"Ignite the Valley" Hagerman "Protoevangelium"
This message was given by PaPastortor Braden at a local "ignite the valley" in Hagerman Idaho.
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- That would have been my luck. Thank you. Thank you. Right now we're going to have a special promotion from Pastor Brady Patterson.
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- Where are you at, buddy? Right next to you. How are you doing? Good to see you.
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- Beautiful job, brother. So let's give him a big round of applause as he shares the word of God with us.
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- Thank you, brother. Let me get this guy set up here real fast.
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- I can't express enough gratitude to everybody that's been here today. Appreciate you.
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- Thank you. Test, test. Can you guys hear me there? Awesome.
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- Great. Well, I just want to say how much of a blessing it is to be here, part of this community of Hagerman, and to see all these people out here today wanting to worship the one and only
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- Savior, Jesus Christ. I also want to extend just immense gratitude to the pastors that have been that are participating in this today.
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- Men that have come every single week, every single day, and preached the gospel continually.
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- That's truly something that I just want to say thank you to each one of those men today. Today, as we all know, as the weather has changed,
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- I came over here with my sleeves rolled up, and when the rain started pouring, I had to put on a jacket, right?
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- As soon as the heat came out, I felt that heat from that covering. Today, what we're going to be looking at is a covering that doesn't go away.
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- A covering that makes it so we can stand before a holy God, and when He looks at us,
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- He sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ over us. I'm going to invite you to please do, as we read a text, to consider that today.
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- We're going to be out of Genesis 3. Please stand with me at the reading of God's word right now. If you have a
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- Bible with you and you want to follow along, we're going to be in Genesis 3, verse 14 through 21 for this morning right now, or this evening, excuse me,
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- I messed up on that too. Genesis 3, verse 14 through 21.
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- This is the word of God. And Yahweh God said to the servant, Because you have done this, cursed are you more than any of the cattle, and more than every beast of the field.
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- On your belly you will go, and dust you will eat all the days of your life.
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- And I will put an enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise you on the head, or he shall crush you on the head, and you shall bruise him on his heel.
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- And to the woman he said, between you, and to the woman he said,
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- I will greatly multiply your pain, and conception in you will bear children.
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- Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. Then to Adam he said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and you have eaten from the tree about which
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- I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat. Curses you, curses the ground because of you.
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- In pain you will eat of it, all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles, it shall grow for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.
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- By the sweat of your face you will eat bread till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken, for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
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- Now the man called his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living. Then Yahweh, listen to this right now, this is about that garment that will never leave the shoulders of those that look to Jesus Christ for their salvation.
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- Then Yahweh God made garments of skin for both
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- Adam and his wife, and he clothed them. You can now be seated. Let us pray before we look at this text.
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- Lord God, I thank you for the reminder of what a blessing it is to cover ourselves, to avoid even the rain for the day,
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- Lord. May that be on our mind when we consider the wrath that you suffered for us on our behalf,
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- Lord. The covering that we have in Lord Jesus. Lord, may all our worship today, whatever church we are from, whatever background that we have come from, to knowing you.
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- May the knowledge of knowing you, the passing knowledge of knowing you, Lord, be the emphasis of our worship today.
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- May we look to you and you alone to glorify you. I ask this Lord, in the only name that we could ever approach the throne of grace upon, and that is the man of stars,
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- Jesus Christ himself. Amen. Now we all know the story of Adam and Eve.
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- I hope that at some point we've heard this story of Adam and Eve and how and what took place.
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- There's four things, and if we were to look at this in a normal sermon, it would take weeks to cover this.
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- If we were to do this like a Bible study. So there's four things I want you to consider today before we look at that text again.
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- Four things about Adam that we need to remember. And I hope that by covering this, that each one of us will walk away from today seeing the great sovereign plan of our mighty
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- God ever since the beginning of creation. That is
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- God's glory revealed in the working of his creation. So the four things regarding Adam that we would see in that text is that Adam was created from where?
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- Adam was created from the dust of the earth. No other man had been created yet.
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- Of that saying, he was of a virgin earth. That's the second thing to look about. The third thing is that Adam was given a law.
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- He was given what's called theologically as a covenant of works. Meaning that God told him of every tree, go and eat, except for this one of this one, you shall not eat.
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- And if you do, he gave him a promise death. You eat of this tree.
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- You will die. And the fourth thing I want you to pay attention to is after Adam eats of that tree and after the text that we just read,
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- Adam is driven out of a garden and he's placed into a fallen world that suffers underneath what he had done.
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- Something that we still are a part of today. All creation moans and groans because of that fall that happened in Adam.
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- Now why do I bring that up? Because when we look at the great glory that we see in God's inspired word, is there's four things that I would direct you to that tell us about who
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- Jesus Christ is and what he has undone that Adam has done. Four things to think about.
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- Where is Jesus from? Where is Jesus from? Jesus tells the Pharisees, I am from above.
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- You are from below. Unless you believe I am, you shall die in your sins.