Proverbs 3:1-12, Discipline

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John Carpenter Covenant Reformed Baptist Church


Proverbs chapter 3 be reading from verses 1 to 12 Hear the word of the Lord My son do not forget my teaching but let your heart keep my commandments
For length of days and years of life in peace. They will add to you Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you bind them around your neck
Write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God in man
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in All your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths be not wise in your own eyes
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones
Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of your produce Then your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will be bursting with wine
My son do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof
For the Lord reproves him whom he loves as a father the son and whom he delights
May the Lord add his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word One day in the spring of my freshman year at college hoping to be a college athlete
I was running with the track team about a five -mile run and barely able to keep up when
Ronnie Slowed from his position near the front of the pack to fall back and run with me straggling behind Ronnie was faster than me
He was in the army having just recently finished boot camp and so he proceeded to yell at me like a drill instructor
You know would to a trainee. I've never seen him in person, but I like in the movies, you know, come on use
So -and -so no profanity he was a Christian man, but you know, the the intent was there pick it up You call that running my grandmother can run faster than that.
Let's get going Kind of like that on and on and on he did that for some time egging me on to run faster
I remember thinking my legs were turning to rubber. I Was exhausted I was in pain.
I wanted to quit but Ronnie was taunting me to keep up and go faster and I kept up I Kept at it through that track season and through the next summer and when it came time for the beginning of the cross -country season and the fall of my sophomore year
I had the goal for my first race at the University of the South in Suwannee, Tennessee a
Beating Ronnie. I was going to beat Ronnie that was my goal and I did
I Beat him, of course Because I had listened to him Months earlier.
I hadn't ignored him. I hadn't thought well, I don't need his spurring. I don't like the way he's talking to me
I'm gonna stop over to show him just by walking from now on I ain't got angry at him and quit because I didn't like to be talked to like that I knew that even though he was playing the drill instructor and shouting at me that he was doing it for me
He supplied the disciplines So I could beat him in that first race Later he would pass me again later that season.
Do you need discipline immediately? Somebody protests that all this stuff about discipline talk.
That's oh, that's legalistic. That's like Old Testament stuff That's dreary duty.
That's not for us now in the gospel. All we need is inspiration motivation
Acceptance, right? We're just accepted and then we'll do better Someone said if you want to build a ship
Don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work But rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea
Let's say someone try that just long for the instruments in the endless immensity of the sea and and just hope a ship comes out of that Anyway, someone scoffed at the idea of churches like ours like the
Puritans used to having covenants Why have a covenant have a vision statement?
Much better the wise way We're told today to get people to do what they're supposed to do is to inspire them to cast a vision
Some pastors these days even have as their job description Vision caster that sounds great.
I'm a vision caster So that once people are motivated So the theory goes they will then do
What mere calls to discipline to commitment would never do kind of just spontaneously arising out of their inspiration
They'll just do what they're supposed to do even without discipline apparently, so then Do you really need?
discipline Well again like last week we're doing something unusual for us rather than the normal Expository message in which we take one passage like here.
We were the first 12 verses of chapter 3 Rather than taking just that passage and making the main point of the passage the main point of the message
We're looking at one of the main subjects of the book of Proverbs and that is one of them
There's several of them But one of them is discipline the passage we read from Proverbs 3 while it touches on this topic
It won't confine us this time We're looking now at what Proverbs says about discipline and we can look at that in three parts first the reward of discipline then the realms of discipline and finally the relationships of discipline
Now first the reward of discipline and we see that in this passage We read from Proverbs chapter 3 and particularly in the first two verses
The sage there tells us that if we if we don't forget his teachings that we keep its commandments
That's by actually doing the things he tells us to do Then you will generally get two things in verse 2 a longer life and peace
Of other words a harmonious tranquil and longer generally life.
You'll have more time to live Because you weren't a disciplined person You restrain yourself sexually so you avoided the bad consequences that come with being immoral you restrain your anger
So you didn't get into fights or break relationships Or get sued for defamation because you said something slanderous about somebody you restrain your spending
So you saved for what you needed and therefore you didn't go into debt So you had more money at the end of the life you restrained your appetites
So you didn't suffer from type 2 diabetes or get clogged arteries because you ate too much Arthrosis of the liver because you drank too much you were careful with your words and so got along better with people
You've restrained your fears so you didn't panic you didn't live in dread all the time
You generally enjoyed the rewards of a disciplined life Now the word discipline to us often sounds stark sounds heavy sounds burdensome.
No fun, right? Discipline doesn't Inspire this idea of this is gonna be fun
But discipline brings great rewards Proverbs chapter 6 verse 23 says the reproofs of the discipline are the way of life
The reproofs that is the correction of this discipline corrects you and it shows you the way of life
So how to live you want life then get discipline and the flip side is true, too If discipline makes a great reward lack of discipline brings a great penalty in Proverbs chapter 5 verse 23 says that we could die
Because of their lack of discipline and in the New Testament this great truth that long life comes through discipline
I Should be raised to a higher level in The gospel we see that the
Holy Spirit comes to us first Jesus said in John chapter 16 verse 8 to convict
That is to discipline to reprove Convict concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.
He reproves us. He corrects us He tells us that we are sinners that we've offended a perfectly.
Holy God We're not right with him and we need to be clothed with the righteousness of Christ like we sung
We need to be washed with his blood. There is judgment. There is a price to be paid for our sins salvation begins by us being
Disciplined that's why we're told in chapter 3 Do not despise it. Don't be weary of it
Accept it because life will come through it. It comes with a great reward life
Discipline has a great reward and it has many many realms a Man without self -control is like a city broken into and left without walls in chapter 29 verse 15 now in those days walls were the main defense
From outside invaders a city without walls could be easily overcome by any marauding army
It had no ability to defend itself So to someone who is out of control of himself has no discipline is someone who could be easily overcome by any enemy the world the flesh of the devil
There are at least eight different realms of our lives Discipline is supposed to rule over eight realms of discipline first Sex this is such an important one in Proverbs that there's two and a half chapters focused on it chapter 5
Second half of chapter 6 and all of chapter 7 and all of that is to tell us to be disciplined with our sexuality
That is to be kept strictly within Marriage it portrays the draw of sex that traps the
Undisciplined in chapter 5 verse 3 the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil
She is so seductive in chapter 7 an easy woman is out on the town. She's looking for some fool to catch
She's got lots of meat at home You know lots to eat lots to indulge in so come come to my place
She says for the party We got lots to eat You should see how it's done up.
It looks great. Come see and in chapter 7 verse 18 She says come let us take our fill of love till morning
Let us delight ourselves with love and then in verse 21 with with much seductive speech
She persuades him with her smooth talk. She compels him
That's the lure What's the result? her house is the way to She'll To the grave
She looks like she's taking you to pleasure. She's taking you to your death Going down to the chambers of death and even before you've each death in chapter 5 verse 11 and 12
They tell us at the end of your life before you're even dead you groan
When your flesh and your body are consumed and you say How I hated discipline
There is much immediate pleasure promised and if you're not disciplined you'll fall for the bait into the trap
Only to find out later as you're groaning. You're dreading what you've done
Maybe lonely having lived for immediate pleasures That now you have no life to enjoy
Sex is around the discipline must rule over the instruction. It was really simple to understand sex with a marriage only
It's not that sex is bad It certainly is not chapter 5 tells married people to enjoy and be satisfied with our sex lives in marriage
Chapter 5 verse 18 says rejoice in the wife. We could add husband I guess of your youth
I'll always be satisfied and satisfying to the one you married when you were young. All right, don't go get middle -aged
Whatever middle -aged crisis they call it don't go looking for another one Stimulate yourself. I'm looking for a newer model like you like cars you trade in occasionally now
Don't encourage through pornography or online relationships fantasies about other hypothetical Fantasy partners that leave you dissatisfied with your marriage partner
If you're if you're not married Then you don't need to be teased with sexuality and sensuality that draws you closer and closer to temptations to do things discipline
Would keep you from doing Discipline weights sex has the power to drag us down into hell if we are not
Disciplined. Are you in control of your sexuality? Second is our temper a anger
Like sexual desire. It's not always bad Ephesians chapter 5 of 4 give me a piece of chapter 4 verse 26 says be angry
But do not sin Do not let the Sun go down in your anger It's not being angry.
That is bad, but being out of control of your anger Discipline gives us the power to control it
That's what one reason is called temper like tempered steel has more strength is your temper strong?
Whether we choose not to express it express our anger at all We just say I'm not gonna I'm not gonna respond or to express it
Maybe you could express it gently that takes a great deal of Self control to be angry and be able to express it with gentleness or like Jesus driving out the money changers from the temple
We express it vigorously That also takes self -control to not allow it to take you over if you're expressing it vigorously and that's very rare I mean
Jesus didn't do that commonly either the question whether no matter which way we choose The question is is whether we are in control of our anger like steel
It has to be tempered to be strong does our temper have enough strength so we can control our anger even when it's hot a
Proverbs has a lot to say about controlling anger the vexation or we might say irritation the irritation of a fool
There's no no what he gets irritated, you know it right away because he expresses it But the prudent ignores an insult in Proverbs chapter 12 or 16
Proverbs chapter 19 verse 11 says something similar good sense. That's wisdom. You know makes one slow to anger and It's his glory to overlook an offense
The person who has no self -control can't help but to immediately show that he's mad that he's been offended that you've been it feels insulted
He has to just he has to let it out but the prudent can be insulted and wait think carefully
Whether or not to respond and if so, how Proverbs chapter 14 verse 17 says a man of quick temper acts
Foolishly when your anger is out of control. The only thing that you could see at that moment is whatever it is
You are angry about You you don't see what may be the repercussions of the angry words.
You're about to blurt out You don't see that at all. You just so angry You just got to say that and it may be entirely true, but you're not seeing what's gonna do
That's why you should be disciplined yourself that when you are angry be extra careful With what you say bite your tongue sometimes walk away
Sometimes don't make that phone call Like I did once made him a big mistake made a phone call when
I was angry and I blurted out things Don't do that you write out an email don't send it right away sit on it a while go back and edit tone it down Certainly don't make any big decisions
Be in control the one who can control his temper shows that he or she has great strengths whoever's slow to anger is better than the mighty and He who rules his spirit
In other words, he said he's in control of his anger and the rest of his passions That he's better than he who takes a city
In chapter 16 verse 32 that is if you're able to control your temper, then you have the discipline of a hero
Are you in control of your temper? How about your need for pleasure just just the things you crave it could be legitimate pleasure
But do you feel like you got indulge in it? You're longing for luxuries the urge to buy that Thing whatever it is the newest gadget tablets bigger and bigger
HD TVs you HD TVs whatever they're gonna come out with next I Whatever's the nicest car to be pampered at some spa most expensive restaurant the most luxurious vacation whatever satisfies your taste buds
Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man He who loves wine and oil will not be rich in Proverbs chapter 21 verse 17 now wine in their day was the main beverage
Other than water or milk basically that's as far as I can tell that was their three choices Wine water or milk and wine was the luxurious one.
It was the it was the what would you call it the treat? It was also much costlier than water or milk if you loved it and you just had to have it all the time every meal
If you didn't get drunk off of it, you just had it regularly all the time instead of settling for water or milk
Well, you become poor You're squandering your money on buying wine all the time
Oil was for refreshing yourself for looking good and that soothing sensation You can splurge on that For special occasions sure, but if you have to have it all the time just frequently that shows a lack of self -control
Discipline is the ability to say no to your short -term desires in Order to get your long -term goals and our long -term goal
Should be to honor the Lord with our whole lives including with our with our money with our wealth and that can chapter 3 verse 9
And we do that. We honor the Lord with our wealth by being content with what we have
Like we sang it's why we sang that song you are enough all of you is more than enough
We'd be content with what we need saying no to the luxuries
We might want Are you in control of your longing for luxuries for treats?
What about your appetites for food and drink can you control that Can you have something good you know that you love?
But in moderation You know the passage we've read chapter 3 verse 10 if we honor the Lord with our wealth that he rewards us with our vats
Bursting with wine it says we have more than enough of this Luxurious beverage that we know what to do with if that's a bursting with you got a lot of wine on your hands
Wine is a sign of blessing. It means he has blessed us because we honored him with our wealth, but can you have some?
Can you have some wine? Without being overcome by it. Can you control yourself to have a cup and now you're no longer thirsty you've had your treat and You can stop
Even if it tastes so good you so want another one If so, if you can say no you can do that you have you have self -discipline and so you're wise if not
Proverbs chapter 20 verse 1 is for you Wine is a mocker strong drink a brawler and whoever is led astray by it is not wise
Whoever does not have the self -control is led astray by wine astray from wisdom
Well by wine or by beer or by other liquors some kind of alcohol and so is soon having more than he should been lubricated
Now he's saying things he shouldn't he's a mocker he starts mocking things Next he's uninhibited
So he's fighting otherwise foolish You know being easily seduced that kind of thing
Driving and getting in crashes because he's he's DUI. The principle is not never to drink any alcohol
But to have self -control now in their day wine was the main thing that people could show their lack of self -control with Today it could be many things.
I think it could be ice cream Coca -cola too many trips to the buffet
Whatever it is that Controls you I heard a grossly overweight woman bitterly complain when she was corrected for drinking too much coke
That I don't drink Well, she thought because she didn't get drunk on alcohol that she was cleared from the charge of gluttony debauchery
But the point isn't what you eat or drink But whether you are in control of it
Are you in control of your eating and drinking? How about you're talking?
That too could be something that is out of control talking too much is a form of self -indulgence and what's worked at this job one day job and You had to be with these same people for over for 40 hours straight and there were these two
Sorry, excuse me if I'm sexist, but I am two ladies who talked continually
I I got to a point where I was just amazed that they could continue to do that I would run out of things to say but they just except for the time where they slept 40 hours straight
Talking I just find that amazing. That's what some people are They feel like they just have to talk
Proverbs chapter 10 verse 19 says what words are many Transgression is not lacking but whoever restrains his lips is prudent
It used to be said it just occurred to me. I know a lot of men by the way who talked too much Mary's laughing.
Yeah, there are a lot of those. It's not just a it's not just a female thing anyway, it used to be said still waters run deep and People respected that people struck to the the strong silent type saw a silent person
Mostly quietly. He's a strong silence. That's that's good That was their way of of saying this is probably a wise man because he's silent
You know, maybe he opens his mouth and then you realize it's not so wise after all but generally they say He's keeping control of eat.
I have to talk all the time. But that's a virtue. That's a strength and When you do speak though, are you in control of what you say?
So that your words don't hurt feelings or damage relationships unnecessarily There is one who's rash words rash words are like sword thrust
But the tongue of the wise brings healing in Proverbs chapter 12 verse 18 Do your words show that you are in control of them?
What about your ego? Are you disciplined enough to not believe? That little voice in your head that tells you only what you want to hear that you're the greatest
That you are you are the smartest, you know better than everyone else
That you are Fill in the blank whatever it is. You want to be you are that don't listen anyone tell you different You have enough self -control to turn down the volume of your pride and to listen to the truth
It's better to be of a lowly spirit With the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud in Proverbs chapter 16 verse 19
Can you humble yourself to be with people that your pride says you are better than? You think
I have a college degree why should I be hanging on these people that didn't graduate from high school Can you do what the
Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 12 verse 3? Don't think more highly of yourself than you ought but Humbly take the role in which you can best serve the body
What that requires is the self -discipline to say no To that monster that we all have in us that demands that I be exalted
Haughty eyes and a proud heart the lamp of the wicked are sin chapter 21 verse 4
Notice that that verse interesting verse it for the wicked their haughtiness Their pride is what they see the world through haughty eyes
They're seeing through those haughty eyes out to the world It's like the sunglasses people wear tense everything they see there for them their their pride their ego
Distorts the world the way they see it Their determination not to be offended or to be denied pride it also says is there their lamp it's their source of light so everything they see
They see it in the light of their of their pride their self -centeredness the wicked are controlled by their pride
Can you control it? instead Next you got the discipline of keeping your commitments and Proverbs chapter 3 verse 3
Which we read we are to not Not let that is do not allow
Steadfast love and faithfulness force to forsake you. I was don't let them get away
Now steadfast love in Hebrew the Hebrew word has said one of my favorite words is covenant
Loyalty, it's being committed to others first to God and then to those to whom you have made commitments
It's combined often in Scripture as here with the word faithfulness and that's to emphasize it's already
Very much about loyalty already Connected with faithfulness Emphasizes the unshakable this of it being a person of integrity who keeps his or her promises
Proverbs tells us that never let these characteristics go don't let them get away from you
Because they're gonna be there'd be temptations To have it pulled out of your hand so that so that steadfast love and and Faithfulness are denied you are snatched from you
Like a like a maybe a woman carrying a purse where she's afraid it might be snatched tears it extra close here carry steadfast love faithfulness
Close to you clutch it so it won't get away He says bind them steadfast love and faithfulness around your neck
You know like a money belt you see our money belt put money in your and then put it on your waist That way it can't be taken.
No pickpocket can take it away here bind it around Not only you're just your waist but your neck so you even anyone starts to tug at it.
You notice it right away Tie them to yourself loyalty promise -keeping integrity
Consistency the very opposite of the spouting of empty words of expressing commitments just because the words sound good to say
You know, it just sounds so good to recite beautifully poetic marriage vows Love honor and obey that kind of thing.
It just sounds so great and poetic But you're just saying it for the sound you don't really believe it or in our
Church Covenant walk together in Christian Love you sound so so delicious who wouldn't want to say that or sign their name to that but if you commit to doing that and you have bound steadfast love and faithfulness, you know around your neck and Written loyalty and integrity on your heart.
So it's in you then You will keep those commitments
Even when it's hard I can Psalm 15 the Lord looks on the one who keeps his vows even to his hurt
Proverbs chapter 19 verse 22 says what is desired in a man is steadfast love loyalty a love that keeps bound to others and a poor man is better than a liar a
Liar is someone whose words have no connection to truth. They may they may in fact be true, but that's kind of coincidental
The lie or someone who says things just because the words benefit him to say them whether the words are true or not
He doesn't care Including the commitments he or she expresses its commitments a word sound good.
Maybe it's to assure you I'll be there I'll do that. I've got your back whatever it is. They commit to do because they want to assure you
And they're saying him just to get the result they want Maybe they get you to do something pay them some money or whatever
Of course at the time they make their commitments. They swear they're going to keep them Even when the going gets tough, they'll say that many a man proclaims his own steadfast love remember earlier
What is desired in a man is that he has steadfast love but Actually people who have that many who have that is rare many a man though proclaims.
He has steadfast love but a faithful man a Faithful man who can find in Proverbs chapter 20 verse 6 who can find because they're rare Many a man says he has it the
Lord looks for it But a man who really has it or a woman who really has it is rare In other words, everybody says they are going to keep their commitments when they make them but the truly faithful are uncommon
The faithful have the self -control to make themselves keep their commitments even when their feelings their ego
Whatever else says not to But they keep it anyway Are you in control of your promise keeping?
Last how about your fears? You can control of your fears Proverbs chapter 28 verse 1 says the wicked flee when no one pursues
But the righteous are bold as a lion That means that the foolish the unbelievers they panic
Sometimes it nothing it is panic. They're full of fear when they are afraid they respond irrationally running away when there's no real threat
They have nothing but this life this this world is all they have this life here and now this is it for them
And so if they feel that it is in danger They'll do anything
To hold on to it. And so people they're easily manipulated if you just make them afraid Now I told you about the swimmer.
Remember the swimmer who got cramps at the deep end right next to the pool wall All she had to do was reach out her arm and grab the wall
But she panicked and she wouldn't do that the lifeguard had to jump in and save her, you know She was she could have saved herself.
Just reach out and grab the wall hysteria leads to irrationality Now over the more than a year now, you've seen a lot of people responding irrationally to a virus.
That is serious Don't make light of it because I think that's foolish too. It is serious, but it's mainly affected people and easily identifiable groups
Oh, but you pretty easily know the people who are in danger from this virus particularly the elderly
Now reasonable precautions like protecting the elderly the otherwise vulnerable there that's prudent but you're stopping your life
Especially if you're not old, you're not otherwise sick, you know, we're like wearing a mask when you're alone in a car
That's a sign that you're out of control of your fear That it's controlling you
Are you in control of your fears? Well, those are the realms of discipline these some of them you could probably find others there's sex there's temper there's luxuries
There's food and drink. There's talking. There's ego. There's promise -keeping. There's fear Very quickly Proverbs tells us about the the relationships of discipline
Relationships that should bring discipline into our lives So relationships we need first is the family
The family is the first area of relationships that instill discipline whoever spares the rod hates his son
But he who loves him is diligent to discipline him in Proverbs chapter 13 verse 24 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child
It's a good depravity verse also folly is bound up at the heart of a child But the rod of discipline drives it far from him get out folly
The spanking is like an exorcism with every swat. You drive out a little more foolishness
Discipline your son and he will give you rest He will give delight to your heart chapter 29 verse 17 a healthy family disciplines the children to train themselves to train them to discipline themselves an
Unhealthy dysfunctional family will shield the children from discipline from outside from school or from whatever
Probably not really discipline themselves either thinking that no one should touch or criticize my little darling
Proverbs chapter 12 verse 1 says whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid
This is so much so that the parent who neglects to discipline his or her children for all intents and purposes
Is setting up the child for disaster? discipline your son For there is hope do not set your heart on putting him to death in chapter 19 verse 18
The family was meant to be the school for training children in discipline
The second relationship of discipline is the church Even though the word is not used the word church is not used
Proverbs tells us that we need a church whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire
It's been a lot of that because of the pandemic isolate yourself Think you can just watch something on the video and that's enough of a church
No, you need to be in connection with other people. So you're not isolated whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire
He breaks out against all sound judgment Proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 You need to be in relationships with people who will hold you accountable
Who will bring sound judgment? Against you so you're not breaking out against it And that's what the church is just as the
Lord Jesus described in Matthew chapter 18 starting in verse 15 Accountability of relationships. It's about people who know you and Are willing to correct you willing to apply sound judgment to your life and you'll listen to their correction
If you if you want sound judgment, Jesus tells us that the church is to be a community of connected people
Lovingly holding each other to account Proverbs chapter 27 verse 6 says faithful are the wounds of a friend
Profuse are the kisses of an enemy The wise then want a community of people of friends
Who will sometimes if necessary? Wound them their pride. Anyway, they want to be they don't want to be isolated
They want people who would teach them discipline them and there's no No discipleship without discipline
Proverbs chapter 30 verse 13 verse 20 says he who walks with the wise
Grows wise and that's what we that's what we commit to do covenant to do walk together
To grow wise We all need a Ronnie in our life someone who'll run beside us and You know
Sometimes maybe say hard words to us to get us going like we should even if it's hard who stands outside our feelings
Especially when we think we can't run anymore or run any faster and tells us to keep running to go faster
Now if we just want to run comfortably If we want to get no better, we don't care about improving.
We don't stretch ourselves then We'll reject Ronnie. We'll break out against all sound judgment.
Maybe we'll quit the team We'll tell him we we don't want any more of his abuse Isolate ourselves thinking it's just just it's just God and me
And that's all that matters, but God says that we are seeking When we do that we are seeking not him but our own desires
Breaking out against all sound judgment. God has made us To run as a team walk together with the wise not as isolated individuals
God has made us to be in a church with people like Ronnie fellow members of the same team to come beside us and Get us going
Even if it's gonna hurt a little bit for a while That brings us to the final relationship of discipline the relationship with God Some think you that if you have a relationship
You don't have discipline the way people think today relationships and discipline that doesn't go together
But Proverbs 3 clearly tells us about the Lord's Discipline.
Did you notice that the Lord's? Discipline that discipline that we are not to despise our grow tired of Don't go tired of his discipline.
Now. It's not the cold discipline of a kind of a remote Faceless government of a judge buying a bench who doesn't know you doesn't care
It's just issuing fines or penalties or it's not the discipline of sheer willpower As we resolved to keep some rules go on some diet or whatever it is
It is the discipline that a real relationship with God will inspire
If you are a son or his daughter You're someone he delights in as the son.
He delights in someone He's resolved before the foundation of the earth to call as he delights in you to justify
Eventually to glorify He gets so much joy in you that he's going to give you every good thing
If you have that kind of relationship with him he will discipline you and if you have the relationship so the motivation
To love this God to delight in him like he delights in you Then that motivation will embrace his discipline
You acknowledge him in all your ways by being Disciplined in all your ways if You have the relationship
If you don't have that well None of it makes any sense
Nothing else makes sense. The disciplines Really won't make much sense. Why deny myself some pleasure now
The motivation is what Proverbs calls the the fear of the Lord Respecting and loving him so much you desperately want to be like him and and do what he says.
It's not something just with sheer willpower that you can make yourself have
I Will love the Lord. I will obey his laws It must be something written on the tablet of your heart something made internal now naturally a part of who you are is part of your new
Nature and the only way that can happen is if you are born again if Your heart of cold stone is made warm and alive
It's transformed That the spirit produces in you now the fruit of self -control and so now, you know
Now, you know That's just a resolution you forced on yourself because you know, it's better now, you know
His ways are better than your ways That the your own self you were leaning on does it make any sense?
It's better to lean on him to put the weight of your life on him trusting him to hold you up No longer trusting your own understanding the problem with saying that We don't need discipline.
We don't need a covenant. We just need a vision The problem with that is that a vision of this
God The God who disciplines every child who receives our father who disciplines us like his beloved children
Having a relationship with this God who makes a covenant with us That kind of relationship will inspire in you
Discipline that vision of God that you would now acknowledge in all your ways
So that you you love him and you love his disciplines
You love his correction. You love his ways Do you have that self control inspiring vision of your