Do Pastors Who Mandated Medical Experiments Owe Reparations?


For two years pastors pushed the jab unapologetically and shamed anyone who was wary of getting them. Now as Pfizer admits they had done no testing to demonstrate that they were "safe and effective" those same pastors have refused to repent of their actions. What does this mean for faithful Christians who listened to them and had negative side effects, including death? How should faithful Christians view these pastors moving forward when the next inevitable pandemic/emergency comes?


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man.
And when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your hosts, Harrison Kerrig and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll be seeking to answer the age -old question,
Do pastors who mandated medical experiments owe reparations? Now, I don't know if you saw in the news last week, but the
European Parliament called executives from Pfizer to come and give testimony about the jab that they had been selling, that they had been producing, that they had claimed that they tested.
So, really, we're doing this episode because there was a massive emphasis,
Tim, on not only doctors, but politicians, actors, pastors even, anyone with any sort of influence over the culture.
They were all encouraging people to take the jab as a response to COVID -19.
Yeah, but over and over again, we had famous evangelical pastors who were basically telling us, love the neighbor, get the jab, quote -unquote jab, although they didn't call it that.
But they were putting it forward as if it were a matter of loving neighbor, it was a commandment of God even, almost as if people were in sin, science deniers, ignorant conspiracy theories.
They pulled out every single conceivable argument that they could use basically to shame us into getting this experimental drug to be test subjects for this drug that we're talking about.
And companies like Pfizer, they were claiming that what they had produced was 100 % effective.
Effective and safe. I mean, it's amazing how that worked. As effective, it was safe, right? Yeah, it's amazing how they changed that over the course of it.
At first, it was like, this would be effective. It would be effective in stopping the spread of COVID.
And then over time, it went from it's going to be effective to stopping it to you need to get the jab or else you're going to essentially be a victim of the virus.
But then over time, it's like, well, get it. It's going to reduce the symptoms, right? Right, yeah.
No, get it, or at first, get it. It'll keep you from getting it.
And then get it, or it's going to lower your chances of getting it. And then finally, get it. It's going to make it easier once you do get it.
It's hard to keep up because they changed it so much. It's hard to even remember all of the different stops they made along the way.
It was a very conventional form of this kind of drug. Right, right. Now, like I said, the
European Parliament, they called executives from Pfizer to come and give testimony about what they had produced.
And so I just want to show you some of this real quick. So the first thing
I want to show you, just so we're all clear, Pfizer did say that this was going to be effective at stopping
COVID -19 and it would be safe, right?
So what I'm showing you right now is a statement from Pfizer themselves. It says, Pfizer and BioNTech confirm high efficacy and no serious safety concerns through up to six months following second dose and updated top -line analysis of landmark
COVID -19 vaccine study. And then here I think I have another tweet from Albert Bouria.
It's basically saying the same thing, excited to share that updated analysis from our
Phase 3 study with BioNTech also showed that our COVID -19 vaccine was 100 % effective in preventing cases in South Africa.
100%. That's what he says, 100%. It's amazing. It's a miracle. It's 100 % effective.
And they're saying it's safe and whatnot. Well, so like I said, they call
Pfizer executives to come and give testimony about their testing procedures and whatnot.
And so the CEO, Albert Bouria, which
I think is, yeah, that's who I just read that tweet from. The CEO of Pfizer, he's called to come and give testimony, but he doesn't come.
And instead, he sends Janine Small, president of international markets for Pfizer, instead.
And the article here, it just summarizes what the video shows and we'll probably link to the video.
But the article says this. Rob Ruse, a member of parliament from the Netherlands, asked
Small, was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?
If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with the committee?
Small answered, regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?
No. She continued, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what's taking place in the market.
Speed of science. Yeah, yeah. You can't make that up, man. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.
So basically, long story short there. I'm still hung up on the speed of science comment.
Hey man, it's the speed of science. You can't argue with the speed of science. You gotta give her points there because you can't argue with the speed of science.
I mean, that's just, I know you don't get it, Tim, because that's a technical term, but.
What's funny is it's like the science speaking, is constantly expanding.
It used to be that science was the process that you would engage upon to test certain hypothesis.
And now all of a sudden you have science giving us not only conclusions, but also moral imperatives that come to us apparently at the speed of, at a remarkable speed at this point.
Yeah. So I think the interesting thing in all this, just before we move on into sort of actually discussing about this a little more in depth, is what's really stood out to me is it really does pay off to be a conspiracy theorist in 2022, right?
I mean, what's the joke? Like the best part of being a conspiracy theorist is you don't get myocarditis.
Yeah, I mean, it's true. Yeah, don't get myocarditis. You're still alive too. So it's good to be alive and not to just suddenly drop dead in the middle of a soccer match or something.
So like I said at the beginning, you had a lot of people pushing this, pushing the jab, right?
And then as time progresses, the claims made about it are slowly sort of walked back and you're kind of expected to not notice, right?
Or at least you're expected to not say anything about it. So there were a lot of people who were basically saying, hey, that's weird.
Y 'all said 100 % effective. And now all of a sudden
I've got to get a booster every six months or it might not be six months, but I've got to regularly get a booster.
I don't even think that's how this works normally. So what's going on here?
But what we really want to focus in on today is not even the politicians. It's not the actors.
It's nothing like that. It's pastors who are pushing this. Like you said, basically like a new commandment from God.
A new commandment I give you. Get jabbed for thy neighbor.
Take the poison. Become a medical test experiment.
Yeah, become a lab rat if you want to love other people. They were pushing this as a legitimate command.
And if you don't follow it, then I almost said they might church discipline you.
But then I was like, well, I doubt they do that at all. But maybe for this they would. Maybe they take this seriously. In one way or the other, you had a bunch of pastors who were essentially making this case that love for neighbor demanded that you become a medical test subject.
Like the worst people imaginable were the conspiratorial minded people who thought that they smelled a rat essentially.
So not only does love for neighbor and protecting your neighbor, love does no harm for your neighbor.
So you must get this. You must become a medical test experiment for them. But then also, beyond that, beyond just doing it, if you don't trust the science, the settled science, which...
Quote, unquote. Quote, unquote. Yeah, because you have tests that are done that you have to interpret in certain ways.
And it's not like some sort of... It's not as if there is some voice out there called science who has decided what all the information means and what we're morally to do with it.
But you must trust basically the left's agenda.
And if you don't, you're some conspiracy theorist, tinfoil hat, crazy ignorant
Trump voter or something like that kind of person. Like the worst degenerate possible.
And I mean, during that time, you had all the articles on misinformation. And anyone who uses that word,
I just almost have zero respect for you if you're going to use that word. I hate that word. But you're like...
Conspiracy theories are so bad and misinformation is so bad. And the problem is it's just like, hey, sometimes there are actually conspiracies.
Yeah, yeah. But then even that, you have guys like Piper even who are writing an article saying that don't feel pressured into not getting the jab if you want to get it.
As if that was even a problem. Right. So in every way possible, they're trying to cover their bases to you better do this.
And you don't... Any pressure you get to not do this is totally morally wrong and you don't have to bow down to it, even though the pressure is all going the other way.
And so much so that if you don't do this, you have people losing their jobs.
There's no sympathy shown to any of those people who are losing their jobs, who are getting fired out of the military or whatever it is.
There's no sympathy. These pastors let them high and dry. Right. Fend for themselves and you didn't have all the
ERLC people advocating for them on their behalf. It was just a massive concerted effort on the parts of many big name pastors essentially to, in every way they possibly can, tell you that if you don't do this, you are morally wrong, a fool, giving in to peer pressure and the pagans are right to force you to do it.
Yeah, and you know, I guess the, I feel like,
I say I feel, it seems like the, one of the most concerning parts about all this is the fact that you really aren't even allowed to question it along the way, right?
You just need to trust the experts. You just need to trust the experts. And you're supposed to,
I mean, literally just deny everything that you see. Right? So when they keep walking back, what the jab was actually going to help accomplish, you're supposed to ignore all that.
And I think for a lot of people, it's one thing if there's just disagreements on how effective it is.
Because I can almost see that as being understandable. Like, hey, get it if you're really okay with risking yourself that way, with risking whatever side effects it has.
But at least we can all admit this is not the normal way. This is not the normal process for something like this.
But you weren't even allowed to do that. And that's the concerning part is you just can't even question it.
You cannot even say, I saw no one who was pushing for the jab, who came out, who was coming along and saying, hey,
I know this is different than normal. I know this is not how these things normally get approved.
And so let me free your conscience to do whatever it is that you think that you need to do for you and your family.
I really didn't even see that. It was just get it. Don't question it. Get it.
And so I guess that leads me a bit into my, I guess, the first question, which is just, why is it that so many pastors jumped on this train so quickly with no hesitancy given to the extremely unorthodox way in which companies were going about producing these basically experiments?
Yeah, I think there's a lot of answers that could be given. I'm sure that behind the scenes there's some sort of financial incentives that are involved in this kind of thing that maybe we'll never be aware of.
But I'm sure that that could be part of it. I'm sure that that could be some pressure on the outside, donors and big, powerful people.
All that sort of thing. So I can't verify that, but that could be true.
I don't know. So that's part of it. Often, psychologically speaking, guilty people are easily manipulated.
And so in the judgment, the Bible says that individuals would be put to flight at the sound of a leaf, like the
Israelites would be put to flight at the sound of a leaf. They'll flee when no one's pursuing them. So the more that people are weighed down by guilt and shame and iniquity, they're easily manipulated because they have a guilty conscience and they're afraid it's going to come out.
With people who hold the levers of power, so to speak, they have dirt on you. They can push you any which way they want.
So I think some of it could be that. So there could be the financial things happening behind the scenes. There could be the guilty people are easily cowed.
The Bible also talks about guilt and that people are held captive by the fear of death.
So unbelievers are held captive by the fear of death in general. I think part of the thing for me when
I'm looking at the subject of this becoming an experimental test subject for a problem that had a 0 .01
% death rate even before I knew the statistics. Those even are 0 .001%.
It's not even that. That was all the exaggerated statistics possible. Who knows what it really is?
But I'm just looking around my eyes and I'm saying, I can't see anyone dying of a sink.
Whatever this is, it's not that kind of thing. But then if you don't have any courage, I think a lot of our pastors are effeminate and weak and lacking in courage and lacking in fortitude.
And they just don't know how to navigate those kind of situations. You know what
I'm saying? If you don't have courage, then you look at something and you don't have any category for doing something that's hard.
You take the easy route every time. And then if you're held captive by the fear of death, it could be that they're paranoid and they're afraid and they're latching onto this.
I think many people latched onto this jab because they were so afraid and so destabilized.
And when God is going to judge a society, He sends His terror and dread upon a society. I mean, that's what the
Old Testament says. He sends His terror and His dread upon them. And they're totally destabilized. And so I think just latching onto anything to be their refuge and strength instead of having a confident trust that God is there and that He's in control and that He knows what
He's doing. And so I think a lot of it is just weak leadership, lack of courage, easily manipulated, probably bought some of them.
But then I also think it's just people who love the praise of men more than they love the praise of God.
And so a lot of this has to do with just being so characterized by the fear of man and so desperate for the approval of the world.
And part of it's related to just the idea that they think if they can get the world to love them and think that they're the nice guys that maybe they're going to be the last ones thrown into the lion's den.
But they so crave the approval of people. They want to get on those spots on CNN.
And they don't want to be the ignorant, stupid Trump voter who is just the constant joke of the people on the left that they think somehow that they're going to salvage their witness or their relationship by the world with basically showing themselves to be reasonable people.
There's a lot of things like that, but those are some of the things that I think come to forefront in my mind.
Yeah, and they do this under the guise of or they justify it by saying things like, hey, we're trying to protect our witness, or we're trying to love our neighbor as ourselves, right?
Our neighbors want us to get the jab, so we need to get the jab, right?
That's kind of how they justify it.
But then, yeah, I think you're right, especially in the, you know, I think there are a lot of pastors out there who probably are fearful of man, right?
Because, I mean, partly because I think I don't want to say that that's understandable because I don't think that's understandable, but I understand it's not easy, right, to be hated.
You get what I mean? I don't want to minimize how hard that is, but then when you have
Christ... Right, so, you know, part of it is part of that is that, like, it's a small matter what the world thinks of me.
Right. And it just, you know, I think... So I'm talking about levers from the outside, financial levers from the outside, but then when you're in,
I think when you're in more liberal areas and you have people, like, there is this concern that, like, people getting mad at you might be the people in your church, too.
You know, and it may be that there's a lot of, like, that was the motivation for a lot of them. They bought into this plan, like, their entire ministry is built on this plan to try to keep the people happy instead of to be faithful.
And so when your entire enterprise and all of your people's livelihood are centered around telling people what they want to hear and you realize that you're in a volatile time to where, you know, you're going to have to take a stand on a divisive kind of issue, right?
And you could lose half your people, you know, if you do that. You know, I think for the kind of pastor who's like a bivocational pastor or something like that, their livelihood doesn't depend on...
Like, I mean, I am. My livelihood doesn't depend on... Now, I mean, at the time it did, but I mean, right now it doesn't depend on that.
So for me, it's just like, well, whatever, right? Like, if you want to go, go, you know?
But I mean, I was like that before, but I mean, like for the person who's like, not only their jobs, but everyone else's job is dependent on keeping a group of people happy, half of whom are absolutely terrified that, you know, everyone's going to die because they've been worked into a frenzy, then, you know,
I think you have the kind of pastors who have bought into this mentality that, like, the most loving thing to do is to basically give the most unstable people in your congregation, like...
The most control. The most control and the rights to manipulate everyone else because you're trying to keep the ship going, you know?
Right. But I mean, it's just not the way it works. Like, what you want to do is you want to do what's true. You're not just pulling the audience and trying to figure out how to keep everyone happy.
And so that was just a test case scenario to say, hey, like, you know, here you are.
And I think they bought into this line at the very beginning that somehow, like, keeping everyone safe is the most pressing concern.
The most pressing concern because they didn't want to be the ones who were meeting at church when it was risky. And if something went bad when it happened, they would be blamed for it.
And so in the name of doing that, then they ended up swallowing, like, a greater evil and unleashing a greater evil upon everyone else.
Now, so we've talked about some of the possible motivations. And I do want to at least give a little bit of a caveat to say, you know, not all of these applications apply to every single person, right?
So it could be for each individual that was really pushing this, it could be any mixture or any combination of these reasons, or maybe even some other ones that we just didn't list out here, right?
So it's not necessarily meant to be like every single one of these guys was doing every single one of these things, and we know that for a fact, right?
But I think there is some wisdom to say, you know, like, okay, but we,
I mean, we've had, we have plenty of evidence. We've seen how a lot of these pastors, you know, speak on these issues and other issues.
And so these are just sort of the general sort of reasons why they were pushing this so hard.
But then I guess the question then, becomes, okay, so they were pushing it this hard. They were pushing it this hard.
They were basically making it, I mean, they were basically making a new command. You just, I don't see how you can get around that.
They were making a new command. They were taking a specific command, love your neighbor as yourself, and they were hijacking it to mean like something.
Yeah, applying in a very specific way. Right. The only way to do that is they've decided to trust the medical experts at the time.
Yeah, and you can't question them on this. You can't say, hey, look, I don't know that that's how this command is supposed to be applied right now.
You know, so they've done all that. And there's obvious, there's been, you know, over the course of time, let me say this too.
So over the course of time, they've walked it back. They've walked back the vaccine stuff. None of these pastors have even said, okay, hey, all right, at first I was on board, but it's clear that they're not, you know, it's clear that this isn't, they're not delivering on their promise.
Right. So I haven't even seen that, which is really, really bad.
So with all that in mind, with all of these negative outcomes that are coming from the jab,
I mean, do pastors that were pushing this all along the way, even now, are they, are they, should they be held responsible?
Do they owe reparations to the people in their congregation that took it and are now experiencing negative side effects or, you know, even dying from it?
Yeah. I mean, I think that they do. I think that, I think that's the difficult thing about it that, you know, on the one hand, when it was happening and when they're advocating these kinds of things, you know, they're basically doing so in a very tyrannical way.
They, they tried every, you know, every means they possibly can to not only tell you that loving for neighbor, love your neighbor demands this, but, you know, basically mock and ridicule anyone who disagrees.
And I mean, it was relentless. It was a relentless campaign that many of these guys engaged upon together, selectively, to basically shame the church into taking these things.
And I mean, you have plenty of people with eyes at that point in time who are just saying, hey, it doesn't add up. And like, this is a new technology.
It's experimental, right? MRNA technology, new technology. We have no test case.
We're trying to, you know, ram a, you know, forced jab procedure in an unprecedented way on the entire world for something that has not been tested.
And so you have plenty of people who, to something that is so minimal with constantly changing goalposts, so you have those, like all that's happening.
And then at the same time, you have just a smear campaign on the one side to take anyone who has reasonable objections and just turn them into, like, conspiracy theory -minded crazy lunatics, right?
Who are discredited, who are in sin. And so you have all that to something.
And then, you know, what's amazing is right now they're posturing themselves in such a way as that they were just doing the best they could.
Right. They're going at the speed of science, man. Going at the speed of science. You can't doubt the speed of science.
But the problem, though, the problem, though, is to say, like, yeah, okay, if you were just doing the best you could, you could have given everyone freedom to go to church.
You could have given everyone freedom to keep on meeting if they want to. If you were doing the best you could, you could have taken a posture of neutrality at the time.
There's nothing that demanded that you jump wholesale on board with this massive worldwide agenda to, you know, line the pockets of plenty of people's, you know, and possibly cull the population.
There's no reason you had to do that, particularly when, you know, probably half your congregation was deeply troubled by it.
So you didn't have to take that stand. Like, if you were doing the best you could, you could just say, hey, I don't know what to think about it.
So let's be praying. Right. And no one would have blamed anyone to say, I don't know what to think about this.
Like, it's a little, this stuff is beyond me. This is not my area of expertise. Right, because how could you?
Right. Well, that's the thing, though. I mean, that's what's so crazy about it. So on the one hand, if you are an individual who's saying,
I don't know what, like, this doesn't look good, they're going to look at you and say, you are some science denier idiot.
Right. Who's just deceived and, you know, get your tinfoil hat out. They say as they confidently, like, you know, you don't have a, you know, you don't have any education.
You don't have any, you know, you're not a medical doctor. You don't know any of this. Right. They'll say as they confidently declare the truth in the matter.
Right. Right. Right. So if they were just doing the best they could, if that's all they were doing, they were just doing the best they could, they could have shut up and just say,
Hey, you know, you guys need to make your own decision about this. And we'll, we'll, we'll support you either way, because there's not a lot of information.
And we also are not qualified. Apparently, if that's what you have to do in order to have eyes at work and a brain that works, if you can't engage in it, like then that's fine.
But then if you're going to take that stance, that you are the only one who can interpret this information, you write you and you alone.
And all the people who are being suppressed are just on the wrong side. And that we just need to, you know, trust the zeitgeist at that point, then you're putting yourself in a situation where you are like responsible for some of the things that happen.
And, you know, and I don't know what you do, like if you have members of your church who are dead because they took the vaccine,
I, um, I don't know what you do in that kind of scenario. Like when you have, you know, myocarditis carditis.
And I mean, I know more, um, jab related injuries than I know injuries that are not jab related.
Yeah. So I, I, that's the thing. So like, I know plenty of people who have reverse reactions to that.
Then you have all these people, all these pastors who are basically set, like saying in a high handed way, you better go along with it or you're in sin.
Then they bear some of the responsibility for it. You know, you want to talk about reparations. That's that's real, you know?
So that's something to be thinking about, but yeah. So is there like a specific, like, what does that look like?
Does it look like, Hey, these people just need to be, you know, removed from their positions or is it, you know, like, um, some sort of, um, you know,
I, I say legal action, but there wouldn't ever be a legal action for that because that would mean there, that would mean that would have so many implications on so many other groups of people.
Yeah. No, I think these pharmaceutical companies, I mean, like, the thing, the thing is like in any normal situation, like these pharmaceutical companies would be held liable for all the cons, all the consequences that happened from this, but immediately what was demanded upon people.
And this is why like it freaked everyone out is that these, like you're mandating everyone get a jab and then you are declaring that these companies who are making it have no legal, moral responsibility for the outcome in an unprecedented way.
While at the same time, like, you know, waving any like, um, normal procedures for testing these drugs that you're going to administer on the entire population.
So you're waving all liability, you know, magically waving liability, removing all testing requirements, and then telling everyone to do it.
And it's just like, this is not a good situation. I don't have to be a medical doctor to know that this is a stupid situation.
Right. Yeah. I just have a brain. Like, this is not the way that we've ever done this. Right. So these, you know, if you unleash a plague upon a population, then you're held accountable for it.
And, and so you need to do your due diligence. You need to do your testing. And so, I mean, I think, you know, at a certain point, like morally at the very least, you have pastors who bear some moral responsibility for all the things that are happening.
Cause they were a tool that were used that they didn't have to, they could have just stayed neutral if they wanted.
Third way. Yeah. I mean, they could have, like, if you didn't know, then, you know, if you just doing the best you can, you could have stayed neutral, but you don't get to just, what you don't get to do is you don't get to tell people that they're morally mandated to do something that every normal person can look at and say, this is weird.
And this is, you know, you don't get to tell them that they must do it upon threat of sin.
And then, you know, absolve yourself of all the consequences from it in a simplistic kind of way.
Now, you know, yes. I mean, obviously I think some of the major pharmaceutical company people, they need to be sued and possibly killed.
Like the people who, you know, orchestrated this plague. I think they need to be, you know, I do think capital punishment is an order, you know,
I'm not talking vigilante kind of stuff. I'm talking about capital punishment. Like, you know, you would do this if like with any, like this is like, you would do this in any normal situation that people had brains, you know?
But, you know, we should follow those rules. There should be lawsuits that they shouldn't, you know, they should be open to lawsuits, you know, in the same kind of way.
I mean, I do think that, I mean, I don't think Christians should sue their pastors or anything like that.
But if you're talking about what would be just, like, I do think they should at the very least step down and say, I've clowned myself and I've, you know, bound the conscience of my members to some pretty crazy things.
And I bear some responsibility to it. And because I was so easily manipulated and deceived or even, you know, involved in it,
I should be at the very least disqualified. So, the claim was it was unloving to take the jab.
Was it actually unloving? You mean it was unloving not to take it? Yeah.
Yeah. It was unloving to not take it, to refuse it. Was it actually unloving? I mean, if it's poison, it's not loving to take poison.
Right. Or to pretend like you're helping your neighbor who is also taking poison.
Like it all hinges on the truth value of what we're talking about. Right. Like, so,
I mean, it obviously wasn't tested. They're admitting that they weren't tested. It wasn't tested. It obviously wasn't effective.
It didn't do what they said it was going to do. And obviously caused a lot of complications. You know, I know plenty of people who have had significant complications over this, you know, not everyone, but I've noticed people who have had significant complications over it.
And, you know, you see athletes, healthy athletes dropping dead, you know, I, there's a case of, there's a story in the gateway pundit, and I'm not wanting to make light of someone dying, but, you know, author,
Doug Brignole, I'm not sure how to pronounce his name. He passed away at 63, but he basically says,
I have enough confidence in the vaccine based on my research to get it done. Those of you who think that the jab kills people, we've violated that so many times.
I don't know. It's over at this point. I can use me as he says, you can use me as a test.
If I die, you're right. If I don't die and have no ill effects, you are wrong, but you should admit it at least to yourself better yet.
You should admit that you are misled and told the world who misled you. So other people could benefit from avoiding those fear mongering.
So he, he did that. You know, he died very recently at 62 out of nowhere, 63 out of nowhere, healthy guy.
He said, you can use me as a test case scenario. If he was really healthy, he was really body age.
Yeah. Bodybuilder. Yeah. Now, I mean, I don't know what to make of that kind of thing. I don't know. They haven't determined what the cause of death actually is, but there's a lot of people who are suddenly dying for no reason, you know, but he's putting himself forward as a test case.
And I mean, I, you know, you can say that all day long and that doesn't mean that it's a, necessarily a fair, but it's ironic at the very least.
Right. That, you know, and that's happened to plenty of people, but I mean, yeah, I mean,
I just, I don't know how you, you know,
I, I think those kinds of pastors have disqualified themselves. Like they've done a great Eve. I mean, it's just, it's unthinkable, man.
Like it's, it's unthinkable, like to know that so many people have died of this thing and you were part of it and, you know, but then you can't even get them on Twitter to say, we were wrong.
Will you forgive us? Right. No one has said that. No, you can't. No, no one will say that.
Probably. I mean, it's not even like, that's a lot less than what should happen. You know, I think,
I think most people will be content. If you were to say, I was wrong. I was deceived. Yeah.
I was, I was foolish. I was fooled. But what's happened is the goalposts keep on changing, right?
So the goalposts are constantly changed. Love your neighbor. This is a hundred percent effective, right? Love your neighbor.
It'll reduce your chance of getting it. Love your neighbor. It will mitigate, mitigate the damage when you do get it and make it less severe, possibly fatal.
But come on, like, so you keep on changing the goalposts all along the way. And then pretend like everyone who had legitimate.
And just, I mean, like every one of these conspiracy theories almost have come true. Yeah. I mean, they, the conspiracy.
They might be undefeated right now. Yeah. I mean, it's like, you know, if you look at it where we're at right now, it's like every, you know, almost every one of those stupid conspiracies that we were told were just conspiracies.
They're right. So, I mean, sometimes like the thing is, it's like, look, there are conspiracies that happen and it would be good if you can see the signs when you're in the middle of a conspiracy, right?
Right. Yeah. So, so, I mean, like, you can't, like, if you, if you basically like, like turn all conspiracy theories, into just irredeemable crazies, then like, you have no, no people left over who can ever see through a plot to do something bad anymore.
Right. Right. Now, that's not to say, you know, every single conspiracy theory out there is right, but then you do have to,
I mean, but you can't, you, you can't ignore everything that you're seeing. Well, yeah,
I mean, but that's the point though, is to say that if you want to be the kind of person who carries out a conspiracy, then you turn, the idea of, you know, conspiracy theorist as an irredeemable kind of person in your society, then you get away with anything you want to do, because you can just point at them and say,
Oh, look, there, another conspiracy theorist. It's like, well, sometimes people have conspiracies, conspiracies, man, what do you do?
You know, like sometimes there are people, evil people with evil agendas who are trying to do evil things. And, you know, like the world economic forum is continually telling us their plans.
And then if we believe them, we're told we're a conspiracy theorist. It's like, no, we know what your plan is. We know you want everyone to own nothing.
And all of us be happy. We know you want to take away all our stuff. We know you're buying up all the properties. We know that, you know, the price of mortgage is going through the roof.
We know that you're trying to turn us into, you know, energy, like, um, get rid of fossil fuels and everything else.
Like we know that you're, you've told us over and over again, that we need to dramatically reduce the population of the planet. And so can we believe you when you say these things?
That's what you're trying to do. And you have books written on it, any of the speeches. And so I think at a certain point, like that's, that's, like we, we need to relearn that.
Yeah. There are evil people with evil agendas and we need to sometimes believe it when they tell us what they're doing.
Right now, moving forward with stuff like this, what should the response be from faithful Christians?
I mean, should you trust these people? Should you, uh, you know, demand demand that they repent.
You're talking about the pastors. You're talking about the people. um, the, should they demand like pastors repent?
Oh, I think so. I have all people like pastors are the ones who are basically saying that the easiest thing you can do in the world is repent, right?
We, we have a gospel message that's built on repentance. So that's the message. The whole message is that God has come to forgive us, not on the basis of anything that we've do, but on the basis of him showing like undeserved mercy, favor, and compassion, kindness towards us.
And if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That's how religion is built on forgiveness.
And if you're telling people weekend and week out that, you know, they can have the forgiveness of Christ, if they confess their sins, then you should be willing to show us what it looks like when you're wrong.
I mean, at bare minimum, you need to say, I was wrong. Will you forgive me? Not apologize, but I was wrong.
Will you forgive me? I was deceived. And, and you know,
I, um, shouldn't have spoken to issues that I was ignorant about.
And I mean, I shouldn't have, you know, shamed people who had concerns, right. And turn them into, you know, basically centers for having concerns that I should have saw, you know, but that'll never happen.
So for faithful Christians, I mean, should we, you know, should you trust these people?
Should, if you're going to their, if you're going to their churches, should you stop going to their churches? how can you possibly trust the kind of person who literally you're looking at them saying, this is poison.
I don't want to drink it. And they're saying, love your neighbor demands you drink it as you watch people die.
And then you refuse to drink it and you lose your job. You know, many of these people, how do you go to a person like that?
And then they won't even say there's like, sorry, will you please forgive me? Right. It's like, come on, wake up.
People are dead. People are dead. And many of us lost our jobs.
And like you were consenting to it. Right. And, and, and publicly shamed and the public square.
Yeah. You were, you were on the side of the persecutors and you can't even admit you're on the wrong side and that you were mocking us and insulting us and reviling us.
And taking the side of these wicked people who are trying to kill us. Like, come on.
Like you can't, like you, you can't even ask forgiveness for that. And if they can't even ask forgiveness, then like find somewhere else.
Right. Okay. So find somewhere else. Don't go to those churches. Demand their repentance.
Their repentance or yeah. And that's a love. That's the loving thing to do. I mean, you know, when you see your brother in sin, you want to help.
You want to, I mean, I, I say brother, you know, who knows if all the, who knows if some of these people are actually brothers, but putting, putting that aside for a second, you want to see people in general repent of their sin.
Right. Right. And so, so the most loving thing that we could do is say, Hey, you guys met bare minimum, have to admit that this is wrong.
You were deceived. And, you know, it's, and it's not, it's not out of the realm of possibility to think that you may directly be involved in someone's death.
Right. The same, the same way that they were saying you would be involved with, with someone's death death.
If you didn't get the jab. Right. Right. They, they are, they're involved in it because over and over the goalposts have moved.
It's, it's been obvious that whatever's going on here is not normal and it's not working.
No one, you know, Pfizer and the rest of these pharmaceutical companies, they have not delivered on what they originally promised.
And you aren't even willing to admit that. Right. Two years later, the worst kind of hypocrite, because the whole time you're saying that no one who doesn't have a medical degree can comment on it while you didn't have a medical degree and you were doing the exact opposite.
Right. Right. Yeah. So I mean, you're the worst kind of hypocrite. You're basically saying, Hey, you know, you're not allowed to speak to this because you're not a doctor.
They say, so just do what the doctors say. Um, so, so let's say something like this happens in the future.
Right. How should Christians respond? Should, should now that we are armed with the information that we know, you know, should we approach some sort of like new disease with a new, um, you know, response to it?
Should we approach it as like neutral? Like, Hey, I'm not gonna, you know, maybe, maybe the stuff that they make will work.
Maybe it won't. Or should they have more of an approach that's like, no, I've seen how they handled this in the past.
I'm not going to trust them. I think, yeah, I think many African -Americans have exactly that posture because they remember things like the
Tuskegee experiments and everything else. So I think this isn't new.
I mean, obviously like, you know, you have leaders who have shown us dramatically that they have the capacity to do shady things at this point, but I mean, we should have always known that they, they had that kind of capacity.
Uh, so, I mean, I, you know, I think one of the things that concerned me when it happened was it was the same group of people who had been for years screaming about Trump.
And, you know, that can't, could this be the beginning of the end? Could this be the beginning of the end of his pregnancy or his presidency?
They said the whole time. And like, you know, he has no shot and he won't win and all that. And like, it's the same group of people that were just so wrong.
So hysterical repeatedly, all of a sudden they're now pushing this mindless thing. So I think that should give you some kind of pause and it should, you know, change your expectations about what's normal and how you're going to interact with people along these lines.
I mean, I think there's a lot of doctors out there who are just following orders from on high. You know, and most of them weren't pulling out their microscopes and doing research on this thing.
They're just listening to studies that are being done by pharmaceutical companies. So I think what you have to do is you have to realize that there's a lot of money involved in a lot of these things.
And there's a lot of agendas that are involved. And I mean, I've been doing that for years as it relates to the issue of psychotropic drugs, because I know that there's a lot of money involved.
And I mean, you have to learn how to interact with the medical establishment and like less of a, like a blind slave, like I'm just a slave and I'm just going to do whatever you say.
Cause you have a different worldview than me. We have different priorities. We have different book that we're following and we have different view.
Like we have different view of the world, different understanding of sin, different understanding of man. So I think you have to like learn to relearn how to like, there's a skill that people haven't learned how to do.
They basically just whatever the doctor tells them they do, you know, like if a doctor tells them that their anxiety is not their fault, then they're going to go and get on an addictive drug.
They tell them their depression is not their fault. They're going to get on an addictive drug. If they tell them they have PTSD, they're going to get on their new drug.
So we have drugs that are answers to everything across the board. Anyways, they tell you, it's not a baby, you know, you're going to take your drug to kill it.
So like, what we really need to learn is that we are in a world war here and we have a different worldview and you can't have blind trust and faith in the medical community.
Like you might have been tempted to do it and you should have learned this a long time ago. This isn't a new lesson. So now this is just another instance where it becomes imperative upon you to be informed about what you're doing, you know, and demand more from your doctors, demand more answers from them.
That doesn't mean, I mean, there's the kind of person that basically thinks that they're kind of like they've gone to med school and they're going to go online and research every problem they have and come up with some kind of, you know, natural solution to everything that is going to end up giving themselves cancer too, or something like that.
But like, I, I, I'm not trying to suggest like a hyper skepticism. I'm just, you need to be informed about what you're talking about and what you're being asked.
And you can't just be a kind of person that, you know, is not able to see evil people with agendas, trying to brainwash you.
I mean, every time, you know, you just need to learn that anytime the celebrities come out and tell you, you need to do something, there's probably more to it.
Right. Yeah. Right. So when all the celebrities come out in support of Ukraine, you might think, is this more complicated than that?
Right. Like when all the celebrities come out in support of a jab, you say, is this more complicated than that?
When all those celebrities come out in support of a Biden, is it more complicated than this? And so you have to learn like that whenever the hardcore press is put out in the media, there might be more to it.
And it may be that you don't, you know, I don't think that the opposite of whatever they're saying is necessarily true, but you need to know that like something's going on.
Right. So if you have to learn how to see the signs here, you know, and I think if you're a pastor, you need to like wake up and realize that like, you need to be very careful about what you're saying.
Okay. Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up this episode. And I do think, you know, for, for Christians, the response to all this needs to be number one, you know, pastors need to be need to repent of pushing something that they really, they really,
I mean, there's probably a lot of really bad motivation for pushing the jab in the first place that they need to repent of.
But then beyond that, I think, you know, it's good to encourage people, Hey, if they're not going to, if they're not even willing to do that, then they're not people who are going to lead you faithfully.
And they're not people who are going to teach the Bible faithfully or, or at least, you know, teach, teach how to apply the
Bible faithfully because they can't do it themselves. And, and that needs to be taken pretty seriously, but then also looking forward to, because I promise you there will be another sort of pandemic, whatever it looks like, it might be the global warming stuff.
It's kind of looking like that's going to be it since monkey pox, you know? Yeah. It didn't work the way that they really, the way that the way that it might've been intended to work.
Um, it's probably global warming and you just, you, you need to remember the people who are pushing stuff like the jab and refuse to admit that they were wrong and watch what they say about what the next thing is.
And then ask yourself, am I willing to, am I willing to ignore everything that I saw them be wrong on before and, and blindly trust them with this one?
And, and I think that's a legitimate question that you need to ask, uh, moving forward.
And that, that can possibly protect you from a lot of, you know, uh, harm down the road with whatever the next thing is.
So, uh, like always, we want to thank all of you for, uh, supporting us, watching the episodes and, and it's, it's a lot of fun to be able to get on here and talk about these things and, and really try to help equip you guys for the works of ministry.
So thank you for watching weekend and week out, and we look forward to having you on the next one.
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Now go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.