1 Thessalonians 2:12

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The Great Exchange (Pt 2 - Alien Righteousness)

The Great Exchange (Pt 2 - Alien Righteousness)

1st Thessalonians, and we were going we are going to look at a Specific verse in chapter 2, but I want to read the first 12 verses and then
Our thoughts tonight will stay centered mostly on verse 12
But in order to kind of set us up in our understanding let's read from Verse 1 of chapter 2 as Paul writes to to the church at Thessalonica For you yourselves know brethren
Excuse me that are coming to you is not in vain But after we had suffered before and was spitefully treated at Philippi as you know
We were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much conflict For our exhortation did not come
From receipt deceit or uncleanness nor was it in guile But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men
But God who tests our hearts But neither at any time did we use flattering words as you know nor a cloak of covetousness
God is witness Nor did we seek glory for many either from you or from others that when we might have made demands as apostles of Christ But we were gentle among you just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children
So affectionately longing for you. We were well pleased to impart to you
Not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives because you have become dear to us
For you remember brethren Our labor and toil for laboring night and day that we might not be a burden to any of you
We preach to you the gospel of God You are witnesses and God also how devoutly and justly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe as you know
How we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as the father does his own children
That you would have a walk worthy of God who calls you into his own kingdom and Glory, and may
God bless his word. So as I said already this was These are notes from a message that I preached just two weeks ago and it's fresh in my mind and it really what
I really wanted to Draw out if possible in our time together tonight is this
Thought that Paul sets before him about having a walk worthy of God Who calls you into his own kingdom and glory?
in a movie just try to get us real quick in in setting the the background if you will as You might know already this was one of the earlier letters that Paul wrote
To one of the earlier churches that he established and certainly God used him to establish the church of Thessalonica as God did in many other places and what's interesting about first Thessalonians and actually second
Thessalonians is that this this church was extremely dear to Paul and And I want you to just to see it and just look at the way he says it in verse 7
He says we were gentle among you just as a nursing mother Cherishes her own children and and then even in verse 8 affectionately longing for you
We were well pleased to impart to you. Not only the gospel but our own lives and Then he continues that how they labored and toiled and then you come down to verse 11 as you know
How we exhorted and comfort and charged every one of you as a father does his own children
And what's interesting to me about first Thessalonians as well as second Thessalonians is that many times?
because Of certain passages in both first Thessalonians and second
Thessalonians in first Thessalonians is that that section that people will use for the rapture right first Thessalonians chapter 4 and in it and in that sense everybody focused or many many people will focus in on that passage and Then if you look at second
Thessalonians the passage That deals with the man of sin and and and the lawless one being revealed and and I do think at times
When it comes to the two letters that he wrote to the Thessalonian church
That we can miss the forest with Jesus because again Paul really had a very deep -seated affection for this church having spent time with them having established them and Certainly in Now writing back to them to see how things are faring.
So I did want to mention that and that's the setting that that We need to keep in our mind that this was a very intimate
Church with Paul and that he really had not that he didn't have concern for all the churches But but this church was so dear to him.
And and again, I just don't want us to miss the fact that As I said many people will run to it to try to build a doctrine of the rapture or the man of sin and in certainly,
I don't want to deal with that tonight, but let me start it to you this to think about it this way if I had to give a
Summary verse if you will of the Christian life. I Like in other words if we had to put together
Bullet points of what the Christian life actually is what it entails
I do think verse 12 would be far up on that list Because really as you look at it and and hopefully as we will discuss it shortly this this thought of Not only walking before God But walking worthy
Before God and not only walking worthy, but walking worthy In his kingdom and for his glory so I do think that this would be a verse that we could certainly use to summarize if you will or Capsulate the the essence or the essential character of the
Christian life And again not excluding all the other things that are laid out for us, but certainly
I do think That this would be one that we could certainly use
I would also say this that this verse and I know we're our time would be abbreviated but this verse is not only
Full of Doctrinal truth, but this there's a lot of practice in this verse and I want to try to draw that out in other words
If we can in a sense dissect what he's saying here
I do think we will find that there is a lot of doctrine in this verse and there's a lot of practice in this verse and and I did want to make that point to us that That we understand that Doctrinal truths and practical application of doctrinal truths are
Absolutely essential that they're bound together in if you think about how the epistles are structured
If you think about how certainly Paul does it and even the other writers in the
New Testament particularly Paul and you could pick any one of his epistles whether it be
Romans or Colossians Philippians Ephesians on that you will find the structure of it is that First Paul will lay out what?
Doctrine he'll set before us the truths that are essential for us to understand not only
Intellectually, but but within the person of our lives and then
After he lays out the doctrine, what does he do? He then says something like therefore and And and you can almost see the dichotomy of doctrine followed by what practice
Because again friends you cannot truly rightfully Separate doctrine from practice.
And so I hope that we can extract some doctrine and some practice again
They are very very similar now I Also want us to look at a couple other verses in a
New Testament from the hand of Paul that will Show that this was not only something that he desired for the church of Thessalonica That they would have a worthy walk, but that this was really again
Paul's one of Paul's great desires Having established the church at God's established the church through Paul Having established it spent time there and then moving on in his missionary journeys
There was this great desire for Paul to see the churches that he was used by God for to grow and not only to grow but to have a
Walk that was worthy And so let me let me ask you to look at a couple verses in there right next to each other
Basically look in Ephesians chapter 4 for a second And again, it follows the same pattern if you were to read the first three chapters of Ephesians You're going to see a lot of doctrinal truth.
Certainly the great truths laid out for us concerning the sovereignty of God and how
God chose us and and those things but if you look at the very First verse of the fourth chapter as Paul will now move into the practical side if you will
I Look at verse 1. I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you to have a walk worthy of the calling
Which you were called Basically very similar right to what he says to the church of Thessalonica.
Not only that if you flip over to Colossians chapter 1 and again
It's different churches and as I said Paul had great affinity and affection for all the churches, but if you look in in Colossians and Verse 9 he says for this reason we also since the day we heard of it speaking of their faith we do not cease to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and Spiritual understanding and here it is verse 10 that you would have a walk worthy of the
Lord fully pleasing him being fruitful in every good work and Increasing in the knowledge of God see there it is again
So it's not an isolated thing that he writes solely to the Thessalonican Church But this whole idea of and keep it in your mind as we go through this
For these few minutes together this thought of not only walking but of walking in a worthy manner
And we'll deal with that whole thought of what what does it mean to walk in a worthy manner?
And how is it to be? Demonstrated in our life, but nevertheless, it's there and and I want to add that Many people have for many reasons have this thought that you know, you come to Christ and Things go
Many people have maybe this experience. They're on fire at the beginning, right and Sometimes they fall away just like the power of the seed and the sower right and four seeds for different soils, but but inevitably there is
I do think at times we're on fire for the Lord and then by and by things cool down and We go through some trials and tribulations and things come into our lives and and then all of a sudden we say well
I'm just not as fired up. Well, I want to say this that this thought of walking worthy before God Is not optional
In other words, I do think some people think that Walking worthy or walking in a way that's well pleasing to God is something we do for extra credit
I guess what there is no extra credit in the kingdom of God, right? Wait, we were sinners who were saved by the blood of Christ We're now adopted children of God and and we're accepted in the beloved not it not because of anything
You know ourself even his brother keep brought up In his message on Sunday, but but this whole thought that some people think that this this worthy walk is something that's only for certain people and It's not really an obligation.
It is I don't know of any other way to walk before God, honestly And I'm not saying that I walk in in that worthy manner all the time
But but that ought to be the desire of our hearts because that's what Paul wanted for this church that they would walk worthy that they would do something in a way that was well pleasing to God and Again, as I say it is it is if you will
I Believe it's the goal. We ought to strive for Let me read to you what
Paul says in Philippians, you don't have to turn now He says I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus to me
Much of that striving much of what Paul was seeking to Accomplish was that he himself
Would walk worthy of God and and you can imagine with all the burden that he had all the ministry that he had and all the ups and downs and Enemies and and all his trials and tribulations
It still was something for Paul. He desired to walk worthy before God and Friends I say to you that that is really
Where we ought to be at. I Thought it is verse in Hebrews where it says that We have been made partakers of the heavenly calling
And I'm gonna go back to that thought in just a few but if you go back to first Thessalonians read that verse
That's what it says. You would have a walk worthy of God who calls you into his kingdom and glory
So with that in mind, let me just make a few points on some of the different Aspects of these words in this verse and the first one is he says that you
Mean and again important to know who he's talking to right? context and I do think in We might have to you might not totally agree with me
But I do think when he says that you he's got a double thought in mind and I'm just gonna
That one he's talking to the church As a body
And I think I can prove that by saying that he his opening words in even in the first chapter is how their
Testimony had gone out through the whole area right and that they had
Shown and demonstrated that They were desirous to follow on and press on and know in the
Lord So I do think when he says that you that not only does he have The church as a body in mind, but I also think that he's talking to the individuals
I hate spelling Yeah, no,
I can't at least the hands not yet and what I would say that's not right Then he's talking to the individuals look and I do think if you think about it friends,
I do think that that is a real Part of walking worthy before God in other words
That a body a church body a local body Now I'm not talking about the if you want to use the term the universal church
That's that's spread out through space and time that that's a different discussion I'm talking about and I do think the emphasis in the
New Testament Scriptures in the epistles is that they're directed to local churches
And that that is where Paul Spends most of his thought
Not to the exclusion of the universal church but that you and I would realize that when he says that you so the charge is to both the church as a body and The individuals which make up the body and that makes sense, right?
Aren't we not also? Christ is what he's the cornerstone
We're built upon that We're built upon the cornerstone and the foundation of the apostles and prophets and we're living stones in that temple so I certainly can see how this would apply and then we can actually you could defend this or promote this by what
Paul talks about in first Corinthians when he talks about the body and and the head and The different parts that make up the body.
So certainly he's directing this this Exhortation to walk worthy to the body
Then also as individuals because if you think about it Christianity true Christianity walking before God is a very individualistic thing, isn't it?
And That you and I ought to keep these things in well -balanced And and I do think this is where a lot of people miss the forest for the trees, by the way
That some people are so caught up in this That they neglect their own souls walk before God or the other way around that they're more concerned about this and this is
This is like extra credit If I do anything good in the body, it's extra credit.
No, it's not I don't believe it is that that Christ died for who? the church
What is the church comprised of? Individuals So I do think that even just looking at these first two words that you can build upon that even this thought about the doctrine of the church and and how that is to be understood that Christianity has if you will a
Dual relationship and and that's why and I thought of this verse where in Philippians it says let your conduct
Philippians 127 you can look at it later. If you want let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ And I say to you that a worthy walk is to be done
Internally, and maybe I could do it that way that this to great extent. This is external This is what people say when we gather together
Right, and this is also Internal that we cannot neglect either one of these
Yeah Yeah. Yeah, and and again if you
Go off the rail, you're gonna go into the ditch on one side or the other, right? The same thing is true in in many of the doctrines
But I did want to impress upon us the need for us to keep these things in Perspective because you know how you hear people say
I don't need the church. Yes, you do. Yes you do I'm good with just me and God.
No, you're not Because he didn't just die for you He died for the church and that means that you are and then you can go we could spend a whole lot of time
Just breaking off on that into the one and others Well, what does Paul mean when he talks about exhort one another be long -suffering with one another love one another be compassionate to one another
Forgive one another Do not forsake the gathering together of one another. I mean those those are just is that extra credit?
No, that's part of the worthy walk And many people neglect one for the sake of the other or both and neither one of those so That's just the first two words of verse 12 that you would have a walk and so let's move on a little bit
I'm going to abbreviate some of my notes because again, I had an hour and half to preach and Lot less time to go through tonight.
But and again, I don't usually do this. I just want you to know that Very very seldom.
Do I use a message twice? I Just don't do it But this one was fresh in my mind and I just thought it
I guess it's just been Floating around and so I thought maybe I'd bring it forth
But it's interesting, isn't it how he then says this that you We established hopefully that he's talking to the both the church and the individuals who comprise the church
And then he says that you would have a walk And I thought about that and I stopped there for a minute and I thought about okay
Let's think about this for a minute What is a walk?
When I say walk What comes to your mind Okay I got gate recognition software.
How about this? And When you think about a walk it insinuates movement, right
What else does it insinuate? Yeah, here's something I thought about it insinuates
Life what what determines to do what makes the distinction between animate and inanimate?
Movement that's how we determine wife, right and not only that but within this thought of walk even for a bow -legged
Saint There has to be this progression
Right, I mean Yeah, it's okay to run on the treadmill But you just looking at the same wall that you're looking at for an hour.
I mean, there's no progression But one of the things about walking is there has to be it demands
Progression it demands movement. So when you think about that, sir Yeah, it's got good
John. It's got a destination in mind or it's got a Use the word that Paul used got a goal
Right. I mean, I don't know why those people get on those bicycles with those funny little suits and those little
Klingon hats And drive and ride their bikes for miles and miles But I guess they got a destination
They got a goal in mind whether it maybe I don't know They do and they wear those funny suits too
I Probably have offended half the bike riders in in Northern, Florida, but nevertheless a worthy walk is
Something that we do in even running Because what is running?
It's just quicker walking, right? If you break it down, it's it's still movement.
There's still Progression it still insinuates life and there still has to be a goal
Almost like Forrest Gump, right? He just got up that day. I just feel like running
He got San Diego he says well, I think I'll just stop Movement progression
What's interesting is that? This word walk is tied together
With the very next word that you would have a walk worthy of God now
I'm not a Grandma Guru But I do know the difference between an adjective and an adverb so an adjective describes a
Noun and the adverb describes a verb, right? Got through that but the adverb here is worthy and And what he's doing is he's describing the walk
So in other words, it's giving character to the type of walk that Paul is desirous to see this church
Follow through it that they would have a walk worthy of God. And if you looked up the root word of worthy it basically means
That which is suitable. Well that which is appropriate or that which becomes us.
So just think about it We have been called and we'll spend a few minutes if we can on that we have been called out of darkness into light and therefore we ought to have a suitable walk in our lives that Demonstrates that we are walking in a way of pleasing
God It's not It's not something that you can just say
Oh, well I'll give God, you know this much of my time this much of my effort a
Worthy walk really is a walk that's suitable. It's almost like what Paul says in Romans 12
Right Present our bodies, which is the reasonable service of our minds, right?
To to do that to follow the perfect Why to glorify God to give
God the honor to give God the glory and so again, a lot of this is driven by What really is the movement of our hearts
Again, the reason why I stress this whole idea of doctrine and practice is because many many people
Have much doctrine in their heads But Sometimes it goes no further than their heads
And it doesn't work its way out in the life. And again doctrine without practice is
No No bueno It's not right. It's not right. They go together.
They're locked together. They're in union certainly as it was Jesus Always spoke the truth never spoke why never never spoke anything opposed to God and yet You look at the life of Christ, right?
And again doctrine practice and so this whole idea of walking worthy of God and and if you wanted to you could think about There's this idea of how this word worthy really means as I said suitable or appropriate it really comes from the same word and If you think about it and one of the interesting things in the book of Revelation if we ever get through it with brother
Mike is That that word worthy is going to come up a number of times in the book of Revelation Right.
I'm just thinking this one It says in Revelation 4 worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive honor and glory, right?
Does it not? Become Christ to receive all the honor and all the glory and all the majesty yes, it's suitable for him and guess what it's suitable for him alone and that is the same root word that Paul uses when he says that you and I as He's using the church of Thessalonica to teach us that we ought to Individually walk in a suitable manner and that we also ought to walk as a body suitable and in a worthy manner and again,
I stress that idea of There really is no such thing as a lone ranger
Christian I'm not saying there aren't a lot of lone ranger Christians But really there is there's something wrong if you're a lone ranger
Christian We ought to be united because again We are one body in Christ with the emphasis being on the local church again.
I realize in that day When we are all at his feet
Then there will be a local church right made up of every
Saint in space and time gathered together in one place because that's the whole point of a church body the
Ecclesia The called -out ones is what? they are Visibly gathered in a locality wherever that locality would be and so certainly here that locality happens to be at Thessalonica, so not it's the same word that's used to describe
Christ on how he is worthy and alone worthy suitable and so Paul charges them and this is this is something to think about Look what he says that you would have a walk worthy of God Again just stop for a minute and think it's not worthy of someone
It's not even worthy of something Worthy of God Listen It becomes us to walk in a manner that honors
God You know a lot of people get caught up in I belong to so -and -so
Church And I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm thankful and I tell people
I belong to Sovereign Grace Family Church But there are some people that get take that to an extreme
Well, you know I belong to So and so I'm not gonna mention any because I'll probably get blasted for saying something
But I belong to this church or I belong to this denomination. You ever hear that one, right?
I'm a Baptist I'm a Presbyterian. I'm a Methodist. I'm Episcopalian and then you ask him like well, how's your walk before the
Lord? I've been to church in 48 years, but you know, I'm a I'm an
Episcopalian. What do you what do you expect? This is listen friends we ought to walk worthy before God before the
Creator Before the one who sustains us and I said this
Sunday in my prayer and I say it again Just think about it. We breathe
God's air We eat God's food We behold
God's Majesty in the creation. I was reading this morning on my own in Psalm 50 and it talks about how
God knows every bird on every mountain That's who we are to walk worthy before the one who will who knows it all
The one who is truly worthy it becomes us
To honor God with a worthy walk We behold
God's majesty. Listen God's given us relationships all these things that God has
So generously poured out on us And that's why I think Paul says worthy of God Worthy of God because God is the only one right remember what he says.
I Will not share my glory with another and so you and I ought to consider in our lives
That this God that calls us to walk worthy is not just the God of man's imaginations
And you know, everybody's got a God Even I know the fool said his heart there is no
God but even the fool has to have a God to deny and So there really is no one that doesn't believe in some kind of a
God and They might very well be their own God or think they are their own God. But listen, we did this is the true
God This is this is the God who has Who alone inhabits eternity
Can you imagine if we really set our minds on that that God has no beginning? No end
God has never diminished God has never increased God has always been
God And I don't know about you but to me that just Same yesterday today and forever
Who alone dwells in the light what Paul says that no man can approach?
That's who we are to walk worthy before. So again, it's not an issue of just to impress others or Or just to gain some sort of merit or extra credit listen
For the great love which he loved us Even when we were dead in sin and trespasses
God so loved us That he called us out of the deadness of sin the bondage that we were in Now I realize that if you were brought up in a
Christian house That might not appear as pointed
Because you have been surrounded by If you will the
Christian doctrine and Christian practice but you and I and everyone were as dead as Lazarus was in the grave and And God in his great because God was not obligated was it
God was not obligated to save us God was not obligated to do anything for us
That's why it gets me so riled up when I hear people say and we're gonna get into it shortly here just for a moment about this whole idea of the doctrine of election and calling and and it's not fair and How could
God do that save some and not save others and and and My response is going to be the same until God takes me home
That's not the wonder. The wonder is that God saves any of us, right? Right because none of us are worthy
None of us deserve an iota From God we are the indebted ones to him.
He's not indebted to us It's all by his Gracious provision and it all comes to us through the
Savior who alone is worthy. Let me Let me just read you you don't have to turn yeah,
I'm gonna read something from Revelation 5 and Cuz here's my point. I want to show you how worthy this one is the
Lord Jesus Christ who is God come in the flesh and I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne of scroll written inside and on the back sealed with seven seals and I saw a
Strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice Who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals?
And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look at it
And so I wept much because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll or to look at it
One of the elders said to me do not weep behold the line of the tribe of Judah the root of David has prevailed to open the scroll and Loose its seven seals and I looked and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures
And in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as though it had been slain Having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God Sent out into all the earth and he came and he took the scroll out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne
Now when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb
Each having a harp and golden bowls of incense Which are the prayers of the
Saints and they sang a song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and open the seals for you were slain and Have redeemed us to God by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation
Made us kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth
Friends We ought to walk in a suitable manner in a way that becomes the grace of God Because he is worthy of it from us and when you think about and again as I said to you this was a charge that Paul gave to Almost every church and I would say he did and you could probably dig out the scriptures and and find it in every single epistle
That he wrote and not only that but it was Paul's again was Paul's desire listen you and I will
Seek to walk in a way pleasing to God by the measure of The grace that God gives us and the desire we have to out of a debt of love give back
People will say that's not true Some people have this much and some people have that much and I realize that and God gives everyone a measure of faith but listen
Anyone who knows he's been slay saved from the prison house of sin will out of a heart that is indebted in love give back to God and Give back to him freely and fully because it becomes
Him to receive it now. I only got a few minutes left. So I want to at least try to get this out.
I Want you to look at something That you would verse 12 again that you would have a walk worthy of God who calls you
Into his own kingdom and glory and I do think we need to settle here for a second
Because I do think we would do great damage to this Scripture not only to this scripture, but to to all that it sets before us if we do not understand that That caught that word when it says who calls you
That this is not something that is to be considered just as What I would say is the general call
Everybody understand what I mean by the general call That the call of the gospel goes out to the ends of the earth
The heavens are clear the glory of God the firmament shows forth his handiwork day on today It other speaks at night on tonight.
It shows knowledge is neither speech nor language Where their voice is not heard and that there is a genuine genuine call
General call of the gospel come unto me all you that are heavy laden. I will give you rest Although that one you we could probably have a discussion about but there is
God is no pleasure in the death of the wicked and so God is sincerely calling and there is this general call but I do think we would do great damage to this truth in this verse and in the overall structure of of the reality of The New Testament and even the whole of the
Word of God if we do not see that in verse 12 here I believe he's not talking about the general call
He's talking about the effectual call of God Because there is a general call and just I just write it just to keep my mind straight.
So there's a general call We talked about this once before right because you remember it was a while ago.
I was teaching tonight I brought up the idea. There was Common grace special grace, right same thing here.
There's a general call And then there's the what Factual call
And if you really want to make people mad Just do this just tell them it's the
Irresistible call God don't do that stuff.
God doesn't force you to do things and I'm so thankful.
God forced me To fall down on my knees Right, if God didn't interfere in my life,
I'd there would be no life So when you think about this, this is the effectual call
This is not that call that goes out and and if you wanted to extrapolate that and open it up in your mind
That this was all purpose by God before the foundation of the world That we should walk before him
That we should walk, you know suitable way before him and this call is something that is
Again most Amazing of all that God if you will reach down and With discrimination
And I know that flips a lot of people out For brothers and sisters and friends.
It's a discriminating call. I Will have mercy on whom
I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion and Then Paul deals with that old
Question that's going to come up. Why does he get fine fault? That's not fair Remember what he says who were you?
Who are you to reply against God? So the thing form say to him that formed it Why did you make me thus has not
God power to make of the same one vessel unto honor and the other one dishonor
And he go on and on So when you think about this Who calls you into his own?
Kingdom and glory friends, isn't it? Isn't it a marvel that we've been called to be partakers in his kingdom the kingdom of his son
The kingdom that one day someday shall be manifest before us
Does that not become us to walk worthy to walk to if you will and if I had a capsulated
I think I could use a verse like to bring every thought Into captivity to the obedience of Christ Which one of us want to lie and say
I bring every thought into captivity to the beings of Christ But that ought to be
What drives that's that's part of that worthy walk To put our hands to the plow and not look back
To to strive to to lay down Anything and everything that gets in the way, that's what
Paul says is forgetting those things that you're behind. I count them as done But to press on this is what?
he asked us Encourages us exhorts us charges us to do
Remember the scripture that says we are to Follow after peace with all men
What else? And holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. You want to know what a worthy walk is
It's pursuing holiness. I Was it set free last week And I said that I said
I asked guys What what keeps them up at night?
when some guys said finances some guys said Situations some guys said addictions and Set free.
This is wide open. There's a whole gamut of things over there and I said to him You know what keeps me up at night?
sin and We had a nice conversation about that Because that really ought to be what keeps us up friends.
This is sin putting sin down That's a great way in which we pursue a worthy walk
And this is what Paul as a father as a nurse as a mother as a as an apostle as a as a
Pilgrim along with them. This is what he desires. And so Let me just close it by this
How's all walk going? How is our walk going do we seek to not only walk but walk worthy
Do we seek not only to follow but to follow honorably? Do we seek to to really if need be?
Remove ourselves Decrease ourselves so that he would increase We say it all the time.
He must increase and I must decrease. Well, how do you get there? I'll tell you that you get there.
You get there by a lot of a lot of work, right? You've got to put to death makes no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust
Again to bring every thought into captivity Whether it's working
Sleeping eating. I don't care what it's fishing Do it all to the glory of God So I asked us to think about that And when
I was down at that the church where I was preaching this some of the Saints are a little older I Got to be careful because I can get in trouble.
You know how I do that, right? I say you you figure out who's old and who's young and I tell people you're not a spring chicken
I told Paul Turner the other day. I called him. I said Paul, you're not a spring chicken. He said what do you mean? I'm not a spring chicken
Not a spring chicken but Here's what I thought and here's what I said to him You know, the
Bible says that we should even bring forth fruit in our old age That's Psalm 92 that we will bring forth fruit in our old age there is no time for us
To not walk and pursue a worthy walk before God whether we're young Whether we're in the middle of our vigor
Or whether we're like you said you you can pull your back out now by sneezing, right?
Right. Well, we are starting to look the rubber bands are starting to stretch
You for anybody who if you know what I mean, then you're there There you go
Wait, it'll stretch even further man But But anyway brother says
I hope this helps. I hope hope it can be encouraged to look at Paul's exhortations and Seeing them not only doctrinal truths
But practical applications and then marry them together because then and at that point we not only got honor
God with our words and our thoughts but with our bodies in our lives
Let's pray our father in God, thank you for who you are
Well, thank you so much that you are the great God overall that you are the creator the sustainer the judge
The one who has made all things for himself Even as you say in your word, you've made all things for yourself even the wicked for the day of wrath
Well God help us help us to press on in this most holy faith Help us to set aside every weight in the sin that so easily besets us and to run with patience to races set before us
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him
Endured the cross despised the shame. Oh God help us to walk worthy in his name.