MURDER: Christian Calls Utah Legislature to Consistency

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Brian Brady of Apologia Church Utah calls the Utah Legislature to consistency during the hearing for the bill HB467.


House Bill 467 just became public this afternoon. Fox 15 News reporter
Chris Arnold spoke with anti -abortion and pro -choice advocates who let their voices be heard on this extremely emotional issue.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. My name is Brian Brady, and I promised my new friend Gabby that we truly are against this bill, even though some of us who are pro -life, we are against this bill.
Representative Lisenby, inconsistency is a sign of a failed argument. You said that you are pro -life at all stages and all circumstances.
And then you testified that if they're under a certain age of a certain level of development or environment or degree of dependency, then it's okay to take this life.
We are 100 % pro -life. I can account on one hand, the members in this room, they're all 100 % pro -life.
There's no neutrality. Okay, guys? There's zero neutrality on this thing. And until this state legislature in the state of Utah steps up, and they don't wanna be like Dachau or Buchenwald, or you guys don't probably recognize those, but you'll hear this name,
Auschwitz. Yeah, we don't wanna do that. We're tired of this in this state. We're tired of this in this country.
The blood of these innocent children cries out to God. And the blood of those innocent children are on your hands.