Trump Impeachment, Greta Thunberg, OK Symbol

AD Robles iconAD Robles


A wrap up of the week's news from my perspective. Oh boy was it a week.


All right. All right. Well, today is Friday. I hope you had a great week. I know I sure did.
It was busy. That's for sure. So I hope you had a productive and good week this past week.
And if you're working over the weekend, well, you know, I, I, I, I feel bad for you, but I hope your work this weekend is productive as well and that you enjoy your
Lord's Day on Sunday. I just wanted to do a little bit of a wrap up. We had a lot of news this week and I didn't really talk about any of it.
And there's a few reasons why, but I wanted to kind of do a review of some of the most notable stories, at least in my opinion, some of the most notable stories and talk about sort of what
I think about them. But before I get started, I wanted to just make a quick comment. I did some videos this week and last week that I knew were going to be controversial and it never, it never ceases to, to amaze me that oftentimes the parts that I think are most controversial, controversial are the least controversial.
And the things that I think aren't controversial, that are not debatable are debatable. So obviously
I don't have my finger on the pulse of, of some of that stuff, but I appreciate all of the, the pushback, all of the comments, all of the questions that I got.
And I do plan to do some more videos to kind of respond and further qualify and further answer, unpack, you know, whatever term you want to use some of the pushback, because some of the pushback was really good.
And so I appreciate it. I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported my channel.
So many of you have been with us since the beginning. I thank you for that support, all the comments, all the likes, all the shares.
It means a whole lot to me and, and my family and all of you people who support me financially as well.
Man, it, it, it means a lot. It really does. I thank you for it. I hope that I'm continuing to add value into your life and I hope that you continue to enjoy the content.
I've got a lot of things coming up. I've announced some of them, some of them I have not, but a lot of things are coming up to hopefully add more value here.
And I'm certainly trying to sort of build something that, you know, will last into the future.
So anyway, thank you so much for, for all of this. Let's get into the news and we will wrap up the week like this.
So first thing that I wanted to talk about is this idea that this is a hate symbol.
That's right. The okay symbol, A -okay, or even the circle game. It could be any one of those things.
Okay symbol or circle game is now a hate symbol because what it really means guys, ready?
It's white power. That's right, white power. I don't think actually anybody cares about this.
I think this is completely manufactured. I think that, that the people at the
ADL, the Anti -Defamation League are crazy. They're, they're, they're lunatics. And there are a handful of other lunatics out there as well that push this kind of stuff.
But I think that, that this is manufactured and they just, I don't know why they do this either for distraction or I don't really know, but I don't think there are very many real people out there that think this means white power.
I think this is completely false. And actually, if you know anything about this, and I think a lot of people do that this, this was actually manufactured as a hate symbol.
People on 4chan say, Hey, let's make a pretend hate symbol and see if we can get the crazies to go along with it.
And they of course could, because it's very easy to trick a crazy person. It's very easy to trick a crazy person.
So apparently this is officially a white power symbol. And if this doesn't tell you how manufactured most of the race problems in the
United States are, then I don't know what will. Oh my goodness gracious.
Okay, symbol is now a hate symbol. That is pretty stupid. Moving on to this one, this is a little bit more serious.
This Greta Thunberg, Greta Thunberg, this Swedish girl, 16 year old girl.
And she's, you know, got a lot of harsh words for the UN because her future is ruined because of fake climate change.
So, so here's the thing. So she's very upset because no one's doing anything about climate change.
What she means by that is you're not giving the governments enough money. She needs more money.
You're not socialist enough. And unless you're socialist enough, the planet is going to explode in like 10 years.
That's basically the story. And you know, I think at this point, most people see the climate change stuff for what it is.
It's a death cult. Climate change is a death cult. So here's the deal. Here's the deal. Like, like, you know, it's a death cult when people to protest climate change, the way that they atone, the way that you atone for climate change is population reduction in a variety of different ways, either through abortion or not having kids at all.
People going on, on childless strikes and stuff like that as they're claiming anyway, I don't really believe them, but that's what they're claiming.
But that's a death cult. You know, you're, you're, you're going to remove your seed from the planet earth.
And, and honestly, this is, this is the reality is that, that, that everything that opposes Christ is essentially a death cult.
I mean, you cannot, Christ is the source of life, right? Christ provides life.
So if you oppose him, you're in a death cult and this works itself out in a variety of different ways.
I mean, again, you know, the, the two main things that, that the Democrats in the United States push for are, are, are homosexuality and abortion.
Both of those things are examples of a death cult. I mean, the democratic party is a death cult.
Let's just be honest. They want you to kill your kids before they're born and they want you to engage in sexual relationships that cannot produce kids.
I mean, this is not accidental that both of these things essentially will wipe you off the face of the earth.
And meanwhile, Christ's and his commands and what he, and what he desires is for you to have a family with your wife and raise children, godly seed.
And that's the plan for taking over the world. It's not an accident that these are mirror opposites of each other, opposites of each other.
The democratic party is a death cult, climate change enthusiasts as a death cult. And so Greta Thunberg here is, is engaged in a death cult.
And what I find interesting about this is that, that, you know, some people are criticizing that, that they're using this little 16 year old girl for their agenda.
And then there's things to criticize about that, no question. But one thing I will say though, that I actually admire about, about the
Greta Thunberg situation is that her parents, you know, they have a false pagan death cult religion, no question about it, but they believe it.
They believe it. And they act like they believe it. And they have trained up their child in the way that she should go, at least in their opinion, in their ridiculous death cult.
So they have, they have trained this Greta Thunberg to be dangerous in the service of their idol and in service of their idolatry.
And so she has, they have taught her what to believe. They have taught her how the world works and they have taught her to be effective, at least in their mind, effective in spreading the gospel according to their death cult.
And so that's something to be admired because here's the thing guys, like you might say, Oh, she's been brainwashed.
Oh, she's been, she's been indoctrinated. And you know what? At the end of the day, like, yeah, she sure has.
She's been indoctrinated with a false religion, but let's just make sure that you understand that indoctrination in and of itself is not a bad thing because you should be teaching your kids in the way that they should go.
You should be indoctrinating your kids into the Christian religion because the Christian religion is a, is reality.
I mean, this is the way the world is. The way God says the world is, that's the way it is. And so you better teach your kids that, right?
You better be teaching your kids that. And if you have sons, you know, you should be teaching your kids to be dangerous for the
Lord's cause, in other words. And so, I mean, the fact that she's been indoctrinated is not necessarily the problem.
The fact that she's been indoctrinated into a death cult is the problem, but you need to be indoctrinating your kids.
And here's the rub guys, here's the rub. You know, Greta grew up learning about her death cult and learning how the way the world is according to her death cult's doctrine.
But the question is, let me just see a nice way to say this.
How many of us who are Christians, we know the way the world is. We know what God says about the world and how it works and what it is and all that kind of stuff.
And yet, we send our kids to learn about the world in public schools, essentially learning the doctrines of the death cult.
Stop it guys, stop it. Either teach your kids on your own or send them to a
Christian school where they won't be indoctrinated by the death cult. Because look, we can trust
God obviously with our children and we can trust God that, you know, we can pray and have faith that God's going to keep our kids in the fold kind of thing.
But at the end of the day, like we also, like faith is a matter of trusting God's promises, but also doing good works.
So you have to do the good work of teaching your kids in the way that they should go, right? So, you know, part of that is not sending them to the training ground for the death cult because the schools in the
United States are teaching the climate change cult. They're teaching all of these antichrist things, the
LGBT stuff, abortion rights, all this stuff. And guys, like we can have faith that God will keep our kids, you know, because at the end of the day, only
God can keep our kids, but we still have to do the work that he's asked us to do. And that work does not include sending them to a public school to learn about the death cult.
Anyway, sorry about that. I hope I didn't offend anybody. I just, please, please get your kids out of public school.
If you have your kids in public school, do whatever you can to get them out. All right, let's talk about Trump, Trump impeachment.
My goodness, my goodness. I have seen some hysteria over this stuff, and honestly,
I haven't said much about it. And here's why. I don't believe anything
I hear in the media. I mean, they have time and time again published obvious fake news, time and time again told us this is it, this is the end of the
Trump administration, and it's always nothing. They made it up. It's always nothing.
Sometimes it's a miscommunication. Sometimes it's actual, just literal fake news. They've just invented stuff.
Sometimes they're misinterpreting things. It's always something with the media. It's always something. So when I heard that finally, this is the end, this is the end of the
Trump administration, the same people, the same people are saying the same things that they've said so many times.
Oh, this is it. If this is true, and it looks like it's true, this is the end. The same people just have not learned their lesson.
And I'm not just talking media. I'm talking regular people that I know in my life that said last time with the Russia collusion, oh, this is it, he's going to be in jail.
The same people who said it last time are saying it again. Why would you believe this? Could it turn out to be true?
Did he really break the law with the Ukrainians? I don't know. But I don't believe it.
I don't believe it. So this stuff here, if you want someone to follow that can be fair about all this stuff,
I think that, as far as I know, one of the best people to take a look at is this guy,
Tim Pool. He's on my screen right now. Look him up on YouTube. Tim Pool. He is a journalist, an independent journalist.
He's a liberal. Okay, so just get that straight right off the bat. He is a liberal. But he is one of the most sane liberals that I know of.
And he's very fair. He is no Donald Trump fan. No question about it. But at the same time, he understands what's going on in the media.
The media makes stuff up about Trump all the time. They take little bits and pieces and they try to cobble it together to make this narrative that Trump is the most evil person ever and yada, yada, yada.
Watch Tim Pool's stuff about this. It's so good. I don't agree with Tim Pool about everything, obviously.
He's an atheist. He's a liberal. I don't agree with him on everything. But his stuff on Trump, especially the fake news stuff, is really, really good.
I recommend it. But at the end of the day, if you think this is the end of Trump, I can't even imagine being in that mindset.
You're so deranged if you think that this means this is the end of the Trump administration. It is not the end of the
Trump administration. It is not. Sorry to say. I mean, I just can't even fathom being in that mind space where you think that this — because here's the thing, there's a few different options here, right?
One option is this is just all made up. There's really nothing here. I think that's the most likely, to be perfectly honest, because they've done this so many times.
Another option is that what he did was illegal, and it's a really big deal, and everyone's going to think, oh my goodness, this is a huge deal.
And that's the worst case scenario for Trump, right? I don't think that's very likely at all. The other thing is that he technically broke the law, but nobody cares, because who cares about this law?
I think that's also quite likely. He technically broke the law, but the people who like Trump are going to be like, who cares?
And the people who don't like Trump are going to say, oh, he's evil. But it strikes me as this kind of thing probably happens every single day with every single politician.
Does that make it right? Nope, that doesn't necessarily make it right. But I don't think people are going to care about this.
I think we've already seen that people don't care about this, except for the crazy of the crazies, the most anti -Trump people out there, and those people, they're going to care about everything he does.
It's just ridiculous. One thing about this story that I think is interesting is that it's coming out that the whistleblower was potentially a
CIA employee. I mean, that's the story to me. We've got the CIA is spying on the
United States president. What is this? What kind of a government do we have?
The CIA is spying on the United States president. What is this?
This is just crazy. I honestly don't. One take I saw on this thing actually strikes me as quite correct is that he says,
I don't care that Trump asked the Ukrainians for help. If he did. I don't care. You know why?
Because I don't trust any facet of the United States government to do anything correctly.
Anything. And so the Ukrainian government, I trust much more than the United States government to do any kind of investigation correctly.
Because think about it. We're going to investigate Trump, right? Which agency do you, do you right now in the
United States government, do you right now trust to do this in a fair way? Which agency is it?
The FBI? You kidding me? The CIA? Who's going to do the investigation that you actually trust?
Nobody seems to be willing or capable of doing this in a fair way. Nobody. It's like, that's the big story here.
We've got a CIA that's spying on the president. We've got political operatives that have political bents and biases to them that are, have been attacking the president for, for years.
And probably this happens all the time, but we're just now hearing about it because it's Trump, the most evil person ever since Hitler.
Goodness gracious. Anyway, this stuff is just so crazy, but, but let me just say this.
You know, if you hate the president, like a piece of advice for you, slow your roll, guys.
Slow your roll because you keep looking stupid. If you hate the president and you're likely to jump on anything, anything that the media says is bad against him, you're likely to look like an idiot because it's likely not true.
It's likely not true because we've seen so many times it has not been true. So if you hate the president,
I would suggest when a new story comes out that says he's Hitler, slow your roll, wait a few days and see what's actually true.
Because what happens in the media, listen to Tim Pool, this is what he says, what happens all the time. They put out a story about how evil he is at 8 30
PM and then it actually turns out that it's not true. And so they, they, they put the retraction at 6
AM the next day. And so you never really know what's true anymore because they're just putting out fake news all the time.
I highly recommend this video. It's called Trump, Ukraine, whistleblower, complaint drops, delivers on nothing.
Media push lies and fake news from Tim Pool. Watch it 30 minutes of your time. He has, he has a really good window into how this all works.
I highly recommend it. Um, anyway, I hope that you found this video helpful. Um, just a little bit of a recap on some of the news and my, uh, my crazy take on it.