The Transfiguration


Sermon: The Transfiguration Date: November 5, 2023, Morning Text: Luke 9:28–36 Series: Luke Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio:


Well, good morning church if you'd be so kind to join me in Luke's gospel in the ninth chapter starting in verse 28 we will be preaching and teaching on the subject of the transfiguration and Invite you again to Luke chapter 9 starting verse 20 when you have that please do stand for the reading of God's Word Now about eight days after after these sayings he took with him
Peter and John and James and went up to the mountain to pray As he was praying the appearance of his face was altered and his clothing became dazzling white and behold two men were talking with him
Moses and Elijah who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep
And when they became fully awake they saw his glory the two men who stood with him
And as the as the men were parting from him Peter said to Jesus master it is good that we are here
Let us make three tents one for you one for Moses and one for Elijah Not knowing what he said as he was saying these things a cloud came and overshadowed them
And they were afraid as he entered the cloud and a voice came out of the cloud saying this is my son my chosen one
Listen to him and when the voice had spoken Jesus was found alone and they kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen
This is the Word of the Lord. You may be seated Let me pray father as we come before you this morning
We ask that you would now allow us to center our hearts and our minds around The true worship of you father son and spirit as we open your word as we learn and receive these precious truths
From thy word we ask Lord that we would be edified in the inner man Lord that we will lay aside
Every high and lofty thing every thought every sin Every impulse that may so easily entangle us away from today's teaching and help us by the power of thy spirit
To keep our minds set upon Jesus the author and finisher of our faith We ask Lord that even now this time in space that we would honor you as holy and that we would regard your word as Great and as high and lofty we pray that even in this teaching on the transfiguration
That you will enlighten us With the word is able to make us strong and we pray For again the power and lightning of your spirit to lead us into all truth for the glory of your name's sake in Jesus name
We do pray. Amen well church
Today, we have a very interesting subject before us the transfiguration. You've probably read this in Scripture many times
Maybe you've heard messages preached on this subject many at times But I want to go a little bit deeper into the background of what's happening in the context of this story the context of this verse now when
I lived in Wisconsin We lived in amongst the people that were very traditional when it came to their
Christianity and what I mean by that is that people primarily came from either one of two traditions
Either a Roman Catholic tradition of faith or a Lutheran tradition of faith both have pretty high
Ecclesiology and high views of worship in terms of How the service is ordered or liturgy in many churches considered the
Sunday before The beginning of Lent which is usually around the springtime To be what's called?
Transfiguration Sunday Lent in the Christian Church. It's a period of penance and a preparation for Easter in Western churches, it begins on what's called
Ash Wednesday Six and a half weeks before Easter and it provides a 40 -day fast you're usually aware of when that time is because when you go to the grocery store you find people with a
Little bit of ash on their forehead of the sign of the cross and then you know, it's Ash Wednesday And it's not something that we typically observe
Amongst Baptist circles. In fact, it's not something that is at all Regular within our circle of worship and our understanding of regulative principle of worship
But it is a tradition that is upheld and observed by many other Groups such as Roman Catholics such as Lutherans and other groups in which they partake of this
Ash Wednesday And it begins with what's called? Transfiguration Sunday and so while many
Catholics and many Lutherans Observe this this is not a biblical command.
This is not a biblical observation and it has become like so many things in Christian a tradition that's based upon the commands of Men and not on God's Word and if you talk to Catholics and you talk to Lutherans many of them do dr
Eyes and cross their T's on what they can or cannot eat during Lent in particular
They neglect however to put in the same amount of attention to the ordinances actually ordained by the
Lord Jesus such as baptism and the Lord's table and So today
I want to give you a little bit of background and context concerning The true meaning of Transfiguration Sunday the true meaning of the transfiguration that occurred but unlike those churches and denominations
I will again endeavor to reveal to you the forgotten message of the transfiguration and And by the
Word of God help you understand the truth and the meaning behind this
Incredible text of Scripture we find ourselves again in Luke chapter 9 starting in verse 20 about eight days
After these sayings the sayings that preceded was Christ telling his his people telling his disciples to prepare for a lifestyle of Discipleship by laying down their lives picking up their cross and following Jesus as these disciples
No doubt took this word to heart They now they now find themselves in the presence of Christ and as they were say after these sayings
He took with him Peter and John and James and went up to the mountain to pray now
What mountain is He at and why is that question even important to the context of the transfiguration?
I want you if you can't keep a finger in loop But I want you to go to Matthew's gospel, and I want you to go to Matthew chapter 16 and remember what comes before even the call of The disciples to take up their cross it's the confession that came with the
Apostle Peter saying you are the Christ the Son of the Living God and notice what it says in verse 13 of Matthew 16 now when the when
Jesus came into the district of says right Philippi He asked his disciples. Who do you say the
Son of Man is? So we have a location associated with the place or of these sayings where Jesus Confessed where Peter confesses
Jesus to be the Christ the Son of the Living God and in chapter 17 verse 1 of Matthew we find the same
Transfiguration event that we're examining from Luke's account in Luke chapter 9 and it says in Matthew 17 1 after six days
Jesus took with him Peter and James and John his brother and led them up a high mountain by themselves
So, where were they they're in the area of says right Philippi and later on at six days after Jesus takes them to this high
Mountain this mountain in which he is now transfigured this mountain in which he is now changed before their very eyes
The disciples again were ministering in this region says right Philippi which puts the location of this mountain as Most likely being
Mount Hermon so much if you're following in today's notes Jesus and his disciples likely went on Mount Hermon to pray since they were in the region of says right
Philippi if you have a Map in the back of your Bible and you look at the life of Jesus There's usually a map that associates life of Jesus You'll see kind of where says right
Philippi is and then you can see what? Mountain is associated with that region and the highest mountain of that region is called
Mount Hermon Now again We see a location
Says right Philippi which puts the location of this mountain as most likely being Mount Hermon the largest mountain in Israel That divided and protected
Israel from neighboring nations in the Bible However, I want you to notice this Mount Hermon is considered a very important mountain as it was considered in ancient times by the pagans of that region particularly the
Canaanites as the domain of the gods and The Apocrypha and extra biblical books such as the book of Enoch This is the mountain where the sons of God the sin and corrupt humanity
Mount Hermon at this time in the life of Jesus did not have a good reputation It was a place that was associated with false worship
There was a place associated with the domain of demons of other gods of other nations
Not with Yahweh not with Zion the true mountain of God And so again
Mount Hermon did not have a good reputation the Canaanites in fact called Hermon as Bashan Mount Bashan Which is means in the ancient language it means the place of the serpent serpent being
Obviously a picture of the original serpent Satan the devil who is the deceiver of the nations?
so this place Mount Hermon was considered a place of Bashan the place of the serpents in time of Jesus Mount Hermon was
Associate with the pagan worship of the god Pan Mount Hermon was a hotbed of demonic activity and worship
So when Jesus comes to this region he comes to this mountain Jesus is coming to pick a fight
Jesus is going upon this mountain back in Luke chapter 9 and it says in verse 29 and as he was praying
The appearance of his face was altered and his clothing became Dazzling white and behold two men were talking with him
Moses and Elijah Now it is interesting to note brothers and sisters what
Jesus is doing on this mountain. He comes he prays He's beginning to pray intercede and as he's praying he is
Changed he's transfigured His appearance is not like that of before He changes in appearance and with him is
Moses and Elijah Now what happens elsewhere in Scripture in this region in this mountain?
I? Want you again it go to Matthew chapter 16 for a moment
Matthew 16 in verse 13 again
When Jesus came into the district of says right Philippi he asked the disciples Who do people say that the
Son of Man is and they said some say John the Baptist others say Elijah others say Jeremiah Or one of the prophets and he said to him
But who do you say that I am and Simon Peter replied? You are the Christ the
Son of the Living God and Jesus answered him blessed. Are you Simon Barjona? For flesh and blood has not revealed this he but my father who is in heaven and I tell you you are
Peter And on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth
You shall be shall be bound in heaven Whatever you loose on earth should be loosed in heaven that he strictly charged disciples to tell no one that he was the
Christ This is the place and the region and the mountain that where Jesus says on this rock
I will build my church and the gates of Hades Hell will not prevail against it
Jesus lived and operated with spiritual sight unlike us
Jesus was able to see things as they truly were you and I do not always have that ability
We have physical eyes and we see physical things in physical truths
But Jesus was also able to see things as they truly were in the spiritual realm and then spiritual life
Jesus not only saw the physical world, but he could also see what is transpiring spiritually in this world in which we live in And part of the ministry of Jesus in his life and on the cross
Jesus is accomplishing something of great significance Something that the Apostle Paul said of in Colossians you can turn to if you'd like chapter 2
Colossians chapter 2 and starting verse 13 notice what the Apostle Paul says And it says this having been purified with him in baptism in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God who raised him from the dead and you who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh
God made a life together with him having forgiven us our trespasses by Canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands that he set aside
Nailing it to the cross and verse 15 is a key he Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them up to open shame by triumphing over them in him
Part of the ministry of Christ is Christ declaring the gospel not only to humanity but also to the spiritual powers that are at work the
Principalities the rulers and authorities that is often mentioned in scripture that are reference to the spiritual powers beyond behind the physical rulers of the world and Jesus is in his ministry disarming the rulers and also putting them to open shame by Triumphing over them and I believe the transfiguration is one of the signs in which
Christ is Demonstrating his authority and his power to triumph over the forces of darkness as he goes to this place
That was associated in ancient times with false worship and saying I am the true
God. I Am the God of Bashan of this mountain
Every mountaintop is mine and Wherever Jesus goes wherever his feet touches it becomes holy ground and consecrated onto him
There was nowhere that where Jesus enters the room that he cannot overcome
Jesus overcomes the forces of darkness and he's demonstrating this in the transfiguration
He's demonstrating his authority his power. He's disarming the rulers and authorities
And the transfiguration again is a beautiful picture of this where Jesus even says on this rock
Even upon next to this mountain that is associated with false worship. I Will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it the
Lord Jesus is on one of the centers of false worship here in Caesarea Philippi and Declared his divinity and promised to build his church at the base of a
Mount Hermon There was a temple dedicated to the Greek deity pan
And it was believed that this was a location and the gateway to Hades or the afterlife six days later
Jesus goes up to this mountain where he is there Transfigured and the transfiguration happens so we have to ask the question
Why does Jesus choose this place to mark this confession and to appear transfigured?
I Believe Jesus is doing two things One he's picking a fight with the forces of darkness and two
He's reclaiming what is rightfully his namely creation and the nation's as his inheritance
He's demonstrating authority over the natural world saying this is my mountain.
It's mine I created it for by him the scripture says all things were created and heaven on earth but he's also making a public spectacle of the forces of darkness by Demonstrating that he is the one who has a rightful inheritance to the nation's remember.
This is a mountain that was associated with pagan Gentile false worship, so he had a bad reputation amongst the
Israelites And amongst the Jewish people in the time of Jesus But Jesus here is making a public spectacle over the forces of darkness as he goes up to this mountaintop
He says at the foot of this mountain most likely in this city He says that on this rock the rock of this great confession that Christ is the
Son of the Living God He would build his church giving his people the keys of the kingdom Which is a direct
Opposition to what was literally there in that city at the base of this mountain Which was a temple dedicated to the to the deity pan in which there was a great cave which many believed to be the gateway to Hades and Jesus is declaring
Not even the gates of Hades shall prevail against the church
And what does he do? He goes up the mountain six days later And he proclaims and he
Trent he's transfigured and he preaches the gospel with Moses and Elijah now we begin to see the power of the transfiguration and While the disciples were on that great mountain and it says again in Luke chapter 9 verse 28
It says it was Peter and John and James that went up to this mountain to pray and as he was praying
The appearance of his face. This is the Lord. Jesus was altered and his clothing became dazzling white
And so we see in this transfiguration while the cyborgs were on the mountain praying
Jesus's appearance what you write this in the notes Jesus's appearance changed before them
Giving just a glimpse of his glory Now this is significant
Because Jesus and all other aspects of his incarnation is pictured as a man like you and I There is nothing about according to Isaiah 53 concerning the suffering servant by which we will look at him and Find him as one to be regarded
But in this instance, he's changed this is a unique instance in redemptive history where there's a glimpse of the glory of God the
Son not that God the Son was fully necessarily revealed and manifested in all his glory, but rather this is a foretaste of the divine nature of Christ shining through his humanity
Jesus is here described as being appearing as One with dazzling white echoing what
John the Revelator in Revelation chapter 1 and 2 sees of Jesus When John the
Revelator sees the Lord Jesus Christ glorified after his resurrection and ascension He sees one who is dressed in dazzling white his eyes are like a burning flame
His mouth speaks like that of many running waters and thunder his feet are like burning
Bronze in all of its glory and what happens when John sees the
Christ the glorified Son of God He falls down to his face as though dead
And the Lord Jesus places his right hand upon John and says as he had said many times throughout scripture do not fear be not afraid the same
God That said it to his people in the wilderness the same God that said it to the people in Israel and Isaiah and says
I am your God do not fear It's the same God who John sees
And who speaks to him do not be afraid Why does the
Lord Jesus give us that word of encouragement? It's because one of the things that we're seeing even here in the transfiguration is his power and authority
Over the forces of darkness Jesus has all
Authority and in his ministry and in particularly here in a transfiguration He is demonstrating that authority that he is the one who is to inherit the nations he is the one who stands above all the
Principalities and powers of this present dark age and of and he is the one who has the name of every name not only in this
Age, but also in the one to come Jesus is reclaiming.
What is rightfully his And we see a glimpse of his glory here in the transfiguration the word
Transfiguration simply means to be changed into a beautiful or glorious state Remember the same
Christ in his incarnation according to 53 There was nothing in his appearance that would draw men to him yet as he truly is
In his glorified state he is beautiful He's beautiful.
There's something that I when I talk about The blessed hope of the
Christian. I almost can't talk about it because I choke up Because what's the hope of the
Christian? The hope of the Christian isn't just to die to go to heaven isn't to die and go to some paradise isn't to die
And just be with clouds of dead ones of loved ones who have passed before us but the true hope of the
Christian is to see him and to see him as he truly is
The first person you see when you get to heaven isn't gonna be your grandpa isn't gonna be your grandma
Isn't gonna be some dead relative. It's going to be Jesus. It's gonna be
Jesus and When you see him face to face There'll be no other face that will compare and when you see him as he truly is all other faces
Just kind of bleed into the background Because you'll be seeing with your eyes your true eyes
The most beautiful face you shall ever gaze upon It's Jesus What a blessed hope
What a day that will be when we so we shall see him face to face
Where we shall commune with him Even as Moses communed of Yahweh on the mountaintop of Sinai as one friend as one man speaketh unto another
So we shall see him even beyond the veil not being veiled by but Restricted by fallen humanity or flesh
But seeing him and being transformed because in the moment that we see him We too shall become like him the
Bible says So just as the Lord Jesus Christ was transfigured and brought into a beautiful state
There was no face more beautiful than the face of Jesus But when we see him face to face we too shall be transfigured
We too shall be changed to reflect his glorious face and reflect his glorious state
For just as Moses saw the Lord and his glory on Sinai and he too was glorified
So much so that he now had to wear a veil We too when we pass beyond the veil and we see him face to face
We shall be changed forever and we shall be as he is What a blessed hope we have in Jesus.
Amen So much so that again not even the gates of Hades can prevent that beautiful event from happening
What we see here in a transfiguration Alongside the
Lord Jesus in verse 30 and 31 and behold two men were talking with him
Moses and Elijah who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem So what we see here is
Moses and Elijah Coming to the Lord Jesus Christ and and coming with Jesus on this mount of transfiguration
Moses appears of Jesus and he represents the law once you write this in the notes Moses appears and I believe this is a literal appearance of Moses and of Elijah.
They're not just symbolic. I but I believe that they also bring symbolism alongside their appearance
Moses appears with Jesus representing the law and Elijah obviously representing the prophets
And why is it significant that both Moses and Elijah are upon this mountain with?
Jesus During this transfiguration First I want to make this clear.
This is not an apparition These are not ghosts that we're talking about this proves that Moses and Elijah exist
After death that there is life beyond the grave These are not ghosts or apparitions.
These are Moses and Elijah truly as they are appearing with the
Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus is not practicing the divination of necromancy where he is summoning dead people in a means to deceive
People but instead this is a proof that there is life beyond the grave and Jesus has the power in Authority over the keys of death and Hades just as it is revealed to us and Revelation chapter 1 verse 18
That Jesus is the one who was dead. He's alive and he holds indeed the keys of death in Hades Moses here represents the
Torah. He represents the law He is a lawgiver of God's people yet Jesus is the greater lawgiver in the fulfillment of the
Torah and his ministry is greater than that even of Moses But Moses and we know this because Moses is there to testify of Jesus Moses appears to demonstrate that this
Jesus is Greater than he we also see this to be true of Elijah who was the greatest?
prophet of the Old Testament Yet Jesus is the greater prophet of his people
See both of these giants of the Jewish faith Stand in unison and their witness that Jesus is indeed the
Messiah Both the law and the prophets testify Jesus is the
Christ What you write this in the notes that they both testifying that Jesus is the
Christ or the Messiah It is significant also that all three appear on Mount Hermon making a spectacle over the powers of darkness and over the gates of hell in Hades That Jesus can summon even
Moses and Elijah from Hades and stand over the gates of hell
What a powerful declaration to the principalities and the powers of darkness as Jesus is
Transfigured on this very Mount again demonstrating his authority over creation his authority over the nations and reclaiming what is truly and rightfully has
We see glimpses of this even today in our modern culture If you if you're into conspiracy theories
You probably have heard that the the cause of all bad things is from a guy named
Constantine, right? Constantine is the big boogeyman of conspiracy theorists who say that it's because of him that we believe in a
Trinity It's because of him that we believe in the doctrine of health because of him that you know The church kind of became pagan but what we see in history is a little bit different in the
Third fourth and fifth century as Christianity began to grow and take influence in the
Roman Empire You begin to see that places of false worship like temples began to become dedicated as Christian places of worship demonstrating that even the church has the authority and the power to push back against the powers of darkness and Consecrate that which was once unholy
Consecrate that which was once pagan to be true part To be under the dominion of life under the dominion of God's kingdom
You see ours is a Mission and a work of pushing back against the powers of darkness and we can do so why?
Because Jesus has already disarmed our enemies Now this has great implication for us today as we examine missions as we examine the work of the church
Which is to continually push back against the powers of darkness and proclaim the sovereignty and lordship of Jesus Over all things that's our job when we were called to pick up our cross to abandon self to be a disciple of Jesus part of that work is to continue to declare the majesty of his gospel even to the powers and Principalities of this fallen and wicked world because our enemies are disarmed.
And so the nations are ours for the taking. Amen They're ours for the taking and that's what
Jesus is making a spectacle of even in this Transfiguration he's saying the nations the mountains and all their tops are ours for the taking
Jesus again demonstrates his power and his authority over the places of darkness and What happens on this mountain?
I want you to look again in Luke chapter 9 verse 31
That says after that Elijah and Moses appeared who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure
Which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem at Jerusalem See Moses and Elijah point to what
Christ will accomplish where in Jerusalem which write this in the notes Namely his sacrificial death
Where he will storm the gates of Hades You see the great creeds of the
Christian Church the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed speak of Christ Descending into hell the
Greek word there Hades the place of the realm of the dead and she'll in the Hebrew Jesus indeed descends into Hades the grave of mankind
I don't necessarily think that this is always equated with Actual hell or Gehenna in the
New Testament language that Jesus uses But rather that he goes to the place of realm of the dead and he in that state according to 1st
Peter chapter 3 Proclaims the gospel to the spirits that are in prison and in Ephesians chapter 4 we see this triumphant victory of Christ as he goes to this place to this place of Hades and he
Goes into the lower regions of the earth the Bible says and he brings a host captives with him
I want you if you can turn to Psalm chapter 68 this was the verse that we opened our time of worship with this morning
And I apologize and over jumping around the Bible a lot to many various texts, but I think you'll see why in a moment
Notice again what it says in the Word of God on Psalm 68 verse 15
Oh mountain of God mountain of Bashan This is ancient
Mount Hermon. Oh Many peaked mountain the mountain of Bashan again This is the place in which there was an altar built at the base of it dedicated to the god
Pan That was believed to be the entrance to Hades God is here declaring that the mountain belongs to him
Why do you look of hatred? Oh many peaked mountain at the mount that God desired for his abode Yes, where the
Lord will dwell forever the church of God are twice 10 ,000 thousands upon thousands
The Lord is among them Sinai is now in the sanctuary Jehovah is demonstrating here his superiority over the principalities of darkness
This was once thought to be a domain of darkness But God says my hosts are far greater than the host of the nations and he goes on to say in verse 18 you ascended on high leading a
Host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men even among the rebellious of the
Lord God may dwell there and indeed upon Mount Bashan the
Lord dwelt there upon his Transfiguration and he's declared as he declared in verse 15 the mountain of God the mountain of Bashan that it belongs to him
It belongs to him in the same way the
New Testament author Paul in Ephesians chapter 4 quoting from that text
Refers to Christ descending into the lower regions of the earth so he may now us send a far above all power in authority
This is again in Ephesians chapter 4 and Jesus here is demonstrating again his power his authority and that namely in his sacrificial death
He is triumphant he's Triumphant over his enemies Even though his enemies when they saw him upon the cross that that that was a sure defeat of Christ The New Testament writers are clear that Christ's sacrificial death on a cross was not a defeat
But instead it was a victory. It was a victory over the powers of darkness over Satan himself
Christ accomplished much with his sacrificial death And what else do we see upon this mountain and transfiguration in verse 32 of Luke 9
It says now Peter and those who are with him were heavy with sleep but when they became fully awake when they saw his glory the two men who stood with him and As the men were departing from him
Peter said to Jesus master. It is good that we are here Let us make three tents one for you one for Moses and one for Elijah not knowing what he said
What's a great interest here as well is as it continues the same verse 34 as he was saying these things a cloud
Came and overshadowed them and they were afraid as they entered the cloud
Does that scene remind you of anything and redemptive history? Surely as we were just reading in several weeks ago
And in Exodus chapter 32 33 and 34 when Moses goes up to Mount Sinai He meets
Yahweh there. Where does he meet him in? He meets him in the cloud as the presence of Yahweh descends upon that holy mountain
He Moses is engulfed by the cloud and meets Yahweh there and the scripture says that he speaks to him face -to -face as one man speaketh to another
The same is happening here a cloud Descends upon this mountain
Again in the Old Testament Mount Sinai was a place that was considered the mountain of God The mountain where God met his people where God established a covenant with his people and he's even demonstrating now
But this mountain used for pagan worship. It's his also This mountain and all mountaintops belong to the
Lord and when the cloud overshadowed them This was an indication of God's presence.
What you write this in the notes this is a Indication of God's presence just like in the wilderness
God's presence Was with the Israelites in the wilderness God's presence descended upon the mountaintop of Sinai God's presence came upon the prophet
Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapter 10 verse 4 in the cloud of his presence
This is an indication of God's presence and his glory. Let's write that also in the notes
This is a representation of God's presence and glory and what else do we see happening during this great transfiguration event?
Not only is as the presence of Yahweh the sent upon his people again But it says that out of this cloud a voice comes forward in verse 35
It says in a voice came out of the cloud saying this is my son my chosen one
Listen to him and When the voice had spoken Jesus was found alone and they kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen
See I'm on Hermon God Has the final say? He has the final say when he affirms peers confession the confession
He made just six days prior when he said to we said of Jesus You are the
Christ the son of the Living God and God confirms that word by saying on that mount or Transfiguration in that cloud.
He declares. This is my son my chosen one Listen to him
God affirms the confession of Peter that Jesus is the son of God.
I want you to write that in notes And he is indeed the chosen one of Israel You see on Mount Hermon God had the final say over the forces of darkness
He declares Truthfully his witness is clear. This is the
Son of God He is the chosen one of Israel God has the final say over the forces of darkness just like God has the final say today and all matters
Jesus is indeed Victorious and this is at the heart of the gospel message that we preach
That Jesus came to live a perfect holy blameless life never once sinned
He died a death that we all deserved and on the third day He was raised from the dead raised from Hades Demonstrating that he now had power and authority
Over death itself and he ascended on the 40th day to the presence of the father where he now lives forevermore as our
Intercessor as our high priest and he is coming again soon Our Lord of Lord and kings of kings and he is ruling and reigning today now
And he's disarmed his enemies. He's disarmed the rulers and principalities of this of this age
He is bound Satan in a real substantive way spiritually so that the message of the kingdom may go forward and Not hindered as we see at the end of the book of Acts as Paul is
Is boldly proclaiming the kingdom message of the gospel as it says without hindrance
Without hindrance why because the rulers and authorities are disarmed
Satan the strongman has been bound in a true spiritual way and there is nothing that can stop us from bringing forward this message of Salvation in good news that Jesus reigns.
He's victorious and he's King This Jesus is indeed victorious and he has indeed disarmed the spiritual forces of evil he has emptied
Hades of its Saints and his kingdom reigns because his finished work on the cross is Finished Therefore I call you today to align yourself and yield your life to this victorious
King To this King who is indeed Lord over all he beckons you today to repent
Turn from sin and to receive the witness of God the Father who said indeed
This is my son my chosen one Listen and obey him for obedience is better than sacrifice.
Let me pray Lord, we thank you
That you have indeed Given us this sure and true witness of your son that your son the
Incarnate one Emmanuel Jesus of Nazareth is Indeed the chosen one of Israel the one spoken of by the prophets the one prophesied by Moses and Elijah The one who is the fulfillment of the law?
The one who is the seal and true prophet of God's people That this
Jesus whom you have chosen whom you have set apart is indeed your son the one
Whom created the world alongside you in the spirit The one of whom it is said by him all things were created on heaven and on earth things whether visible or invisible whether they be thrones or lordships or dominions or principalities all things were made through him and for him
He is indeed the one who reigns over Zion The one who reigns over Sinai the one who reigns over Bashan.
He is the God of the whole world And he has given us his people the church the keys of the kingdom
Therefore Lord help us and strengthen us to proclaim this good news
This message of victory just as the Lord Jesus proclaimed victory over the spirits in prison
So we to proclaim victory of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ That though on that cross it seemed like a like a mortal fatal blow it was indeed
Christ conquering his foes and redeeming securing for his people the church an eternal redemption and Offering a sacrifice for sin in which the
Lord Jesus now ushers in everlasting Righteousness through the proclamation of the gospel into the whole world
Lord help us to be aligned of your kingdom to yield ourselves to your rulership to your lordship until the day that we meet you face to face and we too are
Transfigured and changed into a beautiful state or the day in which you return in which all those who are left on this world
Awaiting you shall be changed and the twinkling of an eye and meet you in the clouds and forever be with you
We pray God that you'd help us on to this end as we pray these words come