JD Vance Criticized for "Ordo Amoris" Comments (Order of Love)


Does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach we must love strangers over our own children? Liberal theologians push back on JD Vance’s view of ‘ordered love'. To listen to the full Sunday school class check out our Moores Corner Church YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@M-c-c-1896_MA You can also listen to my podcast on Spotify, would you be willing to leave a positive review? Thanks for all the support, it means a lot! A few people asked, so if you would be willing to leave a positive review on Spotify or donate to the ministry to help cover podcasting equipment it would be greatly appreciated - If you would like to donate you can give using Venmo (@Michael-Grant-468) or PayPal https://paypal.me/MichaelGrant78?coun... - you can also click on the thanks button located on the bottom of the video or to give to our church send checks to PO Box 42 Leverett MA 01054 Link to Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2cMa0Ft... Thank you for checking out my videos. Please consider subscribing and remember when you click thumbs up, that helps the video to get out to more people! Along with the sermons & Bible studies we also cover stories in Christian news as well as examining the teachings and practice of people like John MacArthur, John Piper, Alistair Begg, Steve Lawson, Paul Washer, Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Amy Grant NIV Baptist Churches Christian Music ESV Newsboys TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Michael Tait CCM Exposed Daystar Television Network, Joni Lamb, Jonathan Lamb, Suzy Lamb, Marcus Rodgers, Jimmy Evans, Hillsong, Maverick City Music Elevation Worship Bethel Bill Johnson Kris Vallotton Brandon Lake Semler Relient K Switchfoot Lauren Daigle TobyMac DC Talk Kevin Max deconstruction United Methodist Roman Catholic Discernment T.D. Jakes Lakewood Church Truth Error liberal conservative Pope Francis Taylor Marshall Kenneth Copeland, Kathryn Krick, Joyce Meyer Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, TD Jakes, false teachers Apologetics Mike Winger, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Wretched Radio, Todd Friel, TreasureChrist (Reformed Wiki 2.0), Reformation Charlotte, Protestia, Andy Stanley, Ray Comfort of Living Waters United Church of Christ Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Donald Trump, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Charles Stanley, The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins, The Shack, Heresy, KLove, Christian Science, 7th Day Adventists, Jews, Israel, Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist Church, dispensationalism, covenant theology, Calvinism, Arminianism, Replacement theology, rapture, pre-trib, pretribulation, post-trib, post tribulation premillennial, postmillennial, end times, tribulation prophecy Book of Revelation, King James Version, KJV. The most important thing! Salvation is available for anyone who would repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness! The true gospel is Christ crucified and risen for the remission of sin. A person is saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6). The Scripture says if you would confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved! Romans 10:9. The next step after salvation is to get baptized and start learning & serving in a good local Bible believing church.


baptisnews .com Vice President JD Vance is getting schooled by theologians over his inverted theology expressed in a
January 29th interview on Fox News so this is being called the
Ordo Amoris or the order of love so who should you love first and foremost your family and then your neighbor and then people in China like what's the order of our love so here's the comment by JD Vance the new vice president he said there is this old school and I think it's a very
Christian concept by the way that you love your family and then you love your neighbor and then you love your community and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country and then after that you can focus and prioritize the rest of the world so his argument seems to be that this is a
Christian idea that you love your family first you have a responsibility to them first then your next -door neighbor and it's about proximity it's kind of go it goes out from there so the people that you know and live with your family's number one and then your neighbor number two and it kind of goes out from there your own country and then people in other countries and when
I heard this I just thought well this is kind of just common sense but he did make the claim that this is biblical so we want to try to figure out what are some
Bible verses some biblical concepts is this biblical or is it not so one theologian
I guess he's a theologian he said this a guy named Zach L we'll just call him that he says it's important to point out that this what
JD Vance says is the exact opposite of what Jesus teaches in the
Sermon on the Mount which is three chapters he gives no specifics and it's the exact opposite of what
Jesus teaches based on the parable of the Good Samaritan so it's a little more specific so let's turn to Luke chapter 10 we'll look at the parable of the
Good Samaritan and we'll see if the parable of the Good Samaritan contradicts what
JD Vance said but there was another guy I think this other guy was a theologian he said
JD Vance is completely wrong it's the opposite of what Jesus taught he said if you have your child here and you're a complete stranger another child here and you can only save one of their lives the
Christian thing to do is not to save your own child's life it's to save the complete strangers life that's what
Jesus taught he said if you don't like that that's fine but just just admit you're not ready to pick up your cross and follow
Christ so you should let your own child die in favor of saving the complete stranger that's what
Jesus taught listen I'm just gonna say it that's that's the most ridiculous thing
I've ever heard okay that's I would say that's actually evil you know this this term gaslighting where people say things that are obviously not true but they're trying to convince you that something absurd is actually real that's what that seems like to me but it doesn't necessarily mean that JD Vance's argument is biblical but let's look at the parable of the
Good Samaritan and remember this other theologian is saying that the
Good Samaritan contradicts what JD Vance says but is everyone clear on the argument that JD Vance is making nobody needs clarification on this right yeah well
I mean I think that's I think that's a given I think he's just talking about humans okay yeah he's never
I don't think he ever implied that you put your own child above God but we're just talking about human beings okay so the parable of the
Good Samaritan Luke 10 starting in verse 25 says and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tested him saying teacher what shall
I do to inherit eternal life and he said to him what is written in the law what is your rendering of it so he answered and said you shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself and he said to him you have answered rightly do this and you will live but he wanting to justify himself said to Jesus and who is my neighbor then
Jesus answered and said and here's the parable a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped him of his clothing wounded him and departed leaving him half -dead now by chance a certain priest came down that road and when he saw him he passed by on the other side likewise a
Levite when he arrived at the place came and looked and passed by on the other side but a certain
Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion and why is this significant because the
Jews and the Samaritans typically hated each other that's why this would be a significant that a
Samaritan actually stopped to help so it says in verse 33 the Samaritan had compassion so he went to him and bandaged his wounds pouring on oil and wine and he set him on his own animal brought him to an inn and took care of him on the next day when he departed he took out two denarii gave them to the innkeeper and said to him take care of him and whatever you or whatever more you spend when
I come again I will repay you so which of these three do you think was a neighbor to him who fell among thieves and he said he who showed mercy on him then
Jesus said to him go and do likewise okay so I guess the question is does that parable of the
Good Samaritan teach that we must love the stranger before our own children
I'm not I'm not seeing that I don't see how you would come to that conclusion does it teach that as Americans we have just as much of a duty to people in Ukraine as we do to people in our own hometown you know
I think that I think you're stretching the parable when you try to make it apply to things like that what does the parable teach us though love your neighbor as yourself so do we have a duty to our fellow man yes so just because someone isn't my family member just because they're not a fellow
Christian just because they're not a fellow American the way I would apply the Good Samaritan I don't know let me let's say let's say and be gracious I'm just pulling this out of a hat okay let's say there is somebody who's perceived as they don't they don't support immigration they don't want any immigration to this country that's kind of their position that's their attitude but they find a
Mexican immigrant on the side of the road beaten and bloodied well they have a duty whether they like immigration or not they have a duty to help that person out and to make sure that they get medical care and I think most people would do that again maybe that's not the best illustration but I don't think
Christians I don't think Christians would pass by somebody who was in need like that so I'm just not making the connection how this parable is is undoing or contradicting what
JD Vance had to say so is his comment biblical well there is one principle that was set down by the
Apostle Paul in 1st Timothy 5 verse 8 here's what the Apostle Paul says he says if anyone does not provide for his own especially those for of his own household he has denied the faith and it's worse than an unbeliever so what's
Paul saying if if a man doesn't take care of his own wife and children he's worse than a heathen he's worse than an unbeliever so if you're in a situation like that theologian talked about where you can either feed your own kid or the kid next or save your own child's life or the complete stranger
Paul is saying you have a duty to your own children which again this is not just biblical
I think it's it's common sense yeah husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church you have a specific duty to your spouse you have a specific duty to care for your own children if you don't do that you're worse than an unbeliever now
JD Vance was talking I guess about the policy of the
US government and how we're sending you know money to help you know we're sending billions of dollars to help people in other countries and yet we have homeless veterans you know sleeping under bridges and we're not helping our own people and I think that's probably the main argument he was making but again this just seems like without getting too much into that this just seems like common sense but to say this is the opposite of what
Jesus taught is is it's garbage but obviously a lot of quote -unquote
Christians and the reason I say quote -unquote if that's really what you believe I again
Paul says you're worse than an unbeliever so I don't think you're a Christian if you really believe that some of these people are probably what they call virtue signaling online but just to get a rise out of people maybe but yeah absolutely absurd now one thing
I would say is Jesus did talk about remember his mother and his brothers came and he said okay your mother and brothers are outside they want to speak to you and he says who are my mothers and who are my brothers you know whoever does the will of God is my mother and my sister and my brother so there is a one one point
I would make is that fellow Christians we are in a sense closer to fellow believers than we are to unbelieving family which some people would have a hard time with that so I do have a closer bond like this is an eternal family between Christian brothers and sisters more so than even my own blood relatives but that doesn't undo your responsibility to your own kids so I think people just got this mixed up one theologian at least there was one guy in this article who was making sense he said
I agree with what JD Vance says he said Christ our Lord taught the parable of the
Good Samaritan to reveal that our duty to love our neighbor extends to all which nobody's denying that nevertheless the order of love is not flattened out completely and redistributed to all persons without distinction for example as a married man
I have the obligation of love to make sure that my wife's medical care is being met before I do the other 50 women on the same hospital floor there's a higher love for my wife that is not wrong or selfish likewise
I have a higher obligation of love to make sure that my own children are properly cared for above my duty to feed and clothe children in France again it's it's obvious so yeah yeah
I mean like you hear what he said whatever whatever Donald Trump or JD Vance says there will be people who automatically take the opposite position just because and I'm not siding with JD Vance because well you know he's on my team so therefore
I'm gonna die I think he's truly correct trust me like I said he's Roman Catholic and if he said something that was unbiblical
I would I'd be talking about that but I do agree with them here so this is the whole purpose of this class in case somebody's new or somebody new watching online the whole purpose of current events to talk about relevant issues and to learn how to think biblically because we're encountering all sorts of ideas like this we hear things encounter things every day and we want to figure out what what does the