The Secular Religion & Its Crusade Against Christianity
Episode # 56 of the Testing the Spirits Podcast.
- 00:03
- Hello, and thank you for listening to the
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- Testing the Spirits Podcast. The title of this episode is The Secular Religion and its
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- Crusade Against Christianity. The Secular Religion. Oh, I know some people would say, that's a contradiction, because how can it be a religion if it's secular?
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- Well, the fact of the matter is, at the end of the day, what is a religion? It's a set of beliefs and practices.
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- It's showing devotion to something bigger than yourself. So the so -called secular progressives, while they don't want to admit it, they are deeply religious.
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- And I'm going to prove that. And just like we as Christians, we fight against false doctrine and heresy that seeks to undermine the
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- Gospel of Jesus Christ, well, the secular progressives, they are fighting against Christianity because they understand
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- Bible, believe in Christianity in particular. But we as Christians, we are the ones standing in the way of their socialistic, communistic utopia.
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- And if they ever get it, it's not going to be a utopia. It'll be a hellhole. And I'm not using the word hell in a flippant manner.
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- I mean, you have to understand this ideology, 100 million people dead in the 20th century.
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- This is an ideology that leads people to hell. And it's really just the modern version of Baal or Molech worship.
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- Or even when people worshipped in the Roman Empire, they worshipped the state in the form of Caesar himself.
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- And that's what we talked about in our previous podcast, where when people reject the one true
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- God, what takes its place? Another God. And for the secular progressives, really, government is their
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- God. Might makes right. So the secular religion, it is a religion because it's a belief system.
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- Its adherents are very devout. Some of them are more committed to their cause than many evangelical
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- Christians are to their cause, our cause. So they're very zealous.
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- They show great devotion. And this is really what proves it.
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- We have our story of creation, our explanation for why things exist.
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- We have our story in the book of Genesis. God created the heavens and the earth in six days, rested on the seventh day.
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- God made man in his own image. So we have our creation story. The secular progressives, they have their creation story with the
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- Big Bang and evolution. We have our eschatology, the end of the world, right?
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- Battle of Armageddon, Jesus coming back, the book of Revelation. Well, they have their version of all that, their end of the world scenario with climate change.
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- We have our morality. They have their version, which is just immorality.
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- We have our definition of marriage. They have theirs. We believe in two genders, male and female.
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- They have 52 genders. So you're starting to see that the new secular religion, it's really a lot like Christianity, just the exact opposite.
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- We want to make converts, right? So do they. We want to teach our children and raise them up in the nurture and admonition of the
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- Lord. Proverbs 22, verse 6, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
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- The secular progressives, they understand that. That's why they're holding Drag Queen Story Hour at the state -funded library, so they can bring in four, five, six -year -olds to be groomed, so that by the time they reach puberty, all of that stuff will just seem normal.
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- And on and on it goes. So at this point in the podcast, I just want to play a couple clips.
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- Here are clips from two Bible studies that I did a year ago. One was at Thanksgiving.
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- One was around Christmas time a few weeks later. And I talk at length about the subject.
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- And this should be new content for most of you, because last year around this time on YouTube, I think
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- I only had one or 200 subscribers, as opposed to now having over 7 ,000.
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- So most people at the time didn't hear this content. So here it is, and it would be worth repeating anyway, since this is one of the crucial issues of our time.
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- If this isn't the most important issue of our day, it's right up there in the top five.
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- So here's the first clip. Christian religion in our nation is slowly being stripped away, and I would argue it's being replaced.
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- It's like one of you said, when you think of Thanksgiving, you don't think of giving thanks to God.
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- People think of football, right? So the thankful part is being replaced with all these other things.
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- I believe that the Christian religion is slowly being replaced by the secular religion.
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- I've sort of been touching on this here and there over the past couple
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- Sundays. And here's what's happening. The religion of the
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- United States, even though it wasn't official, the religion of the United States was
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- Christian. The founding fathers are all quoted talking about God, Jesus, the
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- Bible, we're one nation under God. Nobody had any question about which God they were talking about.
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- So Christianity was the religion of the United States, but now we have a new religion and people haven't even realized that there's been this swap and the new religion is the secular religion.
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- Now someone might respond and say, but secularism isn't a religion. It's sort of like the absence of a religion.
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- Well, would you agree, and if that's what you're thinking, would you agree that it's at least a belief system?
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- It's a system of beliefs and people are committed to it. People are zealous for it.
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- You think of David, David had zeal for God's house. Well, they have zeal for their secular worldview.
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- I'm going to touch on this again a little bit on Sunday, but I want us to stop and think about it because when you boil it all down, this may be the crucial issue of our day.
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- Sometimes we get sidetracked on some of the other issues that may be associated with it, but the secular religion, it is a religion and you need to understand that.
- 07:04
- It doesn't matter if people don't call it a religion. It's still a set of beliefs that people adhere to.
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- So you can use the term religion or not. It doesn't matter. That's still what it is. I'm going to prove that in a second.
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- Larry. I believe that the definition in the Webster's Dictionary for religion is whatever you believe in.
- 07:31
- Sure. Well, and if that's the definition, then it's most certainly a religion, but they do believe in it deeply.
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- So let me try. Let me try to prove this. Let me just define the term secularism.
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- It is the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.
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- So secularism is the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.
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- Originally in our country, this video talked about the founding fathers.
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- The federal government was not to make any one church the official church of the
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- United States. So when our founders set up our government, that was part of it.
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- There was to be no official church of the United States. And to that,
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- I say, amen. Thank God. I'm glad there is no official church of the
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- United States. We have all heard, though, the separation of church and state. You know that term.
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- Who is that coined by? Separation of church and state.
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- It was a term coined by Thomas Jefferson. And here's the thing. When Jefferson made that statement, many of the colonies or many of the states, guess what?
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- They had official churches when he made that statement. So Christianity was the religion of the nation.
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- It just was. There could be no one church that was the official church of the federal government.
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- So now we don't have the separation of church and state. What do we have? We have the separation of the state from God.
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- Right now, that's what they're trying to do. Separate the state from God himself.
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- More specifically, they are trying to remove the Christian God, the one true God from public life.
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- And they want the memory of the true God erased. And more importantly, they want him replaced.
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- They want God replaced by the secular God, which I would argue is the government itself.
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- That they are there to glorify themselves or the government glorifies itself.
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- So here's the proof that this is a religion. We have what? Where does the
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- Bible start? How does the Bible start out? The creation account. So we have our set of beliefs of where the world came from.
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- Do they have their set of beliefs of where the world came from? So we have the creation account.
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- They have the Big Bang and evolution. We have our eschatology.
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- We believe that at the end of the age, Jesus Christ is going to come back. There's going to be the
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- Battle of Armageddon. So we have our end of the world scenario. Do they have their end of the world scenario?
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- Yes, they do. It's called climate change. We have our standard of how to live.
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- You could point to the Ten Commandments, but we have our standard of living and they clearly have theirs.
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- We have our definition of marriage. They have their definition. We even have our idea of what blasphemy is.
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- The third commandment says, thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
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- Do they have blasphemy laws? You say, well, that's one thing that they don't have. Well, yes, they do.
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- And it's called hate speech. See there's certain things that we feel like you shouldn't say.
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- Blaspheming God. Well, they have their own set of blasphemy laws, certain things that you can't say.
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- We have God and Jesus Christ. They have their God who is whatever, the government, the culture, just popular opinion, whatever the case.
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- We follow scripture, which changes not. They follow whatever the latest thing is, the latest trend.
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- They will always go along with what the next thing is. Our beliefs though are fixed.
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- Theirs are always changing. So if you look at our beliefs and theirs, they're like mirror opposites or polar opposites.
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- We have the saints along with preachers and teachers. They have social media influencers, politicians, and Hollywood celebrities.
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- And if you, and they have a lot more influence than preachers and teachers do in this country.
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- Kim Kardashian has a lot more influence than John MacArthur, unfortunately. But the point is, just because they don't call it a religion, it doesn't matter.
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- We have our belief system. We have our worldview. They have theirs.
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- So for many generations, people accepted what is called the myth of neutrality.
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- The idea that the secular government could remain neutral towards religion.
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- They'll just let us do what we want and have our freedom. And as of this moment, we still have a great deal of freedom.
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- So I am thankful for that. But this is the issue of our day.
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- This is what's happening. You might have heard one more comment on this.
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- You might have heard of the Crusades. If you know anything about the Crusades, it was framed as Christianity versus Islam.
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- In the Protestant Reformation, you had the Protestants versus the Catholics.
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- Well, today you have Christianity versus secularism.
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- And it's that big. Just like the Protestant Reformation, this may be, in the end, if the
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- Lord tarries and they write history about this time period, this may be even more significant as far as a turning point in history.
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- Now just one more thing about this event, the Massacre of the Innocents. How many of you have watched these
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- TV specials about Jesus? Usually it's around Christmas time and Easter.
- 14:04
- Do they still do this? I don't know. I canceled cable, so I don't know if they still do this or not. Do they still have these?
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- Well, usually it's something like the hidden Jesus, the real
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- Jesus, who's seen some of these programs. Yeah, they'll be on NBC or one of the major networks will run, and it's always around Christmas and Easter, and they bring in the experts, right?
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- And they tell you, their whole purpose is to tell you what really happened. The Bible's wrong.
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- None of this ever took place. And we're going to tell you what really is going on. Well, this is one of the things that they love to say.
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- They say that Herod killing all these children, that never happened. You know why they say that?
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- They say, well, there's no record of it. There are no ancient documents.
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- There are no historical records that point to this event. What's the obvious problem with that?
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- Yeah, we're reading an ancient historical document. There's no document that references it. It's really unbelievable.
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- But yeah, that's what they'll say. Well, there are no historical documents that will attest to this.
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- And what they mean by that is that there are no secular historical documents, because you have the
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- Bible, right? So this is the way these historians operate. So I was preaching before, now this is more apologetics.
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- This is maybe to equip you in how to respond when a friend or family member says, well, no,
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- I saw on TV this show, and they said that that never really took place. We want to have an answer for this.
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- So here's what they do. The historians, the secular historians, here's how they operate.
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- They will base a whole theory if they found a small fragment of a document, just a little piece or two.
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- That would be enough for them to have a whole theory. Actually, they based theories on a whole lot less evidence.
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- It's called evolution, but that's another story. But when there's a religious document that says something, they just dismiss it out of hand.
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- Oh, these people were Christians, so you can't believe that. Matthew, or whoever wrote Matthew, well, they were followers of Christ.
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- You can't listen to that. That's what they do. Their whole version of history is based on people that agree with them.
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- Anyone who is a Christian needs to be canceled. You shouldn't even listen to them. What they're saying is of no significance.
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- Why is that? Because of Satan. They don't want to be accountable.
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- Yeah, they don't want to be accountable for their sin. And that's all true. But the basic response is they're totally biased.
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- They only accept things that are in line with their religion. Now, they'll say that about us.
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- You Christians, you only believe things that are in line with the Bible. If somebody said that about me, okay, guilty as charged.
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- I mean, that's true. But they do the same thing. They only accept things that are in line with their beliefs.
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- So they are just as religious as we are. We have our worldview, our belief system.
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- They have their worldview, their belief system, their religion. Why don't they call it a religion?
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- Because they want to teach it in the public schools. You can't, you know, separation of church and state. You can't teach religion in the public school.
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- So they don't call it a religion on purpose. That's how they get away with teaching it in the schools while banning.
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- That's what they're doing. They're suppressing, they're banning the truth. They're banning Christian teaching.
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- So don't let them try to act like they're impartial. And again, what does this have to do with Matthew?
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- Well, the massacre of the innocents. This is a historical event. There are historical, ancient historical documents, the gospel of Matthew that tell us this happened.
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- But it doesn't fit their narrative. So they say, well, that's not true. You can't listen to that.
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- So I know I've been repeating this a couple times the past month, but I really want you to get this.
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- They have a religion. What they are pushing and promoting is a religion.
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- It's just a religion that's diametrically opposed to Christianity. So all of that, just wrap it up with this statement.
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- If you watch something on the news networks or network television, they are promoting a secular worldview.
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- At Morse Corner Church, we're promoting Christianity. On TV, Hollywood, they're promoting the secular religion.
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- And if I've learned one thing over the past several years, one thing that I know for a fact, the secular media is not a trustworthy source of information.
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- And we know that's true. I'll stick with the Bible any day. And talking about Christmas, I'll choose
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- Jesus Christ over Santa any day, but don't get me started on that. Okay, so there you go.
- 19:36
- I hope that was helpful. If you have any questions or comments, leave them in the comment section. If you found this video helpful, click thumbs up.
- 19:43
- It helps it to get out to more people. Or if you're just listening to the audio on Spotify, consider sharing the podcast with someone else because we want to not only win converts for Christ, we want to refute the lies of the enemy and help tear down the strongholds, these false ideologies that take people captive.
- 20:03
- If you're a secular progressive and you're listening, you know, I'm not your enemy. The devil is the enemy.
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- And he wants to destroy you just as much as he wants to destroy me. But he uses this
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- Marxism, communism, socialism, Darwinism, evolution, all these things that go against God and his word.
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- So we're trying to rescue people out of that. So we want to win hearts and minds. And with God's help, we can do it.
- 20:32
- And I could certainly use your help and your support. So thanks for listening. And until next time, may the