We're All Anti-Semites Now*

AD Robles iconAD Robles


*According to the regime


Alright, well, welcome back. Welcome to another week. I pray that it's a very productive and blessed week for you.
Hope you had a good weekend. I had a fantastic weekend. I went fishing early on Saturday morning with a brother. He showed me a new lake, and it was pretty cool.
I mean, we didn't catch that many fish. It was kind of a slow morning. He caught a lot more than I did. I caught one largemouth bass.
It was a decent bass, but he caught a few. It was a lot of fun, though. A lot of fun. In any case, and on Sunday, of course, the
Lord's Day, I hope you had a good Lord's Day. My pastor preached about Melchizedek and Christ using the text from Hebrews.
We also sang Psalm 110, which is my favorite psalm to sing, my favorite psalm to read, my favorite psalm in general.
So that was an awesome time as well. I hope you had a good Lord's Day and a good day at church also.
I wanted to talk about Andrew Torba and Gab because I had a chance to speak with Andrew on Friday.
It was a very good conversation. His enthusiasm and his energy, it's just infectious.
There's just no question about it. He's a super hard worker, too, which is very awesome.
It's awesome to see. I just posted on Gab today, you know, put in the work and pray like your life depends on it.
That's good advice for anything. I mean, obviously, praying like your life depends on it is required, and we kind of know that.
But also, put in the work. Work as hard as you can also. But in any case,
I wanted to read an article. He had mentioned this article to me on the phone. It was like a local paper that wrote an article about him and Mastriana, which is,
I guess, the Republican candidate for governor in Pennsylvania. Now, I don't know a lot about Mastriana, but my brother is a
Pennsylvanian, and he has told me about this guy, and he really likes him. So, you know,
I trust my brother's opinion very much on this. So, let's read this article because here's the reality, guys.
I'm sure you've heard that Andrew Torba is a rampant anti -Semite.
You know, he's just an anti -Semitic person. He hates Jews. That's what you've heard, I'm sure.
And Gab .com is an anti -Semite haven. You've also heard that as well and all of that.
So, I wanted to read this article because here's the thing, guys. We're all anti -Semites now.
I want you to hear how they frame all this, because some of this you're going to say, oh, that sounds pretty bad. And so I'll talk about that, and then you'll see at the end kind of what they're getting at, and it's absolutely ridiculous.
And this is nothing new, guys. This is something that's been around for a long time. But the reality is that basic, standard, run -of -the -mill, obvious Orthodox Christianity is being called anti -Semitic.
And again, this is nothing new. This has been happening for a long time, but now there's a lot of Christians going along with it.
This is one of the most obvious plays, one of the most telegraphed passes you could ever imagine.
If you don't know what a telegraphed pass is, it's in football when the quarterback drops back to throw a pass, and the entire time he's looking at the receiver he's going to throw the ball.
So the entire defense knows he's throwing it to that guy, let's go cover that guy. What a good quarterback does is he'll look this way and throw this way.
He kind of tricks you. He head fakes you. But a telegraphed pass is when you look directly at the guy you're going to throw to the entire play, and of course it gets intercepted and all that.
That's what's happening here with this white Christian nationalist thing. It's an obvious ploy against Christianity just in general.
Forget about nationalists, it's just Christian. They're going to drop the nationalists at some point. But they're calling basic, standard
Christianity anti -Semitic now. So let's read this. This is an article from The Citizen's Voice, which is a local newspaper to Andrew Torba.
And it's about Doug Mastriano and Andrew Torba. So here we go.
A local Jewish group called on political leaders Wednesday to repudiate a music native who founded a
Clark Summit -based far -right social media platform. There's so much you could say here.
I'm just going to read it. I'm just going to read it, and then I'll comment sparingly. Back to the article.
The Scranton -based Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania issued a statement condemning
Andrew Torba and his platform Gab, which describes itself as a champion of, quote, free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online, end quote.
The New York Times described the platform as a, quote, haven for white nationalists and users banned from other platforms, end quote.
Quote, the Jewish community of Northeastern Pennsylvania strongly rejects the comments made during the current gubernatorial race by the
CEO of Gab that set Jews apart from our fellow Americans and exclude us from his platform for the sole reason of being anti -Jewish, or for the sole reason of being
Jewish, according to a statement distributed to the local media outlets. The comments by Gab's CEO, Andrew Torba, greatly worry our community for their strong similarities with the comments and actions of fascist dictators in Europe and their misguided
American supporters before the beginning of World War II. Now, let me stop that article right there.
When you read that, this is how they start the article, right? It's a far -right racist platform,
Gab .com, and he made these comments. But if you notice, if you're a discerning reader, you notice you haven't heard what the comments are yet.
He made these comments. It sounds like the Nazis. I mean, we condemn it. And it's pretty funny.
So, who's this? What is this? Hold on, I gotta take this call real quick. I don't know who it is, but it looks like it could be important.
All right, I'm back. Okay, I forget where I was. But, yeah, you haven't heard the comments yet, but it makes them sound really bad.
In fact, it says here that, according to this Jewish community, that Andrew Torba excludes
Jews from Gab .com. Like, if you're a Jew, you can't be on Gab .com.
That's the way they kind of wrote this article. And I know that's not true because I know many
Jews on Gab .com. I know many public Jews that are on Gab .com. And I know many
Jews that you might not know are Jews on Gab .com. And they're all fine and they all have big followings.
And, quite frankly, Andrew Torba often retweets them, approvingly. And so this is obviously a lie.
But the whole point here is that they tell you this. It sounds really bad, right? And they don't tell you what the quotes are that they're allegedly condemning for being
Nazi -ist. Nazi -ist? Nazi? I guess it's just Nazi. For being Nazi until the end.
And I can't wait for you to hear these quotes. It's really funny. It's really funny. But anyway, let's continue.
Torba and Gab recently came under fire for statements he made during live streams and for his platform's ties to Republican gubernatorial candidate
Doug Mastriano. Mastriano has faced criticism from Democrats and Republicans since it was uncovered last month that he paid
Gab $5 ,000 in campaign funds for consulting, apparently intended to bring him a broader following on the platform, the
New York Times reported. This is some crack squad reporting. I mean, you don't get any more hard -hitting than this.
He paid $5 ,000 to Gab for advertising, you know, as politicians tend to do.
And they're saying it's consulting. I don't really understand why. I think I know why they're doing it, because they may want to make it seem like a really tight relationship or whatever.
And then he's like, it's apparently intended to bring him a broader following on the platform. Well, of course, that's what advertising is, obviously.
You advertise so that more people know who you are, and you can gain support and followers and things like that.
But, you know, I guess this is what qualifies for hard -hitting journalism these days. In any case, let's continue the article.
In a phone interview and emailed statement Wednesday night, Torbert refuted the Jewish Federation statement. He asserted that he is not anti -Semitic and contended his platform has
Jewish users, including Laura Loomer, a Republican candidate for the U .S. House of Representatives in Florida.
Gab does not screen based on religious affiliation upon sign -up, Torbert said. Obviously it doesn't.
All you have to do to know if he screens and if you're Jewish, you can't be in the platform, all you have to do is sign up for Gab .com,
and you'll find out that there is no religious test to sign up for a Gab .com account. But then again, you know, of course, that might have been too hard for the
New York Times to do to see if it's actually true. I'm sorry, that wasn't the New York Times. That was the Jewish Federation.
It might be a little too hard for the Jewish Federation to actually check that out. In any case, the
Jewish Federation statement calls on, quote, all political actors to unequivocally reject the comments made by the administrators of Gab and repudiate
Andrew Torba and his platform of hate, end quote. They are really scared of Gab .com
and they need you to repudiate it. I would argue you should probably join it. That's what I would say. But hey, who am
I? I'm just a random Christian YouTuber. All right, let's continue. The Jewish Federation statement.
I'm sorry, we just read that. Daniel Szczek, PhD, the executive director of the federation, emphasized the statement has nothing to do with political parties nor any specific candidate, except for Doug Mastriano.
Quote, it has everything to do with defending the values of this society, he said in a phone interview Wednesday night.
When asked about Mastriano, Szczek said apologizing is enough.
It's not about any politician, but it's definitely about Doug Mastriano, of course.
He put money into that outfit, he said. To dissociate himself from it right now is not enough. If he truly believes that he should no longer be associated with these people, he should strongly repudiate them.
In a July 28th statement on Twitter, Mastriano says he rejects anti -Semitism in any form and Torba does not speak for him or his campaign.
These are obvious statements. Recent smears by the Democrats and the media are blatant attempts to distract
Pennsylvanians from suffering inflicted by Democratic policies, Mastriano wrote. Mastriano made his
Gab account private and then removed it on the same day, according to the New York Times report. That was a mistake,
Doug, in my opinion, but hey, you know, I'm not your campaign manager. Attempts to reach
Mastriano's campaign were unsuccessful Wednesday. In response to criticism from the
CEO of the Anti -Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, who condemned Mastriano for using Gab to post messages and gain political supporters,
Torba said in a live stream, quote, We are not bending the knee to the 2 % anymore, the New York Times reported.
About 2 .4 % of U .S. adults are Jewish, according to the Pew Research Center's Jewish Americans in 2020 report.
However, Torba contended Wednesday that he was not referring to the Jewish population, but rather directly responding to the
Defamation League and Greenblatt's criticism. I'm not going to bend to a group that represents 2 % of the population.
Gab is a First Amendment company, which means they tolerate offensive but legal speech, Torba said. Quote, Many Jewish groups, such as the
ADL, do not like this and have demanded we censor content that offends them, he said. We refuse to do this because it is un -American and goes against the core mission of our company to protect free speech online for all people, even those we disagree with.
Rabbi Daniel Schwartz of the Temple Chesed, it's Chesed, you got to say it like that,
Chesed. Rabbi Daniel Schwartz of the Temple Chesed in Scranton defended the
Anti -Defamation League as an upstanding and wonderful group of folks who have fought racism and against anti -Semitism and against discrimination.
No one has to bend the knee to them, they certainly don't ask that. What they're looking for is people not to spew hate and violence.
The only reason that you would come in conflict with the ADL is if you in fact did that. You don't have to bend, we're not looking for you to bend the knee, you just better not post anything we don't like.
Exactly what Torba said, after all. Asked if he was anti -Semitic, Torba said, absolutely not.
This is what Torba said when he was asked if he was anti -Semitic, he said, absolutely not. The Christian nationalism movement will welcome any
Jews who repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to join our movement.
I want you to hear this, guys, because this is what Andrew Torba believes about Jews. He says,
I pray for Jews to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior every single day, he said.
So here's Torba's anti -Semitism. His anti -Semitism is that if you want to join the
Christian nationalist movement, you have to be a Christian, you know, you have to repent of your sins, you have to accept the
Lord Jesus as your Lord, as your Savior, and you have to do that to join the movement.
It's a Christian movement, right? That's why they call it Christian nationalism. So what he's saying is, if you're going to be a
Christian nationalist, then you need to accept the Lord as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
That's Jesus Christ, the Christ, the Messiah. You have to accept him as the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords if you're going to join the Christian nationalist movement.
And then he says he prays every day for Jews to accept Jesus Christ, for Jews to repent of their sins, for Jews to be converted in Mass.
That's what he prays for, that's what he hopes for, and he says he prays for that every single day.
Now I want you to hear Torba's anti -Semitism, because Rabbi Schwartz, the
Rabbi of Temple Chesed in Scranton, says this.
By saying Jews have something to repent for by being Jewish is saying that it's wrong to be
Jewish, Schwartz said. People don't have to agree on religion, and people can think my religion is wrong and think that I need to be saved,
Schwartz says. He's entitled to that belief, though he should at least have the courage to stand up for it.
If he hates Jews, then he should admit it. You hear that? Here's what he says, let me read it again.
People don't have to agree on religion, this is the Rabbi, Rabbi Schwartz. People don't have to agree on religion, and people can think my religion is wrong and think that I need to be saved,
Schwartz says. He, speaking of Andrew Torba, is entitled to that belief, though he should at least have the courage to stand up for it.
If he hates Jews, he should admit it. So what does Torba not have the courage to stand up for?
Because he certainly just got done saying that Jews should repent and accept the
Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, as their King, as their Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, he just said that.
So obviously, Andrew Torba has the courage to stand up and say that. He says
Jews should repent. So what is it that Schwartz is saying that Andrew Torba does not have the courage to stand up for and say?
Well, here's what it says right after that. If he hates Jews, he should admit it.
So to Rabbi of the Temple Chesed, if you believe that Jews should repent of their sins and accept the
Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and become a Christ follower, to accept that he is the
Messiah sent by the Lord, sent by God, if you think that, what
Rabbi Schwartz says is you need to own up to your hatred of Jews. You're an anti -Semite, according to Rabbi Schwartz.
If he hates Jews, this is the quotation, if he hates Jews, then he should admit it.
Rabbi Schwartz says if you think Jews need to repent, you hate Jews, just admit it.
My friends, we are all anti -Semites now because Rabbi Schwartz and whoever other rabbis you want to say this kind of thing, as Jews, you have many sins you need to repent for.
We all do. That's Paul the Apostle's argument in Romans. And I know a lot of people call
Paul an anti -Semite. So this is not anything new. Again, I'm not saying this is new, but this is the first time that these charlatans, that these wicked teachers, that these leaders of the synagogues of Satan, this is the first time in my remembrance that they've gotten a ton of Christians to go along with it.
They figured out the formula, the magic spell. They figured out the magic spell to get all these
Christian leaders to go along with it. It's the Christian nationalism. Oh, it's like Christian nationalism is our biggest threat.
They got David Frey, they got all these losers on board. So this is nothing new to call basic Christianity.
Jews need to repent. Basic Christianity, anti -Semitic.
You hate Jews if you believe that. This is not new, but your favorite
Christian leader in Big Eva believes the same thing. It's a real shame.
It's a real shame. They're going along with this magic spell. And even if they wouldn't say it this way, if you hate
Jews, you should just admit it. They're using all the same rhetoric against Christian nationalism, and they're not distinguishing.
They're throwing their lot in with the synagogue of Satan, a lot of these guys. And so when they're coming hard against Christian nationalism, oh,
Torba, he's an anti -Semite, this is the stuff that they're talking about because this is what Torba believes.
He believes, look, I don't believe that Jews are supreme. I don't believe that.
I don't believe that Jews have nothing to repent for. That's not what Paul the Apostle said. I don't believe that.
This is what Torba says. I pray every day for Jews to repent. That's not something that I do, and so God bless you,
Torba, I'm glad that you do that. I don't pray every day for the Jews to repent. That's to my shame. I should pray for the
Jews to repent. And that's something that's going to happen, by the way. The future conversion of the Jews is coming.
The Jews will bend the knee to Christ. I think a lot of them, I think the Bible teaches that a lot of them will do it willingly and joyfully.
But even those who won't, even those who will not repent from their sins and will not bend the knee to Christ joyfully and willingly will still bend the knee to Christ because Christ is the
King of Kings. He is the Lord of Lords, and every single knee will bow.
Even Rabbi Schwartz, the rabbi of the temple Chassid in Scranton.
And so, my friends, we're all anti -Semites now. This is the thing. If you've heard that Andrew Torba at Gab .com
is an anti -Semite, they'll take these quotations out of context and stuff like that and say, see, he hates
Jews! But really what they're saying is, guys, don't be so stupid to throw your lot in with these satanic priests, right?
Don't be so stupid because this is what they're really after. This is what they really think. They'll take quotations out of context to make him look a little shysty.
And look, anyone's quotations can be taken out of context to make you look bad. But this is what the core of their argument is.
If you believe that Jews have sins to repent for, if you believe that Jews should accept the
Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you should just admit it. You hate Jews and you're an anti -Semite.
That's the core of their argument. So if you've been going along and you've been fooled by this spell that they've cast upon you, this
Christian Nationalist spell, if this is you and you've fallen for this, you can repent of that.
You can stop it right now. You can do that. And you know what? The Lord is powerful,
He's severe, but He's merciful and kind. And so if you've been fooled by this
Christian Nationalism spell, if you've been fooled by all the, oh yeah, they're anti -Semites over there, oh!
If you've been fooled by that, you know, look, there is shame in that, by the way. You should be ashamed if you've been fooled by that because it's the most obvious play
I've ever seen in my life. Of course they're just going to drop the nationalism at some point. But if you've been fooled by that, there is no shame in repenting for it.
Acknowledging it, saying, you know, I was wrong and I repent and I'm sorry for falling for the lies of the synagogue of Satan.
So you can repent. The Lord is kind, the Lord is merciful. That is not the unforgivable sin. Christ can forgive that sin.
And I'll tell you right now, we're having a blast here on Gab .com. A blast. You can join, I'm not saying you have to join it, but Gab .com
is a blast. One of the things I like about Gab is that you can actually curate your list, right?
Like in Twitter, it's basically impossible. Like no matter how you try to curate your Twitter following, you're always going to get some awful stuff just thrown into your face all the time.
It's impossible to curate it, right? But Gab, you can actually create an experience that you want to. I put so much content on Gab exclusively and it's mostly my uplifting and wholesome content.
Here's a funny one. This is a picture from the James Webb telescope. It's actually a fake picture.
It doesn't look like this in real life. But they want you to believe it. And I said, this isn't chorizo, but it's still fake.
Now if you want to know what that joke is all about, sign up to Gab .com and you'll see.
Because it is hilarious. Chorizo. That's what they're using to trick people that they're seeing images of stars.
I also post a lot of fish up here. All the time I'm posting fish and Torba's gracious enough to share these pictures of my catches.
These are some smallmouth bass I caught the other day. A lot of good stuff here. And honestly, there's just some good follows on here too.
A lot of people that aren't on Twitter are on Gab. There's some really good follows. There's some people that I get a lot of value from.
Some of them are Christians. Solid Christians. Some of them are Christians, I don't want to say in name only, but like cultural
Christians. But they're still posting really good content. I wouldn't follow them for theology, but there's a lot of good stuff there.
And don't get it twisted, guys. Having a community of Christians and cultural
Christians is better than having a community of pagans and rampant secularists.
It's just so much more edifying, I would say, for people that even if you have an idea that they might not really be a
Christian, but they're adhering to traditional Christian norms or they basically follow a lot of Christian morality just kind of naturally because that's how they were raised.
That's a better situation than having people that have absolutely no moral bearings to anything resembling
Christianity. It's a way better situation than having a bunch of satanic images thrust into your face all the time, all day, every day.
We'd be foolish to think that doesn't affect us. Anyway, gab .com is great. When I finished talking to Andrew on Friday, honestly, heartfelt,
I thanked him. This is a great website. It's a positive in so many ways.
Again, his enthusiasm and energy, it's infectious. His refusal to bow the knee.
They're so used to being able, oh, you're an anti -Semite, and you instantly cave because you don't want anyone to think you're an anti -Semite.
They're so used to that. The fact that he refuses to let that deter him is such an inspiration.
Guys, I want you to understand what is being said here. When they're calling Torba an anti -Semite, they mean because he believes that Jews have to repent of their sins.
It really boils down to that. If you have friends that have been fooled by this, show them this is what they're talking about when they say you hate
Jews. They mean that you think they have to repent of their sins and their refusal to accept the
Lord as their Messiah. You do have to repent of that, and I'm not sorry. In any way, any case,