Woke Church is Taking Receipts - Just Like This Horrible Head Coach

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All right, so on the screen is the head coach of the New York Jets, Robert Sala. Now, I know some of you don't care about this, probably most of you, but he's the head coach of the
New York Jets. In my opinion, he's probably the worst head coach in the National Football League.
And yeah, he hasn't done very well. He's been the Jets head coach for a year and two games, and his record is 5 -17 or something like that, right?
Not very good, not very good. And he kind of came in with this idea, we're gonna change the culture,
I know we're a loser franchise, but we're gonna be all gas, no brakes, we're never gonna give up and all of that.
And he wears shirts that say positive vibes only. But to be honest, he's one of the more negative head coaches that I've ever seen.
He started off, he's like, I think the media is out to get us, they criticize the Jets too much, stuff like that.
It's just really kinda like petty and all of this. And he reminds me a lot about the woke church based on one of his most recent press conferences.
Yeah, I had the idea to do this video last week, but I didn't want to be kicking someone while they're down because last week, the
Jets lost big. It was 24 -9, but it really wasn't even that close. They scored like six points at the end of the game when the other team took all their starters out because it was so obvious they were gonna win.
The Jets looked awful, they looked horrendous. And so, as a head coach, he had had a horrible track record last year, and then this year starts and the team looks completely non -competitive.
And so he gets on his press conference and he says that, well, let me just let him say it.
Here you go, this is head coach Robert Sala. Then it carries on to the second half. You're just gonna feel it.
And in a way, it does just click where you're just stacking up day after day after day. He's projected into the future how the team's gonna eventually be good and eventually you're just gonna know that they're just a good team.
So let's just continue. And it's really, really cool when it does happen because it just absolutely pops off the tape.
And I know it's gonna happen. And we're all taking receipts on all the people who continually mock and say that we ain't gonna do anything.
I'm taking receipts. And I'm gonna be more than happy to share them with all of y 'all when it's all said and done. We'll take a couple more.
Right, so I don't know if you heard that, but he said he's taking receipts. Everyone who mocks the
Jets for being the worst franchise, probably in sports history. Everyone who mocks the
Jets because, you know, last year they won four games and this year they started off and they're horrendous.
Everyone who mocks the Jets, he's taking receipts. And he's gonna talk and he's gonna throw all those negative comments in your face when eventually they're good.
Well, the problem is first you gotta get good and then you can do that. But this is so funny because, you know, he's already said numerous times that, you know, everyone's so negative about the
Jets, they're out to get him, stuff like that. It's just so petty, it's just nonsense, right? But what struck me as similar to the woke church is that he's taking receipts, right, but he's only taking the negative comments receipts, right?
Because a lot of the people that are negative about the Jets, they wanted to hire this guy. They thought he was gonna be a good head coach.
They were all supportive and all of that and they look for the bright side. Even last year, they were looking for the bright side of the team and all of our awful players, they were saying, yeah, maybe they're not that bad because if you do this, you do that.
And it's so funny, I mean, even in the game last week where they lost, they got their clocks cleaned,
I see all these Jets fans trying to find the silver lining, right? And there is no silver lining, the Jets are horrendous.
I feel comfortable saying this because we won yesterday. I don't watch the games, I just like to see the reactions.
Anyway, but he's taking receipts, right? He's taking receipts, but of course, he's not taking all the receipts, he's only taking the receipts that he perceives to be negative so then he can go ahead and throw them in your face later.
It's just like the woke church, right? They're taking receipts, you know, the woke church, they're taking receipts on white people.
And it's like, whoa, every time you turn on a woke church presentation, it's all about how white people are this and white evangelicalism did this.
And it's just bad, bad, bad down the line. And they always, always ignore all the good things that white people do and have done and have done over the years.
And it's just like, if you go by woke church presentations, I mean, white evangelicals are the single most evil force in history and it's just simply not the case at all.
All of the charity that white folks have towards blacks and others, it all gets ignored.
All of the hospitals and schools and scholarships, everything, it gets ignored.
All of the welfare, all of the money that's been transferred from white people to black people and Latinos, it all gets ignored and they just want more and more and more.
This is the thing, guys, it's the sinful heart on display is really what it is.
The Bible says the eye is never satisfied. You're never satisfied. When you're just self -absorbed and just given over to your own sin, and I don't mean permanently,
I mean when you're in the flesh, you're walking in the flesh, right? Everyone's out to get you. It's always everybody else.
It's always, you never look at yourself. It's so funny when you're self -absorbed, you actually don't look at yourself.
It's just so weird. Basically, when you're in the flesh, and we've all been there,
I've been there, right? When I'm in the flesh, I'm taking receipts, right? I'm the one that's looking at, oh yeah,
I'm gonna get you back with this, and you did this to me, and everything's focused on what other people have done to hurt you, and it's like, yeah, but you've done an awful lot yourself to hurt yourself, right?
Like Robert Sala, he's gotta own the fact that the team has won five games in the last year, and year,
I guess the start of this year. He's gotta own that fact. That's your responsibility. You put that product on the field.
Nobody else did. Nobody did anything to you. And worst of all, it's so illogical, right?
When you're in the flesh, you're so illogical. He's over here, and he's like, I think people are out to get the Jets. No, no, nobody's out to get the
Jets. It's just that they stink, and we're pointing it out, and we're happy to point that out, because this is our team that we like, and when they stink, they stink, and we gotta have something to do, right?
It's just so, it's just like, it's just so, it's such a, this guy is such a good example of what the woke church is all about, self -absorbed, just in the flesh.
They're promoting these sinful attitudes and these sinful mindsets as if it's somehow gospel -centered, as if it's somehow a gospel imperative.
There's nothing gospel about ranting against white people and never, ever talking about all of the things, and it's a mountain of good things that white evangelicals have done over the years.
It's a mountain sky high, and I'm not even white, so you can't even accuse me of tooting my own horn here.
White evangelicals, Europeans, for all of their faults, because everybody has faults, have done so much good so much, and that the woke church just simply glosses over that as they're asking for more is just such an indication of how deeply sinful the entire movement is.
Anyway, I hope you found that helpful. Maybe you didn't, maybe you don't like to hear about the NFL or football or things like that.
Like I said, I don't even watch the games. I just, what I like to do, this is, you might think I'm a little bit psychotic after you hear this, but I don't even watch the games anymore, because I'm not really that interested, but I do like the ineptitude of the
Jets. I think I said this last year, too. When the Jets are inept, I don't know, I derive some kind of pleasure from that, because the
Jets fan base is just so funny. When the Jets are horrible, and the head coaches are doing inexplicable things, the
New York Jets fans are just, they're so funny. It's just the most fun that I've ever had watching football is watching the reactions of the
Jets fans when the Jets lose on Sunday. But the Jets won this past Sunday, so I feel like I'm okay to ridicule the
Jets. I'm not kicking Robert Sala while he's down. He's probably sky high right now, because he won a very rare game on Sunday.