as I showed you on the chart, it's not just one moment. The seventh trumpet has seven more things that happen that take days.
And during that time, there are hundreds of thousands of people saved, but the rapture happens somewhere right in there.
Uh, after the last Trump sounds somewhere after the last Trump and we're taken up and in our changed into our glorified body, and we actually come back with Jesus on white horses and fight in the battle of Armageddon, but they'll be living, save people on the earth fighting too, and they can be killed, but we can't at that point we'll be immortal.
I like fighting that way better. Don't you? So there's a lot of benefits to this. Okay. The light figure we're into even baptism does also now save us.
Now see, that looks church Christ, doesn't it? But the scripture, but the scripture knew God knew that people would use that to teach false doctrine.
So he put this next, not the putting away the filth of the flesh. See, that's not what water baptism does.
Isn't that interesting that that's there makes it very clear. But the answer of a good conscience toward God is what water baptism does.
It makes your conscience feel better. It doesn't save you, but what does save you? Well, read it without the parentheses, verse 21, the light figure we're into even baptism does now save us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
So that's talking about spirit baptism, not water baptism. Isn't that interesting? Water is a, is a picture of the spirit baptism that happens.
It's all clear, but you do have to study a little bit. Don't you think, including looking up the word dia, but there you have it.
So that's how it's going to be in a sec in the second coming as well. We're going to be saved through it. Not from it.
First Thessalonians five, nine is a commonly used, uh, scripture to prove.
I'll put that in quotes. Cause you can't prove a lie, but to try to prove the pre tribulation rapture theory, brother bill, you've run across this one and all of us bought into this and most of my life,
I believe this was a proof of it because look what it says for God has not appointed us to wrath. Now, really, you notice
I stopped verse nine and went to 11, but I'm going to show you the context of that. But if you just read that, if you pull that out of context and I've had people use it a million times, thousands of times, hundreds of times, trying to be truthful while I'm preaching here, hundreds of times.
My son, Paul gets on me for exaggerating all the time. So does Charlotte. No, Charlotte doesn't get on me, but she, she'll mention it.
So does Paul. So hundreds of times people have come to me and say, well, what do you do with this? God has not appointed his children under wrath.
That tells you right there. He's going to take us out before the tribulation. Well, it only tells you that if it tells you that in context, if that's what the passage is talking about.
So let's look at it for a minute. If we skip down to verse 11, it says, wherefore, comfort yourselves together and edify one another, even as we do.
So if you took the first part of verse nine and verse 11, it sounds like you're going to be raptured out of here before the tribulation happens.
Cause God won't let you go through wrath. Of course, you got to deal with Fox's book of martyrs. If you think that's true and the first century of Christianity and the fact that all the apostles were killed, but one and on and on and on, the theory doesn't fit at all.
But anyway, let's say you thought that scripture taught that, well, let's look at the context. I got ahead of myself, right?
There's a cornerstone of that theory, but what about the context? Okay. Let's look at it. But at the times and the seas, this is the context that verse is found in other times in the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write into for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the
Lord. So cometh as a thief in the night. So that part is talking about the second coming, isn't it? Right.
I'm not a trick question. I mean, right. For when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them.
Now you see there's an us and a them. It doesn't come. We're not in the dark concerning these things, but they are the lost people in the world.
It comes like a thief and a night Jesus does to them as travail upon a woman with a child and they will not escape.
So now that kind of sounds like it's starting to talk about tribulation period a little bit, doesn't it? Don't you think?
Wait, yes or no? Yes. Yes. But you brethren are not in the darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief.
Isn't that nice to know? Because most of the proponents of the pre -tribulation rapture theory say, well, there are no signs for the rapture.
Well, he says right here, there are you like, it's not us, they say, well, he comes like a thief in the night.
There's not going to be any signs for it. That's out of context because only to the lost does he come as the thief in the night to us, there are signs of his coming and we are supposed to be watching and preparing and being ready and comforting one another with these words, right?
So there it is. A lot of this has been misused for ever since the Scofield Bible was printed.
And I love the Scofield Bible, but the part about the second coming is wrong in there. Well, since he put it in a Bible, a lot of people bought into it,
Dallas theological seminary. They bought into it. Um, before that Darby bought into it before that it was invented in a little house in England by a woman who spoke with tongues and prophesied and did things, the
Holy spirit said he won't do in this age and she invented the theory. And before that you don't see it. He said, oh yeah, you will say it talks about the early church fathers talk about the rapture.
Yes, they don't call it the rapture, but they do talk about it, but they don't talk about it as being separated from the second coming.
So that's a trick. You see my point? I mean, it's the whole thing. It's just amazing that intelligent,
God -loving people, I don't know how to say it, but they'll support a lie by lying and they're educated enough to know that it's not right.
So there's a certain blindness that comes with buying into that theory. And Satan is the great father of lies.
And what greater lie could he tell if he wanted to kill millions of Christians and Jews, and don't worry about it. You won't be here.
You don't need to prepare. I won't be able to hurt you. Therefore let us not sleep as others sleep, but let us watch and be sober.
That's kind of what the song was about. America will be sleeping for the most part for they.
Now, who do you think the us is there? That's Christians that are still on the earth.
When this happens, let us watch and be sober. Well, how can we watch if we don't have any signs?
So we do have signs. Okay. For they that sleep, sleep in the night and day that'd be drunken or drunken than night.
But let us who are of the day be sober, sober. Now watch this putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet, the hope of salvation.
So what is that talking about in context? The helmet of the hope of salvation. Don't you think that's talking about the difference between going to heaven versus hell?
It's talking about being saved or being lost. It's talking about going to heaven or, or going to hell is what it's talking about for God has not appointed us to wrath.
There's the context. Can you believe it? Wrath here means hell.
It's the opposite of the hope of salvation in the context here. God has given us the breastplate of faith, which brings salvation and love, which comes with the salvation.
And for a helmet, which is our mind, our mental status.
He gave us the hope of salvation, which throughout scripture, new Testament is the rapture throughout it.
It's it is. And so God has not appointed us to wrath, but he's talking about salvation being saved.
He is not talking about, in other words, wrath there literally means hell. He pointed us to be saved.
He did not appoint us to experience the wrath of God. Now watch this. What does wrath mean?
Wrath is talking about the anger, indignation, vengeance of God on the lost world.
So the end result of wrath is hell. And God has not appointed any of his children to go to hell, but to do what that is the same sentence, but to obtain salvation.
So let me ask you what the opposite of salvation is damnation.
That's what wrath means in that context. It does not have anything to do with the tribulation period. So it's misused
Jesus who died for us that whether we wake that's whether we die in the tribulation period or whether we hide and survive.
It doesn't matter either way, whether we, whether we survive it or whether we die. That's what
Jesus calls sleep in Jesus. Either way, we will live together with him. We will never go to hell.
That's what it's talking about. So there's one of the great pillars of the pre tribulation rapture theory.
Doesn't even fit because it's not even talking about that. This is why we comfort ourselves together is because rather we live or rather we die, we will never experience the wrath of hell.
That's what it's teaching. It's not talking about that. You won't have, um, God spank you or God allow you to go through tribulation.
Show me one generation of Christians that haven't gone through tribulation. Look at world war two Christian, weren't there
Christians that died in world war two? Horribly what about slaves that were saved that were killed?
What about slave owners that were killed in the civil war? I mean, you can't name a time. I mean, look at it this way.
God put his own son, Jesus on the cross. And before that he was bitten to a beat into the place where it was not recognizable and put him on the cross and let him die in our place.
And he wouldn't let us suffer some things really. Wouldn't let our children suffer.
You don't think so. If it fits his purpose of grace and love and his perfect plan to bring better things to everyone, then he will let those things happen.
And he does. So this is no proof that the church is gone before the tribulation period.
Now let's look at another place where the same word wrath or gay is used. Look at Romans five, eight, but God commended his love toward us.
And that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood.
We shall be saved from wrath through him. That doesn't mean we're saved from tribulation.
It doesn't mean we're saved from bad things happening to us. I mean, that is this life. It's when we get to the next life, when he saves us from all that, there won't be any death there.
There won't be any sickness, no crying. Now we'll be complete by his stripes. We will be healed at that point, but here, not so we get sick here.
We die here. We can get hurt. We can lose loved ones here because we chose that when
Satan came to our forefathers and said, Hey, you only know good. Wouldn't you like to know good and evil? And they said, yeah, that's what we want.
So we get both. That's not God's fault. We chose it. We have it, but it doesn't mean you're saved from the tribulation period.
It means you're saved from hell. See what it says by his blood justified that we may be saved from wrath.
It's talking about salvation versus hell fire. And that's the same thing it's talking about in the verse in Thessalonians, just as Noah and his family were saved through the water, not from the water.
We will be saved while going through the tribulation period, the same water destroyed the world system, saved the elect and the same tribulation, which will destroy the world system will save the elect once again, same thing.
Then it takes us into the seven seals. Wow. All right. So this, this, uh, goes back a little bit now towards more towards the front end of the tribulation period.
In fact, um, you, you remember the four horsemen.
The first four seals are the four horsemen. So let's see what time it is.
I'm going to give you a little bit of this. I'll I'll watch you. And when I start losing you, we'll stop. But now y 'all are bright eyed and bushy tail.
All right. The first horse is the white horse. This is in revelation chapter six, verses one and two.
And this goes into a chronological part of revelation for several chapters. And I, what
I've done is just highlighted what the scripture actually says, not what that chart says, because it gets some of it wrong, but this, this, uh, you know why, because they got it from their theology teachers at seminary rather than studying it.
I know. Cause that's what I did is what we tend to do. We're lazy. You take a look at those two verses.
What you'll see is nations are subdued. And this man who rides on this white horse has a bow and he has a crown given to him.
He's he goes forth conquering and to conquer. And the word for conquer is
Nicao, which Nike tennis shoes. That's where they got the name. Uh, but it means to subdue people.
So who do you think that is a picture of? No, it's a fake
Jesus. It's the antichrist who people will think is
Jesus. And he's riding a white horse. Well, doesn't say that he appears as an angel of righteousness.
All right. Now it's interesting here that he didn't earn this crown like Jesus did.
And it's another clue. It says he was given a crown. Do you see the word given up there? See right up there, he has a bow and there's a crown given to him.
So it could be an election that wasn't really earned, you know, and you become president
United States, but the people didn't really vote you in. It could be that, except it's gotta be a more forceful person then.
Well, I'll tell you what, if president Biden gets shot in the head and he survives it, then I may think it's him because that's going to happen.
But I don't think he's from a Syria. Is he brother bill? We don't know. We should check that out, but I'm just using that as an example.
I mean, there's another one you could use was Bush jr. Like remember the chads? Well, they kind of, the
Supreme court gave him the election. See, see what I mean? So like, it's going to be like that. Those are just examples.
I don't think either one of those two gentlemen are the Antichrist because it was actually Obama. No, I'm kidding.
All right. So a lot of you think it's Trump. I know Trump, you know, the last Trump, whatever. So, or maybe the first Trump in that case.
Yeah, he is the first Trump, isn't he? Wow. I'm going to have to rewrite my book now.
OK, so this person impersonates the Messiah and he is given a crown by God.
God's one that gives it to him. He didn't earn it because he's he's fulfilling God's purposes. And he goes forth conquering and to conquer.
And you have to remember the first three and a half years, everybody loves this guy because he by through conquering, he brings peace, just like the
Romans did. Are you following me? I mean, this is, and he also brings economic prosperity at a point when
I think right prior to this, probably the Western economy will collapse because of all the money they've printed.
What do y 'all think? Yeah, yeah. Bitcoin's not going to help you at that point.
It'll also collapse because of some of the things that are about to happen during the tribulation. Um, there won't be any electrons left in the bank's computer.
So you need some silver and gold and that's from your businessman pastor talking because your money in the bank is just electrons.
It'll be gone. You won't be able to access it same way with bitcoins, all that stuff. You need silver and gold.
So get some, doesn't have to be a bunch either. Probably if you had $10 ,000 worth, you'd be the richest guy on your block or gal on your block.
So there you go. Next comes the red horse versus three and four, see how quickly these things happen and they, they speak of amazing things though, that happened over weeks and weeks and weeks of time during the first year and a half, uh, three,
I should say three and a half years of the tribulation period, the seven year period. So the red horse is anarchy because the rider of this horse has the power to take peace and prosperity from the earth.
Now, what happens when you take prosperity away from people that are used to getting free stuff? They, they hit the streets.
Did you see a little bit of that? Uh, the whole year of 2020, that was a foretaste.
The Lord let us see that to get us ready for it. Ethnic groups, group rising up against ethnic group, people in the streets, just tearing up stuff.
This person, whoever this is, and it could be the same person who knows if these are allegories, these horses are allegorical.
It could be the same person, but it could be people who are helping the antichrist who rise up to power and he gives them power and they help.
I'm not sure about that, but I do know that the rider of the red horse, it may just signify a period of time during, during this, these three and a half years, they have the power to take peace and prosperity from the earth.
The word peace is interesting there because it also means prosperity in English, it doesn't mean that does it, but in Hebrew and Greek, it does.
And so, um, that signals a collapse of the Western economy as we know it.
Don't you think? And so then you're going to need a person who has the solution to that. And that'll be the guy on the white horse.
So now they've lost peace and they've lost prosperity and they begin to kill one another.
The scripture says they kill one another. That's anarchy. When the people kill each other, that's not a government killing people.
That's people in the street, just killing each other. That's anarchy. That's worse than communism.
I would rather have communism than anarchy. I would rather have, um, just like a
Hitler type person than anarchy. But do you know that people like Hitler always use anarchy before they take power?
They destroy the peace and the prosperity of the people and they create rioting in the street, then they take power and a
Christ been doing it forever. He's going to do it again himself. Then there's the black horse famine balances are talked about where they measure the wheat or three measures of barley for a day's wage talks about.
So like you work for a whole day and you could just get a little thing of wheat for it. So huge inflation is coming where the, where it would take two wheelbarrows full of dollar bills to buy one loaf of bread or one piece, one, maybe a sandwich that's coming in, which creates famine goes along with it.
But then it says something very peculiar. Don't hurt the oil in the wine. I've, I couldn't figure that one out.
I mean, Lord usually lets me figure stuff out by the context or by other scriptures somewhere.
And that one was difficult. So I did go out and read a whole bunch of commentaries and they don't all agree, but I kind of lean towards the one that said, we think that's a picture that the wealthy, those who are wealthy, like the
Microsofts and the apple guys, and the people that have that kind of tremendous wealth, they'll still have things like oil and wine and enjoy that while the masses of people are starving to death.
Well, that sort of happened in the, uh, the great depression, didn't it? So that's probably what that's picturing.
The pale horse comes next. The name on that rider, uh, is death.
He has a name on his Jersey and his name is death. All right.
So Hades will follow him. What is Hades? That is the precursor of hell. That's where people who die without Jesus Christ go.
This horse is called death and hell. Listen, there's this, we haven't even gotten into the tribulation part yet.
Really? This is like the precursor. This is like the foothills coming into the mountains.
If the mountains represent the great tribulation and, and these are things that can be happening and, you know, people won't really notice them necessarily until all of a sudden it's too late.
And these things happen quickly. A fourth of the earth are killed by the sword, by hunger and by wild beasts.
Lions and bears and crocodiles, things like that. Then comes the fifth seal.
So we're done with the four horsemen, but there are seven seals. The fifth seal in revelation six, nine through 11 is persecution.
The saints. And here's a place where we see the church still in the book of revelation beyond chapter three, which they say it's not, but it is.
All you have to do is read the passage. You'll see the church there. The saints of God in heaven, it shows, it shows people that were part of the church that already died and went to heaven, looking at their brothers and sisters still on the earth.
Tell me that's not the church. They call them brothers and sisters, saints in heaven, previous martyrs and on earth, that's the church still on the earth by chapter six, well beyond chapter three.
They are killed for their faith in Jesus. Now that doesn't sound like just something that's just Jewish.
Does it sound like Jew or Gentile? That's the only way you get saved, right? It's by faith in Jesus. So it's
Jew or Gentile that's in Christ. The church is still on the earth. Then the sixth seal revelation six, 12 through 17.
There's a great earthquake. The sun turns black and the moon turns red meteorites fall.
And it could be John calling them like rock, like stars falling from him. They could, he could be seeing something that he didn't know about and didn't have the vocabulary to talk about because he's seeing the future.
They didn't have thermonuclear warheads fired by missiles. And now we've even got hypersonic weapons that go about treetop high and can take a new where the radar didn't even see it coming, it could be him seeing those going off and saying they were meeting, you know, like they were stars falling from heaven because they do have a flare behind them and they kind of look like a falling star and then they blow a whole city up or whatever.
So here we possibly see nuclear warfare beginning to happen. It says that the mountains and islands will be moved and possibly those are the places where these nukes hit.
Or it could be pure natural phenomenon, or it could be just God causing the, some of the islands and some of the mountains to disappear as the sixth seal revelation seven, two says, and I saw another angel ascending from the
East, having the seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and sea saying hurt, not the earth, neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our
God in their foreheads. Now, I believe it's a reference specifically to the 144 ,000
Jewish evangelists that are going to be sent out into the world. It could be an illusion to the fact that God is not going to pluck us out, but he's going to hide us through the tribulation, protect us.
But there's a better scripture for that, that I know applies to all Christians. This one may only apply to the 144 ,000 and they're going to need a particular protection because I'm running out of time for today.
But I'll give you a little bit of preview. What you're going to find, let me just see what the rest of this slide says. And I heard the number of them, which were sealed.
So this is the 144 ,000, all the tribes, the earth and the children of Israel. And they are evangelists that come from each of the different tribes of Israel.
And I said to him, sir, thou knowest. And he said, and to me, these are they, which come out of great tribulation that washed her robes and made them white in the blood of the land.
There's an illusion to the church on the earth, church, people being killed and going to heaven and others that don't, that are not killed.
And then the seventh and then the seventh seal happens. And we'll save that for next time. But what
I wanted to point out here is that reference to the 144 ,000 right there.
The number of those sealed are 144 ,000 of all the tribes of children of Israel. Here's what you're going to find happens.
There is a point at the beginning of the sounding of the seventh Trump, which hasn't happened yet.
We didn't get to it today, right? We're, we're, uh, we're still quite a ways from, well, we're just not to it yet.
We're in all the preliminary things that happened before the seven trumpets began to be sounded. But when you get all the way out to the seventh
Trump, as it begins to play. The scripture says, and I'll show it to you, but in essence, the witness of the church to the world ends at that point.
At that point, God raises up these 144 ,000 evangelists who have to be sealed or they would be killed.
And the reason the church ceases at that point, at the beginning of the sounding of the seventh
Trump doesn't mean she's gone, but she is instructed to hide at that point.
Now you can't witness if you're hiding, can you, you know, about putting the candle under the bushel.
Jesus actually tells us to get under the bushel at that point. And so to speak, he tells us to hide and we will be hidden.
It's a conditional promise. You have to do some stuff. You have to prepare and you have to take action and you have to use wisdom and common sense to not be in the places where they're easily find all the
Christians and kill them, which is the big cities. Or maybe anywhere in America, think about that best technology to hunt you down anywhere in the world is right here.
So you have to use wisdom, but God's also going to help you to hide. Now, if you're hiding, you're not witnessing anymore.
So you're being instructed by scripture to stop witnessing at that point. We're not there. We're still the witness.
The church is still the witness, but there'll come a time when we're not. And guess what? God will then raise up these people and seal them where they cannot be killed.
And we'll have to hide because we can and will be killed. If they find us, you see that you see, you see how this falling together.
And then you're going to find, as we move on through this, that there's another great witness and that is an angel from heaven circles, the earth witnessing, telling the gospel.
From orbit, I guess everyone is witnessed to, and it's the same gospel we're telling now, so you got the 144 ,000 human beings on the earth,
Jewish people witnessing, telling people, you better come to Christ. If you're here, when they start pouring the vials out, you won't be saved.
You'll be annihilated. You need to come to Christ now. And the angels circling around the earth, you'll see it.
I'll show it to you. He is saying the same thing, but what happened when the poor man was in Hades and the rich man came there and said, have father
Abraham dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I'm tormented in these flames. And he says, Abraham, have this poor man, go back, bring him to life and send him to my brothers and warn them not to come here.
And what was he told? He said, look, they've got the prophets and they've got Moses.
And if they won't read the word of God and see it, it doesn't matter. If someone rose from the dead and told them, they still won't be saved.
Why? Because you got to be called to be saved. And the same is true when that angel, an angel literally saying you're going to die and go to hell.
If you don't receive Jesus and they won't do it, but they're still going to get witnessed to because that's the general call.
And there won't be anyone at the great white throne judgment who can say, well, you didn't, you know, you didn't tell me how to be saved.
And God will say, yeah, I did. What'd you do with my son? And they're going to say, well, I reject him. Depart from me.
I never knew you, you know, the story. Well, so now the church is replaced so that she can hide as the voice of the gospel.
She can now hide. These people are raised up. The angel is raised up and there's two more.
Who are they? Brother Ron, two other individuals. Three and a half years are street preaching in Jerusalem.
We started out with them a while ago. You remember? So you have those three avenues for everyone on the earth to hear the gospel again and again, and again for seven years.
Well, this part for three and a half years, the church is still there well into the first three and a half years, probably even well into the second three and a half years.
We're still there as the witness, but there comes a moment at the beginning of the sounding of the seventh
Trump, when we are told to stop witnessing and the job of the church is complete and mature, the script, the
Greek says, and we're supposed to go hide at that point, so we'll get there.
Just take a little more time, a few more Sundays, Lord willing. And also, um, I wanted to announce something,
Charlotte, what date was that? It's father's day, whenever father's day is that's two Sundays from now. Isn't it
Sunday after next we're going to do the Lord's supper. We haven't done that in a while.
I like to try to do it around Passover time. And we miss that because people were missing and different things. But hopefully if you put it on your calendar, we'll have everybody here.
Is that the 20th is when that is a Sunday, the 20th, and we're going to do it in a different way, but I'm not going to tell you how, but I'll promise you it's going to be more biblical than you've ever done it before.
So try to be here for that. And, uh, uh, it won't be the last time we do it that way if you miss it.
So we can look forward to that. All right, well, let's stand and have prayer together, Lord.
We thank you so much for your word. Thank you that your Holy spirit is our teacher.
Thank you that just as we were saved by the water and the spirit, we also grow by the water and the spirit.
We also stay in the truth by the water and the spirit, the water of the word of God and the
Holy spirit, Lord, keep us in the truth, help us to use the truth in our lives and with our families.
To be able to prepare for the things that are coming, Lord, help us to warn as many people as we can, while we are still responsible for that.
And when the day comes, when you release us from that, help us to know what to do and where to be. And Lord, we ask you to bless the meal we're about to have and we ask it in Jesus name.
Amen. Let me say this before you leave. Okay. This is a very serious message.
It doesn't mean it's going to happen tomorrow. We do not know the day or the hour.
This could happen 200 years from now. Couldn't it? Not likely, but it could, right?
So even though we need to study this and understand the truth of it, we don't want to just be sitting around waiting for this and not continuing our lives as normally as we can and still be the light and salt of the earth and still work hard to create the revenue, the money that we need to buy some gold and silver, maybe, or whatever the
Lord leads you to do, or to have a place to go with your family. Um, those are the preparation things.
But as we saw as in the days of Noah, the economy is still going to go well for a good while. Up until which horse was it?
I forgot which one was the one that said he takes away prosperity. Which one? Okay.
So up until then, so we kind of go on like we're going, but we, we keep this in the back of our minds, always watching because didn't he tell us to watch and not sleep as others, not be drunk as others, but be watchful and keep living our lives, witnessing for him, loving each other, not allowing any division to come between us.
And one of the coolest things in the book of it's either Zephaniah or Zechariah, cause I've been in both of them.
I get a little confused if I'm not looking at them, but in one of those two books, it was so beautiful because it said when all of the terror part of Israel is going to be destroyed, the ones
I foreknew just like with the church, when, when the American church is going to be taken away and punished.
But the ones that I foreknew, he said, you need to gather together. And that's something you need to gather.
It's kind of interesting. I was on my way back down. I 45 coming back towards Corsicana.
I stopped at a convenience store and, um, I just wanted to get some bubbly water to keep me awake basically.
And there was a booth set up there with a couple of individuals that had been on drugs and now they're off drugs.
And there was a ministry in Houston that provided this home that got them off drugs and they were selling little things to raise money, to keep the homes going.
And, and I, you know, normally I'll walk by those things and it's like the Lord stopped me. And I bought some little bracelets for my grandbabies, the girls, not the boys, didn't have anything to get them yet.
Maybe I'll find the guys again, but I looked over and the thing that stopped me was they had some, some, they make these things themselves.
There's some artists involved in these folks. And there was this barn wood. You've seen that, how they'll use barn wood and on it was this beautiful script and it said gather.
And I've been studying that and thinking about what does that mean? Where he says we need to gather and that caught my eyes.
So I bought that thing 50 bucks, but I want to give them money anyway. And I don't even know
I'm colorblind. It's probably ugly, but it's at my house and Charlotte gets to enjoy it now.
And so think about it, you know, gather, we, we have got to stick together through these times and we can't let any division come in from anything.
So if you have ought against a brother, settle it. Not that I think any of you do preaching to the crowd here, but you know what
I'm saying? If that does, if something rise up where your mind's thinking something, usually those are imaginations.
And so go to the person, talk to him, talk it out, get it right. Stay tight uni because we've got to be a strong team, right?