Responding to JD Greear and Others, Tisby & Vischer, the Big Picture


Visit the store at Went a long time today ( 1:45 ) and covered a lot of ground. Started off responding to JD Greear's joining of the "don't point out the worldview of the new regime, and especially of Kamala Harris, stands directly in parallel with that of Jezebel, let alone proclaim that judgment will come upon all who promote such rebellion in our day" group of Southern Baptist leaders. Then we played a clip from Phil Vischer and Jemar Tisby promoting "equity" vs. "equality," and finished up with a discussion on eschatology and the controlling texts and themes that should determine our outcomes especially in this day.

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No, no, no, there will be a mass exodus if that if that takes place got our skillet shirt on today
So we are ready to rock and roll literally Thanks for being with us want to Respond to just a couple hours ago the posting of a statement by J .D.
Greer the Sort of president of the Southern Baptist Convention not really legally but because this is three years now and it's only supposed to be two and Cove it came along and they decided just to Punt on that.
I think that was really a bad idea but anyway J .D.
Greer post this on Twitter. I realize that some pastors are likely unaware of the history of certain racial stereotypes in Uncalling or comparing our vice president to Jezebel But that doesn't make such statements any less on wise
There are times we will critique policies, but that should not include personal attacks on a newly elected
Notice personal attacks on a newly elected official. God has told us to honor and pray for Let us speak clearly and boldly for righteousness
But in a way that honors what the scriptures say about honoring our leaders we don't correct one sin through another so It's hard to avoid the conclusion that Dr.
Greer The president of convention believes it is sinful To do what myself and Dr.
Tom Buck have done and others have done and that is to make the argument that the worldview that is motivating the new regime and That is seen explicitly in Kamala Harris in her positions on The key issues in regards to human life
That is everything that God has said in his word about what mankind is
The origin of mankind the transcendent value of mankind being made in the image of God The Reality that in Jesus's own words
In Matthew chapter 19 from the beginning God created the male and female hence the issues of homosexuality lesbianism marriage polyamory
Bisexuality and of course now the Explosive letter in the alphabet soup of moral degeneracy the
T Transgenderism which truly destroys everything that comes before it because you can't really define
Any of the other letters once the T is included Because all the other letters assume a gender binary to be even defined relatively in a relatively meaningful manner
She has made her position On all these issues very plain and they are all in direct opposition to biblical revelation biblical morality the historical perspective of this nation and its laws and I haven't even touched on abortion,
I really did when I talked a little bit about the image of God, but Abortion the infant born -alive act
Any any Limitation on abortion up to the point of birth itself
She has made her positions known Impartial Organizations identified her in 2019 as the most leftist senator in the
United States We can't talk right now about how in the world she ended up as vice president
United States but what we can talk about is The fact that there are people saying well look isn't this wonderful.
We now have a Woman vice president who is not white.
She's not a Descendant of Europeans. She has a very mixed ethnic heritage
Not african -american despite what people would like to say That's not where she's coming from ethnically wise and I think it's just so stupid that we're even talking about that part, but She's the one forcing it on us and the worldview that she presents.
So people are saying we should look up to This person who has broken the glass ceiling glass ceiling of what well women were only wait what women, but her worldview says that a guy
With male anatomy and enough testosterone to run a diesel truck who has to shave three times a day
Can call himself a woman and we have to treat that guy as a woman and even memorize whatever whacked out pronouns
They want to force upon us to use for them. That's her worldview. And so a lot of us have said wait a minute
It doesn't matter what her gender is it doesn't matter what her ethnicity is Character matters and character is determined By how you live your life and by what standards and a standard that says there is no male or female
There are 148 genders Marriage isn't between one man and one woman.
It can be any mixture of things Life in the womb is not sacred
It can be destroyed by any means at any time even without parental agreement all of those beliefs are
Morally evil and as a result they will bring God's judgment
Against the person who acts upon them and promotes them to others This was not a controversial
Christian position even ten years ago Even ten years ago if I start off a program
With what I'm starting off now people have gone. What is What's with him?
like duh But now you're being Called sinful by the president of Southern Baptist Convention If you dare go, you know we might not want to point people to Kamala Harris as an example for our daughters
Because the worldview that she is promoting is destructive to any meaningful society at all.
Oh You terrible person you're supposed to pray for our leaders and honor them
Really So what you think? Paul was saying in 1st
Timothy chapter 2 Or what Peter was saying is that we should honor the worldview of Nero Caesar the
Beast of the Book of Revelation Take that one You're to honor that Well, no, well, that's what we're talking about We are talking about the fact that there is a worldview that is
Out front. It isn't hidden It's not being secretly snuck in around the back
It's straight up front It is motivated. How many executive orders now over is it over 30?
Yeah, I think it's over there Some ridiculous number. I think it's getting close to 40. It is behind all of that And When When the so -called
Equality Act, I call it the Abomination Act, and I think it's an appropriate term When that Act comes before the
Senate, it's already been passed by the House When that Act comes before the Senate, let's say that somehow amazingly
All the Republicans Actually maintain some type of a spine There are three of them that anyway
Wouldn't it be wonderful if a couple of Democrats grew a spine On on this but that's probably not gonna happen either
But let's say it came down to 50 -50. Guess who's guess who's casting the tie -breaking vote?
Kamala Harris and what has she already told us she will do She will force this abomination this violation of every element of God's law this this law that every single one of the founders who created the
Declaration of Independence and then crafted the Constitution would have found to be an abject
Invitation for God to rain fire and brimstone upon this nation
She will vote for it, but we live in the day where as Votie Balcombe said
I think it was last weekend when when he was speaking For him the 11th commandment is thou shalt be nice Now the 11th commandment of Southern Baptists is thou shalt not speak against fellow
Southern Baptists but thou shalt be nice and our culture defines niceness as Going along to get along Well, the fact the matter is the left if you have if you have not recognized that they are on a full -bore
Scorched earth. This is our chance to get rid of this thing called the Constitution and all the opposition and establish one party rule
That will then allow us to hand the keys to the
CCP and They'll come through San Francisco because San Francisco I think is actively inviting them
Just I if if Chinese troop ships showed up off of San Francisco I think they would set off fireworks and welcome them with with with open arms.
I really do I mean, did you see I listened to Al Mohler this morning talked about the
San Francisco school board Removing I was a 42 names 42 schools.
They're gonna rename no more George Washington. No more Abraham Lincoln all Any founders whatsoever gone?
They're even taking What's -her -face the current older I Can see her and the name just escaped me the
California senator the senior. That's what happened to me That woman yes
Right, I know her both both rich and I are doing the old man thing, right? Feinstein yeah
They're even taking her name, you know, are they taking her name off? because 20 some odd years ago
She opposed a gay marriage ordinance or something, even though she's for it now. I mean there is
Zero mercy and forgiveness amongst the woke man I mean you you cannot stay far enough to the left to stay away from the buzzsaw of the social justice movement you're
You're toast. They're gonna take her name off. I wonder what she thinks about that. She sold her soul for decades
To promote leftism in San Francisco, and she's still not far enough to the left.
It's just Wow It gives you an idea where they're going but the point is You have in San Francisco right now a total repudiation of American history total repudiation of American history
We this is a place where people do not want to be Americans any longer and they're not
They're not They are repudiating Everything the entirety of the history wipe it out
So I think they'd invite them all in I really do This is Kamala Harris's state
Okay, that's that's where she's coming from. So you have this
Incredible Immoral revolution Flowing across the land and what it our big
Eva's leaders concerned about being nice in Saying we disagree
Folks the time for saying we disagree is long past If people don't know by how you're living and by how you're proclaiming
The gospel and calling for repentance from an evil nation that you disagree
So They always want to Let us speak clearly and boldly for righteousness, but let's just not do it like the prophets did
Let's not even do it the way Jesus did it Jesus took Jezebel the
Jezebel and I preached on this Sunday night. The reason I preached on Sunday night was not simply to Double down or anything else
I had written the article that appeared on the theology matters blog in response to Danny Akin and Danny Akin's anemic little
Statement we're talking he was responding to the religion news article about again
Jezebel disappointing and uncalled for I Do not agree with POTUS and VP on many issues.
I am so tired of this. I thank you very much for informing us as Christian ministers that you do not agree with the people who are 1 ,000 % committed to the destruction of marriage destruction of human sexuality the destruction of the human being as a whole the destruction of human life in the soul in in the womb
Gender I mean, so thank you for letting us know you don't agree with the anti -christians
We sort of guessed that If that's all you can do then why are you
Why are you bothering as I said in the article don't waste the keystrokes If that's all you can do.
I don't hear these guys Where's where is the sermon from JD Gurt because remember he's the one that says
God whispers about sexual sin Where is his sermon identifying the
Equality Act as an abomination from the pit of hell? Don't tell me he doesn't know what testosterone does to a 13 year old girl's body
Don't tell me he hasn't taken the time to read irreversible damage and Read the descriptions of what happens to a 13 year old's body when you inject her with testosterone for weeks on end
Aside from changing her voice Making her chin broader there are certain female parts that atrophy and May never recover.
Where's the sermons about the moral evil of that? These guys are dads they have daughters, what are you doing man up?
Man up. I don't see him talking about that I don't see them talking about the horrific results that this worldview is gonna have on Men and women especially women it is such an anti -woman worldview.
That's what that's the That's what was behind the original statement. Why would the
Israelites say to their daughters emulate her? Why would any
Christians say their daughters emulate Kamala Harris when Kamala Harris's moral worldview is
Fundamentally opposed to being a woman That's the irony of the whole thing
Where where has the moral clarity? Gone.
Well, I'll tell you where it's gone We now call people to repent but don't tell them what repent of We're scared to and on our side because we know it's gonna cost us and once the
Equality Act passes it will cost us It's costing us right now with the big corporations that are getting rid of everybody you could lose your job
Kick get kicked out of social media not be able to communicate. Who knows. Maybe your bank will stop processing your payments.
That's happening But now when the government gets involved and makes it part of law
Well now now you can be forcing the lesser magistrates the police officers to come along and to enforce proper groupthink a
Groupthink that's exactly opposite to what Jesus taught us Why aren't you people on the front lines fighting this stuff?
You really think they're gonna let you Slide just because you tried to be nice. They're not going to guys
They're not going to you may get to the gulag a little bit slower than the rest of us do but you're still gonna get there and You're gonna get there compromised but let me mention something else
I Realize that some pastors are likely unaware of the history of certain racial stereotypes.
Let me stop you a second Where do we start here? We start with biblical examples
Biblical revelation Now there could be 20 different uses of the
Jezebel character In cultures and histories around the world that I wouldn't know about there could be
Who knows in is somewhere in? Botswana or Zimbabwe or something there could be something over there.
There could be something in Thailand Maybe they did something with Jezebel at some point. I don't know Am I supposed to know this
J .D. Greer? No has J .D. Greer done an exhaustive study of all
Cultural references to Jezebel based upon script the the the distribution of the
Bible around the world. No, he hasn't No, he hasn't and so the the idea
Repeated by numerous people in social media is well, of course, you know You're doing something more here.
You can't really be so focused just upon this idea of The worldview that she but that's not all important.
No that is that is the whole issue and That's what allowed Jesus the risen
King of the church To take the references the reference to Jezebel and apply it to the prophetess in the church of Thyatira That's what made it work.
Is that her sins were so well known The destructiveness of her sins were so well known that Jesus parallels that and saying what he's gonna do to this prophetess in the church
Jesus used as an example Didn't Jesus know what racial stereotypes that might bring up in the future.
He was God. He would know those things, wouldn't he? But he still used it because it was appropriate
Because you're only gonna be judged for what your intention Was in your words in making application in that context
And what I'm gonna say now and I will not apologize for is that the worldview of this current regime and The worldview that will moderate
Kamala Harris in However, it's done in the
United States Senate today She has been put in the position We can have an honest discussion as to how in the world she got there, but we can but she's been put in a position where when a fundamentally destructive rebellious piece of legislation comes before that body and If there is a 50 -50 vote
What will motivate her hand in reaching forward to make the deciding vote and Is the worldview that motivates that hand that has been seen in every vote?
She took in the United States Senate in every action She took as the
Attorney General of the state of California. Yes, good old communist, California What has motivated the movement of that hand is it not the very same worldview that Brought Jezebel to her destruction
That God prophesied would take place If you're gonna make an argument you need to say well, no,
I mean Jezebel Jezebel brought Baal worship into Israel What do you think bowing to the current culture in regards to transgenderism is is that not idolatry?
Of course, it's idolatry She taught Jezebel brought sexual immorality
Yeah You want to talk about gay marriage? Want to talk about homosexuality?
Want to go there? See they won't
I everybody who's done this stuff Todd Harding went after me
Sunday night just Claimed he was watching the sermon, but then completely misrepresented it. So it just gives you an idea of what wokeism does to people but Said it was just bashing government and stuff like that.
The reality is These folks cannot Provide they cannot engage in Actual dialogue on this subject
Danny Akin can't JD Greer can't Todd Harding can't you know? why because it would require them to openly recognize and acknowledge the fundamental parameters of the worldview motivating the
Biden -Harris regime and Once that's on the table
In light of Scripture, it's done It's done It's all over with they can't they can't go there
So we get the the ubiquitous. Well, you know, um, I don't agree Or we we need to we will critique policies.
We will critique Policies. Thank you. Dr. Greer. There are times we will critique policies
But that should not include personal attacks. Oh So if you identify
Kamala Harris's worldview as Containing the same elements of rebellion against God that brought
Jezebel to her destruction and That here you have a woman in position of power
Using her position of power to bring destruction to a people but you just want to critique policies
What would JD have said when the prophecy was given as to what was gonna happen to Jezebel now
Lord Now Lord, that's a little extreme. That's where we are today.
That's where we are today We're actually being told you that's that's sinful
You're engaging in sin to even warn her That there will be judgment coming for what she has done
Part of it is I don't think most these people think honestly believe That government officials are going to be judged for what they do as government officials.
I think that has become so much a part of the thinking of much of evangelicalism that they're that myth of neutrality, it's
I Don't I just don't think they actually believe it. I Don't think they actually believe it.
Oh Looks like the rich cans we got but getting fired up. Hey, you and I are both wearing plaid shirts on the same day
How about that? Is that and we're both doing the same thing. We got yeah that that we didn't plan that We did not no did not so my question is
Why doesn't JD Greer? Why doesn't Danny Aiken? Why don't these men?
consider Where their feet are planted when they stand before God? Exactly.
What kind of judgment comes from them if we look at Romans 1 and we look at the end there's something about the ones who give hearty approval and They he can sit there and say well, we know we disagree here and we disagree there.
I'm sorry Yeah, they Responses. Oh, I don't give approval.
Yeah, I just think that there is a better way to disagree and it's like it's
There are issues of agreement and disagreement and then there are straight
Forward acts of rebellion. Yeah, and that's what we're talking about here. I I read the man's words
I read both their words and I see someone who However, you want to categorize it.
The fact is his feet are standing in the same place hers are there is compromise
Up one side and down the other and he's more spineless than Mitt Romney, frankly in my oh, oh
It's oh ouch, did you see did you see the article that Mitt Romney has an 84 % approval rate
Amongst two Utah Democrats. Yeah, he has a higher approval rating amongst
Utah Democrats and he does Utah Republicans Yeah, so likening anybody to Mitt Romney, I hope you're ready to answer the phone.
That's all fine with it. I'm fine with it Because this this is mealy -mouthed. This is so weasel
This is this is this is the politician who's more than happy to stab the outgoing army
That's being driven out in the back while they're going out because hey, we're welcoming the bad guys
Come on in, you know, and then they get driven out and what? Oh gee, you're you're upset with me.
You're angry Wow, I Do not know
How anyone and I made this comment to someone today, I don't know how anyone tries to balance being political with being in the ministry in a day
When what is needed is a clarion warning to this culture
The road that you are firmly setting your feet upon will lead to destruction
God will not be mocked. You have profaned his ordinance of marriage of profaned his creation ordinance of male and female
You have profaned the sanctity of the womb in which he says he knits us together and God will judge every
Nation that promotes this sinfulness. You must turn from this sinfulness
And I just believe that a large majority of people have bought the lie that Salvation in Jesus just some personal thing between you and God it's you getting your ticket punched and going to heaven this idea of Jesus being
Lord and Defining who man and woman is and how they're to relate to one another and what childbirth is about and everything.
That's all gone That's all gone. I Don't know what these folks are preaching about on a regular level on a regular
Sunday. I really don't oh one more time I think about all the times in the
Old Testament where and the new king comes along and he did great evil in the sight of the Lord and What's going on in the temple?
They're dragging in the asteroth. They're dragging in the bales and we're sitting back going You know,
I don't know necessarily agree with the asteroth and bail But you know, but hey the king said
King said they're here, you know, we can be uh, you know We just double down double down, you know, they might actually help things out.
Who knows? Give him a chance Hey, I wanted to play this because this is
This is really cool. I Don't know how big
I can get this. I really can't. Oh, wait a minute Never mind copy link address go to YouTube Here we go, let's see if we can okay.
All right It's problem Pearson. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on and boom
Now I just want to play this. I wasn't you go that long on that, but I started preaching But it is relevant.
This is from 1967 Now that means
I I I remember watching dragnet I Was for going on five when this initially aired and We know how the media has been used as a mechanism for the destruction of this this nation but this was
This was a long time ago And I just want to play it just to remind us of where we once were and where we've gone.
Did you see this? Okay Okay, here we go. What's your biggest problem
Pearson all of them narcotics grand theft auto drinking shoplifting. We got them all It's not just a problem of law enforcement.
It's a community problem. Trouble is there's no community captain These people come piling in here from everywhere.
They don't know each other and don't want to They come out here make a down payment on the house and move in with a couple of kids
That doesn't mean they made a home no more than giving a name to a place makes it a community Yeah, and you get a little weary of hearing every kid give you the same excuse when you tag him
You don't understand. I just want to belong. That's why I did it belong to what what it boils down to is the new morality
Doesn't it a whole new sense of values the kids see it on television and magazines Even hear it from the pulpit.
God is dead drug addiction is mind expanding Promiscuity is glamorous. Even homosexuality is praiseworthy.
Are you gonna fight that it ain't easy? But you got to remember that the vast majority of the juveniles you're handling are the kids next door.
They're not hardcore criminals It's just that for them. It's a great deal more important to be accepted by the other kids than to please their parents
Maybe if you put a couple of men on the lecture circuit talk to the schools the PTAs I got a hundred and four schools captain.
I got ten men. You got twelve now Oh 1967 man
That was a great show. I mean Just the facts ma 'am. Just the facts.
That's right. That's right. That's that's a that's a very good Yeah, just the facts ma 'am.
Just the facts You couldn't get away with that today and and of course no one no one tries to get away with that but Alright next
I've got This and No, goodness,
I'm not sure how long this is all gonna go today And we started late Phil Vischer, of course a
VeggieTales fame is as woke as you can get I mean, I guess the reason that people
Keep making reference to him and things like that It was because of VeggieTales, but look the guys got two left wings
He's as he's as woke as they come and it's like he's not saying anything that all the other woke people aren't saying
So I'm not sure why he gets quite as much attention as he does But he he had
Jamar Tisby on and of course, we've watched the trajectory of Jamar Tisby over a number of years now
Moving farther and farther and farther to the left and now he's into the if The anti -racism stuff.
And so what you need to understand is this is another abusive language He's literally gonna say that you are either promoting racism or you're fighting racism
There is no middle ground. And of course the definition of racism is the new definition not the biblical definition of racism not treating someone unjustly on the basis of hatred
And thinking that you're better because of your skin color. No, no, no No, and as you listen to this conversation, what
I want to point out to you is how America centric it is It is meaningless in Canada.
It's meaningless in Mexico. It's meaningless in Saudi Arabia It's meaningless in Zimbabwe.
It's meaningless in Russia. It's super meaningless in in in China It's all us and our history and how our history is
There is no past what happened the past is as much a reality today there can be no progress there can be nothing today is as bad as 1859 it's it's just as bad
But it's only about certain groups so I've pointed out.
I don't know if you saw the horrific video It was just and I've realized found out later on it was just security cam video
I I was thinking someone was recording this and they were probably that meant it was a setup it wasn't it was security cam video of a black man a black 19 year old man attacking and knocking to the ground an 84 year old
Man from Thailand and killing him he died and There is a tremendous amount evidently in that and this is in San Francisco.
There's a tremendous amount of of Anti -asian black racism There's a tremendous amount of black racism.
I mean, I mean, there's just a huge amount of black racism And that's exactly what you would expect from a biblical perspective.
Why? Because you're telling a community for years on end that you can't commit a certain sin
That's the best way to produce a sin. I've ever thought of Tell a whole group of people you can't be this sin.
That's gonna make sure that You're probably gonna get a lot of that sin amongst those people
It's absurd. It's evil But it is the the standard orthodoxy today and it's part and partial of the woke message so you will get a
Now what's interesting is Phil Vischer will in a snarky way push back with objections
Which shows they know exactly what the issues are They won't deal with the actual presentation of meaningful arguments about it
But they know what the issues are so I want you to hear a
Little bit of use of religious language at the beginning and then filling that religious language with completely political social justice
Neo -marxism after that Rather than well, you know here we have this biblical example here or actually, you know, we need to be careful not to Just use
American examples here But you know social justice in the Philippines looks different than social justice in China Which looks different, you know that kind of stuff
You don't get that It's all you know We're gonna do the equality and equity thing solely on the basis of the black experience in the
United States Not the Chinese experience in United States. Not the Irish experience in it. Not the Italian experience. No, no other group
That doesn't matter. They don't they don't fit the narrative Because all sorts of other groups have been disadvantaged over time.
Well, they were never enslaved. I would say that the Chinese were I Would say that the that the working conditions of Chinese workers in the western part of the
United States at a later time closer to our time
Were worse than many situations under slavery Decades down down the way so if you applied this thinking
There should be reparations for Chinese Americans. The problem is Asians are actually being discriminated against because of this narrative in Jobs and education because they do so well because they don't allow what happened back then to determine where they are now
So so here's Jamar Tisby With Phil Vischer, let's let's listen to what they had to say
We're fighting for racial justice That's kind of a controversial term because different people define it differently
How do you define it just so we know when we're going in to the book? Yeah, so it means
Giving people what they are due and in the case of racial justice number one
It's shaped biblically by the doctrine of the image of God and and and what
God says we are due As human beings it speaks to the the grand and simple.
Can I just point out that even in Jesus's own parables? He said that a an employer has the right to Bring workers in at different times and yet pay them all the same
Was that equality and equity He his parables talk about Kings and the rights of Kings to engage in war to execute people to punish servants
Who do not? Perform in the way they knew they should in front of a king
These are all things that Jesus said and obviously we have to take those parables and then make application
Globally, not just in the United States if we make application in the United States based upon a particular enforced reading of our own history and then
Export that outside the United States. The result has been disastrous and It's damaging to the cause of the gospel
Just I didn't mention that in light of what was what it would have said what we're due Due on what basis
Well as human beings Okay Does that mean that you are owed?
the same position as someone else What's gonna happen here is he's he's going to argue that because of what happened 160 years ago or even 60 years ago that Black Americans should be given advantages over white
Americans today to allow them to catch up in the race That's gonna be the that's you know, the affirmative action stuff and reparations and all the rest of them
And we see once you cross the border into Canada, that's no longer relevant once you go across the border in Mexico That's no longer relevant
Totally different situations and so this is just in America But they don't leave it just in America.
That's that's the problem with that So that's that's the difference between equality and equity as it's going to be defined here.
Okay, so But oh so difficult to live out principle loving one's neighbor as oneself
And it speaks to the idea of loving your neighbor as yourself has absolutely positively nothing to do
With the color of his skin and in the church, it has nothing to do with who his ancestors
Has nothing to do with who his ancestors were
Whatsoever if I have I was talking with a couple that's just joining our church
Sunday night a black brother and But but not a black wife not a white wife
Brown let's go. Let's go that direction. Okay, if Either one of them experienced prejudice in employment
Housing anything like that. I would want us to do everything we could to have that Inequality addressed in terms of justice
Justice needs to be done doesn't matter what color the skin is and if they are if they if they encounter racists
Then those racists need to be rebuked but the same thing is true whether we're talking about Asians How about whether we're talking about Russians Oh Yeah, Russians should should
Russians be Discriminated against because they're
Russian. Well, they are white You see any type of injustice needs to be addressed in a just fashion and when you demand a particular reading of history and Ignore the sufferings the
Chinese had Ignore the sufferings the Irish had my own ancestors.
I've shown you pictures on this program my progenitors came here in abject
Poverty should I demand? that I Receive the fruits of the labors of other people whose ancestors came with riches
Because my ancestors were dirt poor That's what we're getting that's that's what you're getting here
That's that's what you're gonna hear particularly in its racial dimensions that black people and people of color have not been given are
Are due in terms of equity in terms of distribution of resources in terms of opportunity and it speaks to The idea that we let me ask a question.
Are there any black Americans? Who were given their quote -unquote do
Were there have there ever been any rich black Americans, are there any rich black Americans today?
Are there rich black Americans who inherited their wealth? Are there rich black
Americans who for example have received riches from less than Beneficial sources
Do we just overlook that What about white Americans who have been put in difficult positions for holding to positions of morality when they could have
Gone another direction and been benefited. You see that's that's the insanity of using race ethnicity as the standard and Saying all blacks are in one group.
All whites are another group. All Asians are another group. All Hispanics are in another group That's just absurdity.
It's absurdity on its face and Yet that's that's what we're facing.
That's what we're facing To be intentional and be actively working to ensure equity and justice
We can't simply I say this in the book You are either actively working against racism or you are supporting racism
Whether actively or passively now, how would a Christian? Oppose racism by Living justly in light of God's law
Not by being a neo -marxist Not by demanding that someone give their money which
God says is for their children and their grandchildren to you Not through income redistribution not through rejecting the fact that God blesses some and not others none of that Biblically, but see this is biblical.
You don't get the biblical argument. Like I said, you get the language, but you don't get the debate Because this stuff is based upon Identity politics critical theory all that kind of it's not it's not based
This is not flowing from the text of Scripture. This is coming from out here and then you
Form the text of Scripture and you make sure to make reference to it, but it's not flowing from the text of Scripture at all
There's no in -between you're supporting it. That feels offensive to me. Yeah.
Well So remember anti -racism, you know Kendi and all the other stuff. That's very very very popular.
These guys are bringing this into the church and The thing is anti -racism is actually racism
The the language is under assault and So if you for example say well,
I I don't I don't look at a person's skin color to judge them I Actually, you know sort of fulfilled the dream of Martin Luther.
Oh, no. No, no, no. No, you can't do that remember when I was just viciously attacked for daring to say that back in How long ago it was but especially since 2018 viciously attacked for that So anti -racism is actually the promotion of racism and So you're you're put into a sort of Kafka esque trap here is
You're either a racist or an anti -racist, but being anti -racist is actually biblically to be a racist
So you got no place to go You know So it's sort of like what I said this morning when
I retweeted that video of that guy who killed the 84 year old Just out of hatred just out of evil
I Said so I'm a racist for breathing But this guy isn't a racist when he commits first -degree murder just because of his skin color a
Society that will actually accept that is a society. That's that's laying on its deathbed gasping its last gasps
Sorry I'm not being I'm not racist Jamar Just by not being anti -racist.
Okay, so that's that's sort of a negation a way of thinking about it in negative terms, but what are you positively doing to Support racial justice is the question.
I Have a black friend. I Yes, you you're absolutely right
His name is Jamar. You're you're what I'm doing. Okay, right right done. Am I good? Are we good?
Well number one, why is it just one would they say the same thing about you? are you assuming a closeness in the relationship that they wouldn't have and then number two beyond the
Perhaps benefit of your one black friend What are you doing for the masses of people who
Howard Thurman says have their backs against the wall? The disinherited the dispossessed because we are affected by racism not just individually or singly but as a group
So, how are we? How are we looking at this in a more broad based way? Okay, so it's not enough to have a black friend.
I need to back up and look at the big picture Darn it. That's homework Jamar. Okay, but if someone could write a book that would help me that would be absolutely fantastic Why do you use the word equity instead of equality?
We want everyone to be equal, right? Right, right, right Well, it's a common misunderstanding
So equality people think basically means treating everyone the same way the problem is after hundreds and hundreds of years of Inequality and oppression it's not enough to treat people the same way
It's as if you're running a race and someone has a hundred yard head start The other person has been chained and can't move you finally unlock the chain and say catch up That's equality.
We can both run Equity is saying no we need to do things to make sure
I catch up to where you are because you have that head start Illegally and unjustly and in order to to move toward that direction of equality
We can't actually treat everyone the same because we were not historically treated the same way
And so we have to do so hearing this you see that see what the the end result of all this is the argument today that you have to Privilege people because of what happened
Generations before they came along rather than Doing what
Thomas Sowell has pointed out is the only logical thing and that is to recognize in reality the black family was doing pretty good and What happened
Well, you've you've got this and they're gonna talk about here. They even know this they know these things They know that the breakup of the black family and you it doesn't matter
What group you put this into? The presence of the father and the mother in the stable family unit
Determines how far you're gonna go in life not your color That's true
Outside the United States, which means all you're going back to history is a lie
It will not accomplish anything if you apply if you did Everything that Jamar Tisby and the social justices are saying it won't stop
Chicago It won't the violence won't end so so you are wasting our time and You're wasting billions of dollars dividing the nation up With answers that don't accomplish anything the reality of where the origin of these things is is found in the breakup of the family
Look at what caused that Look to the people who continue to promote that to this day in the black community.
There's your problem Because you see It's the same thing
North of the border. It's the same thing over in the UK. It's the same thing wherever you want to go
It's called human nature because we're made in the image of God You already said that but then you're denying it by the way you argue particular things
Proactive things affirmative things to make sure that everyone has an equality of opportunity
But what do you say to someone who responds to that and says well You just want all the outcomes to be identical and the outcomes are never all identical in life
Jamar, yeah, I would say but then notice they are assuming the existence of white privilege again
It's all the American type stuff. Now. They're talking about what what soul himself has said
Repeatedly on this issue and that is you you you will never have Equality of outcome and yet what are the arguments all about?
The arguments are based on equality of outcome. We have to do everything we can to create equality of outcome and if any one group
Outperforms another Asian Americans outperform white Americans Educationally and in business
So what they're saying is well you should do something To dis privilege
Asian American privilege Might it be that there is within the
Asian American community an emphasis upon family and Tradition and respect that has something to do with this
That you have a more stable family unit there. Yeah has everything to do with it
I can't be enough. No And it can't be enough only in a system where you're trying to fundamentally undo
The way America once existed, that's that's why that's why all this is happening. That's that's
Where it goes. Where did you get that? When did I say that? I would you want us both to be running side by side
Through the race and to not have one person finish ahead or behind even if they're faster or slower
That's what you want. Is that what you want? I want an acknowledgment that People have been deliberately disadvantaged.
Okay. No, wait, what's that gonna accomplish? Will you acknowledge
That my ancestors were deliberately disadvantaged. Yes or no You're a historian sir.
You know, they were There's there is a very good chance that Jamar Tisby's Immediate preceding family members were in far better economic conditions than mine were.
So what's that supposed to mean? What what is this acknowledgment supposed to do? What what is the consistent stance of penance supposed to accomplish?
And If we could just draw this into the Christian faith for a moment once again
Scythian test failure Ding ding ding ding. We need to come up with a graphic that you can you can have you can play on the computer and It'll just flash over me
Scythian test failure This attitude would have destroyed the
Apostolic Church if the Apostles had allowed the filvishers of the world and the
Jamar Tisby's of the world to drag all this stuff into the church just think of all of the ethnic divisions that are represented in the
Church at Colossae and the Church at Ephesus and the Church at Rome and If they had been having to do all this
Constant penance to one another they never would have gone to the table together It's all dealt with at the cross
It's done. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
We've we've got it. We've got to keep pushing have to do something about that I want an explanation for the racial wealth gap why it's not only large
But still growing is your response to that that black people are just lazy
Haven't been able to do anything with the opportunities. They've been given just want to govern as well
It was the welfare that broke Everything do you know how many people have had tell me that see see see they'll they know
They know where the real issue is. They know it's in the family They know that because they have a
Christian background, but they suppress it under this socialist
Marxist Idea that they then promote and smile about I just Obviously even when
I first started listening to Jamar Tisby years ago You see the trajectory you see where it's going
But you just hope You know, it's sort of like looking at the world right now. I Look at what's going on and I just hope
That it's not it's not gonna continue going there. Go ahead and take that down because I've I'm only halfway through my list
I'm only halfway through my list. I'm a terrible terrible man Just going way too slowly.
Sorry I Did want to just quickly mention Good old
Anthony Bradley is back Dr. Anthony Bradley. I just wanted to read a tweet from dr.
Bradley Now, let me let me say I looked at The tweet he was responding to and I would not have argued the way guy is a 1689 er and And There might be some validity in his pushback and saying look just because I put
God at that point doesn't Make a priority. So, okay. I'll take that. That's not explanation for what you're gonna read here 1689 errs are fundamentalists and usually poor thinkers
Numbering items isn't assigning value. Is this how 1689 errs read the Ten Commandments? It might explain why bearing false witness seems irrelevant to them
Whenever I get weird replies, my first thought must be a 1689 er, do you think?
Do you think there might be a tad bit of? prejudice in Dr.
Bradley's mind toward Reform Baptist. I I just get that feeling because this isn't the first time he has gone off on a rant like this
It's sad It just really is sad and I am so thankful That I have good
Presbyterian brothers that I can argue with that don't reason like this But it does say something about dr.
Bradley that this is a regular element of his rhetoric. It's It's sad.
It really really is now Let me mention
Okay. Oh, I did want to mention this close a couple other things here I'm just I would
I'd like to pick on Gabriel Hughes for a second Because Gabriel Hughes and I both responded to the same
Absurd tweet by a guy named Rob Gill. I guess Rob Gill Rob Gill responded To a statement made on the subject of abortion and And Rob Gill said abortion is health care and no amount of religious yelling will ever change that Now this is by the way, this is the light -hearted part.
So don't think I'm actually picking on Gabriel here Gabriel's response
Was abortion is murder exactly the opposite of health care. Now, that's true that's but Gabe, that's just This you got to up your
Twitter game Because this is this was my response and we didn't I hadn't seen his before I wrote mine
Here's my response Abortion is health care in the same world where aerial carpet bombing is building improvement now rich laughed
Because he got it now which one you're gonna remember You're gonna remember the aerial carpet bombing is home improvement, right?
So Gabriel you got you got to pick up your Twitter game, dude, you know if you're You spoke the truth we'll give you it will give you 50 % on that but you just You gotta yeah
It's gotta do that just want to take shot out there. Make sure he knew I was watching I'll watch
Twitter here to see Anything anything pops up like oh, no, I'm getting picked on the dividing line cuz
I you know, all right, okay One last thing here. Why do I have that in my ear?
I don't know I get tired of having that mate in my ear. I said
I would get to the our King James fellow I've still got it queued up. We'll get to it. We'll get to it. I want to just spend a few more minutes
You know for years for decades rich will tell you for decades I Have Avoided as best
I possibly can the discussion of eschatology
For one simple reason I Learned a long time ago, and I don't know why
I remember this one night so well But I remember and this was so long ago
That rich it was me and Mike That went to a Baptist Church over in Peoria I think maybe downtown glen.
You know, it's downtown Glendale. That's how long ago. I think may have been before you came along and I Was gonna give a presentation on Mormonism, but we're sitting there at the beginning of the service and There was something in the pew and I remember taking it out and reading it
There's something about like a statement of faith type thing and man it was straight -up
Premillennial Pre Trib Rapture Only I mean that was that was literally the central aspect of the statement of faith
Was premill pre Trib. We also happen to be Trinitarian. Yes.
It's a sir like ah So I was I just remember that and going
Wow, you know That that's that's imbalanced, you know the
Trinity There's a lot of other stuff a lot more important than you know you've got two paragraphs on that and then five paragraphs on on your very specific eschatological perspective and so It's not an issue
That I've ever done a debate on and I just can't see that happening at all but Even as I Developed in that area.
I just always had in the back of my mind Man, it just seems that people hold their viewpoints here
Not because they've fairly listened to any other viewpoint, but because this is just the best
Combat kickboxing theological area you could ever find. Do you remember did you
I'm not don't remember if you heard But when Steven Anderson was here, you're obviously involved in typing to someone right now and I'll wait till you're
You're taking notes. Oh, you're putting in the stuff on the on the thing He's sitting there typing when
I'm trying to talk to him, you know, I'm trying to get him involved here But remember Steven Anderson came over Was it before or after the interview he was staying behind my desk and He went off on I think it was
GIP But it had to do with Whether you're pre mid or post because he's not pre isn't he mid.
I think I think back then he may have been mid -trib Now the vast majority of Christians down through history
Because all that stuff developed in 1800s The vast majority of Christians down through history would not have had a clue
What any of that was about? But any of that was about but for a lot of folks man, that is
There are churches That you could walk into that You could not
Slide a piece of paper between them They are so identical in their hymns in their preaching in everything that will not have
Anything to do with the other one because of a Slight difference.
It's not slight to them. I realize that but a slight difference in an eschatological conclusion, so I know
I've listened to Pre tribbers identify mid tribbers as heretics who are going to hell
Sir pre -millennial but pre -trib Mid -trib and they turn it into a gospel issue and those people are going to hell.
I've seen that for for so long that it's just Especially at times like these where we've got big issues
That it just seems like a real waste of time to be fighting about stuff like that, but at the same time
Especially right now I'm sitting back going. How shall we then live?
Great title someone should come up with a video series by that title. How how shall we then
Linda? How then shall we live? Obviously talking about Schaefer we are having we are every single one of us.
I don't care whether you're a Christian leader We all have to making decisions About how we are going to live our lives in the future.
We will not be given the option of simply
Muddling along in the same old ways we have in the past The church is going to be changing how you worships could be changing how we're meetings going to be changing everything is changing and I believe you me
Rich will tell you I hate that I Like sameness
I I've I've mentioned it before I'll go ahead and confess it now and for the whole world
Starting from the time I could drive once I got my license right before Christmas break of 19 1978
I had a beat -up old 72 Buick LeSabre had already been in an accident. We had gotten it all repaired we called the brown bomb and Rich remembers the brown bomb because I gave the brown bomb to a friend of Rich.
I don't know whatever happened to the brown bomb, but Do you know what ever happened to brown bomb? The heater would never turn off Well, that's that would help with the with the engine temperature
Sort of that just added to the to the to the cooling of the radiator. I know
I know I know No, no, no, that was 350. No, no, no.
No, that was 350, but that was a good 350 It up. It only got about nine miles of the gallon.
But hey anyway Soon as I had a car I would leave campus because I could describe to you
The burritos that we had in the cafeteria at Independence High School But I don't want to because you might be eating
Or bad really bad and so I started
Leaving the campus and For the rest of my sophomore year my junior year my senior year five days a week during the school year
I drove to the McDonald's at 67th Avenue and Bethany Home Road, and I got the same thing for two and a half years
Quarter pound of cheese ketchup mustard mustard only fries and a medium coke easy ice They would have it waiting for me.
I Mean they knew I was coming. So I like sameness the same
Okay Once in a while, I'd have a large fry Rather than a medium fry.
Whoa a little bit of change there a little Spice things up a bit. Maybe a large coke instead of a medium coke
Yeah sameness and on Saturdays my dad will tell you He'd bring me the same thing when
I was working at the radio station. So I Would go six days the same thing for lunch and it wouldn't it would not bother me in the least.
I like sameness I'm not gonna get to have sameness in the future and neither are you our world is changing?
There's quote -unquote new normal. There's not going to be a normal our world has changed right in front of us and not for the better and It's gonna keep changing.
So what am I called to do as a Christian? What is the church called to do?
I'm a pastor of a church And so I have to be in dialogue with my fellow elders with the
Deacons and We have to be making very important decisions as to What is most important to the church?
Obviously we believe the meeting of the church proclamation of the word the supper baptism
Very very important. We also believe very clearly in our church Children are to be raised in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord and to be protected From the influences of ungodly men and women
So Vast majority of our children are homeschooled some are in Christian schools. That's part of the commitment
They're there with us in the service, but how do you fulfill that and why is
Investing your Very wealth and energy and time in finding ways to communicate the faith
Far into the future to be a benefit to your children's grandchildren
Is that a waste of time is that a waste of time?
Those are questions that have eschatological implications and it's no longer
You know Five years ago that post mill was a hashtag
That was really cool. So like having a beard and smoking a stogie real cool
The future is not going to have cool in it Not that kind of cool and so I don't know if you saw this because you didn't mention it to me
You didn't say anything about it but Guy named Ed dingus.
Did you see it did a webcast about James White's dance with post -millennialism
Which made me laugh immediately because I have danced exactly once in my entire life and my daughter's wedding so Obviously doesn't know me very well but it was a webcast so I Didn't I hadn't taken the time to listen to it but Jeff told me about it and he said
I want to respond especially to what he said about Noah Then I saw on Facebook Gary DeMar said mentioned it and said
I Feel a blog post coming Well, Gary posted his blog post
I think this morning maybe last evening Where he all he did was he interacted with what dingus had said which basically was post -millennialists never deal with what
Noah said about the last days and So one of the things that I've learned as I'm studying
Eschatology, but I'm not studying. I'm not studying eschatology the way I would have five years ago
And I think that's a good thing Because I'll be honest with you every time in the past I've decided
I really need to dig into this and there's a bunch of books. I've got and that that that that that that I Just could not get my heart into it
My heart's into it now why? Because it has to be because I'm having to think about how to prioritize all of life in light of the possibility of the loss of the freedoms that made
Eschatology a side issue in the past But is now making it central
To the serious decision as to how the church is to continue
In light of what's going on globally today. And so there's there's a part of me that's going
I Wonder if this is why I've just never because there have been some times
I'm like, you know I really feel like that's a weak area. I need to Need to delve into it. I just couldn't
Because it was still it's just that area over there Now I'm asking myself the question
What do I communicate to my grandchildren to prepare them to suffer for Christ I've baptized two of my granddaughters so when
I use the phrase suffer for Christ, I Know what that means.
Let's remember a few weeks ago. I Talked about that article about the
Uyghur woman and what she suffered under Chinese Torture really for two years and I'm thinking
How would I respond? How would my children respond? How would my grandchildren?
Respond what? Would give them the foundation to survive in that situation
With the world coming at them denying everything they believe Telling them that everything that they've been taught is complete mythology.
It's all been disproven What do I do and should
I even be bothering is that what Christian faithfulness looks like right now and so when
I responded to Pastor MacArthur I Did so with great respect
But I've already seen this is not an area you can talk about with the vast majority of Christian people
They will not listen to what you're saying unless you agree with them They just won't one things
I appreciate about our C is he had held all the different views at some point in his life and so One thing
I'm discovering For certain is As I read there are
When it comes to eschatology, there is a tendency to only want the echo chamber and to only read within What you think is your group so the representations of other positions are normally highly fallacious and My understanding is dingus said that that's what
I did and the only thing I can think of because I wasn't even defining other positions Was the only definition I did give which
I gave in the blog article and on the program was in regards to an escapist versus an endurance perspective and what
I pointed out was That's not totally defined by your eschatological position.
So Most Premillennialists Would say that before anything like what we can see coming on the horizon would actually come we're out of here
That's what they're saying Amillennialists and amillennialism whether they want to admit it or not is a subcategory of postmillennialism because both believe that Christ returns after a millennium
They just the difference between amillennialists and postmillennialists is on the nature of the millennium the difference between postmillennialists and Premillennialists is on the timing of the coming of Christ in relationship in the millennium.
That's why it gets really confusing Not only do you have optimistic on millennialism and pessimistic on millennialism and difference amongst postmillennialism
And of course the premillennialists are tossing each other in hell over pre -trib mid -trib post -trib and historical premillennialism versus dispensational premillennialism
And you can you can understand why most Christians just go, you know, I'm gonna go
With what I got when I first got became a Christian and I'm not gonna worry about anything else. Okay, I get it
That was an option up till about now But now we gotta think it through Because it does determine what where you're gonna put your emphasis where you're gonna put your your time your money your life so My conclusion
I haven't come to a conclusion but my conclusion is that there's a lot of misrepresentation and A lot of people who hold to certain positions very firmly have never read anything from the other perspective
Seriously So I'm sitting here I've read books on premillennialism as a premillennialist.
I've read books on amillennialism as an amillennialist I'm now reading books on postmillennialism and One thing that is very very clear to me is
The amillennialists, there's a group of them that know That they need to deal with postmillennialism, especially over the past 20 years
There was a time at the end of the last century where postmillennialism was just considered dead just not even worry about There are amillennialists
Who will interact with that? but It seems to me that the postmillennialists are the ones reading the other guys stuff
More though. There's more of a focus on amillennialism than there is on premillennialism, but they're reading these other perspectives and Interacting with these perspectives.
They really are But one thing absolutely certain is
There is a real tendency to misrepresentation and strawmanning
Rather than dealing with the best the other side has to offer and that's but that's how life is
I get it But I really do not believe that there is anything misrepresentational at all in Simply pointing out in this situation that we are facing right now whether we are going to endure and feel that we are called to endure and to look toward a future of the church and what it's gonna look like or whether You think that's a waste of time that we just lose down here and it's done.
That is a big issue And I can see amillennialists Who will come to different conclusions on that because it sort of depends on how you flesh stuff out
But here's here's I'm trying
I'm sort of bringing you along in this in this journey one thing that is becoming very clear to me and That means a lot to me is that in light of where we are but in light of What people have said in the past and how their their positions have been enunciated
What is most important? I think we can all
I hope we can all agree. Well, okay, we're not gonna agree. Never mind There's I'm talking about eschatology I would like if we all could agree
That Judging eschatology by current events is dangerous It is a we just can't go there
Because you would have a different eschatology for everything. You'd have a different eschatology Every decade basically, you'd have a different eschatology for every executive order.
It's true We can't do that. We can't go there and I've told you that from a church history perspective.
That's one of the biggest things is that I Know looking at church history
There are times over and over again down to church history that you would have come to a completely different conclusion
You can't do that. And let's be honest I've got in my office a lot of books on eschatology primarily pre -millennial books on eschatology and the
Central focus is current events. What's going on in Israel? What happened in 1948? What's going on with the seven -day war and and that that that I mean you've seen them
You know what? I'm talking about the Hal Lindsey's, right? You I know
I Know I know so that's big that that is an important issue
But here I'm taking too much time. Sorry. Well, let me get get to this the conclusions.
I'm coming to are based Upon over arching biblical promises about the entire purpose of God in creation that Should be where we're coming from the big picture
Not the narrow picture the big picture and right now we're memorizing as part of our catechism study
At church we are memorizing what we call what? Jeff calls
God's favorite Bible verse And you might go that's a really weird statement, but I think
I've mentioned it before God's favorite Bible verse is Psalm 110 1 why
Because it is the most often cited text in the New Testament from the
Old Testament Yahweh says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet
Yahweh will stretch forth your strong scepter from Zion saying rule in the midst of your enemies
Verses 1 & 2 that's from the NASB Rather than the ESV, which
I'm having to read each Sunday, and it's messing up my memorization but This is
Yahweh Speaking to the Messiah This is the fulfillment that is given in the
New Testament Yahweh says to my Lord Well, this is David's Lord. So remember Jesus quotes this it says how can the
Messiah be David's Lord if he's his son? So Jesus even applied this verse to himself.
There's no way around it. All right So it's key. It's as key as Genesis 15 6
But what does it say? Yahweh says to my Lord, here's the promise of the
Father to the Son Sit at my right hand When when did Jesus arrive at the right hand of the
Father at his resurrection? So the assumption is the completion of the redemptive work sit at my right hand until I do what?
Make your enemies a footstool for your feet. Is that what
God's been doing since the Ascension of Jesus to heaven He's making Jesus's enemies a footstool for his feet spent 2 ,000 years
Yahweh Will stretch forth your strong scepter from Zion saying what?
rule in the midst of your enemy Christ is ruling in the midst of his enemies
He is He is how does that flesh out?
well 1st Corinthians chapter 15 1st
Corinthians chapter 15. I'm not gonna take too much longer, but I want you to see this. I just want you to hear how these overarching themes
Because whatever eschatology you end up landing on it's because you have Said these are the key issues.
These are the key themes and Then you put everything else in order underneath that and we all have to do it
We all have to do it 1st Corinthians 15 20 But now
Christ has been raised from the dead the first fruits of those who are asleep sound a little bit like Psalm 110 verse 2
For since by a man came death by a man also came the resurrection of the dead
For as an Adam all die. So also in Christ all be made alive. Does this does this sound like? overarching broad
Categories on Paul's part here. Mmm. Yeah it is But each in his own order
Christ the first fruits and after those who are Christ said is coming Then comes the end when he hands over the kingdom of the to God the
Father When he has abolished all rule and authority and power So when does this happen?
When he has abolished all rule and authority and power Now, how's he doing that you see certain eschatological perspectives see that all happening boom
Armageddon boom instant expression of divine power to destroy enemies
Then why have we been waiting around for 2 ,000 years is Christ is not the promise of God the
Father to the Son that he will put his enemies the footstool under his feet Isn't that what's been happening all along for 2 ,000 years?
well, yes, but only Spiritually when people come to know Jesus why I agree that is a part of it
There's no question about that But is that is that all that rule amongst your enemies means what's how does enemies work?
Because see if Christ's rulership in his kingdom is only spiritual and thence in the church
Then was it mean to rule amongst your enemies for he must reign
Until he has put all his enemies under his feet ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding song 110 the last enemy that will be abolished and That's an interesting
To be made of no effect Destroyed to be made idle the last enemy that will be
Abolished is death. So all the other enemies to Christ Will be abolished and made empty before that So if you're if your conclusion is that's all just gonna happen boom
Okay But we've already seen God doing that Down through history so if that's his intention to continue doing that and he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet and the last enemy that will be abolished is death and It's been a process
In building the church Then that has a lot to do with how we should be looking toward the future today that's
That's the conclusion I'm coming to and these are Big these are big picture considerations.
They're not anything to do about 1948 Right. They don't have anything to do with how many nations are in the
United Nations they have everything to do with what is God's overarching purpose and Continuing to have the body of Christ on earth after Jesus has ascended to the presence of the
Father That's big -picture stuff. That's big -picture stuff.
So If It is God's purpose that he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet then my calling as a
Christian minister is To pass the faith on in such a way that the enemies of Christ Will be put under his lordship under his feet that does not mean
That it has to be better next year than it is this year. And that's what I'm thinking about right now That's that's where a lot of my thinking is right now.
And I want to have some conversations with some with some folks Because everybody will say well look this progression is not a straight line progression
There have been ups and downs through the history of the church There have been some really dark times during the history of the church, but I'm just gonna share with you what
I'm thinking Okay, I know I've gone a little long but rolls like it in here's what
I'm thinking by what means Will the newest enemy to Christ Be placed under his feet and what's the newest enemy to Christ?
What is the greatest means of denying the lordship of Christ Amongst humanity today globally.
Is it not the madness of secularism that has been released amongst the children of Darwin?
You see up till this time period Rome's gods have been subjected polytheism, yeah
But now what's the greatest challenge that I can see historically?
To the lordship of Christ is to deny there is any
God at all not just atheism as Atheism But atheism as a worldview based upon the secular worldview naturalism
Scientism as it exists today and what might be one way
Spectacular way To absolutely drive From the minds of the sons of men any inkling of ever going down this dark path again
Except a descent Into the deepest darkness as a result of it. I don't want to go there
What I'm saying is if it happens It doesn't change the reality of the empty tomb and the purposes of God.
That's what I'm thinking about. Yes, sir and To dovetail in with that circling back to the very beginning of the show are we allowed to Identify the self -proclaimed enemies of God Isn't that what the whole
JD Greer conflict is all about? He's upset Danny's upset
These guys are all upset because we're over here Identifying the enemies of God not because of their their sex or their skin tone or any of that We're looking at the things that they're declaring to be good.
And what are they declaring to be good the woe to Them who call good evil and evil good
It's true if Somebody wants to take a good hard look at one of the big questions
We've received so many for so many years in dealing with Mormonism. What was the blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit? Hmm, your heart is so hard that you can look at the deeds of the devil and call him good
Right, you can look at the deeds and the miracles of the Son of God and say he does it by the
Prince of Beelzebub That's how we explained it. Let me let me explain that in case anyone's missing what we're saying
The I had a professor wonderful man in Bible College, dr.
DC Martin and He had a special question on his tests in New Testament and The question was why is the unpardonable sin unpardonable and there is only one answer and you could you could have passed his test on This there's only one answer he would accept on that test
Because it's impartable Now you might say that's not an answer But if you gave the answer, it's because you understood what he had said in class and that was his emphasis was upon the fact that since this is against the
Holy Spirit of God and The Spirit of God is the mechanism by which repentance is brought to any individual
DC was a little more reformed. I think people give him credit for Since it is against the
Spirit who brings repentance Then you are pushing away the very one who would bring repentance.
Anyways, and that's what makes it Unpardonable. So that was what that was all about and what he was saying was
When you have so much light and You sin against that light that's where the great danger lies and And We have plenty of light as to what there is no question as to what mankind is as to what women are what men are their relationship in Scripture and so to have the kind of revolution going on right now and We are not absolutely crystal clear
This is not something to whisper about This is something to be very bold about because the judgment that will come upon it
Will be a tremendous judgment. There is no two ways about it. Well, anyways, I have now gone way
Way beyond the time period that I was supposed to go I apologize and I still didn't get the King James stuff But that's okay.
We will get to it I Hope that final discussion
Was at least thought -provoking For many of you because it's certainly provoking a lot of thought for me right now
So we'll talk more about that in the future Thanks for listening to the program today again, who knows if it will be our last program
Because I said plenty today That would that as I've said more things today than other people said that have gotten them removed.
So There you go. Always save always download Always look to ailment org if we do disappear