Matt Slick Live: August 20, 2024


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The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 08-20-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:  What is The Now and Not Yet?/Was Jesus’ Blood imputed to Us or was it His Righteousness? Is Mandatory 10% Tithing Biblical for Christians/Is this a “Partnering” Requirement? What to Look for in A Church Do Christians Have The Dietary Restrictions of The Mosaic Law Who is Billy Burke? Is Church A Business?/Is Church Necessary? Should Pastors Make Political Endorsements? Is AI OK? August 20, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, your host of Matt Slick Live.
If you want to give me a call, as usual, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
I want to hear from you. Give me a call and if you want, you can email me.
That's easy to do as well. Just send an email to info at karm, C -A -R -M, info at karm .org
and put in the subject line radio comment, radio question. Hopefully everything is working great.
All right. We have callers coming in. Oh, and I've got to do an article on that.
Let's just jump on. Let's just jump on the line. Get to Alan from Virginia. Alan, welcome. You're on the air.
Hey, Matt. How's it going? It's going, man. It is going. So what do you got, buddy? I talked about it yesterday and I was like, well, you know,
I'm going to call you. So you commented on it, but I wanted to hope if you could explain the now and not yet for everyone.
Yes, it's a theological perspective that deals with the now for God and not yet for us and also deals with the now for us and not yet for us.
What that means by that is, for example, Jesus was on the cross and Jesus bore our sin, but we didn't exist yet.
So for Jesus, it was now, but it was not yet that we were alive.
So the now and the not yet deals with time and deals with things that aren't, but will be.
And so there's different places in scripture to talk about this kind of a thing. And another one
I'll go to is in, let's see, in Romans 8, 29 and 30, it's what it says.
For those of me foreknew, he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son so that he would be the firstborn among many brethren.
Now pay attention to the tense here. All these are past tense. And these whom he predestined, he also called, and these whom he called, he also justified, and these whom he justified, he also glorified.
Well we can understand that glorification is something that is future for our body.
Now there is a sense that we can have the glory of God upon us and in us, so it can be understood in different ways.
But the main idea here is to understand, it's a good place of seeing that we are guaranteed the fullness of the resurrection, the fullness of all things, yet it's not yet for us here, but it's spoken of in the past tense, it's so sure.
So the now and the not yet deals with differentiation between the actuality and potentiality, but the potentiality will become actuality, if that makes sense, okay?
Alright, I had another question too. Was the blood of Jesus imputed to those before his birth?
Yes, imputed. So his blood is not imputed to us. What is imputed is our sin to him, and his righteousness to us.
It's called double imputation. To impute means to reckon to another's account, so it's a legal thing.
So I could impute ten bucks to you by simply writing you a check, mailing it to you, you deposit it.
You now have an imputation. And the word imputation doesn't really take that kind of a common meaning with us, and that's okay, that's alright, but that's what it means.
And so all sin, now I personally believe just of the elect, past, present, future, were imputed to Christ, and he then paid for that sin on the cross and canceled the sin debt at the cross, according to Colossians 2 .14.
So it could not have been canceled for everybody, because if it's canceled for everybody, then no sin exists for anybody, and nobody could go to hell.
And then that's the imputation of our sin to him. That means people before the cross, during the cross, you know,
Jesus' life, and after, that's us. And also, his righteousness is imputed to us.
And when you can go there, and you can find, let's see, Philippians 3 .9, I believe it is, for not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law, but that which is through faith.
The righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. And also Romans 4 .5, for the one who does not work, but believes, and who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.
And legitimacy is the word there, and to reckon to, and to give to, okay?
All right. I appreciate it, Matt. Okay. Does that help? Yep. Thank you so much.
All right. You're welcome so much. Well, God bless. All right. Now, we have three open lines, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Mark from Raleigh, North Carolina. Mark, welcome. You're on the air.
Hey, Pastor Matt. How are you doing today? Doing all right. Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there.
What do you got, buddy? Well, hey, I'm going to try to really condense this, but forgive me if I stumble on my words because I'm still processing it.
But I've been a believer for, I would say, about like eight years, and I'm not one to bounce around from church to church.
I've only been to three churches in my life, but in the first two instances,
I left the church due to just relocation. However, I've been at my current church for about three, almost four years, and I've had to struggle with not growing in my discipleship.
So I'll just get to the question here. So about eight months ago, my pastor, he spoke on tithing and how he believes that there's a specific 10 % mandate.
And he's used verses I'm sure you're familiar with, like the Malachi 3 passage, and other passages in the
Old Testament, like Maccazek. However, I think the main verse that he likes to use whenever speaking about tithing is his claim that Jesus affirms the tithe in Matthew 23, when he's rebuking the
Pharisees. And so long story short, I've had a conversation with the pastor because, like I said earlier,
I haven't been growing in my discipleship, and so I've been trying to learn how
I can either host a discipleship group or anything like that. However, since I don't tithe a specific 10 % amount, and basically it's against my own conviction to pretend like I do, because I doubt that he's checking people's, you know, their giving and things like that.
But according to my conviction, I know I'm not tithing 10%, and so technically
I'm not a partner of the church. And so in the eyes of the church,
I'm not... Wait, hold on. So there's a status of being a partner of a church if you tithe 10 %?
Is that what you're saying? Yes, to be a partner of the church, there's certain things that you have to have unity in.
So they use the term partner in the church regarding tithing, do they?
Yes, to be a qualified leader, you have to be a partner of the church. Oh, and to be a partner, you have to tithe 10%, right?
Yes. Okay, yeah, I would dust my shoes as I'm leaving that church.
Yeah. In Mormonism, in order to get into the temple, you have to have a full 10 % tithe of your income to the church.
They have to know it. Then you're qualified to go into the temple to give a secret handshake, secret hugs. Nothing in the New Testament says we're obligated to tithe.
In Matthew 23, they're still under the Old Covenant. And the legalists, the Pharisees, etc.,
they would tithe, they would boast in their tithing. Now the New Covenant is established with the death of Christ.
Hebrews 8, 13, Hebrews 9, 15 -16. There's no legality requiring us to tithe in the
New Testament when the New Covenant is in effect, which is after the death of Christ. You're free to tithe.
You're free to give what you want. 10%, 100%, 5%, 1%, no percent. You do what you want before God.
If they start saying, in order to be a partner of our church, you have to, you know, in order to work and do this and that, you have to have a 10 % tithe of your income to the church,
I'd say, where's the exit? Yeah. After you've talked to them and rebuked them and said, nothing in the
New Testament requires that. And if you're going to say that tithing is something that is necessary because Jesus condemned the
Pharisees how they tithed, and this is what you want to go to? Right.
You know, it just makes me mad. You know, there was George Mueller.
He was the orphan king. He's my hero. And he died around 1898 or something like that. And he was a pastor for a while of a church, and the elders wanted him to pastor, and he was a good man.
And he told them, and he said, look, I'll be the pastor of the church under a couple of conditions.
And it was interesting stuff, but one of them he said was that you do not tell the congregation this, that he's living on the tithes that come into the box.
That's how it was in England at that time, that there was a box in the church and that he would tithe.
He wouldn't preach on it unless a text required it. And no one wants to let them know that he was living off of that.
And he said, I'll know when it's time for me to leave when the tithes stop, when
God is putting on their heart. Now, that's the answer, not this idiocy.
You're going to partner with us. You're going to have a 10 % tithe. And then with a 10 % tithe of partnership, now you can do this and this in the church.
You know, just take a hymnal, put a rubber band around it so the pages don't come open, and then frisbee it up at the stage at them.
Sorry, that's my head. In love.
You could do it in love, though. Right. And so what's really disheartening is that I have spoken to the pastor about it.
And then recently he's brought up all of this again to the church.
And he's saying he's rebooting small groups. And like I said earlier, I feel like I haven't been growing.
I'm trying to do things myself. But even during the sermon, I just have more questions than I have answers.
And so long story short, I went directly to him and asked, like, hey, can we meet and discuss this?
You know, I just have a difference of opinion on generosity.
But this is going on week two now, and I still haven't gotten a call or anything like that.
So I feel like there's some element of neglect in the church as well on top of this.
Could be. I mean, it could have been circumstances you're not aware of. It could be circumstances that got in the way of stuff that happens.
That's true. But I understand what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah. Look, brother, you're not obligated to tithe.
Nothing in the New Testament requires it of you. But the implication of the people supporting the ministers is there.
It doesn't say how much. Now, we've got a break. So hold on. OK, we'll get back. We'll talk more about this.
Hey, folks, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on with Mark from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Mark, welcome. Hey there. You there? Yeah. So the break kind of stopped there, but let's see if we can continue if you want.
Does that help at all? Yeah. Yeah. And so I would say the last element that I wanted to go over was that my wife goes there, and I've seen her grow a lot this past year because I think she really enjoys the community.
And so I guess my question is, how can I, like, have healthy conversations with her and, like, just kind of express my thoughts on the situation and that, you know,
I would love for us to leave? Because the worst thing I want to do is – or the last thing I want to do is just pull her out of the church and have that be detrimental to her growth as well.
However, I have been visiting another church nearby that I really do like.
Well, what I would do is say that you talk to a guy named Slick on the radio, and he said that you need to change.
See how that goes over, all right? Yeah. And then when you give her the real reasons, it'll just sound better because that sounds so bad.
You what? But what I would do –
Yeah, we've already been talking about it, but it's just also helpful hearing another opinion.
Yeah. Well, now, granted, I'm only hearing your side of what you say the pastor's doing.
This bit about partnering at a certain monetary amount given, that really concerns me a great deal.
I think that is very dangerous, and I don't approve of that at all. And that alone tells me that there seems to be a qualification manipulation based around money, and that's it.
It should not be about that. It should be about your spirituality, your calling before God, and how the pastor can equip you in that and lift you up in that.
And if that's not being met, then you need to move on. Me, I'm different.
I would call the pastor on the carpet on this and say, this isn't right, and then you leave if he doesn't change.
And that's it. That's what I would do. And you tell your wife, and you say, we need to go to a different church. I'm sorry, but we can't go to this one because, and we're not going to go to this one because, because you are the spiritual head in the family.
And from what you've told me, I get it, and I agree with you. And hopefully she'll agree.
And, you know, and you can do that. Okay. Got it. Yeah. So much.
I really appreciate it. Okay. And you can, you know, you can let me know how it goes. Hopefully your wife isn't too emotionally invested with people, you know.
Yeah, and I definitely will. And I think the timing is pretty intentional because this up and coming
Sunday, I believe the pastor is speaking on generosity again. And so, yeah,
I think that this will naturally bring up conversation at the church. I'll talk to her about it and move forward.
But, yeah, I do appreciate it. I can update you in the future. Okay. Good.
And let me know, you know, this is not an easy thing to do. And sometimes wives are more emotionally invested than we men are.
And we can make decisions and move along. But, you know, from what you've told me, a warning flag is all over the place.
So, okay. Got it. Okay. Thanks for your time.
All right, brother. God bless. Okay. All right. All right.
Wow, that's disturbing. Let's get to Janet from Raleigh, North Carolina. Janet, welcome. You're on the air.
Thank you, Matt. How are you tonight? Melancholy, I think.
I got to check. Oh, really? A little bit, you know, but the obstreperous level is down.
And melancholy is a little bit of excitement because that last caller excited me a little bit. So, you know, people ask, how are you doing?
I give them a detailed analysis because I think it's more interesting. Well, that's what I wanted, so that's good.
All right. Hey, I want to ask you, let me tell you a little quick story and then kind of get your opinion on some stuff.
So, I don't have a church home or anything, but I visited this church a couple of times.
And I tell you something, I just really, really, really felt the spirit. I felt like they were on board with the scripture.
They were just, you know, it was just wonderful. The praise and worship was wonderful. I left there just feeling like, oh, my gosh, this is just a great place to be.
The problem I'm having with it is culturally it's different from what I'm used to. It's not a diverse church.
It's all white and I'm black. It's not a problem, but I just felt like, you know, in terms of having a community, that might feel a little different.
The other thing is they're pretty much college -age kids. They're probably from college to about 45 years old is probably the average age.
I'm 60. So, I just felt like I might not find people who have as many similarities to my life in that church as I would.
But I loved it. I mean, the spirit was really there. So, I guess my question to you is, part of the question is, can you go to a church like that?
I mean, is it wise to do that or should you look for people that are like you? Maybe God wants you there in order to share what your experience is.
Maybe your blackness is something some white people need to be exposed to more. Maybe they need to hear what you've got to say.
You just don't know. What I would do is just let the
Lord guide you. Say, Lord, you want me here? I have an article.
What things should we look for in a church? That's my next question. I've got an article on karma.
You can go look it up. You can go to the website. In fact, if you were to give me, if you knew the website,
I could look at it and see if there's any good or bad stuff in there. Oh, man.
I know the church name, but that's about it. You can't do it off that? Yeah, I can't. Well, let's try it.
Let's try it right now, live. Let's do some sleuthing. All right, what's the name of the church?
Cool, cool. Okay, it's got a strange name, but anyway, it's called Vintage. Vintage.
Yeah, Vintage. And that's it. That's it. Okay, what city state? Oh, I'm sorry.
Raleigh, North Carolina. Raleigh. I've got to learn how to spell. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Vintage. Downtown. Vintage church. There it is. I'm seeing something. Vintage church downtown.
Right? All right. Yep. Here we go. Come on. Hurry up. Hurry up. Okay, I'm impatient with my internet.
Older hugging. Oh, that can't be good. Oh, look at that. So, it's a big white church.
Is that it? It's got a white? Yeah, that's it. Okay. All right, good. Yeah. I'll let the hugging slide for we
Asperger's people. You hug me? I'll let that go. All right, let's see. First thing
I'm going to do is go to the pastors and staff. Okay. And what I'm looking for is any women pastors and elders.
Okay. And they have directors who are female and that's fine.
Let's see. Local pastor, worship director is a woman. Group pastor is a man.
College director, woman. They may just call them director instead of pastor.
So, I'd ask about that. Why don't you go to the pastors? Okay. And I've got a break coming up.
I don't think there are. Perfect timing. I'm going to look at. I'm going to look at their statement of faith and their history and their beliefs.
Okay. During the break. Okay? Okay. So, hold on. We'll be right back. Okay. Okay. Please stay tuned, folks.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live.
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on with Janet from Raleigh.
Janet, you still there? Yeah, I'm still here. All right. So, I went through their stuff.
Their statement of faith is good. It's really solid. And I really liked how in eschatology they didn't preach a particular view.
And they said that he's coming back, though, and that hell is eternal, etc. It seems like a good church.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh, I'm glad you said that. Yeah. I've really been enjoying it.
So, I wanted to go. Is there anything else that I need to look for? Because I'm still kind of a visitor. So, do I need to ask questions?
Yeah. Heck, yeah. Okay. Say, what do you think of Matt Slick? And if they don't know who
I am, get out of there. Okay? If they don't like you, get out of there, right? If they don't like me.
Well, that may be a good sign, though. If they don't like me, that might be a good sign. So, you want to look at...
I would recommend you go to the article there, what things to look for in a church.
Okay. So, how do I do that again? Go to karm? Yeah, go to karm .org. Just go to the search engine and just type in, what things to look for in a church?
And you'll find it. What things should we look for in a church? And I have stuff in there, expect to find a good church, good doctrine.
And I looked at her statement of faith, it seems pretty good. And I'm sure they have good moral integrity and things like that.
Okay. So, if any church denies the essentials, we have women pastors and elders, if they support homosexuality, that's a question
I would ask them. Just say, what do you think about homosexuality, LGBTQ? If they say, well, we're for it, get out of there.
If they say, well, you know, it's sinful, but we love them, that kind of thing, that's okay.
Okay. Here's a question that hardly nobody ever asks. Are unbelievers being paid to be in the worship team?
Or any unbelievers in the worship team? I've been to a church where they actually paid an unbeliever to come on the worship team as a trumpeter.
This happened in San Diego. And I never forgot that. I thought it was abhorrent. Require baptism for salvation?
I assume they don't. And you want to ask if they teach preterism, universalism, annihilationism, positive confession.
These are just things you're going to ask about. Soul sleep. So there's a lot of stuff on that article that are worth just looking at.
You could even print it up and take it to the church and say, just hide my name.
A guy named Slick? And so, you know, so you could read, you could look at that and just say, get some questions, you know, and just, and anybody worth their salt will say, yeah, ask away, you know, yeah, this and that.
And that's what you want. If they're chicken to answer, then that's not good. Okay. Okay. Okay. The other question
I had was pertaining to this too. If they do a, you've probably heard of those, like small group
Bible studies, they have communities of Bible studies that go along. I like that idea because I get to know people, you know, on a smaller level.
Is that okay? Is that good? Of course it's good. Oh, it's really good. It's good for people, unless I go.
Then it's a problem. Because I usually ruin it. I usually ruin it. I'll say one thing and then they don't want to talk anymore because, you know, that's why
I don't go to small groups. If for that reason, I can't say anything. Right. You're talking about pre -training. They'll be like,
Oh no, you've got to go. Well, you know, I'll just, you know, I went to one church and the pastor wanted me to, you know, preach and teach and stuff like that.
He goes, but I want you to go to Bible study of small group fellowship for a while first. I said, okay, no problem. So I went and, and I just decided not to say very much.
I don't want to say too much. It's not about me. It's not about, I'm just not going to say anything. And, you know, and they're doing great, you know, and so after two months, they finally, one guy says,
Matt, you just don't say much about a certain topic. He says, and by the way, Matt, you don't really talk much.
I look over at my wife and she actually said out loud, go ahead. And then that kind of, you know, like, so I gave a small answer for 30 seconds about something that related to it.
It changed the entire Bible study. Wow. And then they started asking me questions.
And I didn't want that. You know, so. Oh, I see. I'll tell you, if you know how to sound like you know what you're talking about and you can say it with a raised eyebrow, one eyebrow, yeah, okay, they'll believe you.
That's scary. But anyway. Matt, this is great.
I'm so excited because I really, I was like, I hate to tell you about this church because I didn't want you to say anything that I couldn't tell.
I was like, oh, I'm going to mention it anyway. It's good. It looks good.
Good, good, good. I'm going to try to go and I'm going to probably call you in a couple weeks or something and just let you know how my experience has been.
Okay, here's one last thing. I need to put it in the article. See it, what kind of music they do. Do they do Hillsong?
If they do, that's not good. Okay. No, but you know what? They do, they don't have a choir.
They have a, you know, a praise team that has four people or whatever, but they put the words on the big screen.
Those words are so powerful. I don't even like the type of music. I'm black. I like, you know, whatever, but I'm like,
I'm going to go with this, but the words were so amazing on those songs. I was like, oh, this is on point. This is on point.
I can worship to this. You're a black person going to a white church. I want to be a white guy in a black church that's reformed.
That's what I want. I'm dead serious. I do because white guys get and preach, they go like this, they go,
John 3, 16 is a good verse. Let's look at it. And I'm like, no, and you know,
I like the life in the black church, you know, and people are just alive. I love that.
You know, it's an exciting. My dream is to have diversity. I would love to have a mixture of everything.
That's what I really like, but whatever. That's true. Like you said, I'm probably there to bring some diversity to the church.
Maybe, you know, well, you sound good. A good person for diversity. So, you know,
I like you when you call and stuff like that. So good for you. Go check it out. Yeah, I'm excited.
That's good. He'll use you. OK. Yeah. Oh, that's the plan. That's what
I really wanted to happen. So, you know, I think there's things for me to do. So definitely. But I'm going to keep you posted and let you know how it goes.
All right. I want to know. I'll call you back. Yep. OK. Sounds good. Well, you have a nice night and I'll talk to you soon.
All right. Well, God bless you. OK. We'll see you. Bye bye. OK. Bye. OK. Bye.
All right. I enjoyed that call. That was fun. Let's get to Luke from Washington.
Luke, welcome. You're on the air. Hi, man. How are you? Doing all right.
Hanging in there. Pretty good, buddy. What is your opinion about dietary restrictions for Christians?
The what? Do Christians have any dietary restrictions? Like all foods are...
Yeah. Dietary restrictions? No, they don't. Yes. No, Christians don't have dietary restrictions.
OK. Not according to the Old Testament law. We're not under the law anymore. And you can go to Romans, chapter six, verse...
Romans seven, one, three, Romans seven, yeah. Romans seven, one through four. All right.
And we have died to the law of Christ. What's that? Romans 14, right?
Well, no, Romans... Yes, but Romans seven, one through four, particularly verse four, talks about who has died to Christ is no longer under the law.
And so because we've died with Christ, Romans six, six, Romans six, eight, then we are no longer to live legalistically under the law.
Romans 14, one through 12, talks about the ability of people to make decisions about what they want to eat and what day they want to worship on.
We have that freedom there. We're no longer under the law. That's the point. There's no restrictions on what we can eat.
OK? However, the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 did recommend abstaining from things strangled and from blood.
So we could talk about that, but what's going on? OK? Anyway, go ahead. Well, it's
Acts 15, the Jerusalem Council, as well after the death and resurrection of Christ.
So it's a recommendation, they said. It's your opinion. So it's not like...
This is what God says. If they had said that, and it was in there, then that would have been...
Carried a lot more weight. So, but no, there's no dietary restrictions for us. OK? OK. But they don't have any right to tell you what to eat, not to eat, biblically.
OK? They don't. They can say it, but me,
I just say, show me this restriction in Scripture. Or they might go to the Old Testament. Are we under the Old Testament law? No.
Good. Show me the New Testament. And that's it. OK? All right, buddy?
Yeah. OK, we're gonna get going. All right, thank you. All right. Hey, everybody, we'll be right back after these messages in the last quarter of the hour.
We'll be right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, buddy. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on with Priscilla from North Carolina.
Priscilla, welcome. You're on the air. Hello. Hello. Hi.
Welcome. OK. How are you, Matt? Oh, I'm fine, by God's grace.
Have some coffee next to me and enjoying that. I make good coffee. And getting the privilege here of being able to try and answer questions.
All right. The question is, who is Billy Burke? B -U -R -K -E?
And what does he believe? Yeah, he's a positive confession preacher and associated with the
Kenneth Copeland Ministries. And I don't know too much about him, but my initial reaction is negative.
I wouldn't really trust them. OK. So I know that Kenneth Copeland is very bad.
OK. He's not a good teacher. And so during the break, I was going through looking at the
Billy Burke stuff on the website. And I could not find, on the website,
I could not find a statement of faith. And that's not good. And then it has the crusade itinerary.
And it's a miracle mentorship. And healing, sending God's healing signal to the nations.
These are all warning flags. When I see stuff like this, I go, that's not good. So a lot of people are ignorant and they just buy into this stuff.
Now, he may be a great guy. I don't know. But from what I'm seeing, it's pretty typical that it's not good.
OK. OK. Thank you. I was invited to go to one of his meetings.
But I said, let me call back and find out what he knows about him. Because I don't want to be North Carolina and go all the way to Florida for nothing.
Yeah. Yeah. He's in Tampa, Florida. Yeah. And Fort Lauderdale.
And I'm looking at his schedule. And so, so for example, let's see, what does that do?
Right there. Yeah. So I literally clicked on his website, Your Word for Today TV Ministry, and took me to a place,
Victory Channel. And on there is Kenneth Copeland Ministries. And Kenneth Copeland is a heretic.
Heretic. And if they don't know that Kenneth Copeland is a heretic, then he's not worth his salt.
And if he does know, then he's not worth his salt. And if he believes Kenneth Copeland is not a heretic, then he's not worth his salt.
So either way, it's not good. Okay. Thank you so much.
You're welcome. All right. Have a good, have a great evening. God bless you.
God bless. Okay. All right. Let's get to Billy from North Carolina.
Billy, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, good afternoon, Matt. I've been a little frustrated with church and the way it's been operated.
So I was sharing it with members, my frustration. And they said, church is a business.
And that even frustrated me even more. So I may be wrong. So should church be referenced as a business?
No. There's business aspects in a church.
Even Jesus, as in Matthew 12, they had money. They had to eat. And you've got to do things.
Now, I get that. And that requires a certain aspect of business. The church is not a business.
Though legally on paper, it may be considered a 501c3 nonprofit organization business, which has an account.
It has money coming in and out. It has to be taxes. So you could say in that sense, the church is a business.
If I were preaching at a church, and this topic came up in a Q &A afterwards,
I'd say, in the legal sense, the church is a business. The ministerial sense, no, it's not.
The church is that local body where a man gets up and preaches the word of truth along with the elders periodically, and who then administer the sacraments of baptism and the
Lord's Supper. And church discipline, worship adoration, tithing is offered as an opportunity for people.
And the faithful preaching of God's word. And that's what the church is for. And it's for the glory of God and the equipping of the saints.
Ephesians 4, 8 -12 talks about this. For the building of the body of Christ, for the work of ministry.
So we don't call that a business. But there are business aspects to it. So it depends on the context that the person would be saying it.
That would be important. Okay? Yeah, so that's exactly what I said. And I got argued down.
I said it's got aspects of a business, but it should not be titled, this is a business, you know.
That's because business is carried out. But it just brought on more frustration.
My only other question is, is church necessary? Necessary in what way?
For what? To attend. Is it necessary to attend a church? Say if you did online study and other things, is church necessary to attend?
There's a yes and a no. A church is not necessary for salvation.
Attending a church is not necessary to be saved. It's not necessary for you to be a knowledgeable Christian.
It's necessary to have fellowship. If you want to have fellowship with others. And it's really good to go to church to participate in taking communion and having the joy of fellowship with other believers.
There's degrees of absolute necessary if you want this, and not necessary for that.
It just depends on where you're at. There are people who can't go to church. My wife is not able to attend church because of her health problems or physical health problems.
She doesn't go very often. Is it necessary for her to go? No, it's not. It's not necessary.
It's not necessary for salvation? No. And her spiritual growth, she reads the Bible, she studies. Occasionally she listens to me.
She gets really desperate. But it's not necessary. Normally speaking, yeah, you should go to church.
You should. Alright. I appreciate that.
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't off my way of thinking about the church.
You should go to church. You really should. And it's healthy and it's good.
The reason I go is because I'm supposed to. I go for the fellowship and communion and to learn things from the pastor.
I know a lot, but pastors know a lot too. So I can always be fed.
It's a nice drive up and back and things like that. So I usually go by myself because my wife can't attend usually.
Right. Good. Alright. Thanks a lot for this. Alright, Matt.
God bless, buddy. Alright. Now, next longest waiting is Jermaine from California.
Jermaine, welcome. You're on the air. Oh, hey, Matt. Hey. Hey, well, yeah, just wanted to talk about politics again.
We don't have much time, but I was very disturbed by, I watched the
RNC and the DNC convention just so I'm informed. But when pastors make political endorsements, it kind of gives me the creeps.
But from what I saw yesterday was really particularly disappointing because there was more of a promotion of the
LGBT and things that Christians aren't supposed to support. And I'm not saying
I'm on either side. This is different from the Democratic Party that my family grew up with.
And I was just curious about the motivations of some of these people.
Like, are they even biblical? Because they had these people with the title of pastor and bishop and even some rabbis.
But I know people from multiple faiths who do not agree with the stuff that's going on, and they just can't.
But is this just pretty much people selling out? Let me ask you, what party, political party, in the
United States do you think the Antichrist would join? I have to be honest.
I think they joined the current Democratic Party just from what I saw yesterday.
That's the party. Promotion of everything wrong. It was founded for the purpose of promoting slavery.
They worked against the slaves when they were freed after the Civil War. They invoked the
KKK, the Jim Crow laws. They promote socialism. They promote wokeness, not biblical stuff.
They promote LGBTQ, the alphabet army, the mob that is wreaking havoc all over us.
They kill the unborn. I don't understand how any knowledgeable Christian who knows about the Democratic Party, I don't understand how anybody who's a
Christian could knowledgeably be a Democrat knowing what it stands for. I'm dead serious.
A man in the pulpit needs to say that. If people get up and leave during the sermon, so be it.
Go find a church that will tickle your ears. Men need to start preaching the truth and start saying you can't support anybody who's pro -homosexual and pro -death who wants to kill the babies in the womb.
You cannot do that as a person of God. You should not be supporting them and you should not be voting for them. I'd say in the pulpit, you can't talk about that.
Then leave if you don't like it. The Republican Party is not much better. I was going to say,
I get calls from your area from great people that I would love to hang around with.
You're one of them. And Janet's another one. I've got to get out there next year and just hang out there and meet people and stuff like that because there's so many wonderful people who have it right before God.
Anyway, I'm just saying it. Go ahead. I'm sorry. I'll have to probably call back tomorrow to get more time on this.
I was very disappointed as an African American to see what so obviously, in my opinion, was them using people because a lot of these things didn't really exist within the culture.
And now you're using people who used to preach against this stuff, you're using them to prop it up.
And I saw one woman say how the vice president encouraged her and her wife.
And I'm like, wait, what? It's very disappointing. And I'm not attacking people. I'm not here to attack anybody.
I pray for everyone's salvation. But it was just enough was enough. And I know it's only going to get worse over the next couple of days.
But I was just very disappointed at people who did what I think is just selling out.
And it looks like they're doing it for political prominence and notoriety versus standing on the word of God, which might make you unpopular.
But like you said, so be it. Jermaine, dude, high five. All the way, man.
I'm with you. All right. Thank you.
I'd love to sit down with you sometime if I was ever able to, you know, get a cup of coffee and just talk because you're my kind of guy.
Good for you, man. Good for you. Yeah. All right.
God bless. God bless. All right. We only have 30 seconds left.
Jim from Minnesota. We only have 30 seconds, dude. Sorry. But your topic... Yeah, no, it's all right.
You got to call back tomorrow. Yeah, the quickness... I'm curious. Go ahead. Sure. Sure. I was just going to ask in regard to...
I heard one of your podcasts where you talked about chemicals and how if you were to run wires to them and whatever and how they have different responses that they couldn't rationalize or whatever.
My question would be if you have somebody and you use that type of an argument and they come back with, well, what about AI? And artificial intelligence now can, you know, compute and obviously do stuff and make rational decisions based on their circumstances.
It's kind of like weekend. It's called GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out. It has to do with programming.
And we're out of time. Call back tomorrow. We've got to talk about that. Good topic. Okay, brother. I'll call back. All right, man.
All right. Hey, folks. Sorry about that. Good conversations. That's right. And I hope you continue to listen even if you don't like what