The Fifth Miracle of Jesus



Now in the opening as we return to the gospel of John chapter 6,
I'd like to say this There's not a lot of scriptures here that we're looking at this morning.
We'll be looking at from John's gospel chapter 6 verse 15 to 21 if you'd like to go ahead and turn there, please turn there
This is a very timely message For all of us, I believe here at redeeming grace
Church No matter who you are this morning I really believe if you're going through a storm in your life
And I believe there are storms that we don't know only God knows and you know
How badly that storm is raging? But as the storm rages in your life, this message is for you
There's a great comfort and great encouragement for all of us in this text
As we'll be looking at let me Start off by Asking you a question
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a situation or a storm a trial that you cannot control?
You cannot control it if you're like me.
This is hard for you And it's very difficult because none of us are like Feeling we're not in control.
I don't know for Illustration I have a very difficult time driving in the riding in the back seat of a car or passenger seat
I Feel much safer if I'm on the driving with the steering wheel. I'm in the driver's seat
I get very nervous even as my wife drives. I'm not saying she's a bad driver though Please forgive me if I'm saying that but I do get somewhat panicky
So I feel like I need to have control the steering wheel well today in our text we will see how
Jesus's disciples find themselves in the middle of a difficult situation a very difficult situation that they're not in control of They cannot control it
We will see that they're stuck in a boat in The middle of a dark night on the open sea a raging sea by the way a storm and in the midst of this
The disciples is difficulty confusion and fear fear grips them and Jesus comes to them
He steps right in with His fifth miracle and you can actually say at the last of it we could say a sixth miracle
But we'll be looking at the fifth miracle of the Lord Jesus Christ and he demonstrates by the way his control
Keep this in mind beloved no matter what you face in the storm that you have no control over God has providentially
Ordained that for your good and my good All things
Romans 828 all things we know we know That all things work together for the good to those who love
God and to those who are called according to his purpose Verse 29 that way you may be conformed into the image of Christ Basically, that's what it says
You may be conformed into his image and that's the reason what why God allows these storms to come into our life these trials these difficulties that we have no control over so that we could call on God and that Draw closer to the
Lord and that he will build character in us. That's what he wants That's what he desires.
That's what he's ordained and especially being a child of God his ultimate Destination his goal for you and me is that would be more like his son
Jesus Christ Folks, I'm telling you it does not come easy. It always comes difficult.
It comes hard It comes in the darkness it comes through affliction it comes through trials
It comes through the fire and the water and all these things in life that we have no control over but God has control
In a great that our God is sovereign he's over this and we're going to see in the story today that Jesus is sovereign over the storm and The disciples and the twelve disciples and he's going to teach them a lesson so together we're going to take this journey today as we look at this text and we're going to see how
Jesus and by the way is in full control in our lives in the midst of our difficulties and the storms of life the trials and even over the fears that we have and Then saying that if you're not already there
We go back to the Gospel of John in chapter 6 and I'd like to begin by reading Beginning at first bit 15 to verse 21 verse 15 to verse 21
Hear the word of the Living God The fifth miracle us is what's speaking of Jesus walks on the sea the
Sea of Galilee He walks on the water verse 15 therefore
When Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take him by force To make him king he departed again to the mountain by himself alone now when evening came his disciples went down to the sea got into the boat and Went over to the sea toward Capernaum and it was already dark and Jesus had not come to them
Then the sea arose because of a great wind was blowing
So when they had rolled About three or four miles. They saw
Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat and They were afraid
But he said to them it is I Do not be afraid then they willingly received him into the boat and Immediately the boat was at the land
Where they were going Please bow with me in prayer our father in heaven
Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come that will be done on earth as it is in heaven father.
We just praise you today And we thank you for your word Your word is just as eternal as your character you inspired it
It's your breath It goes forth and it does not return void and it has the power to change our lives
Lord, and I pray that you would do this for us this morning It's a sure word.
It's a steadfast word It's a eternal word And it changes our hearts.
It's a bulwark in the midst of difficulties and trials Father we praise you for it and Lord our prayer is
Lord speak For your servant hears open the eyes of our hearts today that we would see only
Jesus and I pray this in Jesus name Amen We'll praise his name
John chapter 6 verse 15 to 21 the disciples here the 12 Experiences a very difficult storm
By the very forces of nature, but that was it only the the only source of their fear
We're going to examine and see together the experiences of the disciples that evening long ago as they were sent on the
Sea of Galilee and their responses in the light of what preceded it and I'd like to do in closing we win in application we will see the lessons our
Lord has for us as we to face the storms of life and The kind of responses and how we should respond to those storms in life
My outline is very simple We're going to look at three major points in today's text
First of all number one, we will see the setting Which you see in verse 15 to 17 the setting in verse 15 to 17 second
We will see the storm the setting the storm the storm in verse 18 to 19 a and Then third we will see the
Savior Who saves the Savior who saves in verse verse 19 be to verse 22?
Well, let's begin our journey. Let's look at the setting in verse 15 To verse 17, let me read it again.
Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and Taken by force to make him
King. He departed again to the mountain by himself alone And now when evening would came
His disciples went down to the sea got into the boat and went over to the sea Toward Capernaum and it was already dark and Jesus had not come to them.
This is the setting That's the setting As a result of Jesus's miracle, which we've already previously looked at the fourth miracle that the people wanted to make
Jesus a bread King they wanted to take him by force by the way That was their plan, but it wasn't
God's plan and Jesus supplied the needs as in the miracles we net well know of of the people and He looked upon them as a shepherd
Having Looking upon sheep as a shepherd having no
Guidance he was moved with compassion and What did he do? He multiplied the two fish and the five barley loaves and there was a miracle in this and it multiplied and it fed
Literally 5 ,000 the scripture tells us 5 ,000 men, but there was more than just 5 ,000 men here there was women and You could probably say another close to 5 ,000
That wouldn't give it to up to 10 ,000 and if you were to multiply the children, you can easily count up to pretty much probably a guesstimation of up to 20 ,000 people
That's how many that was fed here And as he fed them and multiplied the two fish and the five barley loaves, they saw his power
They saw his authority. They saw his provision that only God Could provide in such a way through this wonderful miracle
It met a physical need and Jesus's miracles always points not just to the physical but he would always point the truth to a spiritual need
Really? That was why the miracle takes place Jesus always wanted to and desired to point them to the spiritual rather than just a mere physical
But these people only wanted Jesus Christ only for one reason for their own benefit
They had no plans to follow him as The Messiah and as the master they wanted him just as a benefit their own
Selfish benefit to supply their own selfish needs Their own spirit of physical needs
John MacArthur notes this in his commentary quote the reason Jesus dismissed the disciples here and withdrew from the crowd into a
Mountain alone was because of his supernatural knowledge of their intention to make him
King Now listen to this in light of his healing feeding of them the crowd incited by mob
Enthusiasm was ready to proceed with crassly political
Intentions that would have jeopardized God's will in quote
And how true this is? It would have jeopardized
God's will but Jesus knew And with that being said I want you to think of this Jesus was not moved by such appeals of the flesh
He knew it was not God's will and Jesus did everything in his life according directly all by the will of the
Father If the father showed him he did it. He did it exactly
What the father said and he said that He was come to do the father's business and God's will
God's desires and And again, he was not moved by such appeals of the flesh to vanity and to any pride whatsoever of the flesh
He knew and realized that he had come into the world and he know he knew his mission To seek and to save the lost
This is why he came was to be a Savior He came to be a
Savior and What was that? How was that to happen he was to die as to substitute
Lamb of God upon the cross of Calvary That was his mission folks.
That's why he came into the world We should never lose sight of that Beware today there is a gospel and it's growing by the crowds and by the numbers that it is a it is a
Gospel and we talked about it this morning in Sunday school that it is a gospel of a crown without a cross
But I'm here to tell you if there's missing the cross There's no crown
There must be a cross first and there's no bypassing the cross Jesus said he made it very clear.
He says if we were to follow him We're to deny ourselves take up our cross and Follow him.
That sounds very simple. But folks I'm telling you people do not want to have that preached or Taught or lived in their lives.
They want to bypass that they want to have a crown. They want to have a millennium They want to have all the blessings. They want to have
Jesus as Savior but not Lord they want to have the benefits But they and the blessings but they don't want to have the
Lord of the benefits and the Lord of the blessing And Jesus would not have it any other way his mission and his passion was to go to a cross and die as The Lamb of God and he would do nothing to interfere
With that objective. This is why he came and this was the mission why the father sent him to this world
You see this in John chapter 3 this wonderful text is always
Worthy of repeating as he speaks to Nicodemus and he says this no one has ascended to heaven
But he who came down from heaven that is the Son of Man who is in heaven and as Moses Lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the
Son of Man be lifted up And then he says this and whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
This is how it comes. It's always through the cross of the
Lord Jesus Christ He would not ascend to the throne until first he has ascended to the altar of sacrifice on a cross
Think of that He humbled himself Even to the point of a death on a cross in his humility
Well, we're about to go into the Christmas season and our focus should be totally on the incarnation of the
Lord Jesus Christ But just not the Christmas season, right? It's all seasons in All seasons that he came and became he came into this world and took upon himself flesh
And it became a man and He went to the cross and this is why he came he came to die as the substitute.
That's the gospel the Lamb of God the altar of sacrifice on a cross he must suffer and bleed and Die first before he would be exalted as king and God has now exalted him
Because he's risen from the dead He's now at the right hand of the father make an intercession for us he's exalted as king of kings and Lord of lords
He's alive and that assures us something that assures us many things We are there and our salvation is guaranteed.
It's paid in full and It also tells us as a great high priest at the right hand of the father make an intercession for each and every one of You that's going through a storm in that wonderful Jesus realized that the intent
These people was to take him by force and make him a king. But again, no one makes him king.
He is King No one makes him Lord. He is Lord John 2 verse 24 25 basically summarizes what they're trying to do here
Reminds us once again, but Jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew all men and Had no need that anyone should testify of man for he knew what was in man
What's in man? depravity What's in man?
wickedness heart of wickedness
We need to know this when we give the gospel. We need to tell people their heart is corrupt.
It's depraved It's desperately wicked and they need God and then lead him to the cross and tell him the good news
So as The latter part of this verse Says he departed again into the mountain by himself alone
That's very important because we see that Jesus has a plan here.
No one's going to take him by force Jesus went alone to the mountaintop
Now I want to flip to Mark's gospel a little bit here Mark's gospel fills in a few details in Mark chapter 6 verse 45 and 46 and I'd like you to hear this another perspective, but don't you love the four gospels you could take these harmonies of the gospel and Let scripture interpret scripture and give us details where one evangelist
Does it give and the other evangelist gives it and they give it from there. It's the same story
They just tell it from their perspective Mark says this and immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side to Bethsaida while he himself was sending the multitude away and after bidding them farewell
He departed to the mountain to pray Now now
Mark tells us why he went to the mountain to pray So the
Lord basically told his disciples to get into the boat To leave immediately because he didn't want them to get caught up in the frenzy of the crowd and think of it
It's a big crowd. This is the height of his popularity Oh a whole city was basically following the
Lord and he and he wanted to protect the disciples from falling into this temptation
I want you to think of this He didn't want them to get caught up into this excitement and this
Frenzy that the crowd was to make tried to force Christ into making him king
So Jesus knew he knew exactly in perfect wisdom how to deal with this problem
That would seem to be massive and complicated, but the Lord knew exactly he's in control here folks
Jesus is in full control So he sends his disciples away
Jesus goes to the mountaintop to pray How and he deals with it and then he as he sends the disciples away to the other side to the other side
He departs to the mountain to pray To pray why you think he's what do you think he's praying for?
Scripture really does it gives us details there, but would you say the disciples
I? Would think the disciples Ain't it wonderful to know that Jesus is on the mountaintop.
It's like now. He's he's in heaven He's exalted and he sees he knows all things.
He sees all things and He knows how to deal with the all things and no matter what you and I are going through and here's the disciples
He sends them away, and he knows Jesus knows that a storm a violent raging storm is about to come
The disciples didn't know this and they were seasoned fishermen, but we will see in the story what happens
Jesus was truly a man of prayer folks his whole life was encompassed and saturated with praying and and speaking with God the
Father and should not that if we're going to be like Jesus and Like our master should not we as children of the
Living God be Saturating ourselves not only with the Word of God, but in prayer You know why because we're believed by the
Keith mentioned this this morning. What prayer is it's basically our dependence upon God and When we're not praying we're saying we're independent of God.
We can handle it ourself We don't need God's help and in this situation We will see what the disciples do let's look at the story so as as we read through the
Gospels we will find that Jesus spent his time in communion with the Father in much prayer And by the way,
I won't go to the scriptures this morning But you will see as you read that there are times that Jesus even spent
Whole night in prayer even in choosing the disciples. He spent all night in prayer
Jesus The Son of the Living God that's so convicting to me because when
I see Jesus praying I'm thinking how much more should I be praying If Jesus spent all night praying for his disciples folks and then when important decisions come about in our lives
And no matter what it is Should not we be Prayed up should not we be in prayer to God the
Father and being in tune with God and knowing what the will of God is and Then God speaks to us through the
Word of God and he tells us and I love the way do y 'all moody says in prayer
God we speak to God and End the war in opening the
Word of God God speaks to us. That's ABC's one two threes folks But how important?
Is saturating ourselves with prayer and in the Word of God Folks there is no power in the
Christian life if we are Depleting ourselves of that. It's like let me ask anyone here.
How long can any of us here go a Day or two without eating
You would you know it yeah three days four days a
Week I pray that no one goes a week here without human in prayer and in the
Word of God you'll be depleting your body your your just not your body, but your spiritual body and The scripture says renew it day by day day by day
We renew our mind By the Word of God we commune with God in prayer and God Speaks to us through his
Word and we speak to God in prayer That's fundamentals of Christianity So Jesus we see him praying his disciples recognized
This in his prayer life and there's even one time We don't know which disciple said this but one came and to the
Lord and said Lord teach us to pray. I love that Doesn't say teach us to sing even though singing to the
Lord's wonderful It doesn't say teach us to preach even though preaching is God's method to preach and hear
God's Word like I'm doing at the moment But teach us to pray Teach us to pray
Lord That should bear hearts desire every day folks Lord teach teach us to pray
Now going back to John's gospel chapter 6 Verse 16 says
And when the evening came His disciples went down to the sea Got into the boat went over to the sea toward Capernaum and it was already dark and Jesus had not come to them
It was evening Jesus had gone to the mountain along to pray and the crowd doubtless returned to their homes
Leaving the disciples by themselves So the disciples go down to the Sea of Galilee To go across and as the second text says
They went over the sea toward Capernaum. It was already dark the evening had come and Jesus had not come to them
So, where was he? Where was he? He was on the mountaintop praying
Can I tell you what else this gives us a picture of? That Christ for Christ and for your encouragement for my encouragement
That they are on a raging stormy sea of life like you and I are it's pitch -black dark
Sometimes it's hard to see where we're going but the Lord knows Actually in Psalm 139 there's a verse of Scripture there.
It says the darkness and the light is a light to him But see in the dark the dark is dark to us and that's when we get afraid
Because we don't know where we're going Lord, we can't see it, but God sees
So this is where faith comes in and Lord I may not see where I'm going
But I'm going to trust your guidance and I'm going to my ears should be attentive to hearing your voice
God she knows his voice of the Shepherd So here they are they're gonna be on the raging stormy sea of life and it's pitch -black dark
And this is where faith is made This is where faith comes in not the panic but the trust in God and the
Lord Jesus is nowhere to be seen But that does not mean that he's unaware of your situation beloved
Peter says we love him because even though we have not seen him we love him He's in heaven
And by the way again a good reminder He's at the father's right hand and as I've already mentioned he's making intercession for his own
He is praying for those whom he loves Romans 8 34
Who is he? Who condemns? listen to this it is
Christ who died and Furthermore it is is also risen who is even at the right hand of God Who also makes intercession for us this reminds me of Robert Murray McShane as you well know that godly man
McShane Put it this way if I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room.
I Would not fear a million enemies Yet distance makes no difference he is praying for me
Amen I would not fear a million enemies
Because I know Christ is praying for me praise God Hebrews 7 25 therefore
He's able also to save forever those who draw dear to God Through him since he always lives see he's living.
He always lives to make what? Intercession for us
He's pleading your case the great high priest The Savior the king of glory the king of kings the
Lord of Lords all powers given unto him He's in full control folks Have your eyes fixed on Jesus even though it may be dark
But know that he's there We'll find out How the disciples dealt with that so our first point is there there's this there's the setting let's go to the next
We've seen the setting now. We're going to come on the storm Verse 18 and 19.
Let's look at the storm Verse 18 says then the sea arose because of a great wind was blowing
We stop right there. Let me tell you a little bit about the Sea of Galilee Since Is situated below sea level by the way
It's below sea level. It's like a bowl and Hills surrounded
What does that cause it causes winds can travel up the valley of the
Jordan River in that part of Israel at great speeds
Get that it's like in a bowl and and the when the winds come great speeds come through there of the wind
It's boisterous. It's powerful and not only that I've read that even cold air can suddenly come rushing down from the mountains
Surrounding the Sea of Galilee and collide with warm moist air rising from the surface of the water
So, what does that cause that causes like a turbulence a typhoon a boisterous powerful raging storm
So the give the Sea of Galilee was also relatively shallow It's not very deep.
So the waters can become stirred up very quickly because of the shallowness
It's interesting in it those details Geographically kind of Helps us out a little bit about how these storms would come on the
Sea of Galilee and this kind of gives us an idea what kind of storm these disciples were in So trouble with a capital
T was definitely there This storm must have taken the disciples by surprise, even though these men were not novice fishermen.
They were very seasoned fishermen Jesus sends them away
But Jesus knew exactly what he was doing and he knew a storm was coming and he ordained that storm
It might have taken the disciples by surprise, but it did it take Jesus by surprise. I Don't think
I don't think so not at all Actually again, Jesus knew all along the situation.
I Want you to keep that in mind? No matter what storm you in at this present what trial that you're in how?
How the storm is blasting hard on your life Jesus is in full control of that.
He knows exactly he's ordained it He's ordained it This is a test
For the disciples, this is a test for us. This is a test. This is an exam.
This is an examination He was testing their faith. That's what he's testing
He's testing their faith to see if they would learn the lessons and what what is he testing for if they have learned the lessons?
he was teaching them and Had come to a true understanding of who he was and it was the lesson of the multiplying of the fish and the loaves
That's the purpose of the exam and for the disciples. And so it is For us who follow the
Lord Jesus Christ as well Well, let's go to the third point the
Savior who saves the Savior who saves we see this in verse 19 to verse 21
First of all, let me read verse 19 and when they had rolled about three or four miles.
It's very specific How many miles they rolled I would say if you roll with oars
That many miles is possibility those blisters on their hands
I'm sure they that they were pretty worn out and tired
The disciples has rolled about three or four miles from a human standpoint.
They were in a really great danger, but But at the right moment
God's always on time God's time Is always perfect, isn't it in the midst of the storm and they looked up and look what's the text saying they saw
Jesus Walking on the sea and drawing near the boat and They were afraid
Well, here's the miracle. He comes to them walking on the water MacArthur again says the
Son of God who made the world was in control of its forces and in this case
He suspended the law of gravity No one's ever done that except for Peter and he allowed
Peter to do that. And you know the story of that What happened What happened in that situation
Peter was actually walking on the water and then he began to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus And he got his eyes on what the storm
That's a lesson for us, isn't it? We should never ever take our eyes off Jesus if you get your eyes on your
Circumstances and on the storm you're going to sink folks Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus The author and finisher for your faith he'll see you through it
He'll see you through every storm That's the miracle Jesus comes walking on the water the
Son of the Living God was walking on the water Just like we walk on this floor with ease
Walking on the Sea of Galilee and the scripture tells us they were afraid now.
Why were they were afraid they were frightened? Again, Mark's gospel gives us these details folks
Mark says this he came to them walking on the sea and he intended to pass them by them
He intended to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the sea They supposed that it was a ghost a phantom and they cried out they were afraid they thought it was a ghost
For they all they all saw him and they were frightened Now, I don't know about you at times.
I'm pretty afraid of the dark If I can't see where I'm going But I'm tell would you be afraid if you thought something coming toward you like a ghost or a phantom?
I It would make the hair stand up on my head. I Mean honestly, come on.
Am I alone? That would be scary and pitch -black dark Amen Well again
Jesus his timing's perfect, isn't he? As always he comes to them And you know what?
I love about this. He comes to them at the darkest hour This was the fourth watch of the night
That was between 3 a .m. To 6 a .m. Our time. That's the darkest hour folks
You may be in a dark hour But Jesus will come walking on the water at the fourth hour of the night and he's right on time
And if they couldn't see him and they thought it was a phantom the next
Thing that is said here Is something absolutely? Perfectly time and now
I want to notice how simply the story is told I love the way John tells that the most amazing facts are being told to us and John did not use big fancy words folks
To impress us with the greatness of what was taking place. Don't you love that about the Gospels? Don't you love that about the
Word of God? So why did the disciples respond in such a way they did they were frightened to almost to death?
And for one they were not expecting him they didn't expect Jesus really and they failed to pray
I really believe that was the case here they failed to pray to trust in God and the power and the authority of The Son of God to meet their needs to rescue him in a second.
I believe and This is interesting. You see this in Mark 6 52. This is not me
Which says their hearts were hardened. I want you to think of that for a second their hearts were hardened
So in other words there was unbelief here they were not believing they were not praying they were not trusting
Is it is it that what happens when we're in the storm and out of all times for us to harden our hearts?
That's when we should be soft on our hearts and submitting to God and saying Oh Lord It is you
Oh Lord that can rescue you me only you can rescue me only you I call upon You are the
Lord God and you I can trust you are my shield. You're my buckler. You are my all -in -all
No one else the arm of flesh will let you down We don't trust in chariots and horses as David says, but we will trust in the name of the
Lord our God I'm telling you folks God is the source of all of it.
He has all authority. He is all -powerful He's all -knowing and it's through the Lord Jesus Christ He always knows where we are and he loves us he cares
See, that's something else. We need to be careful of God doesn't care for me. I'm going through pain.
I'm going through darkness I'm going through all this the sorrows is this coming on me like the billows of the waves, but no
Jesus cares Doesn't he he does care By the way, he cares more than we would ever know
They hadn't learned the lesson did they? The disciples did not learn the lesson of the loaves and the fishes
They tried their best to overcome the storm probably by rowing Harder and harder you can say
Oh Peter and James and John and all of them row harder men row harder We got to get through this and that's the way we are
Sometimes the harder we roll the worse it gets and the storm is just overpowering us.
But where where's Jesus? You know, they probably
Concluded it was impossible and hopeless, but let me say this. It was impossible, but it's not hopeless
Now Jesus comes to save them. He's walking on the water Verse 20 he says to them.
This is very significant folks It is I Do not be afraid it is
I do not be afraid What a word
What a word Jesus speaks wonderful words of comfort to his disciples in The fourth watch of the night in the darkest hour
Between 3 a .m. And 6 a .m. He says it is I do not be afraid it was he were the only man
They might well be afraid but he is the mighty creator. He is the sustainer of the universe
He's the master of the seas such as one close at hand there was no reason for them to fear
But they were a fearful He who made the Sea of Galilee in the universe of itself
The first place could cause its waters to be calm in the second place.
He could bring his fear fearful disciples safely to shore as well and Then Jesus says it is
I Be not afraid and it literally says in the original language I am
I am Yahweh fear not I am
That's the name that God revealed himself in Exodus 3 13 when Moses asked
God what is your name? That the people may know that you are the true
God And that that you have sent me to them and God answered
Moses with these words Say to the people of Israel. I am
I am And we will be going through the gospel of John and we will see those
I am Jesus says I am the bread of life. I am the resurrection in the life.
I am he Who was once dead and is Alive forevermore.
He you can see it all through the Bible the God of Your father's has sent me to you.
I am And God told Moses that is my name forever
I am that I am and that wonderful well, let's look at some applications in closing here a
Question we need to ask ourselves honestly, let's be honest What do
I fear? Along this journey as a Christian. What do
I fear? Who do I fear? I pray you don't fear. No, man. I pray that his brother
Keith has been preaching his messages on The fear of God that we would only fear
God Because the fear of man is a snare. Amen What do we really fear though?
These disciples feared ask the question. Also, how should
I respond to those fears in the light of God's Holy Word? How can
I respond if these fears grip me, you know, there's um
I don't have this in my notes, but it reminds me of the story.
I Don't have time to go through the whole story but if you look at 2nd
Chronicles chapter 20, there's a wonderful story that gripped
Jehoshaphat and The if you read that chapter in your devotional time, it's
Ammon Moab and Mount Seir these armies that outnumbered
Israel came to to battle Jehoshaphat in verse 5 says stood in the assemblies of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the
Lord before the new court and said O Lord our fathers. Are you not? God in heaven and do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nation and your hand is there not power and might so That no one is able to withstand you
You see what he's doing King Jehoshaphat being a good king as he was was calling on God and reminding
God of his covenant promises and And then notice what he says and he's praying to God and by the way, see what he's doing he's praying
Are you not our God who drove out the inhabitants of this land before? Your people Israel and gave it to the descendants of Abraham your friend forever.
That's a question. He's praying to God Now keep in mind that Jehoshaphat feared
God But fear of the enemy gripped his heart and then he says this in verse 8 and they dwell in in it and have built
You a sanctuary in it for your name saying if disaster comes upon us sword judgment pestilence and famine
We will stand before this temple and in your presence for your name is in this temple. It's all about God's name folks
His name is to be hallowed His name is to be it's holy and he says and cry out to you and our affliction
Do you cry out God to God in your affliction? And then he says this and you will hear and save He goes on praying listen this and now here are the people of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir God knows this but he's praying and he's reminding
God and God knows his promises, but he's calling upon God and He says whom you would not let
Israel invade when they came out to the land of Egypt But they turned from them and did not destroy them
Here they are Rewarding us by coming to throw us out of your possession
Which you have given to us. Oh Our God will you not judge them?
For we have no now this is the right attitude to take folks listen to this For we have no power against this great multitude
That is coming against us nor do we know what to do? But our eyes are upon you
That's what we do when we're in trouble and when fear has gripped us we fear
God we call on God We say Lord. Here's your word this you will honor your word and Lord We do not know what to do
But our eyes are upon you and then he goes on to say now all
Judah with their little ones Their wives and their children stood before the Lord Don't you love that and I want to read just a little bit more here
Listen what he says then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jehazel the son of Zechariah the son of Benaniah the son of Jehiel the son of The Levite of the sons of Asaph and the midst of the assembly and he said listen now
This now here's this man the Spirit of God's come upon him and listen to what he says now God's going to speak through this man
Listen all you Judah and You inhabitants of Jerusalem and you
King Jehoshaphat? Thus says the Lord to you
Thus says the Lord to you and here's the word Do not be afraid
Nor dismayed Because of this great multitude For the battle is not yours but God's You see that If you're in a battle if you're in a storm
Hey, it's God's storm it's God's battle He knows how to make build character out of us in us
Keep in mind 1st John 4 18 There's no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves
Torment how many people you know right now? They're in little torment because of fear and what's the opposite of fear?
faith The just shall live by faith So our life as a
Christian is to live by faith by faith by faith Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 for it's impossible to please
God he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek
God. It's by faith But he who fears has not been made perfect in love
Again back to the question. How should I respond to those fears in the light of God's Word go with me to Isaiah chapter 43
Here's another good word for us in application
The Lord says this but now thus says the Lord Who created you
Oh Jacob and he who formed you Oh Israel What does he say? Fear not
Folks I can go all That if you allow me to preach another hour, I take you to and maybe two hours.
No, I'm kidding But I could take you through all the scriptures look at it and do a study in your devotional time of all the fear nots
Fear not fear not fear not fear not for I have redeemed you
You don't redeem means he's bought you He's brought he has bought you
Out of the slave market of sin you are his
You see listen what he says fear not I've redeemed you I have called you by Your name he you are mine.
Listen to this. This is God say is speaking. God says you belong to me You are mine
Verse 2 When you pass through the waters to this a if No When in other words the waters are coming
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and through the rivers. They shall not overflow you
When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you
Just ask Shadrach Meshach and Abednego about that The flame didn't scorch him why because the fourth man was walking in the furnace with them
Jesus is in that furnace Jesus is in that fire with you the fire shut up You should not burn you sure and nor shall the flame scorch you
Verse 3 for I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your Savior He's the
Savior folks He saves to the uttermost. I Gave Egypt for your ransom
Ethiopia Siba in your place Since you were precious in my sight you have been honored
You have been honored and I have loved you Therefore I will give men for you and people for your life fear not for I am with you
I will bring your descendants from the east and gather you from the west Let's just put bring this
Thousands of years to Jesus Jesus has bought you with his precious blood
You belong to Christ Gee he says you are mine.
I really believe Fanny Crosby probably was inspired from this text Blessed assurance Jesus is mine.
Oh What a foretaste of glory divine air of salvation purchase of God Born of his spirit washed in his blood
Who do we got the fear of God's on our side folks No one another great lesson is
Jesus is praying for us as I've already mentioned Go with me to Luke 22 Luke 22 basically speaks of verse 31 34
Jesus tells Peter Listen what he says to him in verse 31 and the
Lord said Simon Simon Indeed Satan has asked of you that he may sift you as wheat
But I have prayed for you That your faith should not fail, you know why
Peter came out on the other side even though he denied the Lord Because Jesus prayed for him, you know why he was restored
Jesus prayed for him You know why he repented because Jesus prayed for him
Folks is because of the Lord Jesus Christ his prayers It's not your strength
It's not my strength we have no strength within our own we're weak We're frail wood dust and go to the
Lord and say Lord you have all power I can do nothing Have you ever felt like you're in a storm or a trial and you just fall down on your face and say
Oh God I don't know what to do like Jehoshaphat, but my eyes is on you Here I lay
I am helpless But I'm not hopeless Hey what what the
Lord does he specializes in them possibilities, but he can work it all out and he will according to his will
He says I prayed for you Peter That your faith should not fail and get this he says this and when you have returned to me
He knew he was going to come back Strengthen your brethren That was his ministry strengthen your brethren
Peter Didn't get it at the time. Listen what he says and then he said to him Lord I'm ready to go with you both the prison and the death
Is that what happened no Jesus knew what would happen.
Let's take the words Lord the words of the Lord. Listen what he says in verse 34 He said I tell you
Peter the rooster shall not crow this this day Before you deny me three times
That you know me Peter just confessed I'll go to prison and death
Jesus said you're gonna deny me three times. You're gonna even say you don't even know You know why because he's lifted up in pride folks
That leads me to the second the second lesson. It comes to an answer to the question
Why didn't the disciples pray to God when the storm began? Well, just the reason why
Peter says Lord I'm ready to go with you both to prison and death because of pride Folks beware of pride said you may be saying right now old pastor.
You don't know. I don't have no pride in me Well, if that's the case you already lifted up in pride
It's a fuck it's you're deceived Because you're thinking so well of yourself and Paul said this take heed take heed
He that thinks he stands Falls That's the scriptures pride
How do we know this? How do we know that the the disciples? Had pride in their hearts while they were in the midst of this storm and was not trusting
Jesus because Mark tells us they harden their hearts Popular saying probably because their attitude
I'll do it my way and I'd rather do it myself a few closing scriptures
James chapter 4 James tells us Doesn't he
Apostle James? I would think Peter and James would know this since they were one of those They would be 12 and that storm
Wouldn't you think Yeah What is
James says in chapter 4 But he gives more grace therefore he says
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble Therefore submit to God Resist the devil and he will flee from you draw near to God and he will draw near to you
Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double -minded That's it.
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble first Peter parallel parallel verse 2 that first Peter chapter 5
Likewise verse 5 you younger people submit yourselves to your elders Yes, all of you be submissive first.
He said speaks to the younger people I would think that you know, the younger would be more apt to be prideful
Honestly, that's God's Word because it's in that order So he addresses the younger people you submit yourselves to the elders show some respect
Yes, all and then he says yes all of you So everybody is included
To one another and be clothed listen that be clothed with humility like we put our clothes on This morning we should clothe ourselves every day with humility
That's the attitude for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time
Casting all your care upon him for he cares for you in closing
Psalm 107 Psalm 107 tells us look at verse 23 to 32 those who go down to the sea and ships
Who do business on the great waters? They see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep for he commands and Raises the stormy wind listen to this
God's in control here Which lifts up the waves of the sea they mount up as the heavens they go down again to the depths their souls
Melts because of trouble they reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man and are at their wits end
It makes you feel like you're right in the storm reading this doesn't it Then what do they do?
They cry out to the Lord in their trouble and he brings them out of their distresses
What is what does the Lord do? He calms the storm so its waves are still
Then they are glad because they are quiet So he guides them to their desired haven
Oh that men would give thanks to the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men
Let them exalt him also in the assembly of the people and praise him in the company of the elders
You see he brings them to their desired Guides them to their desired haven now go back to John and look at this last verse
What happens? Verse 21 After he says
I am do not be afraid Then it would they willingly received him into the boat and soon as Jesus got into that boat
Immediately Immediately, here's a sixth miracle The boat was at the land where they were going
Folks, can I tell you on this journey of? Life through the storms of life and the darkest hours of the night the
Lord Jesus Christ will make sure you make it to your desired destination
In other words, you're going to make it on the other side folks You're going to make it to the other side because Christ is in the boat
You see the end of the ads or rotation That ads or tation is to you and me You're going to make it in The name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. You're going to make it Wears be says this we must never be
Deceived by the popularity of Jesus Christ among certain kinds of people today They wanted him as a
Savior I'm sorry, they They don't they don't want him as Savior and Lord many want him as healer and provider or even one
Who rescues them from problems? That they have made for themselves
But Jesus says and you will not come to me that you might have life
May we come to him and have life as The old hymn says be still my soul.
The Lord is on thy side bear patiently the cross of grief or pain
Leave to that God leave to that God to order and to provide in every change
He faithful will remain be still my soul that best our heavenly friend or through thorny ways
He leads to a joyful end Be still my soul that God doeth undertake to guide the future as he has the past They hope that confidence let nothing shake
All now mysterious shall be bright at last be still my soul the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below Be still my soul the hour is hastening on when we shall be forever with the
Lord When disappointment grief and fear are gone sorrow forgot
Love's purest joys restored Be still my soul when change and tears are passed all safe and blessed
We shall meet at last Amen, and amen, let's pray our father and our
God how good you are How good you are?
How holy? How wonderful How good
Lord like you said as David Cried out and Psalm 107.
Oh that men would give thanks to you Lord for your goodness For as your wonderful works and to the children of men
Lord may we exalt you praise you Lift high the name of Jesus Lord help us
Help us Lord if there's anyone here Lord that's in the midst of a in the darkness of a storm
Lord, we may not understand but you you understand you care You love us to the end
What creatures of dirt we cannot see the things like you see even the darkness is light to you
You made both and you separated them The Lord you're gonna see us through because you've said that you promised it and Lord you said also
To seek you while you may be found Come unto the Lord Jesus Christ and all those that are weary and heavy laden and you give rest for their souls soul rest
Help us Oh God bring comfort I pray and encouragement to those
That's right in the middle of a raging sea a storm And may that word
Your word bring comfort to them knowing that you're with them even in the midst of Something Lord that is
Very difficult. You said you are with us. You are a helper. You never leave us nor forsake us