Why Star Wars Lore Matters

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Star Wars is a mythology in our culture. It matters in real life. This video starts to scratch the surface of why that is.


Hi, my name is Adam Robles and today is a little bit of a different video I've never covered a topic like this before but what
I want to talk about is Star Wars as you can see I I love Star Wars. I've got posters here.
I've got ships I've even got some kind of weird energy drink here that has Star Wars. I've got a ton of stuff
I love playing Star Wars video games. I love playing Star Wars tabletop games. I've loved
Star Wars since I was a little kid and And One of the things I found very interesting about The Last Jedi is sort of the response to it
Some people really like it. Some people really don't like it And that's not really the point of this video to talk about that.
Although my opinion will probably come out In the course of this and other videos, but what
I want to talk about is is this debate that's been going on You know people who really don't like the new
Star Wars One of the main complaints is that it disregards or even disrespects
The established Star Wars lore that has been established over the course of six seven movies
And they really don't like that. They feel disrespected they feel slighted by Rian Johnson's interpretation of Star Wars because it doesn't it doesn't stay with the lore and The people who do like the movie a lot of times they really that really bothers them that people think it
Disrespects the lore in their opinion. It doesn't at all In fact, it's very it has a continuity the lore of Star Wars that's been established over six movies
It continues in The Last Jedi. That's what they would say. But whatever wherever you fall on that whether you think it does
Stay with the lore or if it disrespects the lore The point is you care about the lore and I want to explore why is that?
Why do people care so much about Star Wars lore? It's just a story, right? In fact, that's what a lot of people will say.
They'll say what's the point of this debate? It's just a story It's just a fiction who cares if it disrespects the lore or not and The question is why does lore matter because I think it does
I think you know Lore Star Wars lore is not the most important thing in the world. Don't get me wrong But I do think that it has an impact on reality.
I think it actually does have a real -life impact Star Wars lore is interesting because you know
Star Wars the the first movie It was it was released before I was born but you know, it was a it was a one -off movie
I don't think anybody expected it to be a huge Empire a huge intellectual property and after the fact it was a huge hit after the fact they the
Star Wars brand really started expanding and What they found was they needed to start creating details in this universe that they had created and a lot of people don't know
But but these two books are responsible for a lot of the Star Wars lore This is a role -playing game that was released in 1987 and the source book for the role -playing game
And a role -playing game if you don't know you kind of create your own story It's like the ultimate choose your own adventure
And so what they did was they created a lot of details so that you could create a good story
While you're playing the game Using a lot of the source material in here, so, you know in the in the movies you would see an alien
But you wouldn't know what that alien was in these books. They named the aliens. They talked about their characteristics
They talked about where they were from the planets things like that You know in the in the movies, you know
You would see an X -wing and you would only kind of know it was an X -wing because you know It looked like an X or maybe one line in the movie talked about it
But this these books talked about what X -wings do and what they're capable of and stuff like that So this is really the source material for the lore.
These are lore books really and The lore has been established in this and other things as well
And that's this is really where the universe sort of took shape. And so Here's the question.
Why does all this matter? What why do I say that it actually matters in reality? Well, what one reason
I think is that Art is an attempt to interpret reality
And so if a movie or a painting or a book or whatever if we're gonna take it seriously as art
Then we're gonna have to say okay. This is a this is a movie. It's a fantasy world. There's the force.
There's these futuristic ships and things like that But what is this? What is this saying about reality?
What's what what is this? How should we interpret this movie and a lot of people would interpret it as you know
Battle between good and evil or a rise to power or things like that coming of age, you know stuff like that And so, you know
Star Wars isn't saying that there's this real -life force that you can do telekinesis with and not saying that that's real but it's saying that there is something real about these characters and their struggle and we want to interpret what that is and So if so, so the lore kind of works as this this system of rules
That allow us to interpret what the story is trying to interpret about reality and so Lore is important because if you break the lore you can get false positives on interpretation and here's what
I mean by that So a lot of people have said and and I would tend to agree with this a lot of people have said that the new movie
The last Jedi and the force awakens it is pushing this sort of girl power narrative that girls can be powerful too and and You know, they can be warriors as well
And I think that that's definitely one of the messages of these movies and I'm not saying I have a problem with that necessarily
But what happens is is that if the movie breaks the lore of how power works and how the force works
For example, then the interpretation is not believable. It's not actually true It's it's a lie.
So when a lot of people have pointed out that Rey Is just powerful automatically she doesn't have any training she doesn't earn it
She doesn't try very hard to get her powers, but she just has them and she's like this ultimate powerful person and You know, the problem with that is if you're trying to give us this message that That girls can have girl power then that's totally fine
But you but when you break the lore that says, you know, Jedi's have to train for a certain amount of time
Jedi's have to work at it They have to be disciplined and all that when you break that lore and you just make her powerful for no reason
Then the interpretation is a lie So it's like oh so can girls really be powerful because this movies lying to me about about this girl being powerful
Do you see what I'm saying? So it's it's not like It's not like you can't make up a story where there's this powerful girl.
That's just powerful automatically. That's totally okay But when your movie is the eighth in a series of movies
It's the eighth one and all this time we've learned that if you're gonna be a good guy using the force
You need to put all this work and time into it And then all of a sudden there's this girl power character who doesn't put that that time in See, you've got a problem there.
You're what you're trying to say about reality. It doesn't it doesn't land It doesn't make any sense and people don't believe it
And so I wouldn't have a problem with with Rey as a powerful character if she'd earned it the way everybody did
Because that would fit with the lore they see the established rules of the universe She's following them too, and she's powerful as a girl as well.
You see that's the thing when you break lore Your message is undermined.
And so it leads you to a false positive in your interpretation of reality And so that's why lore matters because look whether you like the girl power message of Star Wars the new ones are not
You know, you have to admit that the art does a poor job of Showing it because it breaks that lore at least in my opinion
And so that that's one reason why I think lore matters The other thing is
I would say that a lot of times art is not just trying to interpret reality
But it's also trying to project What their hope what their vision for reality should be so so sometimes art will show you what the world ought to be like Not really what it is.
And so they're trying to attempt to kind of shape the future in other words through their art and Again, if if you do that by just breaking the rules of your universe
Then it's very ineffective again because you know in in history We can't just break the rules of how the universe works
We can't just change the way the universe works in order to establish our hopeful future.
You still have to work within the Rules of the universe the laws of nature the laws of physics they don't change just because you want them to and So again, if if the force awakens and the last
Jedi is attempting to show us what a world ought to be like Doing it by breaking the lore
Gives you again a false narrative it gives you a false hope of how the future could go because again if you work within the rule set like if again if Rey Had trained with the force and she became very powerful then
Yeah, of course, we can see how women could sort of get more powerful in reality but if they can only do it because There's no reason it just happens
And that's not how the lore works that's not how the established universe works then it's a lie it's not believable And so, you know that that's why
I think that was one reason why I think the lore of Star Wars matters And so let's let's you know, well over the course of the next few videos.
We're gonna talk a lot more about this I think it's important because Star Wars lore might not have thought about it like this before but but really any story any lore of a universe
That's just sort of a fantasy universe Does have an impact on reality and I think when you just sort of disregard aspects of it
The message that you think you're you're saying actually it's not no one buys it. No one believes it.
It's not it's not good art, really And you know, so I hope this is interesting, you know at the very least if you've never thought about Star Wars lore before And you never had an opinion about it
You know, maybe you will now going forward and again if you like the movie or didn't like the movie That's not really my concern
My concern is that you understand how to interpret art, interpret Star Wars because I think it actually matters in real life