The Prophet Jeremiah Part 12



The Prophet Jeremiah Part 13

The Prophet Jeremiah Part 13

All of that being said, we are going to pray and we're going to get started. Lord Jesus, again, as we open up your word, we ask that through your
Holy Spirit that we may rightly understand what you have revealed there so that we may believe rightly and do rightly.
All to the glory of your holy name we ask in Jesus' name, amen. You'll know doctrine and life go together.
I'm just noting that. Okay, so we will be having an opportunity for you to ask questions toward the end of the
Bible study, so keep that in mind. That's still a thing, but we've changed up the format just a little bit so that we are going to more forthrightly plow ahead with our
Bible study. Now, we are in the book of Jeremiah, and I think you've noticed that this particular book seems interestingly relevant for today due to the fact that Jeremiah is the prophet whose prophecy is right before Judah is sent into exile specifically for their impenitence and their idolatry.
And this is, again, a prophecy to an apostate church, if you would. If you think of the
Old Testament saints in terms of like we think of the church. Now, they didn't use the term ekklesia, but the idea then is that since they were the believers in Christ, that they were the believers in the promises of the
Messiah to come and the one true God, when they went apostate, they started with all kinds of weird syncretism.
And you'll note that false doctrine does not lead to repentance when it comes to sin.
Instead, false doctrine has a funny way of trying to affirm it, okay? It's this strange thing, you know, where adultery and weird sexual sins all become, well, that's not a big deal, when in fact it is.
You get the idea. So, Jeremiah 13, 12 then, right after the loincloth incident, which was interesting, it says, you shall speak to them this word.
Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel. Every jar shall be filled with wine. They will say to you, do we not indeed know that every jar will be filled with wine?
Then you shall say to them, thus says Yahweh, behold, I will fill it with drunkenness, all the inhabitants of this land. We talked about this a little bit last week.
We're picking up our context again. This is kind of the wine of God's wrath, the wine of God's fury.
And the kings who sit on David's throne, the priests, the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and I will dash them one against another.
Fathers and sons together declares the Lord. I will not pity or spare or have compassion that I should not destroy them.
So, when God acts in final judgment, you'll know this is not his first move.
God is slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, pardoning oniquity. It's not his will that any should perish.
But once things hit a point where there's kind of like the point of no return, when
God finally acts in judgment, it is decisive.
And God then has no pity. And those whom he judges, not only do their lives end, they also end up in hell.
So, here's the threat then of exile. God is threatening to take them out of the land. And this is one of the clauses of the
Mosaic Covenant. And I think maybe it might be prudent to kind of throw that in here.
I'm going to duplicate this tab. Deuteronomy. Let's pay attention to this list for a second.
You're going to note Mosaic Covenant is a land lease agreement, okay?
God's the owner of the land. His children of Israel are tenants.
And in order for them to continue in the land, they need to obey. And in the
Mosaic Covenant, there are blessings and there are curses. Blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience.
And then we'll take a look at some of the fine print on the curses bit, because you can see how this is then coming into play.
If you were to think of it this way, one of the terms I've heard regarding the Old Testament prophets is that it's not a wrong way to think of them as prosecuting attorneys.
They are in kind of a legal case. They're the ones who are prosecuting the evil among them using the details of the
Mosaic Covenant. Now, if you've ever listened to any prosperity preacher, you ever spent any time on TBN, then you have been, how shall
I say, manipulated and lied to about the need for you to send in a thousand dollar seed offering, okay?
And this early portion of Deuteronomy 28 is a place where people go to kind of teach prosperity, but they always forget to note the conditional clauses and really what they're all about.
So Deuteronomy 28 verse 1 will give us the blessings for obedience. If you faithfully obey the voice of Yahweh your
God. So here, conditional clause number one, if you faithfully obey the voice of Yahweh your
God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, Yahweh your
God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.
Now you see there's your prosperity preacher, oh look at this, God wants to bless you, want blessings to overtake you, you know, so send in your seed offering right now.
Please make it payable, Pastor Rose, bro. And you get the idea, right? Okay, so these blessings will overtake you, but here's the conditional clause.
If you obey the voice of Yahweh your God, blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the field, blessed shall you be shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle and the increase of your herds and the young of your flocks, blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl, blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out.
Oh, oh, just I feel prosperity around me. Oh, it's like warm, snuggy now. All right, the
Yahweh will then cause your enemies who rise up against you to become defeated before you.
They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. Yahweh will come, and we see this by the way, we see this in the
Old Testament, examples of this happening, right? Yahweh will command the blessing on you in your barns and in all that you undertake and he will bless you in the land that Yahweh your
God is giving you. Yahweh will establish you as a people holy to himself as he has sworn to you if you keep the commandments of Yahweh your
God and walk in his ways. All the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of Yahweh.
They shall be afraid of you, and Yahweh will make you abound in prosperity.
Oh, there it is again. Oh, I'm gonna abound. Again, this is all based on what? Obedience, right?
And you will abound in prosperity in the fruit of your womb, in the fruit of your livestock, in the fruit of your ground within the land that Yahweh swore to your fathers to give you.
Within the land that Yahweh swore to your fathers to give you. Now, a little bit of a note here, okay? If we were to read the book of Genesis, not
Genesis, Galatians, Galatians makes it clear that the Mosaic covenant which came 400 years after God had made a covenant with Abraham couldn't overturn or nullify the covenant that God had made with Abraham.
And the Abrahamic covenant is a covenant of note, all right? Abraham believed
God and it was credited to him as righteousness. That's kind of Paul's point. But here's the thing, you can see in a backhanded way some of the eschatological features of the
New Earth, okay? Because when you read the book of Hebrews chapter 11, without faith it's impossible to please
God, we learn from that passage that the promised land is a type and shadow of the real promised land.
And I always like to point out to people, do you really think that a postage stamp size piece of property in the
Mediterranean between Syria and Egypt is the promised land, okay?
And people have been fighting over that little piece of property for a long, long, long time, right?
That's not really the promised land. It was never supposed to be. And even the book of Hebrews makes it clear that Abraham, who lived there, did not see the promise fulfilled, that he was looking for a city whose builder is
God, all right? So let's fast forward a little bit here. We're going to fast forward,
I don't know how far, I don't know if it's 10 years, five years, one year, a thousand. I couldn't tell you, but I'm just going to hit the fast forward button.
The day of judgment has come and gone, we are all now standing on the New Earth, okay?
Huzzah, we've made it. By the way, it's going to happen, you know, y 'all are going to be there. So we're now standing on the
New Earth, and see if these things sound appropriate, okay?
God's going to promise to give you prosperity and blessing if you obey.
Are we going to have any problem whatsoever obeying God in the New Earth? None. And we all did in Napoleon Dynamite and went, yes, okay,
I do that. That's right, Luis, you've got the liturgical move down. You and Bill, that's right.
So we now have two big liturgical moves, crossing yourself, and yes, okay.
Well, thanks Saint Kip for that one. But all of that being said then, if you listen to these blessings and curses eschatologically, all of a sudden it takes on a little bit of a different ring, okay?
Because God, just like He told Noah, and He told the children of Israel, and Adam and Eve, be fruitful, multiply, all these things, these are things that are going to happen in the
New Earth. And we're going to stay in the land forever and ever, but do you think obedience is an important bit?
Yeah, okay. But we're going to be just like Christ, we will no longer have a sinful nature, and this is just amazing.
So I always kind of, I like to read this with like one toe dipped into the
New Earth, all right? It makes a little bit more sense because the one thing the children of Israel had working against them is each and every one of them had a corrupt sinful nature.
And as a result of having a corrupt sinful nature, was there ever really a possibility that these people were going to obey the rules of the
Mosaic Covenant? No, okay? And that being the case, is there even a possibility that the church will make herself perfect and then bring
Jesus back by making them herself perfect? I say that because of the weird stuff that we hear in the
NAR. Again, I think the latest prophecy bingo segment where Cat Kerr said that the
Church has to become sinless before Jesus comes back. Well, He ain't ever coming back then.
It's just crazy. All right, so let's keep working then here. So Yahweh will open to you His good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its seasons, to bless all the work of your hands.
You shall lend to many nations, you shall not borrow. Yahweh will make you the head and not the tail. So there's that promise.
How many times have you heard Kenneth Copeland say, the Lord said He's gonna make you the head and not the tail?
You gotta say it with that Ken Copeland thing that he does. All right, and I'll make you the head and not the tail, and you shall only go up and not down if you obey the commands.
And they always leave this, if you obey the commands of your God, which I commanded you, being careful to do them.
And if you do not turn aside from any of the words that I command you today, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods, to serve them.
And there's your bit right there. Don't go to the right or the left, to go after other gods.
Is worship of any other deity permitted by Yahweh? No. All right, now here comes the curses bit.
But if you will not obey the voice of Yahweh, your God, or be careful to do
His commandments and His statutes that I commanded you today, then all these curses shall come upon you, and they will overtake you.
Cursed shall you be in the city. Cursed shall you be in the field. Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.
Cursed shall be the fruit of your womb, and the fruit of your ground, and the increase of your herds, and the young of your flock. Cursed shall you be when you go out.
I never hear Joel Osteen preach on this text either. All right, Yahweh will send on you curses.
Look at that. Who's sending these things? God is. Curses, confusion, frustration.
Oh man. Okay. And all that you undertake to do until you are destroyed and perish quickly on account of the evil of your deeds, because you have forsaken me.
Yahweh will make the pestilence stick to you until he has consumed you off the land that you are entering to take possession of it.
Yahweh will strike you with wasting disease, with fever, inflammation, fiery heat.
That's a menopause right there. And with drought. Sorry. I didn't say that out loud, did
I? Okay. All right. No. Of course not. Okay. Yahweh will strike you with wasting disease, fever, inflammation, fiery heat, drought, with blight, and with mildew.
They shall pursue you until you perish. Now wait a second. I thought that Kenneth Copeland said that it's the devil who sends disease.
Whoops. Uh -oh. He's not reading the Bible. Anyone shocked about that?
Nope. They shall pursue you until you perish, and the heavens over your head shall be bronze.
The earth underneath you shall be iron. Yahweh will make the rain of your land powder.
From heaven dust shall come down on you until you are destroyed. Yahweh will cause you to be defeated before your enemies.
You shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them. And you shall be a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.
And your dead body shall be food for all birds of the air and for the beasts of the earth.
And there shall be no one to frighten them away. Yikes. Okay. You're not even going to get a decent burial here.
Okay. You're going to become food for the carrion birds. Yahweh will strike you with boils, the boils of Egypt, with tumors and scabs, the itch of which you cannot be healed.
Oh man, this is the day before hydrocortisone. Good night. Yahweh will strike you with madness, blindness, and confusion of mind.
You shall grope at noonday as the blind grope in darkness, and you shall not prosper in your ways. And you shall be only oppressed and robbed continually.
And there shall be no one to help you. You shall betroth a wife, but another man will ravish her.
You shall build a house, but you shall not dwell in it. You shall plant a vineyard, but you will not enjoy its fruit.
Your ox shall be slaughtered before your eyes, but you shall not eat any of it. Your donkey shall be seized before your face, but it shall not be restored to you.
Your sheep shall be given to your enemies, but there shall be no one to help you.
Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people while your eyes look on and fail with longing for them all the day long.
But you shall be helpless. A nation that you have not known shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all of your labors, and you shall be continually oppressed and crushed continually so that you are driven mad by the sights that your eyes see."
Look at that, a nation you don't know shall eat up the fruit of your ground. Okay, so note part of the curses for disobedience and idolatry is that foreign nations now come in and they're the ones taking the resources and the things that you are seeing are so horrible you're driven mad by what your eyes sees.
Yahweh will strike you on the knees and on the legs with grievous boils of which you cannot be healed from the sole of your foot to the crown of your head.
Yahweh will bring you and your king whom you set over you. Look at that, all the way back in Deuteronomy, God knew they were going to end up setting up a king, right?
Kind of an interesting thing because that does not happen until 1 Samuel. And there you shall serve other gods of wood and stone.
What does that sound like? Sounds like the exile we're going to read that God is threatening with for their idolatry.
The Lord will bring you and your king whom you set over you to a nation that neither you nor your fathers have known.
All the way back in Deuteronomy 28 -36, we got a prophecy about Babylon.
It's not mentioned by name, but you're going to note then God sending them into exile was not some exotic off -the -cuff judgment that he just decided to come up with on a whim.
God was indeed invoking the very covenant that the children of Israel had entered into with him.
And so he's working through now the different clauses, the different curse clauses that he has every right to invoke.
And so when you kind of think of it that way, it begins to make a little bit more sense. You know,
God isn't acting capriciously, he is acting in accord with the actual covenant that they all entered into.
Children of Israel entered willingly into this covenant with God. They had copies of the fine print themselves, and they said, these things we will do.
So Yahweh will bring you and your king whom you set over you to a nation that neither you nor your fathers have known. There you shall serve other gods of wood and stone.
You shall become a horror, a proverb, a byword among all the peoples where the Lord will lead you away.
You shall carry much seed into the field. You shall gather in little for the locust shall consume it.
You shall plant vineyards and dress them, but you shall neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes for the worm shall eat them.
You shall have olive trees throughout all your territory, but you shall not anoint yourself with the oil for your olives will drop, shall drop off.
You shall father sons and daughters, but they shall not be yours. They shall go into captivity.
The cricket shall possess all your trees and the fruit of your ground. The sojourner who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower.
He shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him. He shall be the head and you shall be the tail.
All these curses shall come upon you and pursue you and overtake you till you are destroyed because you did not obey the voice of Yahweh your
God to keep his commandments and the statutes that he commanded you. They shall be a sign and a wonder against you."
Note here, sign, wonder against you and your offspring. So the idea then is that these judgments when they show up, it's miraculous in a very negative backhanded way, and it's a sign against their idolatry.
You want to know what's going on? Go back and read your Bible, right? That's what that's saying here.
So, because you did not serve Yahweh your God with joyfulness, gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things, therefore you shall serve your enemies whom
Yahweh will send against you in hunger and thirst, in nakedness, lacking everything, and he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you.
Yahweh will bring a nation against you from far away, from the end of the earth, swooping down like the eagle, a nation whose language you do not understand, hard -faced nation, who shall not respect the old or show mercy to the young.
It shall eat the offspring of your cattle and the fruit of your ground until you are destroyed. It also shall not leave you grain, wine, or oil, increase of your herds or the young or your flock until they have caused you to perish.
They will besiege you in all of your towns until your high and fortified walls in which you trusted come down throughout all your land.
Now you're going to note the curse bit here has changed, okay?
All right, let's back up a little bit. You'll note we got people going into exile and then you got a nation hard -faced, swooping down like the what?
The eagle. This is a weird question, but I think this is how it's asked nowadays.
What was the spirit animal of the Roman Empire? An eagle.
Not just any eagle, by the way, double -headed eagle. Kind of an interesting bit, okay?
Keep that in mind, all right? Double -headed eagle, all right? So swooping down like an eagle, and so this is then prophesying what took place in 70
AD, all right? So talking about this eagle swooping down, watch how this plays into Matthew 24.
Yahweh will bring a nation against you from far away, from the end of the earth, swooping down like the eagle. A nation whose language you do not understand, hard -faced, who shall not respect the old or show mercy to the young.
It shall eat the offspring of your cattle, the fruit of your ground, until you're destroyed. It also shall leave you grain, no grain, wine, or oil, or the increase of your herds, your flock, that they've caused you to perish.
They shall besiege you in all of your towns, until your high and fortified walls in which you trusted come down throughout all your land.
They shall besiege you in all your towns, throughout all your land, which Yahweh your God has given you.
And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, and the flesh of your sons and daughters, whom Yahweh your
God has given to you in the siege and in the distress with which your enemies shall distress you. That's a horrifying judgment if you think about it, okay?
Now, I'm going to give you a second referent here, one that is important. In Matthew 24,
Jesus has this text, the curses, in mind. And let me see if I can back this up.
Wars and rumors of wars, got that part. Deliver you over the net, and it'll lead you to go cold, gospel, kingdom.
There you go. Uh -huh. Here it is.
Okay, this portion of Matthew 24, Christ prophesying the destruction of the temple.
He's also prophesying the end of the age, by the way, which is interesting. Two things kind of smooshed together.
Jesus says, so when you see the abomination of desolation spoken by the prophet Daniel standing in the holy place, let the reader understand.
And this is where it's kind of an interesting thing happening here. One of the features of prophecy is that sometimes you can have kind of two referents kind of interwoven together.
These are what are called proleptic prophecies. So a proleptic prophecy would mean that there is an immediate fulfillment close to the time when the prophecy was initially given, and then there's a long -term fulfillment way off in the future, which is interesting.
And again, I always point people to the prophecy that Isaiah gave regarding the virgin will be with birth and conceive and call his name
Immanuel. Because the Hebrew word uses the word Alma, it makes it very much possible that there was an immediate fulfillment of that that had nothing to do with a virgin birth but had to do with the timing of when
God would basically make Ramaliah and Syria no longer a threat. So there was an immediate fulfillment, and then the whole thing sits dormant until the virgin
Mary conceives Christ in her womb. Kind of an interesting thing. That's one of the features of prophecy.
So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken by the prophet Daniel, the abomination of desolation spoken by the prophet
Daniel is like the man of lawlessness. The ultimate incarnation of Satan, if you would, on earth, standing in the holy place, and let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Let the one who is on the housetop not go down and take what's in his house. Let not he who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak.
And alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days. Why? Answer what we just read.
The reason why Christ is saying alas for them, and this is now a prophecy as it relates to the
Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, you will eat the fruit of your womb and the flesh of your sons and daughters.
When you read Eusebius's ecclesiastical history and his quotations from Josephus as it relates to Rome's war against the
Jews and their conquest and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, there were reports that Josephus put into his history of women eating their children, their infants, and it's just horrifying.
It's absolutely just saddening beyond all belief. And you'll note then that Christ says alas for women who are nursing in those days referring now that's the section that Christ is talking about.
Which if you think about it then like the big last curse of the Mosaic covenant is that you're going to be besieged, you're going to eat your children, and then you're going to get kicked out of the land forever.
You know for the most part that's kind of the idea. You're going to be expelled from the land you know on a permanent basis.
So that's where your cross reference is. So the man who is the most tender and refined among you will begrudge food to his brother, to the wife he embraces, to the last of the children whom he has left, so that he will not give any of them any of the flesh of his children whom he is eating.
And that's part of the account that Josephus gives that there was a woman who gave birth to a child and hid the fact that she had given birth so that she can consume her child without having to share.
That's how gruesome this is. And this was prophesied all the way back in the book of Deuteronomy.
So the flesh of his children whom he's eating because he has nothing else left in the siege and the distress with which your enemy shall distress you in all your towns.
The most tender refined woman among you who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground because she is so delicate and tender will begrudge to the husband she embraces, to her son and to her daughter her afterbirth that comes out from between her feet and her children whom she bears because lacking everything she will eat them secretly in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you in your towns.
If you are not careful to do all the words of this law that are written in this book that you may fear this glorious and awesome name
Yahweh your God then Yahweh will bring on you and your offspring extraordinary afflictions, afflictions severe and lasting, sicknesses grievous and lasting.
He will bring upon you again all the diseases of Egypt. Who's bringing them again?
God is. So the person who believes because they've been listening to deceivers that sicknesses are from Satan and that God doesn't send them does not know their
Bible. He will bring upon you again all the diseases of Egypt which you were afraid and they shall cling to you.
Every sickness also every affliction that is not recorded in the book of this law Yahweh will bring upon you until you are destroyed.
Whereas you were as numerous as the stars of heaven you shall be left few in number because you did not obey the voice of Yahweh your
God and as Yahweh took delight in doing you good and multiplying you so Yahweh will take delight in bringing ruin upon you and destroying you and you shall be plucked off the land that you are entering to take possession of it.
You will be plucked off the land. All right so after the Romans conquer
Judea 70 AD they scrape the temple off the temple mount.
What's left of the temple basically is a rock heap off to one side of the temple mount.
To this day that rock heap is still there and the Romans because there was so much gold in that temple the
Romans burned the temple and in fact Josephus records that having set fire to it there was a river of gold a hot molten gold that flowed from the temple and that it ended up going into the cracks of the stones and so they raised all those stones in order to to to recollect the gold that had gone down in between them.
I mean so there was nothing left not one stone was left upon another and after that the vast majority of Jews were kicked out of the land there was a remnant that remained but they revolted again in the early part of the first century and then the
Roman empire said enough and they went in and they kicked all the
Jews out of Judea and they changed the name of Judea to Syria -Palestinia.
That was that became the official name given by the Roman emperor and it was illegal for Jews to go back.
Illegal. Now in Rome today there is what's called the
Arch of Titus. It's still there and in relief on the inner portion of the Arch of Titus they depict the parade that took place in Rome when the
Roman legions returned from Judea General Titus who became the emperor for a short amount of time that particular family was known for killing each other to get that position but Titus that that arch was set up as a monument to the win that Rome had the victory that they had in Judea.
Let me see if I can pull this up real quick. I'm gonna grab a web browser and we are going to go to Google and I want to see the
Arch of Titus. All right and let's see if we can take a look at some of the images as it relates to it.
This is kind of an interesting one. All right here's the relief. Let's see if I can get that a little bit. All right that's that's not a bad that's not a bad photo.
Let me see if I can get that bigger. Open image in new tab Arch of Titus.
There we go. All right now check this out. All right this is kind of fun.
All right that's a menorah. That is a depiction of the menorah that was inside the holy place in the temple.
These are the silver trumpets. This is the table of the showbread.
All right and here you have the Roman legion parading these well trophies of war.
All right you know depicting you know the final defeat of the Jews. That's the inside relief.
It's still there to this day. All right and what's interesting is is that modern day Jews if they ever go to visit
Rome they never walk on the inside of the Arch of Titus. It's too it's too lamentable for them.
Too lamentable but you're going to note here I let me let me do a little bit of history in reverse.
Okay Muslims should hate this little monument because what do the
Muslims say? The Jews do not have a valid claim that they ever existed in the land. Well I'm looking at it in stone right there.
You know how do you explain that menorah right there and those implements from the temple? You know just just saying you know
I hope that they put security around that thing because if I were a Muslim and believed in Allah and believed the
Jews were evil and all this kind of stuff I want to get rid of all evidence the Jews were ever in that land and this is the biggest bit of it.
Okay yeah but we do have photos. Yeah but yeah it's it's amazing when you kind of think about it.
All right so God says they'll be plucked out and plucked out they were
Yahweh will scatter you among all the peoples from one end of the earth to the other and there you will serve other gods of wood and stone which neither you nor your fathers have known and among those nations you shall find no respite.
What's the story of Jews for the last two millennia? All right let me let me let me be a little bit blunt on this.
Not only did they not find respite but did you know until the 1800s
Jews were not permitted to live in like normal towns in Europe they lived in ghettos.
They were not allowed to hold positions of authority or power to be a mayor or to be in a king's court.
It was illegal to intermarry with a Jew. You see all those uh those
Jim Crow laws of the south those were long in effect regarding Jews in Europe and it wasn't until the middle part of the 1800s that those laws started to disappear and part of the history of of Nazism was their narrative was we should have never done that we should have kept them in the ghettos and they are the ones who were responsible according to this weird
Nazi slanderous narrative of of inflicting the economic pain that the the people of Germany were suffering between the wars right and and so what they what he was invoking was this idea that the
Jews should have never been permitted to integrate or have normal lives or whatever and one of the first moves of the
Nazis was to put them back in ghettos but that's where they lived for millennia in Europe.
All right you all remember Fiddler on the Roof? Were the Jews in Fiddler on the
Roof living in a normal part of town there in Russia? No they had their little own enclave.
You know what it was called? It was called a ghetto. Why did they not get along?
Part of that is a judgment of God. Okay you'll find no respite there shall be no resting place for the sole of your foot but Yahweh will give you there a trembling heart a failing eyes languishing soul your life shall hang in doubt before you night and day you shall be in dread and have no assurance of your life in the morning you shall say if only it were evening and at evening you'll say if only it were morning because of the dread that your hearts will feel and the sights that your eyes shall see and in Yahweh will bring you back in ships to Egypt a journey that I promised that you should never make again and there you shall offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves but there will be no buyer reading those words is it any wonder yeah yeah and here's here's who are so I think you're right you know they they did everything they could to try to figure out how to placate
God but the thing is is that at the end of the day God's judgment of Israel the destruction of the temple is is the definitive proof that the religion that the
Pharisees had created which was not biblical Judaism was in fact another form of idolatry and was every bit as repugnant to God as uh the the idolatry of Judah the the the religion of the
Pharisees is not biblical Judaism at all and you'll note then it's a heresy and and God acted in judgment and then it's you know you you could say that we're all guilty for putting
Christ to death this is true and at the same time the the the people by which that crucifixion took place initially is the
Pharisees they're the ones who called for the execution of Christ and incited the
Sanhedrin and others to join them in this in this murder and God responded then by destroying them and invoking the final curse clauses of the
Mosaic covenant and so when when when you understand how the Mosaic covenant works what exactly were the curses that God put in there now you can understand what
God is doing with Jeremiah and threatening exile and also you can make sense theologically of the destruction of Jerusalem and the expulsion of the
Jews out of Judea and they've only recently been permitted to return only recently you have a question you were kind of like no okay all right yeah right
I mean the people who live in Israel today you know the Jews who live there they live on the knife's edge man
I mean holy smokes no no no rest at all yeah yeah temporally they did and it has everything to do with the fact that Gentiles sinned against God acting in ignorance when
Jews acted in sin against God they legitimately knew the truth and said no and rejected it does that make sense that's that's the that's the intermediate step so yeah we have we all have the law of God written on our hearts every pagan does but the
Jews they know the name of God they know his commandments they have the portion of his word and having had that they they they say no yeah right they say no so the idea then is is that the punishment is more severe for them than it is for somebody who is completely ignorant of these things due to the fact that they knew the truth and they said absolutely not they they rejected it altogether yes correct so you'll you'll know the the pastor has a more severe or stricter judgment all right which should keep me on my toes all right
I know that if I decide I'm going to teach my doctrines from my heart rather than rightly handle
God's word I'm going to have to give an accounting of that and it ain't going to be good and so you'll note then that in hell itself there is even levels of severity of punishment
Christ says it'll be worse for you for you on the day of judgment than it will be for these people and the people he said that to so he said to Capernaum he said to the cities that had seen his miracles heard his teaching that their punishment in eternity would be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah's worse because they didn't even recognize the time of their visitation you know they saw the miracles they heard the preaching of God incarnate and they didn't repent and he even notes that that there's you know there's a possibility that Sodom and Gomorrah would have repented so yikes keep all of that in mind so yeah it's it's far worse for somebody who hears the truth knows the truth knows it to be true and then says nah
I'm gonna follow my own stubborn heart I'm gonna worship God any way
I want to it's it's it's it's frightening when you consider it right huh it applies to every human being of any generation of any place that you could possibly be so you get the idea all right let me come back around then um where we were and I again always have to do a little bit of a better job of managing my screen here all right so no exile threatened now we know we don't know why okay
God's not just being willy -nilly here exile threatened why mosaic covenant that's still in play so here and give ear be not proud
Yahweh has spoken give glory to Yahweh your God before he brings darkness before your feet stumble on the twilight mountains while you look for light he turns it into gloom and makes it deep darkness but if you will not listen listen believe repent there's forgiveness in Christ my soul will weep in secret for your pride my eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears because Yahweh's flock has taken captive so say to the king and to the queen mother take a lowly seat for your beautiful crown has come down from your head the cities of the negev are shut up with none to open them all judah is taken into exile holy taken into exile lift up your eyes and see those who come from the north where is the flock that was given you your beautiful flock what will you say when they sit as head over you those whom you yourself have taught to be friends to you will not pangs take hold of you like those of a woman in labor wait a second didn't
Jesus talk like that all right and if you say in your heart well why have these things come upon me it is for the greatness of your iniquity that your skirts are lifted up and you suffer and you suffer violence can the
Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots then also you can do good who are you also can do good you who are consumed accustomed to do evil i will scatter you like chaff driven by the wind from the desert this is your lot the portion i have measured out to you declares