RCC Letters to NoCo


Some NoCo listeners like to promote apparitions of Mary. Henno.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ. Based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry,
Mike Abendroth, and Steve Cooley is healthy, wealthy, and wise. I don't know about the wealthy part.
Spiritually wealthy, I'm wealthy in all the things that the Lord has blessed me with. How about in comparison, relatively compared to like people that lived during the
New Testament, would you be wealthy? Well, sure. But I mean, somebody on welfare would be, you know, rich compared to,
I mean, if we're to go back 2000 years, and I mean, just imagine if you could take New Testament saints and walk them into the poorest home in America, they'd go, wow, look at this refrigerator, wow, look at this.
The other day, I walked over to the kitchen sink, it was in the morning, I woke up and I was gonna get my coffee ready, and I thought, can you imagine, you put this lever up and out comes fresh water.
That's pretty deluxe. Well, you know, I do stupid things. I mean, I was thinking about time travel, you know, and if I could go back into the time of Jesus, and I just thought -
If I could turn back time. Here was, please, here's my first thought, I'm like with Jesus and his brothers in Galilee, I was thinking about, you know, after Joseph presumably died, you know, and running the shop and everything like that, you know what my first thought was?
The smell would be horrendous. I'd be looking around going, really, this is what you do with your refuse?
You know, with your, really? This is the best you've got, you know? So yeah,
I'm, you know, yeah, we're rich. Once in a while when my children, who are getting much older now, if they might have a complaining attitude,
I might say, well, do you know whose job it was to take the privy pots out, dump them in the back?
The oldest child? It wasn't the parent's job. Can you imagine? Yikes.
Steve, that's why once in a while with Joel Osteen's new board game,
I've got some of these Wonder Word cards, and so I just wanted to randomly turn these over and then get your response.
So it's like word association. So on one side of the card, we have the literal cards in front of us.
It says Wonder Words. These are all words that make you wonder. I feel like Karnak. Uh -huh, so I'm gonna flip these over.
This has not been rehearsed. These are Wonder Words from Joel Osteen's board game, and I know you're like, you like board games.
Yeah, I love them, they're delightful. Okay, this is not practice. Here's the word, go.
Miracle, well, that's a good word, and it's just God intervening in the space -time continuum in a way only he can.
If it's like bringing somebody back from the dead, well, only God can do that, that kind of thing. When I think of miracle, though, my definitions are a little more biblical.
I was thinking about number 87 in the end zone, receiving a Montana pass. That's not
Clark, Dwight Clark. That's not biblical, sorry.
Wonder Word number two. Okay, confidence. I wonder why anyone would want to have confidence in themselves.
I think it's great to have confidence in the Lord, but I don't want to have confidence in the flesh. I don't want to have confidence in my own abilities, capacities.
And to think that Paul, in Philippians chapter one, was confident, knowing God starts a good work, he finishes the good work.
Well, that's a good thing. Well, again, that's confidence in God, and I think that's a great place to have your confidence. If my children were here, they know
I like to do root words. And if you see F -I -D in the middle of confidence, fidelity, and we have faith, and then con, you know, like with faith.
I have with faith. That's good. See how that works? All right, Wonder Word number three.
Randomly chosen, not rehearsed. Dynamic. Dynamic. See, what about these people that they'll say, you know, dunamis in the
Greek means dynamic. Yeah, I was going to say powerful. You know, if you think of God as powerful,
I mean, certainly dynamic is a word that you could apply to any person of the
Trinity. You know, I mean, there are a lot of things, but you know, what he means is dynamic is
I need to be dynamic. You are dynamic. We're all dynamic. No, we're not. So this one is rehearsed because I just looked ahead of time.
I've got another Wonder Word for you. Fraudulent. It's dynamic again.
Wait a minute. Two in a row, that'd be the dynamic duo. I just think to myself, all right,
A, this is really dumb, but couldn't you make something better? You got this multimillion dollar deal going on, and this is the best board game you can come up with.
Yeah, what about, you know, just scripture on the flip side of those? Yeah, that's a
Wonder Word. Important words to remember. Atonement, propitiation, satisfaction.
Okay, as you know, we received some interesting mail in the No Compromise studios. I got this the other day, received this.
Steve doesn't even know about it. And it's addressed to me. A Catholic responds to Gendron's claims against the
Lady of Guadalupe apparitions in Mexico from Lois, Lois E.
Her last name starts with a K. Oh, nice, that was from the last show.
And Mike Gendron, faithful Bible teacher and a friend, and he goes after Lady of Guadalupe.
I mean, is that very nice of him to do? Kind of Catholic. Yes, it is. Yeah, because the Lady of Guadalupe is a fraud.
If I may say that in the nicest possible way. Wonder Word, fraud.
Okay, so Gendron doesn't even know I have this, but it says here in this letter, the depths, this is what
Gendron says, and then she gives a response. The depths of supernatural blindness that keeps the Pope in spiritual darkness is beyond comprehension.
Tragically, religious indoctrination is one of the most powerful tools the devil uses to blind people from the light of the gospel and the glory of Christ.
Very true. I mean, how many people here in New England are Roman Catholic, and therefore, they're going to heaven even though they don't believe in Christ.
They couldn't explain the gospel if you gave it to them. I just read 2
Corinthians, Steve, and it says in chapter three that there's a veil over the heart. Chapter four,
Satan blinds the mind, and I found that interesting. It's a veil on the heart and a blinding of the mind.
And two words to just show, besides people's own sinfulness and enslavement to their own sin,
I mean, this message, the gospel, it's so simple, so clear, so easy to understand, but there's a spiritual component to this that makes it hard.
Open the eyes of my heart. Well, that one is a different context.
Okay. Okay. Yeah. Tragically, okay, I just read that, we know that Satan will use lying signs and wonders to deceive the world.
This is still Gendron. For the Pope to attribute apparitions of Mary and miraculous paintings on cloth to a thing of God is pure blasphemy.
Furthermore, Christians are never called to be ambassadors for Mary, but the Pope rarely speaks from the authority of Scripture.
Born -again Christians are ambassadors for Christ, 2 Corinthians 5. Many Catholics still believe Mary is one who defeated the serpent.
This is because the first Catholic Bible translated into English used the feminine pronoun she as the one who had bruised the serpent's head,
Genesis 3 .15. So that's Gendron. Well, and it is interesting, the idea of being ambassadors for Mary.
Can I just give you the gospel? Mary loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Mary, Mary, Mary.
But who would refuse Jesus's mother anything? I mean, who would refuse anything from Jesus's mother?
When you go to different Catholic churches, cathedrals, whatever you want to call their structures, I have seen, you know, the enclaves that are on the outside periphery of the narthex or whatever they call it.
And I have seen larger enclaves to Mary than I have for Jesus.
Well, you know, which would make sense if Jesus said things like, come unto my mother, all ye who are heavy laden or weary and heavy laden.
Come unto my mother. If you're heavy, you'd be. Well, I mean, just think about that.
I mean, all the times where if Jesus was, I'll just be anachronistic. If Jesus was
Roman Catholic, how he would have rephrased things so that the glory could appropriately be given to his mother.
Here is the Catholic response. Now, I assume that Lois wrote this.
I don't know why she's sending me this, but it makes to me interesting. Because Lois is a learner. In scriptures,
God, through unusual and extraordinary means, signs and wonders interacted with humanity.
One, burning bush spoke. Two, staffs turned into snakes. Three, staffs struck water, making water to turn to blood.
Like we don't believe these things, right? Ash spoke to Balaam, et cetera. God permitted these signs and wonders in the
Old Testament to encourage and correct his people. The image of Mary on Juan Diego's tilma, the roses he picked that before never grew, the human cultural changes that occurred as a result of these signs are most definitely a thing of God.
Because? If God could use an ash for his purposes, God most certainly can use Mary, the mother of his son, to accomplish cultural changes for his
Native American people. I didn't write that. Lois, Lois, Lois.
I mean, she should listen to some of your messages from Hebrews. God is, he has spoken in his son and he is done speaking.
That is, Jesus is the final word. And if Jesus isn't enough for you, then you're gonna look throughout nature and every lava drip or flower that magically appears or whatever you're gonna take as a sign from God, and you're going to be wrong.
Steve, I've noticed, since we're going to prove things on No Compromise Radio with anecdotal evidence,
I've noticed my mug here that says Hino, Jill sent me this mug quite some time ago, and it says
Hino on there. And I've noticed that the coffee stains on the inside of the mug loosely look like,
I think it looks kind of like Judas. Yeah. What would that mean? Well, it's a
Judas cup. It will betray you. I know. Isn't it interesting though?
Okay, if you're gonna argue, how do you argue? Well, people go to the scriptures and she did, but for the
Roman Catholic, they don't believe in sola scriptura, it is prima scriptura. And so there's scriptures in the long line of many things, including tradition and experience in this particular case.
And isn't it fascinating? She's arguing basically like a charismatic Catholic would. Yes, yeah. Oh, exactly like a charismatic.
Look at this way God used to communicate, therefore he still does this. I mean, she might as well say,
Jesus said, I'm the same today, yesterday, forever. Well, no, wrong application.
Okay, so she says some more about Juan Diego. Isn't that the name of Zorro, Juan Diego?
You're challenging my knowledge of Zorro and I haven't watched it for a while. I think it was just Diego. I like Zorro though.
Where is Zorro these days? I don't know. Well, you know, actually I do know. The first movie came out and it did really well.
The second movie came out and did El Tancarama. El Tancarama, let's make it so it's not so Espanol.
Well, it needs to be Spanish because Zorro is Mexican. All right, here's what Lois says about Genesis.
Genesis 3 .15, God said to the serpent, I will make you enemies of each other, you and the woman, your offspring and her offspring.
In her role as enemy to the serpent who threatens her offspring, this woman takes action given to her by God's own authority.
Very scriptural. Literally the serpent God, the people designed for themselves and worshiped by offering human sacrifices was destroying physically and spiritually a people for whom her son died.
Her fearlessness provoked them to be equally fearless. Thus, the serpent
God of darkness vanished from the midst and so did human sacrifices. Talking about this
Guadalupe deal in the Indian legend. You know, it's entirely possible that the influence of Catholicism, even just kind of a more biblical worldview of the value of being made in God's image caused people to stop doing human sacrifice.
But it wasn't anything to do with Mary. Mary has absolutely no role right now on anything that is happening anywhere on the earth.
If Mary could be asked the question, could you please intercede for some people? She might say, number one, I'm busy worshiping the son who saved me from all my sins.
Number two, that's not my responsibility nor my prerogative nor my privilege and - nor my power, right?
I mean, really, and I've said this and I will say it until the day I die. Roman Catholics treat
Mary as if she's the fourth person of the Trinity. That should be a problem. We should understand that to be wrong, just flat out wrong.
The things they ascribe to her are nowhere ascribed to her in scripture. From Lois in this letter, because of Mary's loyalty to her son who died for this people,
Mary would have interceded to God the father for them and God permitted her to exercise her God -given authority over the man -made serpent
God of darkness who is destroying God's people. One can be most sure that the
Catholic bishops and priests were storming heaven with prayers for the people to stop human sacrifices and most sure that they were calling on Mary to intercede.
And she did. You know what? I probably agree with almost all of it right up until the and she did part, because I'm pretty sure that they probably were praying to Mary because that's what they do.
But God can respond to idolatrous prayers if he so decides. And I'm certain that he was outraged by human sacrifice and whatever means he chose to put an end to it, well, those are his means.
Steve, I would assume that we'll get some kickback for this next comment, but that's okay. It's no compromise. You mean some money?
But I think pushback, maybe? I don't know. Pushback, kickback. There's something worse than human sacrifice.
Now I deplore human sacrifice, whether it's an infant or a man or a woman or a boy or a girl, human sacrifice is murder and it's awful and it does not make propitiation nor does it make atonement, but there's something worse.
And this next sentence is worse than human sacrifice. It's gonna have to be really bad. Jesus Christ cannot be separated from Mary.
Mary cannot be separated from Jesus. Therefore, an ambassador for Mary is an ambassador for Jesus and vice versa.
Okay, idolatry is worse. As queen mother of his kingdom, Mary's interests and actions for his people are not only for his honor and glory, but for our welfare.
There's something worse than human sacrifice. Well, again, what did I say? A fourth person of the Trinity. I mean, it doesn't even make sense.
Mary and Jesus are one. And we would read that where in the Bible. I'm not familiar with that verse.
I mean, she's saying a lot of things for which she induces absolutely no evidence, right?
There's nothing there. She just says it and she assumes it's true. To quote the talking heads,
David Byrne, you're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything. Yeah, I mean, that's exactly right.
Steve, did you know, she goes on to say, a year ago during our daily morning mass, a man professing
Christianity expressing hatred for Catholics was caught stomping on top of cars, severely damaging six vehicles.
In another instance, attempts were made to block entrances to Sunday worship services by people professing to be
Christian. Did you know that? I don't know, but here's what I know. People profess to be
Christians and do, when they do very crazy or unchristian things, there's reason to doubt their salvation.
You know, that woman who showed up and, you know, allegedly prophesied at our church, she thinks she's a
Christian, but nothing she does is Christian. You know, there are a lot of people walking around right now who profess to be
Christians, but the way they talk and act and think, not very
Christian. So I don't even, I don't even get this. And the actions of people don't change what the
Bible says. She said, evangelical leaders are also known to have engaged in these acts, that is screaming damnation through megaphones as people arrive for the
Eucharist service. Okay, you know, it's like we're in a political season right now, and I'm not gonna get political.
I am simply going to say that if you show up at somebody's political rally to shout them down, to disrupt that thing, well, why aren't you out, you know, doing your own thing, propping up your own side?
The idea of me, for example, or anybody going to Roman Catholic Church on Sunday to try to disrupt the meeting, to try to stop people from going to the meeting, no.
My priority on the Lord's day is worshiping the Lord, and that's what I'm going to do. If I have the opportunity to evangelize
Roman Catholics, I'm gonna do that, but I'm certainly not gonna do that by jumping up and down on their cars or, you know, using a megaphone outside their building on a
Sunday morning, that's just dumb. Steve, I rarely go to a funeral mass for Roman Catholics, but I have been, and I'll probably go again sometime.
I don't know when or how or why. I try not to go. I try to just go to the wakes the night before.
But when they get up and say from the very beginning that this person is in heaven because of the baptismal waters that were placed on their forehead as an infant, that is
Galatians 1 damning kind of language. Galatians 1 would dam that kind of language, in other words.
I don't shout, I don't scream. I might say to my children next to me, that's false.
But I just sit in the back. I don't get anywhere close to the front. The worst thing
I think I do if I'm in a Catholic mass is I don't stand up, you know, stand for scripture reading or stand for singing or whatever.
I just sit in the back because I'm not gonna participate in any way, shape or form with this idolatrous re -sacrificing of the mass.
But I don't shout, I don't have megaphones. Yeah, it's really bizarre. And, you know,
I mean, what she is, well, accusing or saying that so -called
Christians did, I would love to talk to those Christians, alleged Christians because I'm pretty sure if I asked them, would you please tell me what you're doing here today,
I would get something more akin to the sort of gibberish that used to cause me to commit people to 72 -hour lockups, you know, for PsycheVowel.
So yeah, I have no idea. She finally says on her article, or her letter, talking about Mike Gendron.
I don't know if she ever thought about maybe sending it to Mike, but maybe she knows that Mike listens to NoCo or something all the time.
Well, or maybe she has sent it to Mike and Mike said, you know, I don't have time for this. Why don't you send it to Mike? My good friend,
Mike Abendroth will respond. In a previous article, Gendron vilified Mother Teresa of Calcutta based on her writings, expressing serious spiritual distress and distance from God.
And he castigates the Pope and the Catholic Church for upcoming canonization to proclaim her as a saint in the
Catholic Church. Well done, Mr. Gendron. Uh -huh. Despite all her trials and tribulations, Mother Teresa remained faithful to her
Lord, Jesus Christ, and endured in the Lord's work to the end. Her legacy is recognized in all the world, except perhaps not in one residence in Plano, where Mike lives.
Mike laughs. Listen, her work, you know, is it good to do nice things for people?
Yes. Did she do nice things for people? I'm sure she did sometimes, but I know she did some not so nice things too.
But here's, what's the work of the Lord? He made it very clear. What are we supposed to do? We're supposed to preach the gospel.
We're supposed to make disciples, and you don't do that by the things that she did. Well, it is very obvious, even with a cursory reading of Mother Teresa's life, what does she do with Buddhists?
What did she do with Hindus? She did not say to them, repent from that idolatry and trust in Jesus alone, who once and for all made a sacrifice at Calvary and then sat down.
She didn't do that. She just tried to make them into good Muslims, good Buddhists, whatever.
Yeah. Steve, if you criticize Mother Teresa, somehow you are vilified because she did, let's just say she did good things and helped the poor.
What about that R .C. Sproul quadrant of the four kinds of goods? Maybe it was even
John Gerstner. There's bad, bad, there's bad, good, there's good, good, and there's good, bad.
Yeah. How do you explain that? Well, I mean, it may have had some temporal good effect, but its ultimate result is not good because ultimately what she was doing is hardening the hearts of people against Christ.
And by not telling them the truth, by not showing them their true spiritual condition, what did she do?
She ushered them into a Christless eternity, which is not, here's a hint, heaven. Yeah, that's right.
And you can do good things for people. I believe she probably started some hospitals. I think she got the
Nobel Peace Prize. Did she get that? I think so. Well, I don't know, but how much value does that have? When you get to heaven, you get to go,
Lord, look at my Nobel Peace Prize. Not that she'll get to heaven. Well, can you imagine for anyone listening, and it would have been for us as well, you with your
Mormon background and me with my sacramental background, to think, all right, we're gonna get to heaven by something that we do, and earning heaven and getting there by perseverance.
I'm glad somebody else persevered and he had perfect righteousness. Yeah, I can never be good enough.
And I mean, nobody could be good enough. If we studied the Bible, instead of listening to Lois, what we'd see is each of us needs, including
Mary, needed a Savior. Why? Because we sin. We need a Savior who lived a perfect life, died a substitutionary death, and was raised on the third day.
We need to believe in him. And the idea that Mary and Jesus are one and inseparable, well,
Jesus never said that. What'd he say? He said, I and the Father are one. You know, he talked to over and over about, if you've seen me, you've seen the
Father. You know, that should be enough for you. So this theology of Mary is way, way off track.
It's 180. So if you'd like to send your Roman Catholic letters to Mike Gendron, proclaiming the gospel, plain old text.
Make it so, Mike will love to answer your questions. No Compromise Radio, always biblical, always provocative, always in that order.
Steve Cooley, the Tuesday guy, and Mike Abendroth. Glad you listened. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.