16 Year-Old Christian Vs. Pro-Aborts

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At a church-wide Planned Parenthood outreach in Salt Lake City a 16 year old Christian from Apologia church challenges some young adults in their bankrupt worldview. He demonstrates if he had a child as a young man before marriage he would do the right thing and care for his baby. Please pray with us for these lost people!


The Merciful Royal Law | Sermon 04/17/12022

The Merciful Royal Law | Sermon 04/17/12022

So when you lose that baby, it's going to remind you of the rapist like every single So can I ask you, can
I ask that? Would you condone for the murder of the child over the father?
How old are you? He's 16. Oh wow. Knowledgeable, don't you think? Yeah. But how incredible...
Wait, did you say knowledgeable? Wait, can I ask you one more question about the rapist? He's not a coward. He's very knowledgeable. He's a strong man, not a coward.
So sir, if I had a two -year -old kid right here, right, who was a... Are you still in high school? Yes sir, I am. I'm in high school.
If I had a two -year -old child right here, right, and he was a product of rape, am
I allowed to murder him? Well, see... No! Why? Let me introduce you to these two babies.
Can I ask you why? These are babies that we saved. Wait, what makes the difference, sir? Nine inches of the birth canal, is that the difference?
Huh? I don't have nine inches, right? I'm just asking you, sir. I'm kind of packing like two. Sir, you said that if they were in the womb, you would get an abortion, right?
You would commit the murder in the womb? I'm sorry, I don't have... But not right here, not to the two -year -old child? I don't actually believe abortion is murder, so no.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. Say that again now? I don't believe that. You guys have an awful day.
But we hope you have a great day, though. God bless you today. I call you to repentance, sir. Have a good day.
I pray that God suffers for our sins. Just realize that you support the murder of innocent babies, and we see that today.
You've evidenced that today, that you stand for the murder of little women in the womb, little babies. And all you can do is laugh, but just know that God will not be mocked.
No, you guys stand for the murder of children. You stand for it.
Man, this organization is murderers. What about the babies?
That body is not your body, ma 'am. That's right. Ma 'am, do you have four arms?
Do you have four legs? Do you have two hearts, ma 'am? And what does
Paul tell Timothy? Do not let them despise you for your youth. That's right.
He's more of a man. He would man up.
Unlike you, he would man up. I would love my son or daughter, because God commands me to. I would support him and help him.