Progs in the SBC Are Not Acting in Good Faith (Stop Acting Like They Are)

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Oh man, I have to be honest, my heart is full. It is full.
If you haven't logged into Twitter in a while, maybe you haven't, you haven't, you got rid of your
Twitter, whatever, just take a quick gander over at the usual suspects' feeds. It is heartwarming what's been going on.
I mean, there's so much fear, and you know what the Bible says when justice is done. It's the wicked that tremble in fear.
We've got Kyle Howard here declaring that he doesn't want any relationship with a white person who says that their prayers were answered for Roe versus Wade, because God didn't have anything to do with it.
By the way, this is not just Kyle Howard. Dante Stewart also thinks it makes him sick to his stomach that Christians are celebrating and believe that God helped them in this fight.
That makes Dante Stewart sick. This guy's an ex -Gospel Coalition guy. I think they got rid of him because he's a little too crazy.
A total demon. I mean, both of these guys are absolute demons. And just, you know, the usual suspects saying, oh, now, you know, we've got to do womb to tomb.
And it's like, guys, this is not a negotiation. Like, we're not trading, you know, okay, we'll get Roe versus Wade and you get socialism.
Like, it's an even Stevens trade. No, we're not negotiating. We're taking the whole store. That's the thing. It's gonna be a theocracy.
I saw Andrew Walker, you know, trying to calm people down. You're not in a theocracy, I promise, I promise.
And Andrew T. Walker's right, but we're going to be a theocracy. That's right.
That's the goal. It's gonna be Christ is the King of Kings. Christ is the Lord of Lords. We honor Christ in our constitution, in our government, in every facet of life.
We're under Christ. We're a deacon, a servant of God when we're in the civil governing authority and everything will be subjected to Jesus Christ.
It's just that simple. And it'll be his justice and his law that goes forth. And that's what's coming.
So prepare. It's only a matter of time, my friends. It's only a matter of time.
But that's actually not what I really wanted to talk about today. I want to use this as kind of a jumping off point because there's a lot of demons revealing themselves today and it's really good.
I'm so happy to see it. It's good to know where the demons are manifesting themselves and who to watch out for and stuff like that.
There's just, it's just, it's very, very helpful to have. But what I did want to talk about today is,
I promised I was gonna do an episode on, if you're planning on staying in the SBC, which
I don't think is the right move, but if you are planning on staying in the SBC, the things you can do to maybe help turn the tide, right?
And I'm still planning on doing that episode at some point. But the most important thing that you need to realize if you're going to stay in the
SBC is that your opponents on the other side, the leadership of the progressives and the liberals and stuff like that, they're not good faith actors.
And as long as you guys are laboring under the delusion that they're operating in good faith, they just honestly believe differently and they're good people, they've got morality, they've got scruples, if that's you, you're still thinking that these people have scruples.
You're going to get your teeth kicked in every time. Guys, they lie to you all the time.
They use underhanded tactics all the time and they pretend that they're not using it.
It's one thing to use tactics and be open about it, but they pretend like, and if you call them on it, they call you crazy, they call you a liar.
And the thing is, they lie to you all the time. You can't negotiate with someone if you don't know that they're constantly lying to you.
They're constantly hiding things from you. They're not forthright with what they believe.
And if you're still kind of trying to fight in the SBC, but you think that they actually are being forthright, they actually are being straight up with you and they're gonna operate the way you operate, you're going to get your teeth kicked in again and again and again.
These people are bad faith actors. These people are not operating with the same moral framework that you are.
These people are evil. They're evil and they're evil to the core. They'll do anything to hold onto power.
They'll do anything to make sure you don't have any power. They'll do anything to make sure their pet sins get promoted and they can gather whatever it is, resource, influence, whatever it is, that's what they're seeking.
And it's evil, guys. You have to understand your opponents in this fight, so many of them are pure evil.
Guys, when this Guideposts report came out, I saw so many people on the more
Me Too side of this, Jared Wilson, Den Hollander, and just so many of these other kind of, these church ladies of different genders.
Guys, they think that you are pro -abuse. That's what they think of you. They think you are pro -abuse if you say, you know,
I don't know if we should have hired Guideposts. I don't know about some of their recommendations because, first of all,
I don't think that they've maybe did the report correctly or also they don't quite understand church polity and also they don't understand
Christian ethics either. They don't understand that. And so the believe all women thing, listen and believe stuff, that actually doesn't comport with what
God says. You don't even accept a report against an elder unless on the evidence of two or more witnesses. That's a biblical standard and it's just as good today as it was yesterday.
So just because Guideposts says it's not good, doesn't, you know, whatever it is. And they think that those are good faith objections and there's other objections too.
I'm not being exhaustive here, but many men have brought good faith objections to the Guideposts report and the recommendations and all of that.
And these people, you know, Jared Wilson, this guy has a squeaky clean reputation. He said,
I didn't have, you know, protecting the church from abusers is liberalism on my bingo card.
Like he thinks you're pro -abuse. You're pro -abuse. They don't think of you the way you think of them.
That's okay, right? Because they don't have scruples. You can't expect Jared Wilson to act honorably about that kind of stuff.
You still need to be honorable, right? Just because Jared's not acting honorably, just because some of these other guys aren't acting honorably, doesn't mean you can't be honorable.
You have to be. But you cannot labor under the delusion that they're going to be straight up with you.
And so many people are operating under that delusion right now. I gotta be honest. I've been surprised by some of the stuff
I've been seeing come out of Founders about how great Bart Barber is and how he's gonna be a great, you know, I supported him back in the day and he's a very honorable man.
I don't see it. I don't see an honorable man based on the public comments that I've seen.
That's not honorable. And the thing is, if you're just saying that, I'm not accusing
Tom Askew of anything, but if you're just saying that kind of stuff to keep up appearances and you really don't think he's an honorable person,
I'm not saying that to you, but if that is some people out there, then stop because now you're not being honorable.
You have to say what you mean. And if you don't wanna say anything, then don't say anything. But the thing is, you have to get rid of this delusion that you're dealing with people that are acting in good faith.
And let me give you another good example. So we've been reviewing the Karen Swallow prior Scott Klusendorf debate on pro -life, right?
And we're 40 minutes into this debate and it's a 50 minute debate. So there's only 10 minutes left, right?
And I haven't seen those 10 minutes, but 40 minutes into this debate, Karen's been asked a number of times and she's had a number of opportunities to be specific about what she meant by womb to tomb, pro all life, pro whole life.
And every time she's ducked and dodged and dipped and not answered the question.
And I've been commenting, I know what she means though, because I've seen other things that she's written.
She's talking about socialism. She's talking about socialism. So you're not pro -life unless you're pro welfare, gun control, whatever it is, or good common sense gun control laws, free healthcare for women, stuff like that.
Typical socialist stuff, right? That's the kind of stuff she means. But I don't really know exactly what she means because she hasn't come out and said it, right?
So I'm left here to guess and she's being vague. And I've made the comment a number of times that she's being purposely vague in order to maneuver people in the debate.
I think she wants to come across as someone you can trust and she doesn't wanna tip her whole hand because if she says, well, what
I mean is free healthcare, free housing, whatever it is, then people are gonna be like, oh yeah,
I'm not a socialist, right? But she didn't do that, right? And Klusendorf here, at least up to this point, has not really called her on it, has not really demanded that she be specific.
The moderator, of course, isn't doing that because he's probably a socialist too. And so the point is though that this whole time, 40 minutes into a 50 minute debate, she's not acting in good faith.
And here's when it gets revealed, right? So Karen Swallow Pryor yesterday, now our work is just beginning.
We have to support moms and dads and babies and love them all and we wanna make abortion unimaginable.
And the idea is that people won't wanna kill their babies if you give them more stuff, right? If you give them more money, you give them support, then they won't wanna kill their babies.
That's not true, that's not true, but the point is that's what Karen Swallow Pryor meant the whole time.
And then this guy here with his pronouns in the bio says this will never, before I read this, guys, if you have kids around and they're sensitive to bad language, then pause this and listen to it later because I'm just gonna read it because I want you to hear the spirit of this, right?
So somebody is quote tweeting Karen Swallow Pryor about how we've gotta make abortion unimaginable by giving them money.
And it's like, here's what this guy comments. He says, this will never happen on some level unless the vast majority of pro -lifers who are mostly fiscal conservatives support taxing the ever -loving shit out of the rich and unapologetically redistributed in the money to pregnant moms and not relying on private charities alone.
So this guy has laid out the whole plan. What we do as Christians, if we're gonna be truly pro -life, we have to tax the ever -loving shit out of rich people and redistribute the money to pregnant moms and we can't rely on private charity.
It has to be the government doing this. The government has to take money from the rich people and a lot of money, we're talking a lot of money.
Now, obviously, if you know mathematics, you know there isn't enough money. The rich people don't have, there's not enough rich people to make enough money to do this, but that's what he wants.
He wants you to tax the ever -loving shit out of rich people and redistribute the money. We can't rely on private charity.
That's what this man says. And Karen Swallow Pryor responds, exactly, exactly.
And this whole time, if you were laboring under the delusion when you're watching that abortion debate, that she's forthright with you, she's being straight up with you, you were being fooled and you were not prepared to deal with Karen Swallow Pryor.
There are so many people that are laboring under the delusion that Karen Swallow Pryor is a straight up good woman and she's a good
Christian and all this stuff. If that's you, you gotta repent of being so naive. Naivete is not a fruit of the spirit.
I knew all along that this is exactly what she meant. Yes, she knows the Bible says you don't show partiality to the poor or against the rich or for the rich or vice versa, but she knows that full well and she knows that the scripture doesn't give the government the right to tax for this purpose, right?
She knows that. She knows that the charities for the church and for individuals, this man says, no, no, no, let's tax the ever loving shit out of rich people.
And she's like, yup, that's exactly what it is. She was not forthright with you in that debate. She was not forthright with Scott Klusendorf during that debate.
And if you were so naive as to think that she was being forthright with you, then I'm sorry, you need to repent of being naive.
Naivete is not a fruit of the spirit. We need to be wise as serpents and innocent as, shrewd as serpents and innocent as dove, as doves.
Guys, it's time to abandon this naivete. If you're gonna stay in the SPC, you have to get this into your soul that many of the people you are fighting against to keep this from going into apostasy are not operating in good faith.
Many of them aren't believers. And the ones that are, are so corrupted. They're so given over to their temptation for power and for whatever it is to be loved by the world that they are just not operating with any amount of scruples.
Karen Swallow Pryor knew during that debate, this is exactly what she meant. And she purposely was vague.
She purposely hit it because she knew that that would not be the right thing to do in order to trick the maximum amount of Gospel Coalition people.
And that was her goal, to trick the maximum amount of Gospel Coalition people. Karen Swallow Pryor is a demon, is a demon.
And it doesn't even end there. This is some communication she had with Marcus Pittman at one point. I guess she was upset with Jeff Durbin calling abortion murder.
Now, if you watch that debate, again, let's go back to that debate. She's not being straight up with you guys.
You can't operate under the delusion that these people are straight up with you because you think everyone's like the normal conservative
Christians that you've met, that they're often very straight up with you. You're straight up with people, so you think people are like you.
But guess what? She's not being straight. She won't say what she means. In that debate, if you remember, she defined abortion as the intentional killing.
It was a very good definition. In fact, during the debate, I said I'm very impressed with her definition.
That was like, I think, the first or second video that I did. I remember I was like, I can't believe I agreed with almost everything
Karen Swallow Pryor said because, again, she was hiding her true intentions, and I knew that at the time.
So what I kept saying was, man, I'm so impressed with what she said, but I just can't wait for the rug pull.
What I meant was someone pulls the rug out from under you because that's what her whole plan was. She was trying to set you up, and I could see it coming because I've seen
Karen Swallow Pryor operate before. I've seen how subversive she is, right?
But if you don't know Karen and you watch that video, you'd be like, well, what's the problem, right? And that's the point.
That's the point. She's not being straight up with you. She lies as a language.
And if you're gonna stay in the SPC, you need to realize that it's not just Karen Swallow Pryor that does this.
It's many, many, many people. Your president last year does this. Guys, your president does this.
Ed Litton did this. He lied like a language. And then the normies like Jared Wilson, he also does this.
He knows that Tom Askell and some of those guys weren't against warning churches about abusers.
He knew that that's not what they were saying, but he said it anyway, because he knew there's a certain amount of people that for some who knows reason trust him will be like, man, that Tom Askell, what an abuser.
He's pro -abuse. And they lie and they sit there and they use these underhanded tactics.
And I'm not saying you need to use underhanded tactics as well. I'm saying actually the opposite.
You need to use biblical, moral, ethical tactics, but do not operate under the delusion that your opponent is gonna do the same.
You need to recognize he's going to lie, cheat, and steal as much as he needs to in order to win.
Listen to what she says. So keep that in mind. In the debate, Karen Swallow Pryor gave a really good definition of what abortion is.
And basically she defined murder is what she did. She defined murder. She didn't use the word murder, but she defined murder and said, that's what abortion is.
And listen to this exchange with Marcus Pittman. Here's Karen Swallow Pryor.
Okay, let me try again. Jeff insists on using biblical language and doesn't.
Here's what Marcus says. When did he not use biblical language? Here's back, here's Karen again.
If he insisted on using biblical principles, all would be well. Insisting abortion must be called murder is to insist on not using biblical language.
Marcus again. So what does the Bible define abortion as? Listen to this guys. So in the debate, she defined murder without saying the word murder.
And here's what she told Marcus a few years earlier. Marcus asked, how does the
Bible define abortion? She says, it doesn't. We have to apply biblical principles.
And if we pretend otherwise, we lose the bigger battle. She's pretending that the
Bible doesn't tell you what abortion is. The Bible doesn't tell you what abortion is.
Even though the Bible talks about murder and we understand what murder is and you shall not murder. And you know, there's case laws that we can look at of intentional murder and unintentional murder and things like that.
There's so much in the Bible about murder. And Karen Swallow Pryor is so subversive.
She pretends, no, it doesn't define murder. And then in her debate, she doesn't use the word murder because apparently she's against that, but she defines murder.
And then she says, that's abortion. And then she says, oh, by the way, we gotta be womb to tomb. And she hides the fact that what she means is she wants to tax the ever loving shit out of rich people, redistribute the money and we can't rely on God's provision for people.
God's provision being private charities voluntary work from the church and from individuals. That's what
God provides to poor people and people who can't afford things, through their families and everything like that. No, we can't rely on God.
We have to have socialism. She knew that was her position the whole time. And she hid it from you to trick the most amount of people possible at Gospel Coalition.
This demon will say whatever she has to say to whoever she has to say it in order to subvert
Christianity more than it already has been subverted. That's her mission is subversion and she will tell any lie.
So we gotta stop saying, oh, you're inconsistent, Karen. Oh, you're a hypocrite, Karen. That's not, it doesn't make any sense to do that.
She has no scruples. There's no inconsistency from her perspective because she's a liar.
She's a deceiver is what she is. And she's also an accuser of the brethren and she'll do that as much as she has to do in any way that she can.
Just ask the bucks if she's underhanded or not. She's an underhanded person and she's not the only one. She's being used as an example because she's, we've been talking about her lately and she's an especially effective example.
Lots of people are just like Karen Swallow Pryor is. Danny Akin is just like Karen Swallow Pryor is.
You understand what I'm saying? I'm talking about big wigs here. They're not operating with any kind of scruples.
They have no moral code. They have no honor is the point. They have no honor. So stop engaging them as if they do have honor.
You're gonna have to defend your six, man, because they'll stab you in the back. You're gonna have to defend your six because they'll stab you in the back.
They have no honor whatsoever. And so what I'm not saying is that we need to get into the slops with them and fight with no honor as well.
No, it's a hard mission, but it's a mission we must engage. We must fight with honor knowing that they have none.
They have none. They have none. And so that makes our job a lot more complicated, but I'll tell you what, we can win it, but we can't win it if we pretend like our opponent has honor when they do not.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. Have a great weekend. Have a good Lord's Day tomorrow. God bless.