Sanctification | S7 E7

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Guys, thanks for joining us at the Point Taken Podcast. Today's episode is really awesome.
We have Brother David, who started our motorcycle ministry here at Witten.
Yeah. Crown of Thorns Disciples. They've already been doing stuff. They've had a couple events.
Really proud of David and the other guys. They've got it organized and everything. It's just another example of a ministry that doesn't have to be run by a pastor.
Just the people can do it, which is what it's supposed to be. The Bible says the job of a pastor is to equip the saints for ministry.
Yeah. We think the best way to talk about sanctification and edify about sanctification is showing the example.
Somebody who has been walking that line and chasing God in a whole bunch of different avenues.
We're really excited to share. You'll hear today David talk about his past, his conversion, and then not stopping the story there, but saying how
God's working in his life right now. All right. Without further ado, let's get into the episode. Boom.
Bye, pal. When you introduce yourself to these guys, you're at their house, so there's an expectation of how they want to be treated.
When you introduce yourself, you say, I'm David Abbott, president of Crown of Thorns Ministry.
You look them dead in their eyes the whole time you're talking, and as they're talking, you look them dead in their eyes. It's a respect thing.
What it reminds me of is being in prison. Everything is about respect, everything.
You carry yourself a certain way. You don't ask too many questions. You just do what you're there to do, and then you can mingle for a minute and laugh and joke around.
Once they get a little more comfortable with you, you're good. You can just ...
Once they get a little more comfortable, then you're able to relax a little bit and everything's fine.
Everything's good. Some of them, they don't like outsiders at all. They didn't like y 'all being there.
Well, they didn't approach us. A lot of these emcees, they started after World War II, and a lot of these soldiers came home, and they were ...
To nothing. Well, not to wartime, because they were used to killing people.
They were in this different mindset, and so they came home, and they started these ruthless clubs, and they would just battle with each other.
A couple of them ended up still being here for a while. Yeah. The Outlaws, the
Hells Angels, all of those. There's the Banditos. There's a couple of them. The idea with the motorcycle ministry is to bless some bikes, like if we can meet up with these guys, and they're very respectful of what we do, because I think that they're very grateful that we're out here, because we want to share the road with them.
We show them their respect, and we give them their props, because they've been doing this a long time. We don't necessarily need their approval, but we want to show them the respect, because they've been here, they've been doing their thing, and we want them to know that we are not in your way.
You do your thing, whatever, but we might pray with you, or we might bless your bike, or if you need to talk about something, you want to get something off your chest, we'll absolutely talk to you.
Even about whether it's Jesus, or whether it's about recovery, but having lived that life, raised by bikers, knowing the mindset of those people, and then having gone through the process of learning, and being saved, and now being a
Christian, and living a Christian life, I feel like those people are hopeless, like an addict in the midst of their addiction.
They don't know any other way, and it's hard for them to see past that situation. I think that it's huge, the relatability there.
When I can tell people, listen, I've been to prison, because there was a guy that approached me, and he said, what do we have in common?
Why are you here? I said, well, let me tell you. I told him, listen man,
I was addicted to meth for 20 years. I used to cook meth, got arrested, got a 12 -year sentence, went to prison, did 7 years of that 12 -year sentence, because I didn't screw up anything while I was in there.
I had some good time, built up, so I did 7 years. I wound up doing 83 months and 21 days, is what
I did. I got out, I got saved while I was in there. I got tired of waking up feeling like just a terrible person, every day wondering if my son was okay.
I knew immediately I did not ever want to come back here and be away from my family, or be away from the ones that depended on me.
I let him know that I remember being hopeless. I remember living in my truck.
I would sleep in front of my brother's house, because they wouldn't allow me to come in, because I was in the middle of my addiction.
I was just caught up in it, and I didn't want to follow their rules. I would pull up to my brother's house and sleep in my truck, because my son was inside.
I was battling between wanting to be a good dad and my addiction.
I was in prison. One day, I was done.
I was just completely done, and I surrendered my life. I remember the day,
I remember when it happened. It was probably the middle of November, 2017.
I was in my dorm, and I'm looking around. I'm like, gosh, this is not it.
This is a terrible place to be. I do not want to be. I love women. I do not love men.
I don't want to stare at them all day, every day. I broke down, and I started praying.
I got on my knees, and I crossed my fingers. I was doing what I thought I should do.
I didn't know as much as I know now about how things work with being a
Christian. I got down, and I just begged God, please help me not to be this person anymore.
Help me to be a good dad. I don't even need anything extra.
I just want to be a solid person for the people that love me. A couple of guys saw me praying, and they asked me to pray for them.
I said, well, y 'all come on, man. We can all get on our knees and pray. We can pray for each other.
We did that, and we started doing it every night before bed and every morning when we woke up.
What we had in common was that all the race, creed, all that went out the door.
We all needed God. That was what brought us together. Things that you had probably been ingrained in and held onto your whole life, gone like that.
Like that, which is a miracle in itself. Because when you have been taught something your whole life, that's all you know, and you can't fathom anything else.
It's hard to even comprehend it. But I had given my life up.
I was done trying to control anything. We started praying every morning and every night.
Then it got to where there were more people wanting us to pray for them. It was awesome. It was so cool, the way
God works. It's the way everything happens. It gives me chills. More people wanted prayer.
A lot of them, you could tell, man, you're not praying for me. I don't want my brothers to see me over there praying and hanging out with the white boy.
I'm like, I'll pray for you, man. That's cool. I didn't take it any certain way. I'm just like, that's another brother to pray for.
It built up to about five or six guys at my bunk.
We would pray at my bunk every morning and every night. I said, listen, man, I love y 'all, but I don't need all these people on my bunk.
Let's get a little crowded. There's 40 men in a dorm. There's 20 sets of bunk beds along these walls, and they're about two feet apart.
We commandeered a table in the day room. This is going to be our table. At this time,
I made an announcement to the dorm. We're going to have prayer calls at 6 o 'clock. This is going to be our table. Give us about an hour.
We'll get out of y 'all's way. We're going to do our thing, though. That's how it went. Once we did that, then more people started coming.
Everyone in the dorm knew you. There's a difference between A and B.
Right. I wasn't just another guy. I was pretty well known.
I'd been there for a long time, too. We get this table, and it turned into more than just a prayer.
It turned into almost an accountability group. This was my first experience with any type of accountability group outside of law enforcement.
That's what we're going to call the accountability group. My accountability group gave me a speeding ticket last week.
I'm with my state -issued accountability group. I have a court -ordered accountability meeting.
That's awesome. More and more people started coming up and sitting down when
I would call a prayer call. We started talking to each other and getting to know each other better.
They were like, My wife, she ain't got no food. I'm in here.
I can't do nothing. We're struggling. We would actually do our best to get our people on the outside to maybe take some food over to his family or something like that.
Nothing illegal. All positive. All just to help. Whatever.
However we can. The day I was released, it was April 11, 2020.
There were 18 guys at the table the night before. That's how big the group had gotten.
It was every race. Mexicans, Hispanics, Black, White, whatever.
Asian. It was pretty cool. Wow. I got out and I went to a halfway house and a buddy of mine
I don't know. Is it okay to say his name on here? Just do first name.
His name is David. He's a builder here in Memphis, Collierville, whatever area.
He would come and see me every visitation. He would always tell me trust God, clean house and help others.
That's a big thing in AA. Trust God, clean house and help others.
It's a big thing in AA. He was in the program and I was in the program prior to going to prison.
He would always come and visit me like this was a guy that I worked for. He wasn't a friend of mine but when
I was in that down time of being locked up he would come and see me every visitation.
He would put money on my books and he would always be very encouraging. It was so awesome and I felt the love after having been saved and turning my life over to God I started to comprehend that love that he was showing me and I was so grateful because a lot of people the recidivism rate in Tennessee is 88%.
88 .8 out of 10 people go back to prison. That's crazy and I didn't want to be a part of that.
I wanted to be a part of the 1 .2. I got a 90 % chance I'm going to be back in here even after 7 years.
Doesn't matter. I didn't want that. He's very encouraging.
He helps me out. I get out I don't want to go straight I could have went to my brother's house but I was so scared of getting out and doing the same thing that got me in there.
I was so scared of that I went to a halfway house. David set it up, paid for it bought me clothes, sheets deodorant, razors all the stuff we take for granted
I didn't have anything when I got out. I had a t -shirt and some jogging pants they're called
Jackie Chans they're just like these slip on house shoes. He just said Jackie Chans. That's what they're called.
They're really cheap and you can get them for like 10 bucks on commissary. He did all the stuff for me.
For a while it was incomprehensible. I could not understand why someone would do that for you.
What's the catch? He gave me a job as a superintendent. He's a builder.
He gave me a job. He's like here go build this house. I'm like holy crap. Really? Paid me good money.
Paid me good money. I remember feeling and understanding how much of an edge
I had and being super grateful for that. Thinking about the people who don't have that edge who don't have people to help them when they get out.
That struck up a bunch of ideas as far as what can I do to try to help these people who don't have that.
That's where the motorcycle ministry that's a huge part of that.
War room when we started war room that was a huge part of the idea. Remind everyone what that is.
War room is an addiction recovery program that we have here at Whedon that covers all aspects of addiction.
Food, porn, drugs, alcohol, whatever. Anything that you have that is causing issues in your life.
We started here at Whedon probably 9 or 10 months ago. Maybe it was
March of this year. The idea of starting that I was thinking about these people that are hopeless.
They get out and they have nothing. I understand that recidivism rate a little more when you think about those people.
Because a lot of them they don't have nowhere to stay. If it's the middle of winter going to jail and being warm in a cell with 3 hots in the cot is a lot better than being outside freezing to death.
If you think about it the stat you're saying is 88 % go back to jail.
That means a much higher percent go back doing the things they were because not everyone gets caught. Incredibly high percentage.
Right. So far luckily I've been out for 5 years now almost 5 years in April so 4 and a half years and I have no intention of doing anything that would ever jeopardize my freedom again.
I have to be honest Witten has been such an influence on helping me to lead the life that I can lead to be a great leader and to hold me accountable.
These people here the first time I came here I'm going to be honest real quick it was in October probably 2 years ago
October last October I come in Pastor Jeff says shut up woman go make me a sandwich
I was like I was like wow
I don't know how to take this I don't understand it and April was like I don't know if this is our church
I don't know if this is the church we ought to be at and so we didn't come back and Angela was like he's just kidding you gotta understand give him another chance so we came back and we've been back ever since these men here are absolutely the most solid people that I have ever met in my life it reminds me and I know this sounds crazy but it reminds me of prison and the type of people that you would in prison surround yourself with is people that are solid people that you know you can trust loyal right absolutely and on the good side of things you can depend on these men and that's huge for me that's very huge because that's kind of what
I came from and that's what I needed to be able to relate and that's kind of hard to find nowadays is people that you can depend on it's non -existent outside of here honestly it's huge it's just a big deal so I get out and life's different because I don't have any friends
I'm not using the people I thought were my friends when I was using them were just associates they were just people that you're used with and so I'm by myself,
I'm single for almost a year and then I meet my wife in February of 2021 and we are not married, we come here in October she's pregnant maybe this was the following October that we come here
Ava was already born and you remember you and Pastor Jeff came to the house and you were like what's up with y 'all and I was still kind of like I don't know what's up but we were living in open sin we weren't married and we were living together and we had a child and y 'all told us that and I was like oh no oh crap we're living in open sin this is terrible and I'm going to be honest there was a time in my life
I could have cared less about that but I changed my life so much and when
I tell people I live for the Lord what I mean is that in every action I take in every thought 90 % of my thoughts
I think about the Lord and so if I'm living in open sin that is terrible to me
I know sin, sin, sin, sin is all the same but that was huge y 'all saying that y 'all telling us that and I was ready and she was coming up with excuses she wanted her boys to be a part of it and then
I was we were talking a lot of my sanctification process is learning how to become a leader legally and thank you for that qualification legally becoming a leader you know what
I mean so in my household and being a good role model and a good leader and I never had the opportunity to do that I was in my addiction my son's whole life
I have a 19 year old son and his whole childhood I was in my addiction and it was terrible but anyway so you tell us we're living in addiction and I'm feeling terrible
I'm feeling super convicted about the whole thing and so I remember y 'all stayed on us about it pretty hard and I stayed on her about it and she was like let's do it and we'll see what happens and what she meant by that was her boys not we didn't have permission from the courts for her boys to be there but the
Lord made it possible for them boys to be there and they were there her ex's mom brought her boys to our wedding and it was so good it was so awesome you know the church threw our wedding here for free you know it wouldn't take money if we tried to offer it and it was amazing we had
Mike as our DJ and that was hilarious but I think that's so awesome what you were just saying right there the church chased you down hey you're a part of this we notice that this is the way you're living we're checking up on you like hey letting you know that this is a problem so they let you know that it's a problem but then they also provide the solution cost free like hey this is what you need to do and you don't have to save up money and do all that stuff as the church as your family we do it for you which is so important and a message to all the churches stop being so freaking concerned with money that the people inside your church can't use their space for their own sanctification right it was so awesome that was a huge turn in our life right there so prior to that I have over 8 years off of methamphetamines
September 25th was 8 years off of methamphetamines but there was a time prior to us meeting
Pastor Jeff and Pastor Josiah where we drank a little bit and it wasn't not to excess or anything but it was mainly my wife was when we met she was in her addiction she was in her methamphetamine addiction and I'd known her since we were 10 years old and so I genuinely went to her as a friend just to check on her
I'd send her a message on Instagram or something and like a month later she messaged me back can you bring me a cigarette and I'm like what a cigarette
I knew immediately where she was at because I'd been through that before I went and took her a pack of cigarettes and I talked to her and she didn't have nowhere to go and she was in a hotel and so that was when she moved into my house as a friend and then it wasn't a week later we started catching feelings for each other and it turned into something else and it's been great ever since our relationship is based on very very strong principles we understand that each other is learning to be
Christian leaders and Christian wife, Christian husband and it's not
I would say it's not as hard as a lot of people make it out to be once you get out of that victim mentality which is a huge I would say that's life or death right there you stay in that victim mentality and you will forever be a miserable person once you start taking responsibility for everything that happens in your life that's when your life is going to change and you can become and be whoever you want to be good, bad, whatever but I think that was the turning point in my life when
I say I got saved that's when I became a man
I put away those childish things and I think those childish things are being a victim playing a victim becoming a man is when you take responsibility for everything that's happened in your life and quit blaming everybody else but when you say that you're saying alright fine, yeah
I was raised that way yeah everyone I knew was that way but at some point I'm making this decision, it's not somebody else it's in your heart, that's right that's a huge stumbling block with sanctification too now that you're saying that it just registered in my mind a lot of the problem with following God is that we play the victim with his statutes we want to be sanctified and become better but that means that I have to do this and this and that means
I can't do this and this and then it's that victim mentality of I can't, I can't, I can't and we forget my burden is easy, my yoke is light
I heard a pastor recently say this I knew what you meant I heard a pastor recently say this and he goes, listen most rebellion can be boiled down to either pain or pleasure either you refuse to obey
God because of some pain in the past that hurt you and has caused resentment towards or pleasure in that you love your sin more than you love
God pain and pleasure and you know what, that's a good way to think about it and one of the greatest lies
Satan ever tells in a sense what he told Eve you will be unhappy if you obey
God you're missing out and it's a lie but the idea is that you will be unhappy if you obey
God it's a suck it up and dredge through life miserable, obey
God or have pleasure in sin and it's a lie but it's a good lie that people believe because that's really what he was getting at Eve, listen, did
God really say that you'll just be like him and he just doesn't want you to have X, Y, and Z and he just wants you to miss out and he's a prude who's trying to make you miss out on all the fun in life pain or pleasure and I've really thought about it that way
I think that's a good way to think about it and it's so important to figure out how to recognize that in your life just like when that lie is happening because it happens to everybody that lie of this will make me happy or I will not be happy if I have to give this up to do this if you ever think once this happens, things will be a lot easier there's the lie right there the only thing that can fill that without it being a lie is once I've submitted to God things will be a lot easier because you need to trust in him and not hold everything in your hands and take your hands off the steering wheel for a second because you're not as smart as you think you are but I think
I want to talk about I think we'd be remiss to not define sanctification here so pastor could you give us a little clarification
I want to talk about that and then I want to ask you one other thing about the MC about the motorcycle club but I think a good definition of sanctification is in the way that David and Hunter and I are using it here sanctification here is the process of being made more holy so set apart it means to be set apart for special use set apart for something unique Christians are called to come out from among the world and be separate so sanctification is the process of being made more different but not different in the sense of different it's different in how we used to be and thus different from how everyone else is the old analogy it's swimming upstream it's fighting against the current sanctification is that process it starts at your conversion and it ends at your death sanctification is the process of being made more holy and the reason why that's so important we believe the bible teaches in a powerful holy spirit the holy spirit is part of the godhead thus there's no such thing as a
Christian who has no change in and of their life from conversion to death who's a genuine
Christian now the scripture teaches not everybody catches on as fast nobody ever what did
Jesus say in the parable what did Jesus say in the parable and they will produce a fruit some 30 fold some 60 fold some 100 there's not an equality of outcome if you will in that sanctification process the point is everyone is going to be moving up even if there's hills and valleys everybody so to David's point
David said earlier all the teachings and longings and desires and habits and maybe we could say prejudices and thought rationale when
God enters he goes away doesn't mean all the habits do so you are freed from the power of sin not the presence of sin and all those bad habits that we developed
Paul might call those the flesh the things that we're fighting against and those are what we have to fight against David used the word struggle we've gone over on this podcast before the definition of that word is to fight against to make violent effort to break free from sanctification is the process of being made more like Jesus and less like David or Josiah or Hunter and I thought when you were telling your story about being in prison and you praying to God and saying please change me
I noticed that the very next thing you said was you started praying with other people daily, nightly and so I'm thinking what hope does that have to offer, how amazing is that because you immediately started your sanctification process and the thing is
God is never going to leave somebody high and dry when God calls somebody he also brings the means by which they will have their sanctification
I think that is the sanctification process I think that's such a huge part of it is helping other people is getting outside of self and serving other people that's the way by which he sanctifies you absolutely how many times does he say love your brothers man, all the time love your brothers that's what it is because that's extending the love of God that's inside of you to them and that only perfects it it's the entire reason that we exist is to glorify
God and sharing how great God is is what perfects it
I think this was Pastor John Piper on one of his podcasts and he said have you ever had this really awesome accomplishment but there's nobody around to see it or a really awesome thing happen in your life and you have nobody to tell it to it's pretty cool but it's a little hollow but when you get to share that awesome thing that happened or this big accomplishment with somebody that you love or who loves you and you get to share that it perfects the enjoyment of it and it's the same way with our enjoyment of God is that man how great is
God look what he's done in my life when I share that it is perfecting and completing that enjoyment of God and it brings him the most glory you know when
David said when David said the crux of your sanctification is sharing that love with others
Pastor Christian this morning said and I'm not talking about the love as I see it or that I grew up with or that I think that I can give the love that God has gave me is the love that I'm sharing with other people not
Josiah's love or David's love but the love that God has given me for sure I had a scripture
I wanted to read but before I do and while I turn there tell me why the name crown of thorns
MC did you come up with that name or was it someone else no so we were trying to come up with a name and we wanted something that was representative of Jesus Christ and being in a
Christian ministry and actually Brandon Terry came up with that he sent it over are we really going to give him credit for it
I mean he came up with the patch too you know he came up with the idea of the patch and we changed it up he got married last month and he came up with the name which is a bigger accomplishment
I don't know that's pretty cool yeah he came up with the crown of thorns and then
I looked you know you go through there's like a book or a website where there's the name of every ministry or motorcycle club ever registered with any state or whatever and so we went through and there was already a crown of thorns in like North Carolina or something so I'm like we don't really want to use somebody else's and if we do we might not let them know so I messaged the guy listen we were thinking about starting a ministry in Memphis called the crown of thorns
I never hear back from him he never messages me back probably wouldn't have been a problem or an issue but just because we wanted to be a little different we changed it to crown of thorns disciples and so that to me is
Jesus' disciples and so we go out and we witness to people and we minister to people where we can and when we can and we bless bikes you know just spread the good word give people a little bit of hope and ideas and we actually may have some outlaws come to church in the next couple of weeks because there was a couple of them that said that they may want to come that would be amazing that would be awesome one of the things that I love
Pastor Jeff if I were going to give I think he's going to be on here at some point this season if I were to say
I asked Dana Sneed who's been on the podcast before I asked her what is
Pastor Jeff's greatest quality this was years ago and she didn't even hesitate she said seeing potential in other people that they don't even see themselves that's what she said so when somebody comes to Pastor Jeff and says
I have an idea for a ministry his answer always is alright how would you do it what would it look like and what do you need for me to do it every time exactly what happens unless it's something silly
I can't even think of a silly example but yeah so David goes I don't even remember how long ago this was hey
I want to start an MC here at Whitten alright what do you need for me and how are we going to make it happen and letting people use their own he always says gifts skills and talents letting people use their own experiences knowledge and where they're at how they can use that to glorify
God in reaching and serving others and I want to commend
David for that I wanted to read one passage on sanctification and then any other questions you have for David I think
I've asked all I wanted to ask anything else you want to add after this David this is Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses chapter 11 was about all those who've come before us
Abraham, Joshua, etc who have the same faith we have since we're surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God so we have all these examples of people in the past that through faith have overcome some of them ridiculously difficult obstacles
I mean Noah is an example right he was a carpenter
Enoch and Abraham and Jacob and imperfect people
Jacob, Moses we have all these examples here and he says let us lay aside every weight and sin a note
I always like to think of there weight and sin so of course we have to lay aside sin occasionally though there are things that are not sins in and of themselves these are past sins right?
yes but now it says now let us lay aside every weight and sin so there are things that weigh us down that in and of themselves may not be sinful but we need to lay them down now not just in the past so that we can run with endurance and I love this part the race that is set before us the course is already mapped out and then it says keep our eyes fixed on Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross that was the race he had to run the cross and he did it with joy so our race because he was looking at the joy that came at the end so we see our endurance
I just got done reading Pilgrim's Progress for the first time I should have read that book ten years ago it's the second most sold book in English in history in the
English language number one being Far and Away the Bible but yeah 1650
John Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress it's a race but it's not a sprint it's a marathon, it's an endurance it's about being faithful till the end so this is one of the main passages
I think of when I think of sanctification that we're running a race we're not running a sprint but we're making progress and if we stumble and fall we get back up and keep going that way and that other race looks a lot simpler and shorter but it's a lie it's not real which is so awesome about scripture you read that and hear one thing
I'm reading that on the same topic and something completely different catches my ear the founder and perfecter of our faith because my thing is if you're somebody who is not saved and maybe you're considering I'm too much this
I'm too much that I'm in this position David's story is awesome but I don't see myself ever getting there and I don't see myself ever doing that and what's so cool is it's not you that's getting yourself there
Jesus is the founder of our faith and the perfecter which is sanctification and ultimately glorification is that we are being made more and more holy and it's not us that's doing that and the verse that I had actually pairs with that so well is
Philippians 2 .13 and I quote this in almost every prayer if I've ever prayed with you you've heard me say this and this is
Philippians 2 .13 for it is God who is at work in you both to desire and to work for his good pleasure so not only did he found your faith not only will he perfect it but he's also the one that gives you the desire to do these things and so that's why
I pray like God we know that we wouldn't have a desire for good if not for you because Jeremiah says that our hearts are desperately evil and wicked it's like we have a desire for ourselves inherently and so God we need to remember to have a whole lot of faith a whole lot more faith in God and Pastor Christian said it again this morning there you go thinking you're going to relying on your own power you know he was talking about persecution and just like man
I don't know like how will I face that you know I don't know if I'm strong enough to deal with that and he says it's not about your strength remember not to rely on your own power it's the first thing that we always do like we have this race set before us how am
I going to run it it's not you you're not running it I got called out
I got called out so hard and these are things that up here my brain knows but the evil heart says you can't do that the evil heart says you won't be happy unless this is this you can't do that and it's like you're right like you're lying by telling me the exact truth like I can't do that but the message is not therefore it cannot be done the message is that you can't do it therefore you need to have faith and work with God and say this is for God to do he's the one who found your faith gives you the desire to perfect it and perfects it and I wonder why it's so easy for us to get caught in our heads like for me in my process of learning that everything that happens and every thought that I have is you know will be perfected by God and that my like I always think man if I don't do this this won't be possible or if I'm not you know and it's so easy for me to forget that I'm not the one in control here you know and it happens all the time but luckily where I'm at now
I'm like I'll realize okay well everything's going to be alright you know that's where I'm at right now man you know that was awesome man thank you for sharing that yeah thank you so much for coming out and telling us your story you got anything else for David?
I have nothing else for you man other than saying thank you so much for sharing your testimony and working through that sanctification man because here you are yet again you know serving and bringing that to other people and that can bring so much hope guys if you are out there and you're listening to David's story and you're saying you know how am
I going to get there just remember that God is the founder and perfecter of our faith and if you are wondering what it is that you need to do to better yourself and to work and serve serve somebody else bless other people get out of your own head and let
God work in you and through you because when God works through you he is certainly working on you always and he made a promise it's like from David's story a broken and contrite heart he'll never despise he's not turning that away a broken and contrite heart before him man well if you liked this episode if you liked what you heard go ahead and drop us a comment or a like if you have anything that you want to us to talk about or you have any questions that you want answered or you just need help for somebody to reach out to send us an email at listenpointtaken at gmail .com