Refuting Open Theism Heresy.



A caller on the Matt Slick Live Radio Show seeks advice on how to counter his Sunday School teacher, who believes in Open Theism. This is a false doctrine that denies God's foreknowledge and sovereignty. Matt exposes the errors and dangers of this view with biblical arguments and logic.


He says God cannot be outside of time. Okay All right So if I were discussing this online with him in front of the class,
I'd say what does it mean to be outside of time? What does it mean? Well, how's he gonna answer it?
He doesn't know what it means to be outside of time Then how are you saying God cannot be outside of time? Do you even know what the term means?
You don't have any referent for it But yet you're gonna say there's a concept outside of time which you don't know what it is
And God can't be outside of time, which you don't know what it means So, how would you know that he can or cannot do about something you cannot define and know what it is
First mistake of logic. He cannot do it His whole premises then falls apart from this right there if he says
God is in time Well, then I'm gonna ask him Is he a pantheist or panentheist and it's a trick kind of question because a pantheist says
God in the universe or one of the Same a panentheist says God is in the universe Well, if he's in the universe is he then subject to the laws of physics and what time is another thing
I could do is Ask him. Well, what is time and what theory of time do you hold to a theory or B theory?
Okay, it's everything always happening in sequence and none things aren't known or Does everything happen all at once and God is simply knowing them that we're experiencing them sequentially a theory
B theory He doesn't know probably He doesn't even know even know what those things are and he doesn't know who's gonna get saved
Well, then how can you impute the sins of people to Christ? because if the open theist is lame as that theological position is
Well first Peter 2 24 says he bore our sin in his body on the cross What sin did he bear for my sin born 2 ,000 years after Christ?
What sin did he bear if he doesn't even know I'm gonna be born or know what sins I'm gonna commit How could he cancel the certificate of debt to send that at the cross
Colossians 2 14? How does he do that if he doesn't know what sins you've committed and if I have not committed a certain sin
ABC But I have committed a sin XYZ. Well, then which one of those need to be atoned for Well, he won't know because God doesn't know what's gonna happen
He doesn't know what Jesus is gonna do because Jesus is human has free will how's he gonna know? Is Jesus gonna go to the cross?
I don't know But you know what the God of open theism says a lot of times, you know what he says? He says things like this. Whoops.
Oops. I Didn't know about that. Oh, I didn't that's a surprise. That's the
God of open theism How does such a God decree that eternity is going to happen in all things?
How does he know that the crucifixion is going to happen? Well, the open theist comes back and says things like well, he just pushes the generic
Movements of big things to bring about what he wants. Oh, so now he knows how people gonna react in certain situations
He's the omniscient. Does he know all things present and we get all these things. It's just so many so many things
He doesn't know about in 1st. Samuel 1535. He denies open Anthropomorphism right away, but look
I take him to Genesis 3 So I say does God know everything some open theists say he does everything noble right now in the present good.
All right So did he know where Adam and Eve were in the garden? When they hid themselves, of course, he did then why do you say where are you because he's speaking anthropomorphic
Lee That's how God works and for you to be so dismissive of anthropomorphism There's nothing more than an exegetical and logical failure on your part
Biblically speaking God is the sovereign king over all things humanist philosophy elevates man's freedom man's thinking man's
Rationality open theism is the exaltation of man's free will God cannot know the future because man must have free choices
Therefore God can't ordain what man chooses because man has to be free.