Nonsense All Around You - #NoDespair2020

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Shoutout to the Bears


All right, so last night I'm outside, probably around midnight, maybe a little after midnight, and I'm smoking.
And if you don't know anything about me, I go to bed pretty early typically. I'm like in bed by 10 o 'clock almost every night.
So this is pretty, it's a late night for me. So I'm out there, I'm recording a video on my phone and, you know, maybe
I'll use it, maybe I won't, just about some thoughts at the time that I had and all of that. It's pitch black and it's one of those
New England nights that's cold and it's silent, like dead silent. There's no wind, there's no nothing, there's no cars, you can't hear anything, it's just silence.
And so I'm speaking into this silence and it's just like deafening. And so I finished my video and all that and all of a sudden, all at the same time,
I hear leaves rustling, like something moving through the leaves in all directions at the same time.
So there's one over here, there's one over here, over here, over here. The only place it wasn't was behind me because my house was behind me.
And so that was pretty weird. All of a sudden I'm being hunted, like a simultaneous kind of coordinated attack kind of thing.
So I have a flashlight on me, a very powerful flashlight, and I shine it and I'm looking through, you know, the brush in the woods and there's no less than four pairs of glowing eyes, glowing looking right at me.
And it was one of the creepiest things of all time. There's movement, there's glowing demon eyes and all of that kind of thing.
So that's the kind of night I had last night. Well, as it turns out that they weren't demons, at least
I don't think so. But one of them was a very large raccoon. I could see that much. So there are probably all raccoons, but it was just weird how they were coordinated.
Like it was silence and then all of a sudden, pandemonium. It was just pretty crazy. And the raccoon had no fear of me whatsoever.
So anyway, that's what happened with me last night. But yeah, man, I'll tell you right now, there's a lot of winners last night.
And the biggest winner on Twitter, at least in my opinion, was Doug TenNapel, the creator of Earthworm Jim.
He was tweeting up a storm. He had me laughing so much. It was too good, man.
Doug TenNapel, thank you for the laughs and all of that kind of thing. It's good stuff. He was making fun of the
Young Turks so bad, man. It was a video of Cenk Uygur, you know, freaking out, talking about how stupid
Democrats are and how stupid Trump is, they can't even beat Trump. He was in a sea of swirling despair that was just so delicious to watch.
I didn't watch too much of that kind of stuff because here's the thing, I'm actually not that political of a guy. I know that over the last few weeks and months, people have gotten this impression of me that I like love politics.
So I don't love politics. I don't really pay much attention to it when it's not an election season.
I don't watch cable news. I hate it so, so much. I hate Fox News. I hate MSNBC, CNN, all of it.
I don't listen to talk radio. Like, I just don't. I mean, occasionally I do. Someone will send me a clip and I'll listen to it.
But I just don't like it at all. I find it very distasteful. I find it annoying. And I just don't like it.
I don't listen to any debates. People would text me during the debates, are you watching this? And I just wasn't. I'm not interested in that kind of thing.
But you know, during an election season, it's easy to get sucked in. And I have to say, I'm a little bit disappointed in myself for getting too sucked in to some of the nuances here and some of the theater here.
Because the theater is just ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. Like, if the media is telling you something like you know, you have to know at this point, it's nonsense.
It's nothing. They're just coming up with something. It's a trick. It's a plan.
It's some kind of a ploy. Somebody called Joe Carter because I'm talking about theories here. It's all coordinated nonsense.
It's intended to confuse you there. There's nothing really to it. It's just they're making stuff up.
And maybe it's true. Maybe it's not. Nobody knows. And that's the point, right? It's all intended to confuse you.
People talk about how the intention for the media is to divide Americans. And that might be true.
But more more often than not, it doesn't really divide Americans more so than it just confuses
Americans. And this is what the essence of No Despair is all about. Because if you remember when I started this
No Despair thing, it was earlier this year and the coronavirus hit. And it was like the perfect time for No Despair because in coronavirus, the news would report something and a day later, they would report the opposite.
And so it's like, you don't even pay attention to it. If you want to get entertainment value out of it, that's one thing.
There's definitely an entertainment value to some of this stuff. No question about it. You see someone that freaks out about Cubans.
This is crazy. You see someone that's supposedly so diverse and cares about ethnicities and Latinos and stuff like that.
And then something doesn't go their way. And they're like, those stupid Cubans, how stupid can they be? They're just looking for a strong leader.
They're basically barbarians. It's just so funny. That kind of stuff, if you like that kind of stuff and you laugh at their stupidity,
I get it, man. That's funny. But if you're looking for information for news, like they don't even get basic facts right.
And I don't I refuse to. Well, you got you got a couple options. It could either be incompetence. They're just that incompetent or it's intentional.
They're trying to confuse you. Get all twisted up. And before you know it, you don't know whether it was between a man and a girl, a man and a woman.
Before you know it, you're like, well, yeah, maybe I should stick my son with this hormone, you know, because after all, he says he's a girl like like, you know, that gets you all twisted up and it's just a big nonsense burger.
It's a nonsense burger. Why do I say that? I don't say that. Why do people say that?
Nothing burger. I don't know. That's not something that I typically say, but I'm tired this morning, so I'm just going to have to excuse me.
But yeah, man, I got sucked in. I definitely got sucked in. And I was thinking about this is what got me thinking about this, because yesterday in my video,
I was talking about sort of my chickens and, you know, my garden and stuff like that. And somebody said, hey, man, do you watch Big Bear?
Are you a bear? If you don't know who Big Bear is, it's Owen Benjamin. He's a comedian who's been kicked off all the social media platforms.
He's hilarious, but he's definitely not G rated. So don't go hunting for Owen Benjamin clips if you're around kids.
That's that's a promise. You will likely be offended by Owen Benjamin. But anyway. But yeah, he's definitely had some impact on my thinking on that area.
He's got some whacked out beliefs, no question about it. But in when it comes to like taking care of yourself and focusing on the things that, you know, are real, he's really good on that kind of stuff.
There's no question about it. And and he's the one that kind of call it's nonsense.
He was doing a video about about how Sacha Baron Cohen is a leprechaun. I know it sounds stupid.
I know it sounds stupid, but the idea is that he's like this trickster. You know what I mean? He's like this trickster. And if you just if you call out the leprechaun for what it is, he has no power over you.
But if you buy into his nonsense and, you know, he promises you the pot of gold, as long as you buy into his nonsense and he exposes how stupid and ridiculous you are, then, you know, you're fooled by the leprechaun.
And his whole idea was that Giuliani was fooled by the leprechaun in that whole that whole scandal where he was undoing his pants or whatever he was doing.
Who cares? But it's all nonsense. I mean, just think about it like like like like that whole scene was so ridiculous.
How did Sacha Baron Cohen get access to Giuliani? How did Giuliani sign off on it? How did this how did this all like come to fruition now?
And like, why are they bringing it out? Who knows? Nobody knows. It's just nonsense. So just ignore it. It's nonsense.
But yeah, it's just it's just absolutely ridiculous. By the way, if you if you if you're looking for a good old Benjamin clip, there's one
I don't know how to find it because this stuff is just gets banned all the time. There's one where he's sitting in the snow and he's drinking a
White Claw. I've never laughed so hard in my entire life. He's sitting in the snow and he's got a stupid hat like warm hat on, you know, like one of those old school hats.
I don't know if it's a coon skin hat or what, but he's got a hat on and he's talking about flat earth and he's like he's like insisting that the earth is not flat and rejecting the fact that rejecting the idea that he's a flat earth or all while he's simultaneously becoming a flat earther before your very eyes.
So yes, Owen Benjamin is a flat earth believer. Anyway. So yeah,
I don't even know where I was going with this. This is kind of a bit of a mess of a show because I can't really think straight. I'm exhausted, absolutely exhausted.
But the point is, though, that that, you know, you need to go about your business. You know what I mean? Like all the everything that you hear from from the media today and tomorrow and stuff like that.
It's like it's like you ignore it because it doesn't matter. Of course it matters who's the president in the grand scheme of things.
But the reality is that your role as a Christian, as an individual, it's it hasn't changed.
Excuse me. It hasn't changed. You know, fear God, keep his commandments. That's what the whole duty of man.
And so you can do that duty whether there's a good president or a terrible president, whether Kamala Harris is the president or not.
Like you can you could fear God and obey his commandments in any situation.
Right. And the reality is that obviously this ridiculous stuff happening, you know, the funny this is the funniest one.
There's a lot of funny things that have happened. But the thing is, like, this is my in my opinion, this is the one that just it gets me laughing, man.
So last night, I'm watching the election results pour in and stuff like that. And and it becomes very clear that Trump is doing well.
He's doing very well and he's probably going to win. And as soon as that happened. Right. And Fox News is in on it, too.
Like they're all in on it. They're all it's just all nonsense from top to bottom. Right. But anyway, as soon as they realize that he's actually doing pretty well, they stop counting.
It's just it's it we're we're shutting down. We're just too tired. By the way, it's Corona virus.
So, you know, we've been at the polls for seven hours and, you know, these are elderly people working at the polls and they're just too tired.
And this Corona virus is going to kill them. So, like, they got to got to go home. They got to go home and we'll get back to counting tomorrow.
Believe you, we will get back to counting tomorrow. Everything will be fine. Don't you worry about it.
Things will be great. But definitely don't call the election. Definitely don't do that because we got to start counting again tomorrow in all the critical
Democratic controlled states. We're going to shut it down because Trump is doing too good.
So they shut it down. They shut down the county. I'm cracking up here.
They shut down the county. And then when they restart, they they find 100000 ballots and almost all of them are for Biden.
Imagine that 100000 new ballots and none of them are for Trump. Restart the county.
All right, we can do it again. We definitely weren't counting last night to see how many we needed.
Now, nothing like that. This is totally normal. Don't worry. This is all normal. He's doing better in the states.
We didn't think he would do that well. And so we stopped it. And that's normal. That's totally normal. And then we found a bunch of ballots over while you were sleeping.
We found some more and they were all for Biden. All of them are maybe maybe 90 percent for Biden.
That's normal, too. Don't worry about that. And I'm sure today we'll have a lot of other normal occurrences that happen to decide who's the president of the
United States. Look, guys, do you remember when Saddam Hussein would get 100 percent of the vote? Oh, man.
Anyway, it's all nonsense, though. That's the point. It's all nonsense. Don't even worry about it. We've got we've got we've got our own fish to fry.
Put it that way. We've got our own fish to fry. Many of us have our own families to take care of and to teach and all of this kind of stuff.
We've got our schools to build and to develop and all of this kind of stuff. We've got our flocks and our friends to take care of and to love and to all of this kind of stuff.
Even though everything you see on the screen is nonsense, that doesn't mean life is nonsense.
Life is not nonsense. Life is wonderful. And God is real. And God has told you what he wants from you.
And so I would suggest get busy doing it. No despair in 2020.