AD Comments on the SBC - Show Us Your Faith By Your Works

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, so just a little bit of commentary about the Southern Baptist Convention, and I'm not
Southern Baptist. I think sometimes that surprises people to hear that, because I do talk about the Southern Baptist Convention every now and then.
But I'm not a Southern Baptist, I'm not even a Baptist, I'm a Presbyterian. But I love Baptists, and I love
Southern Baptists, and I do have some things to say about the convention and essentially the direction of the denomination going forward.
Before I get into that, though, let me just say this. If you haven't checked out adrobles .com, please check it out.
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But also it allows you to join my mailing list and just be updated on all kinds of things that are happening with adrobles media.
So check it out, adrobles .com. All right, so let's talk about the Southern Baptist Convention. There's really two things, there's two primary verses that come to mind as far as the fight that we are in and we are going to be in for the foreseeable future.
And this is not just the SBC. The SBC is the largest denomination in the United States.
It's very influential. So it's clearly a mover and a shaker, but I would say that this fight is happening in every denomination, just about.
It's even happening in most individual churches, which is a real eye -opener.
You need to be ready for this kind of thing. And what I want to propose is that the primary mover in the
Southern Baptist Convention, as the liberals are resurging, the liberals are winning, they're winning the presidencies, they're winning the hearts and minds of the leadership, they're winning the direction in the mission board.
I mean, there's a liberal takeover. I mean, a theologically liberal takeover, not just politically, although it's that too, but it's theological liberalism that's winning out here.
But I don't think this is really due to them in particular. I think that who's really the mover here, and the reason why the liberals are winning is because of a large number of men who are claiming to be conservative, claiming to believe certain things, but they don't act.
They're not willing to fight. On the one hand, they'll say critical race theory is very dangerous and anti -gospel, but they're not willing to fight for it.
And the number of people that fall into this category is just huge and tremendous.
And I would say that the avatar for this camp is Al Mohler himself. Al Mohler famously said that he can't be liberal, he can't be into critical theory, because look at who he platforms.
Well, if you take him at his word, you should look at who he platforms, and he platforms a lot of liberals.
He platforms a lot of progressives. He platforms a lot of people who maybe they don't consider themselves critical race theorists, but they have adopted and they do teach many of the core tenets of critical race theory.
And so if you go by his own standard, which I guess, you know, love believes all things, you should do that, then you would understand that he is responsible for electing
Ed Litton, even as he ran against him. I think that if you look at how the vote shook out, it's very obvious that most people, well, maybe not.
Yeah, it has to be most. Most people who supported Al Mohler when they had a choice between a conservative candidate and a liberal candidate, they went with the liberal candidate.
That's no surprise, because Al Mohler himself is a liberal candidate. And so this is the reality.
So we've got this large number of supposedly conservatives that don't act conservative.
And if they do act conservative, they do it privately, but not publicly. And the book of James, it's an important verse, we should all have this memorized and we should all consider this in our lives as we kind of go forward and we act and we decide what to do.
Show me your faith by your works. Show me what you believe by what you do.
Because the thing is, we all understand it's very easy to just say you believe something. The example
I've always used when I'm preaching is imagine someone who's scared of flying in an airplane.
He doesn't trust airplanes. He thinks that they're dangerous. He's too scared to go up in an airplane. And then one day he says, guys, guess what?
I've gotten over my fear of airplanes. So he's professing his faith in airplanes.
He's not scared of them anymore. How do you know if he's telling the truth or not? Well, you could just believe him,
I guess, and you'll never really know. But there's a very key way and a very easy way to know.
Book a flight. Book a flight with you and your friend and fly from wherever you are to Puerto Rico.
You know what I mean? It goes over water. It's a long flight. And then if he gets on the plane, he's demonstrating his faith by his work.
The work itself isn't the faith. He already had the faith. But if he gets on that plane and flies to Puerto Rico with you, he really does trust the airplane.
But if he doesn't, like he says, he gets to the gate and he goes, I can't do it, I can't do it. Then you know that that faith was not real.
He was professing he trusted airplanes, but when it came down to it, his actions demonstrated that that was a lie.
Your works are the lie detector test. We had Maury Povich, the lie detector test determines that was a lie.
Well, in reality, what determines whether or not you actually believe what you say you believe is your actions.
Show me your faith by your works. And so when you ask, when you, when you look at people and you ask them, do you support critical race theory?
And they say, no, that's a profession. They're professing that they don't believe in critical race theory.
But if their teaching is soaked in critical race theory, if the people that they promote and share their books and teach through, if they're promoting critical race theory, then their actions have determined that that is a lie.
And so, so the Southern Baptist convention is now the convention of critical race theory. The Southern Baptist convention is now the convention of theological liberalism and female preachers and stuff like that.
See the actions determine what your profession really is. It's easy to say you believe something.
It's a different matter to demonstrate what you believe through what you do.
That's what the book of James is talking about. It's not saying that works save you. What it's saying is the works show me what your faith is in.
That's what it's saying. So if you don't have works, but say you have faith, can that faith save you?
And I think the answer is no, it can't because it's not faith in Christ. And how do we know it's not, you don't, this is, this is another thing like, like another verse that's important for us to remember is how do we know that the faith isn't real if you don't have works, right?
How do we know that? Well, Christ says, if you love me, what will you do?
If you love me, will you write in your journal all day about how much you love me? Doesn't say that.
If you love me, will you tell everybody about how much you love me? Doesn't really say that either. If you love me, will you get all emotional and just weep every time you think about me?
Doesn't say that. Those things are fine. If you think about Christ and you weep, nothing wrong with that.
If you, if you, if you journal to Christ all the time, you pray a lot, nothing wrong with these things, right?
But what does Christ say? If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
If you love Christ, you will do what he says. And so if you have no works, we have no reason to think that you love
Christ. You might profess it. You might profess it all day and you might, you might weep and you might get all emotional when you talk about Christ.
But the thing is that if you don't have works though, all of that could very easily be an act.
And sometimes we even have situations where you do have works, but they're evil.
You know what I mean? They're not good works. They're works that are the opposite of what Christ said.
So Christ says that he does not allow a woman to exercise authority over a man.
And then you put a woman in authority over a man. Well, that's the opposite of what Christ said. That's the, that's a, that's an evil work, right?
And Christ says that if your brother sins against you, go to him and, and, and, and talk between the two of you.
And you don't do that. Instead, you leak a letter to the press, describing all the things that you saw, but you didn't say anything about.
So you were kind of complicit, but you know, you taking a page out of, out of, out of the democratic party instead of the scriptures.
That's an evil work. You know what I mean? You have works. They're evil though. And so that's a big problem.
So, so show me your faith, conservative Southern Baptist. You claim to believe the right things, but your works are non -existent.
Your works don't demonstrate that you actually believe the right things. Your works demonstrate that you're very sympathetic to the anti -Christ, anti -gospel message promoted by people that are involved in critical race theory.
You might not consider yourself a critical race theorist, but by not doing anything about it, you demonstrate your lack of care for the body, your lack of love for Christ.
Because the reality is that you love the things that you fight for. You love the things that you fight for.
And so if this is a tertiary issue to you, I know it hits at the core of the gospel and all your presentations, you say that, but it seems to you, you treat it like it's this tertiary issue and you don't really want to fight over it and stuff like that.
Then that's actually what you believe. You actually don't believe that critical race theory strikes at the core of the gospel.
You can say it all day long, but in reality, your actions demonstrate that you're a progressive.
You're a liberal. You have sympathy for anti -gospel being spread in your denomination.
And there's no, there's no honor in that. There's no honor in that. And so that's, that's what
I think about the whole situation. I think that the number of progressives in the SBC, the ones that are professing liberals, professing, you know, they're honest about it.
They might not consider themselves a liberal progressive, but at least they're honest about their positions. The number of those people is tiny, but the number of conservatives who aren't willing to lift one finger to do anything about it is humongous.
And so they are able to do all, all, whatever they, whatever they want to do. And also, let me say this, the number of conservatives, you know, air quotes that won't do anything about it.
They're also supremely gullible and naive. And so here's another piece of advice for you.
If you tend to sympathize with some of these gospel coalition types and some of these types that, you know, they're, they're very concerned with critical theory, but they're not going to do anything about it.
I would suggest that you get used to the dirty underhanded tactics, the emotional manipulations that are working because the progressives have no shame.
The progressives will do anything, any kind of emotional manipulation that they can imagine. They will do it because they're not playing by the rule book of the scriptures.
They're playing by the rule book of essentially the Democratic Party. Let's just face it. You know, they, they, they, they tried to do the judge
Roy Moore thing on, on, on Mike Stone and it worked. So they'll do it again.
See, they're going to use crying women and hysterical, emotional women to get their way until it stops working.
They're going to continue to do it. And so all of you conservatives who won't fight, you're also super naive.
If you really want to change things, you want to change the direction of how things are going, you're going to have to find some backbone.
You're going to have to find some scruples. You're going to have to realize that you have been emotionally, emotionally manipulated again and again and again and again.
And this is nothing new. Women used emotional manipulation in the old days as well. But it's just gross that men are using them in this way.
It's absolutely disgusting. And you're going to need to find out how to fix that. How to resist being emotionally manipulated.
I mean, this is how this is how heretics always work. I mean, if you look in the scripture about people who are bringing in error into the church, oftentimes it's described as people who use emotional methods.
They have smooth, buttery sounding words. They flatter you. They manipulate you emotionally. And so if anything is going to change in the
SBC, which I don't think anything is going to change, I think the SBC is gone. That's my opinion. The SBC is gone.
But if anything's going to change, it's going to take the conservatives, the ones that claim to be conservatives, to be willing to fight this fight.
And I just don't think that that's ever going to happen. Because the reality is that most of them are functionally progressives.
If you look at their works, it demonstrates they are theologically liberal. And it's just that simple.
And so, you know, people were asking, you know, isn't Mike Stone an Arminian? Why would you support an
Arminian for presidency? I didn't support Mike Stone. I don't know who he is. But let's just say he's an
Arminian and all this kind of stuff. I can understand why Calvinists would support him because the reality is that I have a lot more in common with an
Arminian who, in my opinion, doesn't understand the sovereignty of God and all of that, but they have a high view of God's commands and they want to do what
God says that they should do. Because show me your faith by your works, right?
Show me your faith, what you believe by your works. And so they have a high view of God's law and his commands. I have a lot more in common with that person than I do with a gospel -centered that wears skinny jeans and sips soy lattes all day and they're antinomian.
You know, they don't have a high view of God's law. And if they do have a high view of God's law, it's actually a replacement law.
They've replaced a phony law and pretended that it's God's law. You see, that's what's happened here. We've had these gospel -centered antinomians who had no law.
They morphed into gospel -centered quote unquote, because it's not the real gospel, gospel -centered liberals.
That's what's happened. And that's at the feet of many Calvinists. It's, I don't think that Calvinism is responsible for the social justice movement, but that brand of like cool kid, soy latte sipping, skinny jeans,
V -neck, you know, type of Calvinist, that brand of antinomian Calvinism is absolutely abhorrent.
It's absolutely contrary to anything Calvin would have supported. And it is in many ways responsible for this social justice movement because antinomian always turns into legalism, which is what liberalism is.
Antinomianism always turns into legalism, which is what the liberal movement is all about.
They've replaced God's holy, righteous, and good law with their own counterfeit, horrid law that turns everything upside down.
All of a sudden, you know, you can't hold the sons accountable for the sins of the father turns into, if you don't hold the sons accountable for the sins of the father, then you're not repenting.
Like this is perverted. It's, it's, it's, it's opposite land. It's anti -Christ, it's anti -gospel.
What do you think the scripture would call it? If Christ says to you, if you love me, you'll keep my commandments.
And then you decide instead of keeping Christ's commandments, you're going to keep the opposite of Christ's commandments. What do you think the scripture would call that?
Anti -Christ. You don't love Christ if you're not doing his commandments. You don't love
Christ if you're doing the opposite of his commandments and promoting it to other people as well.
And so all that to say, um, that that's, what's going to have to happen in the SPC, if things are going to change,
I would not hold my breath. And if I were you, I would strongly consider stop paying into this because you're paying into your enemies to fight you on this.
Eventually, if you pay into this stuff in the North American mission board and all this stuff, the cooperative program, they're promoting anti -anti -Christ law.
And if you keep paying into it, eventually you're complicit in that. I would suggest stopping because the writing's on the wall, guys.
Let's just face it. If you want to stay and fight more power to you, but the writing's on the wall.
This, this is, this is a lost cause. This is a lost cause unless there's rampant repentance and rampant acknowledgement that, that I don't love you if I don't do your commandments, right?
I don't love what I don't fight for. You know, if, if, if, if the default standard is, well, just agree to disagree.
It's a tertiary issue. It's done. It's done. And so you, that's, there's going to need to be some repentance there.
There's just no question about it. And there's gonna need to be some people doing things differently going forward. And so all that to say,
I love you guys in the Southern Baptist Convention. I know a lot of you guys are not feeling good right now. And I don't know.
I hope that this, this video has, has helped you in some way. And the reality is that the
SBC is not, is not, you know, the end all be all of the church, right?
We understand that if the SBC goes down from here, then let it go down. Christ will remove the lampstand of those who are unfaithful to him.
There's just no question about it. And so that does not mean that the church is over. So don't, don't think that that's the case.
Again, I'm not a Southern Baptist, so I'm a little bit disconnected. I'm not as, I'm not as,
I don't want to say affected, but it's not as close to me. Right. So I can think about this in a much more emotionless kind of way.
But it, you know, it's, it's an important thing in the United States. And so anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.