Responding to James White - A Few Thoughts on #BigEva

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Alright, so I was shoveling snow earlier, and I was listening to the dividing line while I shoveled snow, and I thought to myself,
I gotta do a response video to this, not because I necessarily think that James White was saying something wrong, but I think
I have like a slightly different take, and I just wanted to get his opinion on it, or just your opinion on it
I suppose. So I recorded this 20 minute long video, and it was really good, and then I went to edit it, and for some reason the microphone, it wasn't recording through this one, it was recording through this one, which is horrible, and it sounded, it was unusable.
Normally I'll just put it out there even though the quality's not great, but this time the audio was unusable, so I decided not to do it.
And that always presents me with a dilemma, because redoing the video, it's very hard to get, you know, the energy up again, the excitement, the entertainment value even.
And so I was thinking, do I rerecord this or not, but I just decided to do it because I think it's worthwhile.
This is a really good podcast from James White, and I really like James White, his content is great,
I like his style, I like his attitude, and all that kind of stuff. And he's, in this, he's sort of responding to these evangelicals who have clutched their pearls just like, how dare you, how dare you call
Kamala Harris Jezebel, like, don't you know that it's racist? And it's like, well, we don't care. How do you like that?
We don't care that you think it's racist to call Kamala Harris Jezebel.
We don't care at all. At this point, like, there are certain people that if they call you, like, a lot of these guys like J .D.
Greer, you know, Danny Akin, Jamar Tisby, if they call me racist, it's like they said nothing to me, it rolls right off my back.
In fact, if they didn't call me racist, I would think that I have some problems, because these people are so warped and twisted that when they call you racist, it actually means that you're doing the opposite of what a racist would do.
These people are completely twisted and warped. So you know, if Jamar Tisby hasn't called you racist,
I can't trust you. It's just that simple. I can't trust you. But anyway, so he's talking about them and kind of responding to it and all that kind of stuff.
And at one point, Rich jumps in and they kind of commiserate with each other. Rich does this from time to time.
I always appreciate Rich's perspective. It's slightly different than James White, so I like that. Anyway, at one point,
Rich jumps in and he compares guys like J .D. Greer or Danny Akin and all these guys who always are like, oh, how dare you?
How dare you be uncharitable to Kamala Harris? We should be celebrating her amazing rise to power as a woman.
It's like, well, that guy, he's like, he's warped. He's more mealy mouth and he's more like, like what did he call him?
Like he has no spine, like worse than Mitt Romney. Like he's he's even worse than Mitt Romney in that regard.
Where's the spine? I think a couple of them said, I think James said it. I think Rich said this. Where's their backbone? Right. We're very glad that you oppose their policies, sort of.
We're very glad that you're going to use your your platforms to. But but that should be a given for a
Christian. Of course you should oppose the pagan platforms as a given. We actually need you to have strong language.
We need you to act like you believe it as well. And so people are saying that a lot of people say this, not just James White.
Where's their backbone? And I actually have a slightly different take. Dr. James White, I want to know what you think about this if you do watch this video.
One of the things I like about James White is he's very committed to unity. He's very committed to accepting somebody's profession of faith, even if we don't see eye to eye on every little thing.
And I'm the same way. I want to accept people's profession of faith. And you don't have to believe every single thing
I believe in the exact same way as I believe it in order for me to accept your profession of faith. I want to hold on to that.
I want to I want to affirm the the the the realness of being baptized into Christ and being part of the visible church.
I want to I want to acknowledge that as much as I can. And James White gets gets a lot of flack for accepting, for example,
Michael Brown's profession of faith because of his charismatic leanings and stuff like that. And I I support you on that,
James White. I really do. And I'm not a fool. I know that I'm I'm skewed a little bit on that because my family, all my grandparents are all charismatics as well.
And I believe that my grandfather, who's, you know, I sometimes I'll roll my eyes, you know, and I hear what he has to say about prophecies and words from the
Lord. But I affirm that he's a Christian. I know him too well. I mean, he believes in the in the book.
I've told stories about him telling me that that the Lord spoke to him. And I'm like, oh, here we go. And it's and then he tells me what the
Lord said to him. And it's literally a quotation from scripture. Like, that's what he's talking about. When he hears a word from the Lord, he's remembering, recalling scripture that he's read over over his the decades and decades of his life.
So I understand it's not not all charismatics are equal. That doesn't mean all charismatics are Christians, of course. We all have to have our own dividing line.
So I support that. But James White, here's what I think about this. Like, like guys like J .D.
Greer and Danny Akin and Tisby and Vischer and stuff like that. Personally, I think we need to come to terms with the reality that they're playing for the wrong team.
Like they they fear their God, but their God is not Christ. Like, even if you look at how they interact, like you said, where's their backbone?
We need to grow some spine and stuff like that. And I don't blame you for lamenting that, Dr. White, because I've thought that same thing.
What's the deal with their spine? And I've come to realize that they do have backbone.
They do have spine. They do have harsh language for people in their minds who are the enemy, who are the sinners.
But the problem is that they play for the wrong team. So they reserve their backbone and their authority and their and their harsh words for those fundamentalists over there, those conservative
Christians over there, those Christian nationalists over there. They come out with the quickness and with the harshest rebukes, with the harshest rebuke, no pearl clutching.
Then as long as the enemy is being ridiculed, there's no pearl clutching. But as soon as as soon as their friends,
Kamala Harris and stuff like that are being criticized in any kind of way. Well, that's when the how dare you?
Oh, how dare you? And it's like, well, that's something that I've seen just happen too often.
And what it's told me is that they're playing for the wrong team. Jesus Christ, this isn't an exact analogy, but I think that the principle really does apply here, where he says he's talking about about his believers and stuff like that.
And he says, everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge to my father who is in heaven.
But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my father is in heaven.
And I think what we're seeing with guys like J .D. Greer and Tisby and Vischer and Danny Akin, they're not all the same.
I'm not putting them on the same level, but you can see who they who they rip and who they go after and who they support in public.
And then you can see, well, that's who they fear. They don't fear Christ. You see, the thing is, like like they'll tell you, how dare you?
I might disagree with some of what Kamala Harris says. OK, well, show me that disagreement. Show me where you actually treat
Kamala Harris's worldview like it's as if it's pagan. Right. Show me that. Show me how you treat it, because the minute
I say it's analogous to Jezebel, who brought in sexual immorality, who brought in who brought in pagan worship and bail worship and stuff like that, the minute
I compare her worldview, which is very comparable to Jezebel's worldview, you get start clutching your breath.
How dare you? This is a great woman is powerful, amazing, inspirational because they play for the wrong team.
You see, the thing is, they know how to rip people. They know how to ridicule people.
So long as it's those conservative fundamentalist Christians over there, so long as it's someone who's actually living and as if Christ is really on the throne and Christ is really in charge of the government is really on Christ's shoulders.
Those people who live like that, that's who they reserve their ridicule for. I've mentioned many times
Jonathan Lehman's article in response to John MacArthur, where he's just like, well, I don't want,
I don't want them to be too excited to go to church. I mean, stop, wait, wait, the government told us we can't. Meanwhile, he's willing to risk life and limb because according to Lehman, I guess this is the worst pandemic ever.
He's willing to risk life and limb in order to look good for the black lives matter pagans. You see, he has backbone.
Jonathan Lehman don't make any mistakes, but he's got backbone. As long as the enemy in his mind is being ridiculed.
And in his mind, the enemy is those conservative Christians. They make, they embarrass me. I mean, they be, they might even believe in six day creationism.
And he, that's the thing. Like I, I think a lot of them are unbelievers.
And I think that I'm not, I'm not pointing to a point of doctrine to call them an unbelievers. I'm pointing to the way they act in public.
They deny Christ every single day. And you're like, well, how could you say that?
They, they, they affirm traditional marriage. Yeah, sure. They affirm traditional marriage, but only in the ways that are tolerable by the pagans.
You see, like they're not going to call it what it is, an actual sexual perversion. Instead they say, well,
God just whispers about it. Yeah, sure. The Bible says it, but it's almost like an apology when they, when they, when they say the
Bible affirms traditional marriage, it's almost like they're apologizing to you. It's just not that big a deal.
You see, like that, that, that stance of apologizing for what the Bible says, instead of just believing it and being, and being assertive with it and being confident in it and saying, well, no, no, the
Bible calls that perversion. So it is perversion. I don't have to soften it. You see, they, they, they soften it every step of the way in order to still be palatable and to still be accepted by those who they fear.
And it's not Christ who they fear. It's something else. And so, um, I disagree.
I think these guys have a lot of backbone. They, they're, they're willing to come with the quickness. They're willing to get aggressive against immorality.
But the problem is in their twisted minds, immorality is the moral
Christians, the Christians that are affirming that God has something to say about racial, uh, racial justice, but it's not what the pagans say.
It's, it's not what the pagans say. He has something to say about social justice, but it's not what the pagans say. Those people become the enemy.
Those are the immoral ones. Those are the ones insisting on God's law. Every step of the way are the ones that are the white supremacist racist bigots.
And they will, they will rebuke them with the quickness, with intensity. All of a sudden, they don't have any pearls to clutch when it comes to, when it comes to the people that are actually living in light of the truth of the
Bible. And so they do have that. It's not that they don't have any backbone. It's that they have backbone, but they serve the wrong
God. Am I off base here? I mean, I'm listen, I, I, I'm, I'm with you about affirming and accepting people's profession of faith, but public behavior matters a lot to this, right?
And so if we see people denying Christ, apologizing for what Christ says, apologizing for the way
Christ spoke and all of that stuff and clutching their pearls, how could you, you're such a sinner? How could you call her?
Like, like how many, how many different ways can somebody deny Christ? That's what
I'm wondering. And so just a slight, am I, am I just too harsh on this? Am I, am
I, I don't know. I, I, I, I am not the kind of guy that says this about a lot of people, but I just don't know any other way to see this.
You see them attacking who they perceive as the enemy. And for them, the enemy is those conservative fundamentalist
Christians. To them, the enemy is me. To them, the enemy is James White on the screen. By the way,
James, if you do watch this, Dr. White, this is the funny story. One of the very first ways that someone that I knew criticized me for my content, this is a big
EVO, woke as woke can be, you know, person that I knew personally. He said that I, that I'm, I, I'm doing
James White style takedowns. And I, I don't, I, at the time I wasn't taking down anybody.
I was just responding to white privilege and stuff like that for Matt Chandler and stuff like that. That's how they criticize me because to them, you're the enemy for insisting on correct doctrine.
To me, that tells me they serve the wrong God. I can deal with an
Arminian. I can deal with a charismatic. I can deal with people that don't believe the same way I do about the
Lord's supper. But I can't deal with someone who's going to publicly reject
Christ in numerous ways and publicly reject Christ's bride in numerous ways again and again and again.
I just can't do it. Am I off base? Guys, let me know what you guys think. Even if Dr. White doesn't watch this, let me know what you guys think.
I hope this was helpful. God bless. Charge Mari. He's out of batteries,
I guess. Sure, buddy. Say hi to everybody. That's my son,
Ezra. God bless. Bye.