Google Search Versus Matt Smethurst

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Guess who wins in the epic battle between technology and wizarding??!?!?


All right, well, I'm gonna try to slay a wizard here on video live with you Well, it's not really live because I'm pre recording it
But I'm in between a couple conference calls and I wanted to give this a chance Matt Smethurst who is the editor of the gospel coalition blog?
I don't know if he's a high -level wizard or a mid tier wizard I don't know, but if you're not following me on this wizard stuff,
I'm not saying he's a literal sorcerer What I am saying though is he's like the Wizard of Oz, you know, he tries to distract you with his tweets
And make it essentially tries to gaslight you all the time. Here's his tweet
Here's what it says. It says right on abortion right on family right on human dignity right on abortion right on family
Right on human dignity right at abortion right on family right on human dignity right on abortion right on racial unity
Why are you so obsessed with race? Talk about something else and he's quote tweet quoting the
ERLC racial reconciliation thing that we talked about in my last video And this is stupid obviously, this is a wizard spell he's attempting to dazzle you with this, you know ever noticed that wizards like repetition
Yeah, that's one of the keys to a wizard spell They like to you ever see those liberals will they'll just say abortion is healthcare abortion is healthcare abortion is that they love that stuff and Matthew Smethurst is definitely on the progressive side of Conservative Christianity, so he likes repetition too because he's a wizard.
Let's call him a mid tier wizard I think Matt Smethurst is a mid tier wizard Anyway, what I wrote to him was not even close
Matt We're not gonna be gaslit by you, but nice try bucko. And and here's the reality Number one a lot of people commented on this.
This is not about how often you write about race Obviously you could still be obsessed with race if you don't write about it all the time
Like someone could say to me Adam. Why are you so obsessed with Star Wars? And it'd be true I am obsessed with Star Wars, but I very rarely
Talk about Star Wars. I very rarely write about Star Wars In fact, I've done maybe three videos out of my 400 videos on Star Wars, but I'm still obsessed with Star Wars So it's obviously not about number, but this tweet
Gives the impression that these people hardly ever write about race.
I mean Certainly we write about abortion at least four times as much as we write about race
If you see here, he repeated abortion four times Human dignity three times family three times or maybe four.
I can't write. I can't even read this This is they try to confuse you with their repetition. But anyway abortion
He wrote four times So you would think that the argument here is we write about abortion at least four times as much as we write about racial unity
Well, Matt Smethurst, we can put that one to the test. Oh, yes, we can
Here's a little trick that I we're gonna look at the gospel coalition, even though he's quote tweeting ERLC we're gonna look at the gospel coalition.
I don't know if you knew this but you can actually search on Google a specific website Just type in site colon and then the the website.
So let's just see what we got here So let's look at the past year You can actually search articles that came in a certain timeline like a past year the past two years
But let's just we've been talking about this for a couple years. Let's just look at the last year Okay, so the gospel coalition org.
Let's type in anything that has to do with race or racism or Let's say whiteness or White supremacy, so let's see how many articles
The gospel coalition has put out now. This is actually not it. This is 12 ,000 results.
That's gonna be total What you got to do is you got to click news Right here and then you go to tools
This is all some old recruiter tricks and by the way that are that are being revealed here and you go.
Okay recent Let's go the past year Okay, let's see how many Articles race racism whiteness or white supremacy.
We've got about a thousand articles in the last year on The gospel coalition or at least a thousand mentions.
Let's let let's just say it like that Okay, so if Matt Smith's hearse withered wizard spell withered if Matt Smith's hearse wizard spell is accurate there should be about 4 ,000
References to abortion or pro -life or pro -choice. Let's let's check it out. Shall we?
All right. All we got to do here is Change up a few of these things. We'll say abortion or pro -life or Pro -choice
Or let's give them infanticide why not let's give them infanticide as well, let's see what we got here 950 results
So You actually talk about race more than abortion and This is and this is being this is being super Conservative because the whole idea here is that you definitely talk about abortion and lie
You know family stuff and things like that more than you talk about race Technology says that's a lie
The wizard detector has determined that is a lie more than a thousand times
This is how you slay a wizard because this is a wizard spell. He's trying to distract you
First of all, it's not about the amount this doesn't even matter You could talk about race a million times and that's not the point
It's about what you say about race race and racism are completely legitimate topics It's about what you say.
It's about the things that you are doing. It's about the results. It's about the fruit of it That's what it's about wizard
Smethurst. Oh Man, anyway,
I got to get back to a conference call him two minutes late, but I hope you found this video helpful. God bless