Carl Lentz's HORRENDOUS Statement About Homosexuality!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So a lot of you are going to see that I'm doing a video on Carl Lentz.
And you're going to think, come on, Colin, you're beating a dead horse, man, Carl Lentz is totally done, you could be spending your time on better things, he's fired, why do his views even matter,
Colin, you're wasting your time. And I'm going to answer that objection in a second, but first, let's go ahead and educate the viewers on who
Carl Lentz is. So Carl Lentz is the former celebrity pastor of Hillsong Church in New York.
He was fired in the year of 2020 because of committing adultery. So the temptation for many people watching this video is to say something along the lines of, well
Carl Lentz no longer works for Hillsong, Colin, so his views don't represent them anymore. And that is true in a sense, but it's not true for this situation.
Let me explain why. The egregious statement that I'm going to play for you today was made all the way back in 2014.
That's six years before Carl was fired by Hillsong for adultery. And as far as I know, Hillsong has not corrected his statements here, and there was absolutely no consequence offered by the church in response to this.
So here's the important thing to remember. While Hillsong did fire Carl Lentz, they didn't fire him for preaching false things.
And as far as we know, Hillsong and Carl Lentz have historically shared the same views on these issues, and they still do up to this day.
So with that said, let me show you three clips of what Carl Lentz said with regards to homosexuality.
And we're simply going to compare his statements to scripture. Number one. In the video you're about to see,
Carl Lentz is going to be confronted with the question of inclusivity. What is his stance, or frankly, the stance of Hillsong Church on homosexuality?
Watch this. And how do you feel about sort of the tolerance issue that I was talking to Joel about?
I mean, I mean, do you guys have positions on, say, gay marriage and things like that? We have a stance on love, and everything else, we have conversations.
So with a classic Hillsong rehearsed answer, he says, we have a stance on love and conversations about everything else.
This remark is so clearly scripted, it's almost sickening. Obviously, it is an attempt to please conservative evangelicals who believe that this behavior is a sin, while at the very same time they try to please the secular world who thinks homosexuality is totally fine.
The implication here, of course, is that they do not have a firm stance on homosexuality, or at least, if they do,
Carl Lentz and the other Hillsong henchmen are too cowardly to articulate that stance. So long story short,
Lentz makes a big deal about how he's all about love. Really, Hillsong in general does that. But really, we should ask the question, how is this loving at all?
Since when is actively confusing your neighbor about what you believe loving your neighbor? In Matthew 7, 12,
Jesus talks about loving your neighbor when he says, quote, So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.
For this is the law and the prophets. So I have a question. If you were living in sin against a holy
God, if you were incurring judgment on yourself, if you were participating in self -destructive behavior, wouldn't you want someone to tell you?
If you were an alcoholic, for instance, wouldn't you want the people around you who claim to love you to have a firm stance against that behavior?
Of course you would. That's what love is. That's what love does. It looks out for the best interests of another.
Doing to them what you would want done unto you. That's what love does. But Carl Lentz and the Hillsong movement at large have a very different interpretation of what biblical love is.
They think it is biblically loving to hide the truth from people and allow people to keep sinning against God and keep participating in self -destructive behavior because after all it would hurt their feelings if we told them not to.
So here's my first point. Carl Lentz and Hillsong are wrong about homosexuality, not because they have an abundance of love, but because they have a lack of it.
And this brings me to point number two. Let's see how Carl Lentz responds when the woman interviewing him decides to press him regarding his politically correct answer.
Watch this. We have a stance on love and everything else we have conversations.
So what does that mean? Exactly that. Often people want you to make these big statements about things and I don't believe it's fair.
I don't think a public forum is always the best place to talk about something that's so sensitive and important to so many because a public forum, there's no discussion there and everybody's situation is unique.
So I've been with some people who make a statement about this and I'll say, why? I'd rather have a conversation with that person because if I make a statement publicly, there's no discussion.
There's no explanation. There's just this comment. And notice how his previous answer was so vague and really such a cop out that even this woman who works for a secular media company can see straight through it.
Let this be a lesson to all of us. When us Christians don't clearly stand up for what we believe in, the world is going to respect us less, not more.
Notice another thing that Lentz says in the clip, though. He says something along the lines of, well, I don't think a public forum is a good place to talk about these sensitive personal situations.
But I want you to see, guys, how totally different Lentz's perspective is here compared to the Bible's perspective.
Romans 1 27, for instance, it talks about homosexuality and it says this, quote, And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error, end quote.
The Bible calls homosexuality a shameful lust, a dishonorable passion, an error, an action worthy of punishment from God, as all sin is.
But according to Lentz, homosexuality is none of those things, or at least he'll never say that. Rather, to the
Hillsong movement and Carl Lentz, homosexuality is merely a unique, personal, and sensitive issue.
It's not an abomination before a holy God that needs to stop now. It's a touchy subject that no one should make harsh statements about.
And the reason for this incongruence is simple. Carl Lentz cares more about pleasing people than God. That's why he offers a perspective on homosexuality that is altogether more pleasing to people than it is to the
Lord. It's really that simple. The point here is that the way Carl Lentz, the Hillsong movement, and really most modern
Christians treat homosexuality is completely different from how the Bible treats it. And therefore, by definition, their views on homosexuality are unbiblical.
And this brings me to point number three. Watch as the interviewer further presses Carl Lentz on this subject.
The weak theological position of Hillsong, it folds like a cheap suit. Watch this. We want to actually -
Just to play devil's advocate, I mean, do you feel like - It's hard for you because you're so sweet. But do you feel like, you know, you have a moral imperative to speak publicly about some of these more controversial issues?
No, because we try to be like Jesus. Very rarely did Jesus ever talk about morality or social issues.
He was about the deeper things of the heart. So now we get to the bottom of it. Why does Lentz refuse to give his true position on homosexuality to the whole world?
Well, because apparently Jesus didn't make broad sweeping statements about morality and social issues.
He's just trying to be like Jesus. Guys, that's why. And this is further proof that Hillsong type Christians see
Jesus in a completely different way than most of us do. Let's just compare Lentz's statements with the actual behavior of the biblical
Jesus, shall we? Lentz says that Jesus didn't make public broad sweeping statements about morality or social issues.
But what about Matthew 19, 9, where Jesus says, quote, And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality and marries another commits adultery, end quote.
Here, Jesus publicly calls out those who irresponsibly divorce their wives. That's a pretty firm stance on a very social issue.
And he also calls out sexual immorality, which, by the way, in Jesus's day would have included homosexuality, which is another firm stance on a very social issue.
And finally, he calls out adultery publicly, which is yet another firm stance on a social issue.
So again, if Jesus didn't make public statements about morality and social issues, then why do I have an example here of him doing it three times in a single sentence of Scripture?
I think it's because Carl Lentz and Hillsong have decided to make Jesus into their own ideal teacher.
You see, they don't read the Bible and genuinely see who Jesus is. Rather, they see him for who they wish he was.
And that's why Jesus to them is like all of their pastors. He's an emasculated, trendy, seeker -sensitive pastor who has no opinions about anything.
They don't want to offend anyone. So they simply make up the idea that Jesus never offended anyone either. You see, we're being
Christ -like. Isn't it a very deceptive tactic? And they don't want you to notice it. But that's why this channel exists, so that we can expose the unbiblical tactics of churches like Hillsong and pastors like Carl Lentz.
It's false, it's unbiblical, and it's dangerous. So in conclusion, Carl Lentz was dismissed by Hillsong for adultery, but he was not dismissed for his teaching.
That is to say, what Carl Lentz taught still matters, because we have ample evidence to show us that what he taught and what
Hillsong teaches now are pretty much one and the same. And that makes us see Lentz's past comments on homosexuality, for instance, in a whole new light.
You see, these comments, they represent the weak and unbiblical perspective of Hillsong and all the churches out there who are like them.
So Carl, if you happen to be watching this somehow, please know this isn't an attack on you. This is simply a warning to Christians about dangerous false teaching.
You are not without hope in this situation. You can always hope in Christ. You can always repent and confess this to Christ, who is full of mercy and full of grace.
And let's pray for Carl Lentz, folks, and the entire Hillsong movement, really, that they would repent of this and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.