Winning the Political War - Josh Daws Is Just Trying to Help

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Welcome back to the channel everybody. God bless you. I hope you had a very productive week. I made a decision.
I think what I'm going to do on LinkedIn, if you care about this kind of thing, is I'm going to have a little fun with LinkedIn.
You ever see those memes that people put on LinkedIn, like the social media influencers? They'll put a meme of themselves looking either like this, or they'll be pointing up here, and there's words up here, that kind of thing.
And then they'll say some kind of business truism, like, you got to cost 10 times more to get a new client than to keep your client, something like that.
Everybody already knows it, but they put it out there as if they're some kind of a thought leader, that kind of thing.
Well, I'm thinking about doing that, except I'm going to have a little fun with it, put stupid stuff. I'm going to have myself up there pointing, like that, and it's going to say up here, are you working hard or hardly working?
Something like that. That's going to be a good one.
I think that'll be good. Sometimes you got to have a little fun with business stuff. You know what I mean? Business is not all business, you know?
In any case, I saw this thread by Josh Dawes, and I got to remember,
I got to be honest, Josh Dawes, when I first encountered him, back when
I was on Twitter the first time, he was the kind of guy that was like, he was very concerned with guys like me.
You know what I mean? He agreed with what I had to say a lot of the time, but he's just a little concerned about how
I was saying it, that kind of thing. And I don't hold it against people. When guys tell me that they're a little concerned with my tone, or how
I'm saying it, or that I'm joking, or things like that, or I'm name calling, I don't hold it against you.
I mean, look, yeah, I get it. You should be concerned with me. That's right. I am concerning. That being said,
Josh has really been radicalized over the years. I heard this on Gospel Coalition. Gospel Coalition officially has said
Josh Dawes has become radicalized, and it's making them very sad, and worried, and concerned, and all that kind of thing.
So now Josh is the guy that everyone's concerned about. It's not just me. Now Josh is the concerned bro's target as well.
Anyway, he's been spitting so much truth lately. I gotta be honest. Hats off to you, Josh. You've been saying some good things.
You're still a peacemaker, which is amazing. You're still a peacemaker. You're still very irenic, but you're kind of a fighter now too, which
I gotta be honest with you, you love to see it. I love to see it. Anyway, he puts out this great thread, and I saw it because William Wolfe said that it was about Neil Shenvey, and I was like, oh man,
Josh named Neil? Wow. Wow. Well, he doesn't actually name Neil, but this thread is definitely a good thread to apply to Neil Shenvey because this is like Neil Shenvey's prime directive, right?
This is what Neil is all about. This is what gets him going in the morning. He loves this kind of thing.
This is what he's looking for, opportunities to do exactly what Josh is describing here.
And there are a bunch of guys like this. I saw some people talking about this thread, and they mentioned Owen Strawn.
He's the guy who does this kind of thing as well. Quite frankly, all the G3 guys did this in the recent dustup.
Virgil did this for sure. I don't think that the G3 guys are like this in general, but they definitely were like this a couple months ago.
No question about it. Guys like Samuel Say, he's also like this.
This is what he does. This is his prime directive. You know how in Star Trek, Starfleet has a prime directive that everything else they do is all about this one directive?
Well, this is the prime directive for a lot of conservative Christians. And it's very interesting.
So I wanted to read this thread to you and commend it to you, recommend it to you, rather.
And I want you to think about this because this is something that you need to watch out for because I personally believe that all of us conservative
Christians have been programmed to do this. This is what we've been told and taught, and maybe not in explicit terms, but we've just seen so many people doing this.
So we think this is the right thing to do. And I'm going to urge you to resist the urge to do this.
This is unnecessary, and it actually hurts our cause. That's my opinion.
So here's what Josh Dawes has to say. He says,
You have never seen anyone on the left disavow a single lib featured on Libs of TikTok.
They know that their fringe serves the very valuable purpose of making well -articulated leftist ideology seem more reasonable by comparison.
They ignore the crazies and keep pushing left. Conservatives, on the other hand, drop everything to ferret out and expunge any fringe to the right, effectively drawing in the borders of acceptable conservative discourse and moving the
Overton window leftward. We have to ignore the fringe to our right. Keep pushing our agenda and let their extremism work to our advantage.
Don't leap to address every nutjob and racist on the left or other conservatives dredge up.
Stay focused on defeating the left and regaining the ground we've lost. I got to be honest with you. I like this thread very much.
I think he's exactly right. You don't see the leadership of the left criticizing the psychopaths that are on Libs of TikTok.
You don't see reasonable racial reconciliation people criticizing that black lady who's like, uh, sister, yeah, if you white, man, you ain't have no right to communicate with me.
You ain't have no right to criticize me. You need to ask permission. Girl, you need to ask permission.
And you got to say, Lord, can I have permission? Like there's a psychopathic, you know, demonic possessed black lady who says this kind of thing.
She's crazy. Everybody knows she's crazy, but you don't see reasonable race hustlers criticizing her because they understand that she's out there making them look good.
You know what I mean? Like that wacko makes other wackos like Mika Edmondson or Micah Edmondson look smart and reasonable by comparison.
Micah Edmondson is unreasonable. In fact, he's almost as unreasonable as that psychopathic lady on Libs of TikTok.
But when the Libs of TikTok ladies out there saying insane things, it makes
Micah look a lot more reasonable by comparison. And so they realize that that's valuable. They have no problem with that.
So anyway, I agree with what Josh has to say here. And I think that when you look at like all the times that people like, it almost is like a switch flips inside them.
And they start sounding like, oh, you're racist. You know, like, you know, when people start calling everybody racist, like this happened in the
Christian nationalism dust up where all of a sudden, you know, like if you aren't denouncing this crazy racist, now all of a sudden, maybe you're kind of racist.
Or when people say you need to, you need to start thinking AD about why all these racists support you. Why do they listen to your channel?
And it's like, you know, like, like that kind of stuff. Like when they're trying to do this witch hunt to try to smoke out the racist.
And it's like, what's the value in that? What do they think they get out of that? Right? Why are they doing that?
And it's a really kind of, um, it's a brain dead thing to do, right?
What do they think they get out of it? I think they think that the liberals who they really want to impress, they're really trying to win these liberals, right?
That's what they think. And they think that the strategy to do it is to give some ground to the liberals and to say, see,
I, I, I'll grant that. There are definitely racists over here. It's racist.
And I oppose them. I'm not like one of those racist. And like, that's their strategy. It's like they weren't, they're going to grant some of the ground and they think, see, they're going to think
I'm reasonable. So they're going to, they're going to know that not all conservatives are racist because I'm here.
I mean, Neil, I'm Neil Shenvey. I'm not racist. And so they're going to talk to me and, and then
I'm going to be able to win them because, you know, I admit it, you know, yeah, they're right about things, maybe not to the degree that they think they're right, but they're right for the most part.
So they're kind of, they're, they're, they're appealing to, like, they're appealing to, to, to the more, almost like they're appealing to the morality of the left and saying, yeah, you know, you're kind of right.
And so, but you should join me because, you know, you're kind of wrong too. And I gotta be honest with you, that's just so naive.
There's a similar kind of situation happening. I remember this back when I used to talk to a lot of atheists and, and this was both online and in person, you know, in both situations, you know,
I'd talk to atheists and usually, you know, you would talk to atheists and there'd be a group, like if you're street preaching, there's like a group of you and they're, you know, everyone kind of has their own style of apologetics and stuff like that.
And there was always this one style that I never quite understood where like, you, you, you almost like when you have the chance to talk about science, like you get so excited and you jump on it.
You're like, oh yeah, let's talk about science because you think that you're going to win the atheist whose heart is set against the
Lord, who's set against the Lord's anointed, like hates Christ, hates everything to do with Christ, hates
Christ's law, wants to sin, loves their sin, and all that. Like you think somehow that if you appeal to something they like, which is science, at least they claim to like science, that somehow they're going to stop hating
Christ, right? And so you, when they want to talk about science, you get all excited.
Yeah, let's talk about science. And yeah, you're right. Some of those Christians reject science and I'm not,
I'm not like one of those Christians. And it's like, it's the same kind of thing, right?
Where you're trying to grant a part of their narrative where they're like, yeah, Christians, you know, they're anti -science and stupid.
And you're like, yes, I know. I, they're totally like that. And, and you think that you're going to be like, since you're not one of those
Christians, they're going to take you seriously and somehow convert to Jesus Christ. That's what you think. It's a very strange thing.
I remember one time witnessing someone online, this was, this one was online where, you know, something about homosexuality or something.
And the Christian apologized for, on behalf of all Christians. And it was a woman and she was like, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry that Christians have mistreated you so. And if you look back at the thread, it was like, the mistreatment was saying that homosexuality was a sin.
And, you know, the kingdom of God's not for homosexuality. It's like, I'm sorry.
You're right. They're so evil. It's like, liberals don't care about that.
They don't care if you agree with them in part, right? They don't care. They're not thinking rationally.
They're not, they don't have any morality. Like, like they don't care about you, you know, you know, hunting out racists or things like that.
It doesn't serve to do anything good. Like you're not, you're not going to win woke people by, you know, being a little woke yourself.
It doesn't work that way. It just simply doesn't work that way. You can't like try to be anti -racist in a good way and expect that anyone's going to, you know, convert to Jesus Christ over that.
It just doesn't matter if they don't care about that kind of stuff. And so I agree with Josh. I think this is a, this is a smart move, you know, as far as how to deal with the fringe elements on the right, how to deal with them, you know, just ignore them.
You know what I mean? Just ignore them. And I gotta be honest with you. There's another kind of more practical reason to ignore them as well.
And, and, and I think this has to do, you gotta be honest with yourself, right? You gotta be honest with yourself.
How much damage has been done to the way you see things by the, that's the prevailing ideology of our time.
Like we were, we, we were taught, we were, we were, we were trained to spot racism everywhere, to spot it everywhere.
And we're so, so as a result, we're all just very bad at identifying what racism is.
Right. And all of a sudden we see, you know, something like in the movie, The Bronx Tale, I did a video about this on Twitter, which by the way, follow me on Twitter.
I've been doing a lot of video content on Twitter, you know, two minute videos, very brief kind of things. I've been doing a lot more of that lately, but there's a scene in The Bronx Tale where, where C's father, you know, they're
Italians, you know, he asks his father, you know, about, you know, what would it be?
What would he think if his friend was dating a black girl? You know what I mean? And his father basically says, you know, nah, you know,
I, I'm not prejudiced or anything, but I think we know we should marry our own kind and basically saying he wants his son to marry an
Italian girl. Like that's what he desires. Right. And he's, he's not really like pushy about it. He's not really like saying, oh, they're evil.
They're savages. He isn't saying anything like that. He just says, look, I want, you know, I want an Italian baby and I want my, I want to,
I want you to find a nice girl named Maria and you marry her. Right. That kind of thing. We're programmed to think that that's the worst possible thing.
And in that movie, it's very subversive because what ends up happening in that movie is his father's a very good father.
And he has kind of like another father figure, which is the mob boss. Who's an evil man. I mean, this guy's a mass murderer and the mass murderer says, oh no, you know, you can marry, you could marry a black girl.
And so, so the movie's trying to get you to say, oh, you see, even the good father, like, you know, good Catholic father, he's actually truly evil on the inside.
He's dark on the inside. And then this mass murdering mob boss who's dark on the outside is actually a good soul on the inside.
It's a very subversive movie. It's a good movie. I like a Bronx tale, but it's very subversive.
Anyway, what his father said wasn't that bad. I mean, even if you don't, even if you don't agree with him, like it's really not the end of the world.
Right. But the movie's trying to make you seem like, see, you know, people are kind of a mixed bag, you know, that kind of thing. And, um, and so we were trained to spot like the worst possible racism everywhere.
So we're not very good at it. That's the point. You're not very good at it. And so chances are, if you're not, you know, sort of like on the base, right.
Kind of thing. If you're not all like, if you're not in that group right now, chances are. And even if you are in that group, to some degree, chances are the fringe, right.
That you're talking about. Some of those guys are probably not as fringe as you think they are.
Some of those guys are actually probably not racist. Like you're like you're hearing from, from like G3 or whatever.
Like it's, it's, it's just, you gotta be honest with yourself. You're just not good.
Very few of us are good at spotting the actual racist. And so it is totally acceptable.
Totally acceptable. When you see some wacko on, on Twitter saying something that you think is racist, it's totally acceptable to just keep your mouth shut about it.
Totally fine. It doesn't mean you're a racist. Doesn't mean you're condoning it. That's, that's the thing. They try to manipulate you into thinking you must be condoned.
Silence is violence. This is a, silence is violence. There's a lot of guys on the right that have adopted that mentality.
They'll never say silence is violence, but they've adopted that mentality. I pointed out Virgil Walker saying that kind of thing the other day.
And you know, people got very offended. He's not saying silence is violence. Yeah, he is kind of. Silence is not violence.
Silence is not violence. You see some wacko on Twitter say something, you know, outlandish, outrageous. You can just ignore it if you want to.
If you want to say something, I guess go ahead and say it. I don't think that it's a good idea. I think
Josh gives you a real good reason why that's not a good idea. But, uh, Hey, there you go.
There you go. I hope you found this video helpful. Interesting. One more thing before we end,
I'm considering doing one more good faith debate review.
I'm thinking about doing the racial reconciliation one. Um, do you think that I should do it?
If you want me to do the racial reconciliation, good faith debate, let me know in the comments.
Let me know if you really, really don't want me to do it. Let me know that as well. If you don't care, you know, let me know that as well.
We'll, we'll see what we do. We'll see what we do. But anyway, I hope you have a great weekend. God bless you. Hope you found this video helpful.