Christian Podcast Community Update


Here is an update on the Christian Podcast Community and what Striving for Eternity has been doing for 2018. Rapp Report Daily 0217 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support us at Please review us on iTunes Give us...


Welcome to The Rapid Pull, daily edition, where we provide a quick biblical interpretations and applications.
This is the ministry of Striving for Eternity. 2018 for Striving for Eternity was a great year.
We were able to start up our Christian podcast community and some people are going, well you know you talked about it all year and yet it still isn't open.
We're going to be opening the community to applications starting in January. Why was it taking us so long?
Well, the big reason being is we want to do things right at Striving for Eternity. We didn't want to just do things haphazardly.
We wanted to make sure we had things in place so that when people are part of the Christian podcast community, they will be able to know that they own their intellectual property.
Why? Well, they're going to have contracts. We had to get those things in place. We had to get things in place to make sure we had a seamless way to be adding many new podcasts.
There's actually a number of people who have contacted us that are anxious to be part of the community and we have to keep telling them to hold back because we're not ready yet.
We want to be ready, but when we do it, we want to do it right. We're getting there. That's why we're going to have in January a controlled introduction.
You're going to see some new podcasts coming. One of which, by the way, this two -minute daily that you listen to is a new podcast feed.
Subscribe to, I should say, the Rap Report Daily to get this Monday through Friday because come next week, you won't be getting the daily on this feed anymore.
Make sure that you go right now, right now, go, subscribe to the Rap Report Daily. You're also going to see in January Didache with Justin Peters, Theology Gals is going to be coming over, and we have several others that are going to be starting up soon in January, and then we're going to open it up to other people.