What Did Jesus Tell Judas in "The Chosen"? (Season 5 Sneak Peek)
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- Leading up to Season 5 of The Chosen, creator and director Dallas Jenkins hosted a live stream online.
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- There were behind -the -scenes looks, he sold a bunch of merchandise, and he gave a sneak peek of a scene between Jesus and Judas who would betray him.
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- Judas believed the time was right for Jesus to claim the throne of David. Jesus disagreed, so Judas said,
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- Why won't you take my advice? Am I not here to help you? I've never asked you for your advice.
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- Then what am I here for? Then Jesus said to him, You have a choice to make, Judas. I'm listening.
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- Who you belong to. Who has your heart. I want it.
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- And I've had it before. That's not what the Bible says. John 6, 64 says,
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- Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe and who it was who would betray him.
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- In verse 70, he called Judas a devil, and in John 17, 12, he called Judas the son of perdition or the son of destruction.
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- The heart of Judas was never after Jesus, and Jesus knew this. Judas's destiny was always to betray him in fulfillment of prophecies made about him.
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- Let's continue. You followed me willingly. If there's nothing more than I want than that, then
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- I will pray for you. Jesus never said this to Judas. Would Jesus have prayed that Judas would make a different choice and not betray
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- Jesus? Then God's word would be wrong, and you and I would not be saved. Psalm 22, 41, 69 and 109 and Zechariah 11 all contain prophecies about a wicked man who would betray the
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- Lord's anointment, even for 30 pieces of silver. That was Judas, whom Jesus called to fulfill this purpose.
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- In John 13, Jesus washed his disciples feet and said, Do just as I have done to you.
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- I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but the scripture will be fulfilled.
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- He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me. Beware those teachers who twist the scriptures, especially for the feels, for entertainment and for profit, when we understand the text.