Kongsvinger Banquet Promo

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Go HERE for more details: https://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/babylonbee


All right, Oli, the red light is on and this is take one of the Babylon Bee commercial.
Well, you know, I like looking at that Babylon Bee there website, you know. But then there, he was talking about this
Canadian fella, you know, up north, that Trudy guy. He was rounding up all the gooses and was gonna shoot them.
I'd never heard such a thing. No, no, no, Oli, Oli, it's, um, it's satire. Well, why would you want to sit on a tire?
No, no, Oli, it's a joke. It's meant to make people laugh. It's not real. Well, you know, I also heard that that Babylon Bee there, they did a show on Viking culture.
I don't know about you. Have you ever been to Viking Minnesota? They're not really big on the culture scene. Oli, if we could just stick to the script.
But one thing they do have for sure, they got the radio station there. It's PCR CORN radio from Viking Minnesota.
Oh, for crying out loud. And every year around Setnamai, well, you know what Setnamai is? That's that Independence Day for Norway.
You know, independence from who, I'm not quite sure. It was either the Svens, the Swedes, or the Danes. Oli, Oli, come on, work with me here.
We're trying to talk about how Kongsvinger Lutheran Church and the Babylon Bee are teaming up for a charity banquet.
Oh, yeah, I've heard of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church. You know, I read a newspaper article. It was from 1931, don't you know?
They had the best potluck, they said, and fun was had by all. That's great and all,
Oli, but we're talking about the banquet that's coming up on March 11th of 2022.
Oh, yeah, Kongsvinger, you betcha. They're having a smorgasbord there, and plenty of lutefists to go around.
And don't you worry, there won't be any flies, because it's too cold outside for flies. But anyway, they're going to be serving a dinner, and they're going to have
Emanuel Kiles or something there. I don't know what that is. Emanuel Kiles is going to be speaking. No, no,
Oli, it's Kyle Mann, the chief editor of the Babylon Bee. He's the one that's speaking.
Kyle Mann. Well, be careful where you touch, no matter what. Okay, we've got to let people know what time the festivities begin.
And it's going to happen something like 6 p .m. off -center time. No, no,
Oli, it's central time. 6 p .m. central time. I don't know.
It must be northern. It's northern time, you know. I'm just not even going to try to find that. Okay, Oli, we've got to mention the fact that this dinner and benefit is for charity.
Can we mention that? Oh, yeah. That's always a good thing. You know those Lutherans, they love to do charity, don't you know?
And this year, we're supporting the Women's Pregnancy Center. You know, got to be careful.
Can't say that too loud. And then, oh yeah, and then Lutherans for Life. Boy, those Lutherans, they love life.
And you know, Val, if you can't attend in person, you can always attend on the World Wide Web.
Val, I'm not sure what kind of web can cover the whole wide world, but apparently, YouTube claims to be big enough.
Well, I'm not too sure about this YouTube either. Is that some kind of potato sausage there? No, no, no,
Oli, it's video hosting. Never mind. I'm not even touching that. In any case, we've got the information out there.
How do we end this thing? Val, to be in proper form and a true Minnesota goodbye, we need at least another two or three hours before we can even accomplish that.