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Apologia Studios:
Alpha And Omega Ministries:
Canon Press:
Conversations That Matter:
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Right Response Ministries:
The Reformation Red Pill Podcast:
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- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we need to talk about Donald Trump, J .D.
- 00:06
- Vance, and what they said about abortion. Now, I know
- 00:17
- I've made a lot of videos about Trump recently, but to be fair, this is a pretty important year for politics.
- 00:23
- And I think that all Americans, really, have a vested interest in this election for the sake of our country's ultimate future.
- 00:29
- But because I'm not just an American, I'm also a Christian, I believe that we ought to vote for the candidate that will best help us accomplish our goals as a
- 00:37
- Christian community. And most Evangelicals recognize that Donald Trump is the only viable candidate that fits this bill.
- 00:44
- Yet, recently, Trump said something that set the entire Evangelical world ablaze, and it had many people calling him a traitor and saying that he's completely abandoned our cause.
- 00:54
- Here's what he said. Quote, My administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.
- 00:59
- And we can couple this statement with what Trump has said in the past about being so -called pro -life, yet still in favor of the common exceptions for abortion.
- 01:08
- Watch this. You have the life of the mother, rape, and incest. I happen to believe in the exceptions.
- 01:15
- I happen to believe also that the Democrats are the radical ones because they will do abortions and approve abortions in the ninth month, the eighth month, and also after birth, which is basically the execution of the baby in some cases.
- 01:30
- Yikes is the word that comes to mind while watching that. And unfortunately, it only gets worse. J .D.
- 01:36
- Vance, his running mate, said something very concerning and similar in a recent interview as well. Watch this.
- 01:42
- If you and Donald Trump are elected, that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion. I can absolutely commit that,
- 01:48
- Kristen, and Donald Trump has been as clear about that as possible. If such a piece of legislation landed on Donald Trump's desk, would he veto it?
- 01:55
- I think it'd be very clear he would not support it. I mean, he said that explicitly. Yeah, I mean, if you're not supporting it as the president of the
- 02:01
- United States, you fundamentally have to veto it. So he would veto a federal abortion ban? I think he would. He said that explicitly that he would.
- 02:07
- So all of this culminates in the post that I read for you at the beginning. And the question now is simple.
- 02:12
- Can Christians continue in good conscience to support Donald Trump and the Republican Party in light of the fact that this is their position?
- 02:21
- Let's talk about that. Obviously, this is not good. Let's just cover that at the outset. Psalm 106, verse 3, says, quote,
- 02:28
- Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times.
- 02:33
- Notice that it doesn't say blessed are those who make excuses for evil. It's obvious that the standard of righteousness is not being met by Trump and the
- 02:41
- Republican Party here. And Christians should not be afraid to recognize that and call it out. However, we are also told that we need to, quote, love our neighbor as ourself.
- 02:51
- And we do not have the luxury of loving our neighbor in a perfect world. But rather in the world that we actually live in, which is fallen.
- 02:58
- So can a Christian vote for Trump at this point? I think the answer to that in our immediate context is a cautious and frustrated yes.
- 03:07
- And I say that for a few important reasons. Number one, if those recent clips and social media posts have changed your mind on Trump and Vance, then
- 03:15
- I don't think you've been paying attention. Trump has never been a warrior for the pro -life cause, and he's always believed in and supported the common exceptions for abortion.
- 03:25
- And Republicans in general have been trying to simply appear as the less radical party for a long time now.
- 03:31
- That's not surprising, and it's exactly what this kind of position is trying to do. So nothing has really changed recently in Trump or Vance's beliefs on this topic.
- 03:40
- People are just becoming more aware of what they've believed all along. This brings me to number two. While Donald Trump is not a consistent pro -lifer and never has been, he has done more for the pro -life cause than any conservative president in recent memory.
- 03:54
- Let's not forget that it was Trump who appointed the Supreme Court justices who removed Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.
- 04:01
- So the chain reaction goes something like this. Without Christians supporting Donald Trump, he would have lost the first time around.
- 04:08
- And if he lost, the Supreme Court would have gained two extra radical leftists on their team.
- 04:13
- And if that happened, this country's most important legal precedent would be created by wicked and evil judges for decades to come.
- 04:21
- And like it or not, you have to face the facts. The reason that those terrible things didn't happen was because Christians voted for Donald Trump.
- 04:29
- So if you're not going to vote for Trump on principle, I just want to humbly suggest this. If your principles practically lead to the advancement of evil in society, maybe they're not quite as helpful as you think they are.
- 04:41
- And yes, I'm well aware of the fact that my argument here creates a very slippery slope that, if left unchecked, could go to a very bad place.
- 04:49
- So mark my words, wisdom will be necessary in all of this. And number three, as Todd Friel excellently said in his video on this topic, link in description, the
- 04:58
- Republican Party is not seeking to actively advance abortion. Rather, they are simply appeasing the moderates in their camp by promising that they will not aggressively attack it, which is not the same thing.
- 05:10
- And I agree that it's not ideal and it's certainly not righteous for them to do this. But we need to recognize that it's still far better than what the
- 05:18
- Democrats are doing and would do if they were put in office. And there are a few other reasons that I would vote for Trump that deserve an honorable mention.
- 05:26
- For one thing, there are other issues that exist besides abortion, which are very much on the table.
- 05:31
- You see, if you're watching this video, I'm sure that you love your Christian neighbors, right? Well, if that is the case, then do you want your
- 05:38
- Christian neighbor's children to be taken away from him if he doesn't support their trans identity? Do you want him to receive a voucher so that he can send his child to a
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- Christian school rather than a secular state school? Do you want him to be taxed so heavily that he can't provide for his family?
- 05:53
- All of these are issues that are very, very relevant, and they will deeply affect your Christian neighbor's life on a practical level.
- 06:01
- And I think that loving that person requires you to think about how your vote will affect him and the rest of your church community.
- 06:07
- So the headline here is, yes, I do believe that Christians can still vote for people like Trump and Vance, though I'm very disappointed, if not completely outraged, to see the direction that they're heading in.
- 06:18
- And before we break here, let me offer a word of caution. The danger in all of this is that the Republican Party will eventually become
- 06:24
- Diet Democrat or Democrat Light, if you will. If this trend continues, we could end up in a country with two parties, one being extremely leftist and the other being just less extreme leftist.
- 06:36
- And this would be a horrific outcome for Christians. So while you choose the lesser of two evils in this election cycle, please keep in mind that the slippery slope is indeed very slippery.
- 06:46
- So be careful that you don't lose your footing. And let's fight for the soul of this country with joy, for the glory of God.
- 06:52
- Please pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video. And check out the ministries linked in the description.
- 06:58
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- 07:06
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