A Quick Response to Kwaku El


It's really just a matter of accurately representing the other side.


Hey, I just wanted to do a a quick video here. I'm down in Tucson I'll be preaching tomorrow at a great church down here in the
Tucson area and But I just saw today
The response provided by Quakel in regards to the dividing line that Jeff Durbin and I did last week where we reviewed a video that he had put out invited all
Christians to view this and Now is not happy that we did evidently and it was the video in which he
Faced plantingly badly Misrepresented what Christians believe where he did exactly what
I've seen Muslims do and Jehovah's Witnesses do and one that's
Pentecostals do Take the athanasian creed and try to make it sound uber complicated and self -contradictory which it is not if Anyone just takes just has just enough honesty or commitment to truthfulness
To allow it to speak for itself and to understand its background what it's addressing
It is actually very clear very balanced makes perfect sense The young people at our church can can explain it and understand it so if you can't it's because you don't want to Not because it's not possible well,
I Just a few minutes ago listened to Quaker's response. And so I'm just gonna address this to Quaker You know you you said that you don't like internet drama
Except what you just posted was nothing but pure internet drama and totally unnecessary
Totally unnecessary. It took you 27 minutes to get around to actually talking about the video why because you wanted to create a tremendous amount of drama and it's because You produced a video that is indefensible
You can't defend what you said there. You didn't even offer defense in that video. You said well, it's just my ideas
No We documented where you grossly misrepresent you would read the creed
The next sentence you would ignore what you just read. That's called misrepresentation Twisting of words.
It's not honest. It lacks integrity and We documented it and We did so because this is our faith this is
What I've written books in defense of Books which are used as textbooks in the
English -speaking world which came out of my doctoral work on that subject Oh, by the way, if you want to call that place a
Diploma mill. Here's my challenge for you Go buy one Go buy one.
You can't because it takes years worth of work anyway We documented
The fact that you presented something that was indefensibly Misrepresentation now can be ignorance on your part.
It could be bias prejudice or deception on your part. Those are all possibilities and We pointed out that we had corrected you on these things before and of course,
I think part of your intentionality here Was to say why
I've never really listened to what you all have to say For example, you were talking about I offered to send you my books and you're like, well, you know
I'm an undergrad at BYU and it was homeless week whatever the world that is and you know I was just too busy.
And so I didn't and and etc, etc, etc So the point is we made the information available
We have interacted in the past and what you're saying is I can't be bothered. I Can't but yeah, there's lots of good historical information on the
Athanasian Creed and there's lots of stuff back there That would help explain this stuff. But you know, I just I just can't be bothered.
I'm an undergrad ma 'am and That is what prompted me to make this quick video even though I'm traveling
As most people know this isn't my normal location for recording something That's the difference between you and I See I started studying
Mormonism when I was your age. In fact, I think I was younger than you a A couple years younger than you
I was between my freshman and sophomore years in college so I was 19 and I Freshly married a
Little over a month after I got married was when I met with elders Reed and Reese and that's what started my studying
There was no internet back then. I know a lot of people struggled it even Wow Did you fight dinosaurs too?
There wasn't an internet. So the only way to learn about something was to talk to people and to read books and I read every book
I get my hands on about Mormonism from a Christian perspective But for some reason
I had no one to guide me here. I There was no one at I didn't talk to anybody at my college
I don't think anybody there would have known much about it about how to do apologetics or study other world religions or anything like that and So in Mormonism wasn't all that big back then maybe three and a half million and so somehow
In the midst of that I became absolutely convinced that to have integrity
I would have to read Mormon sources I Would have to seek to accurately represent
What Mormons believed even though I disagreed with them vociferously I Don't know where that came from.
I've tried to live and make my ministry for 37 years now 36 years
Commensurate with that commitment and so while you're complaining about not being able to read a book because of homeless week
I Was going to the LDS bookstore, and so I'd read a Christian book on Mormonism and wow
They're really citing this book a lot marvelous work in a wonder by the Grand Richards teachings of Prophet Joseph Smith doctrines of salvation the three volumes that Joseph Ewing Smith, and then there's this and so I start going to this
LDS bookstore 35th Avenue in northern is not there anymore, but Mary was the lady who worked there, and so I'm buying these books, and then
I'd read them, and I would mark them and And so I'm checking this is the not just the citations
I'd read the whole book Mormon doctrine Bruce Armaconti yeah, he was still around and popular back then and Then there's this set that I keep seeing it referenced over and over again the
Journal of Discourses. I'll never forget buying that thing 26 volumes it was in a paperback slipcase
Had to bungee cord it to the back of my motorcycle. I thought my wife might kill me because it was like 70 bucks and Back then that was like half a month salary.
It's terrible so the point is I I did my homework and I showed respect to Mormons that way and When I wrote my books eventually years later that would be 17 years later something like that when
I wrote letters to a Mormon elder and Especially when I wrote is the more of my brother a few years a number of years after that Which you haven't looked at as far as I can tell those who have know that there are hundreds of original source citations from LDS sources in context in context
To make sure that you accurately represent the LDS position Before you then criticize it and offer something else because see from my perspective
That's absolutely necessary. If I'm gonna say that's not the truth here is the truth, then I have to be absolutely truthful in the representation of that and so Forgive the sounds but some notifications
Some notifications on a Mac are hidden so deeply that you'll never find anyway so that's what
I did and that's what you didn't do and That's the difference dreams
Now you've chosen to go nuclear and to get all nasty and you know Getting all personal and stuff like that Jeff and I didn't
We raised the possibility in light of how many times we have offered you the information to correct your ignorance on these issues and You keep putting out videos
Based upon your ignorance. They're misrepresentational. They are not truthful And so we raised the possibility.
How many times do you do this? Before you go this guy just either doesn't care about truth or he's purposely trying to deceive people
We raised that issue and it's a proper issue. You responded with just nastiness and Nearly half an hour's worth of drama and your interpretation of this and that and the other thing never did mention that real nice Bible you're giving but anyway
You you want internet drama you're the one that produced it and as a cover for the fact that that video you put out should be withdrawn with apologies and See, I'm also consistent at this point.
I Have called upon Christians To withdraw information that they put out on Mormonism.
That was untrue and unfair. I Got in trouble years ago by criticizing
Godmakers to Ed Decker Has never really liked me much because it's that consistency thing
Because I criticized it so That's the difference between us quicken.
You didn't talk about lying all you want But the proofs in the cards or in the books in this case so Just a response to what you had to say.
I hope you'll think about it and I hope you do the right thing If not, well the fact of matter is we're still gonna respond when a teachable moment comes up when if you're
Misrepresenting something and it's gonna help us To help others to see why that is so they can correct that kind of error when they encounter it
You know as long as we still have the freedom to do it I'm not sure how long any of us are gonna have the freedom to do it But as long as we do we're gonna take advantage of it.
So just some thoughts for Kwaku L as His video dropped