Keep Telling The Truth - AD on FLF Network

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This podcast contains the audio of a man who has "Detransitioned" it is heart wrenching and includes one quick profanity. Please use discretion on where you listen to it.


So I understand that J .D. Greer has renounced his position that, you know, the
Bible only whispers about sexual sin as in comparison to it shouts about religious materialism and pride or something stupid like that, and good for him.
You know, it takes it takes a certain amount of guts to retract something that you said so publicly. Very pleased to see him do that, because that was one of the most brain dead takes
I have ever heard in my entire life about any topic. Hello there, this is
A .D. Robles, and you're listening to A .D. on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
Yeah, you know, listen, here's the thing on this channel, you know, we talk a lot about the tone police and things like that.
And and, you know, when you think about why J .D. Greer said this, right, like, like, was he confused at the time?
He did. He didn't know that the very passage that he was in actually doesn't shout or doesn't whisper about sexual sin.
In fact, that's one of the primary focuses of the passage that he was in. It was he did he not know?
Was he confused? I mean, also, he could have just been plagiarizing it. He could have just, you know, you know, passed his pastoral duties over to docent and just read from a script like Barack Obama or something like that.
That could be an option as well. And he just read it. And, you know, as he's reading it for the first time, you know, about to give the speech because it really wasn't a sermon.
It was a speech as he's reading it. He could be like, oh, no, in horror in his mind. I can't believe
I'm reading this. Maybe that's what explains it. I don't know, but but but but actually,
I don't really think that's what it is. I'm just joking around. I think that there's there's a clear desire in Big Eva circles to be very welcoming and and winsome with with pagans, people who have pagan beliefs.
And and the idea and there's nothing wrong with wanting to be welcoming to pagans. But what they do is that they they kind of adjust their messages and they adjust how they do church and they adjust what they emphasize in order to appease the pagans.
That's what they do. And I remember one of the very first comments I ever made about the social justice movement was that a lot of these guys owed the seeker sensitive guys a huge apology because a lot of these guys like, you know, in the gospel coalition circles, you know, they used to come out hard against the seeker sensitive stuff.
And that's why they had their gospel centered movement kind of in a response to that. And and they would they would they would rip them, rightfully so, because the seeker sensitive people were out of their minds.
But but but but the gospel centered people, the gospel coalition people, they were doing the same thing with social justice.
It was just seeker sensitivity in a different way, at least political seeker sensitive. And so that's why a man would be possessed to to say something so subversive, something so opposite of what the text says.
Like the text is literally shouting to you about sexual sin and you read it and say it's whispering about sexual sin.
The only reason that you think in those terms is because you're trying to appeal to the world, which is pushing sexual perversion in every single capacity that they can.
And so that's why you would say something like that. And so the issue that we have is is is you look, whatever you think about my tone, you know, my tone has changed over time.
When I started coming out against social justice and things like that, I had a very careful, very measured.
In many ways, I wasn't being as truthful as I could have been. I was trying to play this sort of Big Eva game, at least to a little degree.
And because I wasn't compromising on the morality, though, see, that was the that was my big sin.
I was I was I was saying it in the right tone. According to Big Eva, I say right with air quotes on it, but I was not being flexible.
I was saying, no, you actually can't be partial, whether you're black or white. You actually can't be partial, whether you're rich or poor.
You actually can't do these racialized schemes that you're running. You can't actually do them. That's not biblical at all, because I was uncompromising on the biblical morality of the issue.
I was getting ripped as a divisive person. I was getting ripped. And many people have have been in this position.
I'm not trying to say poor me. And I don't and I was happy to do it. I like I wasn't, you know, whatever.
Who cares? But but basically, if you weren't doing this game where you were softening sins in the
Bible that are popular in our culture, if you were trying to soften or deemphasize or kind of, you know, lay your weapons down or say, oh, no, no, no, no, that's a political issue.
We were not to be political. We're the church. You know, like if you were not doing that, you were told that you were an idol or you were told that you were you had a tone problem, that you were sinning by, you know, worshipping
Trump or something like that. And here's my message today. You were told that by guys like this, right, who who were lying to you back then.
He was lying to you back then. I don't I didn't read his renouncement because I don't care. I don't care why he renounces it.
I'm glad that he did. Good for you, J .D. Greer, you've now you have only, you know, one hundred and three problems with your message that you're promoting to the world instead of one hundred and four.
But I'm glad he did. I'm not I'm not taking anything away from it does take a certain amount of guts to recant something that you said so forcefully in the past.
I do commend that. I think that's a good thing. But these are the guys that were telling you you had a tone problem when you said, no, no, see that that's a man in a dress.
That's that's not that's not. No, there's no pronoun hospitality here. That's insane. And see, the thing is, like, you keep doing the right thing, guys.
You're going to get called all kinds of names. You're going to they're going to tell you you're sinning. They're going to tell you you're divisive.
They're going to call you a Pharisee. They're going to say that you're a fundamentalist. All these things. That's the worst they got, by the way.
I mean, they can call you bigot. They can call you racist. They can call you a fundamentalist. They can call you anti -semi.
That's a that's a good one that they like to use. But that's that's that's all they can do. That's all they got.
And once you realize that that ain't nothing, you know what I mean? That's nothing.
Then you're free and you're free to serve God. You're free to obey God. Because here's the thing, guys, like there are people.
People are being hurt severely by the lies of people like this.
When when when when J .D. Greer and again, I'm glad he renounced it. Right. So I don't want to harp on it too much.
But when guys like J .D. Greer, because there's a lot of guys that are not going because a lot of times the damage is done.
When you say something so brain dead and idiotic that that serves, you know, you getting attaboys and pats in the head from the culture.
A lot of times people, they don't care that you were cancer. They're going to believe it. They're going to go with it. They're going to say, oh, you know,
I guess I guess the fundies got to him or something like that. A lot of people still believe that the Bible whispers about sexual sin and all that.
And and then they mutilate the the the imago Dei, the image of God. They mutilate that to mean something like you have to respect every single thing that these image bearers do.
And you have to support it and and help them. And it's like there's there's real consequences here.
Every time somebody says the Bible whispers about sexual sin in this context, when the world is lost its mind about human sexuality.
It gives it gives the world a little bit more of a foothold. Right. They don't care that you believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman.
So long as you're not insisting on that in the public square, so long as you're trying to soften it, try to get people to not be public about those kinds of beliefs, to do the pronoun hospitality thing, because you're kind of going along with it if you're doing the pronoun hospitality thing.
Like the minute you become a heretic to the culture, then they'll then they'll be relentless. You know, the minute you don't condone somebody's ridiculous transition where they pretend that they're a girl now, they've been they've been a male their entire lives, they're still a male, but now they're going by a new name and they've left their family and stuff like that.
I know people like this where where they they've left their family and they've abandoned their children and they've become a crossdresser.
Publicly, to the shame of their family, they're shaming their children, they're shaming their family, and they're being celebrated by these demons.
These people are being hurt sometimes to the point where they're,
I don't want to say again, I don't want to say they're beyond repair, but because nobody's beyond redemption or beyond God's grace, but it drives them to the brink.
Every single time you think you're you're you're supporting these people in their freedom and then the image of God, you're affirming the image of God in them by doing pronoun hospitality.
I mean, every time you do that, you're actually driving them further and further and further into slavery.
Satan has baited the hook and said, look, here's how you become free. You know how you've always been a little bit effeminate?
That's actually not a sin. You know how you've always been attracted to other men? That's actually nothing to be ashamed of.
In fact, the way you live your life in a free way is you cast the bonds of of God from you.
You say, nope, I'm not living that way anymore. See, that's slavery. What God has for me, what
God has told me, that's slavery. My life of freedom awaits. All I have to do is start mutilating my own body and taking hormone pills.
And every single time a cowardly pastor pretends that the Bible isn't clear about these things, or worse, says that the
Bible affirms these things. Every time a limp -wristed, big evil person doesn't say, look, you don't have to say it like me.
I'm not saying you have to say it like me, but you cannot compromise. See, that's the thing. You don't have to say it the way
I do, but you cannot compromise one iota, because that's not your iota to compromise on.
You see what I mean? God's morality is there. It's his. He owns it. He tells you what to do.
It's not yours to bend. It's not yours to de -emphasize. It's not yours to pretend that he's whispering it.
God didn't whisper it. He spoke it. And you don't get to decide, well,
I guess he didn't really mean it, because he's—that's the thing. So every single time you do that, you're driving these people further into slavery.
I saw a video that is, you know, it's hard to watch, and it makes me furious. It makes me furious, because this man decided to post a video to talk about how he regrets his attempt to transition, right?
Because nobody can really transition, obviously. You are still just a man in a dress. You always will be, so long as you're cross -dressing.
But some of these people go so far as to get the surgeries and to do the hormone pills, and this man clearly regrets that.
Now, I'm not sure why he regrets it. I don't know, you know, exactly what's motivating that. He explains a little bit.
It's only a two -minute video, right? It looks like it's a larger video, whatever. But what you're—I'm going to play the whole thing.
What you're going to witness is a man that has come to realize that what he always thought was going to be his salvation, his freedom, he was going to be—he was no longer going to be a captive anymore.
He was no longer going to have to live by these oppressive fundamentalist, you know, puritanical rules, and he was going to be free.
Satan told him he was going to be free, and a lot of Satan's minions in the form of doctors, in the form of pastors, in the form of media personalities, they all told him the same thing.
You will be free. All you have to do is just take it, right? You just have to—you just have to—you have to seize the day, you know?
You have to self -actualize. You will be free. And this man has realized that that's actually the opposite of what he became.
He actually became enslaved worse than he ever thought possible. Let me play this video for you.
I'm angry. What's going to happen to the kids and the youth? And there's so many, like, there's so many people who regret this.
There's more and more and more coming out, and younger too, on puberty blockers, that been on puberty blockers.
And, you know, I read one that, you know, I think he went on puberty blockers at 16, and now he's, like, 20 or 21, and he is, like, suicidal because his penis won't grow anymore.
Like, it does damage. It makes me so angry.
It does damage. It does damage to your physical body. It does damage to your soul.
There's no denying that. Like, these demons have convinced themselves that erasing the image of God is, like, the highest form of freedom, right?
The real image of God. I'm not talking about the nonsense that Jamar Tisby talks about. That's not what I'm talking about.
These guys are trying to destroy themselves because—and the reason they're trying to destroy themselves is because they do bear the image of God, and they hate
God. The natural man hates God. We understand this, right? It's not special for this guy.
All of us have been at this moment where Satan has baited the hook, and he said he's promised us freedom, and we've believed him.
You know, sometimes, some of us, we believed him for a long time. Some of us believed him just for a moment, right? He promises us this freedom, and really, it's just slavery.
It's just slavery. And so, every time one of you idiot Big Eva people starts saying, oh, you know, the
Bible whispers about this. Oh, you know, we can agree to disagree, and we got to find the middle road, and stuff like that.
Like, every time you guys do that, you drive people into this kind of slavery. And what we're going to get is a generation that's screwed up.
That are screwed up in, like, 10, 15 years. Wait, not even.
I think it's going, it's, it's getting - All your idiotic racial justice efforts that have nothing to do with the scripture.
They're just this pragmatic thing that the world's promising. The world's promising you will have racial reconciliation just as long as you do the reparation thing.
You do this, you do that. You do all this nonsense, right? All that's going to do is drive a further and wedge between people.
It's going to escalate racial tensions. Of course it's going to, because it's subversive. That's the intention. It's going to escalate racial tensions.
It's going to, it's going to, whatever trust people had for each other in the past is going to continue to drive that further and further apart.
This is what you're doing when you're, when you're, when you're pretending that the Bible's not clear, crystal clear about all this stuff.
And you're saying, oh yeah, well, you know, obviously the world needs to come in and correct the church. I mean, Jay Z, he's, he's done more for racial reconciliation than the entire history of the church.
You know, the 2000 years of the church and, and, and, and all, and all that. It's like, you guys, you, you, this is not innocent rhetoric.
That's, that's the point. This is not innocent rhetoric. You're destroying people. You're enslaving people.
A lot of times you're just enslaving and destroying the very people you pretend to love, but you don't love them.
You don't love them. You love the accolades. Some of you are doing it for money. It's a grift for some of you. You love the accolades.
You love the grift. You love the, the, the spots that you get to write an article every six months in the Washington Post.
You sold your soul to write an op -ed every six months for the Washington Post. I hope you're happy.
I hope you're pleased with yourself. You see, that's not the point of this video, not to, to rip Big Eva. We rip Big Eva all day.
But guys, this is what I want you to think about. When you're getting called, you know, a divisive Pharisee, when you're getting called a fundamentalist and stuff like that, keep doing the right thing because there are real people.
We're going to finish this video. This is a real person with a real soul who really needs forgiveness, who really needs redemption.
He's living with the consequences of his rebellion every single day. Not all of us have to live with the consequences in this way.
Not, not, not so obviously and so severely, you know, physically in that way. But every single time you refuse to have pronoun hospitality, every single time you refuse to stop calling these demons groomers, every single time that you say, look, the
Bible is crystal clear. You shall not lie with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.
We don't soften it. It is an abomination. Every single time you do that, remember, there are people that are enslaved in that, that will, that will be woken up by the
Word because the Word of God is powerful. That's the thing. It's not, it's not you who's powerful. It's not you who's doing it.
It's God speaking through you when you refuse to, to, to bow the knee to this ridiculous culture, this upside down, subversive culture that we've, that we find ourselves in, right?
This is the thing. Don't, don't be tempted to soften the message of God because there are real people's lives at stake.
Keep doing it. It's accelerating quite quickly when we get 30, 40 year olds that are going to be like, what the fuck did
I do when I was 16 or whatever, like, and you can't go back.
You can't go back. I'm not, I'm sad for myself, of course, not in a victim kind of way, but in like,
I need to, this process of mourning who I was is touching go.
So, but I'm sad for humanity and the children and what's going to happen when they're screwed up.
We're going to see what's going to happen. And I really, really hope that all these professionals get their frigging karma because I know that some of them don't realize, and some of them might be brainwashed and whatever, but some of them know exactly what they're doing.
They know exactly what they're doing. Cash cowing. Of course they know what they're doing.
It's a grift for these people. These people make money off of it. The people that produce hormones, they make money off it.
The people doing these surgeries, they make money off it. Of course they know what they're doing. And it doesn't even matter if they do or if they don't, if they're brainwashed, whatever, the actions are the same.
It's not like it's a lesser sin and it's a lesser crime if you're grooming a kid, but you know, you were molested as a kid, so you didn't really know it was wrong.
That doesn't matter. You're still doing the action. And the thing is, this is not just about trans trannies.
This is not just about cross -dressing, right? This is about everything. I look at Kyle J.
Howard the same way I look at this guy. He's a tragic figure. And one day, Kyle J. Howard is going to wake up.
I hope it's this side of eternity, right? I hope it's this side of eternity. He's going to wake up and realize that everything that he thought would make his life better, everything that he did and engaged in that he thought would make him free has just further and further enslaved him.
This is a very hateful person. He's one of the most hateful people that I know. He's going to wake up one day and he's going to realize how hateful he's become.
He let the demons get a foothold in him. And now he's just been a puppet of Satan this entire time, just drawing hatred and strife and envy, just pushing it and promoting it and taking money to teach others to do the same.
This is what his whole job is, is promoting envy, strife, and all of this cacophagousness, all of this, and pretending that it's godly, pretending that it's from the scripture, pretending that he's being biblical and everybody else is this big problem and he's got this trauma.
After all, this trauma is just too much for me. That's why I hate white people, because I got the trauma. Every time
I hear a white worship song, I got the trauma. I'm sure you do have trauma. It's no excuse.
I'm sure you do. Kyle Howard is such a broken man. I'm sure he's got trauma.
It's no excuse for fleecing the people of God and promoting, and this is the thing,
Kyle Howard is similar to this guy, and he's making others just like him, right?
And all of you idiots, all of you idiots who allow your wives to support
Kyle Howard, who allow your wives to share his stuff and promote him and stuff like that, all you idiots who did it yourselves, because you wanted to appear sensitive, you wanted to appear to the pagans like you weren't one of those
Christians, all of you guys bear some of the responsibility for this, because you created this environment that promised freedom, but all it did was enslave people.
This is why I encourage you, if you know what's true and you know what's right and you speak it, you speak it, you do the right things, you continue to refuse to do evil, don't follow the crowd in doing wrong.
Don't do that. It's very easy to do that. Don't do it. The next time there's another one of these shootings, don't follow the crowd and lynch the guy before you even know what happened.
The next time you see a story of, you know, so -and -so, he's the most evil
Republican since sliced bread, he did this and this and that, you know, don't go with the crowd and convict him before anyone ever even knows what happened, right?
Just keep doing the right thing. They're going to call you all kinds of names, they're going to call, they're going to, they're going to, and sometimes they'll kick you out of their churches, they'll excommunicate you, they'll do whatever they think that they have the power to do to you.
The woke mob will come for you. Keep doing right because people's souls are at stake.
People's souls are at stake. Let God judge between you. Let God, there's been, I've been slandered so many times and again, it's not, this is not poor me time, right?
I'm okay with it. Like, I don't know why, I just, it doesn't really bother me the way it probably should.
I've been slandered so many times. I just let, look, here's what I do. Sometimes I'll respond to it, most of the time
I will not, and you know what? God will judge between us. God will judge between us. And that's, that's just how you have to deal with it, man, because there are too many people, and I've said this before, the content that I've done for, about this racial justice stuff,
I do it because I know there are Blacks and Puerto Ricans that have been enslaved by these woke demons that have infested the church and demonically influenced the way people talk in the church and the way they preach in the church and stuff like that.
I know that these demons have enslaved so many people, so many of my, you know, my countrymen, my kindred, you know, people that I love.
And I'm thinking about every single time somebody slanders and says I'm a bigot or a racist or whatever,
I'm thinking about those people. I don't care if E.
Fitzgerald thinks I'm a bigot. I don't care. I'm thinking about the real souls, the real people that are being enslaved by these demonic doctrines.
That's what I'm thinking about. And all of you in your real life, you've got people in your real life that have disowned you because you've just refused to go woke with them.
I've got people in my life that have disowned me because I refused to stop speaking truth at a time when
I didn't feel like many people were, right? I refused to stop and I've been disowned because of it.
And you know what? Let God judge between you. It's just that simple.
Let God judge. Keep doing right. Do not go with the crowd to do evil.
In any case, I hope you found that video helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the
Fight Laugh Feast Network. Yeah, you know, that video, that messed me up, man.
That messed me up. I've been thinking about it since I watched it. And, you know, people like him who's come into this realization, and it's not, again, it's not just for the transvestite people.
It's for people who have been lied to by Satan in every which way.
Every which way that's being celebrated right now. And what they need, because I keep thinking, what if this guy came to me?
Like, what does he need? What does he need me to say? What does he need me to hear? What does he need to hear from me?
And, you know, obviously I'm not saying that all he needs is something for me to say something. I mean, obviously he needs to be listened to.
I get that. But what people like this need is to find people that they know won't lie to them anymore.
People have been lied to in every which way, up one side, down the other, in every form of media.
Everyone has been lying to these people. And what they need is someone that they can trust that won't lie to them anymore.
Whether or not you like me, you know, or you like my tone or whatever, that's a judgment call.
Some people like it. Some people don't. And that's just how it is, right? Some people are going to hear me. Some people are going to close their ears.
That's how it is. We get that. But one thing I hope that, you know, you've, you know, over the years that you've been watching this channel, some of you are newer, obviously,
I get that. One thing I hope you know about me is that I might be wrong about something, but I'm not going to lie to you.
That's what this guy needs. When people who have detransitioned, and that's just,
I can't even use that term. It's like a propaganda term. Like people who have pretended to be a woman, but now have realized that they, you know, they really are a man.
You know what I mean? God made them a certain way, and they're embracing that. When they come into your assembly, are you going to lie to them?
Are you going to soften the truth? Are you going to groom them?
I mean, that's the thing. Are we going to groom them into the kingdom? Or are we going to declare the sure words of God as if they have power?
These people have been lied to, some of them for their entire lives. We need pastors who are going to say, look, this far, no further,
I will not lie to you. You can say it in a nice way. You don't have to say it aggressive, but don't compromise truth even one inch, because it's not your truth to compromise.