Attention G3 and Friends - A Perception and Some Advice From Your Right Flank

AD Robles iconAD Robles


In my opinion - G3 has some PR work to do on their right flank. I know we can work together.


Alright guys, so serious piece of advice. I'm not trying to be a smart Alec or anything like that This is real advice because I really love you g3 and friends
You're not the exception Let me just start out with that. You are not the exception
I've seen this so many times and people think that they're gonna be the exception and they're they never are
You're not going to be taken seriously When you just react into that you're a racist, you know rage twitching, you know that kind of thing
I don't know if you're actually twitching but that's how I picture you when you're writing these tweets about how you're Racist like I imagine you twitching you're not the exception.
Everyone thinks that they can be the exception. I remember this during George Floyd I'll never forget this. I saw so many tweets that started out like this.
I Usually support the officers, but I cannot abide this racially charged
Shooting and it's like they think that they're that they give their street cred of not about not being woke
Then they can all of a sudden get really woke and make a woke argument and get away with it. You can't
I'm not saying you're woke guys. Obviously, you're not but when you start to twitch into this, I'm you're a racist, you know
You know frenzy It just it doesn't work It doesn't work it looks really bad it looks stupid
They're not the people that you're accusing of this aren't racist I and everyone can see that and it's just it just makes you look bad
And I don't want you to look back because I like you guys and I think also that You know the Christian nationalists could actually use to their benefit some legitimate pushback some legitimate argumentation
You don't have to go this route. It's not going it didn't work for Big Eva. It didn't work for the woke Church It's not going to work for you
No matter how many qualifiers or how much boat non woke bona fides you have you look dumb when you do it
So don't do it. I Love you interesting for your consideration and addendum
Okay, and you'll say to me but a D there are real racists out there So so you can't just say to not call it out and don't worry
I'm here to help there as well because I acknowledge there are real racists out there But here's the thing your chances are you're not very good at spotting them and it's not a knock against you
None of us are you know? We've been programmed over a long time to spot racism under every rock and every tree where it isn't and so It's not a knock on you.
It's all of us. This is just you know we went to public school What can we say so here's the thing when you see a racist?
This is my advice to you ready? wait Wait, wait a good wait a long time
Don't react if you feel that if you feel the urge to call someone a racist on the internet or white supremacist Or a
Nazi whatever it is resist the urge Think about it and wait and just see what happens and see if they explain themselves and see if you know because other people are
Definitely going to do it for you. It's not like it's not like there's any shortage of people You know calling others racist on the internet, so you don't have to be that fool.
You can just wait and If it's a rando internet person maybe consider not doing it
But if it's a major guy you finally got him and many really is a racist And he's one of your you know theological enemies
And you can't resist you'll still be able to call them a racist in a day or two You just just give it a shot wait see the argument see the explanation see how they explain themselves
Because if you don't do that Chances of you looking like a fool are near as close to a hundred percent as they could possibly be that's that's the reality
So that's my advice to you just wait Just wait understand that people have done a number on you
And they've they've they've made it so that you see racism in lots of places that it isn't doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist
But you don't have to be the first one to condemn it to get the street cred you like you could you'll still still think
That you're a good person if you condemn it the next day or the day after or you know Maybe you miss one and you know condemn it later.
You don't know a few weeks. I don't know That's just my advice to you. I love you remember that don't forget 80 Robles has your back, and I love you
That's that's the operative thing here. You know I've got your back, and I want you
I want the best for you. I do and my my this video is about what we
We can work together guys. We really can you don't have we don't have to agree all the time.
We don't have to You know you know not argue or not fight
That that's not what we do because we were brothers right we can be brothers And you know every
I call my brother every single day. It's such a blessing to talk to my brother I talk to him every day even though we live in different states and sometimes
It's just through a few text messages but most of the time I'll call him and we'll have a chat and things like that and if you were a fly on the
Wall and you heard sometimes my wife even Wonders if I'm if I'm mad at someone or in an argument, and I'm not it's because I'm calling my brother names
I'm calling him stupid. I say his ideas are stupid. I say he's stupid. I mean, that's not just stupid
I've got a lot of different words that I use to describe my brother and Likewise he's got a lot of different words that he uses to describe me
And it's that we're brothers and so you know we love each other we call each other names I insult him
I say his ideas are ridiculous at times, and he does the same to me, but there's never a doubt
Between me and my brother that I've got his back. I've got your back guys I might think some of your arguments have been clown shoes
I might think that some of your arguments make you sounds really dumb and stupid And I think that it's ridiculous that you you've gone this route that the woke church tried that Biggie would try that Everybody has tried everyone's been tempted by this and they've tried it and it never
Works out where it's like oh you said something that could potentially be perceived as racist
You got it. You just got a disavow guys we can work together We can fight it out, but we've got to have each other's backs like Last night.
I was let me just be completely honest with you I was angry last night very very angry
And if you saw on Twitter what I was angry about it was about Josh Boyce and how he misquoted
Andrew Torba, and then he you know he said you know he was gonna change it he changed it
But he didn't really remove the offense. It was still a misquote, and then he finally Apologized like a man
Josh Boyce this this warmed my heart. It softened my little heart Went to see this you
Apologized to Andrew Torba, and you corrected it you actually you know included the exact quote
Which which which which really it does? Make it the opposite of how it was presented at first like the way
It was presented at first made it say actually something opposite of what it really was and that was really messed up and you acknowledge that and and and and that was awesome to see you do that because That doesn't happen every day on the internet.
You know the internet sometimes gives People on the internet have a tendency to dig in their heels
Especially with the easy target like Torba and that was the thing right like like Andrew Torba has been
Drugged by the pagans again and again and again And they misquote him and they misuse what he says and they twist what he says, but that's common, right?
We all get it. They do it. They do it all the time. I remember one time I was misquoted in that way. I've told this story many times, but but a
National religious publication quoted me as saying that rape victims should be given the death penalty
Which was the actual opposite of what I said I said rapists Should be given the death penalty when they're convicted on the evidence of two or more witnesses, but false accusers
Should get the same penalty penalty that whatever there was gonna happen to the person They falsely accused and all of that So they misquoted me of course to make it seem like the opposite of what
I actually said We expect that kind of stuff from the pagans and from like the liberal Christians, right?
Because let's just face it liberal Christians are pagans pretty much. They operate like pagans They walk like a duck they quack like a duck they're ducks, right?
So we expect that but but when it comes to brothers, right when it comes to brothers We don't we don't expect it and it and it and you know as much as as as much as we you know
Try to train ourselves to not Be upset about it or angry or sad
It's not easy to be to be tarred and feathered by your own brothers
It's not easy. And so I was so happy to see it. I'm not gonna get into that whole thing
Because he apologized and he changed his article which god bless you Josh.
Thank you That's the way a brother ought to be when they're in the wrong and all of that, but but just imagine
What it would be like though if we just all had each other's backs, right? Like like if we if our reflex was not to believe the press the the worst press that we hear about our brothers
In the Lord, even if they're theological opponents in certain ways and stuff like that like Imagine if our reflex was to get their back and to think and to wait and to think it through like you see
Stephen Wolfe or again a brother in the Lord Stephen Wolfe post something that doesn't sound quite right.
Let's just give him the benefit of the doubt It's so it sounds like it might be racist
What what would you do if your own brother had posted something like that you're and again my my own brother post something questionable Right.
What's your first impulse? Is it to blast him like that kid like the kid?
In the recent shooting right the the the black kid is supposedly knocked on the wrong door I don't know this
I don't know the details because quite frankly I don't care about every single thing that the media tells me to care about right
But did you see the the the grandson of the kid of the guy who did it and he just came out and just dragged
His grandfather right like that's that should repulse us that that that that whole idea of just Instantly turning your back on your own family.
It should repulse us The reflex ought not to be that way the reflex ought to be to sit and wait and to hear him out and to say
Yeah, that doesn't sound like my brother like that doesn't sound like a brother in the Lord Let me think this one through let's just wait.
This is my react This is my biggest advice I can offer to g3. This is a peace offering my friends.
This is a peace offering The next time you read the press about a brother in the
Lord and the press says he's a racist He hates so -and -so he hates the gays.
He's this he's that he's a sexist whatever it is whatever buzzword they use You actually don't have to pile on in the moment
You can wait you can wait and hear him out and you can you can weigh the options and you could take you could take
Days to do this if you want and if you want, you know See what he has to say see what the reaction is
See what the you know, see what the pushback is, you know cross -exam and stuff like that. You can wait and By the way, you actually never have to pile on you never have to do it
You can if you'd like if it turns out that he's owning it. He's like, yeah, that's right I just think white people are the greatest people ever and there's no one better and it's because of their
Whiteness and like if you give him everything let's say he says at all. Let's say he says everything you suspected
You actually don't ever have to pile on but guess what? You can still pile on I don't know a couple days later when he fully reveals himself a few weeks later a few months later
It's it there's no bonus points for being first There's no bonus points for being first and when you do that when you get when you just when you just have that Reflex you're a racist you that reflex the chances of you being
Looking like a fool cuz guys you've looked like a fool this week. I don't want that for you.
I don't The chances of you looking like a fool are so high when you just jump on it
Yeah, you're you're on top of it. The ADL said this and you just jump on it uncritically the chances of you looking like a fool are
So massive guys They've gotten us to believe that we don't we should not have our brothers backs in the
Lord my goodness gracious How have they tricked us? How have they? What kind of spell have they put on us?
Where it's like you hear the story about Roy Moore and your instant reaction is to believe it
Oh, yeah, he must be a pedophile. He at me. Of course. He's a pedophile They've got us to the point where Where it's almost
It's almost assumed that you won't have your brothers back that you won't And it should not be that this way
This is my tweet last night after this whole incident warmed my heart and I'm not kidding It did it warmed my heart.
I my heart hasn't been this warm since based on an internet thing, of course because you know,
I've got a real life where my heart's warm all the time, but I just had a son so I guess like I can't say that My heart hasn't been this warm since that Kosti hen thing where he repented online and apologized and all of that kind of thing
My heart was so warm then and it's warm again because of Buies and here's what I said Just imagine what we could accomplish just imagine
The the power that we would have in the Lord, of course, right because we have no power in ourselves but imagine what we could accomplish if the whole army had the faith of David trusted the
Lord like David did and Everyone had each other's back. Everyone had a brother like Jonathan and David if you had like if Torba had a thousand
Jonathan's, you know watching his six watching his back and the next time the ADL says something ridiculous
That they didn't just instantly believe it and put it in their own article. They said wait, wait Well, hold on Torba's a brother in the
Lord. Let's think this one through for like a half a second and it's like Oh, yeah, you know
Torba doesn't like Jews It's like what actually happened is Torba said that you know, if you're a
Jew, you can't be a Christian nationalist That's not controversial. It's obvious if you're not a
Christian, you can't be a Christian nationalist that that's pretty obvious That's pretty obvious.
Oh Why is he singling out the Jews because nobody has the the Islamic Christian worldview, but but a lot of people have the
Judeo -christian worldview, which isn't even a thing anymore Why do you why is he singling out the
Jews because nobody has any delusions that you have a Buddhist Christian worldview That's why but a lot of people have the delusion of this
Judeo -christian worldview that that's why And in context and this is the thing like in the context of what he said there where it's obvious If you're a
Jew, you can't and you're not converted to Christ. You can't be a Christian nationalist. That's obvious But in context the kind of things that were happening were were were rabbis multiple rabbis
We're saying how abortion is a is a foundational tenet of Judaism And you have to have the right to kill your child in order to practice your religion as a
Jew And you know what in a Christian nation, there's no quarter for that No court, there's no special exemptions for Jews if they want to kill their babies in a
Christian nation the human sacrifice will stop It will stop and I'm not sorry if your satanic religion requires it
You can't do it here go find go find your own country where you can go sacrifice your children to Moloch if that's what you
Want to do by the way, we're coming for you there, too we're coming for you there, too and It's just that simple imagine
What we could do if G3 had dividing lines back and dividing line had you know,
Moscow's back and Moscow had you know You know the Christian nationalists back and we were all and we all had four.
We're all brothers, right? We're all brothers It doesn't mean you don't fight. It doesn't mean you don't fight and make fun of each other
You can fight and make fun of each other But you don't destroy You don't destroy your brother.
That's the thing. I Told my brother all day long. He's an idiot in private in public and in our private conversations
And I'll and I'll mock him for him saying something stupid or doing something stupid or mispronouncing a word He'll do the same for me.
He thinks that the whole my whole YouTube channel. The whole idea of it is very cringe He thinks it's very cringy and you like he agrees with what
I say But he just thinks that the whole thing, you know He constantly insults me for being a social media influencer and I got to be honest with you
I I do feel the weight of that criticism I do but he's constantly but you know what? Publicly man,
I Don't even have one Shred of doubt that publicly my brother would have my back
So much so that he'd probably give his life for me. I haven't asked him that I mean
I've never been in that kind of a situation But but but but I think he would go to the to the to the to the gulag with me
If that's what that's what he needed to do. He'd go there would
Torba go would would Corbett Torba do the same thing? I don't know. I think so Some of you guys
I think you'd have my back But I got to be honest guys, and this is sad. This is not a this is not something that I that I relish if I appeared in In the news and the mainstream news and they were saying all kinds of lies about me
There are a lot of people. I don't know who else I mean, who else do we have on our team? Our list of allies runs thin There's a lot of people that would instantly believe whatever lie they told about me
Whatever lie they told we've given our enemy such a powerful weapon
When they know that they can spoon -feed us the most obvious lie and a lot of idiots out there will believe it
There are guys that I don't think would a guy like Phil Johnson Phil Johnson he disagrees with me on a lot of things and I bet you we could have some world -class fights
Kind of like I have with my brother, but you know what? Maybe I'm maybe I'm wrong. I don't know.
I don't know him all that well But I think if that if the media Put me in the in the news and they had a lie and it was an obvious lied
Phil Johnson would have my back You got to be like that guys. You got to be like that.
I Just don't I just I can't I Don't know how to convince you
That that they've they've put some kind of spell on us where where we don't have each other's backs
We haven't we haven't learned that one yet to be a Jonathan to David We haven't learned that one yet.
Does it mean you lie for your brother? Obviously? But like the very least like the low bar guys is to not dogpile racism with like very thin evidence
Oh, he posted something about well the way white people vote He must be one of those crypto Nazis like like that evidence is so thin and so many of you guys you just threw your brother to the wolves
You sold him out for what for like for like a little bit of internet clout
Oh, but what if he really is a racist? What if? What if? Okay, so you're so you so you're your your racism
Spidey sense wasn't working a hundred percent You know what people that would disown you over that because you couldn't see that he had the secret account where he was secretly a
Racist that you never knew about if you can't see that the people that will will will will will abandon you because you didn't know
Everything about him if that's that that's what those people don't matter if you can't see that I don't know what to tell you if they'll drop you for not being omniscient
Then they don't they'll drop you for anything. It doesn't matter They're just looking for an excuse to drop you g3 guys.
This is what you need to understand You got to get your hands dirty sometimes
Imagine what we could do imagine what we could do if we had the faith of David and we were brothers like Jonathan Look if you don't have brothers like Jonathan then be a brother like Jonathan That's what you got to do because because the thing is
I'm gonna be honest g3 and I love you guys And I've said it again and again hear me. I love you ready
I don't think you would be a brother like Jonathan to me. I think you would throw me to the wolves. That's what
I think Maybe except for Virgil. I'm serious. I'm serious.
I think Virgil. I think Virgil would go to bat for me. I do And if there's some other people involved in g3 that I don't know that you're involved in g3, then
I'm sorry Maybe there's some other guys that would have my back But I think the big names would throw me to the wolves like that But I have to have and if and if I'm wrong guys,
I apologize, but that's the perception But I'll tell you what even though you wouldn't be a
Jonathan to me. I can be a Jonathan to you I'll have your back when the woke mob comes for you when all these idiots come for you when somebody went wins when when torba
Slips up and then and then they're like and they're trying to they're trying to accuse you of something because you dared to apologize for him
I will get or to him. I'll get your back I'll be the Jonathan to you.
Even if I don't think you'll be a Jonathan to me. That's that's that's what you got to do That's what you got to do.
A lot of people think I'm stupid for saying that I've received comments to say why would you ever get someone's back that wouldn't get yours?
And I personally because I'm trying to be a good Christian. That's why that's why I'm trying to do for others what
I would want them to do for me. Even if I don't think that they would That's the perception guys.
And this I'm just a regular guy in the pew. I happen to have a small audience That's the perception on our side that you would throw us to the wolves like that and if that's not the case guys
Then you've got some work to do That's the that's the reality. You've got some work to do.
This is Nate Fisher I I'm almost I feel like I should end the video there because I didn't I I didn't expect you to get emotional like that But here we go.
So this is uh, this is James why he did a dividing line last night I have not listened to it, but it's really not about his comment
It's actually about Nate's comment and I wanted to I wanted to just you know present this because I thought it was very astute
Nate is the CEO the founder of New founding a solid guy obviously has a sharp head on his shoulders.
Here's what he says We need serious and vigorous discussion on these topics talking about Christian nationalism
But you should consider why g3 he's talking about Scott g3 are generating the responses that they are
You emphasize that you and others are new to this discussion But if so, shouldn't you be asking more open -ended questions to understand
Christian nationalism positions rather than leading questions and Twitter polls? That seem designed to assign or insinuate certain positions to the entire
Christian nationalist movement Scott does not come across as prioritizing understanding
Christian nationalism or even as someone focused on good faith Discussion of the principles and prudential questions at the center of this debate
He launched a campaign to challenge the movement Often apparently on the basis of beliefs only held by a small share of those who would use the label
So he should expect the pushback common on such Twitter campaigns This is the key here.
He says I don't think it's wrong to wage such campaigns rather I embrace an openly political approach to such questions
Vigorous political contests will mean exercise of muscles many Christians have let atrophy the exact muscles needed in This sort of societal transformation that I seek in Some it's fine to act like a belligerent rather than a student more
Christians should embrace this stance but expect the consequences of being a belligerent and That's it guys.
That's it. If you want to act belligerent, you're gonna get belligerent responses You're going to get people that that meme on you
It's just that simple and the reality is that when you start you you do that, right? Like when my brother when my brother insults me, you know privately he talks about my youtube channel
He talks about my my ideas about the New York Mets. It could be anything that he insults me I need it happens all the time when he insults me and then
I insult him back if he were to then go whoa Whoa, what tone guys guys? This is this is where's your maturity if he were to do that?
I'd look at him like he was freaking insane because that would be an insane thing to think but then you know
G3 comes out and acts belligerent gets belligerent responses and then puts on their holy robes and says well, hold on Where's your
Christian maturity? You look stupid guys. It looks stupid. I'm not saying you can't fight you can fight
I'm not saying you can't you know, you know, do you push the ideas that you want to push you can push them
But let's not do like like like if my brother would never do that to me because we're brothers we get it We understand we have each other's backs when the time comes.
I think here's the problem. I Think here's the problem We don't know how to be
Jonathan's to each other We don't That that's the reality. We don't know my brother didn't have to learn how to be my brother.
He was just my brother He acts like it. He is it that's just who he is And we need to recognize that even though the
ADL says something really bad about Andrew Tarba You've got to figure out how to be a
Jonathan to the guy Because Andrew Torba is just one man, right and you know, he has to answer for what he says
Of course, he does. Of course he does But Andrew Torba is just one man.
He just happens to be a public young man, right? He's in the public eye There are a lot of people
That that that that likewise believe some of the things that Torba believes and they see how you just throw them to the wolves and They're like G3 They write you off.
I Don't want them to write you off man. I don't want them to write you off We need to learn how to work together
We just have to guys The more you try to gatekeep because a lot of what you're doing right now is gatekeeping
You're trying to allow certain opinions and not others and you're doing a very poor job of it
The more you try to gatekeep the more people are gonna write you off because you're misfiring again and again and again and again
You're misfiring like crazy. This is flailing what we're seeing here and that's okay You you guys are trying to get your legs fine get your legs
Nobody's gonna nobody's gonna deny you that but but but if you're trying to get your legs don't act like you you have your legs
That's what that's the problem. You're acting like you have your legs and you don't You actually don't need to control the discussion around Christian nationalism
I know you guys think you do need to but you don't you don't we can just work together
You don't have to have anything to do with Christian nationalists To work together with us because we have a lot of the same goals as evidenced by Scott and Neil's Little thread where he says the five things he believes we all believe that too.
We all believe that too Is it really that big a deal where you turn your back on a brother when they want to be
Self -consciously Christians and you don't think that's such a good idea in terms of in the political realm Is that really a dividing line for you?
If it is then I mean, I can't help that. I Can't help that But if that's gonna be your dividing that's that's that's not gonna go well for you
Let me let me just put it that way. It's not going to go well for you guys if the dividing line is
Yeah, you know what? We have a lot of the same politics, but but you want to be self -consciously Christian and that's a bridge too far
Anyway, I hope you guys found this video helpful I felt like it was a little bit scattered because actually
I had a I normally don't have a plan for videos This is why I don't plan videos. I normally don't have like a very detailed plan
I just kind of have a general idea of what I want to talk about today. I had a detailed plan in fact, I have my little outline right over here and I went
I totally just abandoned it mid halfway through. So if it felt a little jumbled, I'm sorry