"Sex Worker" Argues with Christians (WARNING LANGUAGE)

Apologia Utah iconApologia Utah

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Pastor Wade and Apologia member Brian were out front of Wasatch Women's Center bringing the Gospel of hope and saving babies when this individual came up named "Star" trying to drown out our efforts and dance against us.


I promise I can be a lot louder than you if you want to shout or we can have a conversation.
I can ground you out so that nobody can hear you. We can tell people about the love of Jesus Christ right over your voice all day long or we could actually have a conversation and a dialogue.
I'm not interested in having a dialogue. Give the gospel. Have you ever heard the gospel before?
Oh I sure have. Have you heard the gospel as well? Hold on I'll get it for you.
What's the gospel? We'd love to hear it. Just give me about 15 minutes. We'd love to be respectful to you.
So the gospel is a rap song? I'd like to see the babies that we're seeing here.
That big Mack truck right up this little garage. Let's have a dialogue.
Nope. My name's Brian. Can we start with that? Can I get your name?
Star. Star? Nice to meet you Star. Are you from Utah? Yep. Born and raised?
Yep. Me too. So what we're doing out here today is we're offering help to women.
Oh I'm offering help to women as well who feel victimized by you. Yeah we offer finances though. We pay their rent.
We buy them diapers. We help them bring a child into this world that they'd rather not kill. Abortion?
Murder baby? What is the definition of murder? A murder? Yeah. Well first of all it requires an actual living person.
Okay. A fetus is not a person. Do you want to Google when life begins on your phone?
Oh life doesn't begin at conception honey. So Google's lying? Oh yeah no haven't you heard?
The scientists are lying? They're all lying. So every doctor's lying but Star's correct that life doesn't begin at conception?
Yep. Do you live the rest of your life that way? Do you deny reality at all times?
I think y 'all are the ones who want me to deny reality. Do you not think it's a good thing that we're out here to offer them money and resources?
Oh there are plenty of places that offer money and resources to women including abortion. Which is essential health care.
So when you go get an abortion they pay you money? Nope. So how would that offer you money and resources?
There are plenty of organizations that do including the one I'm a part of. What's that? Pro Choice People of Utah.
Pro Choice People of Utah awesome. Are you pro sex trafficking?
Oh I'm pro sex work. How about sex trafficking? No I'm a sex worker. And abortions actually help trafficking victims.
Yeah it does help trafficking victims. No it helps them trafficked. It helps trafficking victims.
No. Women get brought here by their pimps. So are you pro a woman carrying a rapist baby?
Are you pro a 10 year old who was a victim of rape being forced to...
Yes. The baby should come. The baby should be born. We believe that the rapist should be put to immediate justice and death.
But we do not believe that the baby should be put to death for the sins of the father. Yeah? What about the fucking mother?
What about the person who has to carry that baby for 9 months? What about the person who has to raise that shit?
Should I have been allowed to kill my children when they were early and inconvenient to me? Why should
I have had to raise them from age 0 to 2? What about me? You shouldn't have to.
I could kill a 2 year old. No. Why not? You just said it's an inconvenience. I should be able to kill them.
I never said it was an inconvenience. I said it was trauma baby. It's not an inconvenience.
It's trauma. So it was traumatic on me and my wife. We didn't know what to do. We didn't have any money. Should I have been able to kill my son
Dax? But you should. I have the option for an abortion. Not murder. An abortion.
It's the same thing. It's not the same. Have you ever told a lie before? Y 'all are lying out here right now.
Have you ever blasphemed the Lord's name? No, but I've survived a miscarriage from you.
That's technically an abortion. How is that technically an abortion?
By legal definition a miscarriage is an abortion. Women have been jailed for miscarriages. You're completely wrong.
In fact, you don't even know when conception starts, so I can't take your opinion on what a miscarriage is. A miscarriage is not taking a human life with malice of forethought.
So you don't know what these definitions are, but you've just gotten it in your head. It's not under malice. An abortion. An abortion.
Did somebody force them to drive here and do it? Nope. I've actually turned around to come talk some shit.
So their malicious heart brought them here. So it was under malice. And it was under forethought.
They made an appointment to come here, correct? I'm here to help those women. But we're on our way out, so you don't have to stay long.
All right, cool. We've been here for a while. Look, the fact is you've sinned against a holy and righteous
God. You've broken His commandments. That's the reality of what's happened. Your life is broken.
You're in sin. You're a slave to your sin. Oh, I'm a sinner, baby. And you can have forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
Yeah, I don't believe in Jesus. He ain't real. Well, he is. Jesus wouldn't support an abortion.
And he's coming to judge the living and the dead. Jesus wouldn't support an abortion. You're going to face God on the day of judgment.
A woman who doesn't know when life begins. Just because you don't believe in air. Life begins when a baby is born, not at conception.
According to her, but according to all of science, all of biology, life begins at conception.
Just because you don't believe in air, you're actually using air to spew these lies. Just because you don't believe in something doesn't make it true or untrue.
Y 'all, I could say plenty of that about y 'all. Anyways, I'm just going to drown you out in case there's a woman in need.
You cannot drown us out. We don't care. Star, we gotta get going, but we do.
You better get the fuck going. We're going to pray for you. We're going to pray for you, okay? Please, please do.